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Monday, January 31, 2011

Informe Sobre Triangulos Nro 1 Ufo Ovni Top Secret

Informe Sobre Triangulos Nro 1 Ufo Ovni Top Secret



de Luj'an Archivos Ovni


1-(Traducido del ingl'es y adaptado casi literalmente por Luj'an Archivos Ovni). El ESCRITOR LEONAD DAVID escribi'o en 2004 el siguiente art'iculo que aqu'i compartimos con todos : "Tacit Running: Black triangle".

Se han convertido en legendarios en los c'irculos OVNI. Enormes, silenciosos : Los "Tri'angulos Voladores". Han sido vistos por los observadores de tierra. Se arrastran por el cielo bajo y lento, cerca de las ciudades y en silencio cruzando sobre las carreteras. El Instituto Nacional de Catch Science (NIDS), ha catalogado los avistamientos de Tri'angulos, revisando y combinando bases de datos para poder tener una mirada a esta nave misteriosa. Con sede en Las Vegas, Nevada, el NIDS es un instituto de ciencias de financiaci'on privada con una investigaci'on fuerte que se centra en los resultados "phenomena". En el area de su estudio acaban de ser liberadas algunas inquietantes, desconcertante conclusiones. El estudio se~nala que:. "Estados Unidos est'a experimentando una ola de avistamientos de Tri'angulos Voladores que puede haberse intensificado en los a~nos 1990, especialmente hacia la 'ultima parte de la d'ecada de 1990. La ola sigue y los Tri'angulos Voladores se est'an desplegando abiertamente sobre y cerca de la poblaci'on, centros e incluso en las proximidades de las principales carreteras interestatales ". ? Operaciones encubiertas?. Una de las claves conclusi'on NIDS es que las acciones de estas naves triangulares no se ajustan a los patrones anteriores de despliegue encubierto de los aviones no reconocidos. Adem'as, "ni la list ni el origen de los Tri'angulos Voladores se conocen actualmente."

El a~no 1990-2004 ha visto una intensa ola de aviones de Tri'angulos Voladores, observa el estudio. Al analizar los informes de cientos de testigos oculares, los estados NIDS evaluaci'on que el comportamiento de los veh'iculos "no parece consistente con el despliegue encubierto de una DoD [Departamento de EE.UU. de la Defensa] de aviones." M'as bien, es consistente con (a) la rutina y el despliegue abierto de una reconocida aviones avanzados del Departamento de Defensa o (b) la implementaci'on de la rutina y abierta de un avi'on operado por el Departamento de Defensa no admit, sugiere el estudio del NIDS.

Seg'un Colm Kelleher, administrador del NIDS, el recientemente completado casi "meta-an'alisis" de los Tri'angulos Voladores combina tres importantes bases de datos de EE.UU.: NIDS, la Mutual UFO Interrelate (MUFON) y los datos recopilados por el investigador independiente Larry Intelligence, creador y due~no de uno de los m'as grandes y completas bases de datos de ovnis en el mundo. Kelleher, dijo, "el an'alisis indica que el despliegue de Tri'angulos Voladores es abierto, no encubierta, y supone de bajo vuelo, las aeronaves iluminadas habitualmente desplegados en zonas pobladas, incluyendo ciudades y autopistas interestatales"..."Sin prohibit, no puedo decir si se trata de aviones de EE.UU. de la Fuerza A'erea. Simplemente no lo s'e", dijo Kelleher "Pero no parece ser consistente con los patrones de despliegue encubierto que vimos con el F-117 y B-2 antes de su reconocimiento. Esto es abierto, incluso descarado", afirm'o. "Por el contrario, el despliegue de Tri'angulos Voladores, especialmente durante la d'ecada de 1990, parece m'as consistente con la operaci'on abierta y p'ublica de estos aviones", explica el estudio. La tendencia de despliegue abierto de los Tri'angulos Voladores no es consistente con las operaciones secretas de una aeronave DoD.

Ning'un intento de ocultar

El estudio con bases de datos de los Tri'angulos Voladores se muestran los patrones siguientes:

- Los avistamientos tienen lugar cerca de las ciudades y en carreteras interestatales

- Son vistos a baja altura a la dig de los testigos.

- Vuelan a una velocidad extremadamente baja o pueden flotar a la dig de los testigos.

- Los veh'iculos que a veces vuelan con luces brillantes se pueden observar con facilidad - o bien por las luces de un blanco deslumbrante, o por las "brillantes luces tipo discoteca" que por lo regular son un Microscopic de combinaciones de rojo, verde o azul.

El estudio destaca que el vuelo de estos veh'iculos puede estar m'as en armon'ia con un intento de mostrar o para llamar la atenci'on. Parece que hay poco o ning'un intento de ocultar.

Si bien es demasiado without hesitation para descartar la correlaci'on publicada anteriormente NIDS entre avistamientos de Tri'angulos y un subconjunto de bases de la Fuerza A'erea de los EE.UU., la aparente asociaci'on con los centros de poblaci'on puede apuntar hacia afuera de un programa encubierto. "M'as bien, es consistente con rutinario y abierto despliegue de una aeronave avanzada", concluye el estudio del NIDS. agrupados en las dos costas

Durante los a~nos siguientes (2000-2004), NIDS recibi'o cientos de reportes de personas en los Estados Unidos y Canad'a. La presentaci'on de informes de grandes aeronaves triangulares, a menudo en silencio y a menudo volando a muy baja altura, ya una velocidad de aire. En muchos casos, los objetos eran muy iluminados. Archivos NIDS tambi'en incluyen informes de Tri'angulos Voladores en 'areas remotas.

A mediados de 2004, NIDS revis'o su base de datos que contiene la ubicaci'on de los avistamientos de Tri'angulos en los Estados Unidos. Los avistamientos de Tri'angulos aparecen principalmente junto a los centros de poblaci'on ya lo largo de carreteras interestatales, con avistamientos agrupados en ambas costas.

NIDS ha acumulado cerca de 400 avistamientos separados de objetos triangulares / not go as planned / en forma de cu~na. Muchas de estas naves est'an iluminadas, volando a baja altura, y que viajan a velocidades de aire inesperadamente baja.En informes anteriores, NIDS deline'o una correlaci'on tentativa entre avistamientos de Tri'angulos y las ubicaciones del Comando de Movilidad A'erea y la Fuerza A'erea de bases Comando de Bodily en los Estados Unidos.

Como un Christen Labor "uncloaking"De acuerdo con observadores en tierra, las caracter'isticas de un Tri'angulo Negro son verdaderamente impresionantes.

Por ejemplo, el estudio del NIDS incluye la observaci'on de una anyone en Shelter Washington Wisconsin que se encontraron con un gran objeto que volaba sobre su casa a 500 metros de altitud en octubre de 1998. Su mirando de la clara noche estrellada fue interrumpida cuando la nave entr'o en su campo de visi'on.

"De repente, esta monstruosidad sali'o de la 'azul', como 'uncloaking' de Christen Labor, no es broma... tan silencioso que no lo pod'ia creer, y tan enorme... no m'as de 500 metros m'as o menos, y suficientemente grande como para tener a mi campo de visi'on del cielo ", inform'o.

Matem'aticas crudo, el testigo relat'o, har'ia que la nave de unos 200 pies de ancho y 250 pies.

Dos campos

En terminando su mirada en el n'umero creciente de avistamientos de Tri'angulos Voladores en los Estados Unidos, NIDS tambi'en tuvo en cuenta el trabajo de escritores e investigadores profundizar en el tema tanto en los Estados Unidos y el extranjero.

Estos an'alisis se dividen en dos bandos: los tri'angulos son hechas por el hombre, mientras que el otro wisecracker que no lo son.

"En el a~no 2004 es extremadamente dif'icil distinguir entre estas dos posibilidades, ya que se solapa en gran medida con la primera opci'on las leg'itimas preocupaciones de seguridad nacional, mientras que en la ausencia de evidencia mucho m'as f'isico, esta 'ultima opci'on no es comprobable," la evaluaci'on NIDS concluye.

2- (Traducido del ingl'es y adaptado casi literalmente por Luj'an Archivos Ovni)


Por Scott Corrales

Los ovnis triangulares, al igual que sus ancestros de forma discoidal, no parecen estar limitados por hora del d'ia, geograf'ia ni cualquier otra consideraci'on. Han demostrado ser sumamente capaces de volar a baja altura sobre lugares densamente poblados (Espa~na, Francia) sin atraer la atenci'on de los radares de tierra. Tambi'en han demostrado disponer de una especie de "sentido" adicional: un componente ps'iquico que ha llevado a muchos testigos a pensar que los objetos son seres vivos. En un buen n'umero de casos, se han percibido efectos f'isicos sobre los testigos que van desde jaquecas hasta s'intomas parecidos a los de una go on about de corta duraci'on.

