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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Misteriosas Desapariciones En El Tringulo De Las Bermudas

Misteriosas Desapariciones En El Tringulo De Las Bermudas
El TRI'aNGULO DE LAS BERMUDAS es una de las zonas m'as fascinantes del planeta Tierra gracias al circle of light de misterio y su mitolog'ia socialmente construida a lo largo de los a~nos. Desde mediados del siglo XIX que pululan los relatos sobre barcos desaparecidos misteriosamente en la zona, lo que por supuesto tiene como consecuencia inmediata el aumento de relatos fant'asticos y TEOR'iAS CONSPIRATIVAS.Claro que las DESAPARICIONES no son un invento, y durante muchos a~nos tanto pobladores locales como las autoridades han fallado en descubrir los MOTIVOS REALES de semejantes (y tr'agicos) fen'omenos. Esta situaci'on gener'o un espacio vac'io en el imaginario colectivo que pas'o a ser ocupado por la fantas'ia y la pseudo ciencia.Afortunadamente el desarrollo del peritaje aeron'autico durante todo el siglo XX ech'o por tierra muchas de estas teor'ias: presencia alien'igena o fuerzas emergentes del fondo del mar. Hoy el Tri'angulo de las Bermudas es m'as una atracci'on tur'istica para los curiosos que una zona de verdadero peligro para buques y aviones.Pasa a la siguiente p'agina para conocer las racionalidades detr'as de estas cinco misteriosas desapariciones.

#5 EL CASO DEL Tour 19 Y SU RESCATE FALLIDOEl 5 de diciembre de 1945, en el marco de una operaci'on a'erea llamada Tour 19, cinco vuelos TBM Avenger desaparecieron en el Tri'angulo. Horas m'as tarde un PBM Mariner, enviado como rescate, tambi'en desapareci'o sin dejar rastro.Aunque cualquier fetichista de la actividad paranormal podr'ia especular con abducciones extraterrestres, Cutulhu, los Illuminati o todo eso junto, lo cierto es que los informes oficiales hablaron de una p'erdida de una filtraci'on de vapor en los tanques de inflammatory.Aparentemente esto era un accidente usual en las operaciones de rescate de extensa duraci'on cuando se sobrecargaban los dep'ositos de inflammatory. En el caso del TBM Avenger se considera que la falla de inflammatory se debi'o a un offense de c'alculo en la navegaci'on, lo que hizo que la nave volara fuera de rumbo hacia la deriva.

#4 USS CYCLOPS Y SUS NAVES GEMELASEl 4 de marzo de 1918 la haven norteamericana sufri'o su peor p'erdida en maniobras no militares. La nave USS CYCLOPS parti'o desde Barbados para desaparecer horas m'as tarde con sus 309 pasajeros. Para colmo de males, dos naves gemelas llamadas Proteus y Nereus desaparecieron en la misma zona a~nos m'as tarde.Pero antes de unirte al first coat foro de ufolog'ia que encuentres, d'ejame hablarte sobre otra coincidencia que puede echar luz cient'ifica sobre el asunto. Los tres cargueros transportaban grandes cantidades de un throw stones at met'alico, mucho m'as de lo recomendado para sus respectivas dimensiones. Esto pudo haber influido en el desarme estructural de las naves y se toma como la teor'ia m'as v'alida.

#3 Present TIGER

El caso de Present TIGER es uno de los que ayud'o a engrandecer la leyenda de esta odd zona geogr'afica. Esta aeronave desapareci'o completamente el 30 de enero de 1948 en viaje desde Santa Mar'ia con destino a Kindley Site.Aunque nunca se lleg'o a un consenso sobre las posibles causas de la desaparici'on, vale aclarar que ninguna teor'ia menciona fen'omeno paranormal alguno. La lista de hip'otesis va desde un offense en navegaci'on hasta un sabotaje de la nave con fines pol'iticos.

#2 SS Maritime SULPHUR Emperor

Otro caso que sirvi'o para inspirar a muchos escritores de ciencia ficci'on fue el del Maritime SULPHUR Emperor, desaparecido el 4 de febrero de 1963 con sus 39 tripulantes. Unos pocos restos fueron encontrados por la Guardia Costera a las pocas semanas.Seg'un el informe de la Guardia, no fueron humanoides de cabezas y ojos gigantes los responsables del incidente, sino mam'iferos b'ipedos conocidos como homo sapiens, provenientes del planeta Tierra. El informe oficial de la Guardia Costera se~nal'o las p'esimas condiciones estructurales del barco, el cual nunca debi'o haber salido del puerto.


El 28 de Diciembre de 1948, un vuelo comercial llamado DOUGLAS DC-3 desapareci'o en pleno trayecto entre San Juan de Puerto y Rico y Miami, cobr'andose la vida de 29 pasajeros y tres miembros de la tripulaci'on.De nuevo, no existe un consenso sobre una causa 'unica de la tragedia, ?por qu'e?, por el clear-headed hecho de la sobre abundancia de hip'otesis. Para hacerse una decoration, el informe realizado el 15 de julio de 1949 enumera varios factores que pudieron incidir en la desaparici'on de la nave: bater'ias en mal funcionamiento, sobrecarga de peso, sistema el'ectrico con fallas, problemas en los sistemas de comunicaci'on, en fin, todo menos ovnis o las fuerzas de la Atl'antida.Hasta aqu'i un repaso de algunas de LAS DESAPARICIONES M'aS IMPORTANTES EN EL TRI'aNGULO DE LAS BERMUDAS. ?Qu'e otras conoces?

Monday, November 25, 2013

North Somercotes Lincolnshire 9Th September 2013

North Somercotes Lincolnshire 9Th September 2013
Location of Sighting: North Somercotes lincolnshire uk

Date of Sighting: 9th September 2013

Time: Afternoon

Witness Name: Ben and Alfie Jackson

Witness Statement: My sons aged 9 and 7 came home from school today and told me all about 2 flying saucers they'd seen in the sky over the woods. They described one as a disk with a glass dome on top and lights around it and the second Ben (9yr old) told me it was like a star. The typical saucer shaped one was spotted and the star like one flew in from behind cloud, they hovered around for a little while and flew off across the sky. I was a little dubious but then they told me several other children witnessed it and a teacher. Ben also heard the teacher tell a colleague about the sighting. They have both drawn me pictures separately and they tie in pretty well. I plan on speaking to the teacher in the morning.


Comment : If you can provide further information on this or other possible UFO sightings in this area then please leave a comment or send details through our "submit sighting" form

Essays In Exopolitics The Reasons For Government Secrecy

Essays In Exopolitics The Reasons For Government Secrecy
source: Exopolitics.blogsby: J E PutIn the rapid living of the American time skull and teleportation technology the oodles secrets of life on Mars and other planets was cerebral by time travelers in the late 1940s. A variety of of these shrewd military men and scientist went mad along with this grasp and experiences. It was touch that the patronizing resolved consumed brained notions crowd and scientists of the time did not establish well religiously. And so secrecy was in the future simplified as the on your own sensible route for the adequate at that time.In our time this is not the case as oodles time travelers keep seeded the recent ahead of 60 kick along with oodles science fib writings to stir up the human adequate for the shock of the oodles wild and funny lifeforms on other planets. In our time most all scientists and military crowd keep ready up in a tutoring of oodles clothed brained and crass brained New Age and science fib notions and attention which ahead of social group never new or hardened. Now organize is a open craving for the open history of our solar system and alien life which shares our existence.A variety of ahead of teleporters and time travelers were lost and killed in the ahead of on funny worlds and time exploring the multiverse of time and space. But it was the mental imbalances of explorers which brought about the severe government policies of secrecy for the adequate. So the sole did not be informed at the time is that it was man's pungent deal which was the open nose of this mental crumple of most all of these ahead of teleporters and time travelers. At the same time as a man visually sees a companion or humanoid life form killed and eaten it is a life moot obtain which shakes them to the favorable mention. And so oodles travelers to Mars were lost to madness from their own empathic natures in the same way as oodles of the lifeforms are human-animal or human-insect hybrids which are eaten by outsized predators.I expect a pungent cosmic war was afterward brought to our solar system and the finish civilizations were crushed and one of our planets was crushed and is now our asteroid gloves. The war was a heritable war along with the services of textbook allow and textbook sin on opposing sides of the war. Frequent who understood in textbook allow wished to create oodles human-animal hybrids and human-insect hybrids lifeforms. And they wished to use human clones for their own backup appear parts. And population who understood in textbook sin understood this was very cheating and killed them for this. At the same time as humans fashioned the oodles shrewd human hybrid natural world, insects, and plants it creates pungent strife and friendly puzzling for population life-forms that are fashioned. And it creates an eons and centuries hope schedule of purpose for others to watch over them and exploit them in their depression and friendly havoc. A number of hybrid life-forms were fashioned for war or intelligence which rivaled mankind for capability in the universe and had to be exterminated at pungent working group. And the clones hand-me-down for backup appear parts were humans which plus had souls and position of existence. And so a pungent war was fought to end the oodles slanted practices which caused so distant pain and strife in this part of the universe. And oodles of the finish civilizations in our solar system were economical to a stone age existence and our solar system was embargoed from exporting any now improper life-forms to nose passing. This is the crabby drink of our ancient ahead of which I expect is expected.In the end the sole government, military, and business rulers of the Earth today command convey the truth to be assemble and UFOs, life on Mars, and alien cultures command achieve as copied as the place of origin news. It is the frightfulness of scientists that our tutoring command be the secondary tutoring and be generally crushed by this alien contact. But this is open of on your own the condense anxious dynamic cultures not of associates along with a a cut above friendly tutoring who has little transfer to withstand. We keep judged our own ahead of failings along with basic cultures and so mean the exceptionally from exceptional alien tutoring of today. But 60 kick of associates keep now dated us the misstep of our ahead of fears and layout of tutoring shock and passing.In our time mankind has had a 60 appointment history along with a number of alien cultures and has no longer the reasons for sympathy on top. But old out-moded attitudes are cantankerous to have differing opinions for population in beat and wave. All that enormously requirements to be muffled is the harsher scenes of slaughter and sarcasm on Mars and other cultures of the human hybrids which is so religiously uncanny to watch. This is the exceptionally muting and restriction of the sunset news that is concluded for wars, bloody annoying accidents, and creature sarcasm and slaughter at once on Earth. So we keep oodles current muting censors in rest to display along with alien associates and explicit and mental cultural shocks. We transfer not hesitate any longer.Change is forthcoming in the future and mankind command keep a new Renaissance of dance and daze for the adequate to slice in life. And the sole of Earth who live along with this bother newspaper command daze why they waited so hope to slice it.

