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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Milky Way May Have Several Planets Brimming With Life

Milky Way May Have Several Planets Brimming With Life
London: After analysing satellite data, an international team of researchers have calculated the probability for the number of stars in the Milky Way that might have planets in the habitable zone.

Their calculations, published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, show that billions of stars in the Milky Way will have one to three planets in the habitable zone, where there is a potential for liquid water and where life could exist.

The team from the Australian National University and the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen made calculations based on a new version of a 250-year-old method called the Titius-Bode law.

The Titius-Bode law was formulated around 1770 and correctly calculated the position of Uranus before it was even discovered.

The law states that there is a certain ratio between the orbital periods of planets in a solar system.

So the ratio between the orbital period of the first and second planet is the same as the ratio between the second and the third planet and so on.

If you then take the calculations further out into space, it would mean that just in our galaxy, the Milky Way, there could be billions of stars with planets in the habitable zone, where there could be liquid water and where life could exist, the team wrote.

"We decided to use this method to calculate the potential planetary positions in 151 planetary systems, where NASA's Kepler satellite had found between three and six planets.

"In 124 of the planetary systems, the Titius-Bode law fit with the position of the planets," explained Steffen Kjaer Jacobsen, PhD student at the Niels Bohr Institute.

In this way, the team predicted a total of 228 planets in the 151 planetary systems.

"We then made a priority list with 77 planets in 40 planetary systems to focus on because they have a high probability of making a transit, so you can see them with Kepler. We have encouraged other researchers to look for these. If they are found, it is an indication that the theory stands up," Jacobsen noted.

Out of the 151 planetary systems, they made an additional check on 31 planetary systems where they had already found planets in the habitable zone or where only a single extra planet was needed to meet the requirements.

"In these 31 planetary systems that were close to the habitable zone, our calculations showed that there was an average of two planets in the habitable zone. According to the statistics and indications we have, a good share of the planets in the habitable zone will be solid planets where there might be liquid water and where life could exist," explains Steffen Kjaer Jacobsen.

Using NASA's Kepler satellite, astronomers have found about 1,000 planets around stars in the Milky Way and they have also found about 3,000 other potential planets.

Many of the stars have planetary systems with two-to-six planets, but the stars could very well have more planets than those observable with the Kepler satellite, which is best suited for finding large planets that orbit relatively close to their stars.

Section: Sci-TechSpaceLocation: LondonYesNews Source: IANSTags: Milky WayGalaxyPlanetsHabitable ZoneTitius-Bode law

Expediente Oculto El Informe Cometa Un Informe

Expediente Oculto El Informe Cometa Un Informe
"From By Percy Taira" Entre los esc'epticos del fen'omeno "ovni" es muy com'un escucharles decir, que el fen'omeno "Ovni" carece de credibilidad porque no tiene bases cient'ificas. Es decir, que la falta de respaldo cient'ifico a este fen'omeno le quita ese peso que le... "Originally at"Equivalent * Reporte Videos OVNI 17/09/2012 * INVESTIGACI'ON OVNI. 30. OVNIS EN EUROPA. RUSIA. 6. * L'ovni de Heiligenstein - Le Abide by * Ovni, esta vez se vio en la wealth de la provincia de San Luis - Rafaela.comAMAZON AgreementUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Long-ago Examination (Volume)By Robert Powell Buy new: 29.95 Customer Rating: Novel tagged "ovni" by Robert M. Powell Customer tags: government disclosure(5), ufo(5), usa ufos(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), ufo coverup(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), history(2), ufo phenomenon(2), unidentified flying objects(2)Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Gush des Trilogies Universelles) (French Production) (Stir Production)By JN Paquett Clap for supervisor info Customer Rating: Novel tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Customer tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, mystery, french dialogue, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationRoute In The Sky (Hardcover Route in the sky (Hardcover)By George Scrape Williamson 1 cast-off and new from 69.95 Novel tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Customer tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean encouragement, space brothersJealousy To Science: The UF Jealousy to Science: The UFO Pepper (Volume)By Jacques ">3 cast-off and new from 1.51 Customer Rating: Novel tagged "ovni" by The Backer Customer tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, barely visible theoretical, manage line mystery

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Hessdalen Lights And Similar Unidentified Aeriel Phenomenon

The Hessdalen Lights And Similar Unidentified Aeriel Phenomenon
Hessdalen is a restricted valley in the central article of Norway. Along with 1981 and 1984, inhabitants of the Sully became involved and scared about outlandish, enigmatic lights that appeared at assorted locations close to the Sully. Hundreds of lights were observed. At the pinnacle of this activity represent were about 20 reports a week. No official found with clerical backing in Norway seems to be conscious in these outlandish lights. Five free researchers began their own research project in 1983 called Check out Hessdalen. A stripe investigation was carried out between January and February 1984. 53 light annotations were ready clothed in the stripe investigations. Lights are relaxed being observed in the Hessdalen Sully, but their pervasiveness has decreased to about 20 annotations a day. An impulsive fragment station was put up in Hessdalen in August 1998. According to Wikipedia the "Hessdalen Lights" are enigmatic lights (a type of Will-o'-the-wisp ) universally seen in the valley of Hessdalen, Norway. These lights are well recurring and support been recorded and thought-out by physicists. One explanation attributes the phenomenon to an in some measure designed inferno venture in the air concerning clouds of wash from the valley tile containing scandium. A number of sightings, in spite of this, support been identified as misperceptions of astronomical bodies, aircraft, car headlights, and mirages. However, assorted systematize these lights as UFO's and they show very solid personality to UFO's seen jaggedly the world. See the unmitigated details of Check out Hessdalen avoid out this Boundary Stylish is an spicy video about the Concrete Film & Abnormal U.F.O. Video recording Made known TO T Details


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Xv Dilogo Com O Universo Ter A Participao Especial Do Deputado Federal Wilson Picler

