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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Aduto Oito Anos De Idade David Huggins Fala Sobre Seu Contato Com Diversas Raas Aliengenas

Baixe este artigo em PDFAduto oito anos de idade, David Huggins disse em sua arte uma hist'oria conflituosa de contacto com v'arias racas alien'igenas. O ET, como os deuses antigos, algumas pessoas iriam escolher com base no DNA, ou a alma, e seguido por modelagem e vida para sempreO amor entre os seres humanos e extraterrestres n~ao 'e um fato novo, nos casos de encontros imediatos e abduc~oes. A literatura OVNI est'a cheia de tais eventos. Meu mais recente trabalho, "Love in an Purgat'orio estrangeiro" 'e um livro ilustrado que aborda esta quest~ao atrav'es das pinturas de David Huggins, um aduto. Eu conheci David em um encontro UFO em Nova York em 2002, onde ele aprendeu que ele foi "visitado" por seres interdimensionais desde que ele tinha 8 anos de idade.David HugginsDiferentes tipos de extraterrestres tornaram-se uma parte importante da sua vida. Sua inf^ancia, sua juventude e at'e sua vida adulta foi controlado e moldado por eles. `A procura de respostas para esses encontros estranhos, David decidiu pintar cada experi^encia como alegado. Ent~ao, ele tomou formar uma colec~ao de arte mais incomum, comecou mesmo a sua vida dupla. De dia ele era um homem "normal", um artista intelectual, em Nova York.Durante a noite, ele viveu seu caso de amor com um h'ibrido alien'igena mulher, com quem teve relac~oes sexuais, e que fez dele o pai de quase sessenta criancas h'ibridas! David foi escolhido e usado em um experimento gen'etico, assim como muitos outros homens e mulheres de todo o mundo. Sua hist'oria "fronteira", comeca em uma fazenda, onde David morava com sua fam'ilia na Ge'orgia, em 1951. Os primeiros contatos havia acontecido durante o dia e ao ar livre, onde um de apenas oito anos de idade David ele costumava brincar como qualquer crianca saud'avel. Nessas reuni~oes o menino n~ao era nem dormir nem foi v'itima de uma paralisia do sono. Lembre-se muito bem, na verdade, ser o pouco peludo com olhos grandes e brilhantes que tinham vindo para fora da floresta. David o tinha chamado de "pouco peludo Guy" (o "pelosino").Em outra visit'a-lo foi revelado para ser um como um louva-deus, que se tornaria um companheiro regular de David durante seus encontros com OVNIs, por muitos anos. Que outras criancas s'o podia ver em filmes de ficc~ao cient'ifica em sua vida tornou-se uma ocorr^encia di'aria. Logo, os seres humanos comecaram a aparecer mesmo durante a noite. Em seguida, ele foi levado a bordo de um UFO para atender a uma crescente h'ibrido mulher. Isso, num primeiro momento, pois ele era um professor e um guia. Ao longo dos anos ela se tornou sua esposa, sua amante e m~ae de muitos h'ibridos. Os encontros com extraterrestres ocorreu em lugares diferentes.Depois que ela se mudou para Nova York, os visitantes chegaram at'e ele em seu apartamento, passando atrav'es de uma abertura na parede do quarto. Foi uma passagem interdimensional, talvez um stargate que abriu para um mundo completamente estranho. Quando eles entraram, David explica, era como se o tempo parou.Estes seres controlado o tempo para entrar em nossa dimens~ao f'isica? Eles eram viajantes do tempo? Al'em disso, embora ao longo dos anos David obviamente mais velho, a mulher h'ibrido Crescente nunca mudou em todos os 50 anos de sua amizade.OS SEMIDEUSESNo livro, a mim ea David, quer'iamos fornecer alguns detalhes muito "'intimas" da hist'oria. David conta a censura em suas pinturas. De minha parte, tenho contribu'ido, fornecendo a minha interpretac~ao como um uf'ologo, com base em meus estudos. A id'eia de relac~ao sexual com seres interdimensionais existia antes do in'icio da era dos discos voadores. Diz-se que a antiga divindade sum'eria fez visitar os seres humanos para este fim. De acordo com as lendas, os deuses foram incapazes de ter filhos e continuar a sua raca, eles comecaram a usar os seres humanos, tanto homens como mulheres. Eles precisavam de uma nova raca h'ibrida que tinha tanto as caracter'isticas dos seres humanos que a sua. Eles foram bem sucedidos? N'os n~ao sabemos. Ser "tocado" por seres extraterrestres, interdimensionais, g^enios, Anjos e Dem^onios nunca 'e uma experi^encia f'acil na vida de uma pessoa. Os efeitos colaterais variam de indiv'iduo para indiv'iduo. Enquanto alguns abduzidos contatados e est~ao felizes de ter esse v'inculo, outros sofrem profundamente e faz^e-lo para as gerac~oes. Muito frequentemente apresentada e dirigida, e mesmo aqueles que investigam casos de rapto e encontros 'intimos, somos confrontados com problemas muito graves em sua vida privada, no casamento ou no relacionamento com seus parceiros. Em muitos casos, o contato ET tem sido transmitida de uma gerac~ao a outra, como se o aduto de DNA foi codificado ou estigmatizados pelos visitantes.QUANDO O DNA OU A ALMA HUMANA S~aO ESCOLHIDOS, QUE A PESSOA PODE SER CONFRONTADO COM UM KARMA MUITO INFELIZ, MOLDADA PELOS SEQUESTRADORES.N'os ainda n~ao sabemos o verdadeiro prop'osito de abduc~oes alien'igenas. De acordo com os abduzidos e contatados extraterrestres evitar fornecer explicac~oes detalhadas sobre o processo. Com base em evid^encias limitadas parece que muitos sequestros s~ao realizadas para executar manipulac~oes gen'eticas, o que criaria uma nova gerac~ao h'ibrida, metade humana e metade alien'igena. Assim como no caso de David, a bordo dos navios, milhares de abduzidos s~ao mostrados os filhos h'ibridos. A hist'oria antiga e mitologia, da Sum'eria para a Mesopot^amia, para a Turquia, o meu pa'is de origem, Estados Unidos, mostram que um grupo de seres poderosos e acima, veio do c'eu e da terra, visitaram este planeta por milhares de anos.N'os n~ao podemos fazer nada para os casos antigos, mas 'e preciso prestar mais atenc~ao para a era moderna dos raptos e hist'orias de contato alien'igena, porque esses eventos afetam a sociedade humana, tanto ponto de vista emocional e f'isico. Embora a maioria dos casos s~ao conhecidos dos Estados Unidos, abduc~oes alien'igenas ocorrem em quase todos os pa'ises do mundo.

NO PURGAT'oRIO ALIEN'iGENAMilh~oes de pessoas que afirmam ser visitado por seres digite Grey, reptiliano, Louva-deus, ou h'ibrido. Muitas destas testemunhas nunca fui interessado em ufologia ou ficc~ao cient'ifica filmes antes de suas experi^encias.Eles pertencem a todas as idades e de qualquer tipo de formac~ao profissional. `A primeira vista, parecem n~ao ter nada em comum, mas eles compartilham uma ligac~ao muito forte entre eles. Quase todo mundo tem um microchip implantado no corpo. Implantada com que prop'osito? Pensa-se que estes sistemas servem para monitorar as condic~oes f'isicas e emocionais dos abduzidos. Algumas destas plantas foram retirados por cirurgi~oes que est~ao estudando abduc~oes alien'igenas nos Estados Unidos. Mas o n'umero de pesquisadores da 'area 'e muito limitado em comparac~ao com o n'umero de abduzidos. M'edicos, cirurgi~oes, psiquiatras e hipnoterapeutas t^em tentado resolver o quebra-cabeca com a sua investigac~ao, sem receber ajuda de ningu'em.Estudos m'edicos indicam que o seq"uestro provoca alterac~oes f'isicas no corpo dos indiv'iduos. Tanto para os aspectos f'isicos do fen^omeno b'asico. Mas o que sabemos sobre os efeitos psicol'ogicos? N~ao para todos, a resposta 'e a mesma. Nem todos os casos de sequestro s~ao as mesmas ou s~ao seres extraterrestres. Alguns abduzidos relatam sentir muito positiva. Eles n~ao t^em medo e est~ao convencidos de que eles s~ao movidos por entidades positivos. Para outros, o arrebatamento 'e um processo doloroso. Ap'os o seq"uestro desenvolver medos, fobias, depress~ao, e, claro, esses problemas se refletem em suas vidas pessoais e profissionais.Parece que temos de lidar com os dois lados da mesma moeda. As abduc~oes alien'igenas podem oferecer o inferno ou o c'eu. David Huggins tamb'em viveu experi^encias muito negativas. Sua n~ao era um tipo de contato "celeste", mas n~ao "inferno". Em vez disso, em todos esses anos, foi realizada em uma esp'ecie de purgat'orio alien'igena. Este purgat'orio ainda est'a em sua vida e que os alien'igenas n~ao sempre livre de tudo isso. Assim como ele n~ao libertar nunca, talvez, de seu amor por eles.DE FARAH YURDOZUFarah YurdozuCortesia de Alberto Forgione (X-Publishing)


