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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ufos Are Real But They Are Not From Other Planets

Ufos Are Real But They Are Not From Other Planets

Sonoma end of the day

Developing up in Burbank, detached house to Lockheed, you may not be questioning that as a 10 yr old my buddy and I saw a UFO - a very low flying saucer following a bright arena following terse windows that rotated clockwise and it complete no quarrel. Strange? Yes. Was I believed? No.

That was for that reason and this is now. From my current research I put up the shutters that UFOs are real but they are not from extra planet. They are 99% man-made by earthlings.

So far, let us come near to that donate is Anyway a companionable side to life - the supernatural. The Scriptures tell us of fallen angels and demons which may be playing a quality in this UFO scheme. The interpreter Ezekiel meeting about a monster that looks be devoted to "a gearshift in the mid of a gearshift".

So yes UFOs are real but they are not from other planets. The simply aliens that I be introduced to of are populace that irritable the borders.

But fearfulness not and put your trust in the authentic vivacity God and His Son the Noble Jesus Christ. Then you drive disgusting not simply forgiveness of sin but the agreement of God that passes all understanding!