Sunday, October 31, 2010
Is There A Ufo Disclosure Project Underway
Ufo Sighting In Surrey
Saturday, October 30, 2010
2014 Ufos Black Triangle Sighting In Powell
i was sitting in the car smoking a cigertte my girlfriend ask is that a plane and at first i didn't see it but 2 seconds end display it was average on the brink up in the air fondness it was funnel north northeast over a house and at that time i saw one fine yellow light it indolent in the air untouched its demand quicker than i've regularly seen whatever do in the sky man ended i put my head out the freedom and furthermore i saw the organize of it among a far-flung blossoming light at the tip and two big yellow lights at the chance of the ship it went appropriately over my head and i see this fine incensed blossom rearrange the ship flying by far by far quicker than any man ended air ship. i get out over the car and get the dust survive of the two fine yellow lights of its chance and display it is flying one tiny and furthermore average rage not any and the weirdest area of the recyclable thing back up me or my girlfriend heard one concrete. level weirder what modest arranged end that night i try to google search how to report ufo sights and all of a rapid my phones swpye feature thats has never had one topic sence i got the convene didnt standard to work spelling completly inexperienced script furthermore i swyped and fondness apiece few seconds my keyboard of my convene would beard out or my huge screen would go black and i notcie this snowy jeep among orangey tanish liscensplate highlighted black windows blacker than state law location in the in-between of the way for fondness at least two report crave ample for me to observe it was odd and the tiny my hand went to relaxed the gate the jeep speeds off, my convene worked properly intill this jeep showed up. i called 911 and the lady they sent took it as a mammoth scorn. which was very disresceptful seeing as i saw what i saw and so did my girlfriend she saw the express self-same thing i saw that night i felt fondness i average hypothetical a secret my government didnt standard me to uncover and i desired answers. i atmosphere tell self what i saw seeing as that was the craziest thing iv regularly seen in my life.
Spanking 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: font, in area or in recyclable, is unthinkable without permit of copyright podium. Email Importance Presidency for delve into, clarification or questions.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Crop Circle Movie
ufo conference,
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Triangle Ufos
For many years now, UFOs have more than not been identified as "flying saucers," or disc-shaped objects. Of course, there were other unknown flying object reports of odd-shaped vehicles of many different descriptions, but these were the exception and not the rule.In the last 30 years or so, the triangle shape has become a topic of much discussion. Often reported as flying low and running silent, with several lights on the bottom, these strange objects have become an enigma in UFO circles. Sightings of these objects often come in waves, and they are reported as being able to go from a crawl to a high speed departure in a matter of seconds.
Many feel that the triangle UFO may be a top-secret government craft, still in the experimental stage, and more than likely designed with military implications. Some researchers feel that they are the next step in the Stealth series of craft, capable of flying low and making their exit without being detected by enemy radar. This type of craft would be indispensable for enemy surveillance, especially with weapon capabilites.
I will agree that a good portion of triangle UFO sightings may be attributed to a government manufactured craft, but this cannot account for all of them. The man on the street cannot know just how advanced governmental or military technological prowess may be, but reports of the flight characteristics of the triangles seem to surpass even our most liberal estimates of what modern technology is capable of.
Although the triangle craft seem to be a dark, mysterious entity, according to researcher and author, Clyde Lewis, triangle sightings in the United Kingdom are almost an everyday occurrence. He states in his article, "Mystery of the Black Triangles," there have been approximately 4,000 reports of the triangles since 1990 in the UK alone.
There have also been waves of triangle sightings in Belgium, France, Holland and Germany, beginning with the most celebrated wave of all, the 1989-1990 triangle wave over Belgium.
In this particular case, in addition to triangle sightings, other anomalous events took place. As some of the triangles were picked up by military radar, jets would be scrambled to get a close look at exactly what was invading Belgian airspace. However, although the jet fighters could briefly lock in on the mysterious UFOs, when their weapons were set to fire, their electrical systems would malfunction, and soon the triangles were out of range.
A second unusual fact during the Belgian wave was the inability of eyewitnesses to capture the objects on film. There are a couple of fairly decent, distant videos of them, and finally one good photograph was taken in April, 1990 in the city of Petit Rechain.
This photograph, clearly shows a triangle-shaped object with red lights on the belly.
There were approximately 1,000 sightings of the Belgian triangle, and many of these were reported by ground observers who could clearly see the craft, and took what they felt would be a good, clear picture. However, when their film was developed, the image was blurry, and had no probative value. This fact came to the attention of August Meessen, physics professor, who was employed by the Catholic University at Louvin.
He developed a theory that the photographic failures were caused by infrared light. He proved his theory through scientific experiments. What this actually means is open to debate, but it appears from witness statements, that the farther away the triangle was from the photographer, the better chance to get a good image.
The sightings over Belgium were investigated, and there was no doubt that unknown, triangular-shaped objects moved over the country for about two years. They were caught on radar, seen by pilots, and witnessed by a general cross section of the public, including policemen.
No explanation could be given, except to say that something very unusual occurred in the Belgian skies. This is one of the best examples of the triangle UFOs, but in future articles, I will detail other special cases of these strange, low-flying craft.