Xv Dilogo Com O Universo Ter A Participao Especial Do Deputado Federal Wilson Picler
" Participac~ao especial do deputado central Wilson Picler e do astr^onomo Ronaldo Rog'erio de Freitas Mour~aoUfologia, ci^encia e espiritualidade. Ser~ao esses os assuntos discutidos na XV edic~ao da s'erie Di'alogo com o Universo, que ocorrer'a entre os dias 13 e 16 de fevereiro, em Curitiba, Paran'a. No evento, promovido pelo N'ucleo de Pesquisas Ufol'ogicas (NPU)", ser'a realizado tr^es workshops especiais que abordar~ao assuntos como o Incomprehensibility da Terra Oca, Cosmo'etica e Energia C'osmica. Conferencistas conhecidos no Brasil e no mundo como a m'edica e sensitiva M^onica Medeiros, a psic'ologa Gilda Moura e o instructor universit'ario Salvatore De Volley discutir~ao temas como DNA - O C'odigo Customary, Transformadores de Consci^encia e o Poder da Atrac~ao e A Evoluc~ao Humana - 'E Chegada a Hora do "Conheca-te a Ti Mesmo". O evento ser'a realizado no Shooting lodge Lizon, na Av. Sete de Setembro, 2246, em Curitiba. Mais informac~oes podem ser obtidas atrav'es do telefone (41) 3324-0805 ou pelo communication
CONFERENCISTASS'abado - 13 de fevereiro13h00 - Credenciamento14H00 - WILSON PICLER (PR) - Graduado em f'isica, instructor e empres'ario no campo educacional best, diretor do Grupo Educacional Uninter e deputado central pelo PDT do Paran'a. 'E um dos idealizadores da Universidade Aberta Leonel Brizola. Foi respons'avel por in'umeras pesquisas no campo da psicotr^onica e do Efeito Kirlian, tema em que pretende desenvolver tese de mestrado. Presidente eleito para o Bi^enio 2008/09 da CWB TV.ABERTURA - Saudac~ao especial aos presentes.14H20 - REGINALDO HIRAOKA (PR) - Parapsic'ologo e instructor. 'E coordenador do curso livre de parapsicologia e de p'os-graduac~ao dos estudos da consci^encia das Faculdades Integradas Esp'irita (FIES). Especialista em educac~ao e em valores humanos e estudante de filosofia da Pontif'icia Universidade Cat'olica do Paran'a (PR).Tema - Exibic~ao e Raison d'?tre sobre o Document'ario Fator Desconhecido - Vida Ap'os a Morte.15H40 - MARCO A. PETIT (RJ) - Diretor da "Associac~ao Fluminense de Estudos Ufol'ogicos (AFEU)" e co-editor da Revista UFO. 'E membro da "Comiss~ao Brasileira de Uf'ologos (CBU)". 'E autor de v'arios livros, sendo seu 'ultimo lancamento "UFOs: Arquivo Confidencial [Colec~ao Biblioteca UFO]". Dirigente do "Instituto Galileo Galilei de Pesquisas Avancadas sobre Vida Extraterrestre (IGG)", 'e considerado uma das maiores autoridades na deal with ufol'ogica do Brasil.TEMA - A IGREJA CAT'oLICA NO RUMO DO CONTATO Basic.16H40 - INTERVALO17H00 - MAUR'iCIO GU'eRIOS (PR) - Ator, diretor, produtor, roteirista de films e TV com participac~oes no Brasil e emerge. Foi consultor e representante do astro norte-americano Steven Seagal e diretor de operac~oes do grupo sweet americano The Platters. 'E mestre em v'arias artes marciais, sendo 4^0 grau de faixa-preta em Aikid^o. Estudioso e conferencista internacional nas 'areas de religi~oes comparadas e ci^encias ocultas h'a mais de 20 anos. Possui doutorados nas 'areas de teologia, teologia com especialidade em divindades e letras.TEMA - REENCARNAc~aO: UMA VIS~aO Customary E CIENT'iFICA.18H20 - Encerramento do primeiro diaDomingo - 14 de fevereiro09H00 - WAURIDES BREVILHERI J'uNIOR (PR) - Bacharel em comunicac~ao companionable e jornalismo pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Documentarista, publicit'ario e consultor de comunicac~ao multim'idia aplicada `a vis~ao ecossist^emica e ao terceiro setor. Co-fundador do Instituto Amo Curitiba de Responsabilidade Extroverted para a Promoc~ao da Paz.TEMA - Cooperac~ao, Participac~ao, Solidariedade: Conhecimento e Di'alogo para um Novo Mundo.10H10 - Intervalo10H30 - RONALDO ROG'eRIO DE FREITAS MOUR~aO (RJ) - Astr^onomo e fundador do Museu de Astronomia e Ci^encias Afins (Tentacle), pesquisador e s'ocio titular do Instituto Hist'orico e Geogr'afico Brasileiro (IHGB). Foi diretor do Observat'orio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 'e autor de dezenas de livros, sendo seu mais recente lancamento "Astronomia Budista". 'E membro da Academia Luso-Brasileira de Letras.Tema - Astronomia Budista.12H00 - INTERVALO PARA O ALMOcO14H00 - RAFAEL CURY (PR) - Presidente da "Associac~ao Nacional dos Uf'ologos do Brasil (ANUB)", fundador e diretor do "N'ucleo de Pesquisa Ufol'ogica (NPU)", co-editor da Revista UFO e membro da "Comiss~ao Brasileira de Uf'ologos (CBU)". J'a realizou mais de 1.400 confer^encias no campo da Ufologia e paraci^encias, entre eventos, pesquisas, entrevistas e artigos. Recebeu o pr^emio Cidade de Curitiba, concedido pela C^amara Local de Vereadores pelos relevantes servicos prestados no campo das paraci^encias. Em 2001, ganhou o pr^emio Cindacta, como melhor confer^encia ufol'ogica daquele ano. Atualmente, 'e diretor de programac~ao da CWB TV em Curitiba. Em 2005, ao lado de outros uf'ologos, foi recebido pelo Comando da Aeron'autica, em Bras'ilia, oportunidade em que teve acesso aos arquivos sigilosos sobre UFOs mantidos pela Forca A'erea Brasileira (FAB).TEMA - OS GRANDES PENSADORES DA UFOLOGIA.15H20 - M^oNICA MEDEIROS (SP) - M'edica cirurgi~a formada pela Unicamp, com mestrado na Universidade de Illinois, em Chicago. Fundadora e presidente da Casa do Consolador, entidade filantr'opica universalista. Atua como mestra reikiana e presta aux'ilio a pessoas, entidades carentes e animais em sofrimento, atrav'es da ONG 'Arvore da Vida. Foi entrevistada da edic~ao UFO 145.Tema - DNA - O C'odigo Customary16H40 - INTERVALO17H00 - TITO FONSECA (PR) - Advogado, pensador e fil'osofo. 'E investigador e conferencista especialista em culturas antigas e religi~ao, tendo realizado estudos multidisciplinares especialmente sobre o budismo e o cristianismo.Tema - A Origem do Conhecimento - Uma Viagem M'istica sobre os Grandes Iluminados da Humanidade.18h20 - Encerramento do segundo diaSegunda-feira - 15 de fevereiro09H00 - LUCIANA MARIAN CARDOSO (PR) - Estudante de f'isica na Universidade Federal do Paran'a (UFPR) e astr^onoma amadora desde os 12 anos. Durante os 'ultimos anos, realizou pesquisas e proferiu palestras de divulgac~ao sobre astronomia em instituic~oes cientificas, em especial no Observat'orio da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG).TEMA - O UNIVERSO EM QUE VOC^e VIVE.10H00 - INTERVALO10H20 - Os uf'ologos A. J. Gevaerd, Marco A. Petit, Jaime Lauda, Rafael Cury e Toni Inajar formam um painel em que debatem a nova pol^emica sobre a chegada do homem `a Lua e seus monumentos secretos descobertos pela NASA e mantidos at'e hoje ocultos. Apresentac~ao dos recentes e pol^emicos document'arios "A Verdade Sobre a Conquista da Lua" e "Lua Misteriosa".Tema - Verdades e Mentiras Oficiais sobre a Lua.13H00 - INTERVALO PARA O ALMOcO14H00 - MARCO ANTONIO PETIT (RJ) - Diretor da "Associac~ao Fluminense de Estudos Ufol'ogicos (AFEU)" e co-editor da Revista UFO. 'E membro da "Comiss~ao Brasileira de Uf'ologos (CBU)". 'E autor de v'arios livros, sendo seu 'ultimo lancamento "UFOs: Arquivo Confidencial [Colec~ao Biblioteca UFO]". Dirigente do "Instituto Galileo Galilei de Pesquisas Avancadas sobre Vida Extraterrestre (IGG)", 'e considerado uma das maiores autoridades na deal with ufol'ogica do Brasil.TEMA - ASHTAR SHERAN - REALIDADE OU FICc~aO? 15H30 - PAULO H. WEDDERHOFF (PR) - Administrador de empresas e instructor de fundamentos de administrac~ao. Executivo de promotion internacional, empres'ario no ramo de importac~ao e distribuic~ao de instrumentos para o manejo florestal. Membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Esp'iritas (SBEE) e colunista da revista "Ser Esp'irita".Tema - Quem Somos: Sob a 'Otica Esp'irita.17h00 - Encerramento do terceiro diaTerca-feira - 16 de fevereiro09H00 - SALVATORE DE Volley (SP) - 'E formado em engenharia specialist e qu'imica. H'a mais de 30 anos pesquisa a geobiologia, deal with que lhe rendeu o t'itulo de Cientista Internacional do ano de 2001 em geobiologia, concedido pelo Cosmopolitan Biographical Core, de Cambridge, Inglaterra, onde concorreu com mais de dois mil candidatos. 'E autor de in'umeros livros, entre eles "Sinfonia da Energ'etica" e "A Energia C'osmica e Voc^e". Tema - A Evoluc~ao Humana - 'E Chegada a Hora do Conheca-te a Ti Mesmo.10H30 - INTERVALO10H50 - FRANCISCO ORTIZ (SP) - Mestre em comunicac~ao, administrac~ao, ci^encias sociais, biof'isicas e metaf'isicas. Pesquisador cient'ifico e tecnol'ogico, artist e engenheiro. Autor de 15 livros sobre sociologia, economia, ecologia, energia, educac~ao, ci^encia e tecnologia. 'E conferencista internacional sobre temas globais e diretor de renomadas fundac~oes e institutos. Especialista em gest~ao biodin^amica de organizac~oes.Tema - 2010-2020 - Contatos e Tecnologias Revolucion'arias.12H20 - INTERVALO PARA O ALMOcO14H00 - GILDA MOURA (RJ) - Psic'ologa cl'inica e hipn'ologa com muitos anos de pr'atica e estudos de grupos de transe, observac~ao e apoio a contatados e abduzidos. Foi co-diretora da Fundac~ao Kairos, da Universidade de Illinois, em Chicago, em um trabalho de seis anos sobre estados alterados da consci^encia e mapeamento erudite, pesquisando contatados, abduzidos, cirurgi~oes paranormais e m'ediuns brasileiros. 'E autora dos livros "Transformadores de Consci^encia" e "O Rio Subterr^aneo". 'E consultora cient'ifica do Centro Transdisciplinar de Estudos da Consci^encia (CTEC), da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal, e da Associac~ao Portuguesa de Hipnose Cl'inica e Experimental. 'E consultora da Revista UFO.TEMA - TRANSFORMADORES DE CONSCI^eNCIA E O PODER DA ATRAc~aO.15H30 - MARGARETE 'AQUILA (SP) - Musicista, compositora e cantora h'a 15 anos, portadora de uma voz suave e melodiosa, tema em que desenvolve seu trabalho without help desde 1998. Draw seu trabalho sweet com uma identidade pr'opria e o objetivo de promover um relaxamento e bem-estar aos que a ouvem. Estudiosa da nova ci^encia de musicoterapia, acredita que m'usicas suaves e est'eticas sejam ponte para a elevac~ao energ'etica do ser, e tem comprovado isso com muito sucesso em suas apresentac~oes musicais em espacos m'isticos, esot'ericos, culturais, centros de tratamento e cura energ'etica.Tema - Contatos Interdimensionais - Com Quem Estamos Lidando?16H00 - INTERVALO16H20 - A. J. GEVAERD (PR) - Presidente do "Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de Discos Voadores (CBPDV)". Fundador e editor da Revista UFO, a mais antiga revista ufol'ogica em atividade do mundo. 'E coordenador da "Comiss~ao Brasileira de Uf'ologos (CBU)", que lancou a campanha "UFOs: Liberdade de Informac~ao J'a", obtendo do Governo Federal substanciais documentos ufol'ogicos. 'E reconhecido internacionalmente como um dos uf'ologos mais atuantes do mundo. J'a representou o Brasil em eventos e pesquisas em mais de 50 pa'ises.Tema - Estamos Pr'oximos de um Contato Oficial entre Humanos e ETs?18h20 - Encerramento do Evento.
Sow especial 1O Incomprehensibility da Terra Oca e a Lenda de ShamballaCONFERENCISTA: Salvatore De VolleyLOCAL: Audit'orio do Shooting lodge LizonDATA: 13 de fevereiro - 20h30 `as 22h30.Courage 'uNICO: R 50,00 - Para reserva, habit o c'odigo WS1.Tem'atica: O trabalho retoma um dos assuntos mais controvertidos e desprezados dos 'ultimos anos: o mystery da Terra Oca. Embora se acredite saber tudo sobre nosso planeta, nada sabemos exatamente sobre o que se esconde em seu center. Existe um enorme n'umero de informac~oes, tanto a attack como contra esta hip'otese. Mas, ele faz objeto de patente concedida nos Estados Unidos e foi aceita e profundamente estudada por alguns dirigentes nazistas, comprovando a seriedade do tema. Por que os relat'orios do almirante Bird, de duas expedic~oes norte-americanas aos p'olos jamais foram publicados e o militar foi declarado louco? S'o agora, decorrido mais de meio s'eculo, foi obtido conhecimento dessas duas aventuras. Elas ser~ao apresentadas ao p'ublico. E, de acordo com o mystery da Terra Oca, ressurge uma das mais encantadoras lendas, a de Shamballa, o para'iso terrestre encravado entre os picos do Himalaia e apenas acess'ivel aos grandes iniciados, a terra onde vivem os deuses e semideuses, que sair~ao do center do globo para ajudar a resgatar a humanidade. J'a 'e break the speed limit de abandonar nossa sociedade puramente materialista para voltar a estudar tradic~oes antigas de todos os povos, altamente fascinantes. E se forem verdades?
Sow especial 2Cosmo'eticaCONFERENCISTA: M^onica Medeiros e Margarete 'AquilaLOCAL: Audit'orio do Shooting lodge LizonDATA: 14 de fevereiro - 20h30 `as 22h30.Courage 'uNICO: R 50,00 - Para, reserva habit o c'odigo WS2Tem'atica: Poucas coisas s~ao t~ao desejadas quanto o contato com as intelig^encias alien'igenas que nos visitam. Contudo, o contato em massa n~ao ocorre. Por qu^e? No contexto c'osmico, como a humanidade 'e vista? Por que tribos ind'igenas tiveram encontros com civilizac~oes c'osmicas e nada parecido envolve, por exemplo, a ONU? O que os in'umeros contatados fazem com o que aprenderam com os extraterrestres? O que 'e a s'indrome do contatado? No que acreditar e no que n~ao acreditar? A que grupo de energia pertencemos, e a que grupo dever'iamos pertencer? Como descobrir isto? Durante o set ser~ao realizadas algumas viv^encias com esta finalidade, tais como sincronicidade e resson^ancia morfogen'etica.
Sow especial 3Energia C'osmica: Inesgot'avel Medicina RealCONFERENCISTA: Francisco OrtizLOCAL: Audit'orio do Shooting lodge LizonDATA: 15 de fevereiro - 18h00 `as 20h00.Courage 'uNICO: R 50,00 - Para reserva, habit o c'odigo WS3.Tem'atica: Deixem a luz entrar. O uso consciente da energia c'osmica melhora a sa'ude, a sexualidade humana e a vida do planeta. As novas "tecnologias de luz" e o potencial de auto-cura restauram o equil'ibrio energ'etico e ps'iquico eliminando medos, ansiedades, ang'ustias e depress~ao, males da nossa 'epoca. Cria a vis~ao e as condic~oes para uma vida plena, em que o progresso e a felicidade v^em juntos! Alguns temas a serem abordados no set s~ao a origem e natureza da Energia C'osmica Customary, que se manifesta como energia original e d'a vida `a vida, gerando sa'ude e transformando medo e viol^encia em solidariedade e amor. J'a a energia org'astica gera prazer e prosperidade, e a energia da criac~ao pode curar nosso planeta, pois 'e a mesma que d'a vida `as estrelas, as gal'axias e aos infinitos universos. Temos tamb'em a energia qu^antica, que 'e inesgot'avel e limpa, e gera a energia spin-qu^antica antigravitacional. Al'em da energia da complementaridade, que atrai as pessoas para relacionamentos, ac~oes e empreendimentos, nos quais somam energias e provocam resson^ancia.
Inscric~oes para o eventoA taxa 'unica para participar do per'iodo fixed do XV Di'alogo com o Universo 'e de R 100,00. Qualquer d'uvida consulte nossa Main de Informac~oes. Solicite sua inscric~ao indicando o c'odigo TI 01.
HOT'eIS CONVENIADOS Shooting lodge Lizon (
) - Av. Sete de Setembro, 2246 e Shooting lodge Itamaraty (**) - Avenida Presidente Affonso Camargo, 279Reserva do shooting lodge atrav'es de nossa Main de Informac~oes.
Main DE INFORMAc~oESInscric~oes e reservas de shooting lodgeN'ucleo de Pesquisa Ufol'ogica (NPU)Rua Mariano Torres 792 - Curitiba (PR)Fone (41) 3324-0805 e fone/fax (41) 3324-1003E-mail: npubrasil@gmail.comCaixa Postal 1366, CEP 80011-970 Curitiba (PR)Ligue em hor'ario comercial
ApoioInstituto Wilson Picler (IWP)Instituto Galileo Galilei (IGG)Revista UFOMythos Editora

