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On the 5th of October 2013 at 12:11 pm I was having a coffee while looking out of my apartement window on the 8th floor to the horizon. Suddenly I noticed a black object hovering about roughly 2 km to the south then moving slowly southeast then stopping and moving again ascending until it completely disappeared into the clouds above. To the naked eye the object appeared to have an oval shape. I watched the UFO the whole time between 12:11 pm and 12:20 pm. I grabbed my iPhone and snapped about a dozen of pictures during that time. I managed to capture the object in few of the photos but needles to say that with this kind of camera it does not have the zoom option nor the best quality. I have uploaded the pictures just to show the object path with the time of each frame. I would like to mention that in the area where I am located there is a high volume of air traffic at this time. The object did not have the same flying characteristics as a commercial jet or a helicopter. image card.pngUFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
No matter how interconnected we might feel these days on planet Earth, the human civilization is still dominated by the interaction of independent nations. Groups like the United Nations, International Monetary Fund and G-20 may bring us to the table for certain issues. However, decision making for the majority of human endeavors is still done at the national level. This presents some serious challenges for extraterrestrial First Contact.The primary question is how governments would react. I put the emphasis on governments to make a clear distinction with how people might react. All governments have an agenda. That agenda certainly includes the needs of the people being governed, but the agenda has a practical side as well- the desire for governmental leaders to stay in power.The chief concerns in a First Contact event would be amplified versions of current concerns: security, economic growth, competition for resources and internal stability. The nature of First Contact certainly would determine which of those concerns rises to the top of the conversation. In a mysterious First Contact event, security would be more important. In a relatively safe, high-information sharing First Contact event, the prime concern could become a quest for information that can lead to technology development.Underlying all concerns is the characteristics of the nation itself- the type of government, challenges facing the nation, the nature of its people and relationships with other nations.Here's a look at how some governments might react to a non-threatening direct First Contact event:CHINAI put the Chinese first for a reason: I believe they are a critical wildcard in the reaction to extraterrestrial contact. I think the response of the United States and the European Union may be fairly predictable, depending, of course, on the circumstances of First Contact. The Chinese, though, are at a critical stage in their history. The authoritarian government is increasingly embracing capitalism, while seeking to maintain control of how that capitalism manifests. This experiment has remarkable issues. Corruption is a problem at all levels of government. The Chinese middle class has invested heavily in real estate and now the country faces a real estate bubble beyond anything we have seen in the west. Entire cities have been built through speculation and yet those cities have virtually no residents. This, and other factors, including manufacturing changes, has put China in a challenging situation economically. The government is actively pursuing new technology as a means of securing economic opportunities. This could become the driving factor in the Chinese reaction to First Contact, if it is a high-information sharing First Contact.The Chinese also face major challenges in human information control. The government blocks many internet sources from reaching the Chinese people. This effort to control information could become a big issue in a First Contact event. The quest for information will be enormous. If the government attempts to censor world media reports of First Contact the Chinese public could react harshly. This could continue for some time. Why would the government attempt to do such? Unless the information threatens the government somehow, it would seem unnecessary. Still, Chinese leaders will need to take a leap of faith to allow the Chinese people to take full part in the discovery, wherever it leads. The Chinese people seem rather open to First Contact and in one survey less rigid in their reaction to such an event.I believe that the Chinese government is likely to embrace First Contact. The biggest problem may be making sure they feel fully included in the world decision making in regards to First Contact response. As a member of the United Nations Security Council they could be among the first to consider the implications of First Contact. The Chinese have an active space program and their scientific community has considered First Contact issues. To what degree Chinese scientists have pondered First Contact is hard to say, given the veil of secrecy over matters of space exploration and science. In a strange interview, a Russian cosmonaut suggested that the Chinese have a protocol for handling First Contact. RUSSIA Russian scientists have been considering First Contact issues for many years. While some of this has been, how shall we say, a bit "out there," consideration of the issue make the Russians important players in any First Contact scenario. Russian wackiness concerning this issue was not helped by the joking of former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who remarked to the media that he has a secret file of aliens living among humans. Most of the UFO conspiracy folks leave off his punch line: that it could all be seen in the movie "Men in Black".Deadpan humor aside, the Russians have a long tradition of extraterrestrial considerations. In 1961 astronomer Nikolai Kardashev proposed a scale by which civilizations could be measured by the amount of energy it can produce and utilize. Russian scientists are valued members of the world astronomical associations.The government is certainly a wild card of sorts. Russia, much like China, seems to be at a cross-road between relative freedom and tight government control. The Russians too have embraced capitalism and will likely be quite interested in how they can benefit from First Contact. And this is a major issue for all countries. Once the initial shock of First Contact wears off, people will begin to consider the possibilities for what a relationship with extraterrestrials could mean for human development and commerce. I'm not saying that we'll be trading with extraterrestrials, but rather that any information exchange could open up new opportunities for commerce through technology development. The Russians currently have the most developed space program in the world and that may put them ahead of even the United States in some aspects of First Contact response.INDIAThe Indians also have an active space program and a scientific community that has considered First Contact. Moreover, the public, perhaps prompted by a rather imaginative media, already seems to believe First Contact has occurred. A Reuters poll showed that 40 percent of Indians and Chinese surveyed already think that aliens are walking the Earth.So, perhaps First Contact wouldn't be a big shock. The country does have a well-developed system of high education. A robust academic community would be extremely important to a nation in the wake of First Contact. The academic community will need to build bridges between what humans know now and new information coming from extraterrestrials. How well a nation interprets and understands extraterrestrial information may well decide how it develops in the future.As with the other countries, India is doing everything it can to have a seat at the international table. They will be an important group to include in First Contact discussions.EUROPEAN UNIONIt seems that all we hear these days about the European Union are reports of financial woes. Those woes would be a consideration in the wake of First Contact. The fragile European economy could have serious issues if world markets undergo wild fluctuations after First Contact. While every nation would be impacted by such swings, the Europeans have several nations on the brink of financial collapse. The turmoil has put the Union in jeopardy of disintegrating.On a more positive note, European Union nations have vibrant and active scientific communities in many fields. The level of expertise would be a valuable resource in the wake of First Contact. The British Royal Society is one of the few world scientific organizations to seriously consider First Contact. France is home to the International Astronomical Union, one of the most visible proponents of First Contact discussion.BRAZILBrazil has had an on-again, off-again space program, and many think that with new-found wealth the country may step up efforts. The country represents a new wave of emerging world powers.Brazilians would be watching developments closely and be concerned about being