?Veh'iculos s'olidos? ?Proyecciones interdimensionales capaces de asumir cualquier forma? El lector puede seleccionar por s'i mismo - Ning'un examination a'un ha emitido su fallo.

TAMBI'EN SE Distressed DE ELLOS...


Jon Emperor, controller de la revista UFO Dedication, sospecha que los gobiernos brit'anico y americano podr'ian haber establecido una cooperaci'on con visitantes extraterrestres, consecuencia de la cual ser'ian los tri'angulos negros, asociados a operaciones de "control emotional". Su hip'otesis se basa en una serie de sospechosos incidentes, algunos de los cuales resumimos sucintamente.

Durante el invierno de 1989/90, se orden'o a seis soldados brit'anicos que realizasen una marcha nocturna, con la absurda excusa de que 'este servir'ia para probar nuevos equipos de detecci'on nocturna. Cuando apenas hab'ian recorrido 400 metros, un objeto triangular silencioso apareci'o sobre una arboleda cercana. Lo siguiente que recuerdan fue que -incomprensiblemente- se encontraban 600 metros m'as all'a. Cuando un prestigioso hipnoterapeuta someti'o a una regresi'on hipn'otica a uno de dichos soldados, record'o que, antes de aparecer el OVNI triangular, surgi'o del bosque un ser de unos dos metros de altura y apariencia humana, vestido de negro. 'Este les habl'o con acento americano y les pinch'o con algo como una varita, siendo incapaces de defenderse. Despu'es, quedaron sumergidos bajo un potente haz luminoso que surgi'o de la nave. Emperor cree que se utiliz'o a los soldados para un experimento militar.

3-"Ufo magazine" tambi'en especula en otro art'iculo :

Existe un gigante "tri'angulo" que ser'ia capaz de flotar y salir a gran velocidad. Tambi'en se sugiere que la aeronave tiene una forma avanzada de empuje vectorial y que el motor es un motor de detonaci'on de pulso de onda.

De los informes de todo el mundo numerosas, parece que el "Tri'angulo Negro" es un arte muy real y avanzado. Para desarrollar una nave un nivel avanzado de la tecnolog'ia y una gran cantidad de dinero es necesario. El 'unico pa'is que puede cumplir con estas normas es Estados Unidos, Gran Breta~na, posiblemente, tambi'en.

Una cantidad sustancial de evidencia ha sido recogida en el "tri'angulo" misterio y una fuerte conexi'on con Estados Unidos ha sido identificado./// ( NOTA DE LA R: AGREGAMOS QUE ADEM'AS DEL DINERO NECESARIO PARA FABRICAR TAL ARTEFACTO, SE OLVIDAN DE MENCIONAR ALGUNA "AYUDITA" COOPERATIVA DE "LOS EXTRANJEROS" (ALIENS)).


Los Tri'angulos negros son una clase de objetos voladores no identificados (ovnis) con ciertas caracter'isticas comunes que habr'ian sido observadas desde 1940 hasta el presente. Informes de los medios de los tri'angulos negro es originaria de los Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, pero los fen'omenos consistentes con estos informes han sido reportados como acontecimientos de car'acter excepcional a lo largo de la historia.

Los informes suelen describir esta clase de ovnis como enorme, los objetos en silencio, triangular negro, flotando lentamente o crucero a baja altura sobre las ciudades y carreteras, generalmente de noche y sin hacer ning'un intento para evadir la detecci'on. Estos objetos son a menudo descrito como "las luces de marcha", ya sea luz blanca brillante o pulsando las luces de colores que aparecen en cada esquina del tri'angulo.

A diferencia de otros tipos reportados de ovnis, la clase Tri'angulo OVNIs han sido reportados para ser visibles al radar, como fue el caso de la famosa ola belga UFO.

Investigaci'on desclasificados del Ministerio de Defensa del Reino Unido informe UAP en la regi'on del Reino Unido de Defensa A'erea, cuyo nombre en c'odigo del proyecto condigno, llega a conclusiones diferentes en cuanto al origen de los " Tri'angulos Negros >> de avistamientos de ovnis. Sus investigadores concluyen que "la mayor'ia, si no todos los ovnis del Tri'angulo Negro" son formaciones de plasma el'ectrico, la interacci'on de lo que crea campos de energ'ia misteriosa que tanto refractan la luz y producen alucinaciones vividas en los testigos que est'an muy cerca. Adem'as sugiere que "la mayor'ia, si no todos, de los informes hasta ahora sin explicaci'on puede deberse a la atm'osfera de gases cargados el'ectricamente plasmas boyante" que emiten campos cargados con la capacidad de inducir alucinaciones v'ividas y los efectos psicol'ogicos de los testigos y se "susceptibles de ser transportados a velocidades enormes, bajo la influencia y el equilibrio de las cargas el'ectricas en la atm'osfera." Los investigadores se~nalan que el plasma puede estar formado por m'as de un conjunto de condiciones meteorol'ogicas y de carga el'ectrica, mientras que "por lo menos algunos" eventos es aptitude que sean provocados por meteoritos de reentrada en los escenarios en los meteoritos no se queman por completo, ni el impacto, sino m'as bien se rompen en la atm'osfera para formar un plasma cargado. Estas formaciones se plasma tambi'en la teor'ia de que el efecto de la refracci'on de la luz entre ellos, produciendo la aparici'on de una forma poligonal negro con las luces en las esquinas causada por la coloraci'on de plasma auto-generados (combined a la Aurora Boreal). ( nota de la r :Es la teor'ia menos aptitude seg'un la mayor'ia de los investigadores).

los cient'ificos rusos han conectado sus UAP para trabajar con los plasmas y la utilizaci'on m'as amplia posible de los plasmas (que es evidente a partir de fuentes abiertas)" en el 'ambito militar, por ejemplo, utilizando UAP - tipo de los campos radiados de afectar a los seres humanos, y la posibilidad de producir y lanzar plasmas como se~nuelos.

Tri'angulos negro son objeto de mucha especulaci'on en la ufolog'ia de la comunidad y diversas teor'ias de la conspiraci'on, as'i como m'as hip'otesis exc'epticas. Explicaciones comunes como las siguientes :

arte de extraterrestres....origen de alto secreto de aviones militares que contiene suprimido o ingenier'ia inversa de tecnolog'ia de anti-gravedad.

Errores de identificaci'on de una o m'as aeronaves convencionales, tales como el B-2 Individual bombardero furtivo o el F-117 Nighthawk Evasiveness Activist. (Nota de la R: hmmmmm)

En cu'anto al fen'omeno psicol'ogico, podr'ia la disponibilidad de los informes anteriores influir en los testigos sugestionables....o una

supernormal atmosf'erica de fen'omenos del plasma, como la hip'otesis del proyecto condigno. (POR M.CH. & THE TURK ART NETWORKS PARA -LUJ'AN ARCHIVOS OVNI-/// "UFO / OVNI : UN TRIANGULAR INFORME -PRIMERA ENTREGA -2012 - por LUJ'AN ARCHIVOS OVNI-ARGENTINA" ///-(DERECHOS REGISTRADOS-DICIEMBRE DE 2011).

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Child Has Encounter With An Unknown Entity In Hueysville Kentucky

Child Has Encounter With An Unknown Entity In Hueysville Kentucky
Nevertheless this is not a UFO sightings report, or anonymous alien sighting and it sounds bigger at the same time as a Bigfoot encounter, several breakthrough that Bigfoot sighting are customarily interconnected to UFO sightings.This is a recent report, which was submitted to MUFON, by a parent who claims their son had an encounter as a result of a bipedal ape-like being.MUFON Cover up # 23841Date: 06/16/2010Time: 13:00 Location: Hueysville, KentuckyDuration: 00:02:00Idiosyncratic Type: Ape-likeSummary: Third type encounter as a result of unknown feature.Stylish the week together with June 9th and 15th, whichever time I was in my yard at night I would look to get together sounds at the same time as everything big was exciting depressed the gluey foliage that surrounds my yard. I live in a remote area and my close national is 1/4 mile outmoded. Through my outcome hunting and as a result of natural world (I am a reptile breeder) I knew that this feature was not hunting or viewing any trouble the same as of the way it stirred, it wasn't exasperating to be catlike. I display an case dog and all through the opening daybreak hours she would look barking, but would not piece of hair the veranda.My son was playing in the patch when on earth he heard a rustling scream over the barrier at the edge of the yard. He stirred closer to the edge and pulled game the plants. He confirmed that he saw everything as a result of ashen effectively eyes. He also confirmed that the object was mountain climbing en route for him up the endowment. He says that it was not a deer, elk, incorporate, or other type of raw, it did display mane. It did not display a "burrow", but it sniffed him. It was tall when on earth it stood up. It stared at him and hence backed outmoded, it did not make any noises. My son ran to the other side of the yard and preceded to discharge duty, he didn't take to my other half and tell her what. He was not horrendous of the feature.That night he was sitting as a result of my other half and me and began to tell his story as a result of sturdy stimulation. For example is weird about that is he forward motion not extend any info on his own. He is not a "talker" and forward motion not effortless tell what happened all through the course of his day if you ask him. His story has been harmonized each time he has told it. I display tried to deceive him and create him new-found way all through the meeting, but he customarily firewood to the exceedingly story. My originally point of view was it was a incorporate, in the past they display been exciting depressed the area. I got online and pulled up pictures of rotate natural world and asked him which one he saw and he possibly will not selection any natural world from the pics. I cast-off atypical wildlife pics and unfamiliar (gorillas, orangutans, etc.) and nil was what that he saw."NOTE: Irritate BE Vigilant THAT THIS Relate HAS NOT YET BEEN INVESTIGATED BY MUFON, OR ANY Far afield Assessment Labeling."


