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Friday, September 28, 2012

Ufo News Links For Monday 10Th September 2012

Ufo News Links For Monday 10Th September 2012
UFO School HUNTS Gulp PIECES OF THE Obstacle - STARPHOENIXINEXPLICATA-THE News item OF HISPANIC UFOLOGY: CHILE: A In the air HUMANOID In the course of SANTIAGO Strike ME UP, UC - "WA Now"UFO Scare COUNTDOWN CLOCK: QUADROCOPTERS - THE Upcoming Fly OF UFO REPORTS? JOZI UFO SIGHTINGS A Comic story - IAFRICA.COMflying saucer LIGHTS UP In the course of PERTH SKIES - "PERTH NOW"UFOS - Exact RESEARCH: Birthplace Records - "Margin A-Z - NOW INCLUDES "UFOS" MAINE UFO Conference FOCUSES ON EXTRATERRESTRIALS - BOSTON.COMTeenage UFO Hunter MAY Stow Substantiation WE ARE NOT Abandoned - "INMYCOMMUNITY"THE Supernatural SKIES PROJECT: Supernatural SKIES UPDATE: 4TH SEPTEMBER 2012 SHIRLEY MACLAINE REGALED 'DOWNTON ABBEY' Collect Together with TALES OF UFO EN...BRITISH Paperwork TO Have the same opinion BY Next MONTH WHETHER TO Exile HACKER Considered necessary BY US - "WASHINGTON Post"Seeing that WOULD YOU DO IF YOU SAW A UFO? - IO9University TO Perform official duties 30TH Centennial OF SPIELBERG`S `ET` - "ZEE Rumor"UFO Stick IN LONDON - DEBUNKED BY Ingenious - Difficulty Plant UFO Ploy -...SETI'S Acme ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE TRANSPORTS Viewers TO Odd WORLDS - "Stiff"UFO Magazine - UFO Magazine BLOG - A FEW Minutes Together with ANDY COLVIN Disbelief IN BREAK-INS SAYS HE FEARED Outer space ALIENS - "ATTLEBORO SUN Highest achievement"Veiled UFOS Continue TO Shadowy SOUTH CAROLINA Populace DNA SEQUENCING AND PREDICTIONS OF THE Great Conclusion OF CosmosDirect OF Individual LIGHTS In the course of Ancient Sandstone equally Mad - "SURREY NOW"HISTORIES, MYSTERIES, AND STRANGENESS: DO WE Tattle HOW TO Inspection FOR EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL LIFE? Odd Swarm NOT Asleep WAY - "Restricted"UFOS - Exact RESEARCH: RAAF JETS ON Cautious FOR "In the air Bone china" 'TATOOINE' PLANET: Finding OF KEPLER-47C CALLED Huge Rumor FOR Odd HUNTERS - "HUFFINGTON Post"NORTH A UFO HOT Dirty NORTHLAND Rumor Seal Rumor IN NORTHLAND DO YOU Convoy IN UFOS? - "Stratum.COM"VINTAGE U.F.O.: BECKLEY Similes 9/4/12 - PHOTOS - Sand TO Sand AM

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ufo Dalla Stazione Atlantis

Ufo Dalla Stazione Atlantis
Il 22 Dicembre 2008 una TV satellitare (TV Station NEWS - USA) americana avrebbe trasmesso un filmato ripreso dagli astronauti della missione spaziale Atlantis STS 115 del 2006, che avrebbero avuto un incontro ravvicinato con un UFO, ovvero un Disco Volante di origine aliena. La NASA dopo aver saputo del filmato andato in onda sull'emittente televisiva, non si sarebbe ne pronunciata e ne avrebbe smentito da parte del suo portavoce ufficiale tale informazione, che se originale sarebbe un bel colpo al fianco all'Ente Spaziale Statunitense e alle altre strutture governative affiliate, infliggendo cos`i un duro colpo contro il Cover-UP (censura) e nello stesso tempo un grande riscatto per chi fino a ieri ha lavorato a favore dell'apertura dei File Top Secret UFO/ NASA.L'equipaggio dello Shuttle Atlantis - missione STS 115 (2006) - avrebbe ripreso un oggetto discoidale non identificato ( UFO) che volava indisturbato vicino alla navetta spaziale. Il comandante dell'equipaggio Brent Jett in contatto radio con il Centro Spaziale di Houston, certific`o insieme ai suoi colleghi che l'oggetto misterioso che navigava nello spazio nei pressi della navetta e della ISS (International Space Station) non era assolutamente un frammento di un satellite o di un vettore missilistico terrestre. L'Oggetto discoidale ripreso sarebbe grande circa 100 piedi (31 metri circa).Vero o falso che sia, il filmato sembra autentico ma...aspettiamo i risultati delle analisi sul video.Il video che vi proponiamo e di buona qualit`a e sarebbe stato trasmesso da TV STATION NEWS americana, una Stazione Televisiva di News degli Stati Uniti e che l'autore anonimo che ha spedito il video all'emittente televisiva, avrebbe dichiarato che esiste una versione originale e che ora `e in possesso alla NASA (ovviamente). Lo stesso portavoce dell'Ente Spaziale americano, dopo aver saputo che la notizia era trapelata e il filmato trasmesso dalla TV satellitare, non avrebbe in nessun modo negato o smentito che tale documento era un falso, oltre al fatto che l'oggetto discoidale ripreso poteva essere o no di origine extraterrestre.Ricordiamo che la STS-115 era una missione spaziale del Programma Space Shuttle, la prima utilizzata allo scopo di riprendere la costruzione della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale (ISS) e successiva a due "ritorni al volo" di missioni di prova. La missione utilizza lo Space Shuttle Atlantis, il cui volo fu rimandato a causa dell'Uragano Ernesto. A causa dei diversi ritardi, la NASA fu costretta a chiudere la finestra di lancio per evitare un conflitto di docking (aggancio) con una Sojuz russa. Il decollo dell'Atlantis `e avvenuto il 9 settembre 2006 alle 11:15 AM EDT dalla rampa di lancio 39-B al Kennedy Space Center. Originariamente il volo dell'STS-115 venne programmato per l'aprile 2003. Tuttavia, il disastro del Columbia costrinse la NASA a sospendere tutti i voli al fine di determinare le cause dell'incidente. Successivamente la NASA lanci`o due voli di test STS-114 e STS-121 per verificare la capacit`a dello Shuttle a continuare le operazioni della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale. L'equipaggio venne selezionato gi`a nel 2002, venne tenuto in attesa per circa cinque anni. Nel caso fosse stata necessaria una missione di soccorso sarebbe stata pronta la STS-301 ma non prima del 11 novembre 2006.


Russian Man Admits To Ufo Sighting And Abduction Gets Elected President

Russian Man Admits To Ufo Sighting And Abduction Gets Elected President
Friday, May 14, 2010

Tell people you've seen a UFO and they'll think you're a nut. That, or you'll be elected president.

Last week, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, governor of Russia's Buddhist republic, Kalmykia, revealed that he was abducted in 1997 from his Moscow apartment by aliens in yellow uniforms who took him into their spaceship.

But he was hardly laughed out of office.

In fact, Russian officials called for his interrogation, concerned that he may have spilled official secrets to the E.T.s.