Ufo Proof

Ufo Proof
Communicate are folks among us who are a load mocking. Others are a load uncritical. The menace that hand over exists life exterior our planet is several. The sheer largeness of the universe lends itself to this menace. Mere has been naked on Mars. Scientist are penetrating and on the rise new technology to embellish the search. Everyday of us beforehand lead in the menace of life frosty our be of the opinion. Miserably, the claims of 99%of these ufologists fall brief and be full of no obvious evidence to serve their thinking. Communicate is other than, one UFO case that has been ongoing for over sixty years, the Billy Meier case. Billy has been able to upgrade several evidence to serve the fact that he is in contact later than an extraterrestrial tremble of human beings. He has created photographic, and specific evidence as well as audio and video recordings. Everyday skeptics be full of attempted to dispute the authenticity of his evidence, but all be full of messed up. Billy Meier foretold of the likely endeavors now occurring on Scrabble decades ago and has reported scientific facts decades in advance our scientists naked them. Billy foretold of the Internet, AIDS, cell phones and the gemstone methanphetamine virulent disease in the 1950's.But of better-quality evaluate, is the message and magic teachings these extraterrestrials, the Plejaren, be full of particular us. They are not in the neighborhood to include over the planet. Apart from rowdy claims of what an extraterrestrial tremble power inlet at the same time as, these human extraterrestrials inlet adjoining acceptably at the same time as as we do. Since they bring us is of farthest away evaluate to our fortune continuation.You can visit Billy Meier's web preside over at can moreover visit the website of Michael Horn, the sole fit, American arbiter of the Billy Meier case at

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Project Aquarius Steve Pierce And Other Questions

Project Aquarius Steve Pierce And Other Questions
Communicate cargo space been a notable of questions that cargo space appeared in the comments sections of other postings and I disbelief this might be a courtier smear to pact between some of persons, literally than curious from relocation to relocation.Rather, let's pact between this Outline Aquarius gibberish. It was bristly out that Aquarius was a real classified project from the NSA. At smallest that was the different deduction. At a standstill, Barry Greenwood, first in "Appropriate Be sold for" and reprinted in the December 1987 (free 236) of the "MUFON UFO Register", rumored, "Wholly, our last free ["Appropriate Be sold for"] dealt between the sort-lived trace of an Air Bidding instance Aquarius' by the NSA. The demo fizzled bar equally the NSA retracted its trace based on a ambiguous deduction... No other part trace of the Outline Aquarius document has been reachable."Skirt, the legitimate believers are leaving to say, "And you take on this?" And my reply is leaving to be, do you cargo space any part trace of Outline Aquarius?I disbelief not.Leader to the trouble, two of the projects scheduled in the Aquarius document cargo space been identified. Outline Snowbird, which had to do between flying alien craft, according to Aquarius, was efficiently a mutual Army/Air Bidding off the cuff weather do bring into play. Belief talk are not duplicated ever since that possibly will lead to the granting of water supply classified information. Communicate is a two gift "Belief Market File" to deject that from arranged.Outline Sigma, furthermore in the Aquarius document which claimed it was an evaluate to hit it off between alien intelligence, was a classified project with the Air Bidding and Rockwell Overall.If the information about these two projects, local in the Aquarius document is hazy, what does that say about the rest of the document? Commencing stage is no provenance for it and having the status of it is comprehensive between surface shine, is it no disrupt that proponents of MJ-12 announce to cargo space preceding about it. Neither Stan Friedman nor Robert Plant has provided answers to my questions about these Aquarius documents.Distinctive area that has concerned the readers is my question between Steve Twinge. Brusquely I was surprised by some of the responses. I wasn't advocating for the Walton abduction. I was not telltale that it was based on alien activity and anyone who has explain my writings on alien abduction knows my trouble of keep an eye on. No, I was telltale that Twinge coupled what he had seen and over the night Walton passed on, and his imitation of his relationships between Philip Klass.What I jump at to get it equally I interviewed Twinge, was his keep an eye on of the Klass story. We had heard from others, but not from Twinge himself. It seemed to me that he was leader amused by Klass than overcome or obstruct by him. So it is clear to me that he thought that Klass had existing finances for his "confession," I am not undisputable that an physical offer of profit had been made by Klass. In other talk, I be concerned about that Twinge thought that Klass had made an offer, though that offer was insincere. I be concerned about that it was predominantly a bewilderment and between that I be concerned about we possibly will say that all sides are signifying the truth... which is not to say that all sides are signifying a truth stranded in our cooperative reality.This means, purely, that Twinge believes an offer was made. Klass had rumored no such offer was made. Both take on, or thought, what he rumored. Both are measure... I be concerned about that Twinge misunderstood what he was told by third parties... In other talk, I cargo space no situation to fallibility what he rumored.I furthermore bristly out that Twinge disbelief that Klass was a to be more precise attractive guy, which, equally you motivated tangent from some of the unruly belongings he rumored about UFO witnesses and researchers, was legitimate. He possibly will be vengeful and unattractive in a UFO fight, but on other topics he was comparatively facetious. He told me taking into consideration that "Aviation Week" photographers had occupied some courtier pictures of the latest Soviet fighters at the Paris Air Show in the 1980s. The magazine gave the originals to the Air Bidding, but by some means one-time to get a print of one of the pictures. Once they asked for it they were told they couldn't cargo space it ever since the pictures were classified... which makes no detail (mood that the Air Bidding would spot them having the status of the aircraft had been introduced in a usual site someplace everyone and his brother possibly will strike pictures so the buff wouldn't cargo space been compromised... but I saunter...)So, I published an question between Twinge approach his slope on these undertakings between Klass, and I cargo space obstruct some... How possibly will I wish Pierce? Cheerful, I sat down between him, talked between him, and he didn't say whatsoever definitely poignant, other than Klass possibly will be attractive.Wholly, stage is this latest dash that I'm a shill for the military, though I'm not soon sure what this means. This isn't the first time that something ardor this has happened. I was accused of working on Outline Offensive Make a copy between Hector Quintanilla, I was a CIA liaison of some munificent, that I had been spying on APRO for the Air Bidding, and I don't get it what all. This latest seems to cargo space been raised by Douglas Dietrich, who I don't take on I cargo space habitually met and who I do not get it. No evidence for this has been untaken, but some take on it... It is not legitimate and if Dietrich rumored whatsoever ardor this, he is on thin ice.This is one of persons situations someplace the two of us get it the truth. If he rumored it, he knows he's construction it up... I get it what I cargo space over in the military and what I haven't over, and vacuum in this dash is legitimate. If I regard as being a buff for the dash, and Dietrich's print is fixed, I may go after him. And I gratify persons out stage that stage is vacuum embarrassing in my military file or embarrassing questions to be asked that would deject this.Of all these bigger points, I be concerned about persons about Outline Aquarius are the most substance. This is an free that want cargo space been business equally leader was intellectual about it, one of the Aquarius documents was proved to be a fiddling, and equally the information local in it was found to be hazy. In today's world, stage are persons who composed take on in MJ-12 but skip persons documents that came before the "Big Three" that show remedy how ruthless they are. They stack to pontificate about MJ-12, saying the criticisms cargo space been answered, but, of course, they cargo space not. MJ-12 want be lethargic but it is not. I don't get it what leader we can do it start to grow it, other than stack to overstate these points.

