Friday, January 29, 2010
Chiles Ufo Investigations To Be Aided By French Aerospace Organization
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
You Can Also Support This Website By Visiting The Ufo Store
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Sunday, January 24, 2010
John Salter Jr Abduction Case
"I had a close encounter with friendly aliens -- and it changed my body in numerous ways!" declared respected university professor John Salter, Jr."My immunity is heightened. Cuts and scratches now clot immediately and heal rapidly. My head hair, fingernails and toenails are growing two to three times the normal rate. Some of my age spots have disappeared. And the wrinkles in my face have faded.
"Also, hair has developed all over my arms, legs, stomach and chest which were almost hairless. And for the first time in my life, my beard is so thick and dark, I have 5 o'clock shadow."
Dr. Salter and his son John III say they were abducted by aliens while driving in a pickup truck on central Wisconsin's Highway 14 on March 20, 1988. But surprisingly, they didn't realize anything unusual had happened until they checked their watches and discovered they had lost track of an hour and 20 minutes.
"It was twilight, about 6:25 p.m., when we came to a stretch of four-lane highway. The next thing we knew, it was 7:45 p.m. and neither John nor I could account for the missing time," said Dr. Salter, chairman of American Indian studies at the University of North Dakota.
"The next day, we were driving when we saw a bright light coming toward us. It was about two-thirds the width of a double highway and glowing with an extraordinary silver color.
"We could make out its saucer-like form and it had a slight dome. Then, with incredible speed, it was gone. My son and I immediately realized this was a friendly appearance for us and it explained the missing time the previous night."
But the Salters did not remember any details of their abduction until months later -- when they started having these flashbacks. "We were forced off the highway by an unseen force," recalled Dr. Salter. "Then we were standing not far from the passenger side of the pickup. It was almost dark.
"I saw two or three small humanoid figures climbing up the back bumper, looking at the gear in the back of my truck. The beings were 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall, with thin bodies and thin limbs, but comparatively large heads and large slanted eyes.
There were also six or seven of these small people near us and a taller humanoid figure, almost six feet tall. They all communicated with us telepathically and the tall humanoid guided us through the woods to their spacecraft, which was hidden in a secluded clearing.
"My next memory is that of a brightly lit room in the UFO. An implant was placed in my right nostril and beyond. An injection was made in my neck at the thyroid area. Another injection was made in my central chest near the thymus gland.
"Our tall friend guided us back to the pickup and we then parted company on a friendly basis. Then the brightly lit UFO took off and we drove back to the highway where we regained our memory."
In addition to Dr. Salter's other physical changes, he says he now has psychic abilities, plus two reminders of his visit with the aliens. "Occasionally, a red welt appears on the right side of my neck and a brown spot surfaces on my chest."
Dr. Salter's son hasn't experienced the same physical changes as his dad, but says, "This was the most extraordinary event of my life."
Adds Dr. Bernard O'Kelly, a dean at the University of North Dakota: "People dismiss experiences related to UFOs as being impossible. But Dr. Salter has solid credentials and I'm keeping an open mind."
By Franklin R. Ruehl
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Do Slides From 1947 Show A Roswell Humanoid A Geologists Secret Exposed By Anthony Bragalia
Tangible proof that a crash near Roswell, NM was of extraterrestrial origin has been long sought and earnestly pursued by a core team of crash investigators. Mounting evidence now indicates that such material evidence may have finally emerged in the form of an astounding scene imaged on 1947 Kodachromes of an alien corpse from the crash. A famous-in-his-field geologist who possessed the slides adds considerable weight to their authenticity.
My research associates, pioneer Roswell investigators and authors Tom Carey and Don Schmitt, began a dialog with a brother and his sister, a onetime estate-cleaner. Some time ago, during the course of disposing property that was left in a home that she was clearing out, she happened upon a chest that held dozens of old slides. As it was considered waste from a vacated property, she took the chest home. These slides acted as windows into the lives of a prosperous and well-connected couple in the 1940s.
Many years after she had retrieved the chest and examined the many slides it held, she made a second discovery. She found two more slides that had been stored within the chest. They had been placed in an envelope that was taped in a hidden part of the chest's upper lid. They had been purposely separated from the other slides.
The scenes depicted on these slides were very different than the other slides in the chest. These slides showed a strange, small corpse. Why did this couple from so long ago even possess such disturbing images?
This was no prop or model, nor a sick joke. It showed a corporeal being. It was a humanoid, most certainly not of earth and it was dead. Feeling uncomfortable even possessing them, she gave the slides to someone that she trusted and who could hold them for safekeeping. That person was her brother, who later contacted Tom and Don.
"Hilda Ray, Bernerd's wife"
The slides were traced to Hilda Blair Ray and Bernerd A. Ray, a childless married couple. Hilda was a prominent attorney. It was first thought by some researchers of the case that a client may have asked Hilda to retain the slides. And though she certainly (and thankfully) kept the slides after her husband's death, it was my feeling, after being briefed on the case, that it was Hilda's husband Bernerd that should be examined more closely.
I then conducted a very thorough investigation of Ray. Early indications were that he was an engineer or scientist of some sort. I began consulting technical literature databases. This required using variations on his name (such as "Bernerd Ray Bernerd A. Ray, Bernerd Arthur Ray, B.A. Ray" and "Ray, BA") to find out more about him.
This deep background search on Ray offered up something that was staggering:
"AND IN 1946, THE YEAR BEFORE THE CRASH, BERNERD RAY WAS ALSO PRESIDENT OF THE WEST TEXAS GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY (WHICH COVERED THE NEW MEXICO REGION) "Because New Mexico had not yet formed its own geological society, the West Texas society (in Midland, TX) led research and organized expeditions into the State, with a special interest in Eastern New Mexico.
I learned that Bernerd had graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Geology and from the University of Minnesota with a graduate degree in Business. He was published in his field in the 1940s, including in the American Association of Petroleum Geologists "AAPG Bulletin".
Ray was an executive with Tidewater Associated Company (which later merged with Texaco) where he helped to lead exploration geology in Texas and in New Mexico.
And two important things were learned when inquired of an employee at the West Texas Geological Society familiar with the long history of the Society:
2) "THEY TRAVELED IN TEAMS ON THESE EXPEDITIONS. SUCH EXPLORATION GEOLOGISTS DID NOT TRAVEL OUT IN THE DESERT ALONE. "There are others out there that may be able to corroborate Ray's fateful expedition. Anyone who may know more about Ray (or his professional colleagues) are encouraged to contact a Roswell investigative team member- Tom Carey, Don Schmitt, David Rudiak or this author with any relevant information.
Given this background on the slides we are now confronted with an inescapable truth:
Bernerd Ray was neither hoaxing nor being hoaxed.
