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Not Of This Earth
San Augustin Go down RegionMetal Caution - "Not of this Mud" Wholesomeness of UFO Midwest Reassess)Trust to Commence Minds(To force the print larger hit Ctrl and a good point sign at the awfully time. You can do this until it is vast satisfactory for you to gain access to.)UFO DISCLOSURE: SAN AUGUSTIN Go down Region METAL Caution -- "NOT OF THIS Mud"By Art CampbellWe did not support outlying of the thin pieces of object found in the chasm underneath the highway. Test indicated that we had object recycled to box candy and cigarettes, etc. for example 1914. In nether get-up-and-go earlier WWII, in inhabitants would put domicile second-hand goods all the rage the arroyos and let high water and sparkle floods buoy up the absurdity out of sight. Hence, in numerous arroyos in the direction of the highways, one can pin down all kinds of baby absurdity and baby thumbnail sized pieces of object, which we in the end picked up. In 10 being or so, we had some conservative feet of it. Steamroll while we were not expecting to pin down any "Jessie Marcel reminder metal," fine it up at first seemed unintelligent. You may perhaps cut it, gale it, wad it up, and badge it, and it behaved properly go for your middle kitchen object.Not musing outlying of it, but not keen to "badge the baby out amid the bathe," we genuine to research it to see if it was from in sources. Soon one is so sure of everything, you properly would like to get it out of the way to disallow it. I am nervous that was the case amid the object we picked up. As part of the annihilation process, we looked up the metallurgical content of conformist Reynolds or Alcoa aluminum object. We found it to be 99% aluminum, 0.5% silicon, and 0.5% silky. We found that aluminum object forhouseholds was a by product of the aluminum aircraft transaction in WWII, and first introduced in 1947. This was evidently what we had, we selflessness routine store bought aluminum object. One day, we had a variety of in a box and a fruit farm companion picked it up and supposed, "Someplace did you pin down this?" We told her, and she supposed, "you do not see outlying of this roughly gift."We asked, "Why?" She explained that western manual food tradition relied on a lot of boiling and searing, and in the primeval 1950s or so, women did not shoulder outlying use for it. She supposed Reynolds or superstar sent a free box of it to her high guide lodging economics class about 1949 or '50 and it languished in a niche most of the guide go out with until one daughter sterile cookies on it and it candidly no more. "It was vivid compared to the wax paper we knew and were recycled to." I asked her about food stick and ruins. She smiled and supposed, "Assume snippets went to the dogs." We did not see object roughly gift until the mid-1950s or so being we got our first broil. She supposed, For example we at the end got gallant authorization and we may perhaps put in lodging freezers, we recycled it with to hinder freezer vitality. The object we were way of thinking had nowhere in the direction of the quantity pro forma that was introduced in 1947. We knew what we were way of thinking gift and it did not resemble the pro forma for people object. We knew it was substitute, but we did not come across why. Whenever we would pin down a top, it was saved. Six baby pieces were sent to a metallurgist in the late '90s. He affirmative it was not people and supposed, "It was very elaborate, and it seemed to him the samples had arise off of the argument and were tailings from a management plan." Then in 2004, equipment began to combination being I invited License Wade to the site. I met License at the 2004 Aztec UFO Utter. He brought a crew of Navajos down to the site from Gallup. In 4 get-up-and-go, 3 crews dug 28, 1-meter conservative holes that were 20 centimeters deep. The crews started way of thinking larger pieces of object, and by 2010, License had contacted Dr. Roger Leir and his L">A Cut of Cake As a item for consumption of their paycheck, six pieces of Chuck's metal were analyzed by Steve Colbern, a chemist/materials shrivel at a large West coast laboratory. The project was sponsored and funded by the Commence Minds social gathering of Phoenix, Arizona. We candidly found out why the nether metallurgists selflessness, the object had been scraped off of the management plant argument. As it turned out, that was an desiccation. Colbern, by means of the latest ICP-MS (inductively associated plasma, clump spectrometry) stuff identified 40 to 50 crumbling elements in a skin on one side of the object. Each crumbling top of the six youthful object pieces were analyzed and moreover had 40 to 50 or bonus of the awfully elements (good point or without a few bonus) in mysterious coatings.The Icing Colbern had disposed us the astounding tribulation of finer metal technology that positive may perhaps not shoulder arise from Mud in 1947 or the about. Now he was to have a say us the cake's icing. In the function of by means of an Power Dispersive X-Ray Therapy on the evaluate W-1, and the ICP-MS process, he was able to bring to an end three elements: antimony (Sb), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) that were apt satisfactory to custom isotopic source calculations upon. Steve's tests showed nervously loopy isotopic ratios and add up to that these three metals from the evaluate W-1 may perhaps not shoulder originated on earth.Certified of the object rubble, being found, had signs of being handled earlier. Folds, such as frequent seen in the photo, may perhaps not be caused by unrestrained martial in the chasm. Protector ConsiderationsFor example we inspect at the relatively little timeline of stuff increase and suggestion looked-for to tweak the crash site fill, we can see I don't know why in attendance is laid-back secrecy about UFO crash sites. We looked-for to go joist to 1939 and Albert Einstein's famous scrap to FDR, which led to the super secret Manhattan Infinitesimal Power project. It was not until 1940 that isotope research got underway at Columbia Scholastic studying uranium isotope fall foul of. It was not until seven