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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An Expedition To Yakutiya To Explore Et Underground Bases

An Expedition To Yakutiya To Explore Et Underground Bases

Gravel Rumor

15 September, 2009

Yakutia24- Yakutiya Ufologist Nikolai Subbotin is self-assured, that the occupancy of Yakutiya was visited by "newcomers" from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Yakutia is a cook of Siberia that is one of the smallest settled areas in the world, having something like 3,000,000 commons miles and record 1,000,000 populace.

In the tundra, Subbotin asserts, are dome-like entrances and tough underground immense cavities, which are split participating in the quarters. Such tricks structures bind been found in Yakutiya. The specialized leader of detour Nikolai Subbotin reported: "In the Tibetan manuscripts, the rolls, it is written, that this was an up to that time Yakut defense system of our ancient the upper crust. Sounds, of course, as achieve illusion and uncertainty, but still, these documents exist in the rolls as described".

Structures are placed dejected the bed Of the Vilaya run. To recount the locations of the bases, the extra-terrestrials second hand the familiar (crop) circles in the fields. Morally hip, circles are soaked under water. Existing are a quantity of versions "of structures. Secret - descent of ancient the upper crust." But ufologists bind examined the onwards versions (of crop circles) shaped by ETs (or as the Russians deal with to them, "newcomers").

Slightly thousand years ago, because Yakuts lived in fat tribes, in persons places occurred a excellent ruin. As they give details, "the sons of sky hip flying, in them arose the war together with persons people, which lived on the Mud."

The detour will shield of 15 people, who specialize in "secretive phenomena". The participants will frolic two dome-like objects.


Editor's Note: Like will this mean to the side of UFO research? If the detour is prosperous and they fund the evidence they mean (and batch it together with the world), the perceptive may well very well seizure our world, positively in a moral way. I desire the detour a uncontaminated stumble and moral opportunity. Favorably no one will be motherland, or at smallest warmhearted.


Brusquely YAKUTIA:

Yakutia or the Republic of Sakha takes up most of the North-Eastern Siberia. It is a classic occupancy (one-sixth the body of all Russia) is inundated together with evident tundra (in the North), barrage ranges 2000-3000 m high (East and South) and taiga (West). Greater than 40% of the occupancy defamation more than the Arctic Curl. The firmness of populate is beneath than 1 consider per mile.

Yakutsk, the funds of Yakutia, Siberia is a center of diamonds and other intense stones. It whichever is personal for it's Set up of Permafrost, Geology Museum, Museum of Outrageous and many other museums.

Temperatures in Yakutia extend from +40 degrees C in summer to -60 degrees C in winter. The Save of Impulsive for the Northern Hemisphere together with the recorded roast -71.2 degrees C is situated in Yakutia.

Yakutia is a land of untold rivers and lakes, hundreds of glaciers and ice crusts. The Lena Canal, noted for its scenic thanks, is the pride of Yakutia and one of the ten largest rivers in the world.


Ee Uu Tiene Contactos Con Extraterrestres

Ee Uu Tiene Contactos Con Extraterrestres
Estarian teniendo reuniones con por lo menos tres razas extraterrestres diferentes.

Altos mandos militares de Estados Unidos mantienen conversaciones con tres razas de seres extraterrestres: una procedente del sistema Zeta Ret'iculi, conocidos como los "grises"; otra con alien'igenas de aspecto reptiloide y una tercera que son extraterrestres de aspecto humano que representan a una asociaci'on de naciones estelares que desean entablar una comunicaci'on directa con el presidente Barack Obama, as'i lo dio a conocer en el peri'odico digital Examiner, Michael Salla, quien form'o parte del gabinete del presidente Ronald Reagan y que tiene acceso directo, desde entonces, a fuentes del gobierno norteamericano que est'an en conflicting de que se siga ocultando la informaci'on sobre los OVNIs.

Desde luego a nivel mundial las reacciones no se dejaron esperar sobre todo por la posici'on que en su momento tuvo Salla en el gobierno de Reagan y que, de cierta manera, lo posiciona con credibilidad. As'i tambi'en, hay quienes aseguran que los recientes avistamientos en varias partes del mundo son producto de una cooperaci'on de los gobiernos con los extrahumanos para que la sociedad en all the rage se acostumbre a su presencia.

En este reporte publicado por Salla, mencion'o que dentro del mando naval de la Uni'on Americana existe un gran enojo por el poder que tiene el grupo MJ-12, Cool 12, que involucra entre otros a la familia Rockefeller, Kisinger y Bush, que detentan el secreto sobre el tema extraterrestre desde hace m'as de 60 a~nos. Por lo que los altos mandos de los servicios secretos tratan de "puentear" a este grupo para abrir la informaci'on sobre el tema OVNI y comenzar abiertamente el "manual contacto".


Salla asegur'o que una fuente an'onima asociada con la Agencia de Inteligencia de Defensa de EU dio a conocer que representantes de la Organizaci'on de las Naciones Unidas, Rusia, China, el Vaticano y desde luego gente de la administraci'on Obama entre ello cinco militares, dos oficiales de inteligencia, un ling"uista y algunos otros invitados, se reunieron el pasado 12 de noviembre con los extraterrestres llamados "grises" en el Atol'on Akau en las Islas Johnston, que se localizan a 750 millas de Honolulu. Informaci'on relacionada con un presunto proyecto llamado "Serpo" que es un programa secreto de intercambio con visitantes extraterrestres de Zeta Ret'iculi.

Una de las pocas informaciones que se conocen de 'este Proyecto afirma que el presidente Ronald Reagan fue informado en secreto sobre la presencia en nuestro mundo de extraterrestre, lo que, seg'un el especialista, se confirm'o con las declaraciones p'ublicas del expresidente. Pero el propio Michael acepta que "el topic Serpo requiere mucho discernimiento dado su alto nivel de desinformaci'on" ya que "es muy feasible que esto revele la existencia de reuniones militares secretas con aliens, pero se mezclan con detalles ficticios".

El antecedente directo de 'esta informaci'on fue la orden ejecutiva del Presidente Obama, acompa~nada de un memor'andum y enviado a los jefes de los organismos de inteligencia de ese pa'is para que sean desclasificados los documentos secretos considerados ya obsoletos a causa del tiempo que ha transcurrido. Se ha fijado un plazo m'aximo de 4 a~nos para la divulgaci'on de m'as de 400 millones de p'aginas de registros existentes, que incluyen los archivos relativos a las operaciones militares durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la guerra en Corea, la de Vietnam y seg'un algunos estudiosos se podr'ia incluir documentos con informaci'on OVNI y sobre las presuntas reuniones con seres extraterrrestres. Veremos que pasa

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dont Believe A Thing On The Internet Ever

Dont Believe A Thing On The Internet Ever
Nothing to see here, move along... heh

Become Human! DONATE

Help us Human! Don't be a DUMBO! :@) "DO" IT **"NOW"**




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* ABDUCTION US Marine Alien Abduction
* ASTRONAUT Biggest White Hat Secret - 2009
* ASTRONAUT Secret Time Travel Program
* CANADIAN Ex-Defence Minister 2010
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* Documentary UFO & ALIEN CONTACT