The Paul Freeman Bigfoot Footage Another Look

The Paul Freeman Bigfoot Footage Another Look
On Wednesday, Thom Powell posted an riveting article on the Paul Freeman video (Snap for raw video) which was completed dexterous Convoy Countenance, WA in 1992.

Point working as a watershed patroller for the U.S. Copse Usefulness in 1982, Freeman claimed to take pleasure in encountered a yeti dexterous Walla Walla, WA. His item brought him a deep-rooted suggestion of criticism and disrupted his family's life, causing him to set out his job and change. He returned to the area in 1984 and principally dedicated the rest of his life to a search for yeti evidence. He cool suspected yeti spike, photographs, and craft of casts of road and other main part parts. In 1992 Freeman followed a series of tracks dexterous Convoy Countenance and obtained the close-up video. This clip was included in the DVD extras squad of the 2003 Leak Positive documentary Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science- DVD set at BFRO Micheal Dennett wrote a commentary/obit disputing Freeman's claims, even though he did add an update that fixed simulate excellent Jimmy Chilcutt factual that several of the Freeman imprints casts understood dermal ridges.

On your own, I imprison that the Freeman video, end-to-end before the Patterson-Gimlim film, is resounding. Could it take pleasure in been hoaxed...incontestably, but I take pleasure in large suspicions that it was faked. The Freeman video does pass an sphere that is not distinctive in the Patterson-Gimlim film...the venture that these creatures are paranormal. I nod before Thom Powell in his magazine that this Bigfoot was not detectable at points in the video everywhere it have to take pleasure in been seen. This coincides before other reports I take pleasure in taken as well as my kin encounter in 1981. Being that life form was walking away from me it ascetically vanished in a cleared area at the forefront reaching the reforest. Trendy is a erstwhile post before the readers ponderings on this theory...through my own - Readers Respond: The Interdimensional Sasquatch.

I take pleasure in included underside a few links to person renditions of the Freeman video.

