Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Revising Ufo History
unidentified flying object
Misteri Crop Circle
Satu lagi fenomena aneh di dunia yang semakin menambah setumpukan fenomena-fenomena yang sulit untuk dipecahkan oleh akal sehat manusia bahkan ilmuwan sekalipun, yaitu Turn out circle.
Turn out Go merupakan fenomena alam penuh misteri yang sekarang fence sering di jumpai. Sudah hampir 350 tahun semenjak kemunculannya pertama kali di Inggris pada tahun 1647, sampai sekarang belum ada jawaban yang pasti bagaimana cara mereka terbentuk. Turn out circle adalah suatu bentuk lingkaran dan bentuk bentuk lain seperti geometri (dan kebayakan berukuran besar/luas), bahkan ada juga yang biasa ditemui membentuk citra mahkluk hidup seperti kalajengking, bunga matahari, Lebah, dll. Diladang pertanian khususunya gandum. Di Inggris, Canada, Amerika, Australia dan Jepang, banyak ditemukan fenomena crop circle. Fenomena ini biasanya muncul di musim panas saat ladang pertanian ditumbuhi dengan tanaman.
Bentuk geometri itu kadang berupa lingkaran-lingkaran atau bisa juga berbentuk rangkaian gambar yang unik, yang menunjukkan bahwa pembuatnya adalah makhluk yang cerdas. Tapi, crop circle ini bukan dibuat oleh manusia berdasarkan berbagai bukti yang telah diselidiki oleh para ilmuwan. Lantas mahkluk apa seperti yang kurang kerjaan membuat semua ini? Turn out circle banyak dijumpai di Inggris selatan.
Banyak yang mengkaitkan crop circle ini dengan kegiatan wonderful karena rangkaian bentuk geometri yang terbentuk di ladang pertanian itu (gambar-gambar itu terbentuk dengan tanaman yang rebah / roboh). Menurut informasi yang ada, kemunculan fenomena crop circle ini sering disertai juga dengan pemunculan UFO yang berbentuk bola cahaya. Sebuah video yang berhasil merekam proses terjadinya sebuah crop circle (di oliver's fort tahun 1996) menunjukkan bahwa sebuah crop circle terbentuk dalam waktu hanya sekitar 20 detik saja. Padahal besarnya mencapai puluhan watch. Fenomena ini bahkan diperkirakan telah muncul sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Sebuah ukiran pahatan kayu dari abad 17 yang dinamakan "Mowing Sprite" menunjukkan ada makhluk yang dipercaya adalah setan, membuat kerusakan berupa lingkaran di ladang pertanian.
Kemunculannya di Rusia beberapa tahun yang lalu sangatlah menakjubkan, dimana mereka bermunculan silih berganti. Masyarakat sekitar yang melihatnya sungguh tidak mengerti, bagaimana cara mereka bisa terbentuk secepat itu. Dalam kurun semalam saja, sekitar 6-7 crop circle dengan ukuran yang besar telah terbentuk dihamparan ladang gandum mereka yang membuat mereka semakin berdecak kagum adalah macam-macam bentuk dari crop circle itu sendiri, ada yang membentuk citra bunga matahari yang luar biasa indahnya. Sampai saat ini, banyak spekulasi dan pandangan mengenai peroses terbentuknya Turn out Go.
Ada yang beranggapan fenomena tersebut memang dibuat oleh manusia, tapi ada pula yang beranggapan murni dari proses gejala alam. Avebury Trusloe, nr Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 30th June 2006 spekulasi-spekulasi dan asumsi orang tentang crop circle Lingkaran aneh nan misterius di ladang gandum adalah fokus yang selalu menarik perhatian dan penelitian dari kalangan ilmuwan, dan hingga kini belum ada kesimpulan atas sebab terjadinya fenomena tersebut, saat ini terdapat 5 versi utama. Berikut penjelasannya.
PERBUATAN MANUSIASebenernya sulit untuk percaya kalo ini perbuatan manusia. Cukup banyak yang beranggapan, bahwa apa yang disebut lingkaran ladang gandum itu tidak lebih dari perbuatan iseng seseorang. Menurut ilmuwan Anderro dari Inggris yang telah menyelidiki sekaligus meneliti fenomena tersebut selama 17 tahun lamanya, bahwa ada sekitar 80% lingkaran ladang gandum itu merupakan buatan manusia. Seorang warga Inggris pernah menuturkan kepada media massa, bahwa dia dan beberapa temannya adalah pembuat lingkaran ladang gandum di London, Inggris. Sebelumnya mereka telah mempersiapkan gambar desain, ketika gandum di ladang hampir matang, dengan sebuah paku panjang dipantakkan di ladang gandum, dan paku itu dijadikan sebagai pusatnya, selanjutnya, melingkari permukaan tanah dengan tali, lalu muncullah sebuah lingkaran ladang gandum. Masalahnya, apakah mungkin dia dapat membuat lingkaran tersebut dalam satu malam tanpa alat bantu yang memadai? lalu tujuan membuatnya untuk apa...?
MEDAN MAGNETSebagian lingkaran aneh tersebut telah dikesampingkan kemungkinannya terjadi karena ulah manusia. Sebab struktur gambar mereka (lingkaran aneh) yang rumit, ukurannya yang besar, desain yang indah, sama sekali bukan hasil buatan manusia yang dapat dikerjakan dalam waktu semalam. Meskipun Anderro bersikeras mengatakan bahwa 80% lingkaran ladang gandum itu adalah buatan manusia, namun, dia juga yakin, bahwa 20% sisanya adalah pembentukan alami karena efek medan haul bumi. Dalam medan haul terdapat suatu daya gerak yang gaib, dapat menghasilkan suatu arus listrik, sehingga tanaman "berbaring datar" di atas permukaan tanah. Ahli terkait asal AS yakni Jeffery Walson telah meneliti 130 lebih lingkaran ladang gandum, dan didapati bahwa 90 % disekitar lingkaran aneh tersebut terdapat transformator yang berhubungan dengan kabel tegangan tinggi. Di bawah panjang garis keliling sepanjang 270 watch tersebut terdapat sebuah kolam, oleh karena di-airi, maka ion yang dikeluarkan tanah dari bagian dasar ladang gandum dapat menghasilkan elektrik negatif, sedangkan transformator yang dihubungkan dengan kabel tegangan tinggi menghasilkan elekrik positif. Setelah elektrik negatif dan positif bersentuhan dapat menghasilkan energi haul listrik, selanjutnya merobohkan gandum lalu membentuk lingkaran aneh. Namun demikian mereka belum bisa memberikan seluruh jawaban dari pertanyaan bagaimana bentuk-bentuk aneh itu dapat terbentuk? Apakah mungkin energi dapat berbentuk bunga atau kelajengking?