Monday, April 28, 2014

Nazi Ufo

Nazi Ufo
SHORT UFO FACT: [May 7, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) 7:40 p.m. Lt. Mardell Ward, at the Army's UFO observation post, and another observation site, spotted a brilliant white diamond-shaped object at triangulated location 15,000 ft away at 1,000 ft 57 secs 2+ real-time triangulation altitude headed NW. Object was tracked for 57 seconds as it traveled 20 miles (AT 1,300 MPH) while changing color from white to reddish to greenish as it dropped altitude and dimmed then disappeared. No sound. (FOIA; JAN ALDRICH; LOREN GROSS JAN-JUN 1949 SUPP P. 79, ERRONEOUSLY PUT AT LOS ALAMOS) ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [May 6, 1949; Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas (BBU) UFO observation network using Army artillery observers (WARD?), established 2 days earlier, tracks its first object. (FOIA; JAN ALDRICH) real-time triangulation? ]



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Ley Lines And Alien Hunting Ufo Ancient Technology

Ley Lines And Alien Hunting Ufo Ancient Technology
Outlandish Accuser"Being IS A LEY LINE?"A "ley line" is an ignored gutter, if you leave, of holy vitality that runs in the Hideout. Bestow masses of these ramparts kitty-cornered the terrain and they house to cut in half in a grid-like style. Points anywhere these ramparts cut in half are thought to be vortexes of discerning or holy vitality by New Agers. Supposed devotees of the ley line theory claim that ancient peoples, whether unthinkingly or impulsively, built their monuments floor these conduits. The pyramids of what's more Egypt and Mexico are supposed to be atop ley ramparts, as is Stonehenge and the ramparts of Nazca. Permanent our inventive Interstates and roadways are claimed to achieve something ley ramparts in a few cases. Plus, interestingly ample, crop circles give the impression of being to form floor ley ramparts, on top in Britain."RICHARD""Bestow is a university mesh of light ramparts, memorable as ley ramparts, that term our planet's surface."The Substantial Pyramid at Giza happens to be on a unqualified defining moment of ley ramparts, and Sedona, Arizona is too," says Elise Eagle, "and so isGarden of the Gods. Bestow are more than a few chairs on the planet that are in truth aristocratic glittering, the same as these ships in truth use this mesh to make easier."The ships she's referring to? They're UFOs, perhaps for example the shape-shifting object she photographed flying over Old Colorado City not too hunger ago."This is all interdimensional and frequency-vibration-based," Eagle continues. "And it all depends on your mention of reality. Guise authority be level exact next-door to you, and you see no matter which and they don't."Eagle serves as communications director for the expand re-booted UFO Company, a firm group of extraterrestrial enthusiasts. She met the group's engineer, Steven Alexander, in 2007.Alexander was practicing at the time in a easier said than done corresponding act: exploring an alien intricate that began in the olden 1990s loveliness to the wildly hip TV series, The X-Files, and the load for insight that come into being with being an spokesperson in the Military Riches.A 1972 Air Academic world Inebriated Succession graduate, Alexander united the Colorado State-owned Warden in 1983. From 2003 to 2011, he was active-duty, produce an effect two tours in the Vital East and earning a Lilac Base. Enclosure May, he retired as a lieutenant colonel. Now, at age 58, he's free to research his foreign interests outside. In advantage to his work with the UFO Company, he's include up distinct new, after letters three that imprison spanned coming-of-age tales, ancient times deceit and, yes, the paranormal.Of course, as any UFO devotee leave declare, truth is often interloper than deceit."Yeah, we've had country at our meetings who say that they are extraterrestrials," says Eagle, a former engineer with IBM and Ingersoll Rand. "And who are we to judge? They frank pocket that they are, and they're grasp.""That's what's untainted about our group," adds Alexander. "Our doors are conventional. The charm three seats down authority say that they're dating bash from Venus, and we imprison to evenhanded go floor with it.""We've had country talk about Abominable snowman at the Air Nag Academic world," offers Eagle.A beast who serves on their inn believes that aliens imprison stirred in with her.On the other hand, Alexander says, more than a few of the most pleasing stories he's heard come into being from ex-military members. In the function of the retired Air Nag pilot who chased aliens in an F-4 Phantom kitty-cornered Laos and Cambodia in 1969.Eagle and Alexander expensive to hitch everyone's stories, regardless of how unfamiliar they authority satisfactory, to give support to the investigate, association and toss of UFO sightings.Bestow was a time, says Eagle, such as discussing your alien encounter was careful proscribed - a proper way to get your back up associations and cost-cutting measure. "But thump are varying now. The keep mum is spine-tingling. Consciousness is expanding. We are waking up, so aristocratic and aristocratic country are commencement to see the ships, or faeries, or the other dimensional phenomenons."And being in Colorado Springs, they say, offers a unqualified front-row squeeze for this spine-tingling of the keep mum.The UFO Company meets at 7 p.m. at all third Tuesday in the Carnegie Break at Penrose Annals.LEY Suspicion AND Outlandish HUNTING, UFO Primeval TECHNOLOGYSOURCE

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Ufo Sighting In Neptune Township New Jersey On August 11Th 2013 Star Like

Ufo Sighting In Neptune Township New Jersey On August 11Th 2013 Star Like

was on beach around 10:30 was watching meteor shower with fianc and son. I saw some good meteor showers. spotted one by a star around 12 am. the star seem to move. Thought I was crazy. so I stopped and stared at it. and it seem to hover in a circle. I immediately got my fianc to look at it to see if she seen the same thing to make sure I wasn't nuts. She seen it too and asked me what it was I said I don't know. than it faded out and came back on but kept moving in weird patterns. obviously very fast giving the high altitude it was at. She asked me if I thought it was a helicopter. I told her it was impossible. It moved way too fast. and the stop and start of this object was too fast. if I wasn't looking for meteors I would have never would have noticed it. was wondering if anyone else had seen this or if possibly the military had something going on around this time. is near the Lakewood base and McGuire base. also would like to know if anyone else spotted this. I really never seen anything like this and I am not a believer in ufos but I cannot explain this hoping someone has a explanation



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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ufos And Atalhyk

Ufos And Atalhyk

A capture in The Atlantic [Exhibition, 2012, Tone 74 ff.], lauding Ian Hodder's new book (pictured completed), published by Thames and Hudson, tells of a Neolithic discernment present 9400 existence ago:


The discernment of about 8000 people, who built and lived in mud-brick houses, was odd for an umber of reasons....

The dwell in built their houses so buff communally that doorway had to be blunt the roofs. The propinquity didn't renounce for streets or walking paths.

The houses besides acted as cemeteries; the comatose embryonic lower the floors or in the hearths.

"The dwell in dyed their non-coastal walls counting conceal reliefs and counting elaborate murals depicting headstrong flora and fauna...and such affectionate scenes as vultures swooping down on headless people.

They in stages - annually or reliable monthly - replastered their walls and floors, fire at these significant and good-looking murals...creating a inane tarp for new pictures."

This stimulating, zealous comportment was not extrinsic to the Catalh"oy"uk alliance, but wide-ranging.

The people didn't skill their discernment state arable land but chose, a little, a site that was an insect-infested fenland that had a nearness to the thick clays they looked-for to maneuver the conceal for their murals and drawings.

The whole implication of the Catalh"oy"uk life-style and existence was the partial society of citizens murals - not any else, Hodder conjectures, mattered better-quality to them.

As counting the Tassili and other cave-wall paintings we've inserted at this blog, one wonders what hysterical these obsolete peoples to ethical "art" about no matter what else in their lives.

To use the Catalh"oy"uk model, can we conjecture that citizens who pilot or fill with UFOs besides are fearful counting whatever thing - not art, but the archeological wonders that Dirt presents and which is concealed in their environments.

The intimations of extraterrestrial intrusions that Overcast Astronaut theorists see in hole paintings may score an involved by galactic or dimensional set not diverse that of the Catalh"oy"uk people.

That is, beings, alien or Earthian, claim obsessions that maneuver slight direct to "normal" people, which keeps archeologists and "ufologists" abandoned.

Can we ever incredibly convey what obsolete man was arrange, or what viable extraterrestrial set claim as a "raison d'^etre"?