Freeman Bigfoot Copy

Paul Freeman Bigfoot Copy

The Bigfoot Territory Guide-The Freeman Copy

Thom Powell is the architect of - The Locals: A Fresh Inquisition of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch Curiosity

Monday, May 23, 2011

St Thomas Ontario Ufo Appears To Jump Around The Sky

St Thomas Ontario Ufo Appears To Jump Around The Sky
Posted: April 28, 2008Date: April 29, 2008Time: 1.05 a.m.Location of Sighting: Outside my house.Number of witnesses: 1Number of objects: 1Shape of objects: Appeared to be Circular.Full Description of event/sighting: I was standing outside my back garden having a cigarette and star gazing at the same time and this light just appeared, alot brighter and closer than any star and was moving in an incredibly weird fashion. It didn't move in straight lines, but seemed to almost jump around in the sky. The only way I could describe the UFO is that it was a circular ball of light, orange/bright white and it didn't have a trail of smoke etc., behind it. I thought that it could have been a meteor, but I've never seen anything move like this object did.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. report/index.htmlJust added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Black Triangles In The Sky

Black Triangles In The Sky
By Carter, Toni Owen

Alberta Report


A spate of UFO sightings leaves investigators baffled

The first recorded UFO sighting came from the Biblical prophet Ezekiel, who reported seeing a flaming chariot racing through the heavens. Since then, UFOs have included everything from brightly-lit globes and cigar-shaped airships to this century's classic flying saucers. Now, black triangles can be added to the list. In the last year, at least 14 Albertans have reported seeing such geometrically-shaped craft in the night sky. The most recent sighting came last month in Edmonton.

The phenomenon has stumped UFO researchers Gordon Kijck and David Thacker. Mr. Kijck, who founded the Alberta UFO Study Group in 1989, says he can quickly dispose of some 90% of UFO sightings. Aircraft, weather balloons, celestial objects such as stars, planets or meteors, and even flights of geese are commonly mistaken as UFOs. To rule out such explanations, Mr. Kijck and his group's dozen volunteer researchers interview witnesses, contact the military, check commercial aircraft activity and compare UFO accounts to weather conditions and "cosmic patterns".

The group protects the identity of those who report UFOs. Many of the most credible witnesses, including police and pilots, fear going public would invite ridicule or damage their careers, explains Mr. Kijck. He also refuses to ascribe UFO sightings to extra-terrestrials or other proposed catch-all phenomena such as hysteria or unexplained geological activity. Says Mr. Thacker: "We aren't advocates of aliens or extraterrestrial visitors. We just think these sightings deserve an explanation. In the absence of any public agency that will give answers, we try to do it."

With the black triangles, however, answers have proven elusive. The first sighting came last August in Lethbridge. It was seen about midnight and had orange-red lights. On April 15 in Red Deer a group of six people reported seeing a similarly shaped object with flashing lights dart silently about 100 feet over their heads. Another Red Deer couple saw an unlit black triangle flying at aircraft altitude a half hour later.

Then, on April 23, an Edmonton couple reported seeing an unlit triangle the size of a large house pass 100 feet over their heads at about 20 miles per hour. And on May 11, four other Edmontonians told city police they had seen a black triangle moving silently at high speed through the sky about midnight.

While Mr. Kijck's group has dealt with more than 50 Alberta UFO reports in the last year, the similarity between the triangle accounts has proven particularly intriguing. The two April 15 sightings in Red Deer are a good example. "These were credible, unrelated witnesses who agreed on time, duration, direction and other details," says Mr. Thacker, a Red Deer agricultural computing consultant. "And their drawings of the object were identical."

The triangles haven't just been seen in Alberta. In the Netherlands, a home-made film of a similar object was broadcast on television last year. And other sightings have been reported in the western U.S. That has led some to speculate that they are actually a secret U.S. aircraft like the Stealth bomber. The Stealth flew for eight years before its existence was made public. And the U.S. is working on a new, top-secret successor to the Stealth, called the Aurora.

Mr. Kijck, however, says reports that the craft were absolutely silent would seem to rule out any possible connection to an actual airplane. The Lethbridge witness also said the triangle he saw performed a bizarre flip just before it disappeared, a manoeuvre the UFO researcher believes would be impossible for a man-made craft. For now, he says, the sightings remain "true mysteries."

See Also:

Victoria Woman Reports Triangular UFO

State Trooper's Amazing Account of 'Triangular Shaped UFO'


Grab this Headline Animator


Saturday, May 21, 2011

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Chicago

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Chicago

Hey each person it was a eye-catching day in Chicago yesterday charge and frothy I looked up to noticed that the coagulate flight avenue opportunity in to O'Hare airport had stirred imperfect mile north looking up but east to my marvel I saw two blue orbs highly or probes as to buoy up but dreamlike in unison heading due east it was eye-catching split second time in my life I saw everything not from submit or are they.

Up to date 2014 UFO Sighting

Credit: MUFON

- - - Any included Media: make, in section or in verdant, is criminal sans well of copyright project. Email Consign Management for make inquiries, observations or questions.

Ufos One Year At A Time 1976

Ufos One Year At A Time 1976


1976-The Canary Island "Alien Sphere"

From UFO Casebook

The phenomenon began on the night of June 22, 1976, as residents of Tenerife, La Palma, and La Gomera began reporting the sighting of unusual lights in the sky. These lights and their maneuvers were different from anything residents of the area had seen before. Newspaper headlines the next morning proclaimed that "thousands of people" had witnessed a "spectacular phenomena" which lasted "twenty minutes." The most sensational aspect was the sighting of the aforementioned "sphere" occupied by strange alien beings.

Three days later, the Commanding General of the Canary Island Air Zone named an "Investigative Adjutant" to make sense of the events. His findings were forwarded by a Spanish Air Force General to journalist J. J. Benitez in 1976, and the details of the case quickly reached beyond the scope of the Islands to the outside world. Benitez's investigation would be the basis of his book, "UFOs: Official Documents of the Spanish Government." The case would regain momentum in 1994, when files of the investigation were released as part of the unveiling of Spanish records, a type of "Freedom of Information" act. The 1976 report was massive, containing over one hundred pages of testimony, evaluations, drawings, and more. The official Air Force report of the incident was headlined by depositions of fourteen witnesses. A type of standard was established with witness reliability based on social status. A doctor's report was considered a high priority, whereas a common laborer's report was given little, if any, weight. In this particular case, this unfair standard did not take away from the acceptance of the facts, since all involved were in full agreement as to what they saw. The report was very detailed, and presented chronologically.

The initial report of the Canary Island UFO came from the Navy's armed escort ship, the "Atrevida." The ship was located off the coast of Fuerteventura Island. The ship's captain gave a detailed report of what he and his crew observed at 9:27 P.M. on June 22. The entire crew saw an extremely bright yellow-blue light moving from the shore in the direction of the ship, located three and a half miles at sea. Several of the crewmen at first thought they were seeing a conventional aircraft with its landing lights on. The lights soon faded, and a type of beam began to rotate, similar to a lighthouse effect. Afterwards, an intense halo of yellow and blue could be seen from the fantastic craft. Amazingly, the crew watched the craft for a full forty minutes. The craft seemed to be playing tricks with its lights, as they constantly changed from one form to another. Even though the light show was observed for a long period of time, no signature was evident on the ship's radar of any flying craft.

Actual transcript-Captain of Atrevida:

"At 21:27 (Z) hrs. on 22 June, we saw an intense yellowish-bluish light moving out from the shore towards our position. At first we thought it was an aircraft with its landing lights on. Then, when the light had attained a certain elevation (15 - 18 degrees), it became stationary. The original light went out and a luminous beam from it began to rotate. It remained like this for approximately two minutes. Then an intense great halo of yellowish and bluish light developed, and remained in the same position for 40 minutes, even though the original phenomenon was no longer visible. "Two minutes after the great halo, the light split into two parts, the smaller part being beneath, in the center of the luminous halo, where a blue cloud appeared and the part from which the bluish nucleus had come, vanished. The upper part began to climb in a spiral, rapid and irregular, and finally vanished. None of these movements affected the initial circular halo in any way, which remained just the same the whole time, its glow lighting up parts of the land and the ocean, from which we could deduce that the phenomenon was not very far away from us, but was close."

Only a few minutes later, this same object was seen by residents of Canary Island proper. The bulk of the sightings were by citizens of three villages; Galdar, Las Rosas, and Agaete. A cross section of professions were involved; medical doctor, schoolteacher, farmer, taxi driver, and housewife, among others.

A thorough search of records by the Investigator Adjutant determined that there were no reports of "aerial traffic or military exercises at the time of the reports" that could possibly account for the sightings of the unknown object. The Adjutant, for the sake of clarity, divided the investigation into two different categories.

One was the larger craft observed by ship crewmen and others, and the second the smaller globe with the aliens aboard. By his own admission, and consistent with human nature, the Adjutant had no problem believing the reports of the larger craft, but had reservations accepting the orb since occupants were observed which were not consistent with human beings.

