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Friday, July 18, 2014

Mysteries Scouring History Literature Biography Etc For Ufos Nada

Mysteries Scouring History Literature Biography Etc For Ufos Nada
Being purported UFO incidents are expunged from the Bible - Ezekiel, Elijah, the God-dove at Jesus' baptism, et cetera - the awful on paper be of importance provided by mankind (beforehand to 1947) is devoid of flying saucer and/or UFO accounts that stand as bona fide sightings of the phenomenon.

The all-encompassing hanker after of such events or appearances - block the meager mariner interpretation by Columbus et al. and the apocryphal stories about Alexander and Constantine, not working once the rich images in Vedic sanctified writings - indicates that the general unity of human observers and writers didn't see or sensation the things we come to get today as UFOs.

Thucydides, Herodotus, the Greek philosophers, the Conquistadors, Magellan, Captain Conceive, Lewis and Clark, Livingstone, Thoreau, Dostoevsky, Melville, Bierce, Margaret Mead, and all the other explorers and writers we take to mean or take to mean about cart go like a bullet in their journals or oeuvre that comes bordering on to what has drive the "lettering" of flying saucers and UFOs.

And the context of the few primeval UFO episodes - natives on a regular basis cited by ufology writers as proof of the ubiquitous UFO phenomenon - is mythological or secretarial, not older or enriching.

This acting inside the Vallee hypotheses, not the Friedman theories.

That is, UFOs are either a classic of mythos, not the recent companionship to the Land-living as Friedman contends.

Or UFOs are a call of the stick age, generated by, initially, Cruel War anxieties and excellent exactly as existential artifacts, shaped by man's dip that we are at sea, once no galactic companions and gods (or God) to allay the pickle we call up life.

UFOs are not psychic as definite ufologists say you will, nor cart been intrusions by a in accord display hidden to man (so far) as Mac Tonnies portrays.

They haven't been projections of human psyches, as Jung optional.

(Rapid human turbulence would cart provided such projections, and the Holocaust in human being, wherever no UFO sightings were recorded or noted, not allay by Title holder Frankl.

UFOs may possibly be the bolts-and-nuts craft that Stanton Friedman has position his identification upon, but the armada pleasing to reach his armload of companionship seems suppose for a number of reasons: intergalactic run precincts, source facilities (automated and gratifying bits and pieces such as foodstuffs and water), the pettiness of Land-living in the overall technique of the Breathing space, et cetera.

One would charge that extraterrestrial races would not be that not like, if Friedman et al cart it respectable.

And the UFO configurations perform to objective at races not very technically not like from us.

But UFOs think about etiquette that is not like. UFOs do not community, whilst Land-living explorers continuously went out of their way to community once the mysterious tribes and life-forms they encountered.

UFOs may possibly stem from time-travelers but, again, the number of UFOs seen in stick times would mean that creatures from our significantly (or further than) cart an talented entail in this time and alight.

Stagnant the overall explorers of the further than were diminutive in number compared to the be level with human unity, vivid a scintilla of entail in what was out represent like the foremost human dependent (the waste) went about their lives once not an bit of loyalty for what lay beyond their hasty occupation.

So UFOs from time perform problematic, unless approaching every person from the significantly (or lost in thought further than) found this time daylight hours obsessively questioning.

Everyplace does this unattractive place us, conjecturally?

UFOs cart not been a unconnected of offerings in any indicative of way, as the lacunae in lettering shows.

The few apocryphal sightings say excellent about the writers of that apocrypha than the reality they bent for assorted reasons, most arrogant.

UFOs - definite UFOs - may be companionship from space (Friedman) or time (Goldberg) but not all of them.

A few UFOs are psychical projections, and hallucinatory, bearing in mind the dementia of many UFO devotees.

A few - noticeably a few? - UFO are hoaxes. (Dementia again)

Or UFOs are a counter-reality that impacts definite Earthlings but not many according to the grapevine.

And the wholesale of that? None...none what on earth.

Therefore, UFOs are a bet, aimed for a few, not the (Spock) many.

Appropriately they can be dismissed or overlooked, and go like a bullet energy occur with they are overlooked.

So man UFO mavens move on to everything profitable.....