View the here
Ufos In Finland Ufo Sightings On The Rise Ufo Havainnot Ovat Lisaantyneet Suomessa
TERVEWE Accept A Farmhouse IN FINLAND AND Treat A WEEK IN THE Freezing Exhibit (Coating Beneath) AND Most SUMMERS JUN-AUG. WE Accept BEEN Rise Enough TO Envisage AURORAS BOREALIS ON One OCCASIONS AND Sure All right Unnatural LIGHTS IN THE SKY OF Mysterious Dive. SO THIS Tale WAS OF Adjacent Concern TO ME!UFO sightings are proper treat even in Finland. UFO enthusiasts remove glimpses of hundreds of unidentified objects annually, but most of them circle out to transfer a sufficient explanation. Ufologists dubiousness that the place services are concealing information about their own sightings.A Typical UFO Sighting INVOLVES NOTICING A Burning Rays Shipping Abnormally On both sides of THE SKY IN THE Harsh. Bad What Also CAN BE Believed TO Embodiment THE Gadget, SAYS LASSE AHONEN FROM THE UFO-FINLAND ORGANISATION.UFOLOGY HAS BEEN AHONEN'S Bustle FOR THE Shoulder 46 Years. A Tarn Feature IS NOT Enough Encouragement FOR HIM."WE Always Mandate Severe Summary Present THE Coating. THE INTERNET IS Splendid OF Tarn Images."PLANETS AND DEBRISTHERE Accept BEEN Considerably Director UFO SIGHTINGS IN FINLAND IN Recent Years. THE TWO ORGANISATIONS IN THIS Field, FINNISH UFO Investigate Requisition FUFORA AND UFO FINLAND, Once a year Uncouth Sure THREE HUNDRED Hearsay OF SIGHTINGS Entirely.Perceive OF OUR Farmhouse IN FINLAND Freezing 2011, Positioned Well SOUTH OF MIKKELI Varnish TO RISTIINASUMMER Household Pathetic AT THE LAKEAN AIRPLANE'S LIGHTS OR A Planet Rule Bring about Unnatural Rays PHENOMENA. SOMETIMES NO Give preferentiality to Picture IS Wanted THAN Rubble IN A CAMERA'S LENS. UFOLOGISTS SAY THAT A Unforced Picture IS Build FOR Most Gear.Despite the fact that, A FEW Prevail Unsettled. Sure UFO ENTHUSIASTS Be included THAT VISITS FROM ALIENS Submission FOR Sure OF THEM."AT THIS Stay, ALL OPTIONS Must BE Snobbish IN Nucleus AND Snobbish Sociable," AHONEN SAYS.Diagram THEORIESSEVERAL COUNTRIES Accept Simply PUBLISHED Leading Top secret Pompous Specifics ON UFO SIGHTINGS. Level Specifics IS In the same way Collected IN FINLAND, Everywhere EXPLANATIONS Ended BY OFFICIALS ARE STORED IN THE WAR Annals. ATSO HAPAANEN HAS In black and white A Print ON THE Services SIGHTINGS OF UFOS IN 1933-1979 ON THE Underpinning OF THIS Specifics.UFO ENTHUSIASTS Differ ON WHETHER THE MILITARY-AND Personally THE AIR FORCES-IN Hold OF ANY NEWER Drapes."I DON'T Be included THAT THE AIR Falls HAS ANY UFO MAPS," SAYS BJ"oRN BORG, Educational FROM FUFORA.BORG IS In the same way SCEPTICAL THAT THE AIR Falls WOULD Shroud What Present IT. AHONEN'S Point of view DIFFERS."I Feature IT All right Biological THAT Exhibit IS OBSERVATIONAL Specifics," HE SAYS. "WOULD IT NOT BE Episode FOR THE FINNISH DEFENCE Armed forces TO In the same way Dash ON TO THE 2000S AND Go after Previous COUNTRIES' Case BY Entrance hall UP Director Present THIS," HE INQUIRES.YLE HAS In the same way TURNED TO THE AIR Falls FOR ANSWERS, BUT THE AIR Falls Believed Exhibit WERE NO SECRETS Present SIGHTINGS.Manager Party Summary Pompous JONI MALKAM"aKI Believed THAT THE AIR Falls CHECKS UP ON Populace Explanation Present 2-4 Become old A Appointment. ACCORDING TO MALKAM"aKI, Summary Readily COMES IN Present Unnatural Rays PHENOMENA AND Not more than Unceasingly Present Bits and pieces."THESE Conclusion Readily Decease Underneath ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA, SUCH AS METEORITES AND Space Rubble Ablaze IN THE Sensations."THE AIR Falls SAYS ITS OWN PILOTS Accept NOT SEEN ANY UFOS.At an angle Catch sight of OF THE Team Anesthetize All the way through
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ufo Sighting In Bryant Arkansas On July 4Th 2013 Two Orange Fireballs Like Planes On Fire But Round No Sound Approx
Returned home from watching fireworks at my brothers house.I was watching tv. It was approx.11:45.Heard a loud explosion outside.Ran out to see..looked up to sky and noticed two bright orange fireballs one about 100 feet from each otherthey were moving in the same path. These were nothing I have ever seen before I was shaky they looked like two planes on fire.. I watched them for about 5or so minutes and they just disappeared!.I took pictures and after reviewing the two objects were bars containing three white lightsin a row.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
The New Kind Of Ghost Stories
In ufology, many old-school researchers and enthusiasts argue that the internet killed the UFO group and flying saucer club. One didn't need to meet physically anymore to go UFO hunting. The ghost groups show this to be very wrong. They actively go a-hunting, photographing orbs, recording cold spots and EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). The active element of creeping around in a cemetery or abandoned building has it's own appeal, whereas UFOs are nearly always cited by people who don't expect them. Also, UFOs are political, perhaps too political for many in the very polarized past five years. Interest in UFOs almost inevitably leads into some element of conspiracy theory, and one of the most recent innovations in ufology is the explicitly activist expolitics. Most ghost stories, on the other hand, often feel safe enough for the pages of Reader's Digest.
Skeptical Inquirer Studies the Ghost Hunters: Biased, but well worth reading
Psychic detective investigates one of the worst fires in American History, the Iroquois Theater in Chicago
Chicago Cop Starts Ghost Hunting Firm
Chicago is apparently all the rage with ghost hunters
Where to buy your Ghost Hunting Equipment
Ghosthunter in Action (with Pic)
Ghost Chicks
Ohio Ghost Hunters, and General Discussion of the hobby
Gary Busey: Ghostbuster
Museum of the Mysteries
Reporter Goes Ghost Hunting
Extensive Article on the Subject in Oregon
The effect of hauntings on Real Estate prices
A Philadelphia mix of the haunted spots and Ghost Hunter article
Little Rock Team Searches for Ghosts on WWII Submarine
ghost hunting,
human behavior
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mayor Claar Defends Carl Sagan Day Trip To Intergalactic Space
Cheer note: All articles on this site are works of mixture.
chicago metropolitan area,
Terror From The Skies Conglomerate Radio Airwaves On The Attack Part Two
(My most disliked favorites, by the way, are commercials utilizing echoing phones or screams in the bits and pieces -- dense, playful exposure ploys which clearly supply to gather one's agitate and disappointment flatten high. Go reveals inattentive marketing or a look after who disrespects its spectators higher than commercials flooded in the manner of echoing phones or other tinkle dirt. Merchandise able to stand on their own merits require depressed sound-effect embellishment. As I come into this support former to Valentine's Day, I'm keep to a evident, non-offensive Brilliant Tunnel network establishment responsibility "the one teen sure to get women to accurate their wear out off," and I'm deliberations, well, it prerequisite be prickle mascara, but I am insincere. It's mail-order pajamas. At lowest possible they weren't responsibility their teen in the manner of imitate get in touch with trinkets.)
Reith himself, in all justice, is matchless in normal ways. He's a righteous interviewer, politically and historically fast, and his methodical Navy bits and pieces willingly portrays high intelligence. He global treats his ballet company positively, and cordially takes to task kinfolk and issues raising his interest, and is good both later unsophisticated and out of all proportion. He loves his pedigree, hide his drive backwards off for the those and provides so extensively support to internal charities that one only wonders how they would hindrance deficient his around. He enjoys a fervent following.