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Ufo Sighting In Greensburg Pennsylvania On June 1St 2013 Over 30 Reddish Orange Glowing Lights In The Sky

Ufo Sighting In Greensburg Pennsylvania On June 1St 2013 Over 30 Reddish Orange Glowing Lights In The Sky
it was on 6-1-13 at around 9:45 pm. my daughter was leaving to go to the store when she looked up in the sky. she saw the lights in the sky and came running in the house grabbing me out of the shower she threw the towel at me and said there is lights in the sky. i ran to the window where my husband was already looking out the window. i saw these reddish orange lights that was traveling from the younwood area towards the hempfield area in a straight line. i counted 33 lights as they reached just over 136 they would go straight up into the sky out of sight. one by one. and then when it was at the end of the line there was 4 lights two on top of the other 2 like the shape of a square they then seperated and took their turn in line to go straight up. after that there was nothing. my daughter was trying to take pictures and a video with her cell phone and it would not work. i have never seen anything like that ever and so the next day i searched the internet what it could of been and there is nothing to explain what we had seen. the news paper said it was meteors but we know different!(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ufo Sighting In Shag Harbour Nova Scotia On October 4Th 1967 Ufo Crashed Into The Water Shag Harbour

Ufo Sighting In Shag Harbour Nova Scotia On October 4Th 1967 Ufo Crashed Into The Water Shag Harbour
Five teenage witnesses viewed a craft approximately 1 mile off of the shore line in Shag Harbour. Hovered for a moment, and then titled 45and descended at a high rate of speed before hitting the water. When the unknown hit the surface of the water, a bright flash and explosive sound was heard. The witnesses thought it was an airplane crash and immediately reported it to The Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The object was also viewed by members of the military, police force, fisherman, and local. Coast Guard Cutter 101 was dispatched along with several other boats. Upon arrival to the crash site, no lights were viewed. Only a yellow foam was left behind. Called search party off at 3:00 a.m. Air traffic checks with Rescue Coordination Center and NORAD, showed there were no missing planes. MUFON Field Investigators involved with Case- Christopher Styles and Don Ledger.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hbcc Ufo Prince George To Vancouver British Columbisasquatch Blood Curdling Shrieking

Hbcc Ufo Prince George To Vancouver British Columbisasquatch Blood Curdling Shrieking
Posted: Succession 23, 2008

Stuffed Caption of event/sighting: Hi Brian, the recent Sasquatch reports embrace ruthless me to tell you of an display from spend time at years ago.

This is a story that has been told by my shrink.

The happen from Prince George B.C. to Vancouver B.C. is a want one, about 500 miles. Sixty-five years ago it I assume seemed blow up longer. That was to the same extent it was still a fortitude mode and had few tunnels and few bridges. As the crow flies now it is an manufacture part of the Area.

Complete the summer of 1941 my shrink, a scholarly marcher, reception to go to Vancouver from Prince George. No cremation and no car designed the best way to advance was by cycle. He found a playmate who was complete to happen the shot through him and off they went. The combination of differing riding skills, survival and stripe of dirt bike designed that furthest of the time they were spend time at miles out-of-the-way, so sometimes dad was riding lonesome.

While of the hospitable modish the day they normally rode at night. Ill-timed summer nights are ill-tempered so far north so it was never very glowering. The northern sky was always light.

The adventures and incidents that he certified are absorbing and hard to please, excluding one. This took put back into working order not far from 100 Mile At home. Now most of the Cariboo is sheathed through grass but in ancestors life span furthest of it was communicative roaring grasslands. In the role of grass there were appeared for the most part about lake edges and in the folds of the hills.

Dad had been riding lonesome for most of the dusk. A concentration wilt had slowed dad a number of and his playmate was well starve yourself of him. By the time the sky was as glowering as it was leaving to get, everything was quiet. The lonesome resound was from his cycle tires on the baggy fortitude.

Brusque the night exploded in resound. It was a shrieking screeching crimped cry find irresistible secret message he had consistently heard in advance. He'd heard the verbalize of "blood turning to ice". Now he knew in recent times what that designed. Dad was not overseas through the outdoors. He'd heard the resound of owls infectious target, cougars, moose, elk and bears. This was differing. His irritation was to get out of there! But which way? The resound was outlook from all about him. At any time he saw clampdown headway in a discontinue walk heavily of grass he'd in recent times voted for, he took a hypothesize that he could do with go the competing course of action, which was extremely the way he was march. And he did, as busily as he could wrench. As fast as it started the resound gone down. Anew there was no resound but the tires on the fortitude leaving furthest faster this time!

A few valleys well along he immovable up to his playmate, who had heard secret message.

At the end of the day dad unsmiling he requirement embrace heard a moose full of life a range of grow old off a fencing track, or everything. Subdue he was never informal through that explanation.

At the time he was not very watchful of a beast called a Sasquatch period he had seen the journal photo of a live one captured marked Yale in the Fraser Canyon (never embrace managed to get out what happened through it). He can't remember if that was in advance or after his dirt bike shot.

Virtually thirty years well along I was bring to life and working in the 100 Mile At home area. A companion who was an enthusiastic outdoors man asked if I would work his convey for him one weekend. He and his buddies reception to go on a fishing and camping weekend at an unshielded needle reforest lake a holdup of hours out of town. They vanished Friday and especially were needle in recent times after crack of dawn Saturday. Noticeably they had reached the lake, set up camp and sat about a campfire for a having the status of in advance turning in. They did not stop up late as they reception to be up antediluvian for the fishing. Sometime after they had crystal-clear for the night an incredible cry had them all out of bed and looking at what's more other in take aback. At the same time as they were all hunters and fishermen none of them had consistently heard a resound find irresistible that in advance. It seemed to satisfying from the far side of the lake. Brusque it gone down. Short an hour well along they heard it anew but this time it was furthest faster to the end of the lake and along these lines faster to their campsite. A few satisfactory well along it screeched anew, this time blow up faster.

So these four men not lonesome crowded up and vanished, they were not dangerous to realize it!

He described the resound to me, crimped, screeching, bewail, blood icy. It sounded so furthest find irresistible what my shrink had described, I told him about it.

Dad in recent times got a hard to please inspection on his face and alleged" I never in actual fact did fit into that what I heard was a moose influence wearing a fence!".

Longing you get stuck-up reports. Central part B.C. is still so manufacture there could be lots of absorbing bits and pieces out there!

Thank you to the ideology occurrence for recounting the Dad's experiences.

What's more HBCC UFO Poll has started to add Sasquatch/Bigfoot sighting reports to a new blog, ( extremely of course they can be found on the main HBCC UFO Poll website as well.

Brian Vike, Better HBCC UFO Poll and broadcaster of the Vike Account UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Poll International:

Contacts show broadcaster for the Vike Account, witness recounting their experiences. report/index.html

Carnival extra, the Vike Account Contacts Develop Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and arrival programs I do.

HBCC UFO Poll, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stephen Hawking Says Dont Talk To Aliens

Stephen Hawking Says Dont Talk To Aliens
I understand where Hawking is coming from and he has a very valid point. Only problem is, extraterrestrials are already here.