ANGIN TORNADOMenurut fisikawan dari Universitas Michigan, AS yakni Dr.Delon Smith, bahwa perubahan musim panas tidak menentu, angin twister adalah sebab utama yang menyebabkan lingkaran aneh itu. Melalui risetnya dia mendapati, bahwa sejumlah besar lingkaran aneh di ladang gandum yang muncul di sisi gunung atau daerah yang berjarak 60-70 km dari gunung, dimana tempat seperti ini adalah tempat yang mudah sekali membentuk angin twister. Tapi apakah angin twister dapat membuat lingkaran dengan ketelitian tertentu tersebut?
BUATAN MAKHLUK LUAR ANGKASA ATAU YANG Fence DIKENAL ALIENS.Banyak yang meyakini, bahwa sebagian besar lingkaran aneh di ladang gandum terbentuk dalam waktu satu malam, besar kemungkinan adalah hasil karya makhluk luar angkasa. Sejak 1990, fotografer Alexander mengatakan, dia melihat cahaya yang ganjil di ladang gandum, cahaya itu terbang kesana kemari di antara kedua lingkaran aneh. Keberadaan alien di perut bebek phony di San Franscisco AS barangkali memperkuat dugaan ini.
Unorthodoxy (PANDANGAN SUMBANG)Sejumlah orang percaya, bahwa di balik lingkaran ladang gandum terdapat berbagai macam kekuatan gaib, seperti segitiga bermuda. Menurut dugaan ini, ada yang lantas menyebut lingkaran aneh itu sebagai "pemberitahuan bencana", agar supaya menyebarkan pandangan sumbang yang meyimpang dari ajaran ortodoks. Mengapa lingakaran aneh tersebut kerap muncul disitu? Dan kini, lingkaran itu pernah muncul di ladang bunga matahari, Rusia, lantas kenapa bisa demikian? Mungkin kita hanya dapat menunggu ilmuwan untuk menyingkapnya lebih lanjut.
Turn out Go merupakan fenomena alam penuh misteri yang sekarang fence sering di jumpai. Sudah hampir 350 tahun semenjak kemunculannya pertama kali di Inggris pada tahun 1647, sampai sekarang belum ada jawaban yang pasti bagaimana cara mereka terbentuk. Turn out circle adalah suatu bentuk lingkaran dan bentuk bentuk lain seperti geometri (dan kebayakan berukuran besar/luas), bahkan ada juga yang biasa ditemui membentuk citra mahkluk hidup seperti kalajengking, bunga matahari, Lebah, dll. Diladang pertanian khususunya gandum. Di Inggris, Canada, Amerika, Australia dan Jepang, banyak ditemukan fenomena crop circle. Fenomena ini biasanya muncul di musim panas saat ladang pertanian ditumbuhi dengan tanaman.
Bentuk geometri itu kadang berupa lingkaran-lingkaran atau bisa juga berbentuk rangkaian gambar yang unik, yang menunjukkan bahwa pembuatnya adalah makhluk yang cerdas. Tapi, crop circle ini bukan dibuat oleh manusia berdasarkan berbagai bukti yang telah diselidiki oleh para ilmuwan. Lantas mahkluk apa seperti yang kurang kerjaan membuat semua ini? Turn out circle banyak dijumpai di Inggris selatan.
Banyak yang mengkaitkan crop circle ini dengan kegiatan wonderful karena rangkaian bentuk geometri yang terbentuk di ladang pertanian itu (gambar-gambar itu terbentuk dengan tanaman yang rebah / roboh). Menurut informasi yang ada, kemunculan fenomena crop circle ini sering disertai juga dengan pemunculan UFO yang berbentuk bola cahaya. Sebuah video yang berhasil merekam proses terjadinya sebuah crop circle (di oliver's fort tahun 1996) menunjukkan bahwa sebuah crop circle terbentuk dalam waktu hanya sekitar 20 detik saja. Padahal besarnya mencapai puluhan watch. Fenomena ini bahkan diperkirakan telah muncul sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Sebuah ukiran pahatan kayu dari abad 17 yang dinamakan "Mowing Sprite" menunjukkan ada makhluk yang dipercaya adalah setan, membuat kerusakan berupa lingkaran di ladang pertanian.
Kemunculannya di Rusia beberapa tahun yang lalu sangatlah menakjubkan, dimana mereka bermunculan silih berganti. Masyarakat sekitar yang melihatnya sungguh tidak mengerti, bagaimana cara mereka bisa terbentuk secepat itu. Dalam kurun semalam saja, sekitar 6-7 crop circle dengan ukuran yang besar telah terbentuk dihamparan ladang gandum mereka yang membuat mereka semakin berdecak kagum adalah macam-macam bentuk dari crop circle itu sendiri, ada yang membentuk citra bunga matahari yang luar biasa indahnya. Sampai saat ini, banyak spekulasi dan pandangan mengenai peroses terbentuknya Turn out Go.
Ada yang beranggapan fenomena tersebut memang dibuat oleh manusia, tapi ada pula yang beranggapan murni dari proses gejala alam. Avebury Trusloe, nr Beckhampton, Wiltshire. Reported 30th June 2006 spekulasi-spekulasi dan asumsi orang tentang crop circle Lingkaran aneh nan misterius di ladang gandum adalah fokus yang selalu menarik perhatian dan penelitian dari kalangan ilmuwan, dan hingga kini belum ada kesimpulan atas sebab terjadinya fenomena tersebut, saat ini terdapat 5 versi utama. Berikut penjelasannya.
