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Demon Sheets Sleep Paralysis Theories
Sleep paralysis. What is it?When we can't move, lying in bed, can't lift our head or move or arms or speak to scream, and we sense some malevolent presence in the room, just out of sight, looming over us, that's sleep paralysis. Shrinks note that i's a naturally occurring symptom of deep REM sleep, our body is temporarily paralyzed to stop us from acting out in our dreams, or whatever, so we're conscious, 'awake' before our nervous system kicks back in. The reverse being sleep walking....BUT that doesn't explain the creepy monster/s looming over us. It doesn't seem to make 100% sense either; and when two people dream the same sight in the same room (one waking up to see the monster looming over their partner who is having the dream at that exact same moment) or receiving wounds from the creature (demonic scratches, alien punctures, or other), then the psychological underpinnings of the phenomenon fall short. Like with so much science, they can make a guess how it occurs but never a why.... why this apparition in the room? Is it 'the very painting of our fear'? Or something truly external?My own SP experiences are rare but each one seems profound. As I've written in earlier posts, I've seen a demonic creature in the room even after I had awaken from my nightmare, and was shouting at it to go away before it faded, laughing silently at me all the while, into a moonlight reflection. And I've been lifted out of my bed, ass first, up along the ceiling and out the window, accelerating up and up faster and faster into the sky until shooting up back into my body in the bed, as if a second bed was way up in the sky. In each of these instances I wound up awaking and leaping out of bed as if from an electrical jolt of satori.You can dismiss these as hallucinations, waking nightmares. I won't argue with that. But you know what else are hallucinations and waking nightmares?EVERYTHING ELSEAll that we see, hear, and touch is a nervous system illusion, a translation: matter is perceived erroneously as solid (its energy) and permanent (its always in the process of disintegrating), faces are perceived as unchanging from breath to breath (they're constantly shedding skin cells and absorbing passing dirt), linear time and 3-D space are perceived as a constant.This is all 'shared hallucination' or collective consciousness, distinctive to humans of our current era, the way our senses process stimuli (vs. say, a dog or insect's) and the way we've been trained to process, identify, and order the information we decode from the stimuli. If we look at all these pictures of sleep paralysis demons, from different artists, different centuries, how can we dismiss them as less real than normal waking perceptions?For example: A man looks at a picture of the ocean, which is just pixels of color on a flat surface, and sees the ocean. If he's really really tired or possessed of vivid imagination he might even begin to smell salt air or hear a distant rush of waves. A dog looking at the same photo wouldn't see anything of interest: wood pulp and chemicals he cannot eat. BUT we walk our dog past a tree on the sidewalk and we just perceive the tree and maybe stale dog urine if there's no wind that day. Our dog 'sees' the dogs who have been there from their urine scents the way we see the ocean in the picture. Dogs' urine is like a bulletin board message: who's in heat? who's marking territory? who's new in town? Are these dogs hallucinating just because we can't discern these things?Scientists tend to forget the way our sensorially-decoded paradigm is limited to human perception of self. Their myopia makes them paranoid, like fundamentalist Christians seeing heretics in the cobwebs of their attics. If a Christian has sleep paralysis, the hag would be perceived as Satan; if they had being reading David Icke, the hag would be a reptilian alien; a gnostic scholar, an archon; a UFO scholar, a flock of greys come for an abduction.The thing is, though, most humans agree the stimuli we all perceive differently (according to our nature in this world) are 'the same' in each case. Dismissing this phenomena as 'mere hallucination' conjured from the semi asleep state by our panic over being unable to move (i.e. in dreams your fear of monsters creates them) is the easy way to get around the uncanny fear it generates.I think that's all true. There IS a rational psychological interpretation as valid as any esoteric one.BUT it doesn't explain anything, neither from a mythic / collective unconscious standpoint, or a physical, mental, or supernatural one, which in this case I mean as a reinterpretation of the supernatural as human experience that involves a sudden surge of DMT or third eye awakening. In other words, science can describe how DNA might unpack a seed so that it becomes a tree through photosynthesis, soil and water, but it can't explain "why", or where it all comes from to begin with. They have no idea which came first, the chicken or the egg, or why they bothered to come at all. They don't know why sleep paralysis occurs in the way it does, only "how" it occurs. Why do we sense this evil presence in the room? We usually sense the presence before we realize we can't move, so which came first? Does the demon wait for the right situation to pounce? It seems very inadequate to dismiss these apparitions as half-awake nightmares. We still don't quite know how third eye dreams / imaginings work. We can analyze the cones and rods of the eye, the pupil, the optical fluids, but what we sense in nightmares has no correlation to anything we can measure.One of the common names for the being who comes for you in sleep paralysis is called the 'old hag' and 'old hag syndrome' I've felt in the past that these beings are aliens from alternate dimensions testing our individual frequencies to see if we're suitable harvesting candidates, i.e. when we sleep our psychic energy might be up for grabs, the equivalent of sneaking into a house and borrowing the remote