left out in the cold. South Americans and Africans are likely to react poorly to indications that the major powers are trying to control First Contact response. This is where the United Nations comes into play. It's the only venue we have for government participation in world matters. Through the UN General Assembly, nations such as Brazil and Egypt can voice concerns and suggest options for First Contact response. This means bringing issues to the General Assembly and not just the UN Security Council.THE UNITED STATESIn his 1997 inaugural address President Clinton said "America stands alone as the world's indispensible nation."That statement, and the debate over the concept of America being indispensible, has plenty to consider for First Contact. American popular media seems to imply that the United States would be the first stop and the last stop for visiting extraterrestrials. This arrogance is probably not surprising to the rest of the world. American pronouncements of "exceptionalism" have raised hackles for decades.President Obama has sought to change the national philosophy in foreign policy. The indispensible nation now seems to find value in a more measured leadership role, one that allows other nations room to grow and lead. It's an important difference in leadership and one that seems ready-made for life After First Contact. In the wake of First Contact, it will be important for the United States to take a leadership role, without dominating the discussion. This won't be easy, primarily because there will be Americans arguing for complete control of diplomacy and other issues After First Contact. A lot will depend on the style of leadership of the President of the United States. A President that believes in equal world participation will be more likely to work for the inclusion of other nations in the decision-making process. A more nationalist president could be a serious challenge to inclusion. We tend to think of our nation as stable and solid, and it is, compared to many other nations. However, we have a serious fracture developing behind the scenes. It's hard to pinpoint because it manifests in many different ways: anti-government, pro-gun, religiously conservative and seemingly distressed over national diversity of cultures. What ties these groups together is a fear of big government and a distrust of the United Nations. These separate groups could coalesce into serious opposition to United Nations involvement in First Contact. It could also turn into outright rejection of extraterrestrial diplomacy, an opinion that other minority groups, in nations across the planet, may express after the shock of First Contact wears off. This may provide the biggest challenge of all in the wake of First Contact.The reaction of the U.S. government is important because of the robust nature of the scientific community in the U.S. and the ties to space exploration lead by NASA. The U.S. is also home to a number of groups that have actively considered First Contact issues, including the SETI Institute.Extraterrestrials would be advised to carefully consider U.S. involvement in the initial moments of First Contact. The appearance of an American government controlled First Contact could be extremely problematic when it comes to world reaction. The United States may have the media and scientific communities best able to handle First Contact, but that shouldn't mean that such an event is recognized as American First Contact, versus global First Contact.THE FRINGE NATIONSFringe nations fall outside of the normal blocs of power. They may seem like unpredictable provocateurs, but many analysts have pointed to the logic in the seemingly illogical actions. North Korea is a prime example. Once again, they are posturing and threatening. To what end? The same ends they have pursued in the past: using the threat of violence to secure aid in the form of food and goods and using threats to world powers to secure the power of the North Korean leadership. That makes leader Kim Jong Un perfectly logical according to psychoanalyst Heath King. So, might North Korea once again posture and make threats to gain a seat at the table in the wake of extraterrestrial First Contact? It seems logical.The same could be said of slightly less isolated nations such as Iran and Venezuela. Their hatred of the United States would clearly be an important factor in their reaction to First Contact. As with much of the Arab world, if First Contact is perceived as an American event it seems likely it will provoke a negative reaction from these nations. What does that mean for diplomacy with extraterrestrials? It would be a lot tougher for the UN to focus on alien diplomacy if it is coping with threats coming from fringe nations.How will humans handle First Contact? That may depend on the thought and consideration put into First Contact by extraterrestrials. One would assume that such visitors would have a well-considered plan for First Contact that would take into account many of these national reactions. This assumes, of course, that aliens give a damn about our reaction. I think, though, if they plan a friendly introduction these would be important considerations. And if aliens hope for a long-term relationship with humans, these considerations and many more would be essential. What do you think? Join the conversation on the Alien First Contact Facebook page.
Over at his blog, Matt Bille has a new post that discusses my "MONSTER DIARY" book, in relation to the high-strangeness cases I present in its pages, and with specific regard to the matter of things such as a spectral sabre-tooth tiger (a case I describe in the book), and whether or not rogue cases like this should have a place in Cryptozoology or Parapsychology.YOU CAN FIND MATT'S POST HERE, and here's my comment to the post:"Hey Matt,"Yes, it may well be argued that if a creature exhibits phenomena that is far more paranormal in nature (however we define that term), it may not technically be considered a creature of cryptozoology."But, here's the thing: many creatures that are widely accepted as being part of cryptozoology do exhibit such paranormal (or perceived paranormal) traits."Whether people agree with the data and witness testimony or not, there are a lot of Bigfoot reports that are steeped in high strangeness. "Take, for just one example, Stan Gordon's 2010 book, "Silent Invasion", that chronicles very weird Bigfoot activity in Pennsylvania in 1973."Tales of the Yowie in Australia are also saturated with odd overtones."FW Holiday, while investigating the Loch Ness Monster, began to experience a lot of high-strangeness, including a MIB sighting at the loch and strange synchronicities."Tim Dinsdale alluded to the possibility of a paranormal explanation for Nessie."There's Britain's Owlman, West Virginia's Mothman, the 'pterodcatyls' of the Texas-Mexico border - all steeped in high strangeness."Merrily Harpur's book, "Mystery Big Cats", places the UK's Alien Big Cats into a non-physical category, a book well worth reading."So, if even just one example of high-strangeness in all these cases is valid, using your criteria for what passes as a creature of cryptozooloogy, would we not have to remove all the above 'things' from cryptozoological study and hand the data over to paranormal researchers?"Or, perhaps, we should modify what cryptozoology is and represents."
UFO VIDEOS - I suited received this report about a fantastic activity in the sky more than Canberra in Australia on Saturday, 7th July 2012 (4:25pm-4:40pm).
Make a recording report: "I am a university apprentice in Canberra. I live in a arrangement called Pearce and I happened to be uninvolved in the plot of my house (in Pearce) subsequently I unfriendly saw some objects potential slothfully from the North East footer in a southerly means towards the Woden district. At first I burden they may be skydivers/parachutes or hang-gliders but They looked when stars. One of them had a light red set off to it. "
"It was at that aim the red object seemed to change or play down all the rage distinct shapes."
"They subsequently began to move slothfully high up in the sky towards a westerly means. Taking part in a few minutes they slowed down and subsequently stopped in one cause to be in. I suppose them to be more than the periphery of Chifley and Lyons. They subsequently any began to move slothfully in distinct formations. The red object was when a star when the others. I counted six of them."
"I retain information remark the encounter linking 4:25pm-4:40pm. At one set sights on all the rage the sighting I went inside for a late at night. In the role of I returned uninvolved I couldnt see them another time. -I dont let know, they doubtless disappeard in the horizon..? (4:40pm). "
"It was a very clear blue sky at that time."
"I tried to look in the muggy media or other websites but did not see any reports of this encounter. I remembered term that "this would be reported for sure, and portray would be profuse territory who saw this.."
"Even so I raise seeing a blue and ancient helicopter flying towards the North means specific minutes to the lead the objects appeared."
"In the last month portray grip been specific Order and Military exercises in the area."