AOL Senior Correspondent Buck Wolf says political leaders all over the world have claimed they've seen UFOs.

Both Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter allegedly spotted UFOs as governors, and they both went on to the Oval Office. Carter even promised to reveal all secret files on alien encounters but never delivered.

More recently in 2009, Japan's first lady Miyuki Hatoyama confessed in her memoirs that she'd been abducted by aliens 20 years ago who whisked her off to Venus.


--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ufo Sighting In Scott

Ufo Sighting In Scott

My husband and i were standing outside we seen a bright star like object hovering avove the field but not high enough to be a star and not blinking like an airplain we stood there for aprox 10 mins came back inside for aprox 10 mins went back outside where there was a red light but further away the white lite was gone we stayed outside watching the object for 30mins when an airplane got close to it the light compleatly disappeard we stood there as tge plane went by when the plane passed the red light reappeard but closer to our house kept getting closer and closer until another airplane started coming close to the house and the object disappeard into thin air agian and never appeard agian... Iam soo shaken by what i have just witnessed i can barley breath :/



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Such Blessings And Thanks

Such Blessings And Thanks
Note, Caution, and Warning: In sharing any material in print or video, especially those stated here, I am neither endorsing nor promoting their content. In sharing such material, each one must use absolute discernment and caution, for the individuals below are simply humans, living and being what they know best at the time. However, these are some of the most influential individuals in current times - whose way has often initiated a new and profound outlook in the various fields of science and the subject under study - and their work and dedication is both important, and deserves its proper due and respect - if only for the very reason that they have assisted many through their love for the Divine, which is of the utmost importance.Yet again, Much of their content is subject to many questions and research, and much inner reflection, before better conclusions and assessments may be drawn.In addition, there are obvious reasons why these resources have been placed here together, as these are continuous threads of the same story across decades - Especially to do with Benevolent Forces and the presence of the many Star Systems, and Star Brothers and Sisters. For one, these resources appeared to me both inwardly and outwardly - sometimes the latter came first, and sometimes the former. Secondly, they appeared around the time various individuals in my life needed intervention of the kind spoken on such subjects - as serious as life-threatening circumstances - and finally, they were shown to me one after another, as though forming a very unique and intricate sequence of time-lines within a few weeks - integrating into the larger picture. I shall end with one of the most recent - and shocking to some - the Divine Mother Mary apparition messages to the children, starting a few decades back, which has been put together recently, collating and educating the world on the phenomena of the Stigmata around the, and the recent appearances of Mother Mary (Maryam) - especially escalated in the last few decades - with much work and research that is independent, by a Marrian Apparition and stigmatist himself, named Brother Georgio Bongiovani. An amazing subject and news for the modern era, by a most authentic messenger and witness!
I have found several resources that are the beginning of many of our true accounts of planetary and inter-stellar forces that assist humanity. These resources are hard to believe for some, however more than 60% - or at least between 40%-60% of the population - easily believe in such phenomena, and a good percentage amongst them report miracles and positive experiences - even as profound and as far-fetched as having intervened on behalf of humanity to diffuse atomic destruction, and preventing various wars - including world-wars. After some consideration, research and study on this subject, I have come to the conclusion that this is indeed true, and my own experiences confirm it.More importantly, for those who are empathic, and parents and care-takers of those who possess various phenomenal abilities, including ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) - these resources are quite incredible, because here we have world-class scientists and influential individuals, who began research in this areas, and widely announced such phenomena to the world - from its very conception. These books and resources are also available, in out-of-print, and used formats, and on amazon - however, much of the content is also detailed online. I have especially found the work of Andrija Puharich - scientist and inventor - truly remarkable in this area - as well as his dedication in this field, in the latter part of his life - to do good in the world, and announce such incredible phenomena world-wide, despite - I am sure - all the risks involved, the ridicule of peers, and the mechanical world of scientists and academics of the time. Lastly, the work of two living - news reporter and contactee from Mexico, and a contactee from Italy - brings news of such phenomena as conclusive evidence with various interpretations. * First Resource: URI: A JOURNAL OF THE MYSTERY OF URI GELLER by Andrija Puharich LINK:
* Second Resource: Briefing for the...Landing on Planet Earthby STUART HOLROYD1979Available Online: planetearth/brflist.htm
* Third Resource (the work of one of Russia's geniuses, prodigies, and spiritual healers, well-worth as a subject of research and inquiry.) I am currently practicing the transmission video on his site and studying the effects.) Nicolai Levashov with Nikolai Levashov Friends:
* Fourth ResourceThe most convincing case of one our star bothers and sisters - probably appearing from the higher dimensions, higher than previous captured UFO photos, since their crafts are pure plasmas - actual living breathing plasmas - in the sacred mountain of life - in Mexico. After watching this, it is simply impossible to refute, and what more evidence than this - an entire city interacting with UFO's.
* "Fifth Resource: Brother Giorgio Bongiovanni ""News of the Marian Apparitions (Appearances of the Divine Mother Mary - Maryam - around the world in the last few decades, by one of the children who has witnessed her, and experienced the Stigmata - the wounds of Christ.)"""""eXcErPt:... The Virgin in fact, besides the revelation of the imminence of the Third World War caused by the perseverance of man with his violent, selfish and irresponsible behaviour, foretold him that "Beings of the Cosmos will come to Earth from places far away in the Universe. In the name of God". It was an extraordinary revelation that Lucia1 knew as well, and she wrote it by herself on 25 lines that are still kept under the most stringent secret. The link between the apparitions of Mary and the visit of Beings coming from other worlds was strengthened by numerous testimonies that saw luminous globes in the sky, coinciding with the ecstatic glance of the seer. There are many filmed and photographed evidences on this, some of which go back to ancient times as paintings of the 1500s show. The same Giorgio Bongiovanni, during the early experiences, saw both the Virgin and Jesus coming out of globes of light, and many of his messages came from Extraterrestrial Beings. Among the most important ones, some dealt with the visit of Christ on other planets, where, instead of being crucified, he was positively received by these civilisations that achieved redemption. Afterwards, four luminous flying objects prepared the young stigmatist to a further sign of suffering. It was July the 26th, 1993. In Aurora, Uruguay, a cross-shaped wound appeared on his forehead, positioned near the third eye: it was the sixth stigmata... (, Sunday, September 28, 2014)REFERENCE1. Lucia dos Santos, Marian Apparitions of "Our Lady of Fatima", Apparitions of Mother Mary (Maryam) 1917: Lady of F%C3%A1tima

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Aliens In Area 51

Aliens In Area 51
SHORT UFO FACT: [September 19 1952 A British Meteor jet aircraft was returning to the airfield at Topcliffe, Yorkshire, England, just before 11 A. M. As it approached for landing, a silvery object was observed following it, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. Lieutenant John W. Kilburn and other observers on the ground said that when the Meteor began circling, the UFO stopped. It was disk-shaped, and rotated on its axis while hovering. The disk suddenly took off westward at high speed, changed course, and disappeared to the southeast. ]MEXICANO GRABA UFO TEXAS 2008 SHORT UFO FACT: [About September 20 1952 Personnel of the U.S.S. Franklin D. Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier participating in the Mainbrace maneuvers, observed a silvery, spherical object which was also photographed. (THE PICTURES HAVE NEVER BEEN MADE PUBLIC). The UFO was seen moving across the sky behind the fleet. Reporter Wallace Litwin took a series of color photographs, which were examined by Navy Intelligence officers. ]UFO OVNI CRASH COLOMBIA ALIEN REPTILIAN GREY 2007IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Men In Black Caught On A Security Camera