control batteries while the inhabitants sleep, replacing them in the morning. The inhabitants turn on the TV and wonder why their remote is so sluggish....If you're an easy mark they may abduct you wholesale, either physically or psionically, where no UFO over your house is needed, they steal your astral body and return it by dawn, ideally. But there is no clear line between the astral and physical body according to my theory, therefore the physical being might be moved as well, particularly if, say, the astral body is wedged into the physical form (i.e. the batteries are rusted into the remote so there's no choice but to steal the whole thing).I think if you can fight them off successfully, wake up from the sleep paralysis through sheer act of will, then they move on -- you're not worth it. You're the fish that got away.Another theory is that they are homunculus time travelers from a possible earth's future wherein gravity has made us squat and a little transparent. I got the feeling from that demon that stayed in my room for what seemed like a full minute after I woke up (see link in 3rd paragraph) was from some other place on our planet, but perhaps was traveling from the distant future through new channels, and that reptilian creatures from Planet X or whatever had taken over the earth and were rummaging through the dustbin soul energy of our past with the same ease as we might go fishing.And maybe also they are leftovers from the past. What are time travelers if not ghosts? From the past they loom up, still dealing from the bottom of the old wounds deck, still clanging their spurs in Jacob Marleyian vengeance, their aetheric tendrils reaching deep into the future to spook later generations, the living equivalent - or dead -- of historical memoirs, or old time cinematic images and photos. The spirit world conjured by the Rosicrucian mystics was left masterless when the Jesuits slaughtered them; the dark shadow demons conjured and then never sent back have been surly and hacking their way through underbrush of Protestantism to find the worthy Catholics and reincarnations of Catholics to torture in kind, for they are not grateful to be without the humans who understand them, and modern society still sneers and ostracizes--the civilized man's lame burning at the stake--anyone who sees or hears them. Even the peasants and uneducated who wouldn't be unseated by a radical new paradigm, dutifully throw their rocks of scorn, in an unconscious effort to please their conservative masters! The uneducated shun the educated man who won't talk down to them, the man who won't take advantage of their ignorance to rob them in clouds of sanctified incense or finger-pointing. Throwing rocks at a problem is easier than 'hearing' it out like open-minded beings insist is right. This means that so much of the God's work has to be hidden from 'the faithful' for whom no miracle not centuries old can occur, lest the vessel be burnt at the stake.I'm off topic.POSTSCRIPT: I received this from my friend Sean Kelly (author of various books on saints and strange humors), they are snippets about sleep monsters from his "unfinish-able fairy dictionary":ALPS: They are rarely described, since they work in the dark and can shape-shift, but they are invariably said to wear a hat. An Alp is typically male, its prey usually a sleeping female. Alp attacks are called Alpdr"ucke, or Alpdr"ucken. The creature sits astride the sleeper's chest and becomes increasingly heavy, until the crushing weight awakens the terrified victim. An Alp will drink blood from the nipples of men and children, but prefers the milk of women. If you say to an Alp that is pressing upon you, "Come tomorrow, and I will lend you something!" he will immediately vanish and come the next day in the form of a human wishing to borrow something. They can also be repelled with horse heads. The word, in High German, is etymologically related to Elf. The entity itself is known by many names: Crusher, Drude, Hag, Mara, Mare, Mart, Mallt y Nos, Night-Fiend, Night-Elve, Night Hag, Night-Mare, Polunocnica, Trud, Waalridder, etc. MARE, MAHRT, M"aRT, MARTES: The female Alp, who rides on sleeping men at night, pressing against them until they can no longer breath. The mare in the English word 'nightmare' is mara, the Anglo-Saxon term for that female preternatural entity that sits on sleepers' chests. (A bad dream is called a martr"od in Icelandic, mareridt in Danish and mareritt in Norwegian.) In Poland, the sleep-disturbing m"art is a girl with a misshapen foot. Martes is a type of French fee, dark complexioned and hairy, with pendulous breasts. The approaching being sounds like the gnawing of a mouse or the quiet creeping of a cat. The mart can be captured by grasping it with an inherited glove or by closing up all of the room's openings as soon as the sleeping person begins to groan. A mart-ride can be prevented by crossing one's arms and legs before falling asleep. See Murraue. MURRAUE: Similar to the Alp or Mare, but she creeps up a sleeping person's body from below. First you feel her weight on your feet, next on your stomach, and finally on your chest, until you cannot move a muscle. However, if you think that you know who she is, call her by name and she will vanish. In certain parts of Germany, a person born on Sunday, whose eyebrows grow together, is called a murraue. POLUNOCNICA: The Russian "Lady of Midnight" is a fierce Hag who lives in a swamp and torments sleeping children with nightmares. (She is the sister of the Poludnitsa.)TRUD: Another name for Alp. The female form is trude. There are witches who can send one to those they hate merely their thoughts. He comes out of their eyebrows, looks like a small white butterfly, and sits on the breast of a sleeping person. If you say to one that is pressing upon you, "Trud, come tomorrow, and I will lend you something!" then he will immediately retreat and come the next day in the form of a human, in order to borrow something. WAALRIDDER: A name by which the nightmare-causing Alp is known in the Netherlands.