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Low Flying Object With Pulsating Dull Light Seen Traveling Over Vancouver British Columbia
Date: Honored 4, 2012Time: 12:30 a.m.Hi Brian, after 2 hours scanning the skies later my night vision monocular and not capturing any anomalies, I decisive to mob it in watch a bit of TV and about 12:30 a.m. Honored 4th, 2012. I went to my corridor and visually checked the skies later than once more and noticed a low flying object in stages cruising over the town, at first I determination it was a seagull sparkly the town lights which I see all the time, but for that reason realized the object was inordinate consider the greater part of a Cessna or Beaver horizontal. Flawlessly down and why I touch to decree the greater part at about 500 - 1000 feet, unbiased nearer on the Harbour offering were fireworks and I noticed a join up of planes circling the town. This object was day-glow low light or it was the town light sparkly off its texture. I momentarily grabbed my binoculars and noticed the object to be oblique in shape, not plane, no wings and enriching from north to southwest as the crow flies over the town and over English Bay towards due west to Vancouver Coral reef. On every occasion the object faced me and enriching exposed from the town lights, it dimmed and lost it categorical. I grabbed my night vision and captured it in stages enriching out to Vancouver Coral reef. It was a little and clasp no theory once more what it is. No plane as some plane that engagements the skies answer the town can be heard persuasively and it had no wings. I don't hope we clasp blimps and if so, why would it clasp no lights, etc. Strange mug up indoors Brian, to hope all my life I clasp never veteran a UFO and I can more or less get if I go out on my corridor on the 21 st out of action at night indoors the clear nights, I desire see something very odd. I afterward captured matching object 2 nights ago, but it was not sparkly any lights what later my night vision and it was two times the greater part in stages roving agilely Grumble and Cypress knoll, I may well barely see it later night vision, so once more what engagements the night sky late at night or in advance in the first light of that greater part and down. I desire be balanced adjacent time to detail, stay tuned. I would correctly consider to touch if personality else has seen matching objects on the exceedingly nights. Beauty once more.If you clasp seen whatever consider this in the exceedingly area please be breed plenty to contact Brian Vike at: later the details of your sighting. All appropriate information is snobbish interior. The Vike Side (Brian Vike) Vike Side 2 (Brian Vike)