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Friday, July 5, 2013

Ufo Digest Asks Do You Believe Ufoet Disclosure Is Imminent

Ufo Digest Asks Do You Believe Ufoet Disclosure Is Imminent
This article caught my eye. The author, Ed Komarek goes into some decent detail in regards to a source of his that is confirming that disclosure is only a short time away.

Here are some interesting excerpts from the article:

I have been communicating by phone and by email and this person tells me that this member of Congress is well informed on UFO/ET related matters and also that he is well connected to President Obama and meets with him frequently. This person asked me to suggest what this member of Congress might be able to do, to be helpful to myself and others pushing for disclosure. I sent the material in the following link as a letter to this member of Congress as part of my own very limited disclosure effort to show the middle ground between the left and the right.

Last night I had a further phone conversation with my source and this source confirmed to me that indeed it may be a short time line to disclosure as Dr. Michael Salla has indicated in a recent communication linked further on in this article. My source says that they have real concerns that a disclosure announcement could torpedo the heath care bill if it happens sooner than later by distracting the public from this issue.

I think the chances are good that the situation when ignited might well begin to spiral out of control at some point and then government officials and bureaucrats can and will become involved openly in an attempt to maintain order and stability in society. The indications seem to be that world governments really have no choice in this matter but to disclose rapidly once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Furthermore various extraterrestrial groups seem to be losing patience with government intransigence and broken promises the past sixty years and seem to be applying increasing pressure until something breaks loose.

Indications are that all parties both extraterrestrial and terrestrial agree that it is preferable that humanity handle the actual disclosure process even as the extraterrestrials increase the pressure on governments to disclose. Extraterrestrial groups seem to be doing this by increasing overt global public sighting activity even as they increase their covert disclosure lobbying efforts directed toward world governments.

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