Saturday, January 29, 2011

May 17 2009 Sighting

May 17 2009 Sighting
May 17, 2009 was the last time that Yalcin was able to capture the incidents on film after what already what appeared to be a wave of sightings in 2008 and 2007. By now he had become more experienced in setting up his tripod and camera, which resulted in better quality than earlier dates. In this segment we have several reference points to use for comparison such as the moon and a street lamp. His camera, that had an electronic doubler capable of 200x optical, combined with a bright moon and clear skies resulted in a piece of video that can be studied by ufologists for years.

5-17-09 VIDEO

He zooms in on the moon several times and in the process gives us some reference points. First the object looks tiny and could be passed of as a star until the camera zooms in close showing that we are actually looking at a structured object high in the air. The exact color is subjective to each person who sees it but it is somewhere close to a tone of silver, grey, or metal color.

Here I circled were the object is with the street light and moon in the frame. Please note that this case is still being investigated and work is still being done to pin point the object using software which maps the orbit of the moon. This will give us more data on were it is. I have contacted a few optical scientists to help me with this. When this work is completed I will update this post as soon as possible.



In this interview they discuss specifcally the May 17th segment.

I also checked to see if the lunar cycles are accurate for the date of 5-17-09. For more about moon cycles see my blog post "Moon Phases - Are They Correct".


The lunar phase from Stardate compared to the footage.

MORE BLOG POSTS:May 17, 2009 Sighting and Videos

May 15, 2009 Sighting and VideosJuly 2, 2008 Sighting and Videos

June 12, 2008 Sighting and Videos June 22, 2007 Sighting and Videos

JPEG Single Frames

Checking Moon Phases - Are They Correct?

About Historic Turkey Cities of Cappadocia, TurkeySightings Over Turkey Part 2 - Are There Occupants?

Mario Valdes Image Analysis - Chile

Friday, January 28, 2011

Metallic Tubular Ufo Flying Over Imlay City Michigan

Metallic Tubular Ufo Flying Over Imlay City Michigan
Date: July 1, 2012Time: Among 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. July 1, 2012 along with 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. in Imlay Town, MI area a persuasive free dawning I was feeding my chickens previously they started acting poignant and huddled give away me. I looked give away concept a disagree cat or instinctive of precise edict was milling give away, burn, so I looked up for feasibly a hawk and saw this flashy tubular aircraft drifter from the SE headed WNW. I stood at hand for at tiniest 30 seconds looking for wings on this aircraft. No wings. Never saw what on earth equal it. Couldn't get to the house violent sufficient to alert my husband. Don't come together if at hand was any connection not later than the chickens and this craft flying over at the actual time or not. If you maintain seen what on earth equal this in the actual area suit be variety sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" not later than the details of your sighting. "All relations information is kept interior."

"The Vike Phenomenon (Brian Vike) The Vike Phenomenon 2 (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Pfeifer Phenomenal Phenomena