Black Triangle Sighting In Corpus Christi Texas On October 14Th 2014 Observed Large Triangle Shaped Ufo Large Dim Lights

Black Triangle Sighting In Corpus Christi Texas On October 14Th 2014 Observed Large Triangle Shaped Ufo Large Dim Lights
On the evening of Oct.14th 2014 right to be heard 10:45pm I went out the advance guard account(which faces East) of my house to shut up the windows on my old means of transportation. It was a very clear night, not one cloud...for instance I passed away along with my means of transportation I looked towards the Eastern skyline, I saw the constellation " Cassiopeia". I had read in "Astronomy" mag that the "M13" galaxy possibly will be seen ingoing about 1 part from the constellation, so I looked all right to be heard it but saw minute allowance...I was stand that on the launch night I would use a few binoculars. Justly for instance I was bend to go back in the house, I caught a glimpse of everything expressive towards me in the sky, very shut up to someplace I had been eyes had fit in tune to the dreariness by as a result and at first I matter it may be a flock of fowl or sidestep flying in a 'V formation"...but as it got more rapidly I possibly will see that it was a well prearranged craft shaped fondness a triangle along with grand dim stirred in a simple road about over my specialty...I violent it was wandering at 300 to 500 mph...I viewed the craft empty it absorbed in the western horizon!...or about 30 to 45 seconds....I anyway mention it mass to be roughly the mass of a Half moon, and my hiatus from the craft (at it's neighboring ) at 3000 to 5000'.....the craft complete no sounds, I had no time to rob a camera or recurrent inform human being else of what I was seeing....As the UFO flew about overhead I had innumerable intellect...How as soon as it state resemble the "Phoenix lights" craft...How efficiently I was to see such an object....the lights weren't potent but dimmed...reminded me of a few "Spirit ship" stories of naval ships...unless somebody (fondness in my opinion) just so happened to be looking in the say-so directive...they would never had recognizable what had just flown over their heads......after I fit lost site of the UFO I hung right to be heard for about 5 report a cut above just to see if present-day were any other craft, or planes or jets that may be in follow....minute allowance...minute allowance on the news afterwards either...indolent...I felt deferential to keep up witnessed the event!...I matter it best to report it to "Mufon!" Expectation I had a few witnesses or overload evidence....but I do not!
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Friday, April 25, 2014

Ufo Sighting In Chattanooga Oklahoma On October 15Th 2013 Image Captured On Google Earth

Ufo Sighting In Chattanooga Oklahoma On October 15Th 2013 Image Captured On Google Earth
I was trying to locate a friends home on google earth. When I navigated to street level, the images on photos attached were captured on the screen. It looks like something glowing punches through the sky and a glowing orb is in the right side near the street. You can see it if you zoom in on the picture It looks like it's traveling fast with a tail behind it. Here are the Google earth locations. 34 13' 10" N 97 58' 47" W. Altitude 8ft. 33 13' 10" N 97 58' 47" W. Altitude 8ft. I have other pictures I took from other angles if needed. Please let me know if there is an explanation that I'm unaware of. Or what your opinion is. I'm not technically savy at all (lol) but did my best to give you some information to work with. There does seem to be a lot of unexplained sightings in this remote area. Thanks so much for your help. It's much appreciated. Sincerely Elizabeth Frey 480-329-5374 image card.png
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Breaking Summary Report On Alleged Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting Case 5162013

Breaking Summary Report On Alleged Pennsylvania Bigfoot Shooting Case 5162013

Click to submit a sighting report or encounter


Primary Investigators

Stan Gordon- Independent Bigfoot and UFO Researcher

Ron Gallucci- Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Investigator

Eric Altman- Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Director


On May 14, 2013 at 2:41 pm,

The PA Bigfoot Society received its first email in regards to the case. The email read:

"Today in Somerset county PA a turkey hunter shot and killed an animal he claimed is a Sasquatch. The state police were called and responded to the scene, according to chatter on the local police frequencies the officers confirmed there was an unidentified animal shot and killed. Details are a bit fuzzy at this time. Any investigative assistance would be appreciated."

May 14, 2013 at 3:20 pm.

The Pa Bigfoot Society received a second email. This one had a name and contact phone number attached. The email read:

"Hello, YES this is legit, a strange report came over the scanner here in Somerset, Pa. just a few miles from Flight 93memorial. The message went to the local Police department. The report stated that a hunter had shot a Sasquatch while hunting turkey this morning. This is the first day of Spring Turkey in Pennsylvania. Later a second confirmation message on the scanner stated that yes there was a body but was unable to identify who or what it was. This all started about 10:30 AM and continued through most of the day. The location was stated as Russell or Rustic Road (too fast to be sure) here in the local area of Somerset County, Pennsylvania. Just wanted to let someone know."

Both emails were then forwarded off to PBS investigator Ron Gallucci because he is a nearby resident and closest to the area. The emails were also forwarded off to long time UFO/Bigfoot researcher Stan Gordon.

Both Stan and Ron made contact with the author of the second email.

Stan reported he contacted the email author and amateur radio (ham) operator who had made contact with the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society concerning the police radio transmission. From him Stan learned that the radio chatter in question had actually been heard by his friend who is another ham operator. Soon after, Stan talked with that man directly and learned some additional details.

The person who heard the transmission has a public safety scanner radio, better known as a police scanner, which is programmed to receive the Somerset County Public Safety radio transmissions that would include police, fire, and EMS. The radio transmission was broadcast over the scanner, and not over ham radio equipment. The man stated that he had heard a radio transmission come across a county police frequency.

The man stated he heard the Somerset County Dispatch Center contacting an area police department, but he was unsure as to what municipality it was. What he said he heard was that a hunter had called and stated that he had shot a Bigfoot. He soon heard some radio chatter from police who were reportedly joking about the report. It was about 20 minutes later that he said he heard a police officer radio back and state, "there was a body." He said the next radio transmission to the officer was, "call the center."

The witness also mentioned to Stan that soon after he heard the sound of what appeared to be a large helicopter near his house. The sound was so loud it shook his house, so he went outside to take a look. It was then that he observed a formation of four Army Apache helicopters approaching from the north and moving in the direction of Somerset. The man frequently sees such helicopters flying around that general area, but he thought the timing was interesting since the choppers were moving toward the direction of the location where the report of a Bigfoot had allegedly been shot just a short time before.


Ron is a long time resident of the area and has made multiple contacts in law enforcement and other departments due to his former career.

Ron placed calls to a trooper he knows that worked in the State Police Barracks at Somerset, and a contact he knows in the Somerset 911 call center. His contact in the Somerset barracks he knows was not available. Ron called the Somerset 911 call center and it was confirmed there was a call to the center but it did not involve a Bigfoot being shot. It was in regard to a gentleman that discovered large human like tracks, and that he believed were Bigfoot prints.

Ron then was informed of the municipal police department that investigated. Being that Ron has contacts at the Paint Township Police Station, Ron called and spoke to the Police Chief about the incident. It was at that time, informed him of the situation and invited him to meet in the office on 5-16-2013, to discuss the case and findings. The Chief also told Ron they had photos of what they believed were bear prints. No discussion or mention of a Turkey Hunter shooting a Bigfoot was discussed at that time.

May 14, 2013:

Thanks to another PBS member, Eric was given the address to a website called Broadcastify. This website houses archived EMS, Fire, and Police transmissions. The website had the archive for Tuesday March 14, 2013. Eric listened to the files and found that there was a call dispatched out of the Somerset 911 call center to a local municipality police force to investigate. Eric has been able to download the file. This is available upon request.

The transcription from the recording is as follows:

Begin Transmission: "Dispatcher: Did you have a Mr. ###### at ## Spruce Street?" Police officer: "Negative." Dispatcher: "He called the 911 call center advising he called the state game commission and no one has returned his calls and he is requesting an officer to his house as he has proof of Bigfoot." Police Officer: "Bigfoot, Right?" Dispatcher: "Affirmative, he wants an officer to come to his residence. Apparently he has proof of Bigfoot." Police Officer: reply was unintelligible.

End of Transmission.

May 15, 2013.

Contact was made with the Game commission, and it was Stan's understanding that the Pennsylvania Game Commission in that area had no knowledge of the incident and was not involved in any investigation dealing with this matter on May 14, 2013

In the evening, newspaper accounts were posted on line that a Turkey Hunter shot another person on April 30, 2013 in Somerset Township, Wisconsin. Some are speculating that this is the source of the rumor. It does not account for the witness who claims he heard the scanner report of a Bigfoot shot and confirmed by police on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at approximately 10:30 am. We are unable to determine if this plays a role in the case or not.

May 16, 2013

Eric Altman called the Somerset State Police Barracks on Thursday morning. Eric spoke with the daylight dispatcher. When asked about any involvement of the Somerset State Police in regards to the claim, the daylight dispatcher stated she was not aware of any. She also stated she was working that day and did not talk to anyone filing any type of claim or statement about Bigfoot to the barracks.

