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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Ufo Sighting In Toronto Ontario On March 24Th 2015 Went Outside For Smoke Looked Up Saw Object Emerge From Tree Branches Overhead

Ufo Sighting In Toronto Ontario On March 24Th 2015 Went Outside For Smoke Looked Up Saw Object Emerge From Tree Branches Overhead
This is my third unexplained sighting since Sept' 2010, the last two were in the last two evenings, March 23-24th/ 2015. This is directly from my notes I made immediately after my sighting. I typed these into my phones note app, emailed it to myself, and copied them directly here. "V shaped ufo sighted. approx 9:15pm, on Tuesday, March 24th. perfectly clear evening come out for smoke. always look up, caught the dimmed V shaped object. as it flew over head at approx 3000ft give or take a thousand. (Not great at distances) I could see the distinct outline of a v shape with approx 7-9 round yellow lights that were not bright at all, as if the craft was encased in a dark mesh like cloak. lights appeared to be like 10-15% brightness. I say it was moving at a clip of 200kms to 300kms. hard to tell, but like a little faster than an aircraft on a approach to land on a runway. zero blinking lights. never heard engine noise. yes this is Toronto but it was low enough I should have heard something at this altitude. I do for other planes that are always over Toronto skies late at night. this craft was not in my opinion any known civilian craft I have ever seen in person. address of sighting. 242 Rosemount Ave. anyway... this is my 3rd sighting since sept 10 2010. and the 2nd in the last 2 nights. last night was a bright star sized object that was under intelligent control before going dim, or out of range. (ice blue in color) I saw it from the same vantage point I did during the V shaped sighting the night after. This thing I thought was a high altitude plane at first, but when it slowed to a stop, I knew it was wasnt a plane, then it made a curved trajectory out of sight in approx 5 seconds. no blinking lights at all. About the size of a large star in the night sky. back to my sighting this eve, it was heading directly south, along Dufferin road. it truly was not, I repeat, not a civilian aircraft at all. at all. no wing light were blinking. This was extremely real, v shaped, 7-9 lights underneath. flew out of sight. sighting lasted 45-1min seconds before craft faded out of view heading due south from the north This was REAL!

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Bigfoot Spotted In Downtown Portland

Bigfoot Spotted In Downtown Portland
PORTLAND (NEWS CENTER) - It took four men to wrangle the eight-foot tall, four hundred pound creature and shepard him into his new home. Although this incarnation of the legendary Sasquatch, also commonly referred to as bigfoot, is just a life size replica, the effort to move the motionless monster was Herculean.

"We moved about 40,000 books I think that first move, so that one was definitely a lot tougher," said Jeff Whitehouse, one of the hired hands helping with the move. "That took a long time. This one actually was awkward, but easier to move."

Whitehouse is among a group of guys helping Loren Coleman realize his dream - to open the world's first cryptozoology museum here in the heart of Portland.

"One of the great things about going public here is that all kinds of individuals, youth groups, tourists and other researchers from around the country, can come here on Congress Street and enjoy the fruits of 50 years of research in cryptozoology," said Coleman. "This is going to be a focal point now for the scientific establishment and sharing of information on cryptozoology."

Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals. Loren Coleman has travel across most of the United States in his research on legendary animals like the abominable snowman and larger-than-life sea creatures like Lake Champlain's Champ. His collection was housed in his home and open to outsiders by appointment only. Now, Coleman wants the public to view his collection and learn about cryptozoology in his new museum.

"Well, there is all kinds of different ridicule and laughter and all of that, but the other part of it is that people are really interested in the nature-based, adventure-based part of cryptozoology, understanding that new species are discovered all the time," said Coleman. "I was very interested to know what was it about the yeti that made some people so skeptical and some people into true believers. I'm somewhere in between."

Coleman's goal is to open his museum November 1st in a space that he will share with a bookstore. He hopes the increased exposure will get people thinking. It already has influenced the men helping him make the move.

"Typically I am known as a bigfoot whisperer, but it is not confirmed," joked Jeff Meuse. "It is a big task, but it is definitely is helping him out." Meuse says after moving thousands of books out of storage for Coleman, the real intriguing items were next to be carted away. "Feejee Mermaid. Bigfoot prints. So much stuff, I mean, hair samples from sasquatches," he said as he listed off just some of the items he and his crew were hauling. "It would be hard pressed to say that all of the stuff that he has for the museum will fit in there."

"He definitely is an interesting character, both Bigfoot and Mr. Coleman," stated Whitehouse. "It is definitely something to consider and think about because there is a lot of space on this Earth that has been uncharted and we just don't know."


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Escondio California Multiple Ufos And Power Outage

Escondio California Multiple Ufos And Power Outage
Posted: November 8, 2008

Date: Summer 68

Time: End of the day.

Landscape of Sighting: Escondio, CA.

Picture of witnesses: 4

Picture of objects: 8

Municipal of objects: 7=X-shaped &1 large disk?

Unavailable Description of event/sighting: Maximum one 1968 and jiffy one 1969. Prehistoric sunset, face-to-face and 3 contacts all about 18 being old were at Felicitates Collection, on the south side of Escondido. We were sitting on rocks opinion clouds, patois etc. It was silence satisfactory, but hand over were a variety of large cloud formations. As we were observing one that looked level a upside down hanged man, hand over was a boundless blast. The blatant sky turned pink twice as the clouds, as we were wondering what the heck. We saw these matter blooming in and out of the clouds.

It must of been brutally 8:30 by along with since it had absolutely darkened, and we might see these meticulous matter larger. Submit were 3 pairs of them that flew in this standard concurrent archetypal, which was challenging to picture as their flight archetypal was matching to a drawing planed by 3 go out with old who has eaten to a long way away sweetie, and is scribbling in the company of a pencil. As a result they would take, inorganic silence. Submit was continually one man (SHIP) out, that ship would fly indoors one of the pairs, they would all tidy up cronies and take their realignment. My thoughts were that they looked level Spoolies (A RUBBER CURLER FOR WOMEN'S TAKE UMBRAGE IN THE 50'S). They were X shaped. They had something that might not be seen as it moved to inflexible. It might of been blades, but they were on the top and the terminate of the X and since they moved it looked level this: X X.

The movements were to inflexible to mark out and were red. So inflexible all we might see was the line of movement. We remembered this as a want very much result, (ABILITY NOT HERE TIME) Sooner or later through this I saw a large very intelligent light, but fold the measure of Venus. It complete a warp type move, attack flag as it disappeared. We continued opinion and soon latter, it did the problem and since it came collection all the lights in the area went out? One of the guys had a muted in the gloom watch, it was 9:00 pm. They (THE 7) did a few above moves, along with they all went indoors the light and it buckled out once more.

The later day and for the later 2 weeks I kept back path of the Escondido paper and hand over was a praise, something level "plane explodes over Mira Mar, above later. Minute it was not anywhere close Mira Mar or at most minuscule it did not heavens level it, it looked above to be over S. Rancho Bernardo or Poway. This was the first of 2 sightings I had in this area. The jiffy being a golden gang on the ground, this sighting also was in the company of 3 other fly. One woman who was in the company of me all grow old. Once more the thought was for a expanded time.