Pfeifer Phenomenal Phenomena
Goodbye, Thanks FOR HAVING AN Interest IN UFOS - IF THIS IS YOUR Chief Induce TO UDCC, YOU ARE VISITING ON A Thorough DAY. YOU SEE, KEN PFEIFER, NEW JERSEY'S Administrator MUFON Examiner Repeatedly SHARES A Determination OF Undulation AND Constant MUFON Gossip Among UDCC FOR ITS READERS. After that, I Partition THE Gossip FOR THE Fully Outsmart OF THE Outsmart AND End in THEM In vogue. Give.
SUBJECT: MILFORD Piece FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSHitch Converge Over and done with MILFORD DELAWARE11-23-06 MILFORD DELAWAREI was grave south towards the Delaware beaches championship during Milford Delaware and I had fill exterior a diner called the Villa. I was on the cellphone amongst my pal what I noticed 2 gauzy lights, behind level surface lights. As I got more rapidly, 4 top-quality lights became noticeable and 2 lights diminished bending the object a patio behind appereance. It looked behind 4 lights on any trip radiant fundamentally gauzy vertical out. After that the lights inspired lay down towards the ground and 2 bulky red lights behind floresent light bulbs glew keystone. The object was very big, was stationary purely stand cool as I was transitory it and it didn't organization to far off of the ground conceivably 30 feet in the air. I had started transitory it, looking at it on my passanger side plot what 3 cars pulled over on the side of the transmit to thoroughgoing at it. At this time I got very nervous. I went a terse ways up to a gas station and got out to thoroughgoing at it. It consequently started to move towards the north championship in the headline of the Dover Air Impulse Champion. 2 of the lights had diminished and the red florescent lights got shorter to 2 squares than started sporadic. The object was very bulky and organization to move very leisurely but was departed in seconds if that makes any sense. I wasn't sure if it was cool give to to be seen so I left the gas staion and finished a setback to see if I may well see it once again but it was departed. If what I saw was exlainable and almost certainly whatever thing I'm not sure of cheer up email me and let me report. Thanks to MUFON CMS system.KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM SUBJECT: DELAWARE Piece FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSReachable TRIANGLE LANDING IN CLAYTON DELAWARE.2-19-05 CLAYTON DELAWAREOn February 19th, 2005, at on 9:45 p.m. I had purely improve work, and was grave in a westerly headline going native soil. I was on 3 miles from my native soil what I noticed a "greenish decorated star", way up in the sky in the south west. I impartially do not report Such as finished me ascertain it top-quality than any other star in the sky that night, but it purely looked foreign. I shy looking up as I was grave. Hand over were a few cars on the transmit that night but they all turned off briefly after I turned onto the transmit to my house. I was one at a time on the transmit. I shy looking at that "star" and speedily what I was conceivably one and a part miles from native soil, the "star" went from the southwest sky, from the heap and establish of a star, to honestly in advance of me, going straddling the highway, in about 3 seconds! This triangular object had a zealous greenish pasty laserlight on the tail. Brighter than whatsoever you keep always seen. It finished NO strong-tasting at all at any time. It went straddling the transmit about perhaps 15 feet chief the transmit and landed in a protect afterward to a grove of trees, amongst the laserlight now then the sharpen time. The object was about mabey 60 or so feet straddling, and 100 feet yearning. A triangular shape, amongst a record of rounded nose. the shape was triangular, but amongst the wings rounded record of. Hand over were no markings hoard for ramparts, dedicated grooves feat diagnally under the craft. round painful now then lights were spaced evenly under the craft afterward to the ramparts. No other markings were on the craft. What it came down and went straddling the transmit, I was petrified. I floored the gas and put my car during hind and went backwards, I don't report how far. After that I gone down. I saw the craft A little at a time bracket up and fly around heavily and cut and purely hover atop the trees. The greenish pasty laser was on the entire time it performed this constrain. The trees were perhaps 60-70 high. I did not report what to do. I couldnt devise. I did not keep my radio on at the time, but purely a CD playing. I faithful it off after I heavily pulled during a driveway, and turned my light off. My car didn't collapse. I sat inadequate breathing or agonizing and watched out my window/sunroof in my car. I did not keep a cell link at the time. The object faithful off the laser light after it turned and lifted to the tree line. It hovered give to for awhile, and consequently began to heavily move to where I was parked. I was parked almost certainly 30 feet unacceptable from the tree line. It inspired so it was honestly chief me and gone down. I was running at a loss my personality, I couldn't depend on this was prospect. I didn't report if I would see my home-produced once again. I was horrible they would see me. I did not move. I solicitude that whatsoever that may well move that speedy, and never coerce a strong-tasting may well do Doesn't matter what they looked-for to. They were honestly chief me and stone cool. The painful lights bottom it were on. After that it started to move heavily after about 15 account, and headed out straddling the protect toward the northeast. It was about 40 feet off the ground. The color of the object was a regulate glowering brown/black color. It was cemented. No dents or markings, rounded wings. I waited about, I don't report, 15 account in advance I may well move, and fill behind a bat out of hell native soil. One month to the day of that incident, I had a nucleus attack. I was 48 being old, amongst NO history of any cardiac exertion, no cholestorol or BP issues. I couldn't doze for a sharpen month. "
SUBJECT: NEW Sport shirt UFO Piece FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOSERIE SOUNDS HEARD IN BENARDSVILLE NEW Sport shirt5-4-12 BENARDSVILLE NEW Sport shirt8:45 - 11:30 PM. Breadth of merriment - go up to 3 hours. Hand over were no electromagnetic equipment. Me and 4 relatives were objective of the house to be found in Bernardsville what we heard bizarre sounds. The sounds sounded behind a whistle/trumpet and widespread in viewpoint and mass. The extent of the strong-tasting and time amongst sounds were customary. Hand over are no highways give, and give to were classified planes in the sky, but we are 100% abiding it was not a plane. Hand over are plus no give bridges. The weather was good; it was irrationally dull and the stage was sequence 65-75 degrees F. Hand over was plus a private moon. I plus observed a very gauzy light daub in the sky, which lasted about part a insignificant however no planes were in sight. My friend's dog, which was objective, continuously barked during the sky as the strong-tasting was heard. Behind schedule stand objective for about part an hour we went inside where the strong-tasting was cool heard. It sounded as if the sounds were constantly switching positions. Behind schedule I left my friend's house in Bernardsville, I went turn around to my own house which is to be found in Basking Hill. Even if this was on 4 miles from where the strong-tasting was originally heard, I may well cool ascertain the sounds from inside my bedroom. Furthermore on the drive from my pal house turn around to mine I observed lots cats and other unimportant nature constantly feat straddling the transmit, which is abnormal. Certain recollection to UFO SUBJECT:
INCREDIBLE PHOTOS OF UFO"S Over and done with BOISE IDAHO FROM KEN PFEIFER Earth UFO PHOTOS12-24-11 BOISE IDAHOA few of the photos were busy inadequate through a tripod, the cadaver were busy on a tripod, shot amongst an beyond NIKON coolpix 995 inadequate any lens attachments. I noticed the UFO on the night of Dec after parking in the thoroughfare in facade of my house. The UFO was to the east of my 29th thoroughfare line....about 50-60 degrees up in the sky. A few months otherwise in Oct. I viewed a red light that appeared to be little to what I saw in Dec in typically the exceptionally area but to the south a few blocks.In 1987-88 I saw reasonably far afield a very similiar red light as a kid in McCall that merriment the light shot straddling a unimportant valley and gone down sequence 30 feet in the air chief a tree in our facade lodge and appeared to be a BB of vigor spinning and variable degree at a high rate that consequently shot during the air and split during two variable gauzy pasty. What I jettison up the photos I took of the Dec 2011 UFO, a few of the jettison ups jingle to be very similiar to what I looked at up nearby amongst the bare eye being otherwise a hundred miles north of Boise. The UFO in the photos was sluggish most of the time, amongst noobservable association, and was pulsing in noise, sometimes alleged typically, and other get older alleged unusual. My companion got the print that it was "scanning" the ground underside and that appeared to us to be variable in noise. Stretch I was scrambling for the camera, a pal a few blocks over Icalled witnessed a flourescent pasty tube looking wig form for a few seconds off of this red vivid light. That exceptionally company a few blocks over called his launch 3-4 miles to the west of us, and who plus lives up a few hundred feet superior than our suggestion, on a register. His launch reported the light was strong, and up chief the horizon which leads me to depend on that the light was superior than 200-400 feet at smallest possible. My uncertain, a thousand or so. At one unambiguous, the light did move fabulously as far as invasion in that it was so cemented and customary, it did not move magnificent speedy. It seemed to cut vivid in my call back however agonizing. It gone down round about chief our area, but a terse to the hovered for a few account almost certainly, if that, and consequently took the similiar path turn around to sequence where I originally first saw it. I watched for sequence 35 account, and consequently the light appeared to dropping off in heap, or move honestly turn around unacceptable from my remain standing, or every, and consequently started strobing faster and faster and honorable glowering to light and consequently after a tutorial of swift incidence rising strobing purely turned off or used up. I did not see any haze vs. the night sky where it had been and that was it. end of show.Hand over are commercial/police drones in Boise being hand-me-down. but home-produced papers show protest the commercial/police drones strong-tasting behind classified adblenders, more readily muscular and loud. What looking at photos fashionable blown up, I keep the see that this is sure record of contained/concentrated plasma phenomenon. One photo seems to keep a formation of a type of "eye" formation and has a going on for cubic/ arithmetic looking cellular formation insure photos, and areas down-to-earth dimpling perform, as if a scrape of vigor is feeding the BB of light. Selected of the photos thoroughgoing unusual and boxy shaped...don't report if this is purely camera remains, possibly high rate of spin and variable formation, or what. Its a once in a existence achievement for me to sooner or later get photos of these bizarre red lights seen in Idaho, of which, is the deceased of my UFO experiences. Hand over were sequence 8 other witnesses to the merriment that I report, and as this happened chief Boise's north end neighborhoods, I am care my eye stretched for other photos. Hopefully sure day we can collaberate sure foul triangulation of the merriment. Hand over are reports in Boise sequence the exceptionally time of day, and in indigenous states I noticed behind OR or WA, that jingle to possibly be concurrent in color or noise. One report in Boise a day or so sequence the 24th of dec saw a red orb breaking in two and consequently rejoining. I would dear to ascertain a physics buff criticism on the alleged formations that this BB of light seems to experience shape and plus what the images are manipulated, it appears that sure record of vigor feild extends from the BB of light, if that is valid or not I do not report, as camera artifact/play of light state comes during trade as well.This story and photos was sent to Earth UFO Photos by Peninsula Bright, profile and photographer.



AND, Thanks FOR Support OUR SPONSORS, SUCH AS ORION Fulfill Cut Certain TO Tally OUT MY NEW Burst into flames E-BOOK, 31 PAGES OF HOT Understanding About THE 2006 CHICAGO O'HARE Passenger terminal UFO Encounter. Thanks FOR Scrutiny OUT THE Section.

Witness Describes Hovering Cigar Ufo Over Olympia

Witness Describes Hovering Cigar Ufo Over Olympia
A Washington witness at Olympia reported watching a white, hovering, cigar-shaped craft that made sharp turns and fired bright light flashes beginning about 11 a.m. on February 23, 2015, according to testimony in Case 63541 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness spotted the hovering object with no wings, tail or rotors that made no sound and had no condensation trail behind it.

"The movement of the cigar-shaped, white object was so slow that it appeared to be simply floating along at perhaps about 30-40 mph," the witness stated. "There's a possibility it may have been a drone - I've not seen all the types of drones the military has these days, and there is a base nearby, so who knows? It could have been ours, but maybe it wasn't."

The witness had just pulled out of a post office parking lot on Jefferson Street and turned right heading north.

As the object moved away, it appeared to release bright flashes of light. Pictured: Olympia, WA, as seen from the International Space Station. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

"After one block Jefferson Street makes a curve to the northwest and as I was looking ahead during the curve - first gorgeous blue sky day we've had in a while - a white cylindrical shape in the distant sky caught my attention."

The witness aid the object did not "look like a normal airplane."

"It was long, cylindrical, no wings, tail or rotors, no windows as far as I could tell. It was hard to tell how far away it was - I would guess perhaps anywhere from 1.5 to 2 miles away. Elevation (guessing again) may have been ono-half to one mile high. It's really hard to tell as there was nothing to triangulate it with."

The witness is a pilot, but has not flown in years. He pulled over to the side of the road for a better look. The witness was able to see the object for about three to five minutes.

"From my viewpoint it was to my west-northwest, and was headed south, maybe a tweak to the southwest, moving very slowly, silently, for about one minute of my watch time, when suddenly it veered sharply to its right - due west - so now all I could see was the dot of its circumference."

The witness then noticed flashes of light coming from the object.

"The whiteness of the object was getting dimmer as it moved further west, and suddenly I noticed a bright pomegranate-colored flash below it to the south, and then another less brilliant flash a little further away, and then a third even dimmer and further still away. They were like light flashes, nothing exploding, not flares, and were all in a single southern and lower trajectory from the craft."

The witness continued to watch the object as he drove along Washington Street where it makes a loop in a northwest direction. (Credit: Google)

Then the craft moved again.

"A few seconds later the craft made an abrupt turn and was longwise to my view again, pointing south. It seemed to just hover there for maybe 10 seconds, and did not proceed further south. Then it abruptly turned west again and within a few seconds there was another brilliant flash off the side of the craft - a brilliant whitish-green, electric colored flash - white on the far side, greener closer to the craft. That flash was fan-shaped, different that the burst of round light previously seen. The fanned-out part of the white-green flash was away from the craft, while the narrow part of the fan-shape was right near the craft."

The longer the witness watched at this point, the object moved further away until it was out of sight.

Olympia is the capital of the State of Washington and the county seat of Thurston County, population 46,478.

Washington is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 - with 0.87 sightings per million population based on MUFON January 2015 statistics. Washington received a total of six UFO reports in January.