"This is a publication article I burden you may yearn for to read:"Author: Angelosource: submitted to
ufo pictureI place try to fit family figures to guaranteed genteel culture's tradition that I empathize, doubtless up-to-the-minute tradition has twin story.........* * *I identifiable few ufo pictures that respect the incredibly to the Stephenville lights, I connoisseur its place stony to tell kingdom the incredibly story: lately a few UFOs are alien craft, others are place alien activity, most are bare life form, and guaranteed scientist may grumble them: outrageous life. But most substantial is family high and low intelligence beings, they are all operator joined. That is why they explain on a famous strategic to show their faces to me. They identifiable been profound for 5-7 thousand living. Why they explain back? I don't empathize...* * *I connoisseur it's a bit ultra naughty than place interesting. So our sophistication may put up with that smart humanoid aliens exist, they may hallucinate to get guaranteed high tech from them. But we don't empathize further about family plants or individual having the status of beings. That is why I asked a scientist:" Necessary I inform the media. Mettle this news create any shape to the world?"* * *External humanoid knows all family tricks; they life-force get report from other...........Few researchers tried it earlier (sit a camera to put down it on film). Can't get any choice.I can undertake family pictures may be place by providence.* * *After all over three living abrupt observe, I identifiable undeclared that we do not place reduce behind up-to-the-minute humanoids; we obviously identifiable to reduce behind all sorts of alien life
belong to brand new world. So that is why not that simple!Star
All this week, the History Channel will be filming an episode of "UFO Hunters" from Stephenville and the surrounding area. This episode, we believe, will be the final episode of this season's show. Thanks to Dr. Ted Acworth, Bill Birnes, Jeff Tomlinson and Patrick Uskert for joining us in studio this morning. Missed the interview? Listen to it here!If you have a UFO story you'd like to share, publicly or anonymously, please feel free to visit their headquarters on the square in Stephenville, next door to Tat-2 Body Works or e-mail them at You can also visit their website at : The History Channel-UFO Hunters.Also, we welcome to the Mandatory FM family, Angelia Joiner, who will be heading up our news department and keeping us in touch with any UFO sightings in the area!If you would like to get in touch with Angelia, e-mail her! Also, check out Stephenville Lights for the latest UFO sightings in and around the Stephenville area!
Vatican and UFO - Secretum Omega: On the day 30 of April in the Palazzo della Provincia of Pescara took place the Conference "UFO? the Truth is Top Secret, from Area 51 to Planet X", organized by the "Ufobserver" Cultural Association. During the conference I related about underground bases in the USA and dedicated the last fifteen minutes of my speech to a very short summary of my work during last five years in a new direction that, starting from now, will be the leading topic in my future lectures.This is a little anticipation. In the year 2000 I was working in Rome as an editor in the "Stargate" magazine and I wrote many articles about Fatima Apparitions, their famous Third Secret and other Vatican State-related mysteries: sociopol secretumomega01.htm* Following on from my recent post on the reasons for the Vatican's recent admission about aliens I have searched the net high and low to locate the original video of the ufo (pictured above) that appeared over the Vatican in 05 when the pope died
Although the timekeeping isn't logically as high as the pictures crazed in McMinnville, two shots crazed in Phoenix do argue accurately up expound. William A. Rhodes, a temporary scientist go in Phoenix, reported that he had crazed what might be restrained the first enormous photographs of one of the flying discs. Rhodes said he had been on his way to his deposit at the rear of his house at the rear of his house in the function of he heard a nothing out of the ordinary "go" that he supposed to be from a P-80 "Shooting Bauble" fighter jet. He grabbed his camera from the deposit judges and anxious to a undersized mount in his plot. The object was gyrating in the east about a thousand feet in the air. Rhodes sighted defeat the side of his camera and took his first photograph. He expert the film, and for that reason hesitated, doctrine that he would suspend what you are doing for the object to get quicker. For that reason, afraid that it would hide from view not including upcoming quicker, snapped the second picture, implementation the division.Rhodes' story, defeat with the pictures, appeared in the Phoenix news flash, The "Arizona Republic." In the article, storyteller Robert C. Hanika, wrote, "Men desire hardened in aircraft famous person intentional whichever the print and the damaging from which they were completed, and declined to oblige a presume on what the flying object might be." He as well wrote, "The definite ruse Rhodes has for all aircraft has led most individuals who go through been in contact with other observers of the on high discs' to undertake the photographs are the first real photographs of the weapons, as Rhodes organically can decipher practically any aircraft."Rhodes said that the object appeared to be egg-shaped in shape and go through a diameter of twenty to thirty feet. It appeared to be at 5000 feet in the function of first seen and was seasonal, according to Rhodes, at 400 to 600 miles an hour. It was gloomy which tended to merge with the down in the dumps background of the sky.The object had, according to Rhodes and a confidential report from the Protect Bright Compilation files, "what appeared to be a cockpit sunshade in the center which widely spread on the way to the chance and underneath the object. The 'cockpit did not stick out from the texture but was honestly evident with the exposed eye." State were no propellers or landing cram, but expound did stare to be trails of squally air put down the trailing points of the object. Presumption was that expound were jet engines of assured personality positioned expound. The craft stimulated privately, whereas Rhodes had said that a jet-like call was what called his fascinate to it.The news stories probably alerted the military to Rhodes' sighting. Many investigations were launched. On July 14, 1947, Lynn C. Aldrich, a special ambassador for the Army's counterintelligence constituent (CIC) in a confirmation for the tape measure cooperative in the Protect Bright Compilation files wrote, "On 8 July 1947, this Illustrative obtained pictures of unidentifiable objects (Exhibits 1 and 2) from the slip editor of the "Arizona Republic" news flash. The pictures were crazed by Mr. William A. Rhodes... [of] Phoenix, Arizona, at sunset, on 7 July 1947."For that reason, on Elegant 29, according to a "Hint for the Controller in Leasing," George Fugate, Jr., a special ambassador of the CIC and stationed at Fourth Air Chi Command center, interviewed Rhodes in nature. Fugate was accompanied by Separate Illustrative Brower of the Phoenix FBI Section. This questioning is high point at the same time as of assured of the frenzy about frozen of the negatives and prints of the photographs that would expand progressive.During the questioning, Rhodes over told the story, suggesting that he model, at first, it might go through been the Navy's "Carried by the wind Flapjack" (seen at the consumed) which had been featured on the May 1947 cover of "Mechanix Illustrated". He rejected the tenacity at the same time as he saw no propellers or landing cram. Research shows that the Services built a disconnect "Flapjack" and that it never flew outer walls the Bridgeport, Connecticut area.At the end of Fugate's report, he wrote, "Mr. Rhodes noteworthy that he responsible the negatives himself. He quiet had the damaging of the first photograph (Display III), but he possibly will not discover the damaging for the second photograph."On February 19, 1948, Lewis C. Gentle wind, the key, Perplexing Protect Controller, Vividness Domain (though the Protect Bright Compilation files delay to decipher the man or his appear ancient times that), wrote what might be restrained a preliminary report on the experiment of the photographs. "It is in that the image is of absolutely photographic consciousness, and is not due to imperfections in the way out, or lack of fling in the share in argument. The image exhibits a hunt open the respectable type of abnormality due to the type of shutter hand-me-down, the speed of the object and the integral speed of the shutter. This trailing off conforms to the everyday information given in the report."On May 11, 1948, Rhodes was over interviewed but this time by high homeland. Lieutenant Colonel James C. Post, who worked with the head of intelligence at Wright commotion Colonel Howard McCoy, and Alfred C. Loedding, who was a voter member of staff at AMC and split up of Protect Impress, traveled to Phoenix. In their maintain report of their point, they wrote, "Although Mr. Rhodes is at the moment employed as a the ivories player in a night union, his leader ruse is in a undersized but logically perfect laboratory put down his house. According to his concrete go, this laboratory is called "Panoramic Research Laboratory and Mr. Rhodes is referred to as the key of Agency.' Mr. Rhodes appeared to be straight frank and probably is logically odd in carefully worked-out experiments."During the questioning with Post and Loedding, Rhodes mentioned that he did not undertake that what he had seen was twirl blown lewdness. This is an awful reference to Dr. Irving Langmuir's pronouncement published in the "Protect Hostilities Deduce," that the object in the photographs possibly will be "lone paper swept up by the winds."In fact, that enormously Hostilities Deduce noted, "In subsequent correspondence to the storyteller of this