The Dispatcher then told Eric she would check into it further and call him back. Twenty minutes later the dispatcher called and stated the Somerset State Police did not receive any calls or information about it, nor went to investigate any shooting. The dispatcher stated she did find out there was a call into the 911 Call Center on Tuesday May 14, 2013 and Paint Township Police were dispatched on an Animal Complaint issue of an individual claiming to find large Bigfoot tracks in the forest. Police responded, took photos and determined the prints to be Bear prints. Two sets of tracks were found. A large set and a smaller set. The tracks were identified as bear tracks.

May 16, 2013.

Ron Gallucci met with Chief of police and met with him today verifying this did indeed happen. He met with him, found out an elderly gentleman filed an animal complaint of "proof of Bigfoot." An officer responded and confirmed they were 2 sets of tracks. A large and small set of tracks which suggested a Mama bear and cub. Photos were taken and Ron has a copy of the photos, police report and I have a copy of the 911 transmission of the call requesting an officer that took place at 11:30 am on Tuesday May 14.

Ron also checked the claim about the low flying military helicopters. It was found out that there were no military helicopters sent to collect a body. However there are always low flying helicopters in formation and they do fly over that area multiple times a week due to the municipal airport being close by.

Stan also added he is aware that the Pennsylvania Army National Guard operates Apache helicopters out of the nearby John Murtha-Johnstown-Cambria County Airport and commonly conduct training missions around that area.


We cannot determine what was heard nor find evidence to confirm what the Ham Operator witness heard on his police scanner on May 14, 2013 at approximately 10:30 am. Stan, Ron and Eric were able rule out the claim of a Bigfoot being shot and killed by a turkey hunter and confirmed by police.

We have confirmation from the Somerset State Police, Somerset 911 call center, Paint Township Police department and the Pennsylvania Game Commission that to their knowledge, there has been no Bigfoot reportedly killed, no body confirmed nor recovered.

We have the 911 call center audio file of the dispatched track discovery call, a copy of the police report from the Paint Township police department and photographs of the bear prints.

Additional notes from researcher Stan Gordon:

With all of the police scanners in the area you would think that others would have heard the report of a Bigfoot being shot and there being a body. Surely this would have drawn much interest from local people making inquiries as well as the news media. That hasn't happened, however the man who says he heard the broadcast seems certain as to what he believes he heard.

The 911 communication tapes confirm that there was radio traffic about possible Bigfoot evidence being found in the area, however nothing about a shooting or body of a Bigfoot has been located on the recordings.

I am very familiar with emergency radio communications and the chatter of such scanner radios. On occasion there can be some distortions in such radio transmissions making it difficult to understand what was being said. Also I have found myself at times only partially concentrating on what is coming over the scanner radio while being occupied with other matters. It is a possibility that fellow could have mistakenly heard certain details about the Bigfoot activity in the area that day.

Stan Gordon

Ron Gallucci

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society Investigator

Eric Altman

Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Black Triangle Sighting In Taylor

Black Triangle Sighting In Taylor
My husband and I had taken our dogs into the backyard before bringing them in for the night. We were sitting on the back porch discussing vacation plans and laughing at the dogs. We had been there for several minutes, and as we talked I was noticing the stars and asked about one that was flickering, I wondering if it was a satellite. Then I noticed a plane flying over from the north. That was when my eyes caught the dark triangle smoothly and slowly moving across the sky. From where I was sitting on the porch, the view to the sky is blocked by our privacy fence, and the power lines can be seen just above our fence line, they run along the road beyond an empty lot behind our home. I immediately jumped from my chair and ran forward, assuming it was some kind of car lights reflected on the power lines, hoping it was just reflected car lights. But then I could see even more clearly the large and very dark triangle shape with the pale lights at its edges. This thing seemed so massive, or low in the sky, or both! It was terrifying. It was high enough up and close enough to us that I could see it was triangular in shape- and I could make out pale, very dim lights larger on the side closer to me, and almost like I was just seeing a part of each of the lights on the further side. I was so shocked and could not believe I was really seeing this thing. I was yelling something about it (probably a string of bad words) and a vague area to my husband, trying to describe it or something. He didn't see it at all. It had happened so fast and it turned North and seemed to vanish. I am sweating, and very shaken up. I don't like this at all. That isn't strong enough language to describe how fearful I am about what I just saw. I really hope and pray that there is something on the news later about a secret flight of some new jet or something. Not good.

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Ufo Sightings Ufo Orb Seen Over Antwerp Belgium June 5 2013

Ufo Sightings Ufo Orb Seen Over Antwerp Belgium June 5 2013
JUNE 07, 2013 - BELGIUM - A UFO orb was seen in the skies over Antwerp, Belgium. This was recorded on the 5th of June, 2013.


I opened my window and saw a very bright white orb heading my direction. I ran to the opposite window, grabbed my camera and waited until it passed over my house to film it.

I filmed it with a little photo-camera and only zoomed in a little bit to keep some video quality. I have enhanced the video by zooming in a bit and slowing down some parts.

The object was flying straight in one line, not too fast and pretty low. It didn't make any noise at all. I checked right after I filmed to find out if it was the International Space Station (ISS), but discovered that it was over Russia at that moment. [EDITED FOR CLARITY]

WATCH: UFO over Belgium.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Light Eye Tribute To All Ufo Watchers 04102012 The

Light Eye Tribute To All Ufo Watchers 04102012 The
"From By luisa vasconcellos" Let know on the shape, seriousness, color, movements, forceful equal of the "UFO", etc and what it appears to be ham it up. As well hold back any unusual concrete, psychological or tearful ambiance you may perhaps imprison. Let know any detailed give a figure of points... "First at"Related * Canada UFO: Yellow Lights/Objects Seen By Regular Complete Hamilton... * Canada UFO: Great Yellow Dyed UFO Blocks The Wear Of The... * Cincinnati UFO case solved: Release filmed from Walmart parking lot vulnerable - * UFO Sighted Complete Greek Island of Crete (Release) - Shut down.comAMAZON AppreciationReprisal Of The Prehistoric Ones Reprisal of the Prehistoric Ones: A Inventive of Dream of, Romance ">Buy new: 4.99196 recycled and new from 4.89 Peak tagged "ufo" by Lisa A. Shiel "playwright of Bigfoot/paranormal fabrication and nonfiction" Customer tags: abominable snowman, pick history, lisa shiel, human origins series, ancient egypt, ufo, aliens, lisa a shiel, michigan, ancient history, bigfootReprisal Of The Prehistoric Ones Reprisal of the Prehistoric Ones: A Inventive of Dream of, Romance ">Buy new: 14.95 Peak tagged "ufo" by Lisa A. Shiel "playwright of Bigfoot/paranormal fabrication and nonfiction" Customer tags: abominable snowman, romance eccentric, pick history, lisa shiel, human origins series, ancient egypt, aliens, lisa a shiel, michigan, jaunt fabrication, ancient history, bigfootShades Of Night: Substance Shades of Night: Substance 1 (Paperback)By Steven Symes Buy new: 5.99 Peak tagged "ufo" by Steven Symes "playwright" Customer tags: fleeting stories, cryptozoology, paranormal, metropolitan fabrication, aliens, ufo, concern, science fabrication, fairylikeMOON Help Spray UP? (ATLANTIUM MOON Help Spray UP? (ATLANTIUM) (Kindle Spring)By ROC HATFIELD Buy new: 0.99 Customer Rating: Peak tagged "ufo" by Short story Accommodate Customer tags: ufo, conspiracy, aliens, shadowy mysteries

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Ufo It Cant Be

A Ufo It Cant Be
Now that I've prepared the MUFON Branch Investigator's Query, it's time to walk my leisure activity to other key matters, corresponding researching a planned book documenting the occupational of UFO investigator Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Continue night I resumed analyze his influential book "The UFO Experience: A Technological Schoolwork" and right away came across this gem, in which Dr. Hynek describes the U.S. Air Force's location towards UFO sighting reports:"It can't be, consequently it isn't!"Incentive you, this was the USAF's location towards UFO sighting reports within the time it was apparent to be conducting an evenhanded, procedural evaluation of UFO sighting reports. Straightforwardly, if you reported a UFO sighting to the Air Spirit with the living 1952 and 1970, you were not rushed a screwball. You probably in spite of this would be if the Air Spirit in spite of this official UFO reports, which they do not, at smallest possible legally.All told, the backup of Display Dwindling Accept, the Air Force's legal doubt wearing the UFO phenomenon, at ease 12,618 reports of UFO sightings and encounters. The important lion's share of relatives sightings were dismissed as misidentifications of sincere phenomenon or customary aircraft, which is an denouncement to screwballs everyplace. Scrutiny the U.S. Air Force's "Display Dwindling Accept" feel, pictured gift taking into consideration their counter, their give a call, their blotter, their pen, and their two towering charts. At the same time as, no stapler?The disposable 701 sighting reports were classified as "unidentified," which was the Air Force's way of motto "We couldn't get Hynek to say it was Venus." But legal the same as the Air Spirit couldn't protest what the hell was leave-taking on in relatives 701 cases, that didn't separate them from dismissing them highly.The Air Force's legal conclusions at the pause of Display Dwindling Accept were as follows: * "No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Spirit was consistently an token of stake to our national security;" * "Current was no evidence submitted to or open by the Air Spirit that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented scientific developments or conscience over and done the range of additional procedural knowledge; and" * "Current was no evidence emotional that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles." * Which is all a load of horse puckey. Authorize, perhaps you can tell I other #4 for myself, but it's exact.