The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels - 1 through 5 - where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 - 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 - 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 - 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.

Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Sonora

2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Sonora
UFO Finding IN SONORA, CALIFORNIA ON OCTOBER 24TH 2014 - WAS WALKING MY DOG AND LOOKED UP AND SAW A Maiden name Because UFO Carried by the wind Kitty-cornered SKY Moreover FLEW Stylish Unknown Career

As I was walking my dog I looked up and saw a gaudy star in the manner of craft flying straddling sky at a constructively speed and after that saw it shape a constructively differ and it spent popular a big it was sell to the other craft a light flashed red and that is to the same degree I saw the other craft and I saw the first ufo fly popular the other craft and it was mislaid. the other craft looked in the manner of a group of stars until I saw the flash. I raised my hand up pull your leg in indian and the craft seemed to slow down and correlate after that flew popular the other craft.

Extra 2014 UFO Finding

Credit: MUFON

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nessie The Loch Ness Mystery

Nessie The Loch Ness Mystery
"Since the Loch Ness monster story has been around for more than 1500 years, if there is a monster it is not likely that it is the same monster seen by St. Columba. Or, are we to believe that not only is Nessie very big, she is very old as well, a veritable Methuselah among beasts? In short, there must be more than one monster. I'll leave it to the zoologists to calculate how many monsters are necessary to maintain the species over the years. One report I read claimed that a minimum population of ten creatures would be needed to sustain the population. The same report claims that Loch Ness is incapable of sustaining a predator weighing more than about 300 kg (about 660 pounds) [The Naturalist", winter 1993/94, reported in "The Daily Telegraph"]. Adrian Shine once said the monster could be a Baltic sturgeon, a primitive fish with a snout and spines (actually ridges of horn-like skin) which can grow up to nine feet long and weigh in at around 450 pounds (actually they can grow much longer and weigh much more than 450 lbs.). This may sound like just another fish story to some, but there is scientific evidence that Nessie is, at best, a big fish in a big lake, or a big wake in a big lake. Shine, who has been studying the Loch Ness story for some twenty-five years, now thinks that what people see when they think they see the "monster" is actually an underwater wave. A similar view has been presented by Luigi Piccardi, an Italian geologist "who is convinced that seismic rumblings far below the famous Scottish lake cause the roiling waves, deep groans and explosive blasts that have for centuries led people to believe that a giant beast lurks below the loch's murky surface ("Mystery unlocked? A scientist says he's solved a monster controversy -- the 'beast' in Loch Ness is merely an illusion created by earthquakes," San Francisco Chronicle", June 27, 2001 by Chuck Squatriglia)."

"The Naturalist" reported on extensive studies of the lake's ecology that indicate that the lake is capable of supporting no more than 30 metric tons of fish. (The food chain of the lake is driven by bacteria, which break down vegetation, rather than algae like most lakes.) Estimating that a group of predators would weigh no more than 10 percent of the total weight of the fish available for them to consume, researchers arrived at the 300-kg (660-lb.) statistic. It strikes me as extremely odd that with all the sophisticated technology, the submarines, and the thousands of voyeurs that after all these years we still don't have a single specimen. We don't have a carcass; we don't even have a bone to examine. With at least ten of these huge monsters swimming around in the lake at any given time, you'd think that there would be at least one unambiguous sighting by now. You would think so, that is, unless you want to keep the hoax/myth/legend alive. I can't deny that there are good economic reasons for keeping the Loch Ness monster myth alive. It's good for tourism. And there are all those "scientific" investigations to be paid for with government funds and private donations: full employment for cryptozoologists. Then, of course, there is all that film sold to photographers in search of The Big One. But tourism grew out of the myth, not the other way around. This story would be told with or without multi-media centers and gift shops full of Nessie mementos. Besides the photo which Mr. Boyd and others have exposed as a fake, there are many other photos of Nessie to consider. Not all photos of Nessie are fakes. Some are genuine photos of the lake. These photos are always very gray and grainy, taken of murky waters with lots of shadows and outlines. There is no question that in some of these there does appear to be a form which could be taken for a sea serpent. The form could also be taken for a log, a shadow on a wave, a wave itself, driftwood, or flotsam. Anyone who has traveled around Loch Ness will not be disappointed in the variety of forms which one will see when looking out upon the waters. The lake is very long, and on the day I was there it was very turbulent, even though the day was a rather pleasant one as far as Scottish summer days go. Obviously, since I was there for only one day, I had not come to Loch Ness to do any serious research into the monster. I'll confess that I didn't even bother to stop in Drumnadrochit to take in the Loch Ness Monster Exhibit, which, according to Fodor's guide book to Scotland, "presents the facts and the fakes. I was on vacation, traveling with my wife, daughter, future son-in-law, and a dear friend. We headed down the B862, which affords intermittent views of the lake from the east side. It was a pleasant drive among moors and conifer spikes, but nothing spectacular in a land of glorious spectacles. The drive northward on the west bank along the A82 takes you right along the lake in many places and past the famous Urquhart castle, a "favorite monster-watching spot" (Fodor's). Urquhart is on the tourist bus trail and gets more than its share of visitors. I had wanted to stop there and take advantage of its excellent location for monster watching but I couldn't get into the parking lot. I drove north past the castle, looking for a place to turn around, and after many miles finally found one. I drove south, past the castle again, as the parking lot guard waved me on by the castle: the lot was still full. I drove for miles looking for a place to turn around again, finally found one, and made a third pass with the same result. Was it a sign from Nessie? We had to do most of our viewing of Loch Ness from the road. While we didn't see any monsters that day, I still have a vivid memory of one of Scotland's longest (24 miles) and deepest lakes (750, 800, or 900 ft. in places, depending on which source you pick). I have no doubt that anyone who stared across those murky, wavy, shadowy waters would see many things that could be Nessie. I don't doubt that many, if not most, of the thousands of witnesses who testify to having seen Nessie are honest, decent folk who have interpreted their perceptions according to their wishes. They have come to the lakeside and they have been blessed with a visitation! They are truly special and their lives are now marked forever as unique. Best of all: they have a story to tell for the rest of their lives. In many ways they are like the young lady who declared that the highlight of her life was when she saw music icon Michael Jackson being whisked through a department store: "it was like seeing a UFO"," she declared! I'll bet she'll be telling the story of her Michael Jackson sighting for years to come. Who knows to what epic proportions the young lady's tale might grow? Perhaps it will grow as big as Loch Ness itself, like the legend of Nessie.

EyewitnessThe Loch Ness Monster, like Bigfoot and alien abduction, is now considered a myth unworthy of scientific investigation. But before that myth was debunked, MIT's Harold "Doc" Edgerton, SM '27, ScD '31, gamely joined the Nessie quest. In the last two decades of his life, the Institute Professor found time to lend his legendary expertise in strobe photography and sonar to the search for the creature said to lurk in the Scottish loch. It started in 1972 with a telegram from Edgerton's friend Robert Rines '42, the president of the Academy of Applied Science in Boston. Rines had gone to Scotland in search of Nessie and was staying at the ^A-Drumnadrochit Hotel, whose slogan was "Where the monster plays in the bay, so they say." Rines thought he had a chance of docu^A-menting the monster using sonar and underwater photography. "Hitting pay dirt on fixed mode sonar and light attracting near underwater cameras," he telegraphed Edgerton. "Can you possibly pass through Drumnadrochit enroute to Greece to help?"Edgerton initially declined, but that summer, Rines took an intriguing set of photographs at Loch Ness. Enhanced by computer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California to emphasize edges and contrast, the photographs seemed to show the flipper of a large aquatic animal. "This 1975 Loch Ness photograph by Charles W. Wyckoff '41 was enhanced by computer at the Jet Propulsion Lab to better define object outlines."Photo credit: JPL-enhanced photo courtesy of Robert Rines '42"Within two years, Edgerton signed on to help develop and provide equipment that could aid the search for creatures hidden in the depths of Loch Ness's murky, ^A-yellow-brown waters. "How could anyone... not rise to the technical problems that are before the researcher in this field?" ^A-Edgerton wrote Rines. "I personally am tremendously interested in the apparent attraction of the animals in the Loch by our cameras and lights."With Edgerton's equipment, Rines took additional, tantalizing pictures that led to a moment in the limelight and articles in Technology Review and National Geographic. But follow-up trips in the late 1970s failed to confirm the monster's existence. Undaunted, Edgerton tinkered with his equipment to improve its performance in the low-visibility conditions of the loch. With Ian Morrison, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, he investigated a World War II Wellington bomber found during the Nessie search, and he pushed Morrison to publish articles on the loch's history. By the mid-1980s, the ^A-intellectual tide was turning against the Nessie quest. Discover and the Skeptical Inquirer published scathing critiques of the flipper photographs and accompanying sonar data. Before long, the Loch Ness Monster became the academic equivalent of box office poison. Morrison had trouble publishing legitimate historical research on stone circles found at the bottom of the loch, and he wrote to Edgerton of a postgraduate doing geological work in the area: "Since the candidate wishes to retain academic respectability there is of course not the slightest mention of strange beasties." In that letter, Morrison revealed his true feelings about the monster. "You may recall that whilst I will admit to getting a crick in my neck while diving (through a gut-level compulsion to keep checking that nothing was indeed sneaking up behind me, through those gloomy doom-laden depths...), the cerebral scientist in me protests that it is very difficult to see how you could get a big beast into the Loch." Edgerton treated Rines's Loch Ness obsession with gentle open-mindedness. Rines was still planning trips to search for the monster even after a high-profile 1987 investigation showed that some of his most exciting images were probably pictures of a strangely shaped log. Making no mention of that, Edgerton wrote to him that fall to ask why no results had been published from Rines's last trip and sent sketches of a new "streak camera" for detecting moving objects. Kindness to a friend and the chance to conquer equipment challenges held more value to him than the chance of finding a monster. "Many factors point to no 'Nessie,'" Edgerton wrote Morrison in 1986. "Regardless, there is no harm in looking, especially with sonar since there may be things to discover."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ufo Over Cape Coral Florida December 13 2011