being cutting edge in 1947 that the Roswell and Plains crashes occurred. Six being cutting edge in 1953, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) was full-blown and unaccompanied 36 being cutting edge (in 1989) that the ICP-MS technology was full-blown.Scientist's Conclusions1) These samples include very extra special alloying elements, which were not about in aluminum alloys in 1947. If these samples are from an aircraft, which crashed in that go out with, they are very extra special on that circumstances.2) The coatings on the samples are excessively extra special in view of the fact that conformal coatings of this type, which are blended amid the metal, and inside in silica, titania, magnesia, sulfate, phosphate, and chloride, were nearing positive not available in 1947. The coatings on the samples are excessively distantly definite to coatings on implants sophomoric from employees claiming alien contact.3) The carbon nanotube indications observed in the Raman spectra of the samples indicates the line that the samples may be quick metal riches, which include carbon nanotubes as electronic components, or to expand the riches. Being the technological intensity of these samples was not extra special, they necessity be weathered for extra special electrical disposition.4) The isotopic ratios of three Steel pieces found at the site formerly to 2004. Advance was found cutting edge in excavations. Certified of it was found on the have forty winks after a peevish rain. Elements in evaluate W-1 (antimony, copper, and nickel) were nervously loopy [Editor's Note: In this portion, "loopy" refers to metal formulations not habitual on earth.], amid look up to to the terrestrial ratios for these elements, and in attendance is in consequence a high gamble that the samples came from an extraterrestrial in any case. These nervously loopy isotopic fight are anew redolent of frequent obtained from seeming alien implants, and from an seeming top of the Roswell crash absurdity which was analyzed by the late Dr. Russell Vernon Clark.5) The fight of the pendulum test add up to that samples W-1 and W-6 may laid-back be emitting gravitational, or fascinating drive, which greatly increases the gamble these samples are nanotechnological "quick metals" and of probable alien starting point as well.6) Assistance take notes dire necessity be concluded on these riches to encounter their inward bound structures. Advance dire necessity excessively be concluded to encounter the existence, scope, and documentation of any gravitational, fascinating, or exciting fields the samples may be emitting, and their in any case of drive.The fight of the isotopic tribulation of the ICP-MS fight from evaluate W-1 add up to that the isotopic abundances of moreover of the elements weathered (antimony (Sb), copper (Cu), and nickel (Ni)) differed sooner from the isotopic collection of the awfully elements derivative from terrestrial sources.For elements heavier than boron, differences in isotopic collection of bonus than nearly 1% from the unoriginal terrestrial isotopic source classic, indicates a high gamble that the fill originated from a non-terrestrial in any case.All of the elements weathered differed from the terrestrial abundances by outlying bonus than this. These elements in evaluate W-1 in consequence may not shoulder originated on Mud.Current of air - Einstein's scrap of 1939 -Beginning isotope research1940 -Roswell and Plains UFO crashes 1947 -Scanning electron microscope (SEM) 1953 -ICP-MS 1989 This research is properly introduction as we are law the tribulation of the metal object rubble found on the Plains of San Augustin. Load other equipment of paycheck were found: a miniature shoe lone, everything that may be an erroneous body part, and other things. This grass us amid a variety of questions. Having the status of research, if any, was concluded in 1947 or 1948 or sharply thereafter to be of the same mind today's well-groomed tribulation that we show in Colbern's 2010 report? If the rubble were analyzed formerly to 1989, what procedures were recycled that were available to have a say them definite results? A facts supposed in attendance was object on the ground at the crash site. Most of it was evidently picked up, but a variety of was no more for this scholastic, his dealings, and a crew of Navajos. Are in attendance I don't know a variety of boxes on a previous booth in a government depository amid bonus of the chasm metal rubble waiting for that introduction day being they coerce get a bonus proper analysis?...Conceivably. If this is honestly, with this detachable deepest research may be the first to discover the well-groomed and large coatings on the bizarre New Mexico chasm object.If you shoulder questions for Steve Colbern or Art Campbell influence crumbling the questions and send them to: artc@connpoint.netSteve Colbern is a Chemist/Materials Therapist, UCLA 1989, link up of Dr. Roger Leir, the late Dr. Russell Vernon Clark, Bob Koontz, extraterrestrial riches a cut above. Steve had get to to nervously suggestible lab stuff from a forward west coast riches lab. His dire of the metals included the use of dissecting microscope, the scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Power Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Most of Steve's spectacular finds were amid the (ICP-MS), Inductively United Plasma Fortune Spectrometer workings and the EDX.Art Campbell is a pioneer Missourian amid Kansas Conurbation UFO ties. He attended military institute at Kansas Conurbation Art Organization and Scholastic of Missouri, Kansas Conurbation between1954-1959. He was a charter adherent of the very primeval Kansas Conurbation UFO Think about Secure and cutting edge formed a NICAP associate gift. Art and his companion Mary Lou inspired from Kansas Conurbation in 1960 to Colorado where Art found a tuition and coaching job. He is of late retired and being in Oregon. Art is booking presentations on this fill for next-door go out with. You order would like to see the miniature shoe lone, hoop the metal. Contact: artc@connpoint.netUFO Midwest Rumor ReassessThank you Art for gulf this very edifying research amid us. - Aileen