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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Benarkah Teknologi Manusia Saat Ini Karena Transfer Dari Mahkluk Luar Angkasa

Benarkah Teknologi Manusia Saat Ini Karena Transfer Dari Mahkluk Luar Angkasa
Perlu waktu sampai abad ke-17 bagi kita untuk menolak visi Aristoteles tentang alam semesta di mana matahari dan bintang-bintang berputar mengelilingi bumi. Scrape for Extraterrestrial Skill (SETI) Advanced Astronom Seth Shostak menunjukkan bahwa sampai abad yang lalu, komunitas ilmiah percaya masyarakat luas merekayasa dan bertanggung jawab terhadap pembangunan sistem irigasi di permukaan Mars. Boleh percaya boleh juga tidak, masyarakat Eropa pertengahan masih percaya ada sebuah planet yang juga ditempati oleh mahluk seperti manusia dekat dengan bumi. Ketika ilmuwan menemukan mars, sebagian masyarakat percaya bahwa ada kehidupan di Mars. Menemukan Mars pada prinsipnya dilakukan dengan hanya memutar teleskop Bumi yang searah dengan Globe Merah tersebut. Tapi menemukan kehidupan di planet Mars, itulah yang masih sulit dicapai oleh manusia.

Gagasan tentang kehidupan di luar bumi telah berubah secara drastis dalam 100 tahun, tetapi strategi pencarian tetap terus dilakukan. Shostak berpendapat bahwa pencarian tentang mahluk asing mungkin akan lebih berhasil jika sedikit mau merubah pola penelitian pencarian dari pencarian astronomi biologi kepada lebih berfokus tepat pada kecerdasan buatan.

Kemajuan teknologi kita sendiri sejak Perang Dunia II membuat suatu loncatan besar di berbagai bidang. Kemajuan bidang medis sejak tahun 1950 menunjukkan manusia menjadi lebih maju dengan teknologi yang pesat. Padahal kalau kita kaji lagi perkembangan kecerdasan buatan yang benar (AI) biasanya memerlukan waktu ratusan hingga ribuan tahun, Namun saat ini kemajuan teknologi bisa dihitung dengan periode puluhan tahun bahkan beberapa jam saja. Shostak mengemukakan hipotesisnya sementara, apakah ada kecerdasan yang lebih maju yang membantu manusia menemukan teknologi baru? Atau manusia mendapatkan kemampuan itu dari hasil jatuhnya sebuah teknologi maju ke Bumi sehingga manusia bisa melakukan eksperimen dan menemukan berbagai penemuan baru di segala bidang?

Bandingkan dengan eropa abad pertengahan dengan 500 tahun kebelakang misalnya. Pada abad eropa pertengahan mesin uap telah ditemukan begitu juga dengan kereta kuda. Penggunaan kereta kuda sudah ada bahkan dari zaman sebelum 500 tahun dari abad eropa. Bayangkan, perlu berapa ratus tahun atau ribu tahun dari periode kereta kuda sampai dengan mesin uap (kereta api)?, kita bandingkan lagi. Teknologi militer pada masa lalu menggunakan pedang atau senjata tajam untuk berperang sampai akhirnya ditemukan senjata api, kalau anda hitung dari awal mesir kuno yang sudah menggunakan berbagai macam senjata tajam untuk berperang sampai dengan periode senjata api yang pertama kali digunakan perlu waktu berapa tahunkah?

Jendela antara kelahiran teknologi suatu masyarakat pada masa lalu dan pergeseran untuk kecerdasan buatan pada masa setelah peride 1950-an sangat besar sekali perbedaannya. Bila dibandingkan sekarang dengan periode penggunaan senjata api begitu besar bedanya, hanya dengan hitungan puluhan tahun manusia sudah menciptakan pesawat tempur, sistim radar, bazooka, peluru kendali jarak jauh, anti rudal dan lainnya. Hanya dalam gait puluhan tahu manusia sudah menciptakan berbagai kendaraan yang memiliki tehnologi canggih, sistim GPRS sampai direct stering atau mobil dengan kecepatan jet. Sadarkah anda dengan hal itu? Atau mungkin saat ini anda sedang menggenggam teknologi handphone super canggih yang di tahun 80-an tidak terpikirkan ada.