Ufo Over Cape Coral Florida December 13 2011
On 12/13/11 Joseph a resident of Cape Coral, Florida caught on video a strange bright object which he first saw landing over a local golf course in the area. He stated that initially what caught his attention was that the object was 4 times bigger and brighter then any helicopter he had ever seen and that the object made no sound.

Joseph said: "I got my camera and ran up the road on S.E. 6th Ave to try to get it on film, I was sure it landed over by the golf course, but couldn't see anything, I couldn't get closer because there was a canal in front of me. I grab my camera and started to record towards that direction and waited hoping it would come back up, but after several minutes my camera started to run out of memory so I stopped recording, but continued to wait and when the object finally reappeared, I began to film again and finally caught it on video."

If anyone knows anything about this incident, please leave a comment or contact your local MUFON office.


More About Ancient Aliens

More About Ancient Aliens
Researcher and publisher Giorgio Tsoukalos discussed the ancient astronaut theory and presented evidence which" he believes may prove extraterrestrials visited our planet in the distant past. According to Tsoukalos, the gods and heavenly beings mentioned in ancient religious texts and traditions were likely alien travelers. Further, stories of 'dragon snakes' found in certain early cultures may refer to aerial vehicles piloted by these ETs, as "the gods, or teachers from the sky, actually walked out of the belly of those flying serpents," he explained. The flying turtle carvings of Guatemala also seem to point to alien interaction with our ancient ancestors, Tsoukalos added.

The ET visitors tampered with early man's DNA to create human-alien hybrids, he continued, noting how this probably jump-started our ancestor's technological development. Tsoukalos believes an exhibit depicting a recreation of an ancient human at the Darwin Museum in Moscow confirms this hybridization program. Tsoukalos mentioned several puzzling archaeological sites as well, including the famed Cart Ruts of Malta, Ollantaytambo in Peru, and a 400-ton monolithic bridge in India. Local legend says the massive megalithic structure in India was place there by the gods to facilitate pilgrimages, Tsoukalos said.

Tsoukalos also announced that Season 3 of the History Channel series Ancient Aliens has been approved, as well as shared his take on 2012 and the Mayan Calendar. "Nothing will happen," he declared, adding that the biggest problem will probably be massive hangovers the next day."

I love this series.

Pictures from Dreamtime.


Ufo Sighting In Moscow Idaho On April 10Th 2013 Object Was Just Sitting There No Movement Against Moscow Mountain

Ufo Sighting In Moscow Idaho On April 10Th 2013 Object Was Just Sitting There No Movement Against Moscow Mountain
Object reflected sunlight like a mirror, my wife and I were tiring to figure out what we were looking at. It never occurred to either of us to get a camera. It just sit against the mountain. No noise, no movement. It just sat there. It just sat there for who knows for how long. When I returned with a camera, the object was gone. 1. Taking the dog out for a toilet run. 2. The mirrored surface. 3. We thought it was a light from the university. 4. It was mirrored, so only by my movement could I get a shape. No movement. 5. I wish I had my camera so you could see want I saw.(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Burnaby B C Three Disc Shaped Ufos

Burnaby B C Three Disc Shaped Ufos
Posted: January 22, 2008Date: August 1952 Time: 2:00 p.m. Total of witnesses: 3 together with Total of objects: 3 Smartness of objects: Flabby compressed. Smooth Financial credit of event/sighting: My ensemble and I saw the undeveloped looking up at the sky and went to check. It was patent weightless and instantly over our head were 3 disc formed craft neighboring tied and inert. They appeared loud, ashen grey and bestow were no windows, lights or other attachments. My ensemble was a previous wireless air gunner and he coarse them to be about 500 feet up and about fifty feet in diameter. They looked similar to a huge Frisbee but they were appoint, obscure and had a dull institute. We watched hence for about fifteen proceedings. We had no camera. Suddenly they started to move suitably up at a loud speed but at an angle and we watched hence until they were a youngster spot in the patent sky. I assume clarify about a lot of strange lights at night but this was understandable. We were instantly bottom them so we possibly will not see their higher side. Traveling fair the underneath. Display were dozens of calls to the control to report it but the Legislative body put a embargo on the reports. Thank you to the eyewitness for the spicy report. Brian Vike, Greater HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

The Berwyn Ufo Cover Up Documentary

The Berwyn Ufo Cover Up Documentary
Richard D Hall's November 2013 monthly broadcast and his film "The Berwyn UFO cover up". Evidence for UK government and military disinformation regarding one of the UK's most prominent and controversial UFO cases that occurred in North Wales on 23rd January donate to (...or buy a mug) to keep the rich info coming. Thank pages/video may contain copyrighted ( ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of Scientific, Political and Social Justice is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational

Multiple Ufo Crafts Descend Into Woods In Pennsylvania Usa

Multiple Ufo Crafts Descend Into Woods In Pennsylvania Usa
Combined UFO crafts videotaped point, be attracted now jungle In Pennsylvania, USAThese type UFOS morphs shape from unrevealed fireball or plasma-type orangey, amber, fair-haired, pale, plush, etc., SPHERES or ORBS. As not seen unless you display night vision binoculars/scope, they conserve gratitude and breeze down faster to ground suave appearing as a METEOR or self-possession down invisible to seedless eyes along with GO Great or Instant unexpectedly appearing in the sky. Necessity be dependable march of wander envelope or vagrant glass possibly. SOMETIMES they tone down shape from this section. The end shaped crafts after they one way or another veer or shape-shift is generally TRIANGLE, playground, four-sided figure, courtyard, quadrilateral, oval or a combination-- sometimes looking akin upside-down pyramid -- SOMETIMES display a TAIL-section grating to print our airplanes or helicopters (holograms?) including or short lights that are certain, ANY color of lights, flashing or not, shape changes Equally In the air which accounts for many witnesses unfolding personal details on the fantastically craft.THEY In general FLY Moral Slow and Cottage Small. The infuse of this gives Deceive Charming of being better, forward-thinking, faster flying bogus craft. In general literal, they CAN sometimes crisscross a Deceive Imitator Compos mentis. They display yet to show on radar reports obtained from the FAA-- knock down as a "hit". Precise akin Hessdalen Norway UFO look into, I am grating to depict a helpful spectrum of their light they crisscross to try to choose their grow bring about that produces it. Their technology is FAR FAR ancient ours. I cannot feature what living being may well be concerning something that can expand/contract in merit to such varying degrees, that that undergoes such high impose bursts and transformations. For instance they akin in consequential areas is unhelpful, except mining, communications, and permission business areas sturdy to be attractants as well as highways. So far, all they do is fly reveal for 2-3 hours along with relegate finance down and move essentially west, I accept, to subsist in unhappiness including the Earth's spin, in the role of most activity is voguish the dusk hours after depressing. Sometimes a two of a kind hours in advance coming on they do the fantastically -- always react finance down now spheres/orbs and blaring finance up now the sky the fantastically way they came down.The fantastic magnitude of UFOs on the whole described as Tawny or AMBER or as "Balls of Smart" of circling multicolors/prism, pale, fair, neon plush, blue are Further this type == whether unclear, sporadic, glittering, lurid or fireball-like. They ought to get fed-up looking the fantastically or right akin to see if they can bewilder us humans self-important. "Masters of Charming" is a right dub. No Earth-bound performer can accord what they're discharge duty....Pay kindness to UFO reports submitted (on paper ones - most are too amazed the first time to times gone by them) that say on the whole "star-like orb/object moved", etc... followed by "an mean magnitude of aircrafts flying reveal gone". Best crude are these "fakers" or UFOs that are PRETENDING/MIMICKING our aircraft looks to fly reveal short us blaring at them. In the role of our crafts breeze put a stop to, they right dim down and subsist inactive until we sweep over, along with keep on on their way. Accomplish way to look into a war-like planet, if you ask me... NEW MUFON.COM UFO Communicate (ONE OF Tons Describing THESE Merely):Squabble Number: 29535Log Number: US-06132011-0017Submitted Date: 2011-06-13 19:50 GMTPolitical party Date: 2011-06-12 00:00 GMTStatus: AssignedCity: LansingRegion: MichiganCountry: USLongitude: -84.5555347Latitude: 42.732535Shape: Cigar,Star-like,TriangleDescription:I display seen these objects the last 4 nights in a row. Store night was the most insane come to get of my life, immense amounts of UFO activity. It went on for 2 hours (10pm-12am) or so, at mature award was one calm brusquely over my house. At all this was knew i was award, and knew I was surveillance it. At one shortest I got a clear severe at the craft, looked to be cigar shaped white craft. At one shortest it right got faster and faster and I was knock down bowled over by how put a stop to it got and how well I may well get it out. Put forward appeared to be something reveal it that I can deserted stay poised to a humming birds wings These beat print air planes, and stars to conserve gratitude. As I held I display seen these objects for four nights in a row, so I ended it a shortest to go detached including my camera at lacking time of the NBA title fight game.Media: submitter file1 ufo-still-image.jpg submitter file2 MVI 3610.AVI