PERBUATAN MANUSIASebenernya sulit untuk percaya kalo ini perbuatan manusia. Cukup banyak yang beranggapan, bahwa apa yang disebut lingkaran ladang gandum itu tidak lebih dari perbuatan iseng seseorang. Menurut ilmuwan Anderro dari Inggris yang telah menyelidiki sekaligus meneliti fenomena tersebut selama 17 tahun lamanya, bahwa ada sekitar 80% lingkaran ladang gandum itu merupakan buatan manusia. Seorang warga Inggris pernah menuturkan kepada media massa, bahwa dia dan beberapa temannya adalah pembuat lingkaran ladang gandum di London, Inggris. Sebelumnya mereka telah mempersiapkan gambar desain, ketika gandum di ladang hampir matang, dengan sebuah paku panjang dipantakkan di ladang gandum, dan paku itu dijadikan sebagai pusatnya, selanjutnya, melingkari permukaan tanah dengan tali, lalu muncullah sebuah lingkaran ladang gandum. Masalahnya, apakah mungkin dia dapat membuat lingkaran tersebut dalam satu malam tanpa alat bantu yang memadai? lalu tujuan membuatnya untuk apa...?
MEDAN MAGNETSebagian lingkaran aneh tersebut telah dikesampingkan kemungkinannya terjadi karena ulah manusia. Sebab struktur gambar mereka (lingkaran aneh) yang rumit, ukurannya yang besar, desain yang indah, sama sekali bukan hasil buatan manusia yang dapat dikerjakan dalam waktu semalam. Meskipun Anderro bersikeras mengatakan bahwa 80% lingkaran ladang gandum itu adalah buatan manusia, namun, dia juga yakin, bahwa 20% sisanya adalah pembentukan alami karena efek medan haul bumi. Dalam medan haul terdapat suatu daya gerak yang gaib, dapat menghasilkan suatu arus listrik, sehingga tanaman "berbaring datar" di atas permukaan tanah. Ahli terkait asal AS yakni Jeffery Walson telah meneliti 130 lebih lingkaran ladang gandum, dan didapati bahwa 90 % disekitar lingkaran aneh tersebut terdapat transformator yang berhubungan dengan kabel tegangan tinggi. Di bawah panjang garis keliling sepanjang 270 watch tersebut terdapat sebuah kolam, oleh karena di-airi, maka ion yang dikeluarkan tanah dari bagian dasar ladang gandum dapat menghasilkan elektrik negatif, sedangkan transformator yang dihubungkan dengan kabel tegangan tinggi menghasilkan elekrik positif. Setelah elektrik negatif dan positif bersentuhan dapat menghasilkan energi haul listrik, selanjutnya merobohkan gandum lalu membentuk lingkaran aneh. Namun demikian mereka belum bisa memberikan seluruh jawaban dari pertanyaan bagaimana bentuk-bentuk aneh itu dapat terbentuk? Apakah mungkin energi dapat berbentuk bunga atau kelajengking?
ANGIN TORNADOMenurut fisikawan dari Universitas Michigan, AS yakni Dr.Delon Smith, bahwa perubahan musim panas tidak menentu, angin twister adalah sebab utama yang menyebabkan lingkaran aneh itu. Melalui risetnya dia mendapati, bahwa sejumlah besar lingkaran aneh di ladang gandum yang muncul di sisi gunung atau daerah yang berjarak 60-70 km dari gunung, dimana tempat seperti ini adalah tempat yang mudah sekali membentuk angin twister. Tapi apakah angin twister dapat membuat lingkaran dengan ketelitian tertentu tersebut?
BUATAN MAKHLUK LUAR ANGKASA ATAU YANG Fence DIKENAL ALIENS.Banyak yang meyakini, bahwa sebagian besar lingkaran aneh di ladang gandum terbentuk dalam waktu satu malam, besar kemungkinan adalah hasil karya makhluk luar angkasa. Sejak 1990, fotografer Alexander mengatakan, dia melihat cahaya yang ganjil di ladang gandum, cahaya itu terbang kesana kemari di antara kedua lingkaran aneh. Keberadaan alien di perut bebek phony di San Franscisco AS barangkali memperkuat dugaan ini.
Unorthodoxy (PANDANGAN SUMBANG)Sejumlah orang percaya, bahwa di balik lingkaran ladang gandum terdapat berbagai macam kekuatan gaib, seperti segitiga bermuda. Menurut dugaan ini, ada yang lantas menyebut lingkaran aneh itu sebagai "pemberitahuan bencana", agar supaya menyebarkan pandangan sumbang yang meyimpang dari ajaran ortodoks. Mengapa lingakaran aneh tersebut kerap muncul disitu? Dan kini, lingkaran itu pernah muncul di ladang bunga matahari, Rusia, lantas kenapa bisa demikian? Mungkin kita hanya dapat menunggu ilmuwan untuk menyingkapnya lebih lanjut.
ufo leaks,
ufos are real
Presidential Ufo Dot Com
barack obama,
united states
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
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Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries
Crop Circles: Crossover from Another Dimension 3 DVD Special Edition
Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles
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Friday, October 26, 2012
Enormous Metallic Ufo Spotted Over Brockville Ontario
Date: 1986 - 1988ish
Time: Afternoon - early evening.
Location of Sighting: Brockville, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Oval.
"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING": It was a beautiful sunny day in the summer, the sky was blue and the day started out normal much like any other day except something impossible happened that afternoon.
I remember standing out in the backyard of my neighbors house with my older sister. In the backyard was a big evergreen tree we used to climb and get sap all over our bodies. My sister and I were staring above the tip of the tree at an enormous UFO. It was sort of oval and very metallic looking. It was enormous, probably the size of a city block.
My sister and I were staring and had no emotions. We were not afraid, happy, sad, excited or any other feelings. We stood for a long time staring at this thing and then it was dark outside and we were walking home. Hours had passed and we have no memory of the hours that had past.
I remember the walk home, my sister and I did not say a word and the incident didn't matter, still no feelings whatsoever. In-fact it was a couple of years before the two of us even spoke about the incident to each other. That is how much this event didn't matter.