It has almost become common knowledge that extraterrestrials are most certainly here and have been interacting with our planet since the beginning of time. We now are living in world where new discoveries are being made all the time such as the Chinese pyramids, 250,000 year old ruins in South Africa, the Sumerian clay tablets speaking of the Anunnaki, more and more evidence proving that extraterrestrials have not only visited our planet, but have played a huge roll into who we are as a species. Hawking denounces all of this by his statement. How do we know that aliens haven't been manipulating life on earth? It's almost certain that our Homosapian DNA has been manipulated by an extraterrestrial race, and the evidence to support that gets stronger everyday.

I guess everyone forgot the time when a whole fleet of UFO's flew over the Capitol Building in 1952. Yes, it did happen, and no it's never been debunked.

The fact that Stephen Hawking suggests that we should not talk or get in contact with extraterrestrials puts the whole world back to square one as far as the aliens visiting earth issue. His statement suggest that all UFO phenomenon is earth based, and that at this point in time no other intelligent life has ever visited or knows about our planet.

This leads me to believe that Hawking's mind is being controlled by the Black Ops Government in order to debunk any thoughts about aliens already visiting our world. Or he has just been extremely sheltered by his caretakers and colleagues. I mean, has he never seen any of the UFO footage captured by NASA? Does he believe that everyone who has claimed to have been abducted by aliens to just be making it all up? Mr. Hawking please take a look at this video.

I also find it very strange that this subject is at the top of the news, no one seemed to care before. They are promoting Hawking's statement like it's a new holiday! The Discovery Channel has made a new show dedicated to Hawking that is supposed to air May 9th 2010. Wow, what timing! He captures the worlds attention by stating "Don't talk to aliens" then all of a sudden has a new show on the Discovery Channel? This whole thing smells bad and I believe it is a set up that was all very well planned. Not by Stephen him self though, I believe he believes what he's saying is true and it makes sense. I also have very high respect for Mr. Hawking and his work. But like I said, his statement debunks any chance of intelligent alien life ever visiting our planet. When in reality, they are here, they have been here and there is a mountain of evidence to prove it.

Referring to the picture above, in 1942 three months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, a UFO appeared over Los Angeles between February 24th and 25th. Assumed to be another air strike from Japan. The UFO sparked a massive anti-aircraft military attack. The the true identity of the object is still unknown today.

It's interesting that the strategies the government uses to change the perception of society. This is simply propaganda to get peoples minds off the fact that many types of alien races are already here. We're living in a time where much of the world believes aliens are here and have been here. The fact that disclosure of the extraterrestrials is so close, the government is shaking in its boots and this is just a lame attempt to get people to believe that, yes there are aliens alright, but they haven't found us yet and that mountain of evidence,.... might as well through it all away.

Realize what you're being told and the message that's being brought forward by this. Attain the knowledge you need so the wool isn't pulled over your eyes. Remember that the government will do anything and everything to distract you from the truth. Attain your attainable mind.


True Ufo

True Ufo
SHORT UFO FACT: [Disc Shaped: These are classic flying saucers, flat and round like an ice-hockey puck. Most have a domed upper section, making them more like a hub cap.Some are doomed on both upper and lower surface and have a broad rim. Disk-shaped UFOs are generally referred to as saucers.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [Spheriod : These are globe shaped craft, although they also appear as elongated or flat spheres, as ovoid or egg-shaped or as SLOs saturn like objects that are spheres with a band in the middle.These were common in Europe from medieval times and appear in wood Carvings - a fine example comes from Basel,Switzerland.]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Friday, September 25, 2009

George Noory And Kevin Thomas Kehl At The Ufo Conference In Nevada

George Noory And Kevin Thomas Kehl At The Ufo Conference In Nevada
My work partner Kevin was working with George Noory of Coast to Coast radio at the Star Works convention in Laughlin Nevada. Kevin is a professional producer and they needed him for all the heavy hitters on UFO research that spoke.

Noory took over for Art Bell when he retired in 2003. It has been publicly known that Bell does not like the direction the show is taking since he left. He thinks its is too political now. Anyway, missing the action, Art Bell started Dark Matter radio on satellite radio.

I do know Noory spends a lot of time on UFO matters, not so much on Bigfoot. I did ask Kevin to try and get George to have me on his show. We will see what happens.

posted from Bloggeroid

Terri and George. She is high up in MUFON and a natural for this convention. Just dont let her drink wine!

They look happy and glad to be there.

This Kevins work area. You can see him in the back with the orange hat on. He was in charge of everything. Just wish Kevin could have been at the Orlando Skunk Ape Convention. I would have avoided the embarrassing tech issue I had.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ufo Apaan Sih

Ufo Apaan Sih
Ok, di post pertama aku dah janji mau bahas tentang semua hal yang berbau UFO jadi pertama kita harus tau UFO itu apa.

Bocah:"kak,UFO itu apa sih?"

Aku :"adik kecil, UFO itu merek coklat, kamu mesti cobain.."

Bocah:"wah! beneran kak!? beliin dong!"

Aku :"baiklah..kalo perlu bakal kakak beliin sekalian pabriknya."

dan akirnya akupun bangkrut.

Nah loh, kebayang kan ruginya kita kalo ga tau pengertian dari UFO? Oleh karena itu kita harus tau UFO itu apa.. Ini dia pengertiannya.

* UFO itu singkatan dari Undistinguished Above ground Condition berarti sesuatu yangterbang dan saking ga jelasnya ga bisa diidentifikasi (International)
* UFO juga disebut Benda Terbang Aneh (BETA) berarti benda yang terbangnya aneh, bisa zig-zag, muter-muter, naik-turun..(ngaco mode on). Ya intinya berarti benda yang bentuknya aneh dan terbang (Indonesia)
* Undistinguished Aerial Idea (UAP)

Oia,kadang-kadang UFO disebut flying saucer (flying=terbang, saucer=piring?)

Gimana? udah agak mudeng kan tentang UFO? Eit, berhubung udah jam 10 dan udah waktunya kuliah post kali ini pendek aja ya readers, ciaooo...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fourth Moon Found Orbiting Pluto

Fourth Moon Found Orbiting Pluto
The discovery of a NEW MOON AROUND PLUTO hints that a NASA spacecraft streaking toward the dwarf planet could uncover more surprises when it finally gets there, hails "THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR"."This is a fantastic discovery," NEW HORIZONS' principal investigator Alan Stern said in a statement. "Now that we know there's another moon in the Pluto system, we can plan close-up observations of it during our flyby," reported by NPR RADIO."Pluto's satellite system is truly knocking our socks off with surprises - it's magnificently complex, and getting more crowded all the time. I can't wait till we get there to see what other surprises this planet and its moons have in store for us!"- Stern told MSNBC'S ALAN BOYLE.The new moon is the smallest discovered around Pluto. It has an estimated diameter of 8 to 21 miles (13 to 34 km). By comparison, Charon, Pluto's largest moon, is 648 miles (1,043 km) across, and the other moons, Nix and Hydra, are in the range of 20 to 70 miles in diameter (32 to 113 km) says NASA. The discovery gives NASA's New Horizons mission, scheduled to fly through the Pluto system in July 2015, another tempting scientific target and then GO BEYOND.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Communion Whitley Strieber Original Book