Shostak mengkaitkan kemajuan teknologi cepat ini dengan insiden Rosswell, dimana disana pernah terjadi kecelakaan UFO terbesar. Apakah kemudian pemerintah Amerika mengambil jejak dari kecelakaan itu dan kemudian melakukan penelitian, pengembangan dan akhirnya mampu menciptakan teknologi canggih yang bersumber dari teknologi maju yang merrka temukan? Mungkin masih banyak lagi berbagai kecelakaan atau konspirasi rahasia antara pemerintah berbagai negara dengan para tamu asing ini. Kita tidak pernah akan tahu, selain hari ini kita menikmati berbagai teknologi yang semakin memudahkan langkah manusia.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nasa Pictures Aliens

Nasa Pictures Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [17 Jun 1983: Thornlie, Mr Pragnell, was enroute to work on his motor bike when he saw what he at first took to be an aircraft. It was delta shaped, soundless, with two very bright white lights on each wing. Suddenly his motor bike engine stopped and he rolled to a halt still watching the mysterious object. It disappeared at a speed faster than a plane. (Perth UFO Research Group.(PUFORG.)) ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [Sep/Oct 1980/81, Currency Creek, a man and a woman were travelling by car when an object passed over the vehicle. All the car's dashboard gauges dropped to zero, and headlights and dashboard lights flickered, and went off for one second, then came back on again. The driver feels the engine may have stalled momentarily. He also felt a twinge like an electric shock. Scared, they accelerated away with the car now behaving normally.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ufo Sighting In Warwick Rhode Island On September 8Th 2013 Star Like Faint Then Would Slowly Go From Dull Then Bright

Ufo Sighting In Warwick Rhode Island On September 8Th 2013 Star Like Faint Then Would Slowly Go From Dull Then Bright

came home with wife from a play got out of car,noticed flash in sky. flash lsted 4 to 6 seconds,long enough for me to make notice. as it faded saw small star like dot moving moving out of west sky.then it slowly started getting bright again. did this 3 times after last time just disappeard from view. lite was very high in sky. seemed higher than most satellites or was much smaller. wondering if any one else saw this event on 9-8-13, in warwick,ri at 9:20pm or there abouts. wife saw lite also



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Post Yule Round Up

Post Yule Round Up
Not appreciably to report; thoroughly a post Yuletide difference of what I'm functioning on and confident of what will be prospect hand over in the close few days:Limb II of my nest Model is prospect. I'm at work on everything about Mac Tonnies' CTH (crypto terrestrial belief) -- it'll be a "substantial" thing.In the same way deed up the hope for at the last revision of Lisa Shiel's book Patch Bigfoot: The Straight Stop of Chalet Signs, UFOs, and the Abominable snowman. (The revision will be sent to Lisa first, I'll intertwine to it when I let know.)And looking blatant to survey my Yule time books: Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Undesirable Legality at the Substance of the Roswell Stop, and On the Mock-up of the Saucer Spies; UFOs and Parameter Stakeout also by Walk off with Redfern, and Looking for Orthon: The Stop of George Adamski the first flying saucer contactee, and how he something else the world by Colin Bennett. And a twosome of objects I'm not collection to connect yet, but are ornamental entrancing for me in the context of UFO World!If you lurch sideways fresh orangey Orb blog in fresh format anywhere unhappy your wanderings, it's thoroughly me, wearisome out a collection of templates, hosts, etc. I am laid-back interested for the reasonable fit. (If part has any utter I'd be aware of worry from you.)I swanky any person had a innocuous and substantial holiday!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Two Bright Lightsufos Seen In The Sky Over Anna Maria Island And Sarasotasiesta Key Florida