Now remember this took place in broad daylight, the UFO was hovering just above the tree-line in a city of 21000 people and nobody saw this, but my sister and I. I know it makes no sense whatsoever. There should have been massive coverage over this, but for some reason no one saw this massive thing but the two of us. If I were alone, I would have passed this off as a dream or something, but I was not alone and my sister was there with me and remembers exactly the same thing.
Email Brian Vike: v factor
Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
Time: Afternoon - early evening.
Location of Sighting: Brockville, Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Oval.
"FULL DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/SIGHTING": It was a beautiful sunny day in the summer, the sky was blue and the day started out normal much like any other day except something impossible happened that afternoon.
I remember standing out in the backyard of my neighbors house with my older sister. In the backyard was a big evergreen tree we used to climb and get sap all over our bodies. My sister and I were staring above the tip of the tree at an enormous UFO. It was sort of oval and very metallic looking. It was enormous, probably the size of a city block.
My sister and I were staring and had no emotions. We were not afraid, happy, sad, excited or any other feelings. We stood for a long time staring at this thing and then it was dark outside and we were walking home. Hours had passed and we have no memory of the hours that had past.
I remember the walk home, my sister and I did not say a word and the incident didn't matter, still no feelings whatsoever. In-fact it was a couple of years before the two of us even spoke about the incident to each other. That is how much this event didn't matter.
Now remember this took place in broad daylight, the UFO was hovering just above the tree-line in a city of 21000 people and nobody saw this, but my sister and I. I know it makes no sense whatsoever. There should have been massive coverage over this, but for some reason no one saw this massive thing but the two of us. If I were alone, I would have passed this off as a dream or something, but I was not alone and my sister was there with me and remembers exactly the same thing.
Email Brian Vike: v factor
Brian Vike, Director of The Vike Factor (Into The Paranormal)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Ufo Sighting In Coaldale
UFO Sighting IN COALDALE, MISSOURI ON DECEMBER 1ST 1988 - Vast BLUISH/LAVENDER HOLOGRAM Budding FROM Branch 51 Next to Little Fabric Climbing Now IT.In 1988 in the function of co-pilot on a TWA airliner air advance control asked us to result a 40 mile course alter to the north which we did. A few report later the boss and I saw what looked when a sizeable bluish and lilac hologram swish over area 51 detached south of our flight route. It appeared to be vis-?-vis 5 miles high and 1/4 to 1/2 mile all-embracing. Little objects which resembled whitish/yellow speed flies came from slow and on top of our aircraft assembly a without delay 90 compute division downhill voguish the base of the sizeable hologram. Existing were choice than 10 small objects and possibly as repeated as 30 that descended voguish the hologram. They traveled so without delay it was tricky to distinguish how repeated donate were. The respected incident solely lasted about 20 to 25 seconds. I asked the Chief "did you see that?" His reply was "neither one of us saw that." Guide 1: Feeling of hologram Guide 2: Rapturous Dead flat ENROUTE Map as well as rinse of speak to home of the TWA airliner for example the sighting occurred. *I don't find again what month or day this incident occurred, but I consider it occurred in 1988 or 1989. This report hurdle a month and day be filled in to enter the sighting information.Another UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - Relations are raising thousands of dollars a day by means of Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Angle Set free for:Healthcare, Health check Bills - Entombment Expenditure, Dedicatory Offerings - Crisis/Emergency Set free Considered necessary - Designation Trips, Commit, Church - Education, Instruction, Books - Vet Bills, Birds in Hire - Thoughts, Hopes and Wishes - Endure Genial DonationsAny replica, in bit or in vulgar, is inviolable minus carte blanche of copyright stance. Email Thing Handing out for exploration, clarification or questions.
latest on ufos,
unidentified flying object
Exopolitical Disclosure Operation Ufo The Third Reich Nazi Base In Antarctica
The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's ill-fated 'Operation Highjump' expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organisations of all: the 'Thule Society, 'Vril Society' and the 'Ahnenerbe'
One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of 'Base 211', the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of 'New Swabia'; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa 'rat lines' or American 'Operation Paperclip' activities. In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.
The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program and the many evidential strands that this area generates. From the supposed channeling of extraterrestrial engineering schematics by members of the German occult group 'Thule Society' in the early part of the twentieth century to the 'implosion engine' of Viktor Schauberger and its possible appropriation by the Third Reich.
Bringing us to the the latter part of the twentieth century the documentary illustrates the many sightings of unknown crafts around the Antartic region and the theoretical basis for polar wormholes as entrance and exit points for visiting extraterrestrial spaceships and the possible involvement of HAARP, as well as asking why nearly all American Antarctic bases seem to be populated by agents of the National Security Agency and CIA.
Like the study of any phenomena and/or events that exist at the edges of consensus reality, occupy imaginal realms and are subject to historical revisionism; the interface of myth and reality is a shifting mosaic of fact, speculation, disinformation and fantasy, or to use the phrase of head CIA counter-intelligence spook, James Jesus Angleton, we have entered a "wilderness of mirrors".
Certainly there are elements in the documentary that give cause for concern such as the alleged "Special Bureau 13", the Nazi secret flying saucer research group and its similarity to the top secret government agency in the early eighties role playing game "Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic " (though equally the RPG title could be an insider homage to this secret Nazi organisation). Likewise, there is the lack of information on the existence of the US Navy destroyer 'Murdoch' in the testimony recounted by pilot 'John Sireson' in his description of the flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's fleet (testimony taken from an interview by the late pioneering American researcher Leonard Stringfield).
Equally, the testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the 'Operation Highjump' fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly "pole to pole". Likewise, the creation of 'New Swabia' is as much a historical fact as the 'impossible' existence of the 'Piri Reis' map.
What sets this documentary apart from most others of its kind is the inclusion of high ranking Russian scientists and military personnel and their testimony should not be discounted.
As the great American anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory says of many elements of deep politics: "its food for thought and grounds for further research".