Men In Black Caught On A Security Camera
NOTE ADDED APRIL 25TH:Presently there is a lot of on-line buzz that this is a hoax. But the sources and chatter leave my head spinning and I'm left more confused than convinced. I actually don't have the patience to follow it. Here's a link: ABOVE TOP SECRET forums."men in black?"Curious video from a security camera in a hotel lobby. I can't vouch for it's authenticity, but it's certainly intriguing.Here is a written REPORT on this incident. Very formal and well worth reviewing.Here's something for you English majors, check out the use of the quotation "marks" on the home-page to The Aerial Phenomenon Investigation Team on their web-site.The Aerial Phenomenon Investigation Team is a group of "professional investigators, intelligence analysts, and scientists" dedicated to conducting investigative research and analysis regarding unidentified flying objects (UFO) and other aerial phenomenon.Hmmmm, this makes me wonder.I always think of the sign I saw on the streets of New York that said: "FRESH" FISH". Uh-oh, does this imply something worrisome"

Heat Shield For Nasa New Orion Spacecraft Set For 2014 Test Flight

Heat Shield For Nasa New Orion Spacecraft Set For 2014 Test Flight
WILMINGTON, Mass. - Work on the heat shield for NASA's Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle - America's next-generation spacecraft that could transport astronauts on missions to Mars - is on track toward an ambitious test launch in 2014.

Since spring, teams of engineers and technicians from Massachusetts-based Textron Defense Systems have been meticulously applying Avcoat, a proprietary thermal ablation and insulation material, to the heat shield, which will protect the Orion capsule and its crew from the extreme heat generated during high-speed re-entry into the atmosphere after a deep-space flight.

Two reporters for and other members of the media received a sneak peek of the heat shield on Wednesday (July 17) during a press viewing here at Textron's manufacturing plant. Officials and managers from NASA, Lockheed Martin (the prime contractor for the Orion program) and Textron were on hand to answer questions about the project from the nearly 100 people gathered at the plant. [See Photos of Orion's Heat Shield]

The Orion vehicle is scheduled for launch into space without a crew in September of 2014 as part of its Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1). The maiden flight will evaluate the system design and performance of the spacecraft, which is intended to send humans on future explorations of an asteroid, the moon and, ultimately, Mars.

At 16.4 feet (5 meters) in diameter, the Orion heat shield is the largest and most advanced composite heat shield ever built. Textron originally developed the lightweight Avcoat ablative material in the 1960s for use on the Apollo command module.

This view shows a bare honeycomb structure and one that has been filled with Avcoat using Textron's "gunning" process.

Credit: Edwin L. Aguirre and Imelda B. JosonView full size image

Made of epoxy novolac resin in a fiberglass honeycomb matrix, Avcoat works by "burning off" as it heats up, dissipating thermal energy away from the capsule's structure. The material had a 100 percent success rate during the Apollo, Skylab and Apollo-Soyuz programs, safely leading astronauts to 15 ocean splashdowns, and was thus chosen for the job of protecting Orion and its future crews as they head off to destinations never before visited by humans.

"Avcoat is the only man-rated ablative material that exists today," Ian Walsh, Textron Defense System's senior vice president and general manager, told "We are proud to provide this state-of-the-art technology to NASA and help the country push the boundary of space exploration to the next level with our thermal protection material."

After Textron completes applying the Avcoat, the shield will be flown down to Cape Canaveral, Fla., where it will be mated to the bottom of the Orion crew module for its 2014 orbital test flight.

This artist's concept shows the Orion crew module during its planned orbital test flight in 2014. Orion is the world's first interplanetary spacecraft, capable of transporting up to four astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit on long-duration, deep-space missions to destinations such as asteroids, the moon, or Mars.

Credit: NASAView full size image

During this mission, the Orion capsule will be boosted atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Base to a distance of nearly 3,700 miles (6,000 km) from Earth - farther than any spacecraft built for humans has traveled since Apollo 17 in 1972.

After completing two orbits, Orion's heat shield will be put to the test as the spacecraft plunges back to Earth, reaching speeds of up to 20,000 miles per hour (32,000 km/h) - faster than the space shuttle or any current spacecraft. The shield must be able to withstand temperatures up to 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit (3,300 degrees Celsius), more than half the surface temperature of the sun, as it re-enters Earth's atmosphere.

Unlike the space shuttle, which landed on a runway like a commercial jetliner, the Orion capsule will parachute back to Earth Apollo-style, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California.

If all tests go well, Orion's first full-scale but unmanned flight is expected to take place in 2017, during which the spacecraft will be launched on top of NASA's new Space Launch System.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Prince George British Columbia A Black Triangle Ufo

Prince George British Columbia A Black Triangle Ufo
Posted: May 26, 2008Date: Approx: July 1999Time: Approx. 2:00 p.m.Resolute of Sighting: Country/Rural.Numeral of witnesses: 1Numeral of objects: 1Variety of objects: Triangle.Plentiful Loud noise of event/sighting: Soon in July of 1999, I was exterior throwing a clique for my dog, I looked up, and award was a Black Triangle about 50 feet even more me. It made precisely no simple, and didn't move at all. It was not empty, I might not see guide it, at the time, design I was rectify seeing things, I looked proof down, so up again, and it was missing.Replacement Information:Hi award,I don't righteous surprise any viewpoint at the time and I don't declare what made me prompt up, seeing that I didn't notice it until I had looked up, my dog was a puppy at the time and I don't righteous presume he looked up I cannot bring to mind any lights on it, I trivial of shrugged it off, I was in the early hours, and don't presume I was righteous trendy UFO's at the time, I declare I seen no matter which time, but I quantity I rectify didn't bring it and alleged to in person, I didn't rectify see that' and went on together with my life, but so started design about it succeeding. I wasn't in the function of 6 or anything, I was about 12, so I had theory of standard aircraft, and that was not in the function of anything I had habitually seen, but experienced what I declare now about UFO's and how mass sightings award righteous are, I would particular looked at it differently. it's extraordinary after I posted it. I plaid to see if award was any UFO sightings come together to mine for July 1999, and to my clasp, I found one your site, a report of assistant in my city seeing a UFO as well, I alleged that was habitual, being that it's a moderately summarize city. I direct I might particular seen it do no matter which wonderful in the function of develop off at the speed of light, but it rectify seemed to disperse, I presume that's maybe why I didn't bring it at the time. I determination to see different one on the outlying. Thank you to the reputation for their report.Brian Vike, Supercilious HBCC UFO Test and host of the Vike Kill UFO Spectator radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Test International: Authentic added, the Vike Kill Data lines Convey Blog. You can stop the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and potential programs I do. UFO Test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Ufos One Year At A Time 1981

Ufos One Year At A Time 1981
The Trans-en-Provence, France, Landing Case

January 1981

On the afternoon of January 8, 1981, a strange craft landed on a farm near the village of Trans-en-Provence in the Var region in southeastern France. Physical traces left on the ground were collected by the Gendarmerie within 24 hours and later analyzed in several French government laboratories. Extensive evidence of anomalous activity was detected.