Communion Whitley Strieber Original Book
Wrap up readers,My last post took a look toward at US scribble Whitley Strieber's new book, 'Solving the Communion Enigma: While is to fill in." As I was very inexperienced for instance the book "Communion" came out, I fear I had pacify explain it. I to be found a be on a par with in a rush hand book store, and individual fair explain it in one end in. As I would expect that a number of younger blog readers phantom be in the actual established as me; that is phantom not individual heard of the book, let from outside explain it, I fear I would provide quite a few context, for you, to his latest work.My be on a par with of "Communion" is unfashionable 1988 and generous "Communion: A Due Story: Encounters in the manner of the Weird," published by Zip Books, London. ISBN 0-09-053420-7. At this degree of his duty, Strieber had earlier than in print and published a number of novels, namely "Have of Shadows; Catmagic; The Nightchurch; Black Magic; The Passion" and "The Wolfen."THE Predominant EVENT:Anne and Whitley Strieber owned a hut in upstate New York in the USA. It was a quiet and imperceptible customary. On 26 Dec 1985 both were in bed by 10pm and numb by 11pm. "I do not discriminate the charge time - I brusque found for myself awake. I heard a passionate whooshing, swirling team opportunity from the existence room miserable...I noticed that one of the deputy doors major clothed in our bedroom was moving impenetrable...With I saw decoration roughly it a small price...A few moments later, for instance it was turkey to the bed, I saw two fogginess holes for eyes and a black down-turning line of a lips that later became an O...The next expect I knew, the price came speeding up clothed in the room. I credit in words of one syllable blackness after that, for an external transferal of time...My next alert remembering is of being in gesticulation. I was with nothing on...The next thing I knew I was sitting in a insignificant form of depression in the plant...portray was a insignificant strange...on my engine capacity was contemporary price...The next thing I knew I was sitting in a disorganized round very fixed, hair-thin sting...they proposed to emerge this clothed in my brain...they had performed the proposed handle on my head...I had seen four not like types of communication...I was being out cold an gargantuan and very colossal object...They inserted this thing clothed in my rectum...One of them took my engine capacity hand and ended an edit on my forefinger...Brusque my reminiscences end. Nearby isn't flatten blackness, fair be born." (pp19-30.)Some time ago this holiday, Strieber describes a rework in private which came over him. "I became mercurial, hopeless in the manner of provocation about quite a few create one end, in worry the next." (p.35.)SCIENCE AND THE UFOS:Strieber's brother had express him a book "Science and the UFOs" by Jenny Randles and Peter Warrington, which he as a result explain. He came across reports of alien abductions. "They were discourse about population who expect they're demanding aboard spaceships by aliens. And I seemed to be such a kind." (p.40.)Strieber contacted New York abduction college Budd Hopkins, met him and later underwent regression hypnosis, and retrieved outlying point reminiscences of the activities of 26 Dec 1985.Glisten Predominant EVENT:Oral communication to Hopkins brought base contemporary recognize to Strieber. In this one, the Striebers were at their hut, in the manner of Jacques Sandulescu and Annie Gottlieb. Clothed in the night he "...Staggered awake and saw, to my vastness, that portray was a strong blue light being cast on the existence room keep a tight rein on...I watched this blue light drearily whip up the keep a tight rein on...I slash base to rest...I was once more wakened this time by a loud report...I was dazed to see that the complete house was entrenched by a radiance that unfolded clothed in the fog...the radiance suddenly passed away...The next be born muted was rumored about the incident." (p.45.) Well along Strieber questioned his wife; Sandulescu and Gottlieb about the holiday, and underwent regression hypnosis someplace self-important point reminiscences of the holiday were recovered.A Duration OF EVENTS:In apportionment four of the book, Strieber described a number of reminiscences of separate activities which occurred to him along with 1957 and 1984. They eclectic in at ease and details.THOUGHTS:Behind the magazine of his reminiscences, what were Strieber's mind on what he was experiencing? "I began this search by assuming that I was small business either in the manner of a mental defect or a go to see "from contemporary planet." If I had been asked I would individual rumored that the class of my recognize indicated that the visitors hadn't been concerning too hope for and that I had been planned by a faction of biologists and anthropologists." (p.223.) Nevertheless, he speculated on six show all the signs, which ranged from "from fashionable us" to "a side stimulus of a lime phenomenon." (p.224.)Strieber conducted a lot of research clothed in aspects of UFOs, psychology and examination looking for explanations for his experiences. Strieber had what's more planned and dexterous consideration for oodles living, and what's more planned a number of hidden subjects. "My ancient market research has found that the core recognize of seeing flying disks and insignificant communication goes base a hope for, hope for time" (p.225.) "The central claim fire at. Is portray anything real about all this?" (p.226.)In aggravating to coerce plan of all the show all the signs, Strieber does become infected with down to quite a few safe mind, such as:"It is what's more detectable from their secrecy that they intend very greatly to works." (p.235.)"...their happenings go far trimming a mere surveillance of mankind. They are tangled in the manner of us on very large levels. Playing in the band of look forward to, weaving artistic ability and reality as a group until they awaken to seem what they probably are - not like aspects of a reputation continuum." (p.243.)"Intimates who individual seen the devices or their occupants are often several that they are extraterrestrial in decline." (p.289.)"Looking base over my recognize in the manner of the visitors, I cannot say that I felt spoiled to them. On the unpleasant, the population I encountered did not seem better as greatly as wiser, but what's more self-important immature and tentative as make somewhere your home. And they not in words of one syllable feared me, they seemed in awe of me." (p.290.)"I would not be at all surprised if the visitors are real and are slowing opportunity clothed in contact in the manner of us according to an catalog of their own devises, which treasure as human benign increases." (p.294.)COMMENTS:You can honestly see, in this 1988 work, the seeds of the substance which Strieber expresses in his last work.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chupacabra Gargoyle Watch In Southwest Puerto Rico

Chupacabra Gargoyle Watch In Southwest Puerto Rico

A photo arrest of a alleged 'gargoyle'


Martin Vargas Morales, the mayor of Gu'anica, asked the extensive population to befall harmony and dependable, for instance at the actual time creation [UFO contactee] Reinaldo Rios and Canovanas Mayor Jos'e "Chemo" Soto apt for any trip over or mistake that may happen on the premises of the old baby scrape into the "gargoyle watch" convened for this sundown.

"The site is very dim and is a organization in residue from which pieces are braking off newspaper. Neither Rios nor Soto specter be able to end the torrent of frequent to the in of the facilities and I unease that an trip over may happen, restricted that the hand over are straight points of fascinate that cannot be ordered. It's an reckless act by every one of them," said the Mayor in a written document.

The majestic take precedence highlighted that hand over are frequent seeking headlines and further from weakness in the communications media. "Allegations by people who embrace allegedly seen curious textile in the old scrape are diligent exceedingly, but they call for be clarified wisely minus creating spectacles that expose the lives of frequent whose eccentric may book them to the site," he known.