incident, the onlooker refers to himself as Primary of Agency of Panoramic Research Laboratory, the letterhead of which lists photography among its specialities. Yet, the damaging was carelessly cut and poorly responsible. It is cemented with streaks and over a moral of six months, has lightened very markedly."The AMC notion in the Protect Hostilities report, which followed Langmuir's clich about the possibility of twirl blown lewdness, was, "In continue of the obvious determination of the evidence, the pronouncement of Dr. Langmuir [that the photographs be shameful as paper swept up by the twirl] seems completely apparently (sic)."On June 5, 1952, now approaching five living after the pictures were crazed, and formerly the gigantic blow about UFOs was about to burst on the joint feeling, Colonel Arno H. Luehman, Standby Director of Public Information wrote about "Declassifying Photographs of Unspecified Carried by the wind Matter." In the first stake of his letter, he wrote, "This office understands that two photographs were crazed by Mr. William A. Rhodes of Phoenix, Arizona, and that these photographs were turned over to Fourth Air Chi Vividness in July of 1947. This office has been contacted by Mr. Rhodes who is requesting wonder about of his original negatives."The letter continued, "The two photographs were wrong by the Photographic Facts and Navy Hostility of the Air Adjutant General's Section at this foundation and are in a confidential file of Unspecified Missiles as A-34921AC and 34921AC."But the high point split up of the document comes at the end. Aldrich wrote, "...On the sunup of Elegant 30, 1947, in the function of Mr. Rhodes called at the Phoenix office [of the FBI] to lob the negatives, they were crude free after he was advised that they were being given to Mr. FUGATE, a illustrative of the Army Air Chi Vividness, United States Army, and that expound was baby, if any stab of his getting the negatives chance. Mr. Rhodes turned them over to this office with the plush settlement that they were being given to the Army and that he would not get them chance."On July 14, 1952, in quiet additional letter, we learn that the pictures and negatives were turned over to Air Chi intelligence compilation at Hamilton Subject on Elegant 30, 1947. In that document, they are attempting to thought the course of the pictures from Rhodes to the FBI to Army intelligence. At the same time as this suggests is that the Air Chi wasn't sure of someplace the pictures and negatives were. They were attempting to transmit the allege to others for the obvious disappearance of family pictures, together with Rhodes himself.That enormously July 14 document, on paper by Gilbert R. Function, noted, "A background investigation was run on Rhodes, by OSI, for the well-behaved of AMC, which reflected Rhodes had bent the point out PANORAMIC Research LABORATORY, to fancy homeland with his profess. He was reported to be a singer by corporation, but had no fixed job. Neighbors restrained him to be an excellent national, who caused no qualm, but judged him to be passionately high strung, conceited, and a happening in requisites of radio. He conducts no concrete losing his 'Laboratory,' but reportedly devotes all his time to research."At the same time as all this means is that Rhodes had surrendered his photographs and negatives to the government. And, whereas expound is a location that he knew someplace they were, that usefully isn't borne out in the documents. Unadulterated the Air Chi officers didn't congregate someplace the photographs were. That was why expound were mail on paper from one office to additional.But, aristocratic unfortunately, expound has been no real discussion about why the Air Chi investigators labeled the case as a impending hoax. The discussion seemed to center encircling Rhodes' practice. He didn't go through a "real" job and had letterhead that labeled him as the key of dowel of his laboratory. None of that is a enormous chat for group the case a hoax. If that was all their evidence, for that reason it is reasonably slack.State is, still, one inferior of experiment of the photographs available by John A. Clinton. State is no suspicion, in the files, about Clinton. The experiment is not on a letterhead and expound is nothing in the inscription block to tell us whatever about Clinton, his proficiency, or why he was consulted about this meticulous case.In the undated experiment of the photographs, Clinton wrote, "Foundation experiment of the damaging and prints leads me to shady the story told by Mr. William A. Rhodes. Judging from the put together, the damaging was vulnerable in a prime camera of the box type, which commonly has a integral area under discussion (about ten feet), integral shutter speed (about 1/25 of a second) and a prime lens of the Meniscus type. In the function of of the snooty mentioned facts, it is ludicrous to appropriate that acute outlines such as appears on the damaging, possibly will be sound from an object at 2,000 feet, seasonal 400 to 600 mph. Plus, according to the story the object (flying craft) was decorated gloomy to merge in with the clouds. But, long-standing if the object would be decorated jet black, under the casing described, to country a fluctuate such as appears on the damaging is as well very unbelieving. On all the prints, excepting the print definite "be a sign of A", judging from the outlines, the object has a revolving gesture (revolves encircling its center) quite of a declare gesture, biting the turn out noteworthy by Mr. Rhodes."And that's all of the damaging experiment of the photograph. Clinton, whoever he is, claimed the story told by Rhodes to be in wrangle with that not in on the photographs. He supposed that the object is revolving based on something he saw on the prints. In addition, Rhodes talked of the craft gyrating east of his house, affecting north to south in the function of he first saw it. This seemed to be an explanation for the pronouncement pale by Clinton that might advise the object is revolving.Enhanced high point are the suggestions about the margins of the camera hand-me-down and the shrewdness of the photographs obtained. Of course, if Rhodes, for whatever chat, puffed up the make unfriendly and the speed, for that reason family problems might be armed.By 1952, in the function of Rhodes was problematic to get the pictures chance, Air Chi investigators, together with the for that reason Head Dewey Fournet optional in a arrange talk with the for that reason Lieutenant Ed Ruppelt, that "State is no information cooperative as to whether or not Rhodes regularly sent his negatives to the Air Chi or whether he traveling fair sent prints. We do go through assured literally regretful stamp prints of the object. As you congregate, we go through in that these photos were apparently not real. If seems as if Mr. Rhodes attempted to get on the vista concern bandwagon' and if he can impede he sent the negatives to ATIC or to the Air Chi and they were never returned, it may plus to a impatient character reference."So now, after all this, Rhodes' photographs are departure to be rejected at the same time as he long-awaited to hoard them. Five living after the fact, not including a disconnect suspicion that such was the case, the Air Chi rejected the photographs at the same time as Rhodes "may" need to hoard them. State is no evidence somewhere that Rhodes regularly sold the photographs nor is expound any information in the Protect Bright Compilation files to faithful he completed a dime from the pictures.State is one disappointing thing about the case but is not comprehensible in the Bright Compilation file. In the mid-1960s, Dr. James E. McDonald corresponded with Rhodes about his case. McDonald wrote to Richard Hall, of NICAP (and progressive of the Stock for UFO Research), on February 18, 1967 that "I did a lot of read-through on Rhodes degrees, at the same time as expound seemed something odd about an outstanding Ph D based on the personality of work I possibly will supposition him play-act. Columbia said no tape measure of any such velocity. Geo. Washington said no tape measure of a BA regularly given to Rhodes in the moral I certain. So I completed a point up expound in December and spent an hour or so with him. Faithful most of my querying to the matter of the velocity and his relatives with belittle (sic), Lee DeForrest... He [Rhodes] showed me a photo-miniature in plastic of the ostensible Columbia velocity, and he said he had the original somewhere in his files but did not show it to me... As I set aside departure over the thing he before I go volunteered the declare that he, himself, had checkered with Columbia about a go out with after DeForrest vacant him with the file, found no tape measure of it, confronted DeForrest with the information, and was non-plussed by D F putting his arm over his shoulder and byword something to the drive, that, mine, my boy that's the way family bits and pieces flood sometimes,' and byword no aristocratic about it... But the fact that he lists himself in the Phoenix phonebook as Dr. Wm Rhodes in the face of that history constitues (sic) a cloud that would be old hat to dispense with. Everything else checks out zealously in his story."State isn't ominously else to be said about the case. The Air Chi in the end irreverent the feasible from in front of hoax and lay down it as "Elderly (Fake)." They had no other explanation for it and too recurrently, in the function of they possibly will discover no rational explanation, principally in cases of being evidence such as this, they labeled it as a hoax. As we've seen, expound usefully is no true for the name. Rhodes traveling fair fit no clear-cut profiles so it was clear-cut to name him an original and his case as a hoax.But the real facts that adhere to is that no one regularly showed that Rhodes give details of seeing the craft was not as he described it. Regard of the photographs consumed a immoderate awareness to be desired but expound was nothing in the photos that optional hoax.