The case was investigated by the Groupe d'Etudes des Ph'enom`enes A'erospatiaux Non-identifi'es (GEPAN), or Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Study Group, established in 1977 within the National Center for Space Studies (CNES) in Toulouse, the French counterpart of NASA. (The functions of GEPAN were reorganized in 1988 into the Service d'Expertise des Ph'enom`enes de Rentr'ees Atmosph'eriques or SEPRA). The primary investigator was Jean-Jacques Velasco, the current head of SEPRA.

The witness was the farmer Renato Nicolai, 55, on whose property the UFO landed and then took-off almost immediately. Thinking that it was a military experimental device, Nicolai notified the local gendarmes on the following day. The gendarmes interviewed Nicolai and collected soil and plant samples from the landing site within 24 hours of the occurrence, notifying GEPAN on January 12 as part of a cooperation agreement for UFO investigation between the two agencies. Further collection of samples and measurements of the site were undertaken by the GEPAN team, and the samples were thoroughly analyzed by several government laboratories.

The first detailed report on the case was published by GEPAN in 1983 in its "Technical Note No. 16, Inquiry 81/01, Analysis of a Trace." Nicolai's testimony to the police was simple and straightforward:"My attention was drawn to a small noise, a kind of little whistling. I turned around and I saw, in the air, a ship which was just about the height of a pine tree at the edge of my property. This ship was not turning but was descending toward the ground. I only heard a slight whistling. I saw no flames, neither underneath or around the ship.

"While the ship was continuing to descend, I went closer to it, heading toward a little cabin. I was able to see very well above the roof. From there I saw the ship standing on the ground.

"At that moment, the ship began to emit another whistling, a constant, consistent whistling. Then it took off and once it was at the height of the trees, it took off rapidly... toward the northeast. As the ship began to lift off, I saw beneath it four openings from which neither smoke nor flames were emitting. The ship picked up a little dust when it left the ground.

"I was at that time about 30 meters [100 feet] from the landing site. I thereafter walked towards the spot and I noticed a circle about two meters [7 feet] in diameter. At certain spots on the curve of the circle, there were tracks (or traces).

"The ship was in the form of two saucers upside down, one against the other. It must have been about 1.5 meters [5 feet] high. It was the color of lead. The ship had a border or type of brace around its circumference. Underneath the brace, as it took off, I saw two kinds of round pieces which could have been landing gear or feet. There were also two circles which looked like trap doors. The two feet, or landing gear, extended about 20 centimeters [8 inches] beneath the body of the whole ship."

SOURCE: briefingdocument/1981.htm

Monday, September 17, 2012

Process And Speed

Process And Speed
The revelation of extraterrestrial life will be a huge moment in human history. The process by which that revelation occurs is important. The timing of that process is critical.The most likely scenario would be a SETI based First Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. Due to the nature of communications that process would be relatively long and drawn out, leaving plenty of time for people to be accustomed to the new, busier universe. Direct First Contact would speed up that process in what could be as quick as a day. By process I mean the method of revelation and the subsequent scientific confirmation of that revelation. Nothing will be taken at face value, nor should it. With a SETI based contact scientists have established protocols for peer review confirmation and notification of governments and the public. Direct First Contact has no such protocols, primarily because it is still not taken as seriously. Direct First Contact is tough to imagine because it could happen in so many different ways. The purpose of this blog is to propose a method and process for revelation. I believe that First Contact should leverage the world news media and satellite communications to reach the entire world at once. I go into more depth in the proposal, which has a link on the right hand side of the screen. The method and process takes into account human communication systems, public relations, government response, scientific response, and public reaction. Most importantly it must put forth a method of scientific confirmation.In a sense a Direct First Contact event is like pulling the band-aid off your arm. In Direct First Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, the speed of revelation is important. It must be done quickly, publicly and in a way that confirmation can occur with similar speed. The longer it takes to confirm that First Contact is real, the more time available for human politics to interfere with the process. First Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization can be a singular event for the entire planet or it can become a protracted political football, with many nations fighting for control.Revelation and confirmation could take place in less than a day. An address, in some form or another, to the General Assembly of the United Nations could occur within a week. The speed of this process would help to prevent any one government seizing control of First Contact. The revelation would leave the world stunned, hopefully long enough for scientific confirmation to occur. This period of awe won't last long. Political forces will move into action soon after. It is critical that revelation and confirmation occur quickly so the process can move like a freight train speeding the down the tracks, leading to organized diplomacy and a strong response by the United Nations.Alien First Contact must take into account world reaction and occur in a way that will help prepare humanity for an important new relationship.


Tenth Planets Moon Pre Cellular Life And The Great Silence

Tenth Planets Moon Pre Cellular Life And The Great Silence
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - Common wisdom holds that we can never see a black hole because nothing can escape it - not even light. Fortunately, black holes aren't completely black. Within a few years, astronomers believe they will be able to peer close to the horizon of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. See article.g ABODES - The astronomers who claim to have discovered the 10th planet in the solar system have another intriguing announcement: It has a moon. See article.g LIFE - Virtually all biologists now agree that bacterial cells cannot form from nonliving chemicals in one step. If life arises from nonliving chemicals, there must be intermediate forms, "pre-cellular life." Of the various theories of precellular life, the most popular contender today is "the RNA world." See article.g INTELLIGENCE - The emotional intelligence of students indirectly contributes to academic success in information technology studies, preliminary results from a study led by Virginia Tech researchers show. See article.g MESSAGE - During the early 1980s, David Brin offered an explanation for Fermi's Paradox, which asked why if extraterrestrial life existed it wasn't on Earth. Brin's answer: The Zoo Hypothesis. Here's a copy of that groundbreaking paper, "The 'Great Silence': The Controversy Concerning Extraterrestrial Life".g COSMICUS - Researchers at UC Irvine and the National Space Biomedical Research Institute have developed a two-person, centrifuge-like, one-stop workout machine that makes its own gravity. See article.g LEARNING - Here's a neat classroom activity courtesy of NASA: "Planets in a Bottle." The lesson plan involves yeast experiments intended for second through fourth grade students. See lesson.g IMAGINING - Could the legendary dragons of Pern from Anne McCaffrey's famous science fiction novels actually exist? Welcome to the theoretical science of dracogenetics. See article.g AFTERMATH - Would dutiful American citizens trust the government to handle first contact with extraterrestrials and rush to get information to the public? See article. Note: This article is from 1999.Get your SF book manuscript edited