Thank you to the write down for their report.

Brian Vike, Upper HBCC UFO Learning and anchor of the Vike Procession UFO Watcher radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Learning International:

Only added, the Vike Procession Exchanges Corrosion Blog. You can accompany the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.

HBCC UFO Learning, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ufo Bombshell The Washington State Ufo Sightings

Ufo Bombshell The Washington State Ufo Sightings


The following transcript is an excerpt of a conversation between Billy Meier and Ptaah, during the 358th Contact, on May 6, 2004. It occurred as a result of my having been given a videotape of so-called UFO activity by James Gilliland in San Francisco, accompanied by his request that Billy Meier see and comment on it.

As one can imagine, James Gilliland was not happy with the information that I subsequently relayed to him, based on my conversation with Meier, on May 7, the day after his contact with Ptaah. I recall that what Meier told me covered everything in this transcript, which had not been translated into English up until now. I should add that while James was very angry about this information, and insisted that extraterrestrials were in contact with him, my repeated requests to him for "any" singularly unique and valuable evidence, piece of information, etc., were fruitless.

In light of many things, including not only James Gilliland's claims of being in contact with extraterrestrials, the unsubstantiated claims of many other so-called "contactees" and the possibility of a staged, fake "alien invasion" scenario, this may be a good time to present this transcript. Additional information on UFOs of terrestrial origin can be found in Contact 441 with further hints about secret weapons, and who possesses them, from Billy Meier, in 2006.

Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte

Dreihundertachtundf"unfzigster Kontakt

Donnerstag, 6. Mai, 2004, 22:58 h

Block 9 seiten 151 u. 152


"Uber diese Dinge m"ochte ich sp"ater noch mit dir sprechen. Erst m"ochte ich aber von dir h"oren, was du zu den Video-Aufzeichnungen zu sagen hast, die wir zusammen angeschaut haben.


17. Nat"urlich, so soll es sein:

18. Die Aussagen und Erkl"arungen des Mannes Gilliand entsprechen nicht der Wahrheit, sondern Flunkereien, wenn ich das einmal mit deinen Worten zum Ausdruck bringen darf.

19. Entweder sind diese auf bewussten L"ugen oder auf WahnerIebnissen oder sonstig krankhaften Einbildungen aufgebaut, wie auch die unglaubw"urdigen Behauptungen der angeblichen Brandmale auf der Brust.

20. Haben sich aber tats"achlich solche ergeben, dann haben sich diese durch eine wahnm"assig erzeugte Stigmatisation ergeben, die allein auf krankhafte manische Gedanken und Gef"uhle und daraus resultierend auf eine kranke Psyche zur"uckf"uhren.

21. Auch die Zeichnungs- resp. Malbilder, die der Mann vorf"uhrte und die ausserirdische Menschenwesen darstellen sollen, sind gerade gut genug f"ur ein Gaudium.

22. Das menschen"ahnliche weibliche Wesen mit den H"ornern auf dem Kopf m"ochte ich dabei als ein Miezek"atzchen bezeichnen, weil es mich stark an ein solches Tier erinnert, dem unsinnigerweise H"orner aufgesetzt werden.

23. Und was zu den seltsamen Bildern zu sagen ist, auf denen runde durchsichtige Kugeln zu sehen sind, ist folgendes:

24. Solche Photographien sind mir auch anderweitig schon aufgefallen, weshalb ich der Sache nachgegangen bin.

25. Dabei fand ich heraus, dass diese betr"ugerisch mit verschiedenen Techniken hergestellt wurden, und zwar einerseits, dass die Photolinse fein mit transparenter Fl"ussigkeit bespr"uht wurde, oder dass andererseits eine flache, farblose Glasscheibe oder ein transparentes Papier vor der Kamera befestigt und dieses dann ebenfalls mit einer farblosen Fl"ussigkeit bespr"uht wurde.

26. Wie ich herausfand, gibt es aber noch diverse andere M"oglichkeiten, solche F"alschungsbilder herzustellen, die aufzuz"ahlen jedoch zu weit f"uhren w"urde.

27. Dass es sich bei den durchsichtigen Kugeln und K"ugelchen um nichtirdische Objekte usw. handeln soll, ist absoluter Unsinn, wodurch solche Behauptungen einem Betrug gleichkommen.

28. Und was bez"uglich der anderen Photos zu sagen ist:

29. Auch diese entsprechen F"alschungen.

30. Hinsichtlich der Leuchtobjekte, die aufleuchten, in der Luft zu h"angen scheinen, sich scheinbar zu mehreren Objekten teilen, sich voneinander fortbewegen, sich einander wieder n"ahern und wieder miteinander verschmelzen, ist folgendes zu erkl"aren:

31. All die Beobachter und Zeugen solcher Sichtungen werden betrogen, denn es handelt sich in keiner Weise um ausserirdische Flugger"ate resp. UFOs, wie die Erdenmenschen die Objekte bezeichnen, die speziell vielerorts in den USA und auf der ganzen Welt gesehen werden k"onnen.

32. Die Geheimmachenschaften der daf"ur verantwortlichen Stellen und "Amter in US-Amerika sind n"amlich f"ur diese Erscheinungen dieser Lichtobjekte verantwortlich, was aber geheim bleiben soll, und zwar nicht nur bei der amerikanischen, sondern bei der ganzen Weltbev"olkerung.

33. Aus diesem Grunde ist das Paradoxon gegeben, dass die verantwortlichen Stellen in den USA einerseits die Sache um den Absturz eines ausserirdischen Flugk"orpers bei Roswell und auch anderswo ebenso bestreiten wie die geheimen Machenschaften in der Area 51, w"ahrend andererseits alles dazu getan wird, den Glauben der Bev"olkerung an ausserirdische UFOs zu best"arken, und zwar indem geheime amerikanische und stark leuchtende Flugger"ate in allen m"oglichen Gegenden umherfliegen und f"ur die Bev"olkerung sichtbar werden.

34. Nat"urlich handelt es sich dabei nicht immer nur um Testfl"uge, sondern um effective Demonstrationsfl"uge mit mancherlei Kapriolen, die normale irdische Flugzeuge nicht durchf"uhren k"onnen.

35. Das geschieht auch in der Beziehung, dass die Flugk"orper wie kleine Sonnen aufleuchten oder sich pl"otzlich in mehrere Objekte teilen, was letztlich dadurch geschieht, dass mehrere flache Flugger"ate "ubereinander gekoppelt sind und sich dann einfach voneinander l"osen, um wegzudriften und sich dann wieder zu vereinen.

36. Dadurch wird der Eindruck erweckt, dass aus einem Objekt pl"otzlich mehrere andere hinausfliegen w"urden, um sp"ater wieder ins zur"uckzukehren.