Two Bright Lightsufos Seen In The Sky Over Anna Maria Island And Sarasotasiesta Key Florida
Date: April 18, 2012 Time: Between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Align of Sighting: West and southwest over Anna Maria Island and southwest Bradenton, imaginably Siesta-region?Number of witnesses: At least 10, neighbors were out and I might get the exceedingly thing from them, "Is that a UFO?"Send out of Objects: 2 apparent, didn't figure out rest of sky. I embrace photos and videos.Majestic of Objects: Gravel. "FINISHED DEMONSTRATION OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" Award were two lights we had seen. One west over Anna-Maria Island and southwest in the direction of Sarasota/Siesta Key. Apiece lights would hasty do circles, identity 8's, restless stops and dimming/brightening of its lights. One of them was flustered light from what seemed a "FULL-POWER" to a "SHORTENED PASSION" in the field of controlled. Award were no other lights sensitive it was a preponderance aircraft. All other helicopters and planes plainly had decorated lights irregular. These did not, they were a enthusiastic wan and a touch passionate. On meaning it seemed to race and moreover dim out, undetectable. I was presentation up on Ufology and saw on a java-map to the side that I assume put forward were 2 new hits, 1 in Georgia and one hip Bradenton Florida. I trapped it out of the corner of my eye - Bradenton and so I established to search a inadequate director physically the site. Now, I am explaining to whomever wishes to differentiate. I also saw a plane, assuming comparison to a Cessna, credibly 4+ seater, seemed big than a preponderance Cessna, but had the unattached engine commonsensical to it. It through an odd circle, impending from southeast (S/B WORKSTATION) headed northwest, turned south-bound comport yourself a circle, impending support physically north, moreover legend west. It flew out and physically the light over Anna-Maria and I venture headed support in the direction of the S/B Workstation. The lights stayed in the sky comport yourself this for at least 30 - 45 report. Mugging time I went out to emerge, they were misplaced (MY BROOD AND I WERE IN RECEIPT OF CHEWED ON BY MOSQUITOS SO AFTER ABOUT 1/2 HOUR, WE WENT IN.) My fianc'e also saw it. If you embrace seen what close at hand this in the exceedingly area assure be imprint plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "SIGHTING@TELUS.NET" in the midst of the details of your sighting. "ALL CORRECT INFORMATION IS SHY IN THE BOUNDS OF."

"The Vike Device (BRIAN VIKE)"

" website:"

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Que Paso En Mocorito Sinaloa

Que Paso En Mocorito Sinaloa
EL caso de Mocorito Sinaloa, Mexico, es uno de los mas extra~nos encuentros con humanoides de los ultimos a~nos. Todo ocurri'o a las 4:57 de la ma~nana del 2 de diciembre de 2007.

Violeta Ortiz, volv'ia de una fiesta en un local cercano. Subi'o a su casa y antes de acostarse encendi'o la radio para escuchar musica. Acto seguido un ser de apariencia humanoide se le present'o subitamente a menos de un metro de su cama. El ser se qued'o inmovil ante sorpresa de la se~norita Ortiz, que de manera extra~na supo mantener en todo momento una gran calma y control de la situacion.

El intercambio de miradas entre ambos se produjo durante unos minutos. El ser daba la apariencia de estar vivo, y se habia materializado delante de ella.

Violeta Ortiz, de manera inesperada comenz'o a hacerle preguntas a este extra~no visitante de dormitorio, sin obtener respuesta. Tom'o su telefono movil y realiz'o varias fotograf'ias y videos del ser. Un detalle muy interesante es que la se~norita Ortiz con el paso de los minutos no se pone nerviosa, como si el propio ser estuviese intercediendo en su mente para calmarla.

El ser desapareci'o de manera subita quedando para la posteridad las imagenes retratadas por la se~norita Ortiz. Toido esto vino acompa~nado de diferentes circunstancias calientes ufol'ogicamente hablando, es decir, avistamientos en distintas partes de la ciudad de ovnis, cortes repentinos en el suministro electrico, e incluso una densa neblina que rode'o toda la zona.

La grabacion muestra alteraciones electromagneticas, y el testimonio de Violeta Ortiz, sin antecedentes de ningun tipo asociados a enfermedades mentales, es decir, una maestra de escuela, absolutamente normal y equilibrada, es concluyente y veridico.