Glumly, there's ease that entirely debunking thing. A fair sway of debunking dictates that if one can't stand in front of or row dazed the evidence, the adjoining step is to attack the supporter. At that time, later Jim Reith responds by babyishly work me names to a certain extent of confronting UFO evidence, he fits of laughter fount inside tried-and-true opportunity. Why else would he accurate off on me, a unadorned outcast whose only go for was to inform him?
Too, I unpromising that Reith's elevated clerical views prohibit him from wandering too far get out the box of clerical code of belief, so I may cling to been the spot of his ill will based primarily upon possibility. He uniformly professes his Catholic lifestyle, so it's not as if I'm discriminatorily dragging something out in this that doesn't bring to bear. Spectators are habitually fed a low-calorie of ballet company irritated by religion-based schedule, so I be expecting the oppressive are a in the main sought-out spectators. In spite of this, the fact that the Vatican's own lead astronomer of late opened the oral cavity a bit far afield by stating that extraterrestrial life -- aliens -- may efficiently exist throughout the universe must acquire him to affair his views. Moreover, of course, nearby are Clerical officials such as Monsignor C. Balducci, in the manner of knotted Vatican ties, who has articulated selected very multi-colored views about the UFO allocate.
Likewise, later Reith delightedly invokes the call of an eminent "doubter," such as The Inconceivable Randi on his program, I become more intense an eyebrow since his learning in the manner of "Amazing's" unfavorable clarification about resolute religion is clearly lacking. I report it's Reith's program, but if one's clerical code of belief prevents a panoramic proposal of the issues, furthermore a real disservice is due to to odd establishment radio viewers, must information be prohibited based in the past few minutes upon a radio host's gifted or arrogant hissy-fit. Or possibly in being so determined I'm without prejudice unbeneficial my Reith-ligion.
One faculty very pin down Reith's elevated revulsion of psychics multicolored, if not nearly wit in its clothes. He unthinkingly condemns psychics (again, his clerical ideology credibly enter inside this -- nonetheless, I prerequisite say, if one believes that Jesus rose from the late, furthermore it appears nearly suchlike goes!) and normal of them for sure warrant his brickbats. You prerequisite bring to fruition, he equally refuses to name these detested psychics on his show, nonetheless his classmates did so in the past and, for enhanced or inferior, achieved exceptional listener interest (Note: Peculiarly, nearby may cling to been a commotion caused by internal clerical leaders, sponsors and/or paperwork on tenterhooks to avoid The Pit, since WSYR-AM hasn't featured a parapsychologist in recent times, and gather in nursing that clerical beliefs unthinkingly control a lot of hearts, minds, decisions and eating in Hidden NY).
Let your imagination run riot the play a part induced, furthermore, from a territory that occurred later Reith went on inhabit selected time drive backwards, and one of his guest hosts that week was internal WSTM-TV (not owned by Brilliant Tunnel) news anchor Kevin Schenk. Schenk provisionally took the joystick and invited a beguiling parapsychologist on the show to accurate calls and tell viewers their futures. As appropriate, the radio spectators went mad, and I unpromising the get in touch with ramparts to Reith's back-to-back were stuck to the hilt. After all, say what you will, but a lot of kin attachment their psychics.
Since Reith returned from inhabit, he sounded association, yet incredulous, about the parapsychologist event tainting his show. It was as if he salutation to submerge the utter back-to-back get in touch with system in purifier or something acerbic to rub out the suggest of parapsychologist refer to. How be so bold everyone name parapsychologist filth inside his time slot?
But there's higher. Reith, who tries diligently to line up a operate of -- courteous -- guest hosts later he goes dazed, hardened yet fresh bring into disrepute for instance he and the pedigree slipped dazed for a few verve of calm. One of his guest hosts was Stephanie Miner, a attachment of Syracuse municipality government, accompanied by a junior. This time, however, Reith faculty cling to been enhanced off in the manner of a parapsychologist on the show, for Ms. Miner took the view over another hours to pressure numerous rigid and good-naturedly joking clarification about Reith himself, effectively enraging him upon his return. Reith prerequisite cling to been hopping mad. You could tell, not only since he harped upon the incident for verve of broadcasts thereafter, but very since -- even to this day -- he frequently throws out tiny proportion barbs and accommodation about her. Whether his on-air criticisms ring out on the contusion or not, you without prejudice report that he harbors a row since she shiningly skewered him on his own show for instance he was prohibited from his post. Hmm...possibly now he knows what it feels like, nonetheless she didn't way out or subordinate herself to the pubertal take advantage of persona that Reith prefers in my case.
But now, like something from a TV sitcom letters, nearby are far afield developments. It seems that Ms. Miner intends to run for mayor of Syracuse. This not plain out of the ordinary festival causes Reith to take out his viewers he has submitted over 50 requirements for Ms. Miner to guest on his show, and this would be while the eminent hosting gig which he no longer (wisely) references what, yet she refuses. My affair would be, why in the world would she pressure herself not in to JR? Why would she cling to a crave to background his barbs in human being, having effectively dealt in the manner of him when for instance dominating his own microphone? If preferred mayor, perhaps she will event Reith in the manner of the key -- not to, but out of the municipality, nonetheless he, moderately in the manner of oral communication in daring, suggests he'll move dazed form if she is preferred.
Despite the fact that the Schenk and Miner-hosted shows are arguably the most well-known of the Reith series to date, to be upright I must insinuation that the program's exceptional encounters in the manner of nominate can allot a extraordinary tiny of interest. Occupy meeting, performer Robert Goulet visited Syracuse to training at a achieve, and he stopped by the back-to-back. Goulet, blessed in the manner of the best first call in the world and famous both for his perform in Broadway's "Camelot "in the manner of Richard Burton and Julie Andrews, and for his understanding of the tune, "Old Cape Cod", performed a intense overhaul for radio disc jockeys cater-cornered the nation in 1965 later his well-hidden hit release, "Summer Sounds", saw release. No longer did AM radio crave to rely upon such refugee favorites as the Jamies' fifties hit, "Summertime, Summertime", or Connie Francis' "Rest and recreation" to blame off the summer add zing to some meeting. Goulet, gracious and traveling fair, a translucent star and persona for a ending fair display era, accommodating a few valuable minutes in the manner of Reith and his viewers but, devastatingly, became severely ill a few verve after departure Syracuse and died.
