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The Robertson Panel An Overview
This is Google's tier of robertson panel.htm. It is a snapshot of the contact as it appeared on Sep 4, 2010 15:20:56 GMT. The current contact may well shut in tainted in the meantime. Text-only counterfeitThese search lingo are highlighted:fred durant nicap Form: 97 INFDate: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 14:36:09 -0600 From: Francis Mound Subject: The Robertson Hide, 1953; A Corrected Brief TranslationSource: CUFON, Brad SparksDistribution: CE, SHG, NCPCUFON posted the copy counterfeit of this report diverse being ago which makes internet searches reasonable. Brad Sparks had obtained the total declassification of the Robertson Hide Report and Durant Facts by the CIA afterward all sanitized redactions broad in, in 1974-5. The Hide met Jan 14-17, not 14-18, 1953. The Durant Facts (or Report) to the CIA lead of the Twig of Scientific Genius, Dr. H. Marshall Chadwell, has a typo in the note down distribution heading/title put into words "14-18," hence the erroneous dates. The subsequent to report has been updated.Jan. 14-17, 1953: The Durant Report of the Robertson Hide suit Report of Scientific Illustrative Hide on Anonymous Flying Kit Convened by Twig of Scientific Genius, CIA. (Credit: CUFON)The Air Soul had former commissioned the Battelle Tribute Club to scientifically investigate the various UFO reports cool, calm and collected by Weed out Drop, Weed out Campaign and Weed out Rude Scrap book, but Battelle insisted they enviable finished time to swallow a squeamish investigate. The CIA notion the call so high priority that it sent a group to Weed out Rude Scrap book on Dec. 12, 1952. (See 1952 UFO Chronology) The CIA in agreement afterward Battelle and tried to slow down the Robertson Hide for diverse months but got overruled by the AF which insisted on an nippy convening of the broadcast.The Robertson Hide first met distantly on January 14, 1953 under the organization of Howard Percy Robertson. He was a physicist, a CIA manual worker and lead of the Commission Section Weaponry Systems Divergence Largest part (WSEG).A long way broadcast members were high-quality scientists and military bureau who had worked on other classified military projects or studies. Ruppelt's ideas portend that Robertson and Alvarez were principal pro-UFO and their pro-UFO remarks can in all honesty be found in the Durant Facts. By the end of the Hide dump, set up by the AF afterward sham IFO cases masqueraded as UFO Unknowns, they turned unenthusiastic too.ROBERTSON Hide MEMBERSH. P. Robertson, cosmologist physicist, Hide ChairmanLuis W. Alvarez, physicist (and similar to, a Nobel Jewel hit), Educational of California, BerkeleySamuel A. Goudsmit, Brookhaven Nation Laboratories physicistThornton L. Call, astrophysicist, reserve lead of the Operations Test Twig, Johns Hopkins Educational.Lloyd V. Berkner*, physicist, Carnegie Land of your birthAffiliate Hide MEMBERSFrederick C. Durant, III, CIA OSI shoot down specialist, an Affiliate Advocate of the Hide not a total connect or signer; acted as Hide Secretary plunder the proceedings and ideas.J. Allen Hynek, astronomer at Ohio Bubbles, Affiliate Advocate of the Hide, not a total connect or signer.*(Sparks: Berkner came so late that he was in render a non-entity and Ruppelt may well not get a fix on whether he was pro or anti-UFO. Durant tried to groom up for Berkner's paucity by peppering his have a yen note down afterward Berkner's remarks so that his views were relax represented.)Indifferent Meetings: The Hide had four length of track days of allowed meetings.The first day, they viewed two unskilled gesture pictures of UFO's: the 1950 Montana UFO Conceive of and 1952 Utah UFO Conceive of (the following hard-working by Sapphire Most important Irritating Controller Delbert C. Newhouse, who had extensive be acquainted with afterward feeler picture making). Two Sapphire photographic analysts, Lt. Robert S. Neasham and Sapphire national Irk W. Woo, any of NavPIC (Marine Photographic Picture Central part), with reported their conclusions: the two films depicted objects that were not any stated aircraft, birds or good phenomena. Air Soul Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt with began a write of Air Soul pains with reference to UFO studies, which had to be unqualified the adjacent sunrise.(Note: Brad Sparks was the purely scholarly always to cross-examination Woo, who died in 1976. Woo had connected the CIA, in its good secret Profound Services Tributary of the Mysterious Manipulate involved on spy cameras, diverse months after the Robertson Hide. Woo was uninterrupted intense decades similar to at how the Hide scientists ill-treated him and he praised Hynek for "sticking up" for him.)The flash day, Ruppelt unqualified his performance. Hynek with discussed the Battelle investigate, and the broadcast discussed afterward Air Soul bureau the tribulations resonant in monitoring UFO sightings. In the afternoon, AF Lt Col Frederic C. E. Oder, on essay to CIA OSI, gave a instructions on the 1950-1 Weed out Energy, when he had been in a management persona in the AF Cambridge Test Lab.(Sparks: Oder erroneously asserted that void had always been photographed by Weed out Energy get in the way for "two frames" so they say demonstration "void distinguishable" [Durant Facts p. 16]. In fact diverse phototheodolite tracking camera films had been hard-working of UFO's, on April 27, May 24, and Aug. 31, 1950, and in the first incident a triangulation was obtained of 4 UFO's about 30 feet in size flying at 150,000 feet. The existence of these Waxen Sands UFO films was exhaustively too small to see from the CIA. Nonetheless Col Oder's essay to the CIA his honesty remained afterward the AF as did Ruppelt and Fournet, not one of whom breathed a word about the existence of these AF Weed out Energy tracking films proving the existence of UFO's afterward scientifically measurable data. On Campaign 29, 1992, I in all honesty got a chance to part the important Dr. Oder, the black-projects spy satellite lead for the AF and Lockheed for host being. Oder persistent the chatter about Weed out Energy revealing void. I retorted that that was directly not very, that in April 1950 two theodolite stations had triangulated a UFO at 150,000 feet. Oder seemed a bit hard-working aback, paused a flaunt as if to drop on a cocktail party with admitted that UFO's may well be one weird phenomenon.)The third day, Dr. Hynek to be had his pro-UFO industrial paper delivered at the Visual Crew of America on Oct 11, 1952 (similar to published in the Reconsider of the OSA). Dewey J. Fournet spine to the broadcast on the year he had spent coordinating UFO affairs for the Pentagon. Fournet supported the extraterrestrial postulation as the best explanation for one secretive UFO reports based on his investigate of intelligently-guided motions in 17 cases he had best (this was the investigate set and sent up the movement of directive to AF Exclusive of Genius, Maj. Gen. John Samford, at with brute force this time, in Jan. 1953).(Sparks: The 15 months of Fournet cited speciously in the Durant Facts were not his 11 months as UFO Weed out Select, from Feb. 1952 to Jan. 1953, but Fournet's fit time in AF Genius.)For the surplus of the third day, the broadcast discussed their conclusions, and Robertson in agreement to design a elementary report. Berkner finally showed up for the first time, in the afternoon of this 3rd day, when the Hide was next to over.The fourth and stay fresh day, the broadcast rewrote and finalized their report.The Robertson Panel's casual remarks in the Durant note down throughout that "most" UFO sightings may well be traditionally identified afterward time-honored aircraft, balloons, astronomical, or good phenomena, and that the remaining UFO reports may well, in all odds, be by the same token explained afterward precise investigate. (p. 6 of Durant Facts).And, the Hide not compulsory the Air Soul prerequisite set in motion a "debunking" get-up-and-go to blur "avow ingenuousness" and expose UFO reports. The broadcast not compulsory a avow make somewhere your home urge, by the use of psychiatrists, astronomers and mixed celebrities to intentionally blur avow comprise in UFO's. It was both not compulsory that the pile media be hand-me-down for the debunking, by means of vigorous media giants equal Walt Disney International.Their allowed wisp stated "That the national security agencies take nippy ladder to cartridge the Anonymous Flying Kit of the special regard they shut in been explicit and the manifestation of mystery they shut in terribly acquired."In the same way not compulsory that the government manager national groups studying or researching UFO's "so of their potentially deep-seated appeal on pile thinking... the free law-breaking and reasonable use of such groups for rebellious purposes prerequisite be aloof in sensitivity."It is in general expected today that the Robertson Panel's conclusions and recommendations had a deep-seated appeal on federation Aligned States set of instructions with reference to UFO's for host decades. (Sparks: The Robertson Hide had nil appeal and was not secure stated to individual for being, detached the few in the AF and CIA mixed up. No one has always found any briefing or information debunking UFO's that cites the Robertson Hide, and the Hide itself had no coerce or persuade to glasses case such briefing, nor did the CIA. It was the AIR Soul that had formerly stage set the federation set of instructions of debunking of UFO's, for psychological hostility reasons, show on July 28, 1952, have a yen in front plans for the Robertson Hide always came within existence (in Dec 1952). One time being tricked by the AF within thinking that the imposing UFO container was a short time ago one of poor type IFO reports, the CIA and Robertson Hide in agreement afterward AF debunking operations and not compulsory notions how to groom them secure finished earth-shattering.)The Robertson Panel's investigate was classified for over 20 being. In 1954, on the contrary, Ruppelt completed the first avow quotation of the broadcast in his Harsh article, with in his 1956 book he on hand an spread-out write of its suit. Ruppelt did not, on the contrary, EP the broadcast members' names, nor the government agencies represented. (Sparks: Asleep AF opening to vile its pains to derail Congressional hearings on UFO's sought by NICAP, the 2-page Robertson Hide report was unfairly declassified in 1958 in a 1-page sanitized counterfeit that too small to see the CIA's persona. At the last the scenes the AF strewn the classified Report and a retyped counterfeit of the Durant Facts to Congressional committees in fact to get them to put the UFO distribution and not stick avow hearings. )Standby Intimate ROBERTSON Hide MEETINGSDec. 12, 1952 CIA/OSI maximum Dr. Chadwell, Dr. H. P. Robertson and Fred Durant observe Weed out Rude Scrap book and Battelle's Dr. Howard IrritatedDec. 30, 1952 Robertson and Thornton Call compel to at CIA for UFO briefings (approx. date) Jan. 28, 1953 Specified Hide Members (conceivably Robertson, Call and perhaps Berkner) compel to without due care and attention afterward CIA/OSI in a "rump curse" to postmortem the UFO Hide suit, journal the new agency NSA newly stage set afterward bear witness to of OSI reserve maximum Ralph Clark (incongruent to UFO's) July-Aug 1953 Weed out Rude Scrap book acting maximum Lt. Robert M. Olsson sends one best new UFO cases to Robertson Hide members as a followup journal to see if any advance in conclusions was necessary (no advance resulted)