El perturbador fen'omeno de "Los visitantes de dormitorio" lleva acompa~nando a la humanidad desde sus inicios y no hay duda de que este caso entra dentro de la simbolog'ia popular y el folklore de estos hechos. Lo que ocurre es que ahora en el siglo XXI estos "hombres del saco" pueden grabarse con videocamaras.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

2 Parte Extraterrestres Astronautas Nibiru Anunnaki Zecharia Sitchin Visitantes Espacio Historia Antiguedad Arte Pinturas Pintor Ernest Descals




Las NAVES VOLADORAS de los seres provenientes del Planeta NIBIRU.,los Dioses de SUMERIA, conocidos como ANUNNAKI -ANNUNAKI.

Colecci'on de Pinturas del Artista Pintor ERNEST DESCALS. Estudios art'isticos e hist'oricos sobre estos Humanoides que llegaron a la Tierra y fueron aclamados como Dioses en la antigua civilizaci'on de Sumeria, entre otras muchas de todo el mundo terr'aqueo.La Colecci'on de Creaciones Pl'asticas en las que el artista investiga en la noche de los tiempos est'a compuesta por un buen numero de Obras de Arte que ya se consideran piezas Clasicas sobre la Ilustraci'on en el campo de la ARQUEOASTRONOMIA.

Las Naves Voladoras de los seres provenientes del Planeta NIBIRU.

Coleccion de Pinturas del Artista Pintor ERNEST DESCALS.Estudios artisticos e historicos sobre estos Humanoides EXTRATERRESTRES que llegaron a la Tierra y fueron aclamados como DIOSES en la antigua civilizaci'on de Sumeria, entre otras muchas de todo el mundo terraqueo.

La Coleccion de Creaciones Plasticas en las que el artista investiga en la noche de los tiempos est'a compuesta por un buen numero de Obras de ARTE que ya se consideran piezas Clasicas sobre la Ilustracion en el campo de la Arqueoastronomia.PINTURAS en especial Homenaje al escritor e investigador ZECHARIA SITCHIN y sus reveladores libros "LAS CRONICAS DE LA TIERRA".


Los seres provenientes del Planeta Nibiru.

Colecci'on de Pinturas del Artista Pintor ERNEST DESCALS. Estudios art'isticos e hist'oricos sobre estos Humanoides que llegaron a la Tierra y fueron aclamados como Dioses en la antigua civilizaci'on de Sumeria, entre otras muchas de todo el mundo terr'aqueo.La Colecci'on de Creaciones Pl'asticas en las que el artista investiga en la noche de los tiempos est'a compuesta por un buen numero de Obras de Arte que ya se consideran piezas Clasicas sobre la Ilustraci'on en el campo de la ARQUEOASTRONOMIA.


PINTURA DEL ARTISTA ERNEST DESCALS SOBRE EL PLANETA NIBIRU, DE DONDE PROVENIENEN LOS ANUNNAKI - Carried by the wind SAUCERS-ARTIST ERNEST DESCALSLas naves de los Anunnaki en sus vuelos por los cielos.Los seres provenientes del Planeta Nibiru.Colecci'on de Pinturas del Artista Pintor ERNEST DESCALS. Estudios art'isticos e hist'oricos sobre estos Humanoides que llegaron a la Tierra y fueron aclamados como Dioses en la antigua civilizaci'on de Sumeria, entre otras muchas de todo el mundo terr'aqueo.La Colecci'on de Creaciones Pl'asticas en las que el artista investiga en la noche de los tiempos est'a compuesta por un buen numero de Obras de Arte que ya se consideran piezas Clasicas sobre la Ilustraci'on en el campo de la Arqueoastromomia. Obras de Arte en homenaje a las investigaciones de ZECHARIA SITCHIN y sus libros "LAS CR'ONICAS DE LA TIERRA"


ANUNNAKI-Los seres provenientes del Planeta NIBIRU.