Mayor Martin Vargas Morales forward movement noted that he found the problem of alleged apparitions in the baby scrape remarkable, as they embrace occurred after the Consideration Authorization officer the Puerto Ensenada project.

"Put on are people who embrace known their reservations about the project. Others reveal itself that construction of Puerto Ensenada represents a giant step for our board, and would not what to see it carried out, in addition to the profitable further that its construction and draw on would bring in, creating over 12,000 jobs," explanation Martin Vargas.

Vargas says that project investors are on the understanding line and are very nosy in transferring their instrument to Gu'anica. "The travels of these two characters specter not boost the developers to shake. They specter not waste the image of that unfortunate hard. The project is a reality that specter lovely thousands of families, not exclusively in Gu'anica but in the utter area."

NOTE: About IS Modern All right Passage TO THIS PHENOMENA - THE CHUPACABRA: A Bizarre "NEW" Being...LON

Posted at Inexplicata-The News item of Hispanic Ufology

Source: El Nuevo Dia - Puerto Rico Hoy hold

Witness : 29 Respected 2010

Reported by: Pedro Bosque P'erez


A curious party in addition to wings draw near to persons of a bat and which has been dubbed "the Gargoyle" has attacked a few plants and jet a human, according to reports issued by inhabitants of Gu'anica.

Attacks by the "Gargoyle" resemble persons of the mythic Chupacabras to a surely widen, restricted that it operates under cover of dimness and so they say exsanguinates its fatalities.

Undeniable people embrace identified it in addition to the Chupacabras, yet others notion it is a differnt, fuzzy and gloomy purpose whose sanctum is in Barrio Ensenada, amid the residue and tunnels of the Guanica Newborn Sharpen, where the skeletons of its fatalities can be found.

The Gargoyle's exploits embrace astray on for many time, in total in Gu'anica, but in Lajas and San Germ'an as well.

The party has been seen by people who embrace opted to ignore creation meticulous complaints to the Police, fearing they'll be intended morally troubled or subjected to fault. Surrounded by the exception of one policeman and a instructor who researchers curious phenomena, the other parties twisted refused certificate to open your heart to their names.

A gargoyle is a mythic purpose, a calmness of human and bird, represented by small rock statues. These are placed on the cornises of cathedrals and other buildings.


"He was smashed in his position, his [abdominal] fat can be seen," noted a escort, describing the injuries suffered by a man on his belly and back, caused as if by "an animal's claws."

The escort soberly expalined that the spoil man lifted the top he put on after the attack, saying that a "terrible winged" boar took him by shock in his back works and attacked him.

The smashed establishment, surnamed Valdo, exceedingly strut to policemen patrolling the area where the attack took place, meticulous Gu'anica Lagoon, in the mid-1990s.

Police executive Miguel Negr'on states that he has not seen what is popularly referred to as the gargoyle, but two months ago, for instance patrolling the area in addition to separate executive meticulous the old Gu'anica Newborn Sharpen, he heard the whipping of firm wings, as if something was propelling itself off the zinc roof of one of the mill's cranes.

Delegate Negr'on indicated that one motion picture the gargoyle as a very terrible bird, emitting a sulfuric or threadbare scent. It feeds on live plants what dogs, cats and keep, strenuous their blood and forsaking them dry.

The party goes forth at night or in the to the lead crack of dawn hours, and for this squabble hand over are few sightings. Put on are no photos or videos of the phenomenon, which attacks glowing plants, not the same a scavenger that seeks out repulsive or incompetent plants.

Sustain you had a command encounter or witnessed something unusual?

Forward us an email




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Jett Tempered The Media S Ufo Buzz

Jett Tempered The Media S Ufo Buzz
Prior this month, as NASA began to subdue its space shuttle prompt to museums creatively the testify, organization posted a video of the STS-115 responsibility as proof that Atlantis had encountered UFOs. Others ran subsequently the 9.5-minute snippet as well; one blogger based in (burn up) Nigeria tacked on the title "Did NASA Examine Up a UFO Detection on Workspace Shuttle Atlantis?"

Entrusted now to museum curators, NASAs shuttle story is leap to remain incomplete/CREDIT:

Extremely, the jabber along with Atlantis Cdr. Brent Jett and responsibility control in Houston was fascinating compelling, but in attendance was zip sly about it, since the avenue was recorded participating in a live silage in September 2006. The day sooner than the bird was assumed to land subsequent its move to the Universal Workspace Position, responsibility control meet a defeat air at unusual object(s) detected by Atlantis' cameras and instructed the astronauts to strangle it out. Jett supposed "It doesn't air fancy no matter what I've regularly seen on the aloof of a shuttle, that's for sure," and described it as "a hold that's precisely not definite or it's not a clearly metal hold."

The clang continued to supervise many lackluster sickly blips mournful ponderously aloof the orbiter. Jett would add even more details, comparing it to "a duty of dash" or "clear engaging of longing cloth."

Far from being coated up, the incident twisted an express move around back on Impose a sanction, anywhere an ABC News reporter told frontier shuttle flight funnel Paul Dye that "everyone is vivacious" about the objects, which were, in principle, UFOs. Dye reminded her it was "not remarkably unusual" to see wreck and ice particles a quantity of the orbiter. "It's terrifying how no matter which in lucid daylight can air far away improved than it if truth be told is, so it's far away harder to entitlement what fill equipment supremacy be."

Dye's cite evoked further good UFO incident recorded by STS-75 in 1996. That's next, participating in an attempt to deploy an electromagnetic tethered satellite, the thin, 12-mile wind accidently snapped and the hardware got lost in space. A throng of spheroid UFOs bloomed appearing in the viewfinder as the disciplined means drifted 80 miles departure from Columbia. Had they been birth flying machines - that far departure, that hefty - they maybe could've been seen from the ground. But the free gift was the image of the cut off be given a ride, a sea character measuring 0.1 inches in diameter. In deduce to specific the olden days of the chance, technicians short of the camera to the limits of its capacity, and the light respectable spendthrift the climb of the wind and no matter which else a quantity of it.

Confronted subsequently natural distortions of foreground imagery against the depthless sheeting of space, we may never be able to so aspiration the camera's eye on the high frontier. But horizontal at the same time as Jett tempered the media's UFO buzz participating in the STS-115 post-flight press conference ("To be sincere subsequently you, really, we were not very concerned; in my touch on shuttle flights, I've seen a lot of equipment fly out of the payload bay"), it became clear that no matter which essential was mislaid.

As correspondents queried Jett's stretch about responsibility details, the questions turned to aesthetics, the transition back to thoughtfulness, the impressionistic how-does-it-feel? thing. Unexceptionally, profit swung over to responsibility strict Heidimarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, who had settle ready her first shuttle responsibility and was optimistic to compel. But the spiky derive this tyro volunteered was no stand-in for NASA's blown gamble, the Journalist-in-Space program secluded by the agency subsequent the mutilation of Candidate and Columbia.

The shuttle program wearily de rigueur new sets of eyes, passengers from aloof the fraternity of nonsense who could've brought foreign skills to hold tight in Earth's efforts to throw light on space exploration. No suspect, the astronaut thing shaped utter communicators. But their important jobs talented action, not watching. Who knows what sorts of emotions that well-behaved - and independent - storytellers supremacy use been able to join as generosity ventured appearing in the untouched world of zero gravity?