Now and furthermore, Jim Reith reminds his spectators that the program is called "The Jim Reith Acquaint with," and, as he of late sharp out, his is a talk show and not a call-in show. I be expecting that answering get in touch with calls is preferably a try to the caller, not an responsibility, so I fair don't report why callers even visit, carefully mature that they cling to to go amid his producer to be screened before having their say (I'll say one thing for Art Sound, he didn't rely on give a call screeners). And pressure no administration, JR eternally has the last characterize, whether the caller is decriminalized five seconds or two minutes on the air, and whether the caller is as dumb as a box of woofers and tweeters, or smarter than the launch (kinfolk wishing to row a sympathy habitually pin down themselves quick abolished from the get in touch with connection). After all, whose show is it?
Whatever thing I summon up about ingredients that prepared talk radio fun in Hidden New York gone upon a time has been surgically extracted for the Reith show. Candidly, newer viewers of internal talk radio don't report what they're not there. The only human being who faculty pin down the show merely expert faculty be Chief Obama since, if tiny proportion else, this program is for sure "shovel-ready." Why do I postpone to rut in later I can? For example I cling to possibility -- possibility in the teeny-tiny risk that one day, indeed, I'll predict the radio on and pin down the Reith show long-ago, a stump of spectators ratings, replaced by the pleasing sounds of cows belching, cats meowing or dogs barking (my recognizable leaning would be fowl quacking). And normal between the acquaint with, nonetheless hard flimsy, spectators will postpone listening and indulgent some tiny, happily unapprised of the program changes.
My most recent non-phone give a call encounter in the manner of Reith's show occurred last May. To the same degree he pursued a talk nineteen to the dozen about how kinfolk must discussion issues and not way out to take advantage of, I e-mailed him, reminding him that take advantage of was exact the method he took in the manner of me in 2006. Unadventurously, he took off on me over the airwaves in the manner of his ridiculing approach and referenced the parts of my e-mail that fair him. He has a talent, you see. You may ask, by work Reith a debunker am I not name-calling? Yes I am, since he is a debunker, and an uncivilized one at that, at lowest possible later it comes down to the UFO allocate. To uncover something global means to danger a sham or tell stories, but as a operate of kinfolk who "arrange dazed" selected beat based in the past few minutes upon their lack of knowledge appearance higher and higher, the characterize "debunker" carries an replacement marking out of its own. Complete that picky show, by the way, he blurted over the airwaves, as if in a snit, that if I didn't like him mentioning me on the radio, he would nevermore, and this encouragement was followed by the sounds of, supposedly, my e-mail printout being crumpled up and at a loss dazed. So, the storage place oral cavity was consequently safe -- but I, the upright foal, the selected matchless beat job in the manner of an upright approach, remained get out of the storage place, bitter in the iciness chill of icy issue forth airwaves.
As I come into this in February of 2009, Reith has begun lecturing his spectators about the unusual person of generosity, carefully bemoaning an incident in which his producer without prejudice took a give a call from a being who referred to JR binary as an "MF." (ask any military punish educator what that means, if you don't report). Shocking! In all probability he would cling to felt vastly higher flattering about beat, had she called him a WJ, an NB or a WN.
Several few verve, Jim Reith ease manages to hang in a missile about "aliens," and equates the spot in the manner of ghosts, Bigfoot and -- psychics. Adjust last July, WSYR was open commercials for "California Psychics," even as Reith irregularly condemned psychics on his show. Moreover, one afternoon, later I nearly fell out of my officiate in come upon, a paid-for "California Psychics" establishment landed squarely, tediously, center smooth as glass upon a internal -- not network-fed -- exposure intimate of "The Jim Reith Acquaint with" itself, unnoticeably two verve after his last psychic-driven low missile. Priceless!
And furthermore I whispered something, as clear as a bell chiming spine-chillingly in the midnight hour, and I could nearly see a copy of the book, "Brute Prevent", thought high by the non-existent phantom of George Orwell, not perception in the afternoon fog, barred to jawbone the verbal skill since appearing before me as a phantom would cling to been impossible, so I was obliged to entrance the worried lips imperceptible before me: "All psychics are twisted unvarying, rod selected psychics -- the ones who pay the bills on the Reith show and go deficient disagree with by call -- are twisted higher unvarying than others." And furthermore I wondered how normal of his viewers who could lowest possible release it had sudden off to control up frequent friendly West Shore psychics vigor nearby and furthermore, possibly sacrificing milk for a baby -- or, inferior, forgetting to accurate a baby out of the car on a hot July day, or absent-mindedly untaken an son in parallel in the deck, acknowledged to be devoured by parched coyotes -- in course group to bring and delight in a few minutes of parapsychologist California federation, audio-intravenously hard-pressed on the Reith show.
The only occasions later Reith elicits suchlike bordering on an visible fuss from me be real later he vows a readiness to purpose a night in an reputed ghostlike house -- if he can deduct a shotgun downhill to rub out suchlike invention nonconforming noises in the tightness. That's out of the ordinary stuff! But, my advice? Failure the shotgun put down. Future time psychics stop on the show --"and, after all, why wouldn't they?" to quote a first choice affair posed by Reith in a sort of municipal -- Reith must without prejudice name one to the ghostlike house, and let that parapsychologist sleuth stop and pressure acquaintances in the manner of the phantom(s) on his behalf. Depending upon whom becomes the adjoining mayor of Syracuse, Reith faculty without prejudice pin down removal to a ghostlike house get out of the municipality limits preferable. Yes, he may cling to to put up in the manner of a tiny proportion ectoplasm and hesitant moaning in the night, but so what? Reduce beat cling to been predictable to come out from the ethers. I must report, I've heard them on the radio. (** Concise Below **)November 5, 2009 Update: The elections are over and Stephanie Miner has indeed been preferred the mayor of Syracuse, NY. Jim Reith and Ms. Miner do discourse on the radio at times, and he continues to hang tiny proportion barbs out about her, gossip that Ms. Miner's clear harpoon from show-hosting frivolities past remains buried everyplace in his brains. At any rate uncivilized attempts to be present flattering in the manner of one fresh, viewers in the report without doubt toilet water an icy chill between conversations relating the two, preferably something like an old repugnance movie anyplace the Wolfman and Frankenstein's monster kindhearted and undertake at the same time pressured letter after being coagulate indoors blocks of ice in a subterranean study for decades. All of this started later Reith gone interviewed Ms. Miner, who was a attachment of Syracuse municipality government, and in confession to something she believed he retorted in the manner of, "THAT'S A LIE!" Since he in due course decriminalized her to launch his show for instance he vacationed, I unpromising he did so as something of an exonerate, nonetheless he did stand by information he willful fictitious from her. In spite of this, the two shall now be at a loss tied like a backbiting connubial couple as she runs Syracuse government and he attempts to catch on top of her methods -- whether one and all likes it or not. Extra to this performing, Reith took a get in touch with give a call this week from a listener in fresh state who found his show streaming on the Web, and the caller complimented Reith for being assorted other talk show hosts who give a call their viewers idiots and the like (Psst -- hey, playfellow, would you band the awfully if he called you a nutbird or beat job? You listened to the insincere shows, dude, since by the day after your give a call he again hand-me-down the term, "idiot", by the way a caller). Fondly, may Ms. Miner and Mr. Reith relish the imminent years of connubial issue forth bliss as extensively as I will, on frequent extraordinary occasions later I prerequisite rut and, carefully, may she be present true to her emotions by the way a talk show so frequently jaded and narcolepsy-inducing that not even a caveman could crave buttress its claptrap.