37. Dieser Effekt allein gen"ugt f"ur UFO-Gl"aubige schon, um in Jubel auszubrechen und dem Glauben erst recht zu verfallen, dass es sich bei den Objekten um extraterrestrische Flugger"ate handle, was sie aber in keinem Fall sind, weil es sich um Produkte handelt, die geheimerweise in den USA hergestellt werden.

38. Testfl"uge dieser Objekte, die sehr hohe Geschwindigkeiten erreichen und auch "uber gewisse Gravitations- resp. Antigravitationstechniken verf"ugen, k"onnen in aller Welt, jedoch ganz besonders im Herstellungsland US-Amerika beobachtet werden, wie ich schon erkl"arte.

39. Zu den diesbez"uglich geheimen Machenschaften geh"oren auch noch diverse andere, die auf Aktionen Ausserirdischer hinweisen sollen, wie z.B. die angeblichen Entf"uhrungen von Erdenmenschen sowie das Massakrieren von Rindviechern usw. durch angeblich ausserirdische Wesen.

40. Dass dabei nat"urlich auch Hypnose bei angeblich Betroffenen zur Geltung gelangt, wie das auch bei der betr"ugerischen Mondlandung anno 1969 der Fall war, d"urfte wohl f"ur jeden vern"unftigen Menschen absolut klar sein.


Also sind die ganzen Video-Aufzeichnungen v"ollig wertlos im Sinn einer Authentizit"at in bezug auf Kontakte mit Ausserirdischen usw. und hinsichtlich Sichtungen erdfremder Flugk"orper.


41. Das entspricht dem Sinn meiner Worte.

Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Report.

358th Contact,

Thursday, May 6th, 2004, 10:58 pm

Volume 9, pages 151 ">

Special thanks to Dyson Devine for this unofficial, authorized translation, which may contain errors.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Conspiracy Theory Area 51

Conspiracy Theory Area 51
"CONSPIRACY THEORY AREA 51 EPISODE WITH JESSE VENTURA provides little known facts about the secret base in Nevada's desert. MUTUAL UFO NETWORK (MUFON) DIRECTOR CLIFFORD CLIFT believes there are approximately a dozen alien spacecraft in human hands. Area 51 has thirty levels below ground and most employees fly in from Las Vegas daily. There's also reference to the AREA 51 LAWSUIT filed by attorney JONATHAN TURLEY for employees exposed to toxic substances, which resulted in the public learning more about the secret base. RANDALL FITZGERALD, a former editor at READER'S DIGEST, makes perhaps the biggest impression, when he relates witnesses reported "A WAVY DISTORTION IN THE SKY" during THE 1997 PHOENIX LIGHTS PHENOMENON. This account of the UFO(s) over Phoenix transits the episode into entirely different direction, following a psyop theme. Fitzgerald adds documents were declassified not long after the event, admitting the government deceived the American people about UFOs, encouraging the belief. Fitzgerald wonders if the lights were holographic in nature, i.e., planes equipped with holographic projection equipment and makes clear the source, in his belief, is Area 51? Your mind reels, asking yourself, which is the psyop?

Nasa Sun Watching Satellite Spots Comet Elenin In Deep Space

Nasa Sun Watching Satellite Spots Comet Elenin In Deep Space






Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ufos Identified Free Ebook Download

Ufos Identified Free Ebook Download


Is the mystery of Unidentified Flying Objects, better known as UFOs or flying saucers," only a space-age fantasy that was fabricated twenty years ago by a sensationalist writer and sustained ever since by hoaxers and gullible segments of the public? Or has the earth really been visited hundreds of times during this period by spaceships from another world? If so, how could this remarkable fact go unrecognized for so long by the governments and leading scientists of this planet? Or is there a gigantic conspiracy, involving the governments of Communist and non-Communist countries alike, to withhold the facts from the public? Until now it has been necessary to accept one or the other of these extreme views, or else to ignore the UFO mystery entirely. Here, for the first time, are the details of a new scientific theory which holds that despite many hoaxes and misidentifications of familiar objects, there is indeed a phenomenon that can be called Unidentified Flying Object." But Philip J. Klass shows, with extensive documentation from the most reliable sources, that these legitimate UFOs have all the characteristics of freak atmospheric electrical phenomena. These atmospheric electrical freaks are created by nature under rare conditions, sometimes with an unwitting assist from man-made objects that have appeared on the scene in growing numbers during the past twenty years. Mr. Klass explains his theory in language that is easily understood by the layman. He also analyzes in detail some of the more celebrated UFO cases and the work of some of the better-known investigators in the field of UFOlogy."

U K Government Declassifies New Ufo Files

U K Government Declassifies New Ufo Files


Britain on July 12 released an archive of "X-Files" detailing government UFO briefings and probes into unexplained sightings, including one above Chelseafootball club.

The 25 files released by The National Archives include "a lengthy briefing on UFO policy to then prime minister Tony Blair's office" along with a job description for the post of UFO desk officer, described as the "weirdest job inWhitehall."

Accordingto an employee of the UFO desk, which closed in 2009, the perception that it consisted of "top secret teams of specialist scientists scurrying around the country in a real life version of the X-Files" was "total fiction."

Instead,daily duties included providing briefings on the Ministry of Defence's (MoD) position on UFOs, undertaking UFO investigations, handling Freedom of Information requests (FOIs) and managing UFOlogists (UFO "experts").

Among the stranger investigations included one into a UFO sighting by a policeo fficer at Chelsea football club and another into a visit by three "men in black" to a person who reported a UFO encounter in Lincolnshire, east England.

Accordingto the files, a hotel owner in Walesonce complained to her MP after a UFO landed in a field "from which two tall silver-suited 'faceless humanoids' emerged and began "making measurements'."

Also included in the files are details of a 1995 briefing by one of the MoD's UFO intelligence officers which speculated on why aliens would visit earth.

Despite having no hard evidence for alien craft, the officer explained that any visit would most likely be motivated by military reconnaissance, scientific development or tourism.

In a briefing prepared for the MoD in 1979, a UFO intelligence officer noted that no radio tracking systems had ever picked up any alien transmissions.

The release of the documents came after an FOI request by David Clarke, author of the book 'The UFO files' and a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University.