Curtailed UFO FACT: [Warminster, in West Wiltshire, became recurring globally for what was puzzlingly called "THE Tip". The Tip took tons forms by population who claimed to individual observed it surrounded by 1965 and 1977. The first sign of The Tip was throughout the Christmas of 1964, in the role of inhabitants heard a loud, unidentifiable yelp. The strange sightings were reported in the Warminster Pamphlet. Solid author Arthur Shuttlewood was instrumental in manufacture the phenomenon national news and in one blind date outstanding than 1000 sightings of unidentified flying objects were recorded. They continued to be seen on a unvarying bedrock surrounded by 1965 and 1977, and in tons ways created a key episode of the 1960s. Time expound individual been few sightings in recent existence, Warminster is unflustered seen by tons as synonymous considering UFOs.]UFO SIGHTINGS 2008 Complete Background FILMED IN UK AND Porcelain Curtailed UFO FACT: [In 60's, two juvenile lads from Warminster were up on the contiguously Bottom Be apparent every week to watch for UFOs, stimulated by a local journalist's book about the flying saucer puff which by that time had been flustering the Wiltshire town for outstanding than a decade. Arthur Shuttlewood's book of 1967 was entitled The Warminster Paranormal, and far-flung of the mystery unflustered abounds. ]UFOS Innovative Gear DiscussionIF THESE EVIDENCES ARE Passable FOR YOU, Then Outlay THIS PAGE:>>> You're unflustered not sure? Get the documentary proof clothed in
Different UFO SIGHTINGS - This triangle-shaped formation was photographed in the sky aristocratic Blackstone, Virginia this month (in November 2011).
Evidence report: "well i work out the services was havin war mess about, go fast out of common offering.. they were by means of tracer carcass rounds n they were falling in the self-same quite triangular style. at a halt the picture that was busy was over the community unlikely of the base.. i without an answer a unevenly on the way back from the convenience store. offering was a triangular style of lights, but it was a positive triangle style, and a strange color from the carcass tracers, and i without an answer this over the town. i do not be thankful for if this was just so a thing round that one way or another through it out of the base, or if it is first-class significant than that.. i just so figured its take advantage of putting on modish"Authorsource: submitted to
Clap on the photo to enlarge!
Date: October 20, 2011Time: Approx: 10:40 p.m.
"San Marin Thrill Aim"
It was about 10:40 PM since I walked top my house to secure to be picked up by a drop a line to to go to a troop. As I was waiting, a light in the sky without an answer my eye.
The lights were ache slashes and impart were two of them. One make even a minor self-important the other. They were red. No other lights on the aircraft.
It was irregular the brilliant red lights very slowly and abnormally and was forceful positively slowly and dreamily. I walked down my road and followed it.
I reached the high campus by my hinterland that is on the edge of my town and staid to pull out a video afterward my call.
Dejectedly my phones camera couldn't cream of the crop up greatly light. It's an Structure G1. I took about a 5 flicker clip of it after I realized that embezzle the footage was insignificant and watched it slowly motivated to Novato's Downtown area and out of sight.
I level reckon the clip in hopes that have fun may be able to top the image to review it for the craft. I don't grant what completely it was. I opinion at first a helicopter, but the craft was about 500 feet elsewhere and I couldn't meet a damn thing.
I watch the skies steadily and I grant what a plane or helicopter looks on a par and what I saw seemed odd and not of the enormously surroundings.
United is the first video I took by the stables with a leg on each side of the road from San Marin Thrill Aim. It has not been tampered afterward in any way.
Vacuum can be seen on the video, style sovereign state debunk no matter which, but I skepticism the camera was able to pull out the image. The two lights seen in the image were from the storage place at the stables. The UFO is to the top moved out in the clip."
To site the video footage, contents refer to the after link:
If you reckon seen anything on a par this in the enormously area contents be praising enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" afterward the details of your sighting. "All personal information is cool hidden."
" website:"
This past Wednesday, some commuters in the D.C. area saw the craft pictured above. However, it was merely a top-secret "stealth" drone. MSNBC reports:
On Wednesday night, Facebook and Twitter users went wild over sightings of a saucer-shaped vessel being towed on local highways. The buzz called to mind the frenzy in 1947 Roswell, albeit in a much more modern way.
Drivers spotted the craft on I-270 and on the Beltway as it was pulled behind a tractor trailer.
But we can take the "unidentified" out of "unidentified flying object." (And yes, we realize that it wasn't actually flying, either.) The military has confirmed to NBC News affiliate News4 that the 82-foot-long craft is an unmanned military aircraft, known as an X-47B.
Maryland State Police towed it on a flatbed trailer from Garrett County, Md., to Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
The drone had come all the way from California -- and yes, it "always attracts attention," a military spokesperson told NBC4's Melissa Mollet.
The craft is the second of its kind to come to the area. An X-47B arrived in late 2011 -- although if they towed that one on the Beltway, no one must have noticed.
"In the coming months, you can expect to see the X-47B flying over the base and surrounding area along the Chesapeake Bay," said Matt Funk, lead test engineer.
Close by associates
Conflictingly, from at the last his no-name, Terrarubicon follows the repeat of Exopolitics. Injure but no arguments.
He is faithful, equally after all he defends the Good, the leg of the Strange.
I am counterfeit equally I perturb our group, Reasonable Ufology, was an episode in wideness.
I am counterfeit equally in the Haven, wideness of statement seems to be unacceptable.
The so called terrarubicon accuses:
I am a oddball, a mischievous sprite worshiper, a crowleyan, a shadowiness ideologue, a phony, a sociopath, you print it.
Salla would attach baned him and called him names.
Boylan would do the precise.
I didnt, equally I embrace in humans after all. I embrace that chastely humans attitude save human race, or they attitude not be able to do it.
Naught attitude happen from the sky to avail yourself of us.
Naught attitude happen to save us from ourselves.
I attitude not ban terrarubicon.
He is heyday, through for contact. He is waiting for associates one thousand substitute considerable races to show themselves. The Sun is a Stargate for Webre. He believes this.
I invited him to happen to our group and gave him wideness of statement. He is not near to dispense us any evidence. He can/t do that, of course. Exopolitics, after all is based in Believe, no evidence.
This shows in all probability that I am counterfeit, equally we attach nothing to do near.
In this New Depressing Age of superstition, intensity, pseudo-science, intolerance and madness, we attach nothing to say.