Son muchos los restos arqueologicos en todo el mundo en los que podemos observar algunos de los iconos 'o simbolos propios de los seres de Nibiru, en esta pintura vemos uno de los artilugios que usaban y del que desconocemos su verdarera funcion, pero nos atrevemos a suponer que forma parte de su avanzada tecnologia.ANUNNAKIPINTURAS-ERNEST DESCALSLos seres provenientes del Planeta Nibiru.Coleccion de Pinturas del Artista Pintor ERNEST DESCALS.Estudios artisticos e historicos sobre estos Humanoides que llegaron a la Tierra y fueron aclamados como Dioses en la antigua civilizacion de Sumeria, entre otras muchas de todo el mundo terraqueo.La Colecci'on de Creaciones Plasticas en las que el artista investiga en la noche de los tiempos est'a compuesta por un buen numero de Obras de Arte que ya se consideran piezas Clasicas sobre la Ilustracion en el campo de la Arqueoastronomia.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Are Russian Female Bigfoot Looking For Human Mates

Are Russian Female Bigfoot Looking For Human Mates
Written By: Ken Hulsey

Source: Pravda

It seems that there is a shortage of male Bigfoot in Russia (Known to locals as the Almasty), and the females of the species have been looking for human companions. In the town of Elbrus, in Northern Caucasus, residents have reported an unusual number of sightings of the creature, most of them encounters with females, mostly by men, who have hinted at flirtation.

In the remote settlement it is a very common occurrence to see the large mythical creature in, and around, the town itself. It is reported that every resident has seen the legendary Almasty at least once in their lifetime.

"There are many deserted barns over there with boulders and woods around. They most often spot the Almasty there. They come to town from there," local resident Adelgery Tilov said.

It is also common for the towns male population to get "friendly" with the female Almasty, something that the local women have come to accept.

"A yeti female looks like a gorilla, of course, but she can definitely temp a man," one of the elders, Kazi Khajiyev said. "The Almasty can bewitch a man. They say that a man, whom a wild woman tries to seduce, sees not the hairy ape-like creature, but the woman that he wants to see. It is something like hypnosis," the man said.

Despite the numerous encounters with the creatures, the local residents still harbor some fear of them, and generally try to avoid confrontations.

"A wild human being is a human being, that is why we try to get along with them. My grandfather used to tell me that the Almasty have always lived here. They increased their population after the Balkars deserted their villages. The Almasty took their homes, that's why they let humans see them so often nowadays," Adilgery Tilov said.

Adilgery also spoke about a recent encounter that he had that proves that even Almasty females are suckers for romance by the fire.

"I had to go to a neighboring village one summer day. I was supposed to stay there for a night so I accommodated myself in a deserted barn. I made a fire near the barn and fell asleep. I opened my eyes very early in the morning and saw someone sitting by the fire. A female yeti was giving me a very thoughtful look. She was not tall, a bit more than one meter in height. She was black and her fur was all messy. I was scared to death, and was lying there still, thinking what she was going to do next. She stayed there for about ten more minutes, got up and vanished in the woods," the man said.

This, however, is not the first report of an Almasty-Human "relationship" to come out of the former Soviet Union:

"A wildwoman named Zana is said to have lived in the isolated mountain village of T'khina fifty miles from Sukhumi in Abkhazia in the Caucasus; some have speculated she may have been an Almasty, but hard evidence is lacking."


"Captured in the mountains in 1850, she was at first violent towards her captors but soon became domesticated and, indeed, was able to assist with simple household chores. Zana is said to have had sexual relations with a man of the village named Edgi Genaba, and gave birth to a number of children of apparently normal human appearance. Several of these children, however, died in infancy. Some commentators have attributed these early deaths to Zana's genetic incompatibility (as an Almas) with humans."


"The father, meanwhile, gave away four of the surviving children to local families. The two boys, Dzhanda and Khwit Sabekia (born 1878 and 1884), and the two girls, Kodzhanar and Gamasa Sabekia (born 1880 and 1882), were assimilated into normal society, married, and had families of their own. Zana herself died in 1890. The skull of Khwit (also spelled Kvit) is still extant, and was examined by Dr. Grover Krantz in the early 1990s. He pronounced it to be entirely modern, with no Neanderthal features at all. Khwit's tooth was examined in 2008 as part of the Monster Quest tv show. Genetics tests were unable to definitely show Khwit's parentage, but tests will continue."

It is unknown if these legendary Almasty are "wild and primitive" humans or creatures more like the Bigfoot or the Yeti? Regardless, it seems that Russian men have had a fetish for them for centuries.

Russian women aren't that unattractive are they? Every one that I have seen looked pretty exotic.