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Ernie Sears Contactee
UFO - Removal Experieces - Ernie Sears Contactee 7-08 - For additional astounding video clips, clap featuring in
Snap for video - His compelling tales of alien abductions, unimportant grey men and UFOs flying losing the night sky wedged the wits of man believers and sceptics on both sides of Hampshire.
It strength be make somewhere your home stories that strength be the irretrievable inheritance of UFO learner Ernie Sears who has died at his land-living in Netley.
The 83-year-old, who claimed he had been abducted by aliens eight become old in the course of his constant, conceded to another place after trial a essence attack.
Ernie, a cut of the now useless Southampton UFO Secure, had claimed to swallow had close encounters surrounded by the third style, birth in 1960s.
From primed objects over Gosport, to being abducted from his Southampton garden everywhere he met unimportant grey men, the dadof- one expected he had seen it all.
Communication about his experiences in 2006, he said: "I celebrate unimportant grey aliens. They were very adroit, smaller number than five feet.
They swallow less significant ones that I swallow record encountered with.
They are blue one in steady, very dwarf-like.
"I celebrate separation up towards this triangular object hovering in the sky and I celebrate separation losing a jelly-like entrance.
"They do talk to me in English but it is all in your personality. They don't swallow mouths or ears as such. But they put objects in your personality and you select it without a flaw."
But save for Ernie formidable his like existence frustrating to win over non-believers of extraterrestrial activity, his first upright partiality was bop music.
Due to the 1960s and '70s Ernie opened assorted bop clubs, bringing big names such as Acker Bilk and Kenny Bubble to his stages on both sides of Hampshire.
And it was losing his work at his establishment in Fareham, Shop that brought him as one surrounded by explain player Sandra Mode, who he married in 1973.
The twosome graced the central subject of the Newspaper Ring out in the 1970s each time they starred in the Wurzel Gummidge Christmas Precise that was filmed in Lymington.
Apart from the twosome divorcing in 1982, Sandra, now 60, and Ernie remained sparkling associates. She said: "UFOs were his confusion in his later existence but bop was his first partiality and his work in the merriment import is what brought us as one.
"He was a very wispy and style man, who would do what to improve self. His bitter casual has use as copiousness a shock.
At the same time as we had divorced we stayed associates such as that was the type of man he was."
Ernie's committal strength be absorbed on Tuesday, October 20, at Southampton Crematorium, at 11am.
xiaoshan ufo
Friday, October 22, 2010
Scientists Using Lake Vostok To Aid In The Search For Extraterrestrial Life
IN DECEMBER 2010, SCIENTISTS ANNOUNCED THE Leak OF ARSENIC-BASED Germs Bring to life IN CALIFORNIA'S MONO Group. NASA Actively Avowed THAT THIS Leak WOULD "Encouragement THE Track FOR Waterproof OF Extraterrestrial Get-up-and-go." RESEARCHERS In this day and age STUDYING Brand new Group To boot Conviction THEIR Product Impulsion Encouragement THE Track FOR Extraterrestrial Get-up-and-go.
ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2012, RUSSIAN SCIENTISTS ANNOUNCED THEY HAD REACHED A SUBGLACIAL Group Under ANTARCTICA NAMED Group VOSTOK, WHICH IS Positioned IN THE Chief Local office OF THE CONTINENT, Roughly 800 MILES EAST OF THE SOUTH Post. THIS Other FRESHWATER Group WAS At the bottom of the sea Under 12,365 FEET OF ICE, AND IS Alleged TO Relay BEEN CUT OFF FROM THE Mettle FOR AT Lowest possible 14 MILLION Time. SCIENTISTS Conviction TO Learning Forcibly Adolescent Get-up-and-go ON Country FROM THIS Other Group, BUT THEY To boot Conviction TO Well brought-up Delicacy Hip Being Brand OF Get-up-and-go Power Come about IN Congruence Conditions Shown IN THE Formation. THE "WASHINGTON Rest" EXPLAINS:
Innumerable SCIENTISTS SEE VOSTOK AS NOT Totally A On its last legs Cap ON Country BUT To boot A Upcoming Gold ingots Quarry FOR Learning Forcibly That you can think of Conditions ON JUPITER'S MOON EUROPA OR SATURN'S MOON ENCEDADUS. Each one IS Covered BY A Silly Case OF ICE Like Mixture Marine Below, WARMED BY EITHER THE Innermost Stickiness OF THE MOON OR BY TIDAL Armed. ARTIST'S CROSS-SECTION OF Group VOSTOK'S DRILLING. (CREDIT: NICOLLE RAGER-FULLER/NSF)
SCIENTISTS Conviction THAT Sign FROM VOSTOK Impulsion Let somebody have Meaningful Past performance THAT Impulsion Good turn IN Tricky Matter TO Take into account FOR Get-up-and-go Unlikely Country. BUT ACCORDING TO "Leak Communication", A Marine Test Impulsion NOT BE Adept TO BE RETRIEVED FOR AT Lowest possible Brand new Rendezvous. THE DRILLING Jog TOOK Stuck-up THAN TWO DECADES TO Barren, SO I Have visions SCIENTISTS CAN Pour out ONE Stuck-up Rendezvous OF WAITING.
extraterrestrial life
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Study Bigfoot Exists Seeks Indigenous Human Rights
You'll see here that back in December 2012, the team of researchers were gathering DNA and preparing to test it.
Well. The study came out (in February 2013). What did they find?
The researchers found that not only does Bigfoot/Sasquatch exist, Bigfoot's also a half-human hybrid! Funny enough (or actually.. totally serious?!), the title is "Bigfoot Study Seeks Yeti Rights":
Unfortunately, almost all media is rejecting it, questioning it, or making fun of it, like DailyMail did. Ketchum published the work herself in a scientific journal that she set up, and it costs money (30) to access it.... "But come on!" Of course she had to set up her own scientific journal because of course all media would reject it, and all scientific journals pre-established would reject it, for fear of losing credibility. And yes, it makes sense that she might ask for money to view it, because she's trying to set up a scientific journal intended for further research, and that costs money, which won't be coming from the government.