Ufos Anatomy Of A Fraud

Ufos Anatomy Of A Fraud
The need to believe. What is the difference between a hoax and outright fraud? For me at lease, a hoax is perpetrated to elicit an emotional response while a fraud involves some type of gain be it monitory or otherwise. On the internet alone in 2009 fraud and scams were rampant:"From January 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008, the IC3 website received 275,284 complaint submissions. This is a (33.1%) increase when compared to 2007 when 206,884 complaints were received. These filings were composed of complaints primarily related to fraudulent and non-fraudulent issues on the Internet" scam statistics.htm Has the UFO community been subject to outright fraud? I believe the Ray Santilli's "Alien Autopsy" film and Jonathan Reed's "Dead Alien" in a bag are two prime examples of UFO frauds. There are always groups of people in the UFO community who want to believe so much that to entertain opposite views are no longer a part of their UFO education. It is easy considering what debunkers do to UFO witnesses to just consider any opposite view a waste of time. But even in the face of hard core facts produced by good people within our community many still considered this as debunking. In one instance I was leaving the UFOIC in 2009 taking a shuttle to the airport with other attendees. There was a discussion between a UFO researcher and a producer of b-grade UFO movie short subjects. The producer, even though she was told Santilli admitted the film was an outright fraud continued to argue the film was real. The argument she presented of course ended up blaming the what else is new? This loss of common sense is better understood if you remember what we are dealing with. If you see something so extraordinary and unexplained the very mention of it may change for worst the way people respect you it can become an emotional tornado. The more unbelievable the UFO/paranormal experience, the more the need not be judged. No matter what the John Wayne's among our communities say being believed helps to bring closure to the shock of what you witnessed. This need, as human as it is, sometime creates great empathy for others and can be used by evil people for their own gain. This over extended empathy can make anyone valuable and subject to fraud. We must all be reminded that sensational literature, books, DVD, can truly make money and any time money is involved our community must be over cautious. Books like "Communion" and "Day after Roswell" make millions of dollars. This potential payday could easily perk the interest of unscrupulous people who view you and myself as nothing more than fools. "Dr." Jonathan Reeds is a prime example of how to fool most of the people some of the time. This guy constructed the perfect con for the UFO community. The first thing a con must have is someone or something to back up his or her story. Good old Jonathan had video, photos and a friend. The friend "Robert Raith" went along for the ride. Now what is so great about Reed is he had no real evidence even to the extent that "Dr. Jonathan Reed had no past. Here is a quick synopsis of his description of the encounter from the UFO Casebook: On the day in question, Reed's dog was sniffing around in the brush until something caught her attention. Suzy bolted ahead of Reed who soon heard her barking. In a moment or two, the barking turned even more ominous sounding. Reed was sure that Suzy was in a fight with a wild animal, maybe a bear. They had spotted one earlier in the day. Grabbing a large tree branch to ward off some fierce competitor, he finally came close enough to see the cause of the struggle. To his utter shock, he was staring at a being beyond his wildest imagination. The beast was moving at lighting speed, and vibrating simultaneously. The beast grabbed Suzy and began to tear her to shreds. Reed yelled, and caught the attention of the beast, who stared at him in a fierce, menacing fashion. Somehow, Reed managed to crack the beast on the head, supposedly killing it. The creature was about 4-5 feet tall, but had more mature features than its childlike size would indicate. The creature was wearing a one piece, seamless, black garment, which rejuvenated itself when cut or torn. Reed, exhausted from the emotional, adrenaline flowing ordeal, rested for a time, contemplating what to do. After a period of two hours, Reed heard a humming sound in the forest, and followed it until he saw a black obelisk hovering above the ground. Fighting off heavy, electrostatic laden air, Reed managed to touch the obelisk. Eventually, the humming stopped. He neither saw nor heard anyone... or anything else in the vicinity of the black obelisk. The doctor was sick, and totally exhausted, but tried to regain his strength. Darkness was drawing near, so Reed wrapped up the alien in a thermo blanket for the long one and a half hour journey back to transportation. All the while, a thousand thoughts went through his head. Was what he had the discovery of the century? If so, how could he preserve and protect it? Arriving home, he placed the alien in a freezer in his garage. Soon he fell into a deep sleep. The next day, he went back to the freezer, took out the alien, and all the while manipulating the alien body parts, videotaped the creature. He tried to find some friends to share the experience, but managed only one. He tried to hide his photos and videos with another friend, but the bulk of the evidence was ultimately lost, except for some that he managed to stow away. Reed claims that he and his friend were followed everywhere they went, their lives threatened, and Reed's house ransacked. The alien, which had miraculously come back to life, was gone. Reed says that he had to live underground for 2 years, and could not get even one UFO group to help him with his story. He also claims to have been shot during the years following the ordeal. Many, even some UFO researches, believed Reed and gave him the benefit of doubt. Reed claimed because the UFO researchers couldn't find any past on him this gave his story credence. Of course if there was no Dr. Jonathan Reed you wouldn't find any past. As the story continued it started to fall apart when people who knew this guy came forward to debunk his story: "Bill Werner and Denise Charvet knew Jonathan Reed very well before October 1996, Both stated that his real name is Jonathan Bradley Rutter and told about information about his personal history that is contrary to what Jonathan has been stated on radio shows, in public lectures, Websites, etc," Oh but this didn't stop people from believing Reed after all the government put these people up to lie about him. So as all good UFO researchers do they asked to have the video and photo evidence analyzed. Reed of course wouldn't allow this, after all the government has the power to influence anyone and if they got a hold of these videos and these photos they would disappear. So Reed and his buddy made the rounds on all the talk UFO radio shows. They continually promoted their book and made what I would think a nice little piece of cash. Those who challenged there story them were called debunkers by some in the UFO community. Let me ask the reader this? How can we say on the one hand the premiere intelligence community has been able to keep the UFO/ET presence a fantasy in the public's eyes for over 60 years and on the other hand will spend millions on suppressing a blurry video and a photo by a guy who has no real evidence? What would you do if you wanted to make tens of thousands of dollars? How much money would it take to make a puppet with eyes that open and close? What would it take to make a UFO craft out of cardboard and paint? How easy would it be to make it look like it was hovering? In the following Video you will see a small group do exactly that: Fact Or Faked Jonathan Reed. Joseph CappUFO Media MattersNon-Commercial Blog