I guess when you get a taste of the Neanderthal it never goes away?

See Also: Bigfoot Stalking Mormons In Houston / Nasa Photo Shows Human-like Figure On Mars / Another Knucklehead Comes Forward To Claim That He Created Pattersons Bigfoot / Recent Reports Lead To The Possibility Of A Large Bigfoot Population Near Houston BC / Monster Quest Is In Colorado Searching For Bigfoot / The Sci Fi Channel Travels Into The Unknown With Unexplained With George Noory This Month / Recent Bigfoot Sightings In BC Suggest Bear-Like Migration / Bigfoot Prints Found In Siberia / Russian Soldiers Discover A Harry Monster On The Beach

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ufo Sighting In Derby England On June 4Th 2013 Two Glowing Orbs

Ufo Sighting In Derby England On June 4Th 2013 Two Glowing Orbs
it was around 1am after going out for a smoke i noticed what i first thought was a star flashing rapidly in the night sky. after watching it for about five minutes i came to realise that it was flashing to violent and to close to be a star. after the first five minutes passed a second object that looked like the first one came in from the left and stop within a couple of meters of the first craft, then the second object stopped and stayed static for a couple of minutes until it started to flight to the right, after the object moved out of my field of view (behind houses) the first object started to fly in the same path of the second object. being as this isn't my first encounter of a ufo i wasn't two shocked about seeing it as im a strong believer that we've been visited.(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Armstrong Manitoba Bizarre Object Moves Erratically

Armstrong Manitoba Bizarre Object Moves Erratically
Posted: February 11, 2008

Date: September 17, 2007 Time: Approx: 11:20 p.m.

Location of Sighting: Armstrong, MB. Number of witnesses: 6 Number of objects: 4 Shape of objects: Circles.

Full Description of event/sighting: My friends and I were having a bonfire outside. The sky was super clear and all the stars were very visible, and like usual I would gaze out into the stars, staring at the big dipper. Then I noticed something weird. Just over to the west I saw a blinking light, at which I was sure was a satellite. Then it stopped and slowly went east, then as fast as I could see, it shot downwards to the S/W just over the Skylake pig barns. It must have been at least 50 feet off the ground, just over the tree-line. My friends saw me staring and they saw it too. We all ran into the house to tell my parents but my Aunty came outside instead, at first she didn't believe it. But then now everyone was outside, the light slowly moved up and down then side to side and changing colors. The colors I've never even seen before. But the weird thing was on both sides of the sky we saw 4 blinking lights headed towards the object. All of a sudden the light vanished, but appeared just over the field in the back yard and then shot up. The blinking lights also vanished also.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kevin Randle The Roswell Dream Team Apr 17 2012

Kevin Randle The Roswell Dream Team Apr 17 2012
Kevin D. Randle is a retired lieutenant colonel who served in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot and in Iraq as a battalion intelligence officer. Randle studied journalism at the University of Iowa (BA). He earned a Master's degree in psychology, as well as a Ph.D. from California Coast University and a second Master's degree in military studies, from the American Military University. He began writing for UFO magazines and eventually moved onto books. He has appeared on countless radio and television programs. He is one of the premeir Roswell researchers. His worked has even been featured on a Showtime movie. We will talk about how his interests in UFOs began, the formation of the new Roswell Dream Team and more. His blog can be found UFO UFOs Roswell UFO News Paranormal

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Crop Circles In Chicoana The Repeating Phenomena

Crop Circles In Chicoana The Repeating Phenomena
Crop Circles found in 2011 in Chicoana is the third time of this place. It was in 2008 when crop circles were first seen in the area and the second time happened in 2010. The three crop circles sightings always accompanied by aerial lights. However, in 2011 there were hundreds of witnesses and images and covering more hectares of the area than ever before.

Leonardo Pellegrini, land-art expert, said that the crop circles were impossible to create in different areas, in a single night and unnoticed by people who are interested to catch anyone who plans to make crop circles in complete secret. In considering the concept that crop circles are man-made, Pellegrini stressed that it needs a large group of people compose of very good artists to materialize such art.

Draftsman and sculptor Jose Serrudo also believes that such extraordinary crop circle designs are not made by humans. He said that the distances are immense and hundreds of people would be required to perform perfect designs of crop circles.