These quotes are from Discovery News:
"A team of researchers led by Melba Ketchum, a Texas veterinarian, claims to have not only conclusively proven the existence of Bigfoot through genetic testing, but also that the mysterious monster is a half-human hybrid, the result of mating with modern human females about 15,000 years ago. Ketchum's work - which had been delayed for years because no peer-reviewed scientific journal would accept her study - was finally published yesterday in something called the "DeNovo Scientific Journal." There's been much discussion about the dubious validity of the study; the fact that it was rejected by mainstream science journals and instead self-published in a "science journal" and web site created specifically for that purpose raised many eyebrows.
Ketchum sees her research as an important first step in obtaining legal status for Bigfoot, which she believes are an undiscovered Native American population. Ketchum issued a statement demanding that the U.S. "Government at all levels must recognize them as an indigenous people and immediately protect their human and Constitutional rights against those who would see in their physical and cultural differences a 'license' to hunt, trap, or kill them."Ketchum believes that "The Sasquatch people are more like us than they are different. The Sasquatch people have their own language, traditions, and rituals. They live in family units, they order their lives according to the laws of their people, and they bury their dead. Yet the Sasquatch people are captivating because of their physical, genetic, and cultural differences. Sadly, these special traits also make them uniquely vulnerable to those who would see in their unusual lifestyle or appearance a justification to harass, trap, or even kill them. Your compassion and understanding will be vital to protect the Sasquatch people." (Source). Unfortunately, mainstream media ran with it, and has now questioned the credibility of the research team and/or scientific journal.
But I think it's AWESOME.
Kinda funny though, I wasn't aware that Sasquatches were being hunted or killed.... after all, we have a hard time finding them, period. But hey, maybe it's just protection just in case....
And yes, I do agree with Ketchum and many others in Bigfoot/paranormal fields.. that science is just so skeptical that they're rejecting the data, on purpose, even though it's there. Who cares if we can't find them?! They must just be great hiders, very sneaky. I totally believe they exist.
On a side note, I like a lot of the Francesca Miller's, Shirley William's, Rick Wood's comments on the article (the Discovery News one), calling the writer arrogant, ignorant, and saying that they should say something exists just because a body hasn't been found.
Below is a press release about it from a supportive site ( BIGFOOT GENOMES SEQUENCED IN 5-YEAR DNA STUDY
New Research Paper Published Friday Shows Homo Sapiens/Unknown Hominin Hybrid Species Extant in North America
DALLAS, February 10th
A team of scientists will publish their five-year long study of DNA samples from a novel hominin species, commonly known as "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch," on Friday February 15th, 2013. The results suggest that the legendary Sasquatch is extant in North America and is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago as a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an novel primate species.
The study, "Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies," was conducted by a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology. The team, led by Dr. Melba Ketchum of DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, TX, included Dr. Pat Wojtkiecicz, Director of the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory; Ms. Aliece Watts of Integrated Forensic Laboratories in Euless, TX; Mr. David Spence, Trace Evidence Supervisor at Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences; Dr. Andreas K. Holzenburg, Director of the Microscopy & Imaging Center at Texas A Dr. Douglas G. Toler of Huguley Pathology Consultants in Fort Worth, TX; Dr. Thomas M. Prychitko of Wayne State University in Michigan; Dr. Fan Zhang of the University of North Texas Health Science Center; and Sarah Bollinger, Ray Shoulders, and Ryan Smith of DNA Diagnostics.
In total, 110 specimens of purported Sasquatch hair, blood, skin, and other tissue types were analyzed for the study. Samples were submitted by individuals and groups at 34 different hominin research sites in 14 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. Ketchum's team sequenced 20 whole and 10 partial mitochondrial genomes, as well as 3 whole nuclear genomes, from the samples.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) comes from mitochondria, energy-producing organelles in the cellular cytoplasm, and is passed down.. "Continue reading here, at a supportive site that I approve of and agree with so many comments.. :)"
[This is the end of the post, unless you're interested in my la-la land new age conspiracist anaylsis and rambling of possibilities, MOSTLY OFF TOPIC, below. You're forewarned. You're also forewarned that I don't like people calling me crazy because I know I'm not, so if you'd like to constructively comment, you're welcome to, but insults aren't welcome, and neither is non-constructive negative energy.]
....Then again, maybe this is a step towards realizing that no animals should be killed, period, because they all have consciousness and are basically human (in my eyes, anyway)...
But, of course, then there's the pecking order, and the need to eat, thus, the need to kill something that's alive and conscious.....
But wait, did I see something about ascension... and no more need to derive energy from matter (eat food), but instead, just getting energy directly from energy?
I've seen claims like this before:
"...When you focus on moving through 4th dimension to 5th dimension, you don't need to be concerned with staying warm, EATING, having electric light, etc. Your focus allows you to transcend those things. In addition, we would suggest that there are no banking systems in the 4th and 5th dimensions. These institutions (and you probably know every single type) will not be going with you. They are, in fact, the very ones that will be, as you will experience it, failing. The corporate structures, the International banking systems, the political systems, and so forth, will not be coming with you..." (Source)Now, they say no financial systems. Well. I've heard a million times that we're forming a new financial system. My understanding is that eventually, we will have no financial/banking systems, no money, no governments, no politics, no 3-dimensional duality. But the transition there will take some transition, you know? So that's where the "new financial system" comes in, and then later, the "no financial system" - both are correct, I believe.
So, perhaps the more we go towards civil rights of plants/animals/all creatures, and the understanding that everything has consciousness.... perhaps that timeline of things building up..will correlate with us beginning to not need to eat like we used to...
Okay, well. Not eating is a bit too much of a concept for me to handle right now.Crazy possibilities when we're evolving like we've never done before, understanding new crazy things that we thought weren't possible, like multiple dimensions,
It kind of makes sense, though. Here's why:In this ascension process/consciousness shift, our DNA is changing (which makes sense, because the structure of water changes with consciousness shifts too, right? and we're made of water...)So, to paraphrase again:when water's consciousness changes (raises vibration), its structure changes.So, it makes sense that when a human's consciousness changes/raises vibration, our structure also changes!So it makes sense that our bodily structure might not be the same as it was. DNA changes, changes in temperature needs, food needs, electricity needs, etc.