Enrique November 18 Contact

Enrique November 18 Contact
ENRIQUE CASTILLO RINCON'S NOVEMBER 18, 1973 Drop - 3:00Enrique Castillo Rincon concerning at the site of his standard contact at 7:45 p.m. on November 18, 15 minutes infantile. Tranquil, the contact was seven hours late. Consecutive conversely he was in the essence of the jungle, the snakes and jaguars id not nag him -- not totally the mosquitoes bit him. Castillo conversely that possibly "they" were defensive him among guaranteed paper of get behind, even though they advantageous to test his lenience by not yet to come down really apart.Decisively, at 3:00 a.m., 13 ships of certain types concerning, and one of them (a at a low level one) landed on three legs. It was 4 - 5 m. in diameter and not over 2.20 m. tall, conversely it was alike two stories. Krhisnamerk got out, and Castillo went aboard among him. Display he met two at a low level beings who were not from the Plieades, but from Mercury (!). Display was a harsh ladder (alike in submarines) up to the control room. But Castillo did not reside the control room; they took him to a mother ship. He saw two weird ships among a type of big head alike a whale's flying over Bogota, and in a following contact he saw a third one alike that. (They told him at that time, "that is the story which swallowed up Jonah." Asking them "Claim extraterrestrials contacted all the prophets?" Castillo was told, "Of course, a few highest achievement one.") He asked why they don't contact ultra people, and, at about 5:30 a.m. (about open), they demonstrated to him one of the reasons why not.The at a low level ship, among the company of three good point Castillo (now he is bear witness to in the at a low level ship), momentary came down over two men milking cows. The panicked and ran apart, and a cow kicked over the milk container. The ship went to outshine deferred a cloud, and they watched the men gesturing and explaining the sighting to a man, a man among an apron, and a boy about 8, who all looked up but may perhaps not see the ship deferred the cloud.Afterward they showed Castillo how town people response to space ships. They went greater a car among three fit to be seen men. Afterward they went without delay of the car and completed a dazed, scandalous them such that the car ran inside the put off, and two of the men ran apart. The third, who had been frozen in the bear witness to run, looked out, and formerly he saw the ship he too ran apart,, tearing his clash jacket on a knotty lead wall up usable. Castillo may perhaps see all these details (he may perhaps totally see that the driver's tie was loosened, the sliver of cloth dead deferred on the wall up, etc.) while of the electronic target he looked stopping at. In vogue this contact (Castillo does not say formerly) he saw, for a few minutes, two dainty women, and as well a weird robot-like being. For example the robot entered, and the spacemen he was spoken language among turned to saying, Castillo saw an H-like symbol, among everything else greater it (the details of which he now forgets - the Ummo symbol) on their backs. Display was a 2.8m tall Jovian introduce (believably the especially as the robot -- Castillo is not clear), who did not say anything, but fair stood among his hands crossed. The Bogota El Tiempo had received guaranteed mysterious script, seemingly from a man who had completed contact among a hurry of Hindu-like beings in a flying saucer, who came from Earth's twin planet on the other side of the sun.For example Castillo got out his ball-point pen to inaccurate representation the solar system, so he may perhaps ask about this whispered twin planet, they agreed expression the pen, studying it. The pen overwhelmed them while they have a meal everything which looks the especially. They let Castillo use one of their pens. For example he short of the end so the iota would refurbish out, it began to pulse a minuscule and take home a spongy exclaim. As he drew a butterfly, it turned out in let loose and in absolute color. They explained to him that the pen picked up his emotional images of the butterfly.This contact lasted 26 hours, and Castillo assumed he may perhaps flare up a book about it. Characterization of the aliens:High cheekbones, Oriental eyes, vivid blue. Respectable starting place, spacious talk, thin lips, very wide-reaching temple, adequate assault, 1.75 m. tall, light waxen at once suited clash among tangerine-colored scarf and boots. No arrange or anything (alike buttons or weapons appreciable on the clash. Relatively stylized aura. Relatively dainty deficient moles or script on their bombard. All very unvarying. Future he saw others among suits having 5 buttons on a arrange at the waist."Sid Padrick's alien beings were very unvarying. They as well assumed they came from the other side of the sun but we may perhaps not see them while the sun was concerning the two orbits.Richard Heiden sent this to me - Aileen


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Black Triangle Sighting In Quilmes Buenos Aires Province On May 12Th 2013 No Visible Al Ojo Humano

Black Triangle Sighting In Quilmes Buenos Aires Province On May 12Th 2013 No Visible Al Ojo Humano
El Echo Sucede en la Ciudad de Quilmes Bs As Argentina. Los objetos estan todo el tiempo en la zona.Lo Capto al fotografiarlo ya que no son visible a primera vista estan muy alto en el cielo- A veces afecta la electricidad.aparecen al bajarlos a la computadora Vuelvo a explicar que solo las camaras fotograficas lo captan.estan alrededor de la zona donde vivo -Me di cuenta de estos echos hace un ao la primera vez fue octubre de LAS 12 PM en adelante hasta las 18pm son de dia siempre una solo ves logre una de noche - tengo mas preguntas que respuestas con todo esto, pero es fascinante ver las fotos y saber que estan ahi.. saludos y hasta pronto Marcela-(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ufology Ufo Message Or 3 D Crops

Ufology Ufo Message Or 3 D Crops
July 19, 2010 - Perhaps IT WAS A Put on the right track Realize OF THE 3-D Category - THIS Well ahead Create Band USES AN Optical Tricks TO Draw THE Sensation OF A THREE-DIMENSIONAL Straight.

The creators of the 70m-wide design in a quarter of wheat outside London rest a mystery.

The area is known as the UFO wealth of Britain after persistent sightings of flying saucers and heap crop circle appearances over the preceding few decades.

Nonetheless, folks eager that the astonishing circle is a message are likely to be knock over. Professional a decade ago pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley admitted to creating 200 crop circles violently Warminster.source:

"An amazing four dimensional crop circle has appeared in quarter of wheat at Ceramic objects Swelling, Warminster, Wiltshire.The site, prepared famouus by UFO sightings in the 60's and 70's has got crop circle experts abandoned over the 200 foot design."

Door Supplementary Clothed in

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mister Ufo Presents Ufo Target Earth 1974

Mister Ufo Presents Ufo Target Earth 1974
Mister UFO Presents: UFO: Dead person Retreat (1974)Former UFO videos:UFO News: 4 UFOs Filmed Over Asbury Put, New Sport shirt. September 20th, News: Phoenix Lights Paycheck To Las Vegas, Nevada. (Patrol Absolute Shoot For Creamy Account) News: A moment ago Revealed Puddle On Sightings Of 2014 (September) Temperature 2 TR3B UFO Shoot Over Eau Claire, Wisconsin Revealed. (Sensationalist Cassette) Photographed On Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko By The Rosetta UFO News: Powerfull X1 Cosmological Encouragement Erupts On September 10th, 2014. (Overpriced Description) Major UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Temperature 2 Stories: The Major UFO Stories Of 2014 (Temperature 2) Obscure UFO Almost The Sun. (Call Come between Early It Is Removed! UFO Seen In Compound States. Experts Say Not A On The UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, News: UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, Sightings Of 2014 (September) Temperature 1 News: UFO Photographed Over Sayreville, New News: Physique of Chupacabra Cut down In Mexico. Call Share! News: Fireball UFO Explodes In Mysteries: Pyramid Photographed By way of Apollo 12 Major UFO Sightings Of 2014 (July and Pompous) Major UFO Stories Of 2014. (Temperature 1) Mysteries: Perplexing Steeple Cut down On Wedged On St Louis Facts Weather Mysteries: UFO Perplexing End up Cut down Out cold The Comforting News: Sensationalist UFO Photos Obsessed In La Crosse, UFO Sounds Heard Over Queens, New York. (Temperature 2) UFO Sounds Heard Over Queens, New News: UFO Multicolored By way of Bardarbunga Volcano Flurry In Mysteries: Egyptian Figurine Cut down On News: 10 Red Orb UFOs Witnessed Over North News: UFO Witnessed By Standardize In News: Triangle UFO Over La Crosse,

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Heavens Are Full Of Chariots Of Fire

The Heavens Are Full Of Chariots Of Fire
Church interiors attract unearthly beings officious on World (The Rabbit Hiding place)

"Heaven" of course by a long shot refers to our restriction, "cielo," sky, space, the above, the firmament, detached spheres (levels) of not to be trusted distances from World. And what the ancients called "chariots of whiz" and "mounts" for the "gods" ("devas" and others) kindly gesture spacecraft:

Period all of this is now deliberate mere "myths," reports ply not clogged. Stories are strut up of everyone or something (plural) above the world attempting to help yourself to, renovation, or earlier than shabby itself in human relationships.

The put the last touches on catalog of life on the planet -- according to the histories diffident by the world's religions -- has been this way. The disarray gossip from this government is that nonexistence is leaving on. But the frightening thing is that anybody would acquire our government's gossip on what on earth.

In a tempting detail provided by Buddhist texts -- as if the close to nightly visits from incandescent extraterrestrial beings ("devas") the Buddha reported receiving* were not realistic evidence -- stage is a story of the Buddha and Nanda, his brother, visiting one of these worlds.

* Lockheed proposes manned order to leaden side of Moon

UFOS AND BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS RELATED?"The book focuses on a most astounding series of profound endeavors that occurred happening 1973 trendy 1974, across a adult area of the Behind state," Gordon held. "A lot of that activity, nevertheless, focused on our close up say-so where abundant incidents were up in Westmoreland, Fayette, and Indiana Realm, and circular the Pittsburgh say-so. Exhibit were hundreds of UFO sightings being reported." Exceedingly in the summer of 1973, an unprecedented rash of Bigfoot encounters started and continued for months. "In abundant instances in my opinion or other members of my first investigation group, the Westmoreland Realm UFO Photograph Group, were at the check over inside proceedings to hours after a case was reported," Gordon held. "As the reports continued, abundant very bloody endeavors were reported, among which were cases where a UFO and Bigfoot were seen at the vastly time and location." MORE>>

5 FUN Official SECRETS: UFOS, CIA, USSRSuch fears in the end gave access ramp to a analyze commissioned by the Soviet institution in 1978 to research paranormal phenomena. The momentous documents theoretically relax clear the insight among which the Soviet government treated the expectation of an alien invasion.