Extraas Muertes De Investigadores Del Fenmeno

Extraas Muertes De Investigadores Del Fenmeno
"From By Polaris" hace una recopilaci'on de nombres de cient'ificos e investigadores que han sido enigm'aticamente silenciados en su estudio el fen'omeno "ovni". Figuran en esa lista los nombres, entre otros, Morris K. Jessup, sweeping Ailleret, Richard Turner,... "Home-grown at"Equivalent * Ciudad Paranormal: OVNI gigante dispara al sol octubre 9/2012 * UFO OVNI sighting in nightvision 8:36pm October 16, 2012 Hurst... * Comparti'o unas fotos donde se puede ver un objeto no identificado con forma... - * El aeropuerto de Tel Aviv cerr'o por un OVNI - LukorAMAZON AgreementUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Bygone Analyze (Report)By Robert Powell Buy new: 29.9523 used and new from 26.96 Fare Rating: Leading tagged "ovni" by Robert M. Powell Fare tags: government disclosure(5), ufo(5), usa ufos(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), ufo coverup(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), history(2), ufo phenomenon(2), unidentified flying objects(2)Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Chain des Trilogies Universelles) (French Topic) (Awaken Topic)By JN Paquett Clap for excellent info Fare Rating: Leading tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Fare tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, thriller, french conversation, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationRoadway In The Sky (Hardcover Roadway in the sky (Hardcover)By George Be a devotee of Williamson 1 used and new from 69.95 Leading tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Fare tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean awakening, space brothersSummons To Science: The UF Summons to Science: The UFO Surprise (Report)By Jacques ">3 used and new from 1.51 Fare Rating: Leading tagged "ovni" by The Keeper Fare tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, concealed literary, frank line mystery

Saturday, September 15, 2012


The 2014 MUFON Conference is now final indoors the history books and option go down as one of the better elated Symposiums we claim perpetually grown-up. What on earth constitutes success? Very well for one, hard by 700 people attended the agricultural show over the four existence person in charge Thursday, July 17th in the midst of Sunday, July 20th. Attendees included people from 40 states and 11 countries. One eastern state was represented as was the completed west seaboard. Side by side North and South Dakota were represented! Countries outside the USA included Brazil, Canada, France, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Mali, Spain, Switzerland and Zimbabwe. In fact our largest international group was from our neighbors to the north in Canada along with 12 people hailing from Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and Saskatchawan.

Perhaps the most famous Canadian well the Subordinate Ceremony Outstanding, Stu Bundy, was Emily Trim who was introduced at the negotiate fashionable James Fox's manifestation as one of confident 200 sequence young who were segment of the Ruwa Zimbabwe UFO encounter that included crowd along with other worldly beings in 1994. Emily is now 20 being lifeless and attended the negotiate to experiment with James Fox sermon. Once he equal her story on the big screen she became the hit of the Conference along with everybody wanting to talk along with her about her unsurpassed CE3 set. I jump you to Google "Ruwa Zimbabwe UFO" and watch the video for yourself. It is truly an great story!

The speakers were fine outstanding person in charge along with TV Gossip character George Knapp who kicked off the Conference Friday night along with a worthy after eat rant that was a big hit along with the size. He had everybody smiling in the same way as stationary making it up as you go along to tell the latest on the Bob Lazar story along with new and neurotic never in heard details about Bob's time at Neighboring 51. He in addition managed to add up to his completed financial system from New Sweater along with him indigestible an completed eat table. Turns out George grew up in New Sweater and lived award until he passed on to dig around his batch in parts west. It was bounty the financial system work.

Before to George exclamation, the FIs and Supremacy Directors were asked to stand and be qualified for all the noise work they do each one and every part of day bird dogging hard by a thousand UFO cases a month to an intense fraud. Very, precise certificates of object were particular out to a count of relatives as well as Marketa Klimova, our HQ Agency Self-important, for her outstanding bargain hunter memorial to the MUFON membership; Erica Lukes for her on-going work as a give creating Authentic Tad communications for our substantial email list; Roger Morass for his competent work as our "Evaluation" editor, and his work coordinating the media and defense them dominant along with MUFON as well as for his research for the "Shelter 1" TV show. And up till now to Tony Cataldo, our newest residence devotee for his salvation negotiating the contract for Give flavor to 2 of "Shelter 1." And that was trade fair the warm-up. The big awards went to Paul Garver for FI of the Engagement, Fletcher Sullen for Give of the Engagement, and to Stephen Bassett for the MUFON Property in Ufology recognize. At the end of it all Tom Deuley time-honored special superstar for his retirement from the MUFON Cabin after 38 being of outstanding memorial to MUFON. You'll be smooth better about these awards development on in the "Evaluation".

Saturday morning's speakers began along with our own Roger Morass consequential it for example it is in the UFO Media matter, partition his insights indoors the attitude, and minds, of the media. He was followed by John Ventre who discussed his fine condensed time on the Anderson Cooper show, as well as his ancestors outlook and research on the UFO phenomenon. The afternoon continued along with Lee Speigel of the Huffington Standpoint, Dr. Lynne Kitei of Phoenix lights VIP, and James Fox partition the trials and problems of being a UFO Filmmaker which included confident bouts along with homelessness (conveniently very brisk). Subsequently after eat a five-hour extravaganza along with Stephen Bassett, the master of disclosure partition the origination of the 2013 Citizens Hearing on Startle that won him the Property in Ufology recognize mentioned preceding.

Sunday opened along with Ben Hansen, followed by "UFO Hunters" character Catch Birnes, after that perennial conference sweet Linda Moulton Howe, in ultimate the conference along with Paul Villadolid, the executive producer for the "Shelter 1" TV show partition his outlook on the new hit TV show "Shelter 1."

Once it was all over, everybody inflexible it had been a compelling weekend and vowed to fix next see for better UFO speakers, venders, comradery and networking. I'd for example to thank John Ventre and his completed Pennsylvania state bash as well as Jennifer Stein, Catch Weber, Fred Saluga, Dan Medleycot, George Medich, Sam Colosimo, Terry Ray and Joie Dozpat, and tons, tons others on the bash for putting on an outstanding agricultural show. Very well done!

If you missed any or all of the 2014 MUFON Conference, despondency no better, the Deed and DVDs are now available at the MUFON Collection for your viewing delight. Don't make the same mistake in two. Copy your diplomacy now to work for the 2015 MUFON Conference in Southern California. Clarification option be friendly brusquely. I unevenly electronic message to seeing you there!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Want Proof About Aliens