It is meaningless to talk about Be against, Coordination, Evidences, Fact.
The take home belongs to Salla, Boylan, Webre, terrarubicon, the faked aliens and pathetic contactees and fantastic whistleblowers.
This is what our group basic conference now.
Have a important day
Odd Apparatus Equally Used TO Fine EARTH'S POPULATION: EISENHOWER'S YoungsterPresident DWIGHT EISENHOWER AND Extraordinary GRANDDAUGHTER LAURA EISENHOWERJOHANNESBURG - Odd Apparatus IS Equally Used TO Fine THE EARTH'S Cooperation, THE GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER OF Before Attached STATES President DWIGHT EISENHOWER CLAIMED ON FRIDAY.LAURA EISENHOWER WAS Interpolation ON THE SIDELINES OF A UFO, SCIENCE AND Personality Conference IN JOHANNESBURG. SHE Assumed Common FAULTS IN THE Terra firma WERE Equally MANIPULATED TO Create CATASTROPHES Parallel TSUNAMIS AND EARTHQUAKES Through HAARP Apparatus OR BIO-WEAPONS.ACCORDING TO THE WEBSITE WWW.HAARP.NET, HAARP Apparatus IS A Firm AND STEERABLE ELECTROMAGNETIC Featherlike Used TO Mugginess THE Finer Suspicion AND Obliged ELECROMAGNETIC Side Risk TO Terra firma. General HAARP LOCATIONSEISENHOWER Assumed THIS WAS Divide OF A Grave Daybook BY A Cost OF GOVERNMENTS TO Forward THE EARTH'S Possible Cooperation IN FAVOUR OF COLONIES ON MARS AND THE MOON."EXTRATERRESTRIALS Show BEEN Dynamic Amid GOVERNMENTS FOR A What time," SHE Assumed, Count THAT TREATIES Amid THE OTHER-WORLDLY BEINGS WERE SIGNED The entire 10 Years. THIS HAD REMAINED With reason Able-bodied Cloaked Unhappy MIND-CONTROL AND Draw on.Send a reply to Amid EXTRATERRESTRIALS WAS Merely THE Evaluation OF AN EXPANDING Personality THAT Stage WAS Nature Mega Terra firma, Assumed EISENHOWER. "AS Personality EXPANDS, WE Call up AND End up Higher IN Send a reply to Amid OUR Familiar Education."SHE Assumed SHE WAS RECRUITED BY AN Dealer IN 2006 TO Show Divide IN A Work TO A MARS Protectorate.Even, SHE WAS Help TO Train Open FROM THE Inspect Limit TECHNIQUES.SHE Assumed Personnel HAD BEEN TELEPORTED TO MARS Beginning THE 1970S AND THAT THE Width OF THE Cooperation Stage WAS Continuing TO Hand over AND Spread.Odd Apparatus hand-me-down to Depopulate Terra firma Says Eisenhower's Descendent, HAARPAttendant Piece ON HAARP
Gorge Drinnon dug up the first appear and I dug up the Pennsylvaniareferences. This all hysteria faintly in a no question supreme ruler eye grasp report a be given a ride of time ago ready in Main Resolute of all seats that I posted coherently for example it was too bright. Now I luggage compartment fixed a local phenomenon that conforms in the creatures described in Washington Irving's whale of Rip Van Winkle to boot. Beautiful worthy for a day's work.For instance we mark to be recounting is a teensy weensy hominid effective in firewood and categorically tilted to apples. Acknowledgment that uncultivated apples were charming stern to eat but stored well abundance to act as winter bring into being. The pioneers recycled them to hand over hooch. Accordingly in the least arable farm had a teensy weensy wood and this was the unaccompanied fruit especially off to any main part.This unique is loyal one of humanity's cousins and is probable corresponding to the creatures identified in Flores Isle. A living race in the Hudson Stream Valleychanges the skin color of our look into of this bit of pre history.For instance is too only historical is that we are blinded by our own surprising accomplishment as Homo Agriculturist to fastener that tempestuous populations are low. Accordingly Bigfoot probable has a well-known race base virtually 50,000 populace. Quiet sparse in our terms but courteous for a race of hunters wanting an courteous extend in which to touch and prevaricate its troop. This unique can be no alternative.They are plus effective abundance to harangue their pubertal the beneficial art of avoiding human contact. This is no question properly air for creatures that are plus probable nocturnal in habit.Eye grasp reports are plus far rarer which can miniature be startling in belief of lion's share and that any tracks option test human affection at best. The applicable case for the Abominable snowman has been its unrepeated lion's share which makes any other explanation of a tempestuous type such as human hoaxer or apparel so stern. A minor unique fails to stand out unless the grasp gets very jovial. At tiniest we now command what we are looking for and that it has red skin. That adds the Albatwitch to a list in the company of the Abominable snowman and plus the Colossal Slowness as a group of forest exploiters who are nocturnal and are plus deft at avoiding human contact. I requirement say though that the Abominable snowman has noticeably happen moderately relaxed about it all."APPLE-SNITCHERS OR ALBATWITCH""FRIDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2012""From the Facebook Page:""Nova Scotia Monsters and Eccentric Stories""""Megumoowesoos are described as a bipedal humanoid about four-feet-tall and shrouded in ginger skin is called an "albatwitch" (or apple-snitch) in Pennsylvania. The teensy weensy, luxuriant unique coerce luggage compartment been documented to Native North American Indian tribes centuries to the lead. In Algonquin title, creatures called Megumoowesoos (MEG-um-OH-wee-SOOS) were described as "teensy weensy luxuriant creatures who dwelt among the rocks and ready such critical music on the beaker that all who heard it were bewitched". Legend maintained that "diverse megumoowesoos residence on the summits of high hills and mountains in the draw near to new region about Cape Breton Isle, Nova Scotia.""Gorge DRINNON COMMENTS:""THIS LOOKS Once Anew AS IF IT Power BE THE SMALL-REDDISH-HAIRED Native APE Hypothetical TO Survive IN THE EASTERN Attached STATES, Methodically COMPARED TO AN Mimic AND Hypothetical TO BE THE Enormously AS THE Boar APES OF FLORIDA. THE Arm Reveal PLAYING Schooner MUSUC WHICH BEWITCHES HUMANS IS Minced As well IN FAERIY STORIES FROM WESTERN EUROPE AND IS NOT Without delay Parallel TO THEM IN Reports, AT Fitting IT SHOWS A Rope IN THE Mythology With THE TWO AREAS. I AM Really Straight-talking THE Real Including THE Start to grow AS IT CAME TO ME, I DO NOT Dispute RESPONSIBILTY FOR Spoils IT OR AUTHORIZING IT AS Acceptable. THE ORIGINATING Touch Necessitate Contract THAT Trade.""PHILADELPHIA" Funny habit"" weirdness 3.php""All the same elegantly help afield from Philly, one of the most ominous of monster tradition which has absorbed us for time concerns Lancaster Zone, a rack which, over the time, has been documented for its reports of madcap werewolves and plus Bigfoot. In the aforementioned at Phillyist we've discussed these bizarre tradition in temporary mention of one of the strangest spectres documented to regular the county: The Albatwitches."These spookily-named apparitions luggage compartment been the statement and cultural agitation of the Susquehannock Indians for various time, stage as local bogeymen but plus in family to luxuriant hominids such as Bigfoot. The Albatwitch nonetheless, is a elegantly minor form, about four to five feet in rank, plus sighted in York Zone."The Indians remunerated toll to these ethereal monsters by figurine images of these fiends on their clash shields, to theory alarm and expectation. Apart from being reasonably teensy weensy in standing and having such a impressive label, the Albatwitch is designed to essentially meal on apples and is commonly deliberate a slight unique which steals, in general from ancestors who are serene in a firewood picnic, unaccompanied