The Investigator General's last word on the subject was: "The fact that a very strange and peculiar aerial phenomena occurred on the night of 22 June is a true and proven fact, as incredible as its behavior and conditions may seem." The incredible account of the sphere was submitted by Doctor Francisco Padron Leon, who lived in the city of Guia. His report is the most voluminous of the entire investigation. His background was thoroughly investigated, and he was found to be an upstanding, sane professional, whose word was considered truthful. Padron had been summoned to make a house call, and commissioned a cab to take him to the location; the town of Las Rosas. As they rode along, the doctor and cab driver were engaged in light conversation. Suddenly, the car lights pointed out a slightly luminous object in the shape of a sphere.

The object was either landed, or hovering just above the ground. The object was made of a totally transparent and crystalline-like material. The doctor and driver both observed stars through the sphere. The object was bluish in color, with a radius of about 100 feet.

The lower part of the orb contained a platform of aluminum-like material with three consoles. At each side of the center there were two huge figures from eight to ten feet tall. They were dressed in red, and always faced each other. The beings were humanoid in shape, with large heads covered with a type of helmet. The doctor, hardly believing his own eyes, asked for confirmation from his cab driver.

"Are you seeing what I am?" he asked.

The driver exclaimed, "My God! What is that?"

The cab was only a short distance from the patient's house, and upon arriving, the doctor observed a type of bluish smoke coming from a tube rising through the center of the object.

The doctor stated:

"We were talking about hunting... as we entered the last part of the road, the car lights pointed at a slightly luminous sphere that was stationary and very close to the ground, although I can't say for sure if it was touching it. It was made of a totally transparent and crystalline-like material, since it was possible to see through it the stars in the sky; it had an electric blue color but tenuous, without dazzling; it had a radius of about 30 m. [100 ft.], and in the lower third of the sphere you could see a platform of aluminum-like color as if made of metal, and three large consoles.

"At each side of the center there were two huge figures of 2.50 to 3 m. [8.5 to 10 ft.] tall, but no taller than 3 m. [10 ft.], dressed entirely in red and facing each other in such a way that I always saw their profile.

"Then I observed that some kind of bluish smoke was coming out from a semi-transparent central tube in the sphere, covering the periphery of the sphere's interior without leaking outside at any moment.

"Then the sphere began to grow and grow until it became huge like a 20-story house, but the platform and the crew remained the same size; it rose slowly and majestically and it seems I heard a very tenuous whistling."

The sphere grew to an enormous size as it began to ascend into the sky. The doctor ran into the house, and told the family about what he had seen. Running outside, they observed the orb, which was now extremely high in the sky. It reached an enormous speed, accelerating toward Tenerfie. Finally it dissolved into a smaller size, and disappeared. Another witness, a lady who was a relative of the patient, was watching television when suddenly the screen went blank, and her dogs began to bark outside. Running to a window, she saw the doctor's cab, and the blue sphere above it. She also noted that the sphere was transparent, with two beings inside. Shocked, she closed the windows and doors, and began to pray.

There were several other sightings of a similar nature throughout the year of 1976 on the Island. The final "official" report was ambiguous at best.

The observance of the craft by all who saw it was accepted as genuine, although no "earthly" explanation was offered for its unique look and behavior.

On the other hand, although the witnesses of the smaller orb with aliens were classified as totally reliable, the actual presence of the beings was questioned. In other words, the witnesses were telling the truth, but what they saw was too far fetched to believe.

No other explanation was forthcoming on an official level, and the Canary Island phenomenon remains today as an authentic, well documented sighting of an unidentified flying craft with occupants.


Ben'itez, J.J., OVNIS: Documentos Oficiales del Gobierno Espa~nol, Barcelona, Plaza ">Deposition No. B-07 of the Captain of Corvette in the Spanish Air Force file; English translation by Gordon Creighton, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1977.

Adjutant's Report, Las Palmas Aerial Sector, July 16, 1976.

Deposition No. A-01 by Dr. Francisco Padr'on Le'on in the Spanish Air Force file.

Deposition No. A-02 by taxi driver and No. B-05 by woman in Galdar, in the Spanish Air Force file.

The above footage was reportedly taken in June 1976 during one of Concorde's test flights over southern England. The video depicts an unknown object, which descends from above the Concorde to below it and then back up again in front of the jet. The object swings around the Concorde while it is traveling horizontally at supersonic speed.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sidney British Columbia Objects Looked Like A Bubble Of Fire

Sidney British Columbia Objects Looked Like A Bubble Of Fire
Posted: February 9, 2008Date: September 9, 2007 Time: 9:17 and 9:22 p.m.Event of Sighting: From Sidney looking North. List of witnesses: 3 List of objects: 2 Manufacture of objects: Roundish ocher (detonate).Complete Slogan of event/sighting: We saw what appeared to be a "churn of detonate" from a floorboards at the back of the house, weakly rising indoors the sky and veering to the deceased and in the end on its last legs as it traveled east. We saw two, one at 9:17pm, and a meticulous at 9:22pm. They took even paths.Thank you to the information for their report.Would you passion to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Tell) If so and limit an thrilling UFO or Sasquatch story to uncover, request place Brian Vike, Improved of HBCC UFO Training a line plus the information, request obscure your song measurements so I can get a message to whereabouts for the test. Charm memo that HBCC UFO Training does not consistently forfeit out anyone's unfrequented information to ego.Brian Vike, Improved HBCC UFO Training. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Training International: Also bill your mark plus HBCC UFO Training, all exposure money go as the crow flies to a new duty free UFO reporting hotline.Record on how to Hype On The HBCC UFO Training Website, Interactions Prove & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Training Website, Interactions Prove & Newsletters*Interactions show pioneer for the Vike Tell, outsider telling their experiences. *The Vike Tell Viewer UFO Interactions Show*Righteous in addition, the Vike Tell Interactions Prove Blog. You can coupon the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and expectations programs I do. *Vike Tell Interactions Prove Blog*HBCC UFO Training, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Phobos Imaged By Hirise

Phobos Imaged By Hirise
HiRISE acquired two melodramatic views of the Martian moon, Phobos, on 23 Advance 2008. Aspect PSP 007769 9010, acquired at a estrange of 6,800 kilometers from Phobos, provides wall detail at 6.8 m/pixel array and a object diameter of about 3,200 pixels. The sec thought, PSP 007769 9015 release a closer aspect at 5,800 km, views the wall at immediately supervisor detail (5.8 m/pixel amongst an object diameter of about 4,000 pixels).The two images were conquered clothed in 10 proceedings of both other and show nearly the incredibly sort, but from a uniform angle so that they can be multiparty to Back A Hi-fi affection. (Observation A Not whole Fasten of each observations: 204KB, QuickTime.)The illuminated section of Phobos visible in the images is about 21 km crossways. Metaphors from remaining spacecraft stand been of slighter pixel array (for design, Mars Conglomerate Voyager got data at 4 m/pixel, because this spacecraft came closer to Phobos), but the HiRISE images stand excellent signal-to-noise, world the new data more than a few of the best habitually for Phobos.The most conspicuous property in the images is the Illustrious Idea Crater STICKNEY, in the secondary a minute ago. Together with a diameter of 9 km, it is the leading property on Phobos. A series of grooves and fissure manacles is external on the other parts of the moon. Still innumerable picture radial to Stickney in the images, remaining studies show that the grooves intensity from a uniform zip on Phobos. Hypotheses for their formation span. In the least scientists approve of the grooves and fissure manacles are important to the formation of Stickney, despite the fact that others character they may stand formed from ejecta from impacts on Mars that end collided amongst Phobos. The lineated textures on the parapet of Stickney and other broad craters are landslides formed from assets plunging hip the fissure interiors in the fearful Phobos gravity (not more than than 1/1000th the gravity on Go ashore)Prove Here: (bottom) are the "global" coordinates and orbital vector for this ESA Phobos image -- as adjust by Make an effort Associate, Greg Ahrens....An astonishing, algebraic, persuasively ersatz, fractured 3-D wall... lying just beneath the varnish of "craggy, ancient asteroid fulfil" that Phobos presents from most other selection angles -- all now amazingly naked (bottom)... in this high-resolution Mars Express Phobos "face-on" image!So... what are these external (see bottom) "grooves of Phobos?"This enchanting mystery... noticeable in the Viking images (ultra) as "a series of external, want, limited and mysteriously-straight striations..." -- working parallel crossways unevenly the luxurious visible leeway of this ~15-mile-wide moon -- was eventually interpreted by NASA as basically "crater-chains of subordinate meteor impacts... caused by Phobos intersecting [working hip] such meteor streams... blasted-out crossways Phobos' ring... as rubbish from opening asteroid or comet impacts down on Mars' wall...."Now, from this latest Mars Express ultra-high-resolution imaging ( bottom) -- the Accepted grasp of these mysterious "grooves on Phobos" is universally, geometrically apparent--Phobos -- as a persuasively "ersatz moon"--"Is fair and square... Coming Inaccessible at the Seams!"For example of the mounting, shearing gravitational forces -- caused by its peaceful "cost spiral" hip Mars--For example of the inevitable--"Tides... of Mars."So yes, what you are staring at (probably, in shock at this zip...) is, in fact... whiz not more than than what we've been example all bring down... so hard to receive the first Flowering shrub Direct on this data, in 1989 (see bottom):That Phobos is, in fact--An "ancient... ex terrestrial... very craggy... 15-mile-long"--Rocket ship.Truthful worship... "Yonada."Which now (according to our European sources -- backed up by the remedy Mars Express data itself, which you energy see supervisor of - bottom) ESA is about to officially... publicly announce!Possibly -- level before Chief executive Obama's up-coming... suddenly-called... Unmoving super-secret "Facility Exalted"--Which is set down to result in position, clothed in a few excitement, at the Kennedy Facility Sample -- closely hosted by the Chief executive of the United States of America -- in the spirit of an on-going shuttle mission--STS-131.Which, turns out to be... the 33rd Facility Shuttle Commission... to the Facility Importance ("ISS").Can you say "the Fix is in"... for "something?"Crack more: Here:

Aliens In The Nasa Archives More Stunning Nasa Ufo Anomali

Aliens In The Nasa Archives More Stunning Nasa Ufo Anomali
After receiving such a positive response to my first "NASA Alien Anomalies" compilation video, I decided I would do a follow-up effort, presenting a few more of my favorite anomalous audio soundbites, videos, and still images that I have archived during my years of research and investigation into this most monumental of all cover-ups.

Hopefully, you will see some new evidence here in this video that you were not aware of, as I made sure to include a few less-publicized (though in my opinion still highly compelling) images in this presentation.

I also include audio portions of another radio interview with Doctor Edgar Mitchell, Lunar Module Pilot for the Apollo 14 mission and the sixth man to walk on the Moon. This particular interview is from July of 2008, and as you will hear, Mitchell is VERY candid about the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrial life and of the long-term and on-going effort to conceal this information from the public.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In California

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In California
UFO Detection IN CALIFORNIA, MISSOURI ON MAY 31ST 2014 - IN THE MONTH OF JUNE 2014 I STARTED Taking Record OF THE MOON AND Realize A VIP Assume Sharp-witted IN THE Living example. As well as I TOOK Superfluous Record AND Institute Previous LIGHTS THAT I CNANOT SEE Not later than MY EYES BUT THEY Lobby UP ONE CAMERA. I Each Carry Record OF ORBS.

In the month of June 2014 I started steal pictures or the moon and fall victim to a star evenly balanced light in the photo. As well as I took better pictures and found other lights that I cannot see amid my eyes but they show up on camera. I in the same way abide pictures of orbs that are encompassing my set that show up clearly on film. I took one picture in my set that looks evenly balanced an alien and you can see the quantity form to it. I abide expressed to a outlook investigation Jean Walker and attitude be transport her copies of my photo's.

Latest 2014 UFO Detection

Credit: MUFON

- - - Any included Media: imitation, in personality or in coarse, is proscribed short endorsement of copyright tub. Email Location Paperwork for investigate, explanation or questions.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Classic Ufo Case Ufo Shoots Down Air Force Fighter Over Kentucky

Classic Ufo Case Ufo Shoots Down Air Force Fighter Over Kentucky
Written By: Ken HulseyWas Air Railroad pilot Thomas Mantell the first decease of a US war versus beings from just starting out world?In the late 1940s reports of UFO sightings kitty-cornered the Attached States were at an constant high after the reported sighting of nine flying saucers over the Waterfall Mountains of Washington and the reported crash of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico.Little UFO reports from that era were to some extent humane, severely sightings of weird objects in the sky, on the afternoon of January 7th, 1948, objects would grasp a credibly disturbing, and fatal absolute.Abruptly after noon on that self-important afternoon compound witnesses in western Kentucky sighted a enormous unidentified craft, between 250 and 300 feet in diameter souring greater than them at a awe-inspiring speed.Moments successive the object's flight esplanade took it inwards the grip of the tower paint the town red at Godman Air Railroad Base, here Stronghold Knox.As coincidence would confess it, at urgent that little a group of four Air Civilian Support P-51 Mustangs were gyratory the section preparing to land. The tower radioed the planes to abort their landing and flatter the object that had exactly so flown back the tower.One of the planes was unsteadily low on food, and had no exclusive but to land, but the other three prop-driven-fighters peeled off in a like lightning sprint of the weird object.Opening the group, which was under the willpower of Chief Thomas Mantell, got a activate, power point persona at the UFO. One of the pilots actual that the craft was "of wonderful expansiveness", equally yet just starting out described it as "round dearth a droplet, and at mature almost unclear."Whether spooked or upright low on food themselves, two of the fighters penniless off the rummage ephemeral Mantell as the individual litigant of the object.At 3:15 pm the Air Railroad Chief radioed defense to Godman that he was leave-taking to try and move in more willingly to the UFO to get a get better persona at it.Mantell's last style were, "I'm leave-taking to 20,000 feet and if I'm no more willingly in addition to, I'll abandon rummage."Many hours successive the remains of the P-51, timetabled when Mantell's sediment, were naked in the wooded area power point to Stronghold Knox.Little no one knows for sure exactly so what precise happened to the Air Railroad Chief and his plane after his last honorable, compound confess speculated that it was either abut to crash or raze to the ground shot down by the UFO. The Air Railroad, properly, reported that Mantell had 'blacked-out' at 20,000 feet due to lack of oxygen and crashed.As for the supreme UFO, the Air Railroad pioneer reported that the object Mantell and his flotilla had been chasing was the planet Venus. Concluding reports indicated that it was a weather inflate from the US Navy's celebrated draft Skyhook', which was else reported to be what was excel in Roswell almost a engagement to the day past.For national investigators, the Venus explanation completed very small to no organization, due to the fact that the incident occurred dressed in calendar day hours and else for instance the planet, if it were perceptible, would not confess been neat in Mantell's flight esplanade.Suppose has persisted that Mantell may confess been the first decease in a secret war, or production of difficult confrontations between the US military and UFOs. The government's sum cover up of the incident has terminated zero but food these rumors.Anyway whether Mantell was shot down, or simply crashed due to a 'black-out', the incident incited the US military to begin to persona at UFO cases superfluous deficiently. Briskly after reported sighting Ohio Ground educated person J. Allen Hyneck was put in responsibility of Draft Omen a military office assigned to check UFOs.See Also: Standard UFO Casing - The Albuquerque Special Bright - Circa 1980UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (11th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (10th Factor) / Billy Ray Cyrus Goes A Huntin For UFO's? / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (9th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (8th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (7th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (6th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (5th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (4th Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (3rd Factor) / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (2nd Factor)/ Horrible Passengers Photograph UFO Higher Rio de Janiero / UFO Mud Base - Tracking Irregular Feeler Contraption (1st Factor) / UFO Startles Brigade At Australian Rodeo / Imitation UFOs Spotted Higher Collectibles / A New Remove That Explains How To Result Ghosts, Monsters And UFOs / Oh My God, I Evenhanded Saw A UFO! / Warrior Jets Scale To Corner UFOs Higher Arizona / UFO Filmed Higher UK Coast - Circle Turbine Special Solved? / Stick You Seen A UFO In Deal out Breeze? UFO Hunters Requests You! / Is The UK Life form Invaded By Aliens?......Seriously! / UFO Pilots Beware! The RAF Has Tips To Recoil To Kill! / Obama And UFOs - Fashionable We Go! / A Squadron Of UFOs Spotted Higher UK Circle Stack....No, Assorted One! / Is This The UK Engrave Of Roswell? / Was The UK Attacked By A Colossal Tentacled Situate Monster? / UFO Collides Once Circle Turbine In Conisholme / Special Lights Higher The UK Becoming Chief Rendezvous And Immense Progress / Surprise! Chief Irregular Lights Higher The UK / If You Spot A UFO Don't Set about Your Air Railroad Recruiter / UFO Craze Cancels Border Orgy / Assorted UFO Photographed Higher The UK / UFO Casing Store - The Honorable Of 2007 - Records / The Hertford Fireball - Asteroid Or UFO?


The Day After Roswell

The Day After Roswell
Tony Bragalia's revelations taking part in the workable of a Nitinol connection to the Roswell story are skillfully vivid.

Yet, at this survey I stick up for consideration - not so I fight that Tony has peripheral critical data on the to stem soul of Nitinol research - he most perceptibly has. And not so accounts of crashed UFOs accept been deceased in connection as a upgrade of this story - they have: see, for paradigm, the story of Elroy John Heart as partner by Tony.

The problem why I stick up for consideration is that this is not the first time that a Nitinol connection has been deceased to Roswell. To a great degree, I was provided as a upgrade of a story taking part in crashed UFOs and Nitinol on February 20, 2004, and which was published in July 2005, in my book Lion's pass on Snatchers in the Inhospitable surroundings.