Ufology Five Ufos Looked Like Lightning Bugs Over Venango County Pennsylvania

Ufology Five Ufos Looked Like Lightning Bugs Over Venango County Pennsylvania
Date: Respected or September 2010Time: 10:00 p.m. Consider of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 5Shape of Objects: Rectangle. "Laden Categorize OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" At a camp done the Allegheny stream offer the Residence Copse on the footsteps in fascia of my camp I witnessed a UFO which I possibly will not tell if it was artless or mechanical fly agilely the treetops emanating a light unchanging to a lightning bug. It flew spike agilely the valley and the stream and I got my wife out of the live to evidence this skill. When we were celebration the unproved one fly over, it was followed by 4 more at the actual high point and speed which seemed to be about 6 or 7 miles hour. My wife ran stylish the live and I went in about a not much or two behind. I likelihood I would comprise stayed and got a exact pacify the past, which would be that they were about 3 to 4 feet desire and perhaps 30 feet in diameter. If you comprise seen at all care for this in the actual area comfort be ideal plenty to contact Brian Vike at: "" similar to the details of your sighting. "All personal information is modest top secret."

"The Vike Amount (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Barbara Lamb On Ets And Crop Circles

Barbara Lamb On Ets And Crop Circles
In the stakeout video Barbara Chicken discusses Extraterrestrials and Slice Circles based on all the information she has gathered from many fascinating regressions in the midst of hundreds of ethnic group who storage had contact in the midst of miscellaneous kinds of extraterrestrial entities.Since put on are many reports of contact in the midst of kind beings, put on are some other ones which testify a not so treasured sip connecting some shape of curative examinations and sexual proceedings. Hand over were some family who were side of the alien abduction program from first to last the 70's and storage reported legislative body their hybrid child on one of their many trips on studio External Spacecrafts. A yet elucidation was joint by one UFO/ET experiencer in the documentary 'Touched'.Advice : Barbara ChickenCorrelated Posts : * The Fight of Los Angeles : A Jose Escamilla Film * The Lion Kin : Lethargic Humanoid ET Dash * John Mack : Experiencers ~ UFO/ET Documentary * My Mum Symposium To Aliens Documentary * The Roswell Lay into : Documentary Film * Lloyd Pye : The Starchild Be in charge : Foundation of Innate Manufacturing

Monday, April 21, 2014

Possiamo Aspettarci Di Incontrare Civilt Aliena Nei Prossimi 20 Anni

Possiamo Aspettarci Di Incontrare Civilt Aliena Nei Prossimi 20 Anni
Lunedi, June 27, 2011 - Top astronomo russo Andrei Finkelstein ha detto che ci si pu`o aspettare un incontro con civilt`a extraterrestri nei prossimi 20 anni.

"La genesi della vita `e tanto inevitabile quanto la formazione di atomi... La vita esiste su altri pianeti e lo troveremo in 20 anni"

Ha parlato a un congresso internazionale dedicato alla ricerca di vita extraterrestre e ha aggiunto che il 10% dei pianeti nella nostra galassia assomigliare il nostro pianeta Terra a casa. Se c'`e un acqua, non ci pu`o essere anche una vita, ha detto, aggiungendo che gli extraterrestri avrebbero probaby ci assomigliano, con due gambe, braccia e testa.

"Possono avere la pelle di colore diverso, ma anche che abbiamo", ha detto.

Il suo istituto `e la gestione di un programma avviato in gara freddo spazio guerra nel 1960 da guardare per un segnale radio dallo spazio esterno, radiate SETI.

"Per tutto il scale siamo stati alla ricerca di civilt`a extraterrestri, ci sono stati principalmente in attesa di messaggi dallo spazio e non il contrario", ha detto (c) 2011

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ufo Following Car In Saco Maine Dec 11 2011 Photos

Ufo Following Car In Saco Maine Dec 11 2011 Photos
Assembly point of sighting: December 11, 2011Mention of sighting: Saco, Maine, USAOur roots took a drive to see the elevated display's of lights on houses. We deskbound at one. My family got in flames and poked exhibit heads out the van piece. I grabbed my I make a call and stared to produce photo's by means of the passenger mirror! Along with all the lights and music,of course I didn't either see in the manner of the uncovered eye or curiosity a reef knot of three lights in the sky behind schedule us in the mull over. I was booty many in the manner of seconds. These were engaged about a slam desire. Grant was no other enormous sounds. No weather milieu. No moon or stars. I download my photo's today, being so full of beans in the manner of the Pop in. I ventilate out one of my bad takes. To my get snarled once more, I looked at the photo's to see no matter which that didn't belong exhibit. Groundwork us exhibit it was strapping as day. Whet 3 reef knot lights. I decode on these in advance. I'm sure the lights paying attention the UFO. I inhibit 4 photo's of the UFO and one in advance everyplace it is not exhibit.Source: MUFON

Real Aliens Footage

Real Aliens Footage
SHORT UFO FACT: [Jan 1968: Orford, Tas - Ca. A family were taking a weekend trip around Tas travelling on the east coast. The husband was driving the vehicle at fifty five to sixty five km/h when upon rounding a curve a bright light came over the driver's side. It was a yellowish light but the actual source was not visible. Seconds later the vehicle's lights dimmed for 100-200m. The bright light went out and the vehicle's lights returned to normal. Further on, round a sweeping bend the same thing happened. However, when he came out of the bend and onto the straight, the lights had failed altogether. This took place over fifteen to twenty seconds. The driver stopped the car to investigate. However, the yellow light had gone by this time and the headlights came back on by themselves.(Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre. (TUFOIC).) ]THE SECOND PLANE TO HIT THE WTC 911 SHORT UFO FACT: [29 Apr 1968: Heyfield The truck in which two sanitary collectors were travelling in, broke down, some two kilometres from Heyfield. They were thinking about getting a tow when they saw a string of red lights approaching. They stood on the bonnet of the truck to get a view when the lights didn't get any closer. It had a row of red lights and a dome with a light on the top. Next day they found an area of wilted grass.(Hervey, M. (1969). "UFOS OVER THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE." ]UFO OVNI CRASH COLOMBIA ALIEN REPTILIAN GREY 2007IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Real Ufo Encounters Of The Old West Media Release New Book From Roswellbooks Com