"These records allow us to look behind the scenes of what must have been one of the strangest jobs in Whitehall" (shorthand for Britain's civil service), saidClarke.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Icecube Japanese Base On Moon And Relating To Etis

Icecube Japanese Base On Moon And Relating To Etis
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - Two University of California at Berkeley scientists have just returned from the South Pole, where they and an international team of scientists, engineers and drillers have set in place the first critical elements of a massive neutrino telescope called IceCube. See article.

g ABODES - A new theory of how planets form finds havens of stability amid violent turbulence in the swirling gas that surrounds a young star. These protected areas are where planets can begin to form without being destroyed. The key to understanding how planets are made is a phenomenon called gravitational instabilities. See article.

g LIFE - Two soil-dwelling strangers - a friend and a foe - approach a plant and communicate with it in order to enter a partnership. The friend wants to trade nitrogen for food. The foe is a parasite that wants to burrow in and harm the plant. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - When the bones of two early humans were found in 1967 near Kibish, Ethiopia, they were thought to be 130,000 years old. A few years ago, researchers found 154,000- to 160,000-year-old human bones at Herto, Ethiopia. Now, a new study of the 1967 fossil site indicates the earliest known members of our species, Homo sapiens, roamed Africa about 195,000 years ago. See article.

g MESSAGE - In 1961, astronomer Frank Drake wrote the equation that put the search for alien civilizations on a scientific footing and launched the modern SETI movement. How do the numbers look today? See article. Note: This article is from 2002.

g COSMICUS - Japan plans to start building a manned base on the moon and a manned space shuttle within the next 20 years, a newspaper report said Monday. See article.

g LEARNING - "For all positive integers w and y, where w > y, let the operation be defined by w y = 2w+y / 2w-y. For how many positive integers w is w 1 equal to 4?" Questions like that no doubt caused some test takers, in between palpitations, to wonder whether they were any good at math. Girls, especially, might have found their thoughts wandering to the news that just a week earlier, Lawrence H. Summers, president of Harvard University, had said that "intrinsic" differences in aptitude between the sexes might be an important reason that men dominate the science-and-engineering work force. The remarks sparked widespread protests, and Summers quickly apologized. But a growing body of research suggests that there is some truth in his comments. See article.

g IMAGINING - Designing aliens and alien cultures is easy. It can even be profitable. Look at ET or the barroom scene in Star Wars. Nothing to it. Tack some funny appendages on a basically human form, paint the creature an unusual but not unappealing color, and go. Simple, right? Designing aliens and their cultures rigorously, though, building their worlds according to scientific rules, carefully and logically extrapolating extraterrestrial evolution and cultural development, creating an alien species that is believable and self-consistent, that's a different matter. That's hard. See article. Note: This article is from 1992.

g AFTERMATH - Could humanity ever relate to an alien species? Consider the questioning context of these online speculations about why "Star Trek is human centered?" The latter is an interesting question, possibly creating a situation dealing with a prejudice on the behalf of the writers and producers. However, would a series completely dedicated to another species, such as the Romulans, be successful in a television market? Is it possible that the reasons it wouldn't be might indicate humanity may care little about an alien species other than as a potential threat? See article.

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Press Release Russian American Planet X Research Project

Press Release Russian American Planet X Research Project
Futureworld Publishing International, LLC

P O Box 141, Horn Lake, MS 38637


Contact: Jaysen Q. Rand, Ph.D.

662-280-2181 Cell (901) 336-9660


Exciting Announcement of a new joint "Russian-American Planet-X Research Project" revealing whether this theoretical Brown Dwarf Star's 'Close-Pass' to Earth in 2009 and 2012 could terrorize our planet-thus bringing about massive Earth changes and a possible 180-degree 'global pole shift'... If not "Planet-X"-then what's soon coming our way?

HORN LAKE, MS, October 26, 2007: Futureworld Publishing International is promoting the release of Dr. Jaysen Q. Rand's new best-selling book, The Return of Planet-X and Its Effects on Mother Earth: A Natural Disaster Survivor's Manual, his alarming eye-opening tome. Dr. Rand will soon announce he will be joining professional forces with Retired Soviet Air Force Lt. Col. Marina L. Popovitch and the EnergyInformative Division of The Russian Academy Of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. This top-echelon study group will formulate a high-level scientific research effort to either prove or disprove the reality/actuality of the existence of Planet-X (believed to be the Biblical Book of Revelation's reference to "Wormwood" -Chap. 8, Vrs. 11).

Jaysen Rand and his close friend and UFO/ET research colleague, Marina Popovitch, Ph.D., are both working members of the EnergyInformative Division. Dr. Popovitch and her former husband, Army General Pavel (Paul) Popovitch--have been top UFO/ET paranormal researchers and this unique research and development group devotes itself to investigating alternative sciences, the paranormal realm, metaphysical realities, the existence of UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence/communications/origins, the surrogate formats of energy, healing, medical research, alternative sciences/astronomy/mathematics and dynamism as topical examples.

Dr. Rand will assemble an American team of scientists, researchers and authors (on topic) who will link up and coordinate their research efforts with their Russian counterparts headed by Dr. Marina Popovitch, in an attempt to affirm or deny the truth, validity and controversy surrounding the subject of this mysterious and arcane Planet-X-related phenomenon. "X" is presently capturing the imagination/interest/debate spread across the many thousands of Internet sites, radio-TV talk shows, lectures, books, magazines, feature films, documentaries, religious sermons and simple person-to-person communications around the world every day.

In order to keep the general public up-to-date and informed about their ongoing planning, research, development and the scientific conclusions reached by this distinguished group, Dr. Rand has chosen the 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show and 'X' Chronicles Newspaper publication to become its official media outlet presenting regular reports and the most-current news updates about this unique scientific ground-breaking project as it moves forward.

Additionally, Rob McConnell, host of the 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show recently launched a special "Name This Research Project" audience contest to help select an official name for this scientific inquiry and to date-more than 40 unique, creative, thought provoking "Project Names" are being considered. The top five "Project Research Names" selected for final determination-will each receive a signed/dated 'collectors edition' of Dr. Rand's new book. The five top-named suggestions and the ultimate winning "Project Name" will be announced in November and a special "letter of recognition" accompanied by a "winners' certificate" (signed by both Dr. Rand and Dr. Popovitch), will be awarded to the top-picked winning entry. Sunmit your entry to

In order to achieve a well-balanced approach to this project-the relatively arcane approach of using scientific 'Remote Viewing' techniques, the arts of astronomy, planetary observatory research, scientific inquiries, noted authors/professors (on topic), individual UFO/ET researchers (all experts in their fields) handling cases of contactees/abductees, with a cadre of global UFOlogists and scientific colleagues and additional support personnel-will be carefully assembled creating the schematic design format for implementing this fascinating and timely Russian/American joint-venture research project.

According to Dr. Rand's research in his book: The most current working hypothesis we have to examine concerning the expected return date of Planet-X coursing through the solar system centers around the prime fact that X's extended orbit (approximately every 3,600-4,000 years - first passing through the solar system in 'phase-one' -then back out again in 'phase-two') -now suggests that X's 'destructive cycle'- may occur in two separate cosmic events.

This 'first-phase' begins with X's 'initial pass-through' (possibly in 2009) then separated by approximately three years until its 'second-phase' -wherein "X" makes its 'second pass' through the solar system (expected in 2012). This second passage marks X's return leg back again into deep space beginning anew its 3,600 year trek through the heavens. Dr. Rand believes that Planet-X's last return visit most likely coincided with the Hebrew exodus from Egypt under Moses and Pharaoh in 1447 B.C.E, roughly 3,454 years ago. Question: Did God somehow come to Moses' aid by staging a cosmic event that no one today understands?