Want Proof About Aliens
Do you want to see what an alien is? Is Roswell crash real? Are aliens here? Questions that might be answered in a place where all issues, questions and hypothesis about aliens are featured.A report by El Paso Times in Mexico said the Roswell Exhibit now on display through the Halloween would show the truth about the UFOs and Extraterrestrials.It's all there in black and white -- at least for those who believe in such things.In the summer of 1947, a UFO allegedly crashed near Roswell.For those who believe in UFOs, it was the undeniable proof of the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects, which was subsequently covered up by the government.And for those who don't believe, it was all an elaborate misunderstanding.El Pasoans can judge for themselves by visiting the Roswell Exhibit, on display through Oct. 31 at the Art Junction, 500 W. Paisano."A lot of people ask me 'Do you believe?' and I tell them to look at the faces of the people involved and read their testimony and to make up their own minds," said Albert Acosta of the El Paso Natural History Museum who worked with the UFO museum in Roswell to create the traveling exhibit.The exhibit features large canvas photographs, sculptures and replica artifacts.The exhibit shows different items that document when the crash was called a UFO crash by the government to subsequent claims by the government that it was not a UFO but debris from a weather balloon.Also included in the exhibit are a cast of the alien prop used in the Showtime movie "Roswell," as well as toys inspired by the UFO phenomenon."I think of it as American mythology," said Marty Martin, who is co-director of the El Paso Natural History Museum with Acosta. "It is a popular subject, like paleontology."The exhibit has drawn inquiries elsewhere in the country after record-breaking attendance at the Southwest Florida Museum of History in Fort Myers, Fla., where it was previously displayed."As a result of the show in Florida, we've been contacted with inquiries about the exhibit possibly being displayed at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and the Strategic Air and Space Museum for the 60th anniversary of the Roswell crash in 2007," Martin said.Michael Alford, president of the El Paso Art Association, which is hosting the exhibition, said his organization is happy to have an exhibit that fascinates so many people."Either you are sold and believe in UFOs or you don't," Alford said. "There is no gray area. It's unique for us to host it because as artists, we use our imaginations every day.With this exhibit, we ask people to open their minds."Alford said that with Halloween coming up, it allows the imagination of people to run wild, making visiting the exhibit more fun and exciting.One portion of the exhibit shows how UFOs are neither a recent nor strictly American phenomenon."Here in this painting of the Virgin Mary with child, there is a shepherd and a dog in the background drawing your attention to what the artist really wanted you to see," Martin said, pointing to the oval-shaped flying disc in the sky blown up to a larger size next to the complete replica painting from the Middle Ages.Liz Gaidry recently visited the exhibit."I thought it was very, very interesting, from the newspaper clippings to the radio broadcast," Gaidry said. "Whether there are UFOs or not, it's a great mystery. Some days I think this is probably true.Then when my logical mind takes over, I think it isn't true. It depends on which day you ask me."Though Acosta doesn't outright say he believes in UFOs, he said he understands why it might be necessary for those in power to not want us to know that UFOs and aliens exist."Can you imagine what would happen to the economy? What would happen to our religious beliefs? What would happen if each of us realized we are a progeny of something else? What would that do to the world?" Acosta asked.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ufo Sighting In New Castle Pennsylvania On September 16Th 2013 Ktnorth Star Sized Orb In New Castle Sky

Ufo Sighting In New Castle Pennsylvania On September 16Th 2013 Ktnorth Star Sized Orb In New Castle Sky

I went to look out my living room window which faces the city and a good view of the sky. I noticed the object in low the sky, at first I thought it was the North Star it was so bright. Then I noticed the star had a metallic look to it, and had gotten brighter. Then I thought perhaps it was the sun reflecting off a plane. Impossible. It would have been an extremely large plane if thatd been the case. Strange enough it was as if this object knew it was being watched, it grew very bright, and then began to dim until it completely vanished. Ive seen many different craft in the New Castle area numerous times on different months and dates.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Imagining Extrasolar Planets

Imagining Extrasolar Planets
From the Spitzer Science Center. While astronomers have identified over 500 planets around other stars, they're all too small and distant to fill even a single pixel in our most powerful telescopes. That's why science must rely on art to help us imagine these strange new worlds. From Spitzer Space Telescope.

Even without pictures of these exoplanets, astronomers have learned many things that can be illustrated in artwork. For instance, measurements of the temperatures of many "Hot Jupiters," massive worlds orbiting very close to their stars, hint that their atmospheres may be as dark as soot, glowing only from their own heat.

While "Hot Jupiters" would be relatively dark in visible light, compared to their stars, their brightness is proportionally much greater in the infrared. Illustrating this dramatic contrast change helps explain why the infrared eye of NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope plays a key role in studying exoplanets.

As our understanding evolves, so must the artwork. Astronomers found a blazing hot spot on the exoplanet Upsilon Andromedae b that at first, appeared to face towards its star. More data has revealed that the hottest area is actually strangely rotated almost 90 degrees away, near the day/night terminator.

WASP 12b is as hot as the filament in a light bulb, and would be blazing bright to our eyes. Most interestingly, if it proves to have a strongly elliptical orbit, as first thought, calculations show it would be shedding some of its outer atmosphere into a gassy disk around its star.

Computer simulations of HD 80606 b, constrained by global infrared measurements, are helping astronomers to better understand the details of how its atmosphere circulates. These computations can feed back into the artwork helping us produce more plausible illustrations.

The closest known exoplanet is 10 light years away in the Epsilon Eridani system. Excess infrared light found here by Spitzer has led astronomers to conclude it also has two asteroid be


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Astronaut Garrett Reisman Joins Spacex

Astronaut Garrett Reisman Joins Spacex
Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) announced today that NASA ASTRONAUT GARRETT REISMAN is joining the company as a senior engineer working on astronaut safety and mission assurance."We're excited about the great team that we are building. Our talent is the key to our success. Garrett's experience designing and using spaceflight hardware will be invaluable as we prepare the spacecraft that will carry the next generation of explorers," said Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO and Chief Technology Officer.Dr. Reisman will join former NASA astronaut Ken Bowersox's team in preparing SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft to carry astronauts. In December, Dragon became the first commercial spacecraft to successfully return from orbit. In the coming years, NASA will use Dragon for at least 12 cargo missions to the International Space Station, creating strong flight experience before the first manned mission.Beyond safety, Dr. Reisman's experience as an operator of both American and Russian spaceflight hardware will help SpaceX in the development of human interfaces including controls, displays, seats, suits and environmental control systems."After the Space Shuttle's last flight later this year, America will be dependent on our Russian partners for getting NASA astronauts to space. NASA's commercial crew development program is our only hope for a quick, safe and affordable alternative, and SpaceX is well-positioned to lead this effort given the strength of their performance during the NASA COTS program," said Reisman.Both the Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft have been designed from the start to one day carry astronauts. More from Florida Today's FLAME TRENCH.


Brandon Manitoba Disk Shaped Objects And Rays Of Light Photos

Brandon Manitoba Disk Shaped Objects And Rays Of Light Photos
Posted: February 1, 2009

Date: June 14, 2007 Time: 2:00 a.m.

HBCC UFO Research will request the photos.

Location of Sighting: Brandon, Manitoba Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 2 Shape of objects: Disk shaped.

Full Description of event/sighting: Actually I snapped 9 pictures of these disks through my window. I could email them to you. It was about 2:00 a.m. and a clear night when I was looking out my window. I saw these yellow rays that looked like fire, they went out after about 10 minutes. I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures of them and I watched them for about an hour. Then they just flew away real fast. It was in the east end of Brandon Manitoba and also I heard the sound of jet engines a few times that night. To email me, my address is: (removed by HBCC UFO Research).


I saw these UFOs on early Thursday morning these pictures were taken at about 2:00 am in the east end of Brandon, Manitoba. You might have to clean the pictures up a bit with a program to enhance them and they were taken pointing the camera threw a window screen. Those 2 red dots to the left are a radio tower and those blue dots are dust on the lens.

Thank you to the witness for their report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: HBCC UFO Research Blog: *HBCC UFO RESEARCH BLOGS*

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Paranormal New British Ufo Files Being Released March 3 2011

Paranormal New British Ufo Files Being Released March 3 2011

LONDON (REUTERS) - THE Dignity THURSDAY Emancipated 35 Facing Within Files DOCUMENTING SIGHTINGS OF Unknown Flying Data (UFOS) BY THE War AND MEMBERS OF THE Public DATING Drive backwards TO THE 1950S.THE Files Embrace Jaggedly 8,500 PAGES WHICH Principally Closure THE Bring about FROM 1997 TO 2005 AND Keep in check PHOTOGRAPHS, DRAWINGS AND Descriptions OF Flying SAUCER SIGHTINGS, AS Very well AS Letters THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE SENT EYEWITNESSES IN Solution TO THEIR ACCOUNTS.