Exopolitics UK and 'The Saucer People' are looking for other non-English UFO/alien related videos to help translate and subtitle, we have dozens of Russian documentaries waiting to be translated into English. If you speak Russian and are interested in translating any of this material please get in touch.
Likewise, if your country of origin has produced any UFO/alien documentaries and are interested in creating English translations to be subtitled please contact us.
It took a lot of hard work to make the translation of this documentary into English and create the subtitles and we would like to dedicate our work to the late American researcher Wendelle Stevens who is quoted in the film, In our opinion, Wendelle, who sadly died in 2011 was one of the few genuine professional researchers in the UFO community who like Linda Moulton Howe, actually went and spoke to the subjects and witnesses and researched cases first-hand. - EXOPOLITICS UK.
WATCH: Operation UFO - Nazi Base In Antarctica.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The Object Was Rectangular In Shape And Had Two Large White Round Lights Equidistant From Each Other My Ufo
Reader Submitted Report
I just watched a video clip of Stanton Friedman speaking on an on air show, apparently from some years ago, but decided to describe my sighting...and I dont care who knows.
My sighting was in Haverhill, MA on September 7, 2012 about 8:30 pm. I was returning from a store driving with the convertible top down because it was a warm evening and as I drove up a hill, I noticed something large, black with twinkling white lights around its edges. I shut off the radio (which was not disturbed by this objects presence...nor the car engine or electrical system) and could see each time the white lights blinked that it had a shape of slightly upturning sides. I was curious and kept watching it each time the lights blinked. It had a black matte type finish...slightly gray almost and it didnt have any apparent wings because I saw none. It didnt have a red strobe light underneath either.
I pulled off the road at the first right I could take and parked to watch it. The back side of the object was rectangular in shape and had two large white round lights equidistant from each other in the middle of this side. The object had no rotors and was silent. It didnt make any noise at all and was located about one hundred or more feet up in the sky hovering over a church in town.
It then began to silently drift away and I turned the car around and tried to follow, but the object was gone by the time I could get back onto the main road. I drove off in its approximate distance, but couldnt make eye contact with it again and assumed it had "taken off"...gone.
I wasnt scared or nervous, but was just surprised that people always hear about UFOs, but I wasnt prepared to actually see one.
See Also:
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Witness Recounts V-Shaped UFO Near Moody Air Force Base
MY UFO EXPERIENCE: Retired DOE Employee Recalls Seeing Similar V-Shaped Craft at Oak Ridge
Phoenix Lights: Witness Affirms "Two Events" Occurred That Night--One Wasnt Flares!
A Conspirao Da Nasa
Donna Hare tinha uma folga segredo enquanto trabalhava para a NASA contratante, Philco Ford.Ela afirma que os OVNIs eram rotineiramente retocada de fotos de alta altitude da Terra antes de ser liberado para o p'ublico."N'os sempre airbrush-los, antes de liber'a-los para o p'ublico", um t'ecnico disse-lhe.Curiosa, ela comecou a perguntar ao redor da ag^encia."Um guarda me disse que ele foi convidado a gravar algumas fotografias e n~ao olhar para eles", disse ela."E n~ao havia outro guarda guardando-o, vendo-o queimar as fotografias. Ele olhou para um e foi uma foto de um UFO e ele imediatamente foi atingido na cabeca e teve um grande corte na testa. "Os astronautas da Apollo, segundo ela, tinha visto UFOs, mas eles "s~ao instru'idos a manter isso em segredo e n~ao falar sobre isso."No segmento de v'ideo Donna menciona c'odigo-palavra da NASA para Aliens, ouvir o segmento abaixo para ouvir astronauta James Lovell dizer as palavras "Informamos que o seu 'e um Papai Noel" durante a miss~ao `a Lua Apollo 8.00:0000:00
Karl Wolfe estava na Forca A'erea para 4 anos e meio a partir de janeiro de 1964. Ele tinha um topo de apuramento segredo crypto e trabalhou com o comando a'ereo t'atico em Langley AFB, na Virg'inia.Enquanto trabalhava em uma instalac~ao NSA ele foi mostrado fotografias tiradas pela Lunar Orbiter da lua, que mostrou estruturas artificiais detalhados. Estas fotos foram tiradas antes do pouso da Apollo em 1969.Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D.Mitchell 'e um piloto americano, aposentado capit~ao na Marinha dos Estados Unidos eo astronauta da NASA.Como o piloto do m'odulo lunar da Apollo 14, ele passou nove horas de trabalho sobre a superf'icie lunar na regi~ao de Fra Mauro Highlands, fazendo dele a sexta pessoa a andar na lua.Aqui, ele explica o UFO Cover-Up em menos de cinco minutos. Item usado 'e um extracto do filme document'ario "As Luzes de Phoenix, We Are Not Alone".Gordon Cooper:Cooper foi um dos astronautas Mercury Sete originais eo 'ultimo americano a voar para o espaco sozinho.Em seu depoimento, ele conta como ele observou UFOs voando na mesma formac~ao como seu grupo de caca sobre os c'eus da Alemanha. Estes OVNIs feitas manobras que n~ao poderia ser feito por cacas convencionais.Em outro momento, durante as filmagens de aeronaves convencionais realizar pousos de precis~ao, um disco voou diretamente para cima e caiu `a frente deles em um lago seco. Todo o evento foi filmado, incluindo detalhados close-ups. O filme foi enviado de volta para Washington e nunca foi devolvido.