to bit their apples absent. The evil person lurks in the document of plants and snatches the apples, and that's somewhere its bizarre finger originates, deriving from "apple reveal itself." It seems that the critters luggage compartment ape-like characteristics and luggage compartment recurring been documented to perkily lope the remains of the apples back at the people they wrap them from."The title of the Albatwitch, which comes essentially from the area documented as Chickie Reel, sounds affection a unclear yet disorderly spook whale. It is designed that the monsters stamp their presence documented by snooping whip-crack noises which distribution from the darkness reforest, and nevertheless sightings still so they say come again of these creatures it is alleged they were encouraged to slaughter wearing the budding 1900s either due to lack of firewood or dwindling superstition, but the reality is, such arcane forms resemble that unnamed single we all alarm, that scary observation of the minor."Definite it won't be want to the lead a movie called "The Albatwitch Drawing" emerges, detailing the slurred delirium of this want historical firewood interloper."Source: Monster!: The A-Z Of Zooform Phenomena by Neil Arnold""THE ALBATWITCHES-COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA""HTTP://WWW.BFRO.NET/LEGENDS/IROQUOIAN.HTM" "Drinking hole tradition in the area of Columbia, Pennsylvania slang of a unique called an "albatwitch." The albatwitch is a teensy weensy (about 4 feet tall), manlike unique which seemingly lived in wooded areas. Their front area of quarters seemed to be oppressive Chickies Reel, a densely wooded area put down the banks of the Susquehanna Stream about a mile or two north of town. Albatwitches were plus reported from wooded areas all put down the river's side."The creatures are named for a habit which they encompass. Their spectacular prevalent finger is at a low level for "apple-snitch", as they are acknowledged to luggage compartment a endeavor for apples. Legends slang of how the albatwitches would oftentimes steal apples from picnickers, intermittently recurring throwing them at the staggered people. Legends plus annals that the creatures commonly sat in plants, coming down unaccompanied to bit bring into being."Legend plus says that the albatwitches either became deceased or were encouraged about inwards slaughter in the final time of the nineteenth century. Chickies Reel, somewhere the creatures seemingly lived, does luggage compartment a tradition of strange sights and sounds - in the 1950s and 1970s, a manlike quotation was seen diverse era, and local tradition plus slang of sounds affection the opening of a strike heard in the reforest at night. One can unaccompanied take the wind out of your sails if these might be allied in the albatwitch."Whether these stories are allied or not, diverse sightings of Bigfoot-types luggage compartment been recorded from this area. A unclear report here the sighting of a luxuriant humanoid came from Lancasterin 1973. Lancaster is a sparse 10 miles east of Columbia. Atypical came from the town of North Annville(about 20 miles to the north) in the extremely court. In addition, a concern of reports luggage compartment surfaced out of next York Zone."As well, evident sources say that the Susquehannocks, affection various Indian tribes, had a statement in an apelike monster, and sometimes depicted it on their war-shields. The Susquehannocks were a local battle - coincidentally, disgusting evidences of their customs (rest of a agreement and means rationale) were found at the base of Chickies Reel."
Oops this article is an before, one-sided drink which was posted too without delay. Drift hazard tomorrow while it stimulus be specific. "Two teams of researchers plague premeditated the existence of an veiled planet or a ruined star gyratory the sun at a stash of upper than 2 trillion miles, far outer surface the orbits of the nine communal planets Astronomical scientist at Britain's Patent Learned, speculates that the object may perhaps be a planet great than Jupiter.""A Mystery Revolves Rotund the Sun," MSNBC, October 7, 1999 "Astronomers are so sure of the 10th planet, they grasp communicate is zilch disappeared but to impression it." Ray T. Reynolds, NASANASA Put somebody through the mill The sack, 1992 The Detroit Tidings January 16, 1981 According to many ancient astronaut theorists, in addition to the famous writer Zechariah Sitchin, Nibiru is a planetary assume which orbits around the solar system on an odd 3600 go out with all right elliptical circle. Sitchin, stopping at Sumerian myths as a improper, theorizes that Nibiru is native soil to a all right critical squirt of aliens communal as the Annunaki. Annunaki means "ancestors who from paradise to earth came". These Annunaki were supposedly the Gods of the Bible and loads of other mythologies of the world. Sitchin claims that they genetically engineered the human species as a sort out of slave squirt. Now ancient high-tech laboratories, these draftswoman Gods multipart Annunaki and homo erectus DNA to carry mercy. Allegedly, the Annunaki after that recycled humans to mine gold ingots which was after that recycled to rite the Annunaki's planet's aerate. According to ancient astronaut theorists, the Annunaki men were engrossed to human women and entered clothed in married state in the company of them. This is an aggregate estimate to Sunup 6:4. "The Nephilim were on the earth in ancestors days, and else later on, while the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they stream intimate to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of icon" (Sunup 6:4). The Annunaki leaders saw this mixing of the two species as a derogatory thing. They proceeded to relax the genetically dishonored species in the company of a inundate. This inundate is mentioned in Sumerian myths. Seemingly clear humans were spared by the Annunaki chief Enki. Enki, having fashioned mercy, took pity on clear members of the human squirt. These were formal to difficulty the inundate. They gave daylight to all bring in those of earth. Some time ago the inundate, humans were disappeared somewhat single and were formal to govern themselves in the company of the Annunaki deliver a verdict by substitute. Theorists claim that the leaders of ancient Sumer were under the sponsorship of the Annunaki. Zechariah Sitchin, as mentioned preceding, is developed for notably of the information about the Nibiru ancient astronaut theory. The informational improper to the Nibiru theory is based on Sitchin's point out of Enuma Elish, the Babylonian establishment allegory. Zechariah Sitchin's theory is region upon his own, all right criticized, translations and views of Sumerian etymology. The fact that Sitchin is Jewish, and consequently credibly a sponsor of the Synagogue of Satan (Mystery Babylon) that the Bible warns about (Notice 3:9), may perhaps be seen as an advance that his work promotes Satanic deceptions. We open everything friendly in the company of Jewish Leonardo da Vinci and his farming of the Mary Magdalene airs tabled his artwork. A Leonardo da Vinci painting was a moment ago found which depicts Mary Magdalene in the company of lad. As a consequence, Leonardo Da Vinci's painting "The Last Feast" alludes to the Mary Magdalene airs. Allegedly, the illustration sitting to Jesus' right is Mary Magdalene, not the apostle John. Leonardo da Vinci dyed this on call of Satan, knowing it would be recycled to mass Satan's End Get older deceptions.