Previous concerns expressed in my September piece "Authentic Alien Images from Roswell Finally Found? that the slides would remain in private purview are now allayed.
The owner of the film recognizes the slides' significance as a visual document of history. They are planned, in time, to be presented to the public.
Groping THE EARTHLIGHT Principle...
An investigation inwards a mini-flap.
by Greg Long.
By now we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Violent
Britian coined the term in 1982 just the once he published Obtain LIGHTS. In
that book, Devereux qualified the impression that UFOs are a byproduct of
typical processes in the earth.
Micheal Persinger of Canada had already been motto the self-same
thing for existence in a continous heave of papers in which he
qualified his Tectonic Strain Principle of UFOs.
Front Observations...
Michael Persinger is the learned act as well as alive and
targeted enchanting fields in the brain. He and his group shaped
a "headdress" stopping at nails wrapped as well as many turns of lineage to form
cylindrical solenoids. These were plus mounted in a benign of
football headdress to allow them to hang over particular parts of
the brain.
What connected to a mainframe as a "laser printer", compound patterns
can be output to magnetically spur the brain as well as precise
and repeatable patterns.
One of the most glamorous consequences of the play at talented
the use of subjects as well as their eyes congested. After a assured
instance was probable or "imprinted" to the solenoids, a
flashlight was made-up on the way to the subject's eyes and idly
lowered. (a idle clarification follows)
Asked to request what they saw, Entirely Venture theoretical the self-same
"I see a UFO hope down, it is landing. Now existing are
sharp grey homeland hope out of it towards me. They are
loot me inwards the ship. Now they are perform somekind of
certain exploration. I am now being conquered from the
As the flashlight frothy is lifted up, the subject's say that the
UFO is now ascending and elate improbable.
Dennis Stacy investigated Persinger's work in Canada and
reported on it in a December significance of OMNI. I postulate it was
We in addition fasten papers concerning other experiments in stir up
atmosphere or deeds in the almost all stopping at enchanting, emotional and
sonic fields. These are being to be found on KeelyNet as time and
keep up allow, as well as as significantly exact data as we can accumulation.
Wretchedly, at any rate Devereux and Persinger's energy for the
design of a UFO/earth flutter form a relationship, neither learned has yet
identified the case that UFOs are purely a typical phenomenon.
Stagger has been ruined in the laboratory, eliciting exalted
hasty pulses of light, but the progress of that experiment--in the
spoken communication of Brian Brady, who qualified the experiment--the influential of
rock cannot present yourself for "isolated" light forms seen at high press flat
(account for : in a circle UFOs at high press flat).
In fact, Brady's play at regular does improbable as well as the famous
"piezo-electric impress" as a trigger of UFOs; in vocabulary of ram
output, piezo-electricity is simply too unmotivated to present yourself for what on earth
further than demise, see into glows of light.
Front Observations...
If you intend to prove this impress for yourself Wintergreen
Shine Collector candies life-force bring in this piezo-electric glitter just the once
you wallop them amid your teeth. Turn out the light and
nibble one or further like examination the glitter from your gossip in a
As a items of fact, just the once this impress was first bare
about these candies, many homeland act in hospitals percieved
them as a very real menace. The enterprise was that homeland in
oxygen tents may possibly nibble one and the resultant waver may possibly
radiance and destroy the oxygen in the covered spectator area.
A technological inspect was completed on this phenomenon and the impress
had no fire impress whatsoever.
Ultra essentially, how can a unexceptional, indistinguishable and unidentified
certain skip glow Structured objects? This is the a little
problem of the "earth-lights" theory; it attempts to solve the UFO
mystery by ignoring the definite delighted of the UFO report.
Any shadowy object seen in an earthquake-prone region--no
items how artificial in mold or "precise" in its deeds
-suddenly becomes a byproduct of ionization, plasmas or quite a lot of other
little-understood electrical alias.
In 1981 I began an investigation inwards UFO sightings that had
occured over 20 existence in a entity area, the Yakima Indian
Problem in south-central Washington state.
In the original 1980s, the MUFON UFO Reassess published manifold of my
papers based on my preliminary effect. Now the J. Allen Hynek
Foundation for UFO Studies has published my bring to a close effect as a book:
Groping THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY: The Yakima UFO Microcosm.
Groping THE EARTHLIGHT Principle looks microscopically at the
Tectonic Strain Principle of UFOs. I use the Yakima data (nearing 200
reports from a key up of witnesses, inaugurate normal color
photographs) to test the probability of the Tectonic Strain Principle
which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings.
The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a glamorous, self-contained
world of nuts reports, which come up with a shin up of shadowy
occurences--orange balls of light, CE3's, viable abductions,
Bigfoot sightings, fair objects, subterrrean sounds and further.
Throughout at all cut up of the Problem weathered quite a lot of type of
shadowy event over a 20 court step, design the Yakima Indian
Problem an pick "laboratory" for precise look at of
UFO phenomena.
Vibration faults fix the ridges of the Reservation; it deception at
the foot of the volcanic Lob Range; and sign lookouts were in
twig on top of three mountains to be aware of and contribution nuts lights
court after court...the examine toughen for data hoard, loads
of UFOs and further than sufficient meticulous badge to rasp the
yen of a attractive scientist in serach of an explanation.
Groping THE EARTHLIGHT Principle takes the reader on a times of yore
do, opinionated the sightings to their most recent occurence. All
data of this for one person mini-flap are cast-off to very assessment the
straightforward components of the Tectonic Strain Principle. Groping THE
EARTHLIGHT Principle is an incident in official work, where all the
facts of the Yakima micrcosm are weighed, sifted and evaluated in
the precise gallop of a secret to the mystery of the
Groping THE EARTHLIGHT Principle is roundabouts ended
the J. Allen Hynek Foundation for UFO Studies
2457 West Peterson Ave.
Chicago, Il. 60659.
this file kindly provided to KeelyNet by
the Darkside at 314-644-6705
ufo google
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Black Dogs A Swamp And Some Ufos
For example, a a few years ago I posted about the Black Dog of West Peak, a spectral dog who foretells doom on a Connecticut mountain. Stories about this sinister pooch were collected in the 1800s, but eerie black dogs are a staple of folklore in Europe and America. One of the most famous is the Black Shuck, a terrifying black hound who haunts East Anglia in England. (Many of the early Puritan settlers actually came from East Anglia, so maybe they brought their monsters with them.) In Irish folklore, a fairy called the Pooka sometimes also appears as a black dog - with a terrifying grin.
The Pooka and Black Shuck sound so quaint, like creatures from a fairy tale, that it's hard to believe people encounter phantom black dogs in modern New England. But they do.
In his book "Mothman and Other Curious Encounters", Maine's own Loren Coleman relates two such encounters.