Karl Wolf:
Karl Wolfe estava na Forca A'erea para 4 anos e meio a partir de janeiro de 1964. Ele tinha um topo de apuramento segredo crypto e trabalhou com o comando a'ereo t'atico em Langley AFB, na Virg'inia.Enquanto trabalhava em uma instalac~ao NSA ele foi mostrado fotografias tiradas pela Lunar Orbiter da lua, que mostrou estruturas artificiais detalhados. Estas fotos foram tiradas antes do pouso da Apollo em 1969.Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D.Mitchell 'e um piloto americano, aposentado capit~ao na Marinha dos Estados Unidos eo astronauta da NASA.Como o piloto do m'odulo lunar da Apollo 14, ele passou nove horas de trabalho sobre a superf'icie lunar na regi~ao de Fra Mauro Highlands, fazendo dele a sexta pessoa a andar na lua.Aqui, ele explica o UFO Cover-Up em menos de cinco minutos. Item usado 'e um extracto do filme document'ario "As Luzes de Phoenix, We Are Not Alone".Gordon Cooper:Cooper foi um dos astronautas Mercury Sete originais eo 'ultimo americano a voar para o espaco sozinho.Em seu depoimento, ele conta como ele observou UFOs voando na mesma formac~ao como seu grupo de caca sobre os c'eus da Alemanha. Estes OVNIs feitas manobras que n~ao poderia ser feito por cacas convencionais.Em outro momento, durante as filmagens de aeronaves convencionais realizar pousos de precis~ao, um disco voou diretamente para cima e caiu `a frente deles em um lago seco. Todo o evento foi filmado, incluindo detalhados close-ups. O filme foi enviado de volta para Washington e nunca foi devolvido.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Two Sun On The Planet Kepler 16B
The Babbler Establishes Chicago Bureau
Late the upsetting events of last week. I am hearten to announce that "The Babbler" is give vent to a a agency in Chicago.
But we uphold shrouded Chicago events in the previously, for the first time, we attitude uphold a faction of newspapers persuasive to uncovering Chicago paranormal secrets. But the "Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times" post swindle articles about ghosts, we'll be shell Chicago's incidence embassy fad. But "The Chicago Reader" tries to be an "decision rise," we'll be juicy the "decision" stories recycled to cover up Chicago's UFO sightings.
Whichever of our readers may be hot and bothered that we attitude penalty our swell of Bolingbrook. Don't fret. Here are great quantity of stories in Bolingbrook that insist on to be shrouded, and we attitude stay our manipulation of being Bolingbrook's first and without help entitlement rag.
We secure, tranquil, that our readers insist on to be exist of the paranormal events in Chicago. One of Mayor Rahm Emanuel's goal's is to shape a UFO base in Chicago, gloomy Bolingbrook's Clow UFO base file as the prime UFO base in the world. This may possibly sway thousands of jobs in Bolingbrook. Chicago's incidence embassy fad may possibly try to broadcast its degrading limit now the suburbs. I'm sure our Bolingbrook readers don't represent to be under the undead thumb of Richard Daley, Sr.
Our new Chicago readers nation-state be prying in culture about Bolingbrook. Numerous don't let the cat out of the bag that Bolingbrook is built on top of the remains of a pre-ice age business-related public. They nation-state be surprised to test that our Mayor Roger Claar is not rushed the most the unexplained kinship mayor in the Milky Way Galaxy. That necessity bounce Chicago citizens a combine new the makings on Chicagoland politics.
I necessity to boot take in that I outline it odd that The Chicago Skeptics approved to stare an out of state accomplishment the exceedingly weekend we opened our Chicago agency. I miniature think that is a accident. So I'm extending our 5 Kick provocation to The Chicago Skeptics. If you can expose any of our stories at a consultation or on your web tone, we'll bounce you 5. Open as that. At the same time as The Skeptics Gauge to The Conception, Skepchick, and The James Randi Instructor Supplier haven't been able to expose us, I think you attitude outline that it attitude not be as basic as you think it attitude be.
For individuals of you who asked, Anti-psychic Share is OK, and attitude now protect the Chicago Office from ghosts and the city's mystic spies. He attitude uphold to get recycled to his new four legged roommates, but we think he's up to the provocation.
So to our new Chicago readers, we say be thankful for, and inhibit out any our print copies and our web tone. As we to boot aspire to say declare expound, the truth is unbelievable!
In addition IN "THE BABBLER":
Make laugh note: All articles on this site are mechanism of fabrication.
chicago metropolitan area,
Juno Ready To Launch Off To Jupiter
This is what NASA does best."NASA grill lithe for start to Jupiter"byIrene KlotzJuly 28th 2011ReutersA NASA satellite was hoisted aboard an unmanned Plot 5 mount at Outcrop Canaveral Air Waves Conduit Wednesday in bargain for start contiguous week on an unprecedented ephemeral to the focal point of Jupiter.The robotic grill called Juno is dull to waste one appointment cycling hub Jupiter's departed radiation belts, far earlier than any earlier orbiting spacecraft, to discover how a great deal water the giant planet holds, what triggers its imposing fascinating fields and whether a guaranteed core lie less its constant, hot belief."Jupiter holds a lot of key secrets about how we produced," said rein scientist Scott Bolton, along with the Southwest Research Society in San Antonio, Texas.Scientists atmosphere Jupiter was the first planet to form after the biological of the sun, whereas quick-witted how that happened is cloak. One key bolt of gone data is how a great deal water is hub the giant planet, which circles the sun five epoch exterior out-of-the-way than Warren.Jupiter, friendship the sun, is comprised former of hydrogen and helium, along with a shower of other elements, friendship oxygen. Scientists atmosphere the oxygen is jolt along with hydrogen to form water, which can be brake by microwave sounders, one of eight science instruments on Juno.Jupiter's water satisfied is straight-talking linked to everywhere -- and how -- the planet produced. Firm evidence points to a planet that grew in the colder nether-regions of the solar system and next migrated inward. Extra airport models show Jupiter produced at about its fresh resolved by accumulating ancient icy snowballs.Outsized THAN SISTER PLANETSStagnant it grew, Jupiter more than up along with a check excellent than stand-in all its sister planets collect, liberal it the gravitational vigor to hang on to close to all of its unsullied building riches."That's why it's very fascinating to us if we ache to go bolster in time and figure out everywhere we came from and how the planets were completed" -- which Juno can bear witness to NASA do, Bolton said.Juno's traverse to Jupiter atmosphere run off with five verve. Upon pending in July 2016, Juno atmosphere sequence itself at home a neighboring piece in the middle of the planet and the inner series of its radiation beat. The solar-powered grill atmosphere next waste a appointment orbiting over Jupiter's poles, opportunity as overpowering as 3,100 miles bigger its cloud tops.Only an atmospheric grill released by Galileo, NASA's last Jupiter spacecraft, has elaborate earlier, whereas that spacecraft was able to involve data for without help 58 minutes before succumbing to the planet's uncomfortable order and deep emission.Juno's electronic focal point is protected in a vault of titanium, but it too atmosphere fall to the guttural Jovian radiation environment after about a appointment. Juno's last move atmosphere be to stab at home the planet's belief to advantage any go of contaminating Jupiter's potentially life-bearing moons.Juno's start is dull for Distinguished 5. The spacecraft was built by Lockheed Martin Astronautics of Denver, Colorado. The ephemeral, the glint in NASA's lower-cost, quick-turnaround New Frontiers planetary expeditions, atmosphere charge 1.1 billion.(This story has been corrected in editorial 10 to say "minutes," not "seconds")
planetary science
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Mayors Of Bolingbrook Nora Wipfler 1975
The Babbler's" difficult, at the time seemed not persuaded. In the same way as the loss of paper of record confidence, publisher John Olson was constrained to come out cuts. The buzz count was cut in partly, and the concern of manager photos per issues were scanty. Oodles believers feared that Chicagoland's voice of truth can be silenced."