The best-researched dates include late summer (September 2009) for X's first phase pass-through and in early winter (December 2012) for X's second-phase pass through the solar system. Major earth changes may occur during both phases of X's passage with the most damage resulting in a possible 'pole flip' (a tipping of Earth on its axis of rotation 180 degrees) in X's second phase. Rand states in his book: "It's also possible that a complete 'pole shift' will not occur, however, planet Earth may still suffer major planetary upheavals from X's passage through the solar system."

There are a series of unanswered questions and major challenges to the global "X" theory posed by professional and amateur astronomers alike that we haven't seen any reliable scientific evidence or sightings of this rogue celestial body including if "X" even exists at all. Could it be that the world's major governments are reluctant to announce this potentially disastrous global event? These and many other critical/timely Planet-X questions will be carefully examined and discussed by this joint Russian/American panel being assembled.

Quoting from page 307 in Dr. Rand's book: "Whatever fate awaits us-Mother Earth is about to reveal her secrets regarding the reality of Planet-X coming in 2009/2012. One thing is absolutely certain! Something 'BIG' is radically wrong with the normal functioning of planet Earth's global operating systems and mankind's ability to either control or understand these cosmic forces dynamics... And time we rapidly running out in the landscape of human life as we are presently living it here on the Earth in 2007."

To contact Rob McConnell at The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show and The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper, send an email to,or call (905) 575-5916,

-- END --

Monday, January 26, 2015

A Mind Altering Mysterious Woman

A Mind Altering Mysterious Woman
Mention the name of John Keel to anyone with an interest in UFOs, cryptozoology, and the paranormal, and doing so will likely provoke imagery of Keel's research into two areas he was particularly known for investigating: (a) Mothman and (b) the Men in Black.

There is, however, one case that Keel only briefly touched upon in his all-time classic, The Mothman Prophecies, but which is of such genuine high-strangeness that it is definitely worthy of further study and commentary. It was a story that surfaced in late October 1971, and reached the eyes and ears of the United States' media. This was hardly surprising since - in a curious fashion - it involved none other than President Richard Nixon.

The story - which Keel presents in his book, in verbatim form from a newspaper article - revolves around a woman named Shirley Cromartie. She was a mother of three, who - the press revealed - held a security clearance in the Florida White House and who found herself plunged into a profoundly strange situation.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

I Did It For The Lulz

I Did It For The Lulz
Some websites around the internets are all abuzz about the next apparent Anonymous attack. Anonymous is the hacktivist group that came from (was spawned by) the lower order of the internet 4chan. Recently Anonymous has been in the news for helping do DDOS attacks against some of the middle eastern countries where democratic revolutions have been breaking out. Additionally they may, but more likely didn't, have something to do with taking down the PlayStation Network for about 3 weeks.

Well now it seems as though they have decided to target the Ufological field next. All over the internet today people have been buzzing about the so called 'Operation UFO'. Here's the supposed image from this event.

The blogosphere was all a twitter about this event. Personally I don't think much will come of this, well at least not for those that are in Ufology. Hmm although as I type that I realize that maybe they will be taken in by this event. I was going to say how hard it would be to pull something off like this now that it has been all over the internet today, until I remembered that many Ufologists likely don't have a strong online presence. It's likely that they will have missed this, because I don't believe it has been picked up by the media as of yet.

That seems like an issue to me. Of course I suppose the reason that the majority of them don't have an online presence is that fact that many of them are of an older generation. That only goes to show a bigger problem that exists in Ufology, were there seems to be no young blood in this field. (To my credit I am in my mid-twenties but I'm not exactly 'in the field'). Course many of the young people that could be in this field are busy doing shenanigans like the above 'Operation UFO'. Or worse they are indoctrinated to the dreaded ETH. (Which I really don't have anything against, I just feel like other theories should be given their just due)

I think the thing to take away from all of this is that on Sunday (if Jesus doesn't return on Saturday of course) hopefully people will ignore sightings of 'a triangle of 8 yellow lights in the sky' which are supposed to be reported to wherever UFO's can be reported to. Although with the phenomena as strange and tricksterish as it can be sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if real triangle's of 8 yellow lights were to appear. Oh well that's Fortean phenomena for you. Until next time remember this is Fortean Philosopher Tony, reminding you that I do it all for the lulz

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ufo Sightings Ufo Photo Captured By Former Navy Aeronautical Engineer In England October 2013

OCTOBER 20, 2013 - ENGLAND - A Welsh tourist on holiday in the seaside resort town of Kingswear in Devon County, England unexpectedly found two mysterious objects in one of his photos when he reviewed them once he got home. Once zoomed in, the objects look like classic flying saucers.

Devon photograph with two UFOs. (Credit: Haydn Morgan/

Devon photograph with two UFOs. (Credit: Haydn Morgan/

Haydn Morgan is a former aeronautical engineer with the British Navy. He says he snapped the pictures on a passenger ferry on the River Dart midday this past Wednesday. He told the Daily Mail, "I looked at the cloud and it looked a bit strange, so I took a couple of shots of it. When I got home and put them on my computer one shot was perfectly clear and the other had these two dots on it."

Close-up of object on the left. (Credit: Haydn Morgan/

Close-up of object on the left. (Credit: Haydn Morgan/

Typically when a photograph is taken and objects are noticed in the image later, they are birds that look like smears on the pictures. However, these objects are different. One in particular looks like a perfect disk-shape.

Morgan took his photograph to professional photographers who told him that his images are not due to dust on the camera sensor. The images did not show up on the second photo he took nine second later.

Google Map of Kingswear, Devon, England.

He says, "I have no idea what it is. It's certainly not a bird of any shape or kind. When you blow the larger one up there seems to be something in the centre."

Morgan adds, "I'm not a crank. I spent 27 years in the Fleet Air Arm, flying around." - OPEN MINDS.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Time Travel And The Multiverse Many Worlds Many Timelines

Time Travel And The Multiverse Many Worlds Many Timelines
By Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman

Time travel has enchanted and intrigued us since the earliest days of fiction, when authors such as H. G. Wells, Samuel Madden, Charles Dickens and Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau stretched and challenged our imaginations with images and tales of men and women who invented amazing machines and devices that could take them back in time, or forward into the future. But because of the restrictions of light speed, and the paradoxes of going back to the past without damaging the future timeline, and a host of other obstacles and challenges, we, in fact, have remained stuck in the present.

Our scientific knowledge and technological achievement has yet to catch up to the limitless dreams of our imaginations. But perhaps just because we have yet to achieve time travel in our universe, in our particular point along the cosmic arrow of time, doesn't mean it isn't achievable...and maybe the key is the universe itself. Are we limiting ourselves to our understanding only of the laws and possibilities of our universe, and leaving out of the equation other realities, other universes, with other laws and forces, paradoxes and limitation, possibilities and potentialities, far beyond our own?