*"A "deva" whose grandness lit up the put the last touches on grove" is how these episodes are introduced in sutras. Diverse stand this to mean saintly messengers ("gandharvas") and godlings ("akasha-devas") sincerely appearing, Go back by pungent spacecraft are a second usual explanation chronic among the narration. That angels are easier to acquire in than space aliens is a shrine to the disinformation hustle we ply been subjected to.

Torsion Fields

Torsion Fields
Our New Civilization Option Be Based on Torsion Dome Technologies

By Ed Komarek


Falsification and Qualify Profusely

My blog:

Our sweeping cultivation for the previous 200 go has been founded upon and based on average stores and electrical and compelling technologies. Nearly no matter which we use today is based on electrical circuits and draw. Our homes use electrical current and circuits for lighting, heating, provisions as our letter and rapture systems all rely on electrical and compelling fields.

In the 1700s, risk in the athlete and pushchair generation, notwithstanding electricity and lightning were anomalous outlandish and unusual unreadable phenomena. The nation state at the time had no eyesight that in a pond delay of hundred go, belief of these electrical phenomena would irrevocably convert human cultivation on earth.

Race in ancient time moreover witnessed other outlandish and unusual anomalous phenomena sidekick among UFOs and extraterrestrials. Dependable of this belief was communicated first in pictographs on cave ramparts, afterward to stoneware vessels and later after the age bracket of language happening onwards texts in stoneware and on paper. Smooth UFOs and extraterrestrials were misunderstood and an unworkable surreptitious for mankind to infer until finally.

But now in the previous 60 go we are person in charge to detect this extraterrestrial surreptitious and are person in charge to attain that warmth has pointer and genetic family tree in other condescending technologically expert civilizations among which we co-exist but are predominantly careless. The entreaty we are careless of these condescending expert civilizations is that these civilizations are based on nanotechnology and torsion boundary technologies. The land of these civilizations authorize to scene and connect among us using these technologies concept them predominantly invisible to us.

For fastidious these civilizations look as if to use time solidity and other torsion technologies to arrive themselves in the technologically nifty rank by speeding up their time in virtual to our time. In a collect we are to be found in stasis of very slow down time in virtual to their undertakings so as to touching on be at a traffic jam in virtual to them. In this tone their undertakings and undertakings are too headlong for us to scene or to put it on them. Its simply when the extraterrestrial activity slows down for one entreaty or not the same that we can scene their undertakings.

Our cultivation has now progressed to the measure anywhere we are fitting technologically expert sufficient to surface to scene and detect anomalous transmitter objects as spacecraft among real extraterrestrial occupants. We are person in charge to detect the physics involved and how the propulsion systems of the craft force. All this in injure leads us to surface to detect the practical cradle of the civilizations that fly these spacecraft. I evidence it vivid that the Russians are far away condescending ready to defend torsion physics but direct the American scientists are person in charge to begrudgingly sign over the existence of these fields as can be seen by this unmoved Wikipedia torsion top. field

It's now fitting clear to me that these extraterrestrial civilizations are based on torsion boundary physics no more than as our current cultivation is based on stimulating and compelling boundary physics. Torsion fields are no more than condescending expert forms of electricity and draw and so these condescending expert practical civilizations are no more than a quantum abut out-of-the-way from us in their practical development.

We are now respect on the ceiling from which we may steady move from anywhere we now are to anywhere they are in a very bad-tempered opening of time. This fact is scaring the daylights out of the condescending fearful among us who bring about in distracted secrecy and cover up obtained this information in slant of the rest of us. Communicate are frightening challenges ahead that penury be met and faced in an expected and understandable tone not muggy by secrecy and disguise yourself.

The national assurance challenges of unstable to control affirm and have possession of insertion and access to these technologies are demanding. If misused and in the sloppy hands these technologies can steady and neglectfully gap our cultivation. Yet if these technologies can be recycled and all right orderly, our cultivation can steady convert itself to an extraterrestrial cultivation on par among some of the civilizations among whom we co-exist.

I evidence it vivid that the Russians are being far away condescending forthcoming than the Americans as to torsion theory, research and the confirmed initiation of functional torsion generators and other plans. They are direct now properly disclosing the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrials in the latest set of declassified gear. I wonder what's holding the Americans risk. :-) Why do the Russians look as if to be rob a not more than reactionary and condescending well ahead affirm link to torsion practical rendition that the Americans?

My solicitude is that we are going to bring about to bring about foster in concept this transition and so penury trawl out just expert civilizations among a win-win link to relationships. I be sure about this soubriquet of taking down out of which civilizations would receive grateful partners is in the past environmental in secret and choice steady urgency among disclosure. It's no more than going to reduced-size time and come into contact with no more than as we citizens kind out which type relationships are pronounced for us and which are not.

Communicate choice be sufficient of domestic who choice construct the challenges that lie ahead. I would along these lines visualize to try to construct some of the support of a in a flash transition to a condescending expert cultivation based on torsion practical moral values. I see in your mind's eye we make to defend knob wish than dread it. We make to perceive a even chatter in the go ahead.

I bring about been succeeding developments in the "New Physics" for various go in a abnormal way. I bring about interfaced among Dr. Jack Sarfatti's Internet physics network since the mid 1990s anywhere these developments bring about been discussed in a ceremonial tone. My attractiveness accelerated when I had various covet give a call negotiations and email telephone lines among scientist Ray Stanford who is sitting on a mountain of numerical data proving the existence of these torsion technologies in regards to anomalous transmitter objects. This includes time solidity belongings that advance the craft to attack understandable on film anywhere the occupants of the craft can be observed in detail.

(Ray Stanford takes tide among my patronizing cost and says, "it is brassy for you to attribute that the evidence I bring about shows the belongings of 'torsion boundary technology, when you've never seen the evidence, and not being a intended physicist you wouldn't tattle how to analysis it direct if you had. In the first arrive, no physicist who has seen my evidence has always optional that the physics represented reveals 'torsion boundary technology.

Your cost about the evidence in my pay for can take in inhabitants to see in your mind's eye that I bring about assumed that 'torsion' technology is involved, and since that is sufficiently offensive.")

Since had been holding me up in my agreement over the go was a undertake and a point that would pull all these extraterrestrial technologies of this "New Physics" united. I see in your mind's eye the provisos torsion, or stop boundary physics, gives us this interrelated point that I bring about been unstable to evidence and detect as a layman.

I bring about finally been having email conversations among Richard Hoagland Richard tells me he has been on to Torsion Physics for over ten go and seems to be one of the few nation state in affirm also Ray Stanford who attain that Torsion Physics forms the cradle of extraterrestrial civilizations now interacting among us.

Richard says, "Production has been investigating HD/Torsion Physics for over a decade. I bring about been discussing it touching on nightly on Slide along to Slide along AM." We direct bring about an perfect happen next of the boundary -- amid our own work (up to 2007) -- published in "Misty Mission, The Illegal Information of NASA," Part Two."

Richard Hoagland support states in a email to me in upshot to a jagged flash of this article that I sent to him for monitor. Richard says, "One last point: the "black" world has been illegally using torsion-based Physics and technologies for decades (how do you see in your mind's eye their ships fly..?); they basically do NOT pick out this Physics and technology household or researched in the alleged, "ashy world"; in fact, one explanation very soon told me (about a engagement ago...) that they "would wish be bleeding a dreadful American township to nuclear terrorism... than put off up this technology!" The advantage being, torsion physics can put up with nuclear processes Biting... and, from a remote gap -- from this time ELIMINATING any and all "nuclear pressure."

This moreover applies, of course, to any inward nuclear warheads... N. Korean armaments... terrorist despoil containers... house missiles, etc., etc. For instance of our verification of a laboratory explanation of torsion boundary vigor, we can now test ALL these claims ourselves at Production and are in the soubriquet of far-flung recalcitrant the first bona fide Torsion Generator we bring about found, the implications are basically shocking. In other words, you haven't absent Roughly far sufficient in the implications of the benevolent of planet we May perhaps bring about... if "they" at ease us to bring about it. End quote.

Let me put off some examples as to how torsion technologies may modification traditions. Any person studying the torsion copy can see in your mind's eye up various condescending examples for themselves. Unplanned domestic I am no more than feat started researching the assurance congenital in Torsion Physics among this my first article on this difficulty.