POLICEMEN, A Enemy, A RAF Supervisor AND MEMBERS OF THE Public Resume SIGHTINGS OF Data Amid A "Gristly Mountain Bent Tubby Reach" AND Projection Data Comparable A "Round," A "JELLYFISH" AND A "Silver VOILE Shot TOP."

IN ONE Account A MAN Aimed HE Assumed HE HAD BEEN "ABDUCTED" BY ALIENS IN OCTOBER 1998 Overdue SEEING AN Unknown Reach Stagger Uninteresting HIS LONDON Lodging AND Verdict HE HAD GAINED AN HOUR OF Being IN THE Import.

"IT WAS A Excessive CIGAR-SHAPED Ship Taking into account BIG PROJECTILES ON Each person Waves Rival WINGS," HE TOLD THE MOD.

"IT SEEMED TO Devour TWO Significantly Formidable LIGHTS AT THE Front line AND A Old New Sparkling Flabby AND Flabby Drive backwards... AS YOU CAN Theory, I FELT Copiousness SHAKEN."

THE MOD WROTE TO THE MAN INFORMING HIM THAT THE Foil WAS Probably AN Dirigible, Adding THAT THE Being HE HAD GAINED WAS Probably THE Assessment OF THE CLOCKS Days PUT Drive backwards ONE HOUR ON THE Shade OF HIS Fixed Battle.

Just starting out Highest Emancipated BY THE Land Chronicles REVEALS HOW THE RAF WAS Beleaguered Taking into account CALLS ONE Begin IN 1967 Overdue State OF SOUTHERN ENGLAND AWOKE TO Follow SIX Minor BEEPING UFOS Speciousness IN A Innocent Opinion FROM THE Desert island OF SHEPPEY TO THE BRISTOL Gutter.

A Shower DISPOSAL Unit BLEW UP ONE OF THE UFOS, Just starting out WAS AIRLIFTED TO THE SOUTHEASTERN Unity OF ALDERMASTON AND Both THE Armed forces AND THE MOD'S Reports Unit WERE MOBILISED FOR In the function of WAS Designed A Particular "Foreign Spread."

IT WAS Far along Open THAT Mechanized STUDENTS AT FARNBOROUGH Methodical Association HAD CONSTRUCTED AND Sited THE UFOS IN A BID TO Raise Wake FOR Group.

"IT DOES Raise Accurate QUESTIONS Almost In the function of To all intents and purposes WOULD Evolve IF AT ANY Being IN THE Imminent Present-day WAS Accurate Adaptation OF Minuscule -- WOULD WE BE PREPARED?" Aimed DAVID CLARKE, Originator OF "THE UFO Files" AND Consultant TO THE Land ARCHIVES' UFO Suit.


"I NOTICED A Biased Nimbus IN THE SKY, A Diminutive OR SO Far along Present-day WAS A Resound OF Growl, Subsequently A Vivacious In the function of Far along A Round Rival A DOUGHNUT APPEARED," HE TOLD THE MOD, Adding THAT HE Mark IT WAS AN "AIR Drop."

IN ITS Tell THE MOD Not compulsory HE Relationships THE SRI LANKAN Dignity.

Choice Tourist attractions Keep in check A UFO Diplomacy Highest FROM 1997 WHICH REVEALS HOW THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE HANDLED UFO Information AND A Highest DETAILING THE Free Placid Pondering Almost UFOS Customarily TO BE Assumed IN THE Cage OF LORDS -- IN JANUARY 1979.



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Apollo 14 Astronaut Claims Aliens Have Made Contact But It Has Been Covered Up For 60 Years

Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.

Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.

Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is 'not nearly as sophisticated' as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned 'we would be been gone by now'.Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes following their 1971 mission.'I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,' Dr Mitchell said.

'It's been well covered up by all our governments for the last 60 years or so, but slowly it's leaked out and some of us have been privileged to have been briefed on some of it.'I've been in military and intelligence circles, who know that beneath the surface of what has been public knowledge, yes - we have been visited. Reading the papers recently, it's been happening quite a bit.'

Dr Mitchell, who has a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics claimed Roswell was real and similar alien visits continue to be investigated.He told the astonished Kerrang! radio host Nick Margerrison: "This is really starting to open up. I think we're headed for real disclosure and some serious organisations are moving in that direction.' Mr Margerrison said: 'I thought I'd stumbled on some sort of astronaut humour but he was absolutely serious that aliens are definitely out there and there's no debating it.'Officials from NASA, however, were quick to play the comments down.

In a statement, a spokesman said: "NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe.'Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue.'

article found @

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sci Fi For Real Speeding Toward Us

Sci Fi For Real Speeding Toward Us
Pic from Coast to Coast am ~

Sci-Fi Rocketship

The original of this image is done in hard-copy, pieces being cut with an x-acto knife. I learned the art of collage making from the work of noted psychedelic era artist Alton Kelly, Stanley "Mouse" Miller's partner. My collage work appeared in several Grande Ballroom posters during the 60's and currently I have over 2000 images. I have always loved 1950's sci-fi and horror films and this piece is a tribute to the era. Shortly I will be hiking the northern California coast to pray for peace on earth and goodwill to all beings. Time is short. We will soon jump in consciousness although I am not sure whether it will be precipitated by cataclysm.

Not only is nature fractal but so is history. The world freedom and democracy movement has a parallel is the civil rights/anti-war movement of the 50s/60s.That movement gave birth to the early hippies when an ecstatic communication existed which was the higher level of being manifest for a short period. The next bloom will not fade so easily. Don't be scared. We stand at the dawning of something mysterious, indispensable,subtle and lovely. No one gets left behind.

--Jerry Younkins


Very late night greetings, my spectacular space Felines... a fairly productive day, and the sun was actually shining... the froggies began singing... maybe that means Spring is around the corner... oh, a big good surprise... the Kougaress finally received her Jimmy Thomas Romance Novel calendar... oh, yeah, baby... sexy-licious yum!

Sci Fi for Real, Speeding Toward Us... Take a look at these two articles!

Meeeoooowwww! BELIEVE IT, OR NOT...

Close encounters of the purred kind: Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim Russian flight controllers

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 8:24 AM on 2nd March 2011


Aliens spoke to us in a 'cat-like language' claim flight controllers

Air traffic controllers in Siberia claim they were buzzed by a high-speed UFO with a female sounding alien who spoke in an unintelligible cat-like language.

The mystery object suddenly burst onto flight monitors over the remote Russian diamond capital of Yakutsk.

It was shown flying at a speed of slightly over 6000 mph, and rapidly changing direction in the early morning sky, it is claimed.

The UFO was logged at a height of 64, 895 feet above sea level and appeared to interfere with aviation frequencies.

On footage posted on You Tube, an air traffic controller made clear he sought to make contact with the UFO.

The Russian aviation workers are heard in the control tower trying to make contact with the ship.

A radar shows the UFO moving rapidly through the skies while surrounding planes in the air travel much slower.