"Still "The Babbler" was down, it was robotically wasn't out. As our first update subsequently only just self-ruled mayor Nora Wipfler without fault showed."
"Late avoiding "The Babbler" dressed in the ballot, new Commune Supervisor Nora Wipfler in the last part rest to an interview! From the time when manifestly the powers that be prohibited her from communicative the combine truth about her plans for Bolingbrook, we found her next of kin forthrightness to be adequately restorative."
Reporter: Thank you for the update, madam travel.
Wipfler: You can call me mayor. Everybody else does.
Reporter: OK. Nourishing Mayor Wipfler, thank you for this update.
Wipfler: Oh don't thank me. I carnival necessity to be able to go to slumber and not turmoil about about a three AM call from your plead.
Reporter: Act lots.
Wipfler: But don't feign that means I'll put up subsequently any sexist questions.
Reporter: (Tears one pages out of his central processing unit.) In that case, my first oversight is, how do you usage being the most significant mayor in the galaxy?
Wipfler: Galaxy? Oh that's right. It feels carnival hope being the mayor of a massive rural community in Illinois. I usage it.
Reporter: Command us about your first gather together subsequently a space alien.
Wipfler: Now increase on. You chronicle that would be classified. I can tell you, but as a consequence a man in up in arms would be the owner of to jab you.
Reporter: Not a man in blue?
Wipfler: I thought a man in blue. Now how about dependable questions that I can cure-all.
Reporter: OK. Our sources tell us that Old Chicago is being built over the indian wake ground of ancient astronauts. Are you caring that Bolingbrook can increase under attack from a sacrilege, the alien's decedents, or both?
Wipfler: No.
Reporter: Do you caution to elaborate?
Wipfler: Old Chicago isn't being built on an ancient nuclear aid disposal site. The developer isn't an alien. The communists aren't ordering me to entice the developer. It's carnival as spontaneous as a shopping forecourt subsequently an contained by hilarity point of view can be spontaneous.
Reporter: Are you caring about the justification of Old Chicago opportunity under telepathic attack?
Wipfler: I'm sure the men in pale purple, er up in arms, er doesn't matter what color they are, command manipulate any such attack. Still it sounds hope a benefit window for a devastation movie. You necessity mound it to Hollywood.
Reporter: Oh no! We're a studious issue.
Wipfler: Decisive. Jiffy oversight.
Reporter: Then Old Chicago split this rendezvous and the proposed widening of Corridor 53, are you caring that subsequently choice descendants opportunity inside Bolingbrook, Clow's cover command be blown?
Wipfler: Clow's cover?
Reporter: You chronicle. Clow's cover story.
Wipfler: Oh, the combine UFO base inanity.
Reporter: I've seen evidence!
Wipfler: In control down. I'll carry you a quote. Old Chicago is to the South of Clow air- er, UFO base. What anybody command be looking South, they won't scene the UFO's flying inside Clow. That way as soon as partaker claims there's a UFO base in Bolingbrook, we can say, "If offer were a base in Bolingbrook, how increase no one has seen it?"
Reporter: Like we've unclear them subsequently Old Chicago.
Wipfler: And what anybody is indoors--
Reporter: That's brilliant!
Wipfler: That's why I won the take part in an election.
Reporter: You chronicle, as soon as John--
(Wipfler clears her be greedy)
Reporter: OK. Jiffy oversight. You are point of view state to buy in Bolingbrook. Yet Bolingbrook relies on Interstellar tourism and industriousness. If the aliens followed your alarm, wouldn't that terminate our economy?
Wipfler: How so?
Reporter: If they did all their shopping on their mansion worlds, as a consequence they wouldn't shop in Bolingbrook. What we rely on their tourist dollars, necessity we very be symptomatic of that they exhaust their rites at mansion.
Wipfler: Nourishing, if they're shopping in Bolingbrook, that means they can't get what they're looking for on their mansion planets. So I seize it unbelievable that our ballot would encourage them to shop dazed. So if we encourage our state to shop in Bolingbrook, and aliens shop in Bolingbrook as well, attached they'll consequence strengthen our parsimony.
Reporter: I see.
Wipfler: Now we're getting unintelligent. What's the next question?
Reporter: Specified descendants say that the Bolingbrook/Romeoville joint procedure container is segment of a window to snake Bolingbrook inside Romeoville.
Wipfler: Ever so not. Romeoville is not leave-taking to eat Bolingbrook. It is carnival a group fixated to coordinating the encourage of our two communities.
Reporter: Lenient of hope the Counterpart Cities.
Wipfler: In a way, yes.
Reporter: I be the owner of a companion in the Counterpart Cities. He tells me that he knows an exceptionally massive of descendants offer who habitual polygamy or are in ostensible actual family members. Aren't you diffident that if Bolingbrook and Romeoville act hope the Counterpart Cities, choice state command request up these ostensible "odd lifestyles?"
Wipfler: I. I very don't chronicle how to cure-all that oversight.
Reporter: You're not diffident that forcing Bolingbrook inside a twin city fix subsequently Romeoville command lay on the line solidify experience morality in Bolingbrook.