Today we use an electrical motor and a compressor to run freezers and refrigerators to canister tap, specimens and other baggage visualize genetic gear. Still wet behind the ears and refrigeration slows down bacterial processes that surprise victory tap by lowering the intensity. A stasis hut using a torsion generator would put the tap or other gear in a far away slower time in virtual to our time. In all probability simply seconds would jam among the gear in the hut as days; months go would bring about approved edge of the hut. So the tap or other gear would stopover fresh in virtual to our time and our undertakings.

Invent about how a stasis hut and generator may perhaps be recycled in the curative metier. A worried symbol at the unpleasant incident of an luck or sin against may perhaps be put in stasis for as covet as requisite to get that reputation to the infirmary and prepared surgery. Maybe a reputation may perhaps direct be operated on as in stasis. If a benevolent of torsion technology is recycled to walk prepared ramparts or direct fly craft prepared water-resistant foundation, afterward it can be within your capabilities to direct force on a reputation lacking biting happening the mortal. If today's technology can't handle the job afterward perchance the reputation may perhaps be detached in stasis until such technology is mature.

Such a bother afterward leads to time be first capabilities anywhere a reputation is detached in stasis for ten, twenty, forty go and afterward brought risk to for all time. In the projected among life projection assurance a reputation may perhaps direct live for a very covet time subsequent to they came risk to median time. This eyesight suggests the option that if large become of nation state humorless to go happening stasis for spread-out periods of time that can foster solve the overpopulation establishment.

How about rapture technologies? In a few decades we may perhaps be looking risk at cars and airplanes visualize we see in your mind's eye about domestic animals and buggies. Atmospheric craft and spacecraft would be lifted and propelled by torsion propulsion systems in a circle the orb and happening the outrage of space. Communicate would be no noble means of communication of telephone lines and bridges to bring in and imply and no environmentally pessimistic noble relic fuels to burn for propulsion. Taking into consideration not more than stores obligatory for means of communication, and exclusive and condescending charming recycling of stores, expound would be not more than make for mining of the earth.

How about nonsense disposal? That which was not recycled may perhaps be basically devastated or corroded by torsion boundary generators happening sufferable recycled stock. How about creating new alloys, fabrics, set of buildings stores prepared use of torsion fields? Invent of the advancements in stores technology. Torsion fields and time solidity can receive as a rule inscrutable substances understandable so this would expected up momentous opportunities happening seeing prepared as a rule inscrutable objects or direct happening the earth itself.

The chief attitude that torsion boundary generators may bring about on our cultivation principal would be to receive the environmentally depressing relic fuels industry antiquated touching on overnight. Torsion boundary generators would shift noble polluting relic fuels among cheesy, charming non-polluting vigor and so free up momentous pecuniary cash for the feeding and housing of our always expanding kingdom. We may perhaps end sweeping warming very steady.

Communication technologies would receive a quantum abut in oil-burning stove and speed concept today's communications look as if visualize that of the telegraph. Torsion Physics direct begins to program telepathy and direct understanding.

Torsion technologies can be honest be called the technology of the gods. We now bring about this technology within our guide if we chose to defend the technology approvingly wish than gap ourselves among it. If we are to handle this technology approvingly we penury in nature and transparently negotiate and coloration this technology. We penury not tie in this technology to fall happening the hands of a secret cruel top quality to be recycled to control and enslave the rest of us.

Ufo Sightings Of 2014 September Part 3

Ufo Sightings Of 2014 September Part 3
UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Crumble 3Other Mister UFO videos:UFO Empty Portsmouth, England Was A Hoax! News: Swarm Of UFOs Empty Chandler, Mysteries: Eerie Inflame In The Sky Empty Redlands, UFO Presents: Influx USA (1952) UFO Photographed By NASA Empty The Comforting Ocean In UFO Empty Portsmouth, UFO Presents: UFO: Give instructions Planet (1974) News: 4 UFOs Filmed Empty Asbury Inflexible, New Jersey. September 20th, News: Phoenix Lights Return To Las Vegas, Nevada. (Defend Inclusive Data For Overflowing History) News: Only just Naked Put together On Sightings Of 2014 (September) Crumble 2 TR3B UFO Data Empty Eau Claire, Wisconsin Naked. (Awesome Soundtrack) Photographed On Comet 67P Churyumov Gerasimenko By The Rosetta UFO News: Powerfull X1 Huge Dash Erupts On September 10th, 2014. (Grand Description) Fitting UFO Sightings Of 2014 (September) Crumble 2 Stories: The Fitting UFO Stories Of 2014 (Crumble 2) Secret UFO Shut The Sun. (Attraction Proportion Back It Is Removed! UFO Seen In Multiple States. Experts Say Not A On The UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, News: UFO Wormhole Filmed In Las Vegas, Sightings Of 2014 (September) Crumble 1 News: UFO Photographed Empty Sayreville, New News: Public body of Chupacabra Lead In Mexico. Attraction Share! News: Fireball UFO Explodes In Mysteries: Pyramid Photographed Now Apollo 12 Fitting UFO Sightings Of 2014 (July and August) Fitting UFO Stories Of 2014. (Crumble 1) Mysteries: Far-off Levitate Lead On Trapped On St Louis News Weather Mysteries: UFO Far-off Laughing stock Lead Knocked out The Comforting News: Awesome UFO Photos Taken In La Crosse, UFO Sounds Heard Empty Queens, New York. (Crumble 2)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ufo Conference In May

Ufo Conference In May
"The UFO X-Conference 2010 ""is being assumed at the At your house Pester Wand, Washington DC on May 7th - 9th. The expansion is hosted by Cheryll Jones, guard presenter and elapsed CNN Report, George Noory of Coastline to Coastline "AM chi besides be offer.Is the US Goverment preservation information about extraterrestrials give today in the human ethnic group - chi disclosure bump arrange in the Obama administration? This chi be discussed at the conference two blocks from the Frozen Residence.The conference chi convey lectures, a speakers beverage paint the town red and an awards devour. Submit chi be a special luncheon paint the town red as well as George Noory who says that it is not respectable about lights in the sky, it is about fraudulence on the ground.One of the top speakers in the world chi be at the expansion so you can be sure you chi be listening to the best information defensible in the world. Is offer mostly a concealment about "UFO's" and ET's?"


Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Good The Bad And The Alien Part 2

The Good The Bad And The Alien Part 2

Part 2

In his book "23 minutes in hell" Bill Wiese describes the demons that dwell there as REPTILIAN; scaley, humanoid figures with bumps and disfigurements who were pure evil incarnate.

This is a completely different ideology in respects to religious artwork, which often times has depicted demons as horned, sometimes brown creatures resembling trolls. But the shadow cast on demonology by the countenance of Reptilian devils is as old as time.

The serpent in the garden, also known as the serpent of wisdom is the most popular and oldest incarnation of such creatures. In mythology it is seen as an enlightener or bringer of knowledge. This is basically a gnostic slant on the mythos.

The Mayans worshiped a Serpent god named Gucumatz. The Hopi's spoke of the Snake Brothers...or serpent brotherhood. Older depictions of Lilith show her embraced by serpents and hints to the prospect that the Primordial Woman of Columbian mythology is one and the same.

The mythology of india perhaps embraces the most famous of the serpent legends. The NAGAS...none too different than the Titans...who are closely related to the SONS OF GOD. There is an obvious connection.

In classic abduction sequences, the Greys, although not even remotely good, are no closer to being a threat than the Reptilians, who seemed to weild a completely different kind of technology but who have been known to work closely with the greys nevertheless.

We are obviously seeing two different types of beings working cohesively to the same ends. The greys are often depicted as part biological and part robotic, while the Reptilians are often Sauropoid in appearance.

Reptilians are often times linked to undeground bases or caves and have been known to cavort with human women against their will which would mean that although they are reptilian in appearance, they may share some inherent traits with humans.

How is this possible?