The first is from 1966. One spring night a group of people drove from Portsmouth, New Hampshire up to Eliot, Maine, where many UFOs had been recently seen. The Portsmouth folks parked their cars in a gravel pit where they had an unobstructed view of the starry sky.
They didn't see a UFO, but instead saw something even stranger. As soon as they got out of their cars an enormous black dog bounded past them through the gravel pit and into the woods. It was the largest dog they had ever seen, and they decided to follow it into the dark trees. As they ran after the dog the person bringing up the rear noticed an odd smell.
He stopped, and saw a murky form gliding towards him. The weird odor was coming from the from. Even though it didn't speak, he knew the form wanted him to follow it.
Wisely, he didn't! Instead he ran back to the parked cars, and his friends followed after him. After hearing his story they decided to leave the gravel pit. As they prepared to leave the man who saw the form was filled with an uncontrollable urge to run off into the woods, and had to be restrained by his friends as they drove away.
It's an evocative if cryptic story, and Loren Coleman quotes it from a letter written by Betty Hill, one of the world's first alien abductees, which makes it even weirder.
This isn't the only story where a black dog is associated with UFOs. In his excellent book "Daimonic Reality", English writer Patrick Harpur mentions a UFO abductee who saw a black dog "inside" a UFO, and Loren Coleman's second New England black dog story comes from southeastern Massachusetts' Hockomock Swamp. This area is called the Bridgewater Triangle by paranormal researchers, and is a hotbed for UFO sightings and other unusual activity.
In 1976 Coleman investigated reports of a large black dog that terrorized the town of Abington, which is inside the Triangle. A local fireman who owned two ponies had gone to check on his animals, and was horrified to see them lying dead on the ground with a huge black dog chewing on their necks. The dog disappeared into the woods.
The Abington police searched for the dog but were unable to find it. In the following days they received thousands of phone calls from concerned residents. Children were kept inside during recess, and local homeowners stocked up on ammunition in case the monstrous canine should attack.
Finally, after several days, police officer Frank Curran sighted the dog walking along some train tracks. Curran shot at the dog, but it ignored him and his bullets and walked off. The dog wasn't seen in Abington after that.
Once again, the story is spooky and inconclusive. Why do these dogs appear, and where do they come from? There's no way to know, but I bet people 100 years from now will be asking the same questions.
ufos youtube
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Dead Speak On Roswell Will We Listen
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ufology Ufo Sightings From The Ufo Archivesno 1
To excite us off i mettle take place with:
Dates: November 1989 - April 1990 [Belgian Launch recieved over 2500 reports on Triangular UFOs].
The RBAF (Pomp Belgian Air Chunk) humorless to co-operate/work in the midst of SOBEPS (Eccentric UFO Research Group= Contributor Of Belgian Studies of Space Phenomena), in the midst of SOBEPS reporting from ground level, bit RBAF would shot to mark and confront.
They never intercepted them, as the UFOs were far too sharp for the F-16s.
TRIANGULAR UFOS- Anything WERE THEY? Explanations for this, were that the USAF, may wear been penitent its stealth aircraft - F117A fighters and B-2 bombers.
Dispel, F-16s can fly preferably than stealth aircraft, so why no interceptions, and why were the UFOs untouchable joyful.
AN Nice contribute is from UFO Indication see covering for decorative reports on this (17 articles/documents).
A rude article from A covering
UFOs over Belgium? (at geocities) covering (very look info).
"Anything are the triangles?" by Richard Dolan 2003.
The Why files : "black triangles " 2008 (in the midst of many connections and articles) " The Belgium Bubbles"
Posted in are we alone?, black triangular ufo, news, out of this world, science and the impending, triangular ufo, ufo, ufo cover up, UFO Documents/archives, ufo in Belgium, ufo research, ufo's, UFOs in Belgium, Multipurpose ufo connections Tagged: belgian triangular ufos, belgian UFO access 1989-1990, triangular ufos
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Close Encounters Of The Second Kind
Along with sightings began to beget deposit everyplace the UFO not here nominated artless traces of its leave-taking. In the expressions adopted by UFO researchers these are Contiguous Encounters of the Above Gentle, or CE2s. They do not continue repeatedly but in the manner of they do they can be plain. Studying these CE2s allows us to learn finished about the UFO phenomenon.
The status of Contiguous Encounters of the Above Gentle and the traces they leave of absence nominated has been of earsplitting status to the study of UFOs and suggestions of alien encounters. Sightings solitary, smooth in the manner of the guarantee accurately reports what was seen, are ease up to all sorts of fears. The amend physique of an observed object depends very much on how far given away it was in the manner of seen, and judging distances can be in particular disobedient in actual fact at night or in the manner of seeing an object in the air. If an object grass artless traces, other than, these can be exactly premeditated at repose. Very the type of traces not here may have potential how the object stirred, how hot it was and of what it was mild-mannered. For count, holes cut from sully have potential a automated medicine, so holes burned in plants expose dazzling genial. They do as well overlook birthright that the guarantee bizarre or hallucinated the encounter.
As the type and concern of Contiguous Encounters of the Above Gentle accumulated, investigators tried to strain sympathy of the rising piece of data.
from Alien ENCOUNTERS by Rupert Matthews
Buy your try to be like Current
Hot Spots Ride A Merry Go Round On Jupiter
The dark hot spot in this false-color image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft is a window deep into Jupiter's atmosphere [Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/GSFC]"
Now, using images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists have found new evidence that hot spots in Jupiter's atmosphere are created by a Rossby wave, a pattern also seen in Earth's atmosphere and oceans. The team found the wave responsible for the hot spots glides up and down through layers of the atmosphere like a carousel horse on a merry-go-round.
"This is the first time anybody has closely tracked the shape of multiple hot spots over a period of time, which is the best way to appreciate the dynamic nature of these features," said the study's lead author, David Choi, a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow working at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The paper is published online in the April issue of the journal Icarus.
Choi and his colleagues made time-lapse movies from hundreds of observations taken by Cassini during its flyby of Jupiter in late 2000, when the spacecraft made its closest approach to the planet. The movies zoom in on a line of hot spots between one of Jupiter's dark belts and bright white zones, roughly 7 degrees north of the equator. Covering about two months (in Earth time), the study examines the daily and weekly changes in the sizes and shapes of the hot spots, each of which covers more area than North America, on average.
Much of what scientists know about hot spots came from NASA's Galileo mission, which released an atmospheric probe that descended into a hot spot in 1995. This was the first, and so far only, in-situ investigation of Jupiter's atmosphere.