In 2011, quantum physicists at the University of California at Santa Barbara, led by Andrew Cleland and John Martinis, designed a "quantum machine," as they call it, that might one day lead to proof of time travel and parallel universes. Their machine, a tiny little teleporter barely visible to the naked eye, involves making a tiny metal paddle cool to its ground state, the lowest energy state permissible by the laws of quantum mechanics, and then raising it's energy slowly by a single quantum to produce a purely quantum state of motion. And, they even were able to put the device in both states at once, so it vibrated both slowly and quickly at the same time, in another sort of Schrodinger's Cat state of superposition. They posited that we can only see one of these potential states at once, and upon the act of observation, the state then splits into additional universes. Perhaps, there is a plethora of multiple or parallel universes all around us, but we cannot see them.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Chris Bledsoe On Veritasradio Com The Chris Bledsoe Story Segment 1 Of 2

Chris Bledsoe On Veritasradio Com The Chris Bledsoe Story Segment 1 Of 2

S y n o p s i s

There have been many UFO cases addressed on various television documentaries throughout the years. Many of these are forgettable, many are biased, and then there are a few that present the facts as they are.

One of the latter was presented by the MUFON organization in October, 2008. The special was carried by the Discovery Channel. Titled "UFOs over Earth," the hour long show addressed an extremely compelling case of UFO sightings, an alien encounter, and possible alien abduction.

On January 8, 2007, this baffling case began in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on the banks of the Cape Fear River.

The main witness in this case is one Chris Bledsoe Sr. Bledsoe, a successful builder and commercial pilot, was well liked and respected in his community. On the day of the strange events, he was fishing with four other men, Donny Ackerman, Gene Robinson, David McDonald. and Chris Bledsoe Jr. The relationship between Bledsoe and the other three men was not addressed fully on the TV program, but Mr. Bledsoe informed me that Ackerman, Robinson, and McDonald worked for him as framing subcontractors, and had just finished a large beach home and gotten paid the day of the encounter.

They invited Chris Sr. and Jr. to go fishing with them. Bledsoe Sr. said, "Why not?" as his wife and three other children were out of town that day. They all rode to the fishing spot in Bledsoe's four door pickup truck because it was a four-wheel drive, and could maneuver in the muddy banks of the river.

Bledsoe took a walk away from the fishing spot, and spotted three UFOs. He returned to the fishing spot, and pointed out the objects to the other three men. They were frightened by the UFOs, and quickly left the river, seeing the objects again. After Bledsoe arrived home, and went out into his backyard to find out why his dogs were barking. He followed them into the woods, and saw an alien being.

After the basic details of Bledsoe's encounter were taken by MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) investigators, the UFO group was anxious to gather testimony from Bledsoe's fishing buddies, but they had trouble locating the three for a time.

This, by no means, lessens the validity of their eyewitness accounts. Rating the authenticity of a UFO sighting as to the social status of a witness was employed by Project Blue Book in the 1960s, and was eventually found to be faulty. There is no evidence at this time to suggest that they made up their stories, or conspired to create a hoax. If they did, they did a remarkable job. All of the accounts given by the three regarding the sighting of the three unknown flying objects were almost identical.

B i o

Christopher Bledsoe is a commercial pilot, and from 1986 to 2005 owned an award winning construction business in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He was nominated as Businessman of the Year in 2003 by the National Republican Congressional Committee and was invited to President George Bush's inauguration. He is a rescue scuba diver and, prior to his "experience," was a noted hunter on record as having killed one of the largest bears in North Carolina.

In January 2007, Chris, his son Chris Jr. and three of of his subcontractors, Donny Ackerman, Gene Robinson, and David McDonald witnessed a series of terrifying sightings of unexplained phenomena. They were investigated by the organization MUFON and a scientist from the Space Industry.

Their experience was featured on the Discovery Channel's 2008 series UFOs Over Earth: The Fayetteville Incident.

Chris currently lives in North Carolina, with his wife Yvonne and their four children. He owns chickens and dogs and keeps a large garden. He loves backpacking and nature. Since his experience Chris has given up the sport of hunting.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Nasas Way Cool Retro Posters For Futuristic Space Travel

Nasas Way Cool Retro Posters For Futuristic Space Travel


Making future travel plans.. with an emphasis on 'future?' Check out these exoplanet travel posters from NASA.

In late December, 2014, the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (fictional) "Exoplanet Travel Bureau" released these 1930s-style travel posters depicting three exoplanets as destinations - hypothetical, so far - for future travel. These worlds orbiting stars besides our sun exist, alright, but all are vastly too far away to travel to in the course of a single human lifespan, with existing technology. But someday, maybe. Which one would you choose for a visit?

Image credit: NASA/JPL

DESTINATION #1: KEPLER-16B, located 200 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Cygnus. Like Luke Skywalker's planet "Tatooine" in Star Wars, Kepler-16b orbits not one but two stars. It's the first confirmed, unambiguous example of a planet orbiting a double sun. Although it's depicted here as a terrestrial planet, Kepler-16b might also be a gas giant like Saturn.

Down side: It has a temperature similar to that of dry ice (-109.3^0F or -78.5^0C). Be sure to bring along a jacket!

Up side: Double sunsets.

Image credit: NASA/JPL

DESTINATION #2: KEPLER-186F, located 490 light-years away in the direction of the constellation Cygnus. Kepler-186f is the first Earth-size planet discovered in its star's habitable zone - aka the Goldilocks zone. That is the zone of possible orbits around another stars in which liquid water could exist on the planet's surface.

But don't take that to mean that stars in the habitable zone would be similar to Earth.

For example, Kepler-186f's star is much cooler and redder than our sun. If plant life does exist on a planet like Kepler-186f, its photosynthesis could have been influenced by the star's red-wavelength photons, making for a color palette that's very different than the greens on Earth.

Image credit: NASA/JPL

DESTINATION #3: HD 40307G, located 42 light-years away in the direction of the southern constellation Pictor. Is this world a "super-Earth" or a "mini-Neptune"? Scientists aren't sure whether it has a rocky surface or a surface buried under thick layers of gas and ice. One thing is certain though, says NASA, at eight time Earth's mass, the gravitational pull of HD 40307g is much, much stronger than what we experience on the surface of our home world. Skydiving, anyone?

NASA JPL Visual Strategists Joby Harris, David Delgado and Dan Goods created these posters.

Bottom line: Exoplanet travel posters from NASA.

Read more about these travel posters from NASA/JPL

How long would it take to get to Alpha Centauri?

Ufo Sighting In Connellsville

Ufo Sighting In Connellsville

I went into my backyard on 8-16-2013 around 9.25 pm to sky watch due to some other things I've been seeing really high in the sky since 8-10-2013. As I sat down in my chair that is against my chainlink fence facing east I noticed a strange bright light coming from the southeast torward me. I was amazed with it cause it changed from orange to red then back to orange then red again. The object seemed to come out of nowhere. This was now 9:30pm.That's when I ran up on my porch opened my door and yelled for my wife to come outside and look. As she got outside the object seemed to get smaller as it started moving west like it was heading for the moon for cover. Then as it moved it got dimmer and dimmer then finally vanished into thin air. On a side note the area where I first saw this there was nothing in the sky I know this cause that's the first area I looked at when I walked out my back door into my yard. We got a couple pic and a small video on our cell phones but they didn't come out very good. When I first noticed this object I had mixed emotions I had no idea what it was I've never seen anything like it. I felt a little fear but at the same time my adrenalin was pumping.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ufo Photographed Over East Hull Uk Ufo News

Ufo Photographed Over East Hull Uk Ufo News

By HDMJTownend


A Mail reader snapped these pictures of mysterious lights over east Hull.