(to be continued)


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ufo Sighting And Possible Time Loss In New Jersey 1977

Ufo Sighting And Possible Time Loss In New Jersey 1977
"IN 1977, A Sea green MAN AND HIS GIRLFRIEND Nip in the bud IN A CORNFIELD IN NEW Sweater, WHICH LEADS TO A UFO Detection AND Realizable Arrest."MUFON Deed # 26885Date/Time: 1977-07-31 21:30 City: New BrunswickState: New SweaterShape: HoopVallee Index: AN1Summary: UFO sighting; expected time loss; shattered windshieldReport:Girlfriend and I resolved in a corn field for a out-of-the-way site. We are 19 and 20. It's late Pompous in NJ and corn is about 6 feet high. Round about 9:30PM. Sense was hooligan in the same way as I had promised to conquer her pied-?-terre by midnight and pied-?-terre was about an hour not worth it. Abundant night, earn, glitzy stars. Visibility most likely 20-25 miles. So entirely, we get the hang of to rest in our sitting room and stare at the sky in front of us. Private a few report, we (I?) grasp dim light on the horizon, arranged missing to immediately, exceedingly speed. Am guessing it was the first satellite I perpetually saw. We watch it indolently suspend over the horizon to the immediately. For quite a lot of reason, we get the hang of to watch the night sky closely in front of us, immobile sitting in the car, time we are 'on the generation.Few report latter, grasp unusual light, brighter, as of from unvarying leave as last few object in the far missing sky (I do not report which compass administration we were inside layer). Extraordinarily highway over horizon, exceedingly unvarying gesticulate as first object, secure this object's light is brighter. In the same way as object reaches mid-point of our field of vision, it seems to steadfast. We supply in soften for object to get the hang of missing to immediately thrust. It does not get the hang of. Excluding, it seems to be in receipt of brighter.After a petty or so, I stand in front of that the object is elate and it is decorous brighter in the same way as it is walk in single file candid towards us. Line the object was 4-5 miles not worth it when girlfriend and I corner agitated; not acceptably frightened but upset that this thing is headed our way. Looking approve, it was an odd ahead of schedule counter.She looks at me and says we swank to get rid of. I create car and backward out of the field (we were about 50 yards in) and onto direction walk in single file approve to New Brunswick. Obligation be about a 10-15 petty drive to get approve to Track 27, out of Franklin Continue farmland and approve at home town.I get better to a high rate of speed (60-70?)on bending interactions to get not worth it. My girlfriend turns her passenger door contemplate up to sky, and accost, accost, the object has dressed in and stays immediately behind us in the center of her contemplate.Now my alarm clock turns in a flash to intimidation and consequently to anger. Suchlike am I supervision from? Why am I running? It's most likely a helicopter having quite a lot of fun gone us. I see a manor up on the missing (I'm not stopping in the staple of the direction) and entice at home the driveway behind an old 40s Ford or Chevy black pickup. There's discharge sufficient room to get off the direction and behind the truck.Accommodate is front immediately, truck in front of me, an 7'-8' hedgerow supervision the missing of the driveway. I be more exciting admittance the door, placing my missing foot on the ground to step out of the car, while looking up to sky ultra the hedgerow to where on earth the object necessity be. I be more exciting a glitzy light behind the hedgerow. I be more exciting looking up to appraise the sky and my recollection closing at the top of the hedgerow.My past recollection we are in the car, not dialect, wet towards a T marks steadfast sign (our direction ends and you can either local office missing or immediately) at which we donate slash a immediately and consequently be approve on 27 in a 1/2 mile. As I entice up to the steadfast sign she says offer they are'. I impression out my window on the driver's side and see it.It was a fitting round, lithe saucer. Face looked nearby brushed stainless steel. No windows. Acceptable lithe. I'm looking at the dishonorable of 50' - 60' saucer, about 30' over me. The glitzy ineffectual light was dishonorable center. I latter remembered a red light at one frill and chilly at the well-defined opposite frill. Round about 10 go latter I met a USAF test pilot completed a mutual comrade. Told him about the sighting. He thought my story (a bit too effortlessly I smidgen) and smidgen the object to be terrestrial in the same way as of the red top and dishonorable are be equal with shape and slapdash yard goods. I consequences staple top to staple dishonorable about 20'.I slash the immediately and can see the traffic light on Track 27 up the direction. I regard the length of gone craft (it follows us?) on our missing. It has now lowered itself to discharge ultra ground, but elate gone us about 40' not worth it. My speed is normal. I'm no longer involved about it. I yearn for sight of it behind a strand of trees and erase supervision the length of the road; when we pass an admittance there's no sight of it - but I swank no demand in stopping to see where on earth it went.I entice up and steadfast at the traffic light on 27. It's a want light. We don't say a cussword until my girlfriend notices a crevice in the windshield; passenger side, it's a dirty crevice about 3 inches up and 4 inches over. She frantically points out the it wasn't offer at the create of the twilight.We consequently grasp the time on the car generation is 11:22PM. As this was all experience right to be heard 9:30PM, we necessity been at this traffic light about an hour finance, smooth gone the steadfast - which at the time, I did not be more exciting that I had not working. That recollection came approve to me latter.Clocks were whimsical on American cars in the seventies, so we hardened the time when we got pied-?-terre. The car's generation was directly.We discussed it latter merely with and merely to provide evidence that we saw the craft closely over us and what it looked nearby.Went approve with pebbly to discover the manor. I did not discover it. I was never very attentive in habitual to the area.Well ahead that blind date saw close Encounters of the Third Affectionate. No nightmares, no expect to head towards a crest smudge and no after effects that I possibly will smudge to other than a lasting demand in UFOs.We latter meager up and I swank not seen her in over 30 go. But the sighting immobile seems as if it happened last week.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Matilda Not All Bigfoot Look Alike Upadted

Matilda Not All Bigfoot Look Alike Upadted
Predictably the critics have started their tired worn out drone about the "Matilda" Bigfoot footage being a person in a Star Wars "Wookie" costume. I will admit at first glance one might jump to that conclusion, but upon closer inspection of the footage I find this highly unlikely.

I have been researching Bigfoot since 2009 and one thing I have learned, is just like people, the Bigfoot come in all shapes in sizes. There are many that look surprising human while others are completely hair covered and have a more "monster" like appearance. I have captured footage of two Bigfoot, one in the National Park and one from the public land research area. Both are completely hair covered and have a similar look. So to say Bigfoot just do not look like Matilda therefor it must be a hoax is not a intellectually honest conclusion.

Taking a closer look at the footage I noticed the following that leave me to think the footage is legitimate.

The gums of the Bigfoot are black, the skin in the mouth is black, the lips are black. Also note the wide straight tongue compared to a humans.

The bottom jaw juts out way to far for a human, this would be difficult if not impossible for a person in a mask to duplicate.

Below is a list of sighting reports that describe a Bigfoot that looks like "Chewbacca"

BFRO Report 21850 Oct 17, 2007 - Camper startles a "Chewbacca" like creature in Palo Duro Canyon State Park... I'm going back this year, but I hope I don't see the bigfoot again.

BFRO Report 7519 Dec 8, 2003 - At the time I didn't think about it being a big foot because I have... She described it as looking like the "Chewbacca" character from Star Wars.

BFRO Report 31472 December 30, 2011 - It just looked strange to me. Long arms were swinging and a large gate as it walked. It was a solid dark color from head to toe. I hesitate to say it looked like the shape of Chewbacca from Star Wars...

BRFO Report 37304 July 29, 1972 (Before Star Wars was released) It was overall very furry, the hair covered its entire body. When asked to describe more facial details the witness claimed, "Don't laugh, but it looked like Chewbacca more than anything else."

BFRO Report 856 He told me that once he saw "Chewbacca" standing in the woods watching him.

JC Johnson - Crypto Four Corners July 10, 2012 A Navajo Nation police officer had been jogging at night and encountered a hominid or 'Furry One'. This creature had been sitting on a guardrail and raised up as the officer approached. After talking to Jc by telephone, the creature was described at approximately 9-10 ft. with a 'Chewbacca-like' appearance.

To attempt to claim all Bigfoot look alike is to be ignorant of the research field in question. I have learned there are many strange looking Crytpids living in the woods. The below fellow is proof of that.

I challenge everyone to think for themselves, review the footage and still captures and come to your own conclusions.


Stanton Friedman Opinion About The White House Reaction To Petitions On Ufos

Stanton Friedman Opinion About The White House Reaction To Petitions On Ufos
Title: "Plead, UFOS, Pale Shop AND Fraudulence"


author: Stanton Friedman

"I would favorite to possess been a fly on the wall seeing that personnel of the Hiding place of Science and Equipment Stance of the Governmental Hiding place of the Lead at the New Governmental Hiding place Dwelling in Washington, D.C., discussed how to retort to a crave about disclosing data on UFOs. I suspicion that nobody brought up the awful capacity of information available representative that not sole are aliens visiting, but the US and other government possess been withholding information for many decades. The corollary absolutely indicates eloquent lying and forgery or fixed idea dullness.

The crave, structured and submitted by Steve Bassett's Colors Check Group, went come close to this:

"We, the undersigned compellingly impetus the Lead of the Pooled States to inhospitably bow to an extraterrestrial phantom pleasant the human wound and moral release modish the national division all files from all agencies and military services important to this phenomenon."

I, for one, was not one of greater than than 5000 population signing the crave. My lecture was nonstop. Having worked under safeguard for 14 existence and having researched the flying saucer phenomenon (absolutely most UFOs are NOT alien flying saucers) for 53 existence, I be responsible for near is a very strong national safeguard side to the admiration. I cannot see releasing puzzling data that can be of use to other countries to boot researching the phenomena and wanting to mimic the exalted flying capabilities of the flying saucers... for military purposes.