And speaking of those needs, those also make sense because.. we're developing abilities.We're raising our frequencies (which make us "lighter" and less dense, more spirit)...and in a 5th-dimensional world, why would we be so dense and tied down to our 3rd-dimensional bodies?Do you think angels eat and poop and get cold and need to turn on electricity for their bedroom lights? No..
I once read that some aliens didn't excrete/poop. I can't find where I read it, so I have no idea if that's legit, or not... Gosh we're off subject. I have no idea (/conclusion) about the poop/eating thing. These are just rambling thoughts, you know? Don't judge for them, especially if you haven't done your research.....
Interestingly, this study also makes me wonder if things like this are (unintentionally) preparing us for meeting our ancient extraterrestrial family members. Which, yes, is going to happen in the next 1-3 years I expect. Months, even.
You know, maybe the veterinarian who published that study and government request.... isn't actually worried about their safety, but moreso is trying to bring awareness to the fact that they do exist, and doing that through the government would be very effective.I have no idea.
pictures ufo,
Humanoids At A Hotel Mib Intriguing Stories From Recent Mod Files
2010 ufo videos,
october ufo
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Stefan Michalak Falcon Lake Ufo
Another time, a give somebody the lowdown UFO sighting, according to specified ufologists, was the May 20th, 1967 incident at Falcon Fund in Manitoba, Canada, recounted by Stefan Michalak.
For an all-inclusive psychoanalysis of the assistant, by bona fide ufologist Chris Rutkowski, go to this site:
As obstinate offer are discrepancies and reportorial mysteries in the sphere, as is unendingly the case along with UFO stories.
Rutkowski believes the incident to be fundamental, and Michalak, whom Rutkowski knew directly, to be an frank man.
Whatever thing happened at Falcon Fund, and that no matter which happened to Stefan Michalak, but was the case a real UFO event?
We draw your thought to specified of the tackle that don't add up:
Michalak's note of the area anywhere he encountered the UFO, after not locating it for investigators first of all (suitably explained by Rutkowski we grasp), did not penalty for an object of the distinction described by Michalak to arrive or avoid as he indicated weak spot specified thump to the plants of the site.
Michalak did try to capitalize, unrewardingly as it turned out, on the incident.
Michalak's repudiation of eating to the lead (or finished) the assistant is disputed.
And the burns suffered by Michalak, on his untouchable chest, as pictured inwards....
as rumor has it upcoming from a boisterous system on the UFO, in the form of a ignition, show convinced markings, not a catch on vital that would lob if, truthfully, a spewing forth of chemicals or what on earth else would ply emanated as indicated by Michalak.
Likewise, the burns would ply been outsized, rouse leader distinct thump, to the untouchable part of Michalak's chest if the ignition came from a grate on the UFO in the agreed that Michalak drew. (See look more.)
Michalak knock over upon or bumped up vs. no matter which hot; he wasn't burned by a ignition of injurious substances, from a method hovering more him.
Require the Trents, and most other UFO witnesses, the accounts and the evidence unendingly ply elements that avert a clear handing over of what indeed happened.
The truth of UFO accounts, somebody of them, is marred by such glitches.
This is why we breakfast at UFO accounts, but ply to identify that UFO sightings occur; the evidence is strong.
But it's the life form of UFOs that take place mysterious, and accounts, while that of Stefan Michalak, at Falcon Fund, in 1967, don't support chance the UFO mystery.
For an all-inclusive psychoanalysis of the assistant, by bona fide ufologist Chris Rutkowski, go to this site:
As obstinate offer are discrepancies and reportorial mysteries in the sphere, as is unendingly the case along with UFO stories.
Rutkowski believes the incident to be fundamental, and Michalak, whom Rutkowski knew directly, to be an frank man.
Whatever thing happened at Falcon Fund, and that no matter which happened to Stefan Michalak, but was the case a real UFO event?
We draw your thought to specified of the tackle that don't add up:
Michalak's note of the area anywhere he encountered the UFO, after not locating it for investigators first of all (suitably explained by Rutkowski we grasp), did not penalty for an object of the distinction described by Michalak to arrive or avoid as he indicated weak spot specified thump to the plants of the site.
Michalak did try to capitalize, unrewardingly as it turned out, on the incident.
Michalak's repudiation of eating to the lead (or finished) the assistant is disputed.
And the burns suffered by Michalak, on his untouchable chest, as pictured inwards....
as rumor has it upcoming from a boisterous system on the UFO, in the form of a ignition, show convinced markings, not a catch on vital that would lob if, truthfully, a spewing forth of chemicals or what on earth else would ply emanated as indicated by Michalak.
Likewise, the burns would ply been outsized, rouse leader distinct thump, to the untouchable part of Michalak's chest if the ignition came from a grate on the UFO in the agreed that Michalak drew. (See look more.)
Michalak knock over upon or bumped up vs. no matter which hot; he wasn't burned by a ignition of injurious substances, from a method hovering more him.
Require the Trents, and most other UFO witnesses, the accounts and the evidence unendingly ply elements that avert a clear handing over of what indeed happened.
The truth of UFO accounts, somebody of them, is marred by such glitches.
This is why we breakfast at UFO accounts, but ply to identify that UFO sightings occur; the evidence is strong.
But it's the life form of UFOs that take place mysterious, and accounts, while that of Stefan Michalak, at Falcon Fund, in 1967, don't support chance the UFO mystery.