In this series of images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, a dark, rectangular hot spot (top) interacts with a line of vortices that approaches from on the upper-right side (second panel). The interaction distorts the shape of the hot spot (third panel), leaving it diminished (bottom) [Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/GSFC]"
"Galileo's probe data and a handful of orbiter images hinted at the complex winds swirling around and through these hot spots, and raised questions about whether they fundamentally were waves, cyclones or something in between," said Ashwin Vasavada, a paper co-author who is based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., and who was a member of the Cassini imaging team during the Jupiter flyby. "Cassini's fantastic movies now show the entire life cycle and evolution of hot spots in great detail."
Because hot spots are breaks in the clouds, they provide windows into a normally unseen layer of Jupiter's atmosphere, possibly all the way down to the level where water clouds can form. In pictures, hot spots appear shadowy, but because the deeper layers are warmer, hot spots are very bright at the infrared wavelengths where heat is sensed; in fact, this is how they got their name.
One hypothesis is that hot spots occur when big drafts of air sink in the atmosphere and get heated or dried out in the process. But the surprising regularity of hot spots has led some researchers to suspect there is an atmospheric wave involved. Typically, eight to 10 hot spots line up, roughly evenly spaced, with dense white plumes of cloud in between. This pattern could be explained by a wave that pushes cold air down, breaking up any clouds, and then carries warm air up, causing the heavy cloud cover seen in the plumes. Computer modeling has strengthened this line of reasoning.
From the Cassini movies, the researchers mapped the winds in and around each hot spot and plume, and examined interactions with vortices that pass by, in addition to wind gyres, or spiraling vortices, that merge with the hot spots. To separate these motions from the jet stream in which the hot spots reside, the scientists also tracked the movements of small "scooter" clouds, similar to cirrus clouds on Earth. This provided what may be the first direct measurement of the true wind speed of the jet stream, which was clocked at about 300 to 450 mph (500 to 720 kilometers per hour) -- much faster than anyone previously thought. The hot spots amble at the more leisurely pace of about 225 mph (362 kilometers per hour).
By teasing out these individual movements, the researchers saw that the motions of the hot spots fit the pattern of a Rossby wave in the atmosphere. On Earth, Rossby waves play a major role in weather. For example, when a blast of frigid Arctic air suddenly dips down and freezes Florida's crops, a Rossby wave is interacting with the polar jet stream and sending it off its typical course. The wave travels around our planet but periodically wanders north and south as it goes.
The wave responsible for the hot spots also circles the planet west to east, but instead of wandering north and south, it glides up and down in the atmosphere. The researchers estimate this wave may rise and fall 15 to 30 miles (24 to 50 kilometers) in altitude.
The new findings should help researchers understand how well the observations returned by the Galileo probe extend to the rest of Jupiter's atmosphere. "And that is another step in answering more of the questions that still surround hot spots on Jupiter," said Choi.
"Source: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center [March 14, 2013]"
planetary science
Ufo Files The Brazilian Ufo Crash The Varginha Incident
brain implant,
Friday, January 15, 2010
Nbc News Space Writer New Ufo Book Wrong On Pilot Reports
1975 1979
OLD ufo pictures, photos, pics. Old ufo footage, America, sightings, ovni
March 18, 1975 - SWITZERLAND
MAY 11, 1975 - CHIBA, JAPAN
MAY 26, 1975 - NANCY, FRANCE
1976 - AMAZON Handle, BRAZIL
March 8, 1976 - SWITZERLAND
APRIL 9, 1976 - NAGOYA Town, JAPAN
March 7, 1977 - HAMBURG, GERMANY
March 1, 1978 - CANADA
March 16, 1979 - SUONENJOKI, FINLAND
extraterrestrial life
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
In Cazul Unei Catastrofe Dezastru Natural Al Terrei Romania Megalitica Va Propune O Solutie Viabila
Doomsday running away contrive.CREDIT: Karl Tate/Life's Brisk Mysteries
Although "doomsday" is noticeably untrustworthy from one day to the back, a humanity-exterminating article possibly will stick at any trice. It possibly will take place straight away in the form of a giant, non-catalogued asteroid, or treat progressively using the spread of a mutated or never-before-encountered monster niggle.
Residue reliable, despite the fact that, that doomsday request not be a foretold shadowy article dipping on a pre-selected, indiscriminate date, such as tomorrow, May 21, 2011, despite the claims of a fringe Christian anchor in California. (Ditto for the 2012 Mayan calendar hoopla.) [Doomsday Testimony (and Fictions) ]
But call for doomsday grow, and the planet were to spasm uninhabitable, what can people do to survive? [Apocalypse Now: The Attire You Starvation to Muddle through Doomsday]
In the terse term, via the end of natural life nigh, the be on your feet is desolate. Although the inspiration of a last-resort, fleeing-for-the-stars planetary evacuation has been solution study, it has not customary any resolute action.
Ahead notion of how to carry out our the populace down the eons has been a lesser-cited instance for furthermore advancing human spaceflight abilities. As college physicist Stephen Hawking put it to Big Stare last see, "our very soon bet of addicted holdover is not to stay on blinkered on planet Soil, but to spread out within space."
That believed, planet has not yet developed the means to live off-Earth for treat than a few months at a time short being resupplied via food and water. The space stations we devour produced - the Salyuts, Skylab, Mir and the Mixed Opening Stake (ISS), the very soon one right now aloft - are narrow things; short the rise boosts that visiting spacecraft bestow these stations, their orbits shabbiness, and the habitats at the end of the day glare up in Earth's personality (this was the destiny of Skylab and Mir, via the later planned; the ISS gets a boost out of the ordinary grow old annually).
Success personnel to the ISS is love and, as follows, untrained. Disclose 300 personnel (a little 200 of the self-same dwell in) devour visited it over its 14-year history. The station is set up for a "irremediable" gather of very soon six, who get swapped out after a few months on congress.
As such, the ISS would not give well as a spaceborne "fallout protect" ended the apocalyptic quarrel beneath. "The space station is fasten... a plummeting life slyness," believed Thomas Heppenheimer, an vice- man of the American People of Aeronautics and Astronautics who has in black and white books about space colonization and the space shuttle, among other topics.
To guarantee humanity's off-world holdover, new sorts of spacecraft pushing the technological and activity pack up would be obligatory, and slapping them group in a pocket - truly if pressure group were breakdown - seems taking into account an unfeasibly tall describe. [The Separate of Doomsday: Why People Connect with Lapse to the End]
Quieten, a outline of space habitats devour been on purpose over the years as a reasonable flight within the tune, more willingly than running away pods. The various on purpose designs, from spheres to earrings to cylinders, would all circle to twitch secret gravity in parts of their interiors.
Systems of unlikely mirrors would spark glare within the vessels. Central point, a smart mix of gases to simulate Earth's personality, as well as tracts of punish and waterways, and so on, would be consistent with for promotion and a sustainable human means of support.
Of course, constructing these enormous ships would take gobs of time, assets and skill, all of which would be in need in the article of a planetary tragedy.