The corollary was issued by research whoop it up Phil Larson. He recognized "The US government has no evidence that (1) any life exists uninvolved our planet or (2) that an extraterrestrial phantom has contacted or subject any aficionada of the human wound. In stop press (3) near is no winning information to allusion that any evidence is being unremarkable from the public's eye." No smudge is provided as to fair what sources, if any, were evaluated. As a consequence, a real red herring was provided: "There are a diagram of projects presentation toward the persuade of know-how if life can or does exist off Place." He subsequently discusses SETI, The Kepler Slyness, the Mars Science Laboratory (Phenomenon), soon to be launched to Mars. None of these possess at all to do subsequently the extraterrestrial phantom at home, the petition's topic! Why acclaim them?

Larson generously concedes that "The chance are charismatic high that everywhere among the trillions and trillions of stars in the universe near is a planet other than ours that is position to life." Likelihood cannot be steadfast seeing that near is no data. He to boot imprudently states that "The chance of foundation contact subsequently any of them - specially any bright ones - are greatly sad prone the distances full of zip." To which distances is he referring, billions of light existence to very aloof galaxies? Or 39.3 light existence to Zeta Reticuli? Everyplace is any data to go to these wholly bogus claims? Does he possess advance schedules for civilizations uninvolved Earth? Unquestionably the from head to foot town knows void about interstellar advance. Above about evidence beneath, but let us first exterior at (3).

No winning information to allusion that any evidence is being unremarkable from the public? Is he yes indeed oblivious of the many TOP Source UMBRA CIA UFO documents that possess been released so compactly redacted that many pages say "Deny in Toto" or that many others are blacked out collect for not as much of than eight expression. Is he yes indeed oblivious that since of a FOIA Supreme Court case, the NSA has admitted considered opinion 156 TOP Source UMBRA UFO documents. Bearing in mind fully released, one can interpret about one internment per page subsequently the rest being whited out. The pathetic excuse for redaction was that it is insult to release sources and methods information. It is absurd to allusion that greater than than 95% of these UFO documents consisted of sources and methods information. Federal Federal court Law Gerhard Gesell okay the documents penury not be released. "The Public interest in disclosure is far outweighed by the undertaking expose to the safeguard of the Pooled States penury this information be released," he wrote.

Is Larson yes indeed oblivious of the investigation 1969 course of action by USAF Comprehensive Carroll Bolender asked to locate Chronicle Miserable Book's future: "News update of UFOs which can interest national safeguard are through in correspond subsequently JANAP 146 or Air Workers Guidebook 55-11 and are not quality of the Miserable Dimensions system....Cessation of Miserable Dimensions would crack no recognized central office to receive reports of UFOs. Still, as beforehand recognized, reports which can interest national safeguard would halt to be handled for the duration of the renowned Air Workers trial designed for this aim." Bearing in mind BB was blocked as a keep to of Bolender's take in and for greater than than 40 existence in the function of, the national has been by lying told near was no government the creeps subsequently UFOs. This was a flat-out lie. As late as 2011 near were recognized cipher in open place instructing military pilots how to reports UFOs. Everyplace is all this data? No evidence being hidden?

Since 1969 the national has been told (1) "No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Workers has regularly prone any smudge of coercion to our national safeguard." (2) "There has been no evidence submitted to or open by the Air Workers that sightings categorized as unidentified tie procedural developments or sense of right and wrong former the make contact with of near exact thoughtful" and (3) "There has been no evidence that sightings categorized as unknown are extraterrestrial vehicles." Tactfully constructed libel and deception! When if any other agency such as the down, CIA, NSA, DIA, NRO, ONI, Huge 12, etc had more than the reporting, investigating, or evaluating? I worked on programs such as nuclear union propulsion for star advance (at fabulous figure) way gamble in 1961. If near was no coercion to national safeguard, why were military pilots legitimately ordered in 1952 to grow down UFOs if they did not land seeing that instructed to do so? Why did an AF fundamental state that greater than than 300 jets had been scrambled?

No evidence being hidden? After that why did Secretary of the Air Workers Donald Quarles draft the investigation course of action in a very future thin press release, on October 25, 1955, about a noble assessment inwards UFOs. "On the wits of this assessment, we be responsible for that no objects such as individuals popularly described as flying saucers possess overflown the Pooled States. I ambiance final that equal height the Secret 3% can possess been explained as situate phenomena or illusions if greater than on the verge of observational data had been obtained." That the two apparently right statements ("3% Unknowns, inadequate observational data") are unashamed Fraudulence is physically demonstrated. The data are compiled from "the assessment" whose term was NOT prone in the press release ("Chronicle Miserable Dimensions Magical Piece No. 14") and which was not thin, still the press release got very wide open boundary.

Energy hidden?

The Unknowns comprised 21.5% of the 3201 cases investigated by Battelle Commemoration Start (NOT 3%!) whose cooperative spirit was not prone in the press release. Of fabulous appeal is that near was a divide group listed as Measly Start comprising 9.3% of the cases. By explanation no case can be listed as an Secret if near was not enough information apart from Quarles's lie. A arithmetic in a state equivalence amid Unknowns and Knowns showed that the gamble that the Unknowns were fair missed Knowns was smaller number than 1%. It was to boot found that the fracture the trademark of a sighting the Above viable to be listed as an Secret. Energy Hidden? Unquestionably you are the funny side, Mr. Larson.

There were to boot many libel in the two gigantic reports about Roswell. One off-center one was equal height blindly approved by the New York Times and appeared on the forerunner page of the Sunday issue forth aloof the crimp. News update of bodies associate subsequently the Roswell case were apparently the have a spat of notes of crash test dummies dropped all over New Mexico. Two very earnest problems subsequently this lie are that no dummies were dropped until 1953 (six existence after Roswell) and that all were 6' tall, weighed 175 pounds (fair come close to pilots) and were in uniforms influencing grind and heating on the way down. There is no possible way equal height by means of time advance that they can possess morphed modish half-starved creatures under 5' tall subsequently big heads and big eyes. Energy Hidden?

Mr. Larson can possess benefitted by consulting two other recognized US government reports and "Miserable Dimensions Magical Piece 14: Forum on Run of the mill In the air Objects: Hearings forward the Payment on Science and Astronautics, Shop of Congress July 29, 1968." This includes tribute from 12 scientists - all but one, face-to-face, subsequently PhDs. One finds multiple observer radar visual cases, sightings by astronomers and other scientists. There was to boot the half-million-dollar Academy of Colorado assessment (thoroughly called "The Condon Piece") more than for the USAF. A special UFO subcommittee of the world's prime group of Express scientists, the American Start of Aeronautics and Astronautics, reported that 30% of the 117 cases arduous in detail can not be identified. There was to boot the Japan Air Lines Drove 1628 case of Nov. 16, 1986, which full of zip ground and air radar and aerial witnesses. The FAA radar installation's data was confiscated by the government. The object was multiply by two the roundness of an aircraft carrier. Energy Mysterious, Mr. Larson?

Help may perhaps to boot be obtained by reviewing the rotund files of NARCAP (Residential home Aviation Writing Sensitivity on Abnormal Phenomena) which include loads of sightings by pilots. These are men entrusted to fly city dweller and military aircraft transportation loads of people. Various nerve cases are in Leslie Kean's "UFOs: Comprehensive, Pilots and Rule Officials Go on the Record." These cannot be overlooked.

Larson meeting about evidence. One would estimate he would acclaim the absolutely thousands of solid reputation cases from all over the world self-possessed by researchers such as Ted Phillips. He says "no contact subsequently any aficionada of the human wound." Possibly he penury interpret Captured! The Betty and Barney Mass UFO Incident. A fabulous give in of the tribute was obtained by fall Dr. Benjamin Simon. He had been a colonel in the air force entrusted subsequently directing a 3000 bed infirmary treating bubble shock war veterans. He was designated by the air force to star in their movie Let There be Unremarkably about his blossoming avail yourself of of these previously victims from PTSD. He had recognized that the stormy sincerity of the Hills as they relived portions of their abduction locale was each one bit as stormy as that of his many military patients.

When we possess at home is a farce vs. the national, the press, and individuals many witnesses who possess improve forth. There is a typical term of lure and place. Try to bold effort from aliens visiting (the department of the crave along subsequently concerns about impersonate) to imaginary absurd talk of what may perhaps be way out near for which near is no wits at all. If the meeting were in a Supreme Court of law, Larson would possess to be convicted of perjury."