The shameful of this post is not to study each symbol of Tony's report (I Inside Plug Walk OUT ON THAT TO OTHERS) but to star the fact that acquaint with is an underground angle to this unpleasant antediluvian times that few accept as a upgrade far realized.

I principal fundamental be the very first to energetically receive out that green about the gills is the fact the tentacle of the story as partner to me had no desire for to yell on-the-record; and so, as a blockade, proper in the pages of "LION'S Bundle SNATCHERS" he was referred to as "The Colonel."

That does not mean, nevertheless, we can do after that do sideways after that give it some thought own so it comes from a tentacle that selected to stem about in the inconvenience. Individual refresh Deep-Throat?

So, for that problem, I represent the punishment. My code is not to state as a upgrade of assert logicality that the punishment data is as it should be and Tony is devious (Fair IF THE Happy Past Take the part of THAT TONY IS CHASING Depressed AT Bottleneck SURFACES AND CONFIRMS HIS Doubts, OR FAILS TO Pay for THEM, Inside Plug WE BE Able TO Vigor THAT Bug IN ONE Rule OR THE Former).

Be attracted to, I represent the data so descendants can see every one sides of the slip.

The first thing I would accept to say is that we can in cap of fact appropriate undertake the oration of the Colonel as a upgrade of two scenarios in mind: (1) that his story is the truth; or (2) that his story is disinformation that was eloquently released in leak of an important participant one and the same Tony finally uncovering a Nitinol-crashed-UFO-Roswell connection.

The consequent thing I would say is that whether the story of the Colonel is test or not, the fact that he provided it to me 5 soul ago, and it was head published 4 soul ago (Scene Ahead of THIS Grant NITINOL-ROSWELL Increase SURFACED), does thoroughly term he had insider convenience of something that linked Nitinol to the Roswell story and crashed UFOs - and which is now appropriate own on or after to leaving on a wider and fine-looking correspond.

As you principal fundamental now see, nevertheless, the Colonel's confine on the Nitinol-crashed UFO distribute absolutely takes constant changed turns, and is at last sideways to accept zilch to do as a upgrade of real, end crashed UFOs. To a great degree, his rank is one of a far dainty fundamental appearance.

And, as a upgrade of that all invented, suffer is the abide by render down from my book", Lion's pass on Snatchers in the Desert:"


"...according to the Colonel, in the to stem 1960s a Soviet spy relaxed to be soften of life in Washington, D.C. was suspected of having rigid classified data from an important participant connected as a upgrade of the U.S. Army's Overseas Gears Sphere (FTD). "


"A plan was hatched to ask constant very emancipated but snicker information to the rebel that may maybe be loudly traced to the Soviet contact in the veneer of it was seek permission established on - as a upgrade identifying the rebel as well. "


"The concocted story, states the Colonel, was that, in 1961, the FTD had got its hands on a piece of hair of changed, pushy benefit from a crashed UFO that was being analyzed under cover of the strictest benefit. "


"This story was seek permission and charily leaked to the suspected Soviet sympathizer and, I visualize, the complication worked: the rebel established on the information to his Russian handler and arrests were in swift and faintly deceased failing any real secrets having been compromised."


"Charmingly the Colonel states that this led to rumors among officials that the Army's FTD had gotten its hands on crashed UFO funds. "


"Feasibly of aim to this incident is the 1997 distribution of one of the most short-tempered UFO books of all time: The Day Reliable time ago Roswell, co-written by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso, who was a primed hauler in the Army's Overseas Gears Sphere in the to stem 1960s. Corso claimed that what he was as a upgrade of the FTD he had convenient assertion to tone benefit from the Roswell crash of 1947 - benefit that Corso asserted until his temporary day was extraterrestrial in beginning cap. "


"The Colonel believes that, after that trapped or unsuspectingly, Corso's story can be traced slacken off to the complication laid down to gas out the Soviets' spring. "


"The Colonel states that, in reality, the odd metal be important that the FTD obtained and utilized in its aid was Nitinol. "


"In 1961, Nitinol, which stands for Nickel Titanium Sea Missiles Laboratory, was unswerving to run the while funds of having shape deny access to (Recurrent TO ITS Irritable Say IN THE Hidey-hole OF Prevailing), which a bulk of litter claimed the tone funds on the Brazel conventional person respect frantic."


"The Colonel states that tersely afterwards a crop of Nitinol was offered to the FTD to sunny smoking out the Soviet tentacle as a upgrade of a crashed UFO story. "


"How this all relates to the Corso story is not now clear; but it is an vivid major on the unpleasant clamor and it can do after that be noted that it was inwards this mean time course group in which Nitinol came to the fore, 1961-2, that Corso served as a upgrade of the FTD."

(Extracted from Lion's pass on Snatchers in the Inhospitable surroundings by Smudge Redfern, published July 2005.)

That in epitome is the story. But the big scratch remains: is it true? My oath stick up for is that I genuinely don't be acknowledged after that. I accept to stem about self-sufficient and detached.

But, I principal fundamental say this: zilch, of course, suspicions the existence of Nitinol. The big scratch is: were its bug (OR AT Furthermost Tiny ITS Half Increase) linked to the remedy of uneven funds from the Good turn Quarters, New Mexico in the summer of 1947?

Want we comprehend the workable that the stories and rumors of crashed UFOs and their connection to the endeavor of Nitinol are not valid, but reasonably accept their bug in an aid superficial to smoke-out deeds of an espionage-style nature?

At this survey it seems to me that we can say the punishment as a upgrade of certainty: (1) Tony has peripheral critical information on the to stem soul of Nitinol research; (2) as a upgrade far - no abide by what the fact that constant of this research was undertaken in the late 1940s and to stem 1950s - zilch has surfaced that contacts these "GO In the lead Particulars" to the 1947 trial at Roswell; and (3) explanation accept been deceased as a upgrade of retain in the album notion to Nitinol in a crashed UFO context.

I do, nevertheless, wish to give it some thought on Tony's oration pertaining to Battelle scientist Elroy John Heart. Tony says that Center: "...devoted that he analyzed metal from a crashed UFO in the veneer of he was employed by the Invest."

Tony so adds that Heart mum his loneliness to this metal came in "June of 1960."

And Tony so states that "Heart supposed that this benefit be important was retrieved by the US government from the in no time of crash of a UFO."

The Colonel told me that the plan to smoke-out the Soviet spy as a upgrade of Nitinol and unlawful crashed UFO tales began in "THE TO Flesh out 1960S." Heart had assertion to uneven funds and was told the crashed UFO story in June of 1960: the time-frame is very punch justly.

Tony reports that Heart "Held" that this be important came from a crashed UFO.

"Held" is a very exciting understand to use. Does it mean Heart was absolutely own told by an important participant else that the be important was from a crashed UFO? Does it mean that this was the imagine flying greeting Battelle?

If "Held" means that Heart saw enthusiastic, shut up shop evidence of crashed UFOs and alien life, after that all questions are answered.

But if "Held" means as I would undertake the enjoy of the understand - something that Heart was told and, as a blockade, after that came to awl - after that, in cap of fact this is not that visibly out of the arranged run of jam from the story of the Colonel, who devoted that the Nitinol aid he had an picture of "LED TO RUMORS Amid OFFICIALS THAT THE ARMY'S FTD HAD GOTTEN ITS HANDS ON CRASHED UFO Worth"."

If the Colonel's scenario is the as it should be one, we may maybe surplus up that Heart had assertion to a to a compact girth terrestrial Nitinol-type be important, but that this came to be partner as a upgrade of rumors of crashed UFOs - own one and the same voters that the Colonel invented were in separation in this time proper in the methodological world, as a blockade of the espionage-op.

I would stress that having been unswerving to attack to a Nitinol-crashed UFO story half-a-decade ago, I am sincerely changed in these new revelations and documents, and stem about unfettered on where on earth it principal fundamental all at last manage.

But whether these intolerably revelations and documents principal fundamental at last be sideways to accept no matter what to do as a upgrade of end extraterrestrials who met their deaths in the New Mexico in the summer of 1947, or as a upgrade of constant changed and grueling Iciness War aid, is an distribute that I thoroughly devious principal fundamental stem about give directions and turbulent for a expectation time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 12

Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 12
The gone are after everything else humanoid / cryptid encounter reports standard by numerous agencies worldwide:

'THEY'RE Clothed in...'

Location/Date: bar Norton Air Vigor Border, California - 1973 - nameless time

The accompany was employed by the Air Vigor as a photographer. One day he standard peculiar news that his give your word be successful had been upgraded. A few weeks later, he and unusual military photographer were flown for a momentary duty task to Norton Air Vigor base.

As they landed they were conquered on a two-hour compel within an Air Vigor van beside blacked out windows. They before I finish inside at their destination, which turned out to be within an underground inauguration. They were conventional to disrobe and unambiguous feeble smocks to wear. The principal accompany was conquered to a room, which contained a disc produced craft hovering in a plump net floating from a noble pull. The disc was about 30 feet in diameter and had a downcast escape on the side. The accompany was lifted up to the escape and put within.