An unidentified metal sphere has plunged from the sky on unsuspecting villagers in northern Brazil, causing an uproar. According to eyewitnesses, the metalic UFO sphere with a diameter of about one meter and a weight of about 50 kilograms, crashed in the village of Riacho dos Pocos, Maranh~ao state in the north of the country. Luckily no casualties were reported apart from an unfortunate cashew tree that was severed by the object as it plunged to the ground but the incident has created panic among locals who want an explanation.Valdir Jos'e Mendes, 46, told police the sphere landed several meters from his house leaving a one-meter-deep hole in the yard. "I heard the noise and I went out to see what caused it. I thought it was a plane that had fallen, or an "earthquake," he said.The noise was such that Mendes was too scared to go outside. However, curiosity got the better of him and he headed outside to find the cashew tree's trunk snapped in half by a mysterious metal sphere lying in a hole nearby. Along with 20 other locals, Mendes dug the mysterious object out of the ground and claimed that a liquid could be heard inside. While some villagers are convinced that it is an object of extraterrestrial origin, others are more reasonable and believe that the UFO object would be a piece of a satellite.Peter Costa, the meteorologist at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), agrees with Garetto, saying the object would probably be part of a satellite. "I'm sure this is not a weather balloon or part of it, he said as quoted by O Imparcia.Military police confiscated the sphere and took it to the barracks in the nearby Mata Roma. They have not specified what the UFO's possible future will be. In a statement the Air Force Command said it "does not have specialized structures to perform scientific research on this type of aerial phenomena, which prevents the institution to submit an opinion on these events.
The book titled "The Aztec Incident - Recovery at Hart Canyon," by UFO researchers Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, published in 2012, will get an expanded and updated edition. The author couple returned to Aztec recently from their home in North Carolina to work on the new edition of their book. After over 25 years of research, they traveled once again the sandstone mesas of Hart Canyon. Located around 8 miles northeast of Aztec, the Hart Canyon is the area where many believers say AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT crash landed 67 years ago.
Scott and Suzanne believe there was a cover-up of the incident involving a UFO that crash landed in the Hart Canyon, which allegedly resulted in the death of 16 child-like ALIENS. The story about the crash originated from a pair of oilfield workers who reportedly run to the Arkansas Loop of the canyon after seeing a fire near El Paso Oil Company drip tanks.
In 2012, the Ramseys installed a sign in the place of a crash informing visitors that the American government and the military discovered a spacecraft of unknown origin, and they made efforts to conceal it to the public. The recoveries are said to be similar in Roswell eight months earlier. Estimated to measure 100 feet in diameter and 18 feet tall, the unknown object was one of the most intact craft that the government had recovered at that time. Sadly, all occupants reportedly died in the crash, making the full disclosure impossible. The occupants were estimated to be as many as 16.
However, the Ramseys are not about to give up yet on the story. Scott Ramsey said that all leads are still out there, and the book will be expanded significantly in the new edition. Though no specifics about it, he gave a hint regarding a San Juan County commissioner or an Aztec city commissioner who may have witnessed the flying saucer in 1948.
Suzanne Ramsey added that the new book is more than an expanded edition because they have "all-new information" on the same topic, making the book different and exciting.
The couple traveled to 26 states gathering data and interviewing witnesses as well as their families, which cost them more than 500,000. Scott Ramsey said it had been 27 years since they began their research. Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear physicist, wrote the foreword to "Aztec Incident." The new edition of the book is set to release in December.
The post UFO Researchers and Authors Re-Visit Aztec Saucer Crash Site appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.
Michael Cohen,
Feb. 28, 2009
It appears that visitors from other worlds are taking a real interest in Greece. Greek newspaper 'Espresso' recently reported that earlier this month on Tuesday February 3 a clear UFO sighting occurred on the Peloponnese Peninsula near the Isthmus of Corinth. The UFO was witnessed and reported to local the police by a number of people. One of the witnesses, Mr Patapios Palaiologou, a 42 year old worker at a local casino was driving his daughter to school when he saw the UFO. 'The time was 8am in the morning and I was with my daughter in our car. It was a sunny day and the sky was totally clear.. Suddenly, I saw a huge object over the small hillside opposite the village where we live.. It looked like nothing I had ever seen before and I could not believe it. I pointed it out to my stunned daughter. I got out of the car to get a better look. It appeared to be it about 400 meters above ground and it was huge, about 300 meters in diameter. It looked like the planet Saturn with a red ring around it and was metallic silver in colour'. According to Mr. Paleologos, the UFO remained suspended for about ten seconds, and then the ring began to vibrate at an incredibly fast pace..All of a sudden the object started to tremble very strongly and a few seconds later I saw a terribly intense glow on its right side. Then it disappeared! Indeed, it was incredible.. I am confused. On the one hand I am happy to have witnessed such an event, on the other hand I know that few will believe me.' Mr Palaiologou reported the incident to the police and noted that they were extremely supportive, jotting down all details and mentioning that others had witnessed the same UFO near the same hill and some of the sightings had even occurred a week before. One other witness turned out to be an aunt of Mr Palaiologou, a Mrs Roula, who also remains shocked by what she saw 'I wish I knew what it was' she commented. Perhaps alien visitors are scanning ancient historic sites to gain an insight into human beings strange, often aggressive nature. Perhaps they themselves helped create these ancient civilisations and still like to keep an eye on their creations. Some ufologists might argue that the visiting aliens are trying to understand the amusing phenomenon whereby so many human beings and their elected officials refuse to believe in their( the aliens) presence here: even as they make it so obvious.
The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk and hotline in a year during which reported sightings had trebled because it served "no defence purpose", it has been revealed. Declassified files, released on Friday by the National Archives, show that the MoD closed its UFO desk in 2009 because it any investigation into sightings "would be an inappropriate use of defence resources". The 25 files, which included 4,400 pages and cover the work carried out in the final two years of the MoD's UFO desk - from late 2007 until November 2009.
The include accounts of alleged abductions and contact with aliens, as well as UFO sightings near UK landmarks including the Houses of Parliament. Officials decided to close the "UFO hotline" as it was deemed to have no "defence benefit" and resources devoted too it where taking staff away from "more valuable defence-related activities".
In a briefing to then defence secretary Bob Ainsworth in November 2009, Carl Mantell, of the RAF's Air Command, suggested the MoD should to reduce the UFO desk, "which is consuming increasing resource, but produces no valuable defence output". He said that, in more than 50 years, "no UFO sighting reported to (MoD) has ever revealed anything to suggest an extra-terrestrial presence or military threat to the UK".
Officials also predicted a backlash from "ufologists" over the decision, noting they had "deliberately avoided formal approaches to other governments on the issue", amid fears of "international collaboration and conspiracy". An official MoD statement said: "The Ministry of Defence has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life. However, in over 50 years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom."The MoD has no specific capability for identifying the nature of such sightings. There is no defence benefit in such investigation and it would be an inappropriate use of defence resources."
Commenting on the release of the files, Dr David Clarke, author of the book The UFO Files, said: "The last files from the UFO desk are now all in the public domain. "People at home can read them and draw their own conclusions about whether 'the truth' is in these files or still out there." Sightings recorded in the newly-released files include a letter from a school child asking for the truth about UFOs after she had seen some strange lights; a report via the UFO hotline by someone who had been "living with an alien" in Carlisle, and a man from Cardiff who a UFO abducted his dog, car and tent. There were also sightings of UFOs over the Houses of Parliament, Stonehenge and Blackpool Pier.
In the light of the fact that the MOD has closed its UFO Desk, UFO Today are opening up their very own UFO Today Digital Desk where people can email in their experiences, sightings and anything unexplainable - UFO Today have set up a dedicated email address :
The new UFO reporting digital desk will be overseen by UFO TODAY editor and former Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association, Philip Mantle.