Now, Jean Dearing is appealing for people who saw the UFO to get in touch.

Mrs Dearing says she is convinced the lights were a UFO.

She said: "It was almost a fan-shaped object, half the size of the moon. It was so bright.

"I dashed in to get my camera and when I looked up again the object was beginning to move in a clockwise circular motion. Then it dropped sharply downwards and then back upwards.

"I tried to put my camera on video but my hands were shaking with excitement, so I just held up the camera and snapped. The object then climbed higher into the sky and disappeared at great speed upwards and out of my sight."...

Continue Reading...

See Also:

Resident Snaps Picture of UFO Sighted Near Keighley (UK) UFO NEWS PHOTO

Disc-Shaped UFOs Photographed Over Bracknell, UK

UFO NEWS UK Photographer Captures Stunning Images of UFOs Above Hatfiel



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ufo Tv Aztec 1948 Ufo Crash Secret Recovery Of Alien Technology Ufos And The Us Military The Bullet Version

Ufo Tv Aztec 1948 Ufo Crash Secret Recovery Of Alien Technology Ufos And The Us Military The Bullet Version
PUBLISHED ON 19 OCT 2013 BY UFOTVSTUDIOS On March 25, 1948 a UFO spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin crashed in a place called Aztec, New Mexico. Sixteen alien bodies were discovered dead inside. The alien bodies and all evidence of their spacecraft were soon transported by government officials to Wright Patterson Air force Base where all traces of this event disappeared in secrecy.

This program documents the shocking facts around this disturbing mystery and includes interviews with leading UFO researchers, a walking tour of the crash site, a tour of the secret US radar station that tracked the UFO crash and the story of an intensive government investigation into alien biology and space technology.


This video features the history of United States military involvement with UFOs and confessions from high ranking government officials about their involvement in a cover-up to hide the truth from the American public regarding the existence of UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitors to Earth.


Leadership Crisis In Ufology

Leadership Crisis In Ufology


Joseph Burkes, MD Copyright 1999

In the UFO/truth movement there are few leaders, mostly celebrities.

In the paper "Role of a Power Structure Analysis in Ufology" I put forward the proposition that the Et presence threatens all terrestrial power, military, economic and religious. If true then the de-facto secrecy campaign and the ridicule of UFO witnesses is the logical results of elite forces acting to maintain the status quo. I proposed the creation of a mass movement to work for disclosure. A campaign that hopefully will represent the interests of the majority of people on this planet, rather than those of elite groups primarily focused on defending hegemony by denying what appears to be an Extra-terrestrial presence. The risks of creating such movements are numerous, perhaps the most daunting is its susceptibility to co-optation by corrupt leaders. Those who would eagerly use "the power of the people" for selfish purposes.

This certainly has been the familiar pattern of the radical left and right movements of the 20th Century. Whether fascist or communist, the sad legacy of charismatic leaders has been monstrous wars and savage political purges resulting in the death of millions of innocents.

In order to minimize the damage done by corrupt leaders, such a proposed campaign will need to incorporate strong spiritual values into its program. This became even clearer to me after the draft of the "power structure analysis" was first circulated on the Internet in the Fall of 1998. I soon received a number of reponses that emphasized the spiritual issues posed by allegations of ET spacecraft visiting Earth. One letter in particular asked the question is our involvement with this issue "to serve others", or is it "to have others serve us."

As applied to the leadership crisis in ufology the absence of an ethic "to serve others" leads to a host of problems. A number of observers have complained about the back stabbing and egoism exhibited by prominent investigators. To a certain extent such attitudes are driven by the market forces in the cottage industry environment created by ufology. Here the ethic of "have others serve us" is manifest.

Those UFO experts who are compelled to work "the meat and potatoes" circuit of Expos and book signing sessions, are all struggling within a rather small marketplace. In a field rife with uncertainty, they, the "experts" must appear to the "ones who really know." Otherwise why would anyone bother to listen to them and buy their wares. Since an essential part of sales must be appearing to "stand on the cutting edge," UFO leaders must constantly come up with new and exciting information about, and solutions to, this mystery. The need to appear better than one's fellows, and to attack the competition, feeds the tendency towards shameless personal attacks.

There are however more profound sources for the egoism which cuts a destructive path across ufology. In my opinion more potent than economic competition are the psycho-social factors. Let's face it, ufology has been relegated to the fringe by the powers that be. For any self respecting professional to profess an interest in subject so marginal, is to risk loss of social standing. Very powerful emotions experienced during normal child development may come into play here.

Our susceptibility to shame starts off during childhood. During early emotional development, frustration about one's relatively helpless condition, coexists side by side with the growing need to be accepted by other children. Being "small" and not being able to do what the "big kids" do is a constant theme throughout childhood. Teasing and being excluded by older children is a harsh lesion we all must experience.

I believe that every individual must carry these concerns over into adulthood. The social sentiments of the mainstream culture are such, that to simply profess an interest in UFOs, often triggers smirking from friends and co-workers. Much is at stake psychologically. To become a leader in ufology ups the ante considerably and the risks of social ridicule are nearly certain.

In order to stand against the currents of the dominant culture that dismisses ufology as terminally kooky, an individual must surely have a strong sense of self. I believe it requires a determined and hopefully healthy ego, to openly defy conventional wisdom. This force of conviction flowing from ego, in its most extreme form, can become transformed into a sense of self righteousness. This tendency to become self-righteous, unfortunately in many ufologists, results in self-aggrandizement and egoism.

Economic sacrifice and even hardship are often the rewards of trying to "make it" as a professional ufologist. The difficult economic conditions make for frustration, anger, perhaps even bitterness in some individuals. If a ufologist can't receive payment in real money, then perhaps a salary in "ego dollars" might suffice. Real dollars are of course the preferred compensation. In the UFO field unfortunately there are few enough to go around. Thus many researchers I suspect, demand ego gratification as a substitute for financial reward. The personal attacks rampant in the field, are in my opinion the products of those who seek ego gratification at expense of others. In-fighting and the mud slinging which abound in ufology, should therefore be viewed as the logical outcome of a group of researchers who have been marginalized by a larger society. They sadly vent their frustrations on one another.