'I kept hearing some female voice, as if a woman was saying mioaw-mioaw all the time,' he told the pilot of a passing Aeroflot flight.

His communication to the Russian plane were disrupted by interference from the UFO, it was claimed.

The air traffic control monitor automatically designated the UFO as '00000' because it did not have a flight number.

The footage was first posted last month but it is unclear when it was taken. A shot of the airport did not appear to show any snow which is normal for eight months a year in Yakutsk, where the temperature last night was minus 36C.

At one point the UFO is showing moving away from Yakutsk at great speed before turning and heading back towards the city.

There was no comment last night from airport officials on the alleged UFO. Some experts claim that it is widely known that UFOs have made contact and landed on earth but details have never been made public.

NOTE: Several years ago, the Kougar wrote a novella, not pubbed yet, titled: Radio for the Star Crossed Lover. In this story, the hero takes the heroine to a port city located inside the moon.


Jesus Diaz - Giant Underground Chamber Discovered On the Moon

Back in 2009, the Japanese Space Agency JAXA announced moon hole deep enough to contain a small human base. Now, the Indian Space Research Organization has discovered a "giant underground chamber" near the Moon's equator, in the Oceanus Procellarum area.

The huge cave- discovered by the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft-is more than one mile long (1.7 kilometers) and 393 feet wide (120 meters). By comparison, the vertical hole that Jaxa discovered was only 213 feet (65 meters across) and 289 feet deep (88 meters). This new chamber is big enough to contain a small lunar city or a secret Nazi base with a few thousand UFOs.

The Indian researchers have published a paper detailing their findings and talking about the possibility of making this giant underground vault as a future human base. The settlement would be protected from radiation, micro-meteor impacts, dust and extreme temperature changes by the lava structure:

Lava provides a natural environmental control with a nearly constant temperature of minus 20 degrees Celsius (-4 degrees Fahrenheit), unlike that of the lunar surface showing extreme variation, maximum of 130 degrees Celsius (266 degrees Fahrenheit) to a minimum of minus 180 degrees Celsius (-292 degrees Fahrenheit) in its diurnal (day-night) cycle.

They also point out that explorers would only need minimal construction, without the added cost of having to use expensive shields against the hazardous lunar environment.

If humans ever colonize this chamber, I hope they call the city Attilan. [Silicon India]

Big Cat by-the-numbers ~

3:33 am... 5:55 am... 2:12 pm... 2:22 pm... 3:33 pm... 1:11 am... one can only hope THEY are about to land en masse on the white house lawn.

Authoress news and mews ~

Wahooooo... the Kougar finished another chapter of her WIP ~ Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds.


Wolf Interrupted

by Rebecca Murray

You all almost ended up with some Gil flash fiction today because I saw a squirrel trying very hard to get into a BigMack box yesterday afternoon and it amused my muse. I decided to keep with Talbot's Peak instead and just post this cute quirrel pic instead. But be warned, you will likely get some more Gill at some time int the future!


Is this male enough?

By Kayelle Allen

Khyff Antonello

For Women Only

According to a few of my writer friends, I tend to write about "pretty boys" who have an androgynous appearance. So I thought I'd post a little about one of my heroes who doesn't come across that way.

Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...

Happy Courtship on another Earth

X-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke's story continues...

Part 793 ~

Sylva did her own 'thanking' as Zeke finished his prayer. A feeling of renewal swept through her. Why not? It made perfect sense. Here she was in a brand new life. Sylva shivered in a good way, and squeezed Zeke's hand. After a glance at her face, her cowboy husband squeezed her hand in return. "Let's get to eatin'," Ginger enthused. "I can tell you I'm downright hungry. We all had one heckuva long difficult day." As she spoke, Zeke's mother began uncovering and passing around the various dishes. The delicious smells Sylva had enjoyed earlier wafted around her now.

Zeke made certain his wife's plate was filled. "Now, you don't have to eat it all, darlin'. Just give everything a taste." His Sylva cocked her head, her gaze somewhat amused, and Zeke realized he was being highhanded with her. "Don't you worry, handsome. I intend to try everything." With that she picked up her fork and dived in like the rest of is family was doing. For moments, he watched his bride, happiness welling up inside him. After glancing around, he picked up his own fork and chowed down. "Good as always, sweet wife," he heard his father say.


The Kougar's prior flashes are also available at the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ Or, The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~

The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


May you live the dreams of your heart...

Sci Fi for Real kisses from the Kougar...

Purely Coincidental

Purely Coincidental
Is it just me? Well, of course it is, but I wonder how many people ever took a close look at the ads for two different movies and saw a resemblance in advertising procedure? I vote for "unintentional," but the comparison is too interesting to pass up.Just as a routine visual for the movie, "U.F.O." shows the darkness of a radar scope, its sweeping hand and bright UFO images, the major poster for Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" relies upon the dark of night, an emitted light source and brilliant stars in the sky.Two movies about UFOs, one fiction (with a cameo appearance by Dr. J. Allen Hynek) and the other a documentary (with appearances by and about several people involved with UFO investigations) made 21 years apart -- and each begs our attention with a mix of foreboding darkness and mysterious images of light.Sometimes, studio publicity divisions seem to speak a common language, yes?

Humpback Whales Gambling Monkeys And Starship Daedelus

Humpback Whales Gambling Monkeys And Starship Daedelus
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - Amateur astronomers are being asked to help a constellation of observatories unravel the mysteries of a puzzling binary star system. See article.

g ABODES - British researchers have hit on a clever way to search for ancient ozone holes and their relationship to mass extinctions: measure the remains of ultraviolet-B absorbing pigments ancient plants left in their fossilized spores and pollen. See article.

g LIFE - SETI scientists studying the humpback whales' social and working vocalizations say the creatures' behaviors may be the most complex in the animal kingdom. See article.

g INTELLIGENCE - ASU researcher Ana Pinto is shedding some light on an age-old mystery in anthropology: What was the relationship between Neanderthals and early humans? See article.

g MESSAGE - We often assume extraterrestrials will be smart enough to contact us. But what if they aren't? How do we find them then? See article. Note: this article is from 2001; it contains a good overview of the Drake Equation, which the format of this blog is based upon.

g COSMICUS - There's a neat catalog and collection of links about extrasolar planets that we've discovered online at "Other Worlds, Distant Suns." See article.

g LEARNING - An outstanding editorial appeared in the New Jersey newspaper The Record on Sunday. "Intelligent design is not science; it's not even a theory," the editorial rightly states. "It's just a sneaky way to get religion into the classroom by 'teaching the controversy' that evolution can't explain all of life's complexities." See article.

g IMAGINING - Like stories about alien biologies/environments? Be sure to scour your favorite used bookstores for Brian Stableford's Daedelus Series: "The Florians" (1976), "Critical Threshold" (1977), "Wildeblood's Empire" (1977), "City of the Sun" (1978), "Balance of Power" (1979) and "Paradox of the Sets" (1979). In the series, the Starship Daedelus recontacts lost colonies with biological mysteries.

g AFTERMATH To create interstellar messages that have a realistic chance of being understood across interstellar distances, we need to identify some information shared by humans and extraterrestrials. We need to identify a foundation for establishing a universal language that will let us bridge the gap between our world and theirs, all without the convenience of face-to-face contact. See article. Note: This article is from 2002.

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