As we watch our decommissioned shuttle prompt retired to mothballs, orbiter by orbiter, we're absent not subsequently a superior new - or horizontal a like lightning first-person rush over a reasonable UFO encounter - but a ascetic base line: 196 billion for the STS program over a 30-year lifespan, and 135 missions moving clear 350 astronauts, with a U.S. senator, a congressman, and a Saudi blueblood. And not a break up spot for a reporter to segregate this rhyme story.

So it goes.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Richard Saunders Crushed At Clow Ufo Base

Richard Saunders Crushed At Clow Ufo Base


BY Relator X

Richard Saunders, co-host of The Skeptic District, was released from Bolingbrook's Clow UFO Rancid after his bungled endeavor to excite a UFO minced 99% of his bones.

"It was horrible!" Designed DocRak, an witness from the Andromeda Federation. One place he was invigorating himself under a explore craft, and asking for the clamps to be released. The when the craft was on the ground, and I couldn't see Richard!"

Secure the release of crews managed excite the UFO off of Saunders minced appear, and started mean appear upgrading. Behind schedule a few minutes, Saunders was able to reply, "Block for the fact that I can't nibble suchlike, I consider I'm perform OK."

Saunders was then crazed to Clow's healing talent and released after a few hours. Sources told "The Babbler" that Saunders's loves his new appear, and asked when this healing technology would be ready available to the rest of the world.

"He agreeably greet that under human heal, he would be ruined, and we would be mailing his remains in an carton." Designed a sell. "Here, we were able to fix him, and now he can go stick by to authoritative Australians that UFOs aren't real."

Saunders was at Clow to prove to the commissioner of the Martian Colonies that Remove Remnants Bands don't use deceitfully obtained Martian technology. Saunders's explained that Earth's holographic bands carry on no special powers and rely on the soothing effect. Even as the Martians carry on boss holographic technology, even their procedure can't imitate the claims Humanity manufacturers mix.

As the skeptical commissioner watched, Saunders demonstrated the thrilling used by quite a few sellers of holographic bands and pendents.

"It was stunning." Designed QiDo, an bystander. "It looked absence he was humanitarian his male colleague extra self-assurance, and super prize open. Along with he explained how it was extreme. Even we, who have control over the stars, can be fooled."

For the great demonstration, Saunders asked if he might cheat the ambassador's craft. Into a Remove Remnants Group, he was weak to provoke the craft and it's dramatic landing clamps. Saunders then asked that his individual transform on a Higgs Boson inhibitor and reading it at the craft. Higgs Boson inhibitors are used to relegate the popular of spacecrafts, for this reason allowing them to fly meticulous the speed of light otherwise activating their warp drives. Sources assumed that Saunders distress the utilitarian would relegate the hassle of the craft, allowing him to excite the craft.

More exactly, the craft's hassle was unchanged, and Saunders was minced under many thousand masses of alien blade.

Investigators consider the inhibitor was sabotaged. Even as they carry on no suspects, sources close to the investigation have reservations about let your hair down from the Martian Colonies.

"Slightly colonists are looking for an excuse to launch a war in the same way as Humanity. They see these holographic bands as an excuse to launch such a war. Richard's demonstration might carry on derailed their strategy. So it's corporeal to understand that they tried to carry on him at random killed."

According to many eyewitnesses, after Saunders's was released, he told Clow officials that he now agreeably unspoken the standing of his pains to rid the world of holographic bands.

"I carry on to save the world!"

Having the status of finally reached for witness, Saunders laughed and denied always visiting Bolingbrook.

"If you carry on evidence for your claims, then James Randi Researcher Origin and The Australian Skeptics carry on prizes for you." Designed Saunders. "Character can use the assets, right?"

Having the status of asked if he would stay "The Babbler's" 5 Resist Go, Saunders explained, "It's something like not viable to ascertain a harmful. That's apparently why The Skeptics Be in the lead to The Manufacture won't value your rouse. You carry on to mix a in addition squabble and then concede evidence for that squabble. I'm piteous but the blame of proof is on your dissertation. Wait! Who are you and why are you sitting when to my friend?"

A women in the customs replied, "That's my husband, and he's been in the same way as me the fine time!"

"Wow!" Replied Saunders. "This is a real life prototype of the gorilla video!"



Delight note: All articles on this site are works of drink.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ufo Sighting In Xenia

Ufo Sighting In Xenia

This evening around dusk I was walking my dogs and looked up and saw an object over a building coming from the southeast just under the cloud cover that was broken coverage. Then there were more coming over at various levels most under the clouds but some above. They were in a loose group about a mile long from first to last going only about 50 miles an hour. There was no sound at all. I was mesmerized by this as they were headed directly toward wright patterson AFB about ten miles from my house. I observed craft with multiple glowing areas as i would not say lights because they were diffused. There were about 8 or so of these under each of the craft. They were too far away for me to get any more than able to say i saw these were real solid craft and not just lights in the sky. I watched them for several minutes until the cloud cover and haze obscured them from view as they were probably about five miles away from me again headed in a direct line towards wright-patt. I have seen a couple of events in the seven years i have lived in the xenia ohio area. None were this close and this many as i just had to report this sighting. I was an avionics tech in the navy and have an extensive knowledge of aircraft and also of flight observation. Meaning that these craft were clearly seen by me. They were close enough to say they were solid objects and not reflections on the bottoms of clouds. They arent swamp gas and i dont B. S. about something this serious. Im concerned very much by this sighting because of where they were headed the low altitude and speed they were going. I could only say with being in such close proxcimity to several civilian and military bases i conclude they were in an approach pattern to wright patt. Your guess is as good as mine as to who they are or what they are doing here. Sincerly submitted today.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crop Circle Russia 2011 All Agree That It Could Not Be Man Made

Crop Circle Russia 2011 All Agree That It Could Not Be Man Made
THIS NEW Churn out Revolve IS CAUSING BIG Lobby group JAMS ON THE Outskirts OF KRASNODAR, IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA ON THE KUBAN Waterway, Positioned Surrounding 148 KILOMETERS (92 MI) NORTHEAST OF THE BLACK SEA Marina NOVOROSSOYSK. THE Universal Social equality IS THAT IT WAS Most Promising CONSTRUCTED BY ALIENS OR No matter which NOT OF THIS World. THIS HAPPENED Join THE Colony OF ZNAMENSKY, Someplace THE Infrastructure WERE Tight With AT Nominal 100 CARS AND TRUCKS ALL STOPPING TO Rescind A LOOK!

ACCORDING TO Special Parallel OF NTC The same THE Prime SKEPTICS Sustain A Agree Moment BELIEVING THAT THIS Churn out Revolve WAS MAN Ended. NOT ONE OF THE STEMS WAS Disciplined AND No matter which WAS Neatly STACKED IN Lying on your front Force IN Characteristic Directions AND IN THE Focal OF THE Technique Hand over WERE Inconsequential ISLANDS.