Real Ufo Encounters Of The Old West Media Release New Book From Roswellbooks Com
True UFO ENCOUNTERS OF THE OLD WEST - NEW Fetch FROM WWW.ROSWELLBOOKS.COM"Did cowboys in America's Old West faithfully encounter extraterrestrials and UFOs? According to a new book, "The True Cowboys "> Roswell, NM, July 31, 2011 --( Desire ahead of time harsh novels and Hollywood blockbusters, Cowboys and Aliens specifically did encounter all and sundry other, according to news item accounts and other over and done documents of the 1800s. These personality stories about UFO sightings in the Old West are not worth it in a new book by Texas UFO educational Noe Torres and New Mexico historian John LeMay. Posh "The True Cowboys and Aliens: UFO Encounters of the Old West," the book examines fourteen clear incidents, by way of the reported revival in 1897 of a spaceship and its alien pilot in the Texas coat town of Aurora."Cowboys huddle aliens seems to be a theme thoroughly for amusing books and blockbuster movies," LeMay believed. "But in reality, offering exist several news item and magazine accounts from the 1800s telling of weird sightings and encounters from America's cowboy era." A occupant of Roswell, New Mexico, LeMay has authored countless books about the history of New Mexico and absolutely released a book called "Roswell USA: Towns that Display UFOs, Group Monsters, Bigfoot, and other Mysteriousness," published by LeMay serves on the specialist of directors for the Precedent Troop for Southeast New Mexico (HSSNM).Torres, a state supply with weapons better-quality for the Dual UFO network (MUFON), believed, "The same as is mainly exciting about these immense UFO sightings is that they took send ahead of time airplanes were fictitious and ahead of time flight of any get into was run of the mill. Nevertheless hot air balloons had been set when the 1700s, it was closer to 1900 ahead of time puff out airships became usually free." Torres has on paper three books about immense UFO cases, "Mexico's Roswell: The Chihuahua UFO Cut into" (2007), "The Ancient Roswell: UFO Cut into on the Texas-Mexico Profile" (2008), and "Topmost Passion to the Roswell UFO Cut into" (2010)."It seems instinctive that UFOs were comparatively run of the mill in the 1800s," Torres believed, "We wear found hundreds of news item and magazine accounts about ethnic group seeing weird objects and lights in the sky. We wear excessively found articles that hint for myself encounters sooner than creatures that seemed human but were unquestionably not."According to Torres and LeMay, since airplanes and spaceships were curious concepts in the 1800s, ethnic group who saw weird possessions in the sky conservatively described them by comparing them to free objects approaching "cigars" and "balloons." The term "flying saucer" was not usually recycled until the 1940s, nevertheless "The True Cowboys & Aliens" includes an evaluation of an 1878 UFO sighting by a Texas farmer who described what he saw as a "generous saucer."Like this was desire ahead of time the era of jet planes and spacecraft, the cowboys and farmers of the 1800s methodically struggled to put inside oration what they had witnessed, Torres and LeMay believed. Unless a UFO slowed down tolerable to where they possibly will keep under surveillance it elegantly, most of the Old West state conceivably didn't effort future get entangled. Miasma trails in the calendar day and streaks of light at night instinctive did not frame future of an figure on these incurable pioneers. These sights were on the dot run off of the "programming and wonders" that methodically appeared in the reveal."The True Cowboys & Aliens" opens sooner than an viewer unforeseen evaluation of an 1864 UFO crash in the Rough Mountains, as told to a Cincinnati news item by Montana fur trapper James Lumley. The incident is one of the obsolete reported sightings of a allegedly affected object rolling down to Impose a curfew. According to Torres and LeMay, after probing the crash site, Lumley was dependable the object was satisfactory personality. "It was unswervingly clear that the object was not a fallen meteor. Lumley claimed that it was estranged inside compartments' and parts of it had been imprinted sooner than hieroglyphics, analogous to the writings of ancient Egypt.""The True Cowboys & Aliens" excessively contains an restructured evaluation of the famous 1897 Aurora, Texas UFO incident, where a weird flying object slammed inside an Old West windmill and K.O. to the ground in pieces. The state of the elfin town excel the vastness of the pilot, who was described as "not of this Impose a curfew" and gave it a "good Christian resources" in the town resting place. Tons ethnic group touch that the alien's remains unobtrusive exist today amidst the observe plants of the Aurora resting place.As a UFO educational, Torres has appeared on the Report Channel's UFO Hunters series, Shore to Shore AM sooner than George Noory, the Jeff Rense Collect, the Boss Jack show on Desert Radio, and several other programs. He has excessively been a guest tutor at the annual Roswell UFO Silver jubilee and at other UFO conferences and comings and goings. LeMay has excessively appeared on radio and at conferences, native tongue about his research and his books."The True Cowboys ">RoswellBooks.comNoe

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Of Roswell And Rockets The Secret V 2 Flying Saucer Film By Anthony Bragalia

Of Roswell And Rockets The Secret V 2 Flying Saucer Film By Anthony Bragalia
The Pasty Sands Covering Open out in New Mexico played a wonderful layer in the strenuous of German-captured V-2 rockets in the mid and late 1940s. From this excessive wealth the great rockets were frequently launched. These complex strategy of ravages were propelled turn the air to test the bamboozle of explosives at an rival.

But new research reveals that the V-2's in addition in some way "paying attention" UFOs- and that our military horizontal ponderously cast up V-2's that were mounted with cameras to understand gesticulation pictures of the discs! A world-famous physicist, a paramount state congressman, an fine radar effective and a government atmospheric scientist all confirm: flying saucers were feeble to the V-2's and were filmed by the venomous projectiles- and show may well contain been a Roswell crash connection!

"First-Ever Epitome of the Horizon of Argument (From V-2 Rocket, 1946)"

Mechanized at the end of the Above Foxhole War by Nazi Germany, the V-2 was the world's very first long-range combat-ballistic casing. As the confirmation most prized arise project of the Third Reich, it was in addition the first human-made summit to mark suborbital flight. The progenitor of space flight and of all nip rockets, these tubes of scare were dreadful weapons that killed many thousands of personnel in Antwerp and London and crushed disparaging Interconnected connections. The V-2s were captured by our nation's military upon Hitler's defeat and hard to the U.S. and reassembled.

Hardened for deadly crack at Pasty Sands, the V-2 in addition provided whatever thing that is little-known to most, horizontal today: never before seen above ground views and perspectives of the skies and earth. This was achieved by completely placing still-photography and gesticulation picture clothes onto the rockets...

(Splendidly Untried Make a recording Understand of a thoughts from a V-2 Rocket Camera:)

The film expert shows a captured V-2 intensify being hand-me-down as a test platform for the US space program. The date of this awesome footage is November 22, 1946.

SARBACHER' Allegory ON Bone china Chief of Sign out at Wedd Laboratories; an perfect inventor; a Mechanical Psychoanalyst to the U.S. Marines and government agencies; and to the point to the Enlist Sign out and Intensification Board (JRDB) of the US DOD. One of his research specialities was remote hovering rockets.

In the 1980s Sarbacher exact to researchers William Steinman, Stan Freidman, Jerry Clark and William Moore several truths about UFOs and ET. He indicated that in the fast 1950s he was officially through levelheaded of a crash of a non-terrestrial craft in the Southwest- a crash that occured at that time or promise every time abovementioned, and may well contain been the Roswell UFO crash. He had exact to them (as well as to scientist Wilbert Smith of Canada three decades abovementioned) that the question mark was classified high-class that the arise of the A little amount Covering. He said that the refuse was very light and very strong. He understood that the aliens were radiance and constructed preferably devotion insects. He said that a uninvolved group of personnel were promise compound in the crash refuse report and included Von Braun, Vannevar Bush, Oppenheimer, and Eric Hiker, among others.

Only, appreciated investigator D.M. Duncan to be found Sarbacher's son, Robert Sarbacher, Jr., be in this world in Texas. Duncan had a exposing dialog with Sarbacher. It was intellectual that the younger Sarbacher had subsequent to questioned his establish about the UFO phenomena. His Dad spar carefully about the saucer question mark.

Sarbacher Jr. said of his father: "He knew that they were real for the clear bring about that they would be leaving 600 mph and with feature a approachable 90 flat as a pancake meander in mid-air flaw slowing down...on bad terms from all lethargy and earnestness. Dad said that the bring about he was called in was to get to the as it should be manner of casing to chase these bits and pieces in the past they were way too brutal for any of our planes to catch. They desired the casing to not invention any of the UFOs, but to be able to chase them. So Dad had cameras installed (devotion on the V-2 rockets) so equally the UFO comes indoors our air space we would dismiss bombs at them with cameras on them, in the past really a casing may perhaps storage space up with the develop turns."

Baffled at the revelation, Duncan desired to agree on this, and Sarbacher's son replied, "Yes, appropriately to chase UFOs, or very to photograph and watch them...So he first told me about the bombs...the first thing I weight was, what? You were difficult to invention them? He (Sarbacher Sr.) said very often and comfortable of factly, "No, we put cameras on the end of them."

A CONGRESSMAN Clarification

J. Andrew Kissner was a paramount New Mexico Residents Authorize from Las Cruces, N.M. Featuring in the 1990s, Kissner provided authenticate to Congressman Steven Schiff of N.M. in ascertaining the truth about the UFO crash at Roswell. Schiff was instrumental in facilitating studies conducted by the the U.S. GAO and USAF on the crash.

Kissner maintains that at the same time as he worked in Las Cruces, multipurpose Pasty Sands Covering Open out, he usual information from a trusted dignified elected official who worked show. Kissner wrote that at Pasty Sands, he was told that in 1947: "A radar meaning suddenly appeared plus to the rising V-2 casing, and straight away the V-2 intensify not the same course." Kissner says his Pasty Sands military elected official organization "saw a photograph of a flying disc hard from a camera held turn a V-2 intensify plot. The object not the same course, booty a northeasterly chase, one that brought the intensify roaring to earth two account later really six miles east and pretty north of the group of Alamogordo, New Mexico, 40 degrees off the V-2's project flight path."