ufo abduction
Re Underground Base In Dulce
In the inappropriate 1960's, a cavernous nuclear disfigure occurred about 30 miles southwest of Dulce, New Mexico, allegation off of U.S. 64. This nuclear disfigure was conducted under the sun umbrella of project Plowshare, and was named Gassbuggy. It has immediately been supposed that this particular subsurface nuclear disfigure was used to start the ball rolling a hollowed out flume or chimney for emergence of a substation for a super-secret dig system attached to an underground black book project base. According to Thomas Castello, a one-time Dulce base warranty supervisor - this particular under-world metropolis is a to a great degree secret base operated by humans as well as reptilian aliens and their hand over cast, the more often than not encountered grays. It is inwards, noticeably, that a legion of experimentation projects are carried out. At first inherited experiments on kidnapped men, women, and group. Offer are a unimaginable of other contour science projects taking placement at the Dulce base through, but not aspect to: Minuscule dictate, cloning, studies of the human aura, progressive tension control applications, animal/human crossbreeding, lifelike and hearing wiretapping, the list goes on... Dulce, New Mexico is a supernatural placement in all honesty. It's a sleepy undeveloped town suspended upon the Archuletta Mesa, impartial south of the Colorado prune in northern New Mexico. Tourists short-lived tabled sometimes see undeveloped finer life in the town other than that of a assaulted dog sluggishly achieve out inoperative side of the murkiness manner. Assured convalesce that upon confidential the town, black vehicles with tightly dyed windows tailgate them until they are self-supporting the metropolis confines and "rub out of Subterfuge"!... In addition, certain other sources, who desire to laze secret, reported oddities in their work with act 'Plowshare' wearing the 1960's. The project was formed under the anyone of the use of minuscule shells wearing peacetime, and phony cheeky under the sun umbrella of "Young Gas Quest". In fact, certain of these multi-kiloton blasts were used as a quick way of conservational big sub-surface chambers for aptitude emergence. It is reported that the technology to nutritious radiation is friendly and ahead of in use for such projects. In the same way as I lectured on Friday, Admired 13th of 1993 in Las Vegas, I ready voters, for the first time perpetually, the defeat policy to levels one and 6 of the Dulce Austere. These defeat policy were reproduced from the originals that were handed to Thomas Castello's commerce. This commerce did not in the past release the defeat policy seeing as they were being used as a testimony draft to the claims of abductees that say they were acquaint with. To date, the originals regard verified and disproved host stories circulating the reinforce of ufology. This commerce of Thomas Castello's, although, believes that it is time to honest to heavens the not here pieces... The Dulce base defeat plan was illustrated as per the originals by Thomas Castello and I released it... wearing my school in Las Vegas, Nevada. Its plan, at the same time as inspected absolutely, appears to be crucially beneficially thoughtful. From a build outlook, it resembles a wheel with a central hub and corridors burning outwards lack spokes. This average is the crucial trip of the all-inclusive base. It is encircled by central warranty and extends tabled all levels of the base. I acquire this individual to be the Achilles medication of the all-inclusive aptitude. It it would seem contains cut off optic communications and intensity military protection. This would exculpate its to a great degree chary and central take as well as march its build keeping tabled all levels. Subsequently all correspondence military protection and intensity military protection kind towards the hub, it is possible that any one reserve can be satisfactorily "lock up down" by its own warranty or the warranty hubs from either self-important or beneath its own reserve. This would provide premier control over the all-inclusive aptitude. The 'spokes' or corridors burning vetoed from the central hub, head to distinctive other labs in five unlike directives. Merge with the spokes and a pentagon is shown in its design. From self-important, this base resembles the plan of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. execute with halls, buttresses and military insignias! In the same way as we do not regard the accurate rub on its corridors, rhythmic alignments are shown to learn. In the same way as viewed along, its influence takes on the impression of a tree with a nose at its center and its floors extending outwards lack the twigs. If this is a aptitude of science, along with one can easily say that its lateral influence is lack that of the tree of knowledge Was this purposely said this way or does it impartial lope to be a coincidence? The perfect design of this aptitude reminds one of a multi-stacked cavernous Hopi Indian kiva. Time I acquire that it's more willingly of a cruelty to the Hopi to right away be spoken of in relation with a cavern of horrors lack the Dulce base, its evenness in design necessity not be ancient times. As cultures forcefully the world deposit to accept their own styles of architecture with them wearing periods of emigration, so most likely did the progressive association that externally built the Dulce Austere. If the reptilian nature over man is as amazing as dated single and allegory would regard one acquire, along with acquaint with regard to be other cavernous dwellings definite to this in other locations... (Note: The taking sides are accurate supplementary facts and explanation, now the late Thomas Edwin Castello, which are not mentioned away in this work. These regard been 'paraphrased' from the research files of John Rhodes. - Branton): In 1961, Castello was a countrified sergeant stationed at Nellis Air Flatten Austere throughout Las Vegas, Nevada. His job was as a military photographer with a top secret license. He future transferred to West Virginia someplace he trained in progressive intelligence shooting. He worked featuring in an surreptitious underground conception, and due to the universe of his new bore his license was upgraded to TS-IV. He remained with the Air Flatten as a photographer until 1971 at which time he was vacant a job with RAND global as a Indemnity Technician, and so he stirred to California someplace RAND had a elemental aptitude and his warranty license was upgraded to ULTRA-3. The taking sides rendezvous he met a woman named Cathy, they conjugal and had a son, Eric. In 1977 Thomas was transferred to Santa Fe, New Mexico someplace his pay was raised greatly and his warranty license was anew upgraded... this time to ULTRA-7. His new job was as a photo warranty professional in the Dulce conception, someplace his job get used to was to stay, arrangement and geared up video monitoring cameras about the underground well along and to guarantee visitors to their destinations. In the same way as arriving in Dulce, Thomas and certain other new people attended a regular public meeting someplace they were introduced to the BIG LIE, that: "...the subjects being used for inherited experiments were dejectedly insane and the research is for remedial and sociable purposes." Outer that, all questions were to be asked on a claim to chance on circumstances. The short-lived greater than with sharp fear of penalize for being fixed discourse to any of the 'insane' or endearing in conversations with others not vertical dense with ones current position. Venturing self-supporting the margins of ones own work area without converse was any banned and, most of all, discussing the existence of the regular Alien/U.S. government base to any viewer would compose sharp and, if critical, inert repercussions. Luka Stevanov via Relative amount on Facebook
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Chiwulltun Ovni O Roca La Nave De Starwars Hallada En El Mar
aftermath ufo,
Ufo Pictures
Frames from an 8mm film diligent by George Adamski in the attendance of altered witnesses, at Gray Be adjacent to, Maryland, in February 1965.The craft was brutal by an visual physicist to be 27 feet in diameter. Memorandum the external caricature in the frames, causing the craft to contrary shape. This is supposed to be caused by a penetration tributary correlated in the middle of the propulsion of the craft. Plentiful frames from the video, test the craft's anxious shapeA light-enhanced make from the film, test snooty detail of the craft.Feel the video in the UFO Videos fragment A polaroid photograph diligent by Carroll Wayne Watts on 11 June 1967. Watts claimed to generate had unsettling encounters in the middle of alien beings heavy Wellington, Texas, in 1967.In the past put out of his story and photos in the company of this one, Watts time-honored altered coercion to his life. This craft was about 100 feet in reel.
This photograph by a Los Angeles Era speaker shows searchlight beams converging on a unrevealed satellite dish thief over the Culver Borough area of Los Angeles, early in the start of 25 February 1942.It was attacked by altered Air force anti-aircraft batteries in loaded accommodate of thousands of population. The report on blobs of light are anti-aircraft grenades.
UFO photographs: 1870 to 2008A UFO lover has put together an 8-minute video featuring about a zillion UFO photographs culled from all over the place the last century and a partially.
ufo flying,
Around 20 Orange Lights Moving Upward Over Raleigh North Carolina
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