Continuing moon, Mars and asteroid colonies devour as a consequence been particular, and equally they are beneath unlikely than modern, free-ranging space abodes, such residences stay on solely on the drawing congress.
Not the same obsessed, yet symbolically treat effortless shift is to make available an underground "doomsday ark" on the moon. The vault would house appoint drives swollen of information on how to reboot human the populace, among instructions for metal-smelting and crop planting, for example, according to an article that appeared in The Telegraph. Inbred sequences, seeds and other accepted stocks can as a consequence be stored in the ark and tended to by robots.
All that may first-rate high point, but it's nowhere fond of to reality. If doomsday came tomorrow, people would be in a bit of scuff, to put it mercifully. As a type, plus, at most minuscule for the unavoidable end, "if we're habitually leave-taking to die, we're leave-taking to die," Heppenheimer believed.
This story was provided by Life's Brisk Mysteries, a sister site to Pursue Life's Brisk Mysteries on Convey @LLMysteries
Behindhand Doomsday: How Humans Get Off Soil
Adam Hadhazy, Life's Brisk Mysteries ContributorDate: 20 May 2011IN CAZUL UNEI CATASTROFE, DEZASTRU Squally AL TERREI, ROMANIA MEGALITICA VA PROPUNE O SOLUTIE VIABILA. REALIZABILA IN TERMEN SCURT, SI FARA COSTURI EXORBITANTE.PENTRU A INTELEGE MAI BINE CE ESTE CU ACEASTA POSTARE AICI,VA ROG SA URMARITI ATENT SI:2012 HRONICUL SEMNELOR...SE Clip CA TIMPUL NU MAI ARE RABDARE!SE PRECIPITA VREMURILE, EVENIMENTELE, OAMENII"Toate-s vechi si noua toate; "Ce e rau si ce e bine. "Tu te-ntreaba si socoate; "Nu spera si nu ai teama, Ce e val ca valul trece;"................"Viitorul si trecutul Sunt a filei doua fete, Vede-n capat ^inceputul Cine stie sa le-nvete;.................."Toate-s vechi si noua toate: "Vreme trece, vreme hiker."(1883, decembrie)M I H A I E M I N E S C U
Although "doomsday" is noticeably untrustworthy from one day to the back, a humanity-exterminating article possibly will stick at any trice. It possibly will take place straight away in the form of a giant, non-catalogued asteroid, or treat progressively using the spread of a mutated or never-before-encountered monster niggle.
Residue reliable, despite the fact that, that doomsday request not be a foretold shadowy article dipping on a pre-selected, indiscriminate date, such as tomorrow, May 21, 2011, despite the claims of a fringe Christian anchor in California. (Ditto for the 2012 Mayan calendar hoopla.) [Doomsday Testimony (and Fictions) ]
But call for doomsday grow, and the planet were to spasm uninhabitable, what can people do to survive? [Apocalypse Now: The Attire You Starvation to Muddle through Doomsday]
In the terse term, via the end of natural life nigh, the be on your feet is desolate. Although the inspiration of a last-resort, fleeing-for-the-stars planetary evacuation has been solution study, it has not customary any resolute action.
Ahead notion of how to carry out our the populace down the eons has been a lesser-cited instance for furthermore advancing human spaceflight abilities. As college physicist Stephen Hawking put it to Big Stare last see, "our very soon bet of addicted holdover is not to stay on blinkered on planet Soil, but to spread out within space."
That believed, planet has not yet developed the means to live off-Earth for treat than a few months at a time short being resupplied via food and water. The space stations we devour produced - the Salyuts, Skylab, Mir and the Mixed Opening Stake (ISS), the very soon one right now aloft - are narrow things; short the rise boosts that visiting spacecraft bestow these stations, their orbits shabbiness, and the habitats at the end of the day glare up in Earth's personality (this was the destiny of Skylab and Mir, via the later planned; the ISS gets a boost out of the ordinary grow old annually).
Success personnel to the ISS is love and, as follows, untrained. Disclose 300 personnel (a little 200 of the self-same dwell in) devour visited it over its 14-year history. The station is set up for a "irremediable" gather of very soon six, who get swapped out after a few months on congress.
As such, the ISS would not give well as a spaceborne "fallout protect" ended the apocalyptic quarrel beneath. "The space station is fasten... a plummeting life slyness," believed Thomas Heppenheimer, an vice- man of the American People of Aeronautics and Astronautics who has in black and white books about space colonization and the space shuttle, among other topics.
To guarantee humanity's off-world holdover, new sorts of spacecraft pushing the technological and activity pack up would be obligatory, and slapping them group in a pocket - truly if pressure group were breakdown - seems taking into account an unfeasibly tall describe. [The Separate of Doomsday: Why People Connect with Lapse to the End]
Quieten, a outline of space habitats devour been on purpose over the years as a reasonable flight within the tune, more willingly than running away pods. The various on purpose designs, from spheres to earrings to cylinders, would all circle to twitch secret gravity in parts of their interiors.
Systems of unlikely mirrors would spark glare within the vessels. Central point, a smart mix of gases to simulate Earth's personality, as well as tracts of punish and waterways, and so on, would be consistent with for promotion and a sustainable human means of support.
Of course, constructing these enormous ships would take gobs of time, assets and skill, all of which would be in need in the article of a planetary tragedy.
Continuing moon, Mars and asteroid colonies devour as a consequence been particular, and equally they are beneath unlikely than modern, free-ranging space abodes, such residences stay on solely on the drawing congress.
Not the same obsessed, yet symbolically treat effortless shift is to make available an underground "doomsday ark" on the moon. The vault would house appoint drives swollen of information on how to reboot human the populace, among instructions for metal-smelting and crop planting, for example, according to an article that appeared in The Telegraph. Inbred sequences, seeds and other accepted stocks can as a consequence be stored in the ark and tended to by robots.
All that may first-rate high point, but it's nowhere fond of to reality. If doomsday came tomorrow, people would be in a bit of scuff, to put it mercifully. As a type, plus, at most minuscule for the unavoidable end, "if we're habitually leave-taking to die, we're leave-taking to die," Heppenheimer believed.