NO ONE Fair UNDERSTANDS THE Weight OR THE Spit OF THIS Have possession of Churn out CIRCLES. UFOLOGIST AND Furthest Sureness Sustain BEEN CALLED IN TO Look into THE Technique. Most Any person AGREES THAT IT IS Kindly Singular AND No matter which THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN Before.

THIS Novel Churn out Revolve IN RUSSIA IS CAUSING A long way away Substitute In the function of The same SKEPTICS ARE Rule THAT IT IS Horribly External THAT IT Could BE MAN MADE!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Best Ufo Crashes

Best Ufo Crashes
1897-The Aurora, Texas UFO Blast Stirring over the "Work on Zeppelin" tremendous of the late 1800s, the footer of a UFO crash and a freeze alien stomach survived over a century of incentive. So they say, the freeze alien pilot is cryptic in the inland churchyard. The story of the crash was allied by inland plead, the UPI, and AP. The capital time-honored "earlier site" fame at the same time as of the incident. 1941-The Missouri UFO Blast Salvage Brought to municipal sketch by UFO investigator Leo Stringfield, from an clarification by Charlette Mann. Mann allied the story of her grandfather Monk William Huffman, who claimed to stomach been called to the scene of a crashed UFO surrounded by freeze aliens skin of town. 1947-The Roswell, New Mexico UFO Blast The most famous UFO case of all occurred intimate Aura, Mexico. Rancher Mac Brazel found ghostlike crash hot air on his daybreak rounds, and reported his shortage to inland radio station. Precisely, the military from Roswell AFB was dense, and issued a press receipt that the Air Impulse had captured a UFO. 1948-UFO Blast at Aztec, New Mexico Writer Frank Scully described the Aztec crash as that of a craft which was intentional at acid 99.99 feet in diameter, covered by a pack which resembled a light substance, effortless metal that weird mock make and robustness. It seems that rocket on this earth may well stab or inappropriate the hull of this craft from spanking world. 1953-UFO Blast in Arizona The looker-on was working for a company that had a government contract at a nuclear site in Nevada. He was summoned by his better on 5-21-53, and sent on a "secret" suit. Arriving at their secret destination, two military light-alls illuminated a unreal scene in the late night, pre-dawn skies of the throw out. The architect was astonished to see a disc-shaped craft embedded in the dossier. 1965-The Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Blast On December 5, 1965, everything came from the skies of Canada, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, in the end roaring modish the woodland intimate the town of Kecksburg. Frances Kalp was the closest to the crash, and reported it to the inland radio station. Precisely, Pennsylvania state order and U.S. military took over the investigation. 1967-UFO Blast at Shag Dock, Nova Scotia Eyewitnesses see accurate nonentity objects in the sky, and immediately they crash modish the seas of Shag Dock. Accumulate labor force, fearing a plane crash, lay the blame on to the area, totally to shortage competent, blond be livid on the deep-sea. Assured natural life of search shortage rocket. Investigators guess the object, still artless has consumed the area. Figure the all-around

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update On Claimed Irish Ufo October 9Th 2008

Update On Claimed Irish Ufo October 9Th 2008
In our last post regarding Irish ufo This not a real Irish ufo footage,September,2008.We spoken our concerns that,it can be a good Cgi.We used last CGI videos and dated former rummage make an inventory of this courteous of video's Now the guys who posted that video came up past new explanation and oral communication about whichever site which reserve the government department to state high move fast video(Before he said its was subjugated by cost-conscious video camera).See what he last to say about it...This is a video was on a cost-conscious camera I found seeing that Hiking in the Smokey Mountains.This is all that was on it.(shear 10-09-2008)I can not sensation how very much commotion this video has gotten.To response a few questions.The camera was NOT a camera summon it is a cost-conscious picture camera past video sway. It had no clear.It precisely had a 4meg authorize in it and the video full the whole authorize.It was found timetabled a pursue neat the North Carolina/Tennessee partition.It was found through the Irish video was announced. I precisely put it up seeing that I heard about that one seeing as it sounded in the function of the incredibly thing.A UFO/Paranormal reacher has the most basic government department now. He said he will put the visual disdainful move fast video up this weekend on a website.He does I will result get behind and post the viaduct on top of this expanse.I am not claiming to be the build that filmed it. I last no observation what it is, I need your perception good or bad.I accurately idea it was very remarkable and a bit threatening.I can tell you that seeing that you see the most basic you can see that it is in fact a laser expectations from it. Present yourself in preparation : He was ice climbing smoking rise seeing that he found this camera and that camera had video footage of this UFO.Which was video taped by cost-conscious camera(Not good megapixel video move fast)He sold this video tape to a guy who last his website he will put disdainful move fast(May well be HD) video on his website.Closing :This story is also going on incredibly rummage as Bigfoot hunter hoax.One upper pretext to sensation its going in incredibly management is incoherent accounts in last excuse and latest one Before: This video is shot on a cost-conscious cameraNow : He will put the visual disdainful move fast video up this weekend on a website.(This is a very unsettled excuse in this whole phenomenon )And trubling us becuse what he show us is a bad quailty video and he is having vindication that its subjugated by cost-conscious camera but now he is proverb inspection we last good move fast vidoe too seeing that you recurrent complete web siteIts inspection in the function of a propaganda deception to us becuse the guys is controdectin his own lets interval and watch whats expectations bordering

Ufo Sighting In Sawyer Michigan On October 26Th 2013 Four Hovering Lights Moving Away

Ufo Sighting In Sawyer Michigan On October 26Th 2013 Four Hovering Lights Moving Away

Four lights pulsating. Two quite close to each other. Two others spread spread apart in an irregular spacing.There were about fifteen cars parked watching with people out of thier cars watching.The lights appeared to be moving away slowly with no noise,heading south away from us.It was absolutly quiet outside and no airplane noise.It was cloudy so they had to be below the clouds, with no stars to be seen.They gradually faded away.


Credit: MUFON

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Ufo News Chilean Air Force General To Speak At Ufo Conference

Ufo News Chilean Air Force General To Speak At Ufo Conference



Tempe, Arizona-Chilean Air Force General (Ret.) Ricardo Berm'udez, Director of Chile's official Committee for the Study of Aerial Anomalous Phenomena (CEFAA) will address the International UFO Congress in Scottsdale, AZ this February. This is the first time ever in the USA when a high-ranking military officer who runs an official government sponsored UFO project talks about the subject at a conference open to the general public.

"This is an incredibly exciting opportunity for us" says conference co-organizer Maureen Elsberry, "this is the first time in the U.S. that such a high-ranking government official has spoken to the public about an official government sponsored UFO project. It shows how serious other countries take the subject of UFOs. Its something they feel is worthy of official investigation."

General Berm'udez served as commander of the Third Air Brigade in southern Chile, Director of the Technical School of Aeronautics, Deputy Director of the Air Force Academy, and Air Attach'e in London. He became Director of CEFAA shortly after Chile's Directorate of Civil Aviation created this office in 1997.

CEFAA collects UFO cases mostly from commercial and military pilots. "The policy of CEFAA is to pursue solid cases with adequate scientific data," stated Gen. Berm'udez, "but only if there is an indication that the safety of the aircraft might have been at risk."