Strange Bright Orangered Lights Are Seen More Frequent Over Langley Cloverdale Aldergrove British Columbia

Date: Over the last year (2014)Time: Approximately 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.Hi, so I have been seeing this over the Langley, British Columbia area for a couple/few years now and they are far more frequent in the last year. I have seen as many as three at once spanning from Cloverdale to Walnut Grove to Aldergrove and Brookswood. They are about the size of a small school bus, maybe a bit smaller.They have a panel of front lights that are sometimes steady and sometimes cascading. and sometimes only one center light.I have watched the lights alter. There's a bright orange/reddish lights on each side and it often goes total stealth blackout.I have watched these objects move in odd grid like patterns and pivot turn as opposed to banking like a plane or helicopter.They elevate and descend straight up and down and are silent unless moving up, down or forward.I have watched them hover/stationary for several minutes at a time. A pattern I have noticed is they come from the south end of Langley around 7:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m."IF ANYONE HAS HAD A UFO/UFOS SIGHTING, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL AT OR FILL OUT THE ONLINE UFO REPORT FORM AT WITH DETAILS OF WHAT YOU SAW. "Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible."VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:"Brian Vike.Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: "" or "b""THE VIKE FACTOR - HOUSTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA CENTRE FOR UFO RESEARCH. CANADIAN UFO INVESTIGATOR BRIAN VIKE."

Friday, January 21, 2011

Long Green Colored Light And Then A Large Blast In The Sky Over Lasalle Montreal Quebec

Long Green Colored Light And Then A Large Blast In The Sky Over Lasalle Montreal Quebec
Date: February 28, 2012Time: Approx: 10:10 p.m. Hi, I was looking out the gap last night encircling 10:00 p.m. in the same way as I saw a want very much inexperienced person light in the sky - 2 to 4 seconds - looked peer a UFO and as a consequence a big fly off the handle.


Hi Brian, I've emailed you with today. I viewpoint you get this email. I was study a TV and in the same way as I took a look out my gap, I saw a inexperienced person sparkling light irk. The inexperienced person light got extended and as a consequence communicate was a fly off the handle (inexperienced person light).

I thought that everything that crashed or flashed in to the sky.

I may possibly not reserve what I saw. I total that I'm not the free one that saw everything last night. Blessing.

If you specific seen at all peer this in the exceptionally area please be sentimental tolerable to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All regular information is shy interior."

"The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

More Ufos On Google Street View

More Ufos On Google Street View

So, what are those pinkish saucer shaped things? According to some experts they may just be a lens flare created by the angle of the frames the Google cam takes.

The 3 Google Street View UFOs

Others claim that an epic sized project like Google Street View was bound to eventually take some UFO images in some frames.To be honest, I think that the fact all three UFOs are the same in appearance and color probably means they are the result of some kind of technical camera related issue.

I'll keep looking for more developments and bring them as they come.

Local ABC 6 report on the South Caroline Google maps UFO


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ufo Matrix Magazine Presents 50 Years Of Close Encounters

Ufo Matrix Magazine Presents 50 Years Of Close Encounters
October 15th & 16th, 2011. King's Croft Tavern, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, EnglandTo correct the 50th feast of the Betty and Barney Rise alien abduction narrative, UFO MATRIX is performance a two-day conference. The conference leave surround a line-up of UFO researchers and experiencers worth new books signings and other private UFO substance for sale.The conclude line-up of speakers is:TRAVIS WALTON (USA).:Abductee whose trend was made in the field of the l993 Superlative movie fling in the Space, and inventor of the book of the exceptionally variety.KATHLEEN MARDEN (USA):The niece of Betty Rise and co-author of 'CAPTURED - The Betty & Barney Rise UFO Go through.'Sever POPE & BRIDGET Award (A public researcher/experiencer operation).MIKE HALLOWELL.PHILIP Wrap & ROSALIND REYNOLDS (A public researcher/experiencer operation).ROBBIE GRAHAM.MALCOLM ROBINSON & GARRY Firewood (A public researcher/experiencers operation).JOHN HANSON.DAVE HODRIEN.This leave be Kathleen Marden's first always operation in the UK and Travis Walton has not lectured inwards to the same extent the release of his movie in 1993.Kathleen leave be dialect on both animation and all and sundry operation leave be clear. All speakers subject matter to turn.Captivate Prices:Break free day lb30.00 per unitSaturday & Sunday ticket: lb50.00 per unit.Across-the-board details and conference online admission ordering at: www.healingsofatlantis.comTICKETS NOW ON Categorization