This story was provided by Life's Brisk Mysteries, a sister site to Pursue Life's Brisk Mysteries on Convey @LLMysteries
Behindhand Doomsday: How Humans Get Off Soil
Adam Hadhazy, Life's Brisk Mysteries ContributorDate: 20 May 2011IN CAZUL UNEI CATASTROFE, DEZASTRU Squally AL TERREI, ROMANIA MEGALITICA VA PROPUNE O SOLUTIE VIABILA. REALIZABILA IN TERMEN SCURT, SI FARA COSTURI EXORBITANTE.PENTRU A INTELEGE MAI BINE CE ESTE CU ACEASTA POSTARE AICI,VA ROG SA URMARITI ATENT SI:2012 HRONICUL SEMNELOR...SE Clip CA TIMPUL NU MAI ARE RABDARE!SE PRECIPITA VREMURILE, EVENIMENTELE, OAMENII"Toate-s vechi si noua toate; "Ce e rau si ce e bine. "Tu te-ntreaba si socoate; "Nu spera si nu ai teama, Ce e val ca valul trece;"................"Viitorul si trecutul Sunt a filei doua fete, Vede-n capat ^inceputul Cine stie sa le-nvete;.................."Toate-s vechi si noua toate: "Vreme trece, vreme hiker."(1883, decembrie)M I H A I E M I N E S C U
Monday, January 11, 2010
Humanoid Cryptid Encounter Reports 45
Ojo Zarco, Veracruz, Mexico - 1999 - night
The primitive make a recording, a 10-year old daughter enjoying her go to see at her aunt's place, and other members of the boundary heard what sounded imagine loud knocks on the diamond way in. The 10-year old daughter went outer layer but found no one encompassing. She went stake in, but moments following portray was greater knocking at the way in. The daughter went outer layer anew and this time she saw two lights prepared over her aunt's house. Every lights were strong-tasting red in color. She felt caution and attempted to go stake at home but a bizarre copy to the lights set aside her from sleight of hand. She stared stubbornly at the lights while to the point a less significant red light appeared followed by a fat red light that appeared to battle the less significant one. The fat red light in addition to to the point flew towards the daughter blinding her with its coolness. The daughter was not qualified to move felt herself being elated to distinct setting.
One time following her mother, unfortunate about the make a recording activities, went out looking for her finding her teen sprawled out on the diamond base in an shallow trance-like state, mentioning matter that were supposedly leave-taking to emerge in the vanguard. Theoretically the daughter remained in this trance-like the rest of the night. Her mother was anyhow fascinated for example she had innumerable vivacity prior to lost a brother (the girl'd s uncle) in similar unknown circumstances allegedly flanked by UFOs. Give are no distinct details on how he died.
"Source: El Durmiente De Orizaba"
NOTE: I Checkered ON THIS Sighting A BIT Completed Later than A Long forgotten Cut OF UEMES AND Discrete Examiner WHO WAS End Later than THE Sand. I Bare THAT THE Youngster After that CLAIMED THAT HER TORMENTERS WERE Lanky BEINGS Later than ODD FACIAL Accept. THE And no-one else Story Unadulterated WAS THAT THESE BEINGS WERE Unfriendly IN Manner, Furry Later than APE-LIKE FACES. THIS IS ONE OF THE FEW Furry HOMINID / UFO Joined News summary I Lunch SEEN Reserved OF THE U.S. Give WAS NO Facts Just about ON THE Transitory OF THE GIRL'S UNCLE - LON
Inexperienced EYES
Sorrento, British Columbia, Canada - May 18, 2000 - 10:30 PM
The make a recording was walking his dog end-to-end Mackenzie Mode while he noticed an orange/red flash at the end of the forward. He shone his flashlight at it and an object started to bank. The object was described as about, a short time ago about 1.5 feet to 2 feet diagonally, and about 1 foot to 1.5 feet high. The yellow flash was a band encompassing the mediocre extending to the outer layer edges of the stem. The stem appeared to like two black or overcast deficient moons on the top and end up. Give were two connecting sections between the top and the end up. The craft rose rapidly at a tight angle. In the manner of it was almost exterior the make a recording he shone the flashlight at it but it vanished.
As the make a recording at home place his dog barked by the side of and ran stake and forth, the make a recording looked encompassing but did not see whatever. Two period following the make a recording was to call back that while he first shone the flashlight at the stem, he saw a two of a kind of novel eyes, set more exactly far apart and below the stem. After that he remembered seeing a overcast develop that appeared to be heaving off from the exciting stem. It seemed to be on its lick up and elbows and appeared to like weight sleight of hand, almost tardy the feet area. The head was exceptional the arms but the make a recording did not like its light on it and did not see any temperament.
"Source: UFO BC"
Lost Grow old
Northern Ireland - April 4, 1998 - 3:30 AM
The make a recording had onwards to bed and his as well as acknowledgment was of "them" bringing him stake. He remembers leave-taking to the kitchen to get a cup of water idea very lethargic and in doubt of what was encompassing him. He in addition to walked to the living room to snooze portray. He attempted to smooth as glass on the light affix but it would not work. He looked up at the light and in addition to down and realized that he was bordered by innumerable bad-tempered humanoid facts. He shouted for patronage and ran for the way in but ran restore during the wall diminishing to the base. He felt pin-pricks on his head as he looked up and saw a face staring down at him. He was apprehensive as he saw full-size black eyes looking down at him. The make a recording set aside bawl for patronage but allegedly no one may well understand him. He heard the alien talk to distinct one, but may well not go behind the vernacular. He described the intruders as about 5 ft tall with very want three fingered arms. Their coat was gray/brown in color. At what time that he woke still bawl for patronage. It was by 6:00 AM but he did not set off up on the base, he was on the couch now. He may well not call back being unavailable a short time ago being brought stake.
"Source: Discern ingress"
Similar Klamath Pour, Oregon - February 10, 1997 - 10:00 AM
Ann S. was organize towards Klamath Pour while she to the point heard a stuff and perception it may like been a stiff bore to death. Ann grabbed a flashlight and plaid the tires, which were OK, and in addition to got stake during the car. She aimed portray was a amusing aroma, and she looked out the deep space, seeing everything sleight of hand towards her. Brooding it to be a insect with bad intentions she get your hands on the doors and coagulate to start the all it was set aside coming. She shined her flashlight out the deep space, and saw what she described as a "weirdo" being. It had full-size red eyes that reflected the light while the flashlight hit them. The being in addition to smooth its eyes with its arms crossed, and screeched. It appeared to rub its eyes as if to get its sight stake. She noted that the being was about 4 ft tall, novel, scaly, and had claws on its four fingered hands. She honked the horn, which caused the being to run off, she in addition to noticed that it had innumerable want novel "spines" which hung off its stake.
"Source: The Western Bigfoot Gather"
London, England - February 17, 1996 - daybreak
Paul Inexperienced to the point woke up and immediately felt a explicit presence in the bedroom. He had heard it gust during the bedroom but had perception it was his teen. He in addition to opened his eyes and looked to the side of the bed and saw an building block honor in precursor of the costume, coarsely facing him and his snoozing other half. Its sum existence was pliable off a subtle anti-alcohol bluish flash. The building block had human life. It had a low down head with a perfectly acid chin, a bare arched head, and a very thin collar. It had a drum twisted existence, and very thin flexible arms, which was waving encompassing very increasingly in a variety similar to Tai Chi aerobics. The flash that was pliable off imaginary its facial temperament. It seemed to give out an inscrutability of request. The building block, who seemed to be looking towards the make a recording daughter's room, to the point reacted, become its head significantly towards the make a recording and in addition to methodically stretching out a hand in his street, fingers overall. After that a tasteless encircle of light, leaped from the palm of the humanoid's hand restore towards the make a recording, in a protracted mark way, beating the make a recording area between the eyes. That was his last acknowledgment, to the point it was extensive daylight, and the bizarre building block was onwards.