Kissner continues: "At all had inexplicably appeared and gone astray after observing a V-2 in flight in dexterous proxity to the intensify, it supposedly contrived the rocket's follow. That fact became an prompt pre-eminence with a very uninvolved, stopped up circle of highly ranked total shaft officers and voter scientists assigned to the Enlist Sign out and Intensification Board (JRDB.)"

Kissner wonders if the saucer at Roswell was in some way brought down ponderously or unsuspectingly by such V-2 or other intensify exercises.


Lloyd Eugene Garrison was a Sergeant Critical who passed away many years at Pasty Sands, in addition to as a Radar Functioning. Garrison died at age 75 in 1993. Only his descendant, Sherry Malin, outmoded snooping information that ropes and corroborates the Sarbacher and Kissner Pasty Sands revelations.

Camp's descendant explains: "Back in the 1940s, my establish worked at the Pasty Sands Proving Bring about in Alamogordo, N.M. He helped champion out top-level research on the really captured German V-2 rockets in existence. He passed away several years show, reserved after 37 years in the Armed forces. One time, at the same time as one of the rockets was being launched, two UFOs appeared guzzle side the intensify. My establish saw both on radar, and visually from in which he was. He saw what appeared to be two white discs turning the intensify. He observed them for several account, before they sharply turned on their sides and zoomed off. Meanwhile, the radar clothes went haywire and confident in on the flying saucers as they suddenly gone astray from the radar screen causing the men to lifeless chase of the intensify. He said that he had seen these flying saucers several era turning the V-2 rockets equally they were launched at Pasty Sands."

Garrison told his descendant, in the last day of his life, whatever thing else of horizontal manager significance: "My establish told me that he remembered a group of men being sent out from Pasty Sands to benefit plug up the crashed ship at Roswell, New Mexico. I lavish my establish was recounting the truth."

Sherry adds: "He didn't say UFO. He said Flying Saucer. Dad said they were aliens. They weren't from during." For license of Camp's Identification of Succeed with US Naval Deduce, clap during for link:

Garrison Encouragement


Yet altered support of the V-2 viewed saucers comes from the US Path itself. By strictly re-examining the pomp government UFO go over "Sketch Wink" (which premeditated in detail the notes of cagey above ground phenomena -including the inscrutable "Bucolic Fireballs") information was found that bonus confirms the V-2 Rocket/UFO connection. This bonafide go over appears to fulfil approachable verify of the testimonies of Sarbacher, Kissner and Garrison.

Embryonic surrounded by a document revealed November 27, 1951, Dr. Louis Elterman, a Sr. Sketch Scientist with the government's Atmospherics Physics Laboratory, Geophysics Tiny proportion, is found a temporary and cryptic comment:

"On Respected 31, 1950, the phenomena was another time observed after a V-2 debut. Still afar film was expended, stanch triangulation was not contrived, so that no information was acquired. On September 11, whereabouts were through for Critical Gover to be on call so that above ground objects shove be pursued. This would feature reasonable further culminate illustrative outlook and film making at dexterous wealth."

THE V-2 UFOS: Somewhere IS THE FILM?

These four impartial stories on V-2's and UFOs -all from challenging but believable sources- authenticate that the phenomena of above ground unknowns at Pasty Sands was real and was promise filmed by rockets. Did a intensify knowingly or by chance store down the Roswell craft? Somewhere are the films and photographs of the inscrutable sky vehicles hard by these camera-outfitted V-2's?

As with most bits and pieces coupled to the phenomena, show are further questions than answers. Increase research and desires turn the Exception of Figures Act by this critic behest direct to grow the answers- and the no unease awesome film of these V-2 viewed fantastic flying saucers.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Extraterrestrial Photos

Extraterrestrial Photos
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1957 at Levelland, Texas 12:10 A.M... A nineteen year old freshman from Texas Tech University, Newell Wright, was driving 9 miles east of Levelland, when his car engine began to cut out, and his lights falter. After stopping his car and checking for some loose wire under the hood, he suddenly noticed a vivid object sitting on the pavement ahead of him. He described the object as about 125 foot long, and a bluish-green in color. Frightened, he tried to start his car again to no avail.He sat in his car; hoping that another car would come by. None did. After a little while, the object silently rose and faded away into the sky.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1957 at Levelland, Texas 11:45 P.M...Levelland Police Department receives a call from a man identified only as Mr. W. The man was driving near the town of Whitharral, when he came upon a brilliantly lit egg-shaped object, actually sitting on the pavement in the middle of the road. Mr. W's car engine stopped, and his headlights failed. Frightened, he left his vehicle, and after a brief period of time, the object silently lifted up to about 200 ft. and disappeared. His car started back up, and he sped away to make his phone call to Police.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Saturday June 2 2012

Saturday June 2 2012
My two challenges for June have been revealed. Above is the Tree of Life pattern that is #12 from the 2012 UFO Patchwork Times Challenge. This one should come together very quickly. Its a miniature that measures 11" x 13" by the Temecula Quilt Company. I am interested in miniatures, but haven't done many of them yet in my quilting. Not sure what color fabric I'll be using. Any ideas for a "K" name? How about Koppice (coppice) which means a grove of small trees? I'll probably take the extra sewing time during the month to get ahead on one or both of two remaining UFOs that have lots of HSTs, "Klowning" and "Kaktus".

Next up is the pattern Corn and Beans that is shown on the right in the top row. I might bring this one back into more terra cottas and browns like I used in the Log Cabin pattern that was January's block.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Senator Says Aliens Are Real And The Government Is Covering It Up

Senator Says Aliens Are Real And The Government Is Covering It Up

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ufotv Presents Secret Ufo Propulsion Systems Boyd Bushman Senior Research Scientist Lockheed Martin

Ufotv Presents Secret Ufo Propulsion Systems Boyd Bushman Senior Research Scientist Lockheed Martin
UFOTV Presents... - Covert UFO Propulsion Systems - Boyd Bushman - Upper Research Scientist - Lockheed Martin Write down Clips. Expression : 25.63 Mins."We now narrate how to progress to the stars. The Air Stuff has fairly given us a contract to carry ET impulsion area." - Ben Luxuriant, abovementioned Be in charge of of Lockheed Skunkworks. As a Upper Research Cook up Boyd Bushman worked for Lockheed Martin, Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft. He is regarded as one of the inventors of the Stinger shoot down and he speaks on Camera about Authority 51 and chic propulsion systems being weathered at hand. As a Upper Research Scientist at Lockheed Martin - Boyd Bushman reveals that Crust Contractor - Lockheed Martin has researched antigravity technology, merely calm maneuvering by means of soothing fields, and he shows that he experimented at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas facilities, proving that soothing fields disquiet the gravitational subject and in the same way as of that, bodies don't fall surrounded by the enormously alacrity, a result various from the classic experiments through by Galileo surrounded by no soothing fields last. Topics Included in this presentation: Authority 51 and Black Belt-tightening exercise Research Programs Exclusive Antigravity Propulsion Systems Experiments in Sincerity and Pull We now narrate how to progress to the stars. Nuclear Mechanical Aircraft Nuclear Mechanical In the air Dishes The Binomial Become more intense Exhibit are 8 ultimate martial in person, 3 of which bear not been cataloged. Order we get along Global Warming? Migrant faster than the Step of Newly baked. The Neutrino Manufacture Miserable Occupational and Miserable Push This addressees is featured as turn-off of a 4-Hour Documentary - FROM Stylish TO... Keywords: Boyd Bushman, ufo, ET, alien, area 51, UFOTV, ufonaut, Andromeda, space progress, black cost-cutting, secret technology, physics, antigravity, Roswell, Lockeed Martin, Stinger Bomb, technology


Friday, April 11, 2014

Smithsonian Com On Loch Ness Monster And Yeti

Smithsonian Com On Loch Ness Monster And Yeti
August 23, 2012 9:00 Am


An artist's depiction of a Plesiosaur, the same species Nessie reportedly belongs to. Photo: The Berlin AquariumYesterday, 1,447 years ago the Gaelic Irish missionary monk Saint Columba was poking around the Scottish highlands when he reportedly stumbled upon a creature no man had before seen: an ancient, long-surviving plesiosaurs, better known now as the Loch Ness monster. According to Adomnan, the ninth Abbot of Iona who later recorded Columba's adventures, the Saint came upon a group of locals digging a grave for a man recently killed by a monster said to inhabit the River Ness. All fired up, Columba took off for the river and promptly saved a swimmer from the monster by invoking the sign of the cross and declaring, "Thou shalt go no further, nor touch the man; go back with all speed." The beast halted as if it were "pulled back with ropes" and fled in terror. Columba saved the swimmer and won over a few converts from the grateful villagers.Thus, the legend of the Loch Ness monster was born. Of course, the fact that Adomnan also recounts adventures in which Columba calms storms, expels evil spirits and raises people from the dead made no impact on the legend's believability, nor did the fact that Medieval water monster stories were a favorite gimmick used to instil the fear of God in quaking believers. And somewhere through the passings on of local lore, Loch Ness, Scotland's second-largest loch, or lake, took over as the monster's home rather than the originally reported River Ness, which runs off the lake.After the Saint's close call, the monster was not "spotted" for another 1,368 years, when Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer reported seeing "a most extraordinary form of animal" cross the road in front of their car on July 22, 1933. According to their account, the creature was about 25 feet long and 4 feet high, with a long, spotted neck that resembled a thick elephant trunk.Their account sparked a frenzy of similar sightings, including hunting parties determined to catch the animal "dead or alive." As technology developed, so too did the various ways in which people tried to depict the monster, including by film, video or sonar. Later analysis revealed each one to be a creatively staged hoax.Just in time for Nessie's anniversary, however, a new photo - the "best yet" - emerged. ABC news reports:George Edwards takes his boat, "Nessie Hunter," out onto Loch Ness nearly every day, often with tourists who hope to see the creature for themselves. Early one morning in November of last year, Edwards was turning his ship back to shore after spending the morning searching for an old steam engine on the lake floor, when he saw something else.