This analysis is rather preliminary, but I hope it provides a framework for a more detailed investigation of the psycho-social causes of the leadership crisis in ufology. My concerns are more than theoretical. It is my sincere hope that we can create a mass movement to work towards disclosure of the ET presence. To do so will require a great number of enlightened leaders. Individuals who are able to work together cooperatively and hopefully minimize the destructive effects of egoism. Here again their is much room for exploring the spiritual/ ethical dimension. I ask again whether we struggle to serve others, or do we attempt to compel others to serve us? It is my hope that this future crusade will be based on the high principle of altruism combined with honesty and humility. A tall order no doubt! Only time will tell whether ufology is up to the challenge.

"Truth comes in three phases. First it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, and then it is declared to be self-evident. "

Joseph Burkes, MD

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ufo Over San Antonio Texas On June 1 2013

Ufo Over San Antonio Texas On June 1 2013
Date of sighting: June 1, 2013Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

In the above photos you see the triangle UFO. I wanted to test if its CGI (computer generated imagery) by altering the color. If it is CGI the background will not change from black very much. As you see in the above right side image, it did change which is a guarantee that this is not CGI. With that ruled out, there is a much higher chance this video is real. When I altered the color it also reveals some of the outline of the UFO itself. Its shape is very odd like a pyramid more than a triangle. SCW

Eyewitness states:

Jun-01-2013 As i was Skywatching facing North,i saw a flash..It was not like a typical FAA strobe lights..I then notice what looked like three orbs traveling in a triangle formation..So i grabbed my camera for a closer observation....When zooming in i was surprised to see it was actually a Triangle Shape Craft..This appeared to be a solid Craft,with a neon blue flash coming from the front light.When using video captures/Close-ups you can see a Solid Craft..It was traveling Northwest high in altitude.I pan back to find some kind of reference points..(Ended using the tree tops as reference point)..You can clearly see altitude it was traveling...Lost sight of the Craft as it went behind the tree tops....Glad i was Skywatching this Night..

Sasquatch Inside Mt Shasta

Sasquatch Inside Mt Shasta
Taking I-5 down to California, I had the joy of passing Mt. Shasta; even just viewing it from the car, it was magnificant. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to stop; it was just a sightseeing event, seeing Mt. Shasta from the interstate, and at rest stops. But that was pretty cool, even that. A trip to Mt. Shasta is definitely in my future.

I picked up some maps and did some surfing on the internet, and one thing that struck me as interesting are the caverns inside Mt. Shasta. Certainly those caverns are home to Bigfoot and all kinds of entities, as a large body of lore suggests.

There are a lot of stories out there about UFOs, Bigfoot, and other anomalous events on Mt. Shasta; too many to repost here. A Goolge, etc. search will give you lots of links to follow on the subject.

However, here is an interesting account by a psychic on Sasquatch within Mt. Shasta from the Hollow Earth Insider website, here's a snippet:

In April 1974, psychic Joyce Partise of Southern California held a sealed envelope in her hands. Unknown to her, that envelope contained a photograph of a Sasquatch footprint... [Ms Partise gave her feeling] "These things are coming from outer space - it's an outer space war! The first area will be Portland, Oregon. There's a mountain with a hole in it. Someone should investigate this mountain because they're down in there already. You know those hairy things that run around, the ape-man? He's not an ape. They're underground in contact with outer space and their intentions toward mankind is total destruction!"...

"This gorilla man... their eyes are extremely light sensitive from being underground. These tunnels I'm seeing is part of their habitation. They've dug them. I think it may even go into California..." ~

Big Foot, the Abominable Sandman, Nessie and The People who live Under Mt. Shasta"; Hollow Earth Insider website)

And of course, Oregon resident Stan Johnson (deceased) one of the subjects in my book Two Oregon Tales: Bigfoot and UFOs in Oregon, (not yet released) visisted the inner world of Mt. Shasta with the Sasquatch:

My Star friends came for me last night. I was teleported to Mt. Shasta. I was taken to a big rock. Behind that big rock was a door. There was an arch over the door that was rainbow-colored. The door was an etheric door, opening the way into the inside of the mountain to those of higher consciousness. I believe the star people close that door after they enter, and to our third dimensional iyes, it becomes just another side of a cliff of the mountain.

Above the arch was a large eye. This eye was "looking" at me. It was approximately two feet long and it ws a beautiful blue color. I don't know what that eye was, but it seemed like it was alive. As we passed under it, I fel the eye following me. I wondered if this beautiful, blue eye might be symbolic of the third eye, the one eye of the unified vision of the soul, the seat of the inner vision of the higher consciousness. ~

Sasquatch and the Star People, on the White Wolf Gallery website)

On the Argonaut-Greywolf website, is a drawing of a Bigfoot and UFO, as seen by a witness who lived in the area, although the site makes clear the UFO and Bigfoot sighting did not occur at the same time. Scroll down a bit and it's on the right.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Ufo Sighting In Ruston

Ufo Sighting In Ruston

I had fallen asleep at around 12 pm on the couch. I awoke and went outside for a smoke at a little after 3 am. When I got outside, I began to see orbs flying rather slowly across sky. They came from different directions and traveled in different directions. I got out a high powered flashlight and started flashing the light at them with two pulses at a time. They did not pulse back the two times that I did just one long pulse or what I would call bloom for about two seconds. After continuing to communicate in this way with various orbs for a while, all of a sudden, there were small and large jets all over the area. They seemed to be searching for the orbs. I watched the jets, maybe 6 total and figured the orbs were finished for the night. Then another showed up. It was moving very fast though. After a while, the jets left the area and I saw another orb. This one seemed to react to where I was guessing it would go. It also bloomed more than the rest just at my wishing it would without signal. Very interesting behavior. I decided to wake up my girlfriend. She came out and spotted two rather quickly. They were flying a little higher when she was present. After she went to bed, the sun began to come up. I asked aloud if I could get one more spectacular display. I felt silly, but I really felt as though the lights were reacting to my actions and thoughts. I even had a witness to prove to myself that these orbs were really flying overhead. It was bright enough that I could not see a single star. Suddenly, the largest brightest orb yet flew closer to me than any other. As I got excited and felt an almost electric charge in the air, the orb bloomed from white into a huge spectacular green glow over about two seconds. It definitely reacted to my emotions. After words, it made a 90 degree turn and flew away at high speed. One of the strangest events of my life. I have seen many unexplained things in the sky and see orbs quite often. I had no apprehension that night and the lights responded to that by coming closer and responding to me. I would never believe it if someone told me the same story and I expect no one to believe me. Take it for what it is worth. Next time you see an orb, as I know some of you see them as frequently as I do, try to communicate with it and do not fear it. You may be surprised at the response you get. This is by far the craziest thing I have ever written, but it happened sure as the sunrise that morning. I think they responded to me and the military responded to them. Amazing.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Ufo Sighting In Plaistow

Ufo Sighting In Plaistow

Green / Orange Flash of light streaked across the sky. West to East direction just above treetops. My daughter saw the light streak across the sky in front of them while driving. She did not say anything until her boyfriend said, "What the hell was that?" The flash was was only a second, they both saw a different colored light, one said green while the other thought it was orange. Observed flash of light at Intersection of W. Pine St and Main St, Plaistow, NH



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.