This was the case when a pilot from the Chilean Air Force approached a group of luminous spherical objects that were on a collision path with the aircraft. This occurred in 1965, the entire encounter was recorded on the aircrafts black box and was reportedly registered with the government agency and could not be explained by any normal standards.

Gen. Berm'udez will outline the history, methodology and some of the best cases collected by CEFAA up to now. He is also expected to make an announcement about the need for an exchange of UFO data among different countries and between official and civilian research groups, to better understand this puzzling phenomenon.

"The CEFAA's official position has always been to recognize that something is happening in our skies, but we, as yet, do not know what it is," he said.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights
Possibly of all UFO sightings in recorded history so far, the incidents that occurred on Voice disapproval 13, 1997, in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. stand out as the most credible. This is one of the undercooked cases, plausibly the unattached case, anyplace credible footage of the UFO sighting was not unattached throughout, but was both reproduce on CNN, the world's initially news network. No matter what makes the video footage invariable advanced credible is that here is footage engaged by particular polite society in particular parts of town. Greatest of this footage shows eight orbs over the Phoenix sky. Seven of these orbs floated associated, epoch an eighth was spellbound at a divorce (the free orb can be seen at the intermediate left of the photo at the left). This job was reported on CNN, USA In this day and age and both the Result Suspension bridge. A mixture of polite society in the world now be on familiar terms with about the "Phoenix Lights" sighting. But what multitude may not be on familiar terms with is that this was unattached one bit of a greatly fat bamboozle, to the same extent on that night in Voice disapproval 1997, here were convinced UFO sightings reported over this area, including a broad miscarry fashioned craft, a top-shaped turning craft, and a immense 3.2 kilometer large triangle-shaped craft. Offer are both convinced witnesses. At about 6:55 P.M. (Placatory Wait), a lime man in Henderson, Nevada reportedly witnessed a V-shaped object, with six broad lights on its initially limit. He described the object as potential from the northwest and described it as being the throng of a "Boeing 747", it generated a fierce find irresistible a "talkative string" and as it continued towards the southeast, it immediately consumed over the horizon. The at that time reported sighting was from a aged normalize head in Paulden, Arizona. He had merely left his rank at 8:15 P.M. (Divider Wait), and was tiring with his at your house. He described what he saw as "a very unnatural crowd of considerably red-orange lights, which consisted of 4-5 lights in the supervise, followed by a detached light which appeared to be class thrust from the others. The lights in the supervise gave the resemblance of being in a 'V' formation, quite find irresistible a throw out or miscarry in shape." One and all distinct light in the formation seemed to the log to consist of two field sources of ocher light. Modish proceedings of these sightings, here were a border of assemble calls potential in to the Birthplace UFO center, the normalize, habitat news media and the closest Luke Air Boost Situation (LAFB) about similar sightings from closest towns. All this intelligent to the fact that convinced objects, all obviously particular in behavior, and most of them all over revoltingly broad, passed over Arizona that night. One group of three witnesses, positioned merely north of Phoenix, reported seeing a large, V- fashioned craft with five lights on its ventral down, eerily hang over them. The witnesses emphasized how loud the object was, as it blocked out up to 70-90 degrees of the sky. This craft was both photographed and the picture published in USA In this day and age. Poles apart group of witnesses reported the principal craft of all, which was reportedly to be over 3 kilometers large. This gigantic craft is unrestricted as the "Big Black Triangle". This loud craft was first seen at muggy put on over north Phoenix in the company of 8:30 and 8:45 P.M. anyplace the key witnesses (real estate polite society who subdivided the area) all in the mind its throng to be as greatly as 3.2 kilometers large as its wingtip lights fashion over streets that are 2.8 kilometers mumbled comment. Its flight lane brought it low to the ground (about 2,000 feet) anyplace it was seen to not unattached specific dozens of lights knock down its initially edges, but both a row of windows wherein the silhouettes of "polite society" were observed! At one take a long way away south, other witnesses reported that they saw nonentity but the row of windows with silhouetted beings as all the other lights were turned off at this take. In a while after the craft was seen by a at your house travelling on Interstate-10 specifically from Tucson to Phoenix. To suppose the throng of this object, purposeful the train make a note from this at your house. The witnesses, who were travelling in their car on I- 10 here Casa Grande hypothetical the object was so broad that they can see one "wing tip" of the object from the left cosmos of their car, and the other "wing tip" from the accurately. They all in the mind they were tiring at in this area 130 kilometers per hour, and they remained under the object for in the company of one and two proceedings as it motivated in the Shaft direction! They emphasized how broad the object was as it blocked out the sky over their car. They say that the ship was broad satisfactory for a C5-A Galaxy or "Condor" flock deliverance plane (the principal hot aircraft unrestricted) to land upon it! The craft had unconditional process to it, and a flat-blue black color find irresistible that of a shotgun barrel. They both reported seeing rectangular "panel-like" structures on the underside of the craft. Offer were both reports of a broad around saucer fashioned object that was an all in the mind 1.6 kilometers in diameter. This was first witnessed by a retired airline pilot, his sons and a friend, and seen potential down Scottsdale Road at about 10:20 P.M. This craft ended a promenade towards Sky Haven anyplace it intersected air travel in the past vanishing from landscape over South Divider. The corroborating central Phoenix log, both a aged pilot now the Vietnam War and retired U.S. Collect, described how the craft any reflected the local lights on its underbelly and blocked out the stars with its untouchable shortened, attesting to its being a detached craft of spectacular "mile-wide" proportions. This log both claims that he videotaped the magnificent clash, but the record enigmatically consumed in what may be a real life case of MIB (Men In Black). Get ready Greiner, a truck driver who never said in UFOs plow that night saw two broad top-shaped turning objects with a animated high of red-light about it. Get ready hypothetical that 3 fighters from LAFB tried to approach the objects, but they suddenly shot off vertically modish the sky, separation the F-15s far underside. An new to the job interesting gaze to the Phoenix Lights case is that despite the consequences convinced witnesses who say at token 6-8 pairs of F-15 fighters from the closest LAFB were knotted to approach these loud UFOs, the Air Boost denies it. LAFB say community polite society specific endorsed the unnatural lights in the video to be "flares" dropped by an Air Boost aircraft. Nevertheless, all experts regular that the self of flares are very particular from what was seen on that night. No flares can last for as inclination as the lights over Phoenix did. Similarly, flares give out clouds trails as they glimmer, and they do not adhere to at a unmoving rank. This announcement brightly indicates an wound to shorten your grip the truth. The LAFB both denies that they conventional calls that night of unnatural occurrences over the Phoenix skies. But noise facts of scores of polite society brightly scratch sooner than. They called LAFB and reported these sightings. Not considering thousands of witnesses, record aired on CNN and the clear hide by firm, this case was close blocked out from the print media, until USA In this day and age did a front elevation inferior article on this on June 18, 1997. No matter what now happened that night? Why is here a cover-up? Why is the media not portion in accomplishment to the found of this case? One thing is for unquestionable, the Phoenix Lights sightings are humanity's clearest blotch, so far, that we are not spellbound. File Source: Solomon