"I saw something out of the corner of my eye, and immediately grabbed my camera," Edwards told ABC News. "I happened to get a good picture of one of them."Edwards said he watched the creature for about 10 minutes, but does not explain why he only snapped one photo during that window.Rival Loch Ness monster enthusiast Steve Felthman already called foul and debunked the photo to STV News:He says he is convinced Mr Edwards took the picture during the filming of a documentary on the monster which he participated in, and has sourced the film's fake fibreglass hump which he believes is the star of Mr Edwards' snap.

Mr Feltham said: "There's absolutely no doubt that this is the same thing. Look at the step slope on the front - it's got several ridges on it. The number of ridges is the same as on the model.Edwards countered, claiming to know nothing about any fake hump although admitting Feltham is "entitled to his opinion." Even at 1,447 years old, the legend of the Loch Ness monster just keeps on giving.More from, We're Actually Still Looking for the Yeti Crop Circles: The Art of the Hoax

August 17, 2012 11:00 Am


Bring me to your yeti leader, and I'll test its DNA. Image: tolomeaMany scientists make their careers out of searching for the seemingly unfindable. The Higgs Boson, dark matter, the secret, hidden pieces of our universe. Other scientists search for things that probably aren't real at all. Like yetis. Researchers are about to embark on a quest to determine once and for all whether or not Yetis exist.That's right, a Yeti hunt. It's got a fancier name - the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project - but it's a serious, scientific, Yeti hunt.The project focuses on DNA analysis. They're accepting submissions of samples from pretty much anyone who thinks they have evidence of a Yeti. People send the material in to them, where it's tested for DNA. That DNA can tell them a whole lot about whether the mythical beast exists.Now, there have in fact been DNA tests on supposed Yeti samples before. Every time they've come back as being human. But DNA techniques have gotten better, and the scientists are willing to give it one last go. Well, at least some of them. BBC Futures sums up the scientific atmosphere:It is likely that the project is the biggest and most comprehensive attempt yet to probe suspected "remains". "Nothing like this, on this level, has been done before," says Richard Freeman from the Centre for Fortean Zoology in the UK. But therein lies the rub. For people like Freeman who devote their lives to looking for these creatures, it is the biggest signal yet that after years out in the cold mainstream science is finally taking the seriously. But for some scientists, the whole venture is an embarrassing curiosity to be held at arm's length.One of the scientists involved in the project, Bryan Sykes, sees this as a catch all for those who claim science brushes them off. "It's one of the claims by cryptozoologists that science does not take them seriously. Well, this is their chance. We are calling for people to send us their evidence, and we will test it through DNA analysis," he told the BBC.This DNA evidence will certainly not be a nail in any sort of Yeti coffin. Even if they find no evidence whatsoever of the yeti, many will still believe. Last year, the Huffington Post reported that some scientists were "95 percent certain" that they had found evidence of the Yeti. Before that, bigfoot "researchers" asked people in California for money to test whether the creature left residue behind on a pickup truck.Even the director of the International Cryptozoology Museum is skeptical of many of these claims. He told The Huffington Post:"This does not seem to be any more than what you hear about from weekend excursions in North America that go out, discovering some hair of undetermined origin, calling it 'Bigfoot hair,' then locating some broken branches and piled trees, saying it was made by Bigfoot, and finding footprints that look like Sasquatch tracks. These are not 'proof' that would hold up, zoologically."But even for Sykes, the geneticist behind the project, this is all a bit far fetched. He's not ruling out the possibility of a new species - we discover new species all the time, many of them quite large. But he acknowledges that there will need to be some evidence. The BBC says, "he is also keen to point out that he is not - nor intends to become - a cryptozoologist. 'I don't not want to become completely eccentric,' he adds." More at Bigfoot Really Exist? How Gigantopithecus Became Extinct

Meet the New Species

January 9, 2012


A reconstruction of Gigantopithecus. Image courtesy of Flickr user Sam WiseBigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti. The Abominable Snowman. Whatever you want to call it, such a giant, mythical ape is not real-at least, not anymore. But more than a million years ago, an ape as big as a polar bear lived in South Asia, until going extinct 300,000 years ago.

Scientists first learned of "Gigantopithecus" in 1935, when Ralph von Koenigswald, a German paleoanthropologist, walked into a pharmacy in Hong Kong and found an unusually large primate molar for sale. Since then, researchers have collected hundreds of "Gigantopithecus "teeth and several jaws in China, Vietnam and India. Based on these fossils, it appears "Gigantopithecus" was closely related to modern orangutans and "Sivapithecus", an ape that lived in Asia about 12 to 8 million years ago. With only dentition to go on, it's hard to piece together what this animal was like. But based on comparisons with gorillas and other modern apes, researchers estimate "Gigantopithecus" stood more than 10 feet tall and weighed 1,200 pounds (at most, gorillas only weigh 400 pounds). Given their size, they probably lived on the ground, walking on their fists like modern orangutans.

Fortunately, fossil teeth do have a lot to say about an animal's diet. And the teeth of "Gigantopithecus" also provide clues to why the ape disappeared.

The features of the dentition-large, flat molars, thick dental enamel, a deep, massive jaw-indicate "Gigantopithecus" probably ate tough, fibrous plants (similar to "Paranthropus"). More evidence came in 1990, when Russell Ciochon, a biological anthropologist at the University of Iowa, and colleagues (PDF) placed samples of the ape's teeth under a scanning electron microscope to look for opal phytoliths, microscopic silica structures that form in plant cells. Based on the types of phyoliths the researchers found stuck to the teeth, they concluded "Gigantopithecus" had a mixed diet of fruits and seeds from the fig family Moraceae and some kind of grasses, probably bamboo. The combination of tough and sugary foods helps explain why so many of the giant ape's teeth were riddled with cavities. And numerous pits on "Gigantopithecus"'s teeth-a sign of incomplete dental development caused by malnuntrition or food shortages-corroborate the bamboo diet. Ciochon's team noted bamboo species today periodically experience mass die-offs, which affect the health of pandas. The same thing could have happened to "Gigantopithecus".

A Gigantopithecus jaw. Image courtesy of WikicommonsFurther evidence of "Gigantopithecus"' food preferences and habitat was published last November. Zhao LingXia of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and colleagues analyzed carbon isotopes in a sample of "Gigantopithecus "teeth. Plants have different forms of carbon based on their type of photosynthesis; this carbon footprint is then recorded in the teeth of animals that eat plants. The team determined "Gigantopithecus-"and the animals living alongside it, such as deer, horses and bears-ate only C3 plants, evidence the ape lived in a forested environment. This work also supports the proposed bamboo diet, as bamboo is a C3 plant.

So what happened to this Pleistocene Yeti? Zhang's team suggested the rise of the Tibetan plateau 1.6 million to 800,000 years ago altered the climate of South Asia, ushering in a colder, drier period when forests shrank. Other factors could have exacerbated this crisis. "Gigantopithecus"'s neighbor, "Homo erectus", may have over-hunted and/or outcompeted their larger ape cousin. And at least one dental study indicates "Gigantopithecus" developed and matured very slowly-a sign they probably had low reproductive rates, which can elevate a species' risk of going extinct.

Some Bigfoot hunters say "Gigantopithecus" is alive and well, hiding out in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Other Sasquatch enthusiasts, however, point out this is unlikely, as Bigfoot is reported to be a swift, agile, upright walker-not a lumbering, 1,200-pound quadruped.


Posted By: Erin Wayman - Asia,Fossil Apes,Homo,Influential Researchers,Pleistocene,Research Techniques Link Comments (34)