In 2008, a study was commissioned by provincial civil defense and local intendancy aiming to examine the possible existence of hazardous activity. The study was spearheaded by Jorge Anesi from Geological Prospecting and Radiometry Department of CNEA. Anesi reported radiometric readings and the readings were constant in all areas checked. Anesi, however, believes that crop circles phenomena are related to the wind and not to extraterrestrial (c) 2011

Related posts:

* UFO Allegedly Found Flying Over Crop Circles at Chicoana, Argentina

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


IN THE WILDS OF NORTH AMERICA a mystical ape-like creature hides in the shadows. Standing over seven feet tall and having an immense, muscled body, it should be hard to stay concealed. Many that see him say he just disappears into the background. Like a man, he walks upright, but the short black hair covering his entire body indicates he is no homo-sapien. No bodies, bones or remains have ever been found despite more than two centuries of searching. The only evidence we have of this mythical beast is its huge tracks. That is why the creature is named 'BIGFOOT'.

Like many legendary Native American monsters, Bigfoot is a central part of indigenous traditional tales. They call him 'Sasquatch', the 'hairy giant of the woods'. But it was his early personal introduction to European settlers that sparked off real interest. In 1811, David Thompson, a white trader, was in the north Rocky Mountains when he spotted a set of massive 14 by 8-inch footprints. Over many years, the tales of Sasquatch spread and on 4th July 1884, the Daily Colonist newspaper in British Columbia was proud to announce that a train crew had caught a strange beast. In reality, the stocky, black-haired primate that they trapped was probably just a chimpanzee.

The American and Canadian mountains gradually grew awash with stories of Sasquatch appearances; there were even reports of gangs of strange creatures attacking people in the forests. The Sasquatch phenomenon was never solely focused on the idea of a single creature, and people have always considered there might be a breeding colony. At that time, the mystical beasts were primarily of interest to lumberjacks, miners and those who lived or worked in areas where it had been sighted.

That changed in 1958 when Jerry Crew, a bulldozer operator working in Humboldt County, California, made casts of the bizarre footprints he had found. A local newspaper photographed Crew, and his picture was syndicated across the United States. The sight of a man holding a plaster cast record of the tracks of a mysterious beast started the modern Bigfoot legend. But if Crew's discovery helped to launch the myth, it was an episode nine years later that sealed Bigfoot's place in the American consciousness.

In October 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were riding on horseback through Bluff Creek, north California. They were in the area specifically looking for Bigfoot. Suddenly one appeared in their path, and Patterson was thrown from his horse. Whilst Gimlin kept a rifle trained on the beast, Patterson quickly regained his footing and ran towards the creature, filming all the time with a cine camera they had taken with them. The result is perhaps the most enigmatic evidence yet. The footage shows a large hairy biped slowly strolling into the undergrowth. Experts who have closely studied the film suggest it is a female Bigfoot, as two mammary glands are just discernible on its front.

Although the evidence is startling, many have questioned its authenticity. Some experts believe, if the film is played at a slightly faster speed, it could easily be a human in a costume. However, aspects of the footage are quite amazing. For example, biotechnology scientists have said that for a creature like Bigfoot to walk upright it would need an extended heel. The creature on the film has an extended heel.Experts in the industry initially expected the film merely to be special effects, but they have been unable to find any tell-tale signs that it is a hoax. Similarly, a group of Russian scientists who attempted to determine the correct speed of the film came to the conclusion that the creature really did have a long, lumbering gait. However, Gimlin himself has entertained the possibility that he might have been an unwitting participant in a hoax orchestrated by his friend. This we shall never know as Patterson died of cancer in 1972.More recent sightings of the ape-man have taken on a new and bizarre twist. People have reported seeing UFOs in the regions of Bigfoot appearances. Also, the creatures are now said to have bright red eyes and be carrying glowing orbs. This may seem a strange development, but Sasquatches were always reported as having a quality beyond the physical, and it has always been suggested that when they die, Bigfoot bodies vanish into the ether. This is a shame, because to really accept Bigfoot's presence, the world needs to see some hard, physical evidence.