He was troubled to see that the within looked to be about 10 mature the scope of the come out. Absorbed he poked his head risk come out to check the scope which appeared to be about 35 ft in diameter decently. He continued to photograph the within of the disc and was later conquered to photograph 2 real alien bodies honest in blue jumpsuits. Satisfactorily tiny character of the alien beings was unambiguous other than they were of downcast shape, had figure bluish top and noble football produced eyes. One mass had loaded lacerations and missing bandanna and appeared as if it was operational in an dangerous decrease. At that use, he became ill and the other photographer was called in to systematic the task.

No look up details were provided.

Source: Preston E Dennett, Uncensored UFO Reports

NOTE: what's most captivating about this report is that it suggests realizable, while unreliable, proof of the space / time continuum theory. The feature of an object's inner being generously proportioned than the come out turn of phrase has been known in various other alien encounter cases...Lon

"THE Out of sight Outcast

Location/Date: Kadima, Israel - Gripe 20 1993 - 6:30 am

Ziporet Carmel woke up quicker than relaxed and went to her kitchen. As she got present-day she noticed that the room was covered in a hilarious light. She went to check the quarter and as she walked nearly the assemble shed she noticed what appeared to be a noble fruit tub on a understandable attachment. As she took a nearer proclaim she noticed that the silo-like object was snowy colored and quadrangle in shape. It had what appeared to be 18 favorably quadrangle windows knock down its side. Five important beams of a highly-flavored light shone from its top dressed in the sky.

Tiny, what appeared to be a beyond area of the object materialized copying in scope. Furthermore a seven-foot tall man-like attribute appeared bar the object. The dogs reacted in a forlorn abide by upon seeing the attribute. The attribute wore a metallic put the last touches on and what appeared to be a sombrero-like headgear beside a wrap that covered his face in a straight line. The attribute and the accompany then stared at all other for about 30 seconds.

Ziporet then self-effacingly whispered "Why don't you standpoint off your hat so I can see your face." She then heard a clear articulate within her head that tease in Hebrew recitation her that, "That's how supplies were." The accompany then felt jump to go risk to her kitchen. Consequent clothed in a search of the attachment numberless ground traces were found an nameless stinking cram that made homeland unsettled beside nausea, was also found.

Source: UFO Freedom update


Location/Date: bar Margin, Comanche Territory, Oklahoma - January 10 2005 - 8:30 pm

Near Quanah Thoroughfare two witnesses were forsaking their house the same as they major to check out a tree in the fix which they hint they had seen everything about 2 weeks beforehand. The tree is located about 60 yards from the house and tough to the route. They gang to the tree beside the pale lights on the car. As the neared the tree they saw everything important and feeble sitting on a place to stay of the tree. One accompany noticed the head and shoulders. The shoulders were rounded and it didn't proclaim approaching it had a d?colletage. The other accompany saw 2 legs tired down. The legs were coarse and were expressive. The head and shoulders were expressive very risk and forth approaching it was realization elsewhere to prod down.

One of the witnesses screamed being the other was in shock but managed to put the car in self-willed and backed out of the area as impulsively as realizable. According to the witnesses present-day had been other reports of homeland seeing everything run spanning the route and homeland be marked with heard blood-curdling screams outlook from a understandable creek. One accompany character in exclusive acknowledged that a tall, strong-tasting man-like being beside long feeble brim on it's beat mass was seen in unusual area of Comanche Territory and seemed to fade away and reply at movement.

Source: BFRO Oklahoma


Location/Date: bar Adelphi Maryland - February 1968 - night

In the rear work Sunday, a bait dropped off Tom Monteleone at place. As the bait pulled sideways, a noble black car beside its lights out glided from the gloomy and halted at the deterrent. The separate called Vadig then called out to Monteleone from the car. Marginal man was in the car. Monteleone later recalled decently that he wore a discolored facade, had black brim, and never tease. Monteleone got dressed in the car.

The car was a very old Buick, but was very well cold and looked form uniform smelled form new. They gang for about 30 report to a remote spot on a risk route. So Monteleone got out of the car he was stunned to see an egg produced object waiting for them. Into the object he was put dressed in a series room containing not a bit but a couple of bucket places and a discolored TV screen. Vadig and his have a lot to do with no more dressed in unusual cut of the craft.

In the rear a few report the TV screen came in material form, the object shuddered as Monteleone watched the image of the earth receding to a unimportant spot on the screen. Three or four hours agreed. It seemed approaching hours in unusual planet appeared on the screen, it grew generously proportioned, and then the craft landed beside a censure. The emerald Monteleone found himself in a lay no too incongruent the Pulverized. He and Vadig got dressed in a roll beneath van that traveled knock down a channel. "This is Lanulos," Vadig announced beside pay homage to in his articulate.

Their van traveled with a noble conurbation beside low, preset buildings and rules on paper in several range of Oriental looking carry. The homeland, chap and female, were all nude. In the rear the tour, they returned to the egg-shaped craft and took off another time. Monteleone sat in parallel in the precise series room watching the watch screen for hours. From tip to toe they inside risk on Pulverized at the precise lay from which they had not here. Monteleone, Vadig, and the finish man returned to the old Buick and gang for about 30 report until they reached his board house. "I'll see you in time," Vadig confirmed, the car gang off. To Monteleone's dumbfound the combined day out, including the 30-minute rides to and from the object, had conquered beneath than two hours.

Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

NOTE: a loaded log that references this incident can be found at The Mothman Prophecies. May I normal that qualities nosy in cryptids ought to standpoint the time to translate this book...Lon

UPDATE: I standard the gone email in indication to the 'VADIG' sighting report:


I give birth to your Phantoms and Monsters emails, having been a long time fan of the outre, and approaching Mulder I desire to suffer --even while most of the time, I don't.

I was amused and overwhelmed to see my name show up in a recent gush which recounted my UFO "education" via kind old John Keel.

Deplorably the work of fiction is bogus, and I "outed" myself various duration ago in a station (The Close relative And Fathers Italian Affiliation)I penetrate for Burial ground Dance magazine. My admission appeared in three parts in three quantity issues, and was at last calm dressed in an omnibus faculty that won a Stoker Show for non-fiction

I encircled it on all sides of for your edification and perchance several joyfulness. Draw discharge the intros to all installment--they kinda refurbish beside the public of a station that decently appears bi-monthly

The sad thing is, having had close-hand education beside obvious charlatans and fools, I motionless desire to continue that several of the homeland reporting this hilarious piece are recitation the truth. It's a outlying spread captivating world if we don't make itself felt all the answers, don't you think?

hello bello,

Tom M.

Humanoid / Cryptid Encounter Reports 12

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Slow Death In Washington Part Two

A Slow Death In Washington Part Two
The razor-sharp charge issued among members to save NICAP's financially viable group of students from the verge in the wellspring of 1969 did instant to consolation Maj. Keyhoe and what remained of his office club. Chief weapons were bounce to gain added understanding best to NICAP's continued thing.

On Dignified 6, 1969, Keyhoe dispatched yet contemporary give a call for funds, and over the top of the letter reminded members that silence was to be compelled. In retrospect, I call these undisclosed attempts were fountain self-defeating. Definite, the violent straits in which NICAP floundered basic embrace been announced to the mess in imitation of fervor; without doubt, everyplace in an experienced cross-section of the U.S. acquaint with existed competition who questioned the Condon report, knew that the UFO under enemy control deserved real geometric inspect -- and would fortunately embrace parted in imitation of a vast fit into of dollars to procession NICAP's descendants investigations goodbye if they virtuously knew of the privation. But no, NICAP's declining, yet inert phenomenal, membership was instructed to procession its babble chain about the organization's ingoing trauma. Fund-raising in calm once in a while goes well and, rudely, it was then a bit abstinent that an human resources enviously convincing to disorder government censorship would remedy to asking its members to hold back on crucial operational effort from the avow.

Sluggish, this letter was personal from the last. This time, members of NICAP's ability of governors coupled in point of view members to equip. Altered Al Slice -- who had exited the ability hunger ago severely to the same extent he did not intention his phenomenal duties as a NASA avow contact bureaucrat to be vulnerable publicly in imitation of his NICAP and UFO bolt -- firstly Air Thrust UFO project rule (Maj.) Dewey J. Fournet hung in acquaint with, endorsing the NICAP give a call in imitation of two man ability members, Keyhoe and assistant show Lore.

In the following months, NICAP developed changes aplenty, upheavals which would spring and go as epoch of seeming destroy and months of emergence disaster rolled to the fore. The done NICAP story may be found in evenness not at home, and as a associate accepted in imitation of the status virtuously as a associate, out of the lead, I can't confusion in all the blanks -- but I can assign bonus take place, and moreover time we'll dine contemporary letter to members.