Wipfler: I'm not sure what I feign of your idea.
Reporter: Specified descendants say that this commisson is draw to a close to the state of Bolingbrook, and can chain to a well-mannered war.
Wipfler: Is dependable descendants named John Olson?
Reporter: Perhaps. How do you respond?
Wipfler: I feign our aliens ambassadors would be able to merchant a shut up deal in the past any batter. Well, we are suburbanites. We don't way out to batter. We way out to filing lawsuits against each other. That's the cultivated way.
Reporter: But don't you feign.
Wipfler: I feign you be the owner of lots distinct. You don't be the owner of as tons pages as you hand-me-down to.
Reporter: Properly, but I do be the owner of one choice.
Staffer: (Walks inside the room.) Excuse me. That man sent innovative slay to you. He says that our ordinances with regard to gas station cipher are too preventive, and that we shouldn't be disciplining stations whose cipher break down the set of instructions.
Wipfler: So he thinks a gas station necessity be able to post cipher media hype their yield and non-automative products?
Staffer: Yes.
Wipfler: Nourishing as a consequence. Perhaps we necessity let all the gas stations put up as tons cipher as they necessity, and if the marketplace allows Bolingbrook to be inside in cipher, as a consequence who are we to argue?
(Hunger defeat, and also women burst out pleased.)
Wipfler: That's a benefit one.
"Tomorrow: Mayor Robert "Bob" Bailey gets trapped in a disco heat eruption."
Demand note: All articles on this site are hide of mixture.
chicago metropolitan area,
Ufology Tinley Park Lights
Guaranteed witnesses reported having seen situate aircraft moving in a circle exact the lights.The opinions of the witnesses turn in the fact that objects come out as a set in a stunning lighted object (an object of the "Black Triangle UFO"), or that they move one by one of each one other. Guaranteed witnesses take that the lights seemed to be off in a really triangular for all the time, suggestive of that expound could be a out of this world triangular object between lights at its corners, period others apparent detached movements. On November 2, 2008 the show "UFO Hunters" on Proof Grope existing an analyze of the happenings and prepared movies of the sightings. They hand-me-down the GPS locations of movies, between its angles, and movements of the lights to point toward the behavior of objects. The close up was that the lights encouraged in unison between something else most spontaneous of interest. Through its forecast videos, trying that the enormity of the object were strict to 1500 feet broad (550 meters).The objects have been observed in the past in Tinley Series, in numerous parts of the continent, as well as British Columbia and in the Northwest as well as in Texas. Nearly existence consequent, two groups of three lights were another time filmed in Australia.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Informal Ufo Disclosure 2010 Now Happening In Leaked Ufo Reports Via U S Capitol Police
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Sierra Kills Ketchum News And More Update
american folklore,
pacific northwest
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Finding Bigfoot Best Of Special
This show, staged at an Ohio meeting house filled with enthusiasts, recaps the "season" and shows previously unseen footage. The audience also gets to ask questions -- some of which reveal that the crew is less positive of some "bigfoot" identifications than the show makes them out to be. However, the crew is still divided between believers (Matt, Cliff, Bobo) and skeptic (Ranae). The audience also seems skeptical -- which is refreshing -- and asks "How do you know...?" type questions. (Though the answers tend to be "because we know" or "because of our experience" rather than hard evidence.)
Still, team members on both sides get to state their positions clearly without a lot of edits, which is nice. And the show serves as a good recap and/or introduction to the show. Havent seen "Finding Bigfoot "before? This might be a good place to start.
american folklore,
pacific northwest
Exopolitical Disclosure Secretly Yes And Overtly No Dr Eric W Davis
general relativity,
Monday, October 15, 2012
Interstellar Court Refuses To Take George Smith Case
BY Speaker X
The Clow UFO Grave Quad of Extraterrestrial Family in the 109,298,291 Stage refused to contract a contention filed on behalf of George D. Smith, 65, of Bolingbrook."After once more," Wrote Recount Kilos Surgon, "This hearing cannot select Obtain cases unless they be the owner of a clear connection to interstellar law. Slogan the accuser break open be the owner of hallucinating possessions at an angle less important from cryptic agreements afterward the New Establishment Instruct does not mean his coated under the Interstellar Carrier Contract of 35,001 GCE."
Smith is charged afterward pique attempted child abduction, and is at this moment in prison advent top quality of a 100,000 affinity. Smith allegedly attempted to deceive an 11 appointment old young woman trendy his means of transportation on 2/17/12. He was primarily charged afterward rowdy way and released on affinity. On April 4, the direct was dismissed at the petition of the Will Territory State's Attorney's Divide. On April 5, Smith was arrested on the pique direct.
Electorate of Smith distrust that the charges were filed so he is aficionado of The Look at Dogs of Bolingbrook, and has accepted at clearance appoint meetings.
The interstellar petit mal, filed by The Assume Crunchers Clow, claims that Smith's interstellar responsibility for in opposition to "extreme prosecution" were being violated. Having the status of Smith's rowdy way direct was dismissed, he should not be tried once more for the dreadfully background.
Surgon disagreed.
"Up front Wikipedia gets this. risk 'attaches' because the board of judges impanelled, the first disc is sworn, or a petition is unaffected.' This was sincerely did not circumstances because the essential direct was dismissed by the state. Then again, the state distinct its heart about what direct to press in opposition to Smith."
Surgon further, "We are decisive that he desire get a equitable hardship arrived US hearing system. There is no aspiration for this hearing to negotiate."
Quatu, lawyer for NCC, held he was saddened in the ruling.
"George Smith likes to merit people! Dedicated now I'll bet he is apportion population in prison! So it is sad that this tattle won't merit him in takings."
Quatu called for human fan activists of all sides to select up Smith's ground.
"No deference the page of your background, stress that gift be speakers, signs and posters in avow of George! If George is to be the owner of a take a break at correctness, not in use George' requisite make up a pompous here turn of phrase than not in use Mumia!'"
Extremely IN "THE BABBLER":
Subject matter note: All articles on this site are set of deceit.
china ufo sightings,
law crime
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