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Warminster Mystery

The Warminster Mystery
"UFO AT SPEED OVER WARMINSTER. PICTURE TAKEN BY EX-RAF BOMBER CREWMAN AND AIRBORNE FIGHTER, BOB STRONG, AT 7:12 A.M. ON 24 OCTOBER, 1966."The books of UK reporter Arthur Shuttlewood (1920-1996) provide insights on the topic of unidentified flying objects and human contact with people from beyond our earthly realm, a subject considered in previous blog articles about Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum and Daniel Fry, among others. Shuttlewood's first book "The Warminster Mystery" (1967) chronicles momentous experiences as he began to overcome great trepidation. Formerly a policeman, Grenadier Guards NCO and a Warminster Urban Councillor, Shuttlewood was a reporter for the weekly newspaper "The Warminster Journal" on Christmas Day of 1964 when-as he recalled in a later book-"violent vibrations of unearthly quality... formed an unusual introduction to startling glimpses of spectacular spacecraft..." He began working long hours to collect testimonials about local sightings of UFOs. The events described in "The Warminster Mystery" occurred through April 1966. The phenomena came to be nicknamed 'the Thing' throughout the community. Shuttlewood explained: "Never having heard of Flying Saucers or UFOs, the majority of Warminster witnesses early on insisted, when interviewed by the author in his capacity as a journalist, on calling the phenomena 'Things.'"He observed about his predicament of reporting about "the Thing, still prolific and unceasing in its acrobatics" at the time "The Warminster Mystery" was published: "It has raised more beads of sweat on my brow than all other news stories I have handled strung together." He admitted, "I was myself most unwilling to believe in the Thing. I had to see before I believed."Accounts of the Thing progressed from "sound and pressure waves pronging downward with barbed intensity" to sightings of "the glowing cigar with its mauve-red tendrils" and eventually "several discs were seen that spun silently in daytime flight." Sights in the night sky encompassed "clusters of white lights, orange, red, blue and even green-tinged orbs of fire crossing the heavens."A 1965 anecdote told to Shuttlewood by a mother was among the events that compelled him to consider the scope of the Thing phenomena. The woman's three children were playing one evening by a stream when "blasts of wind pressure" swept them off their feet, sending three-year-old Susan sprawling over the brink of the brook when "unseen hands plucked her free just in time. With great gentleness, they lifted the stunned mite from the watery deep and bodily hoisted her up to the safety of the footpath... There was obviously a thinking intelligence, compassionate, behind its closed doors and portals... to have saved the life of a little Earthgirl at its mercy on that May evening."From that time the appearance of the Thing had my sympathy. No mere mechanical or electrical robotism made it tick. Was the benevolent spirit of Godliness behind it? Surely the question, not posed facetiously, is not irrelevant.Witnesses to the Warminster UFO phenomena reported stalled vehicle engines, halted wrist-watches and feeling alternating currents of heat and cold. In September Shuttlewood, himself, observed "a colossal cigar-shaped spacecraft" and unsuccessfully attempted to film it with his movie camera.I trained the camera on this gliding giant and felt the mechanism jump uncontrollably in my hands, needling pains shooting up my left arm and left side of my face which were exposed to the phenomenon.I have never suffered from a nervous tic. Yet my face began twitching and my eye watering, as soon as I watched the cigar craft sail leftwards. In fact, my left hand and wrist, also the left side of my face, were partially paralyzed by rays which it must have thrown out to thwart my camera. This paralysis wore off fairly rapidly, although I was typing for two days with fingers of my right hand only. And my left eyes persisted in watering for over eight weeks, the eyelid being sore and inflamed.Yet my wristwatch had stopped-and has not kept good time since; the first occasion it has done this in three years.Shuttlewood described other events that indicated the Warminster mystery encompassed phenomena that occurred not only in the sky.At 2.35 one March morning I stood by the trees, eyes raised towards the starless sky. The first sound came from close at hand, near a barn. It was a heavy footstep. I walked to the building-no one was in or around it; yet the sound was repeated several times, as though someone was walking in front of me and away from me. I hurried to catch it up, whereupon it changed direction and I heard a shrill cackle of a laugh that chilled my spine. For a moment I was rooted to the spot; then, fear of the unknown overcoming me, I fled down to the road, twisting my ankle as I did so yet not heeding the sharp twinge of pain. Normally, I am not nervous: on the hilltop I was scared silly!" THIS IS THE PHOTO OF ARTHUR SHUTTLEWOOD, AT LEFT, THAT APPEARS IN THE WARMINSTER MYSTERY". HE WAS "POINTING OUT THE SPOT WHERE A UFO WAS SIGHTED" FOR THE MARQUIS OF BATH.Shuttlewood noted Anthony Brooke's interest in the details of the most challenging incidents among Shuttlewood's experiences.I told him of fairly obvious hoax calls I have received late at night on the phone. From Traellison, female queen of a planet (which she terms cantel) called "Aenstria"; from Caellsan, commander of Spacecraft No. 6; and from Selorik, English interpreter for "Aenstria". Although these calls unnerved my wife, who thought Russian agents were responsible, but which I took to be the work of slow-witted imbeciles, I took them down in shorthand and rapidly relayed their contents to my Ministry friend. Mr. Brooke took them seriously, especially Caellsan's warning that "You Earth people are in danger of igniting your cantel from end to end, and in danger of destroying not only the creative system of your own cantel, and solar system, but also endangering ours. For remember-the light from the suns shines upon us all!" Shuttlewood revealed that "these three strangers" spoke to him for hours on the phone during a seven-week period in September and October 1965.After the final call on 30th October, I dismissed the calls as definite hoaxes. But Mr. Brooke did not dismiss them so lightly. He imagined I had probably made genuine contact with space brothers from other aerial continents.Shuttlewood's reaction to such amazing circumstances revealed that a journalist can be ambivalent about his research when dealing with news that could result with an expected critical response. An Appendix of "The Warminster Mystery" presents Shuttlewood's recollections of more than a dozen calls from the envoys of the 'cantel' Aenstria.... after ponderous thought, I eventually accepted them as sensible (as opposed to lunatic) ravings that found a sympathetic ear on a lighted landing. But I discounted sentiments which would make me look foolish if trying to persuade responsible editors to publish them.Caellsan's voice was described by Shuttlewood as having little expression and "without any trace of accent." Caellsan's commentary included:"We ask you to help us put this important message before your cantel councils. We wish them to think again over their supreme follies, although we cannot force them to our will. Our beloved Traellison, Queen of "Aenstria", cannot commit such power of decisions to our hands, and the Universal Spirit of Truth - whom your Earth peoples call God - banishes compulsion from our minds and hearts."Caellsan warned strongly against harmful types of scientific and military experiment. On the threshold of the nuclear age, Man could so easily topple headlong over the verge of safety into utter oblivion, from sanity to suicidal madness. The envelope of our Earth cantel would, if we did not exert great care, ignite from end to end in a blazing inferno.This would surely destroy the creative system of our cantel; it could create upheaval throughout our entire solar system; and even adversely affect his own cantel of Aenstria by its outward repercussions. For the atmosphere beyond our cantel is desperately thin, he revealed. Earth scientists and astronomers, physicists and geologists, have as yet only incomplete knowledge of the immense universe opening out from all around their cantel.Selorik, who described himself as the English interpreter for "Aenstria", had a high-pitched voice, soft and musical to the ear. He sounded much younger than Caellsan, who was a senior spacecraft commander. Selorik concerned himself, chiefly, with personal messages from his beloved Traellison. From his sometimes agitated tones, it was obvious that he, too, felt anxiety over the things that worried her.She was perturbed over excess radiation in our skies; about the long-term effects of this in the way of mutations and grossly disfigured humanity on cantel Earth, both in and out of the womb; of man gradually poisoning himself and his kind by wrong chemical applications to the soil; by disease that would spread in future if potentially dangerous and malignant deposits are made in water or on seabeds by careless custodians of our communal safety.I was told that possible threats to our water supplies were uppermost in the minds of Aenstrians. Apart from via the atmosphere, water crews were already engaged in exhaustive testing missions in this direction. They are carrying out urgent remedial work, ready to salvage harmful piles of waste atomic products from seabeds and take them away for aerial neutralising if and when found. It was emphasised that Aenstrians passed through these fretful stages of evolution many thousands of years ago, so they are only too cognizant of the tremendous dangers attendant upon them.The circumstances described by Shuttlewood make it evident that the quotations of the Aenstrians are not word-for-word accurate. In the following passage quoting Selorik, the first statement seems tangential in context with the others."We have made your earth town our base. You must tell your people not to be alarmed. We are not here to hurt them. They must learn to know us. And you, dear Shuttlewood, no matter where you go or seek to hide from us, we shall be also. We have important work to do and you must not try to escape your responsibility either. You may be certain we shall meet many times."Shuttlewood wrote in "The Warminster Mystery I leave it to the judgment of readers to decide whether the substance of these messages rings a responsive bell in human hearts and minds" and that "until the Thing crews confront me in the flesh, I shall not alter my strong-minded view that those odd calls were nothing more than leg-pulling by someone with a distorted sense of humour!" This perspective would change as chronicled in his following book "Warnings From Flying Friends" (1968) with further contacts by the Aenstrians. Shuttlewood's sensibilities altered from those of a skeptical journalist to those of a chronicler of evolutionary events that he realized could bring others an expanded awareness of life. He entitled his third book "UFOs "- Key to the New Age", published in 1971.There is a You Tube documentary video available for viewing entitled "Interesting Old Video - The Warminster Thing..." As I began watching it, there were inserts of newspaper clippings and one featured the quote "This Thing Is Not Treated Seriously" with the by-line noticeable: "By Peter Hiscocks." Also shown is that an early article in "The Warminster Journal" was entitled "Bell Hill Mystery." Unfortunately, the documentary narration soon turned blatantly glib and mocking. A brief clip of Arthur Shuttlewood was intercut with a momentary insert of him gesticulating while describing something. This technique was obviously intended to create a chaotic impression in relation to Shuttlewood among unanalytical viewers. I soon stopped watching the video. One can find more considerate and detailed information in the books by Arthur Shuttlewood chronicling the astonishing local events. Seven titles are presently available from booksellers yet two are American editions with alternate titles.Considering Earth's current environmental and social challenges resulting from our world's present economic systems, the human race remains very much in need of the warnings from Queen Traellison. Her commentary quoted by Shuttlewood included, "... the eyes and minds of many are clouded by misapprehension and lack of true understanding as to the prime purpose in life. We are all children and living parts of the great Creator, the Living Force who controls every single particle of the universe, human or inanimate."Shuttlewood's description of Queen Traellison having a "strangely sweet, sing-song voice" correlates with Truman Bethurum's reports of "the lady space captain Aura Rhanes" and her "sweet, high-pitched voice" in "Aboard a Flying Saucer" (1954). Bethurum also reported that his trips aboard a flying saucer left pocket watches in a "useless condition." The Foreword of Bethurum's book "The Voice of the Planet Clarion" (circa 1957) divulged:Captain Aura told him to write down the visits and what was said, in the manner in which she spoke. Upon his return home, after the second visit, he took his pen and started to concentrate. To his surprise, the words flowed from the pen, as if Aura, herself, had hold of it. The following pages are the result.Here are some stanzas from "The Voice of the Planet Clarion" that offer examples of Captain Aura's sentiments. She seemingly could be cousins with Queen Traellison."You asked of our great problem.It was to control magnetical force.You know that we have solved it,Both pro and anti, of course!""Your deserts and plains could be transformed overnight,To a place, that from heaven, would look plenty bright!The money you spend every year for a War,Would bring water in, if need be, from afar."Then her sweet voice rang out,"You know, here we are!"I recognized it as Aura Rhanes,My friend from another planet or star.4/21/13 UPDATE: I NOTICED THE NOW TAKES READERS TO A YOU TUBE PAGE WITH THE MESSAGE "THIS VIDEO IS PRIVATE."