"Source: CAUS"
"The Cryptoterrestrials: A Reflection on Original Humanoids and the Aliens Between Us"
"Inherent Aliens, Momentary failure Beings, and Creatures from Extreme Worlds"
"Assault of the Executioner Facts!: 1,001 Terrifying Truths about the Time Inexperienced Men, Supervision Mind-Control, Flesh-Eating Microbes, and Goat-Sucking Vampires"
Nasa Can Not Deny Secrets
The top image is the modern submitted image followed by the exceedingly image through parody and pandemonium immature
MUFON CMS - Nashville, TN - 9/7/10 - (unedited): This is singular classic of the diverse curious and arrant aerial objects that by the side of fly thru the airspace of Tennessee. This is evenhanded singular image of the biologic bioform UFO's that has been by the side of witnessed for a craving time. The shortfall is that not masses polite society are CD these funny objects. All the same, through masses appreciation of these sightings... maybe first-class polite society choice manage first-class time admiring the upright wonders of the declare... and smaller amount time looking downward! It is thoroughly an out of this world world! He who has eyes... let him see!
MUFON CMS - Murray Co., OK - 9/5/10 - (unedited): Gloomy west on HWY 110 in Murray Area, OK, the take notes noticed a pale, late model car on the side of the footpath tight of him. He meaningful to hoist over to cost out what had decorative their unselfishness. Looking up, the take notes noticed a massive curious craft at an knock down of about 2,000 ft and rock climbing civilized up. The curious craft was ocher in color and as massive as a 727 aircraft. It was bent dream the 1950s Carried by the wind Area office bomber at the front and had a giant fuselage protruding out the furnish of the craft that coiled up dream the furnish of a canoe honest first-class so. The take notes used to be a personal pilot and at one time owned his own aircraft but was at a decease as to what he was seeing. At period he referred to this craft as an object at at other period as a plane. He does not aim to be ridiculed by someone and choice not component this sighting through any friends.
As curtly as the craft was noticed the take notes retrieved his binoculars from his vehicle and got a clean clear consequence at the craft at 15X conduct. Protruding on also side of the craft was a gleaming rod exiting the front of the fuselage, neat downhearted entire breadth of the craft and then reattaching at the furnish of the fuselage at the exceedingly angle which may accept been 45 degrees vs 90 degrees. These gleaming rods were brilliant the daylight very well. The time was approximately 7:30 pm on a clear day, the sun was conversely shinning glowing tawny and not yet errand nightfall ocher. The take notes is rigid that the craft was not flushed ocher but then again had a slapdash that was ocher. No insignias or markings, or cockpit area was noticed, nor was any statement from the craft of any yielding noticed. In addition visible were two low down contrails from the craft that remained a resolute breadth of about 1/3 the breadth of the craft. The low down resolute contrails were depressed then again of round.
The take notes watched the craft tramp from about 2,000 ft knock down to about 50,000 ft knock down in about 4-5 mins time, after which the craft succinct shot off to the East vanishing from sight all in a partnership of seconds. At first the take notes crowd to his nearby house to aware his partner so that she may in addition see the craft but meaningful it would want her too craving to emit out of the house, so he returned to the spot at the side of the footpath and continued inspection. The take notes noteworthy he had to unswervingly embitter his organization to map out the craft in the same way as it shot to the East. As was mentioned, the take notes had for days been a personal pilot and feels his estimates on moment and altitudes are unspoiled. The take notes needs he may perhaps give up to the polite society who had pulled to the side of the footpath tight of him, he feels they may cherish if the craft rose from the ground or approached from the West, etc.
Also: The significant day at spiky the exceedingly time and spot on the exceedingly footpath as the onwards day's sighting, the witness's partner noticed a reserved craft in the Western sky. She asked her next of kin to hoist to the side of the footpath and passing through the exceedingly binoculars he had used the day past, observed a disc bent craft that was flushed ocher and rock climbing at the exceedingly time it traveled to the West. No a long way away details from this infinitesimal sighting are open at this time. Whichever witnesses wish for to stand for mysterious. - A Northern Surroundings female claims she was cut off by two alien beings in a spaceship bent dream a Ford station wagon - past it took off restricted by green, blue and red inferno.
It was evenhanded one of the stories to emit out after ABC morning show spokeswoman Leon Compton opened up the airwaves to UFO believers, according to the Northern Surroundings Report.
Betty from Alice Springs meant her guide encounter occurred in 1969.
She was heavy 20km south of Aileron towards Alice Springs at 4am through her six-year-old teenager in the same way as they saw the vehicle "flying press flat us".
"We saw these two facts featuring in this thing. It looked dream a Ford station wagon, through the windows," Betty meant.
"It came in front of us basically unswervingly."
Her teenager then said: "There's whoosh to be scared of."
"I meant, 'Why did you say that?
"She meant, 'I don't cherish, it evenhanded came out of my chatter.
"And as I was idiom, the picture perfect umpire took off dream a shot out of a gun... And then at hand was all this green and blue and red inferno or lights all approximately it.
"I'll never wish for it."
Dennis from Batchelor meant his sighting was half by a touring company of polite society on the Dripstone Cliffs at nightfall.
"A companion and I were looking down the coast and saw this orangey-pink light progressing towards us. No statement at all," he meant.
"We evenhanded watched it in uninterrupted as it cruised on subsequent to the batter."
North Phoenix, AZ - 9/8/10: A pale, orb-shaped UFO was filmed best quality North Phoenix, AZ on September 8th. The take notes, Mr Erik Jimenez, managed to become aware of approximately two account work of footage of the UFO past it sun-bleached correct out of outlook.
UFOs and Extraterrestrials Are Usual : Ben Immersed Lockheed CEO Admitted On His Deathbed
RMN - Ben Immersed Lockheed Beast Works CEO had admitted in his Deathbed Admission that Space UFO theater company are real and U.S. Navy journey to stars.
According to article published in May 2010 thought of the Mufon UFO News item - Ben Immersed, the "Inaugurate of the Evasiveness Fighter-Bomber" and other head of Lockheed Beast Works, later let out information about Space UFO Companionship Are Usual And U.S. Navy Change To Stars
For instance he meant strength be new to diverse polite society today, but he prevented the information past his death in January 1995. His statements helped to renounce credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft.
The article was in print by Tom Keller, an aerospace builder who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Precious thing ONE: "Middle the Beast Works (Lockheed's secret research and upgrading entity), we were a brief, highly cohesive group consisting of about fifty hardened engineers and designers and a hundred or so informed machinists and shop workers. Our bay was configure technologically refined airplanes of brief question and of high class for to a great degree secret missions.
Precious thing TWO: "We formerly accept the means to journey among the stars, but these technologies are self-confident up in black projects, and it would want an act of God to perpetually get them out to habit assistance. Anything you can conceive, we formerly cherish how to do.
Precious thing THREE: "We now accept the technology to want ET terra firma. No, it won't want someone's permanent to do it. Existing is an cavity in the equations. We cherish what it is. We now accept the prerogative to journey to the stars. Leading, you accept to learn that we choice not get to the stars passing through chemical propulsion. Flash, we accept to decorate a new propulsion technology. For instance we accept to do is bring to light out everywhere Einstein went fluctuating."
Precious thing FOUR: Considering Immersed was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he meant, "Let me ask you. How does ESP work?"The questioner responded through, "All points in time and space are connected?" Immersed then meant, "That's how it works!"
Ben Immersed - Lockheed Number one CEO knew of extraterrestrial UFO theater company
Lockheed "Beast Works" other CEO knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO sure designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI Report report by Colorado lessee Michael Lindemann, the design information was consequential from forensic illustrations and numerous take notes testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. "Put on an act" McDonald.
In an announcement, dreary July 29, 1999, perceptibly addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an line of a talks through Harold Puthoff, engineer of the to a great degree classified U.S. "remote broadcast" program.
McDonald said: "Strategically Hal, you asked for it! Now that magic Lockheed builder and central model kit designer for the Testor Determined, John Andrews, is dead, I can announce that he one by one habitual the design connection with the Roswell Expertise and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Conflict Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spyplanes, Organization Thump Fighters, and Gap Shuttles.
Andrews was a guide recognizable bait of "Beast Works" CEO Ben Immersed -- the hand-picked legatee of Beast Works engineer Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "Evasiveness" fighter, its "half-pint" reproduction the "Stand Sullen", and the top-secret F-19 Evasiveness Interceptor. Through Immersed died of pest, Andrews took my questions to him.
Dr. Ben R. Immersed other Lockheed Beast Works CEO confirmed:
1. Existing are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we punish and ones 'they' punish. We university from any crash retrievals and pure "hand-me-downs." The Bearing knew and until 1969 took an energetic hand in the charge of that information. Behindhand a 1969 Nixon "abolition", charge was handled by an international terrace of directors in the personal district...
2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were poetic by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird into the open to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft...
3. It was Ben Rich's establish that the state-owned hardship not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials]. He alleged they may perhaps not fidget the truth -- perpetually. Song in the last months of his graze did he upsurge to mood that the "international commercial terrace of directors" production through the "Deliver" may perhaps pencil in a over shortfall to residents recognizable freedoms under the Pooled States Construction than the presence of off-world theater company themselves."
Lindemann optional extra that "Put on an act McDonald usual the best quality information from Andrews from 1994 until their last connection star helpful Christmas in 1998." Lindemann in addition noted "It hardship in addition be open that Dr. Ben R. Immersed attended a state-owned aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 past his virus astounded him in which he noteworthy -- in the presence of MUFON Orangey Area Slurp up Haughty Jan Harzan and diverse others that - 'We' (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military nominal tousled) had in it's firm footing the technology to "want us to the stars".
See the as the crow flies note in May, 2010 MUFON UFO News item from John Andrews and the hand in print response from Dr. Ben Immersed. Fastener first-class important soundtrack from Catch napping Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets bare by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and diverse astronauts if it expects concluded gift from the Obama Washed-out Home charge.
Lockheed Skunkworks Fix USAF, and CIA Contractor Admitted: UFO Are Usual
Don Phillips, "These UFOs were giant and they would evenhanded emit to a curb and do a 60 plane, 45 plane, 10 plane embitter, and then honestly dissimilar this action". Voguish the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, "They're state.They are correct over at hand and looking at the moment of natives ships., it is crass they dont dream us being state". Considering I was running through the Skunkworks through Kelly Johnson, we signed an submission through the government to loll very low about this.
Anti-gravitational research was leaving on. We cherish that at hand were convinced captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we basically did get convinced technology from them. And, yes, we basically did put it to work. We knew also other from what we star an buried industry. We can term it black, reverberating black, or invisible.
The intent I accept of these technologies came from the craft that were captured state. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I undeniably cherish convinced of the polite society that did. Existing was no question that at hand were beings from external the planet.
Are these ET polite society hostile? Strategically, if they were harsh, through their arms they may perhaps accept dejected us a craving time ago. We got these facts that are support scanners that check the organization and realize what the toss is. We can in addition dainty from the exceedingly scanner.
I can tell you one by one that we've been running on them. And we accept ones that can diagnose and pay the bill pest. One of the purposes I had for the system my technology orderliness in 1998 was to bring into being forth these technologies that can cleanse the air and can promote get rid of the toxins, and promote make weaker the food shortage for so afar fossil heighten. Yes, it is time. I can tell you one by one that it has formerly started.
Gratitude to Elaine for the heads up!
MUFON CMS - Nashville, TN - 9/7/10 - (unedited): This is singular classic of the diverse curious and arrant aerial objects that by the side of fly thru the airspace of Tennessee. This is evenhanded singular image of the biologic bioform UFO's that has been by the side of witnessed for a craving time. The shortfall is that not masses polite society are CD these funny objects. All the same, through masses appreciation of these sightings... maybe first-class polite society choice manage first-class time admiring the upright wonders of the declare... and smaller amount time looking downward! It is thoroughly an out of this world world! He who has eyes... let him see!
MUFON CMS - Murray Co., OK - 9/5/10 - (unedited): Gloomy west on HWY 110 in Murray Area, OK, the take notes noticed a pale, late model car on the side of the footpath tight of him. He meaningful to hoist over to cost out what had decorative their unselfishness. Looking up, the take notes noticed a massive curious craft at an knock down of about 2,000 ft and rock climbing civilized up. The curious craft was ocher in color and as massive as a 727 aircraft. It was bent dream the 1950s Carried by the wind Area office bomber at the front and had a giant fuselage protruding out the furnish of the craft that coiled up dream the furnish of a canoe honest first-class so. The take notes used to be a personal pilot and at one time owned his own aircraft but was at a decease as to what he was seeing. At period he referred to this craft as an object at at other period as a plane. He does not aim to be ridiculed by someone and choice not component this sighting through any friends.
As curtly as the craft was noticed the take notes retrieved his binoculars from his vehicle and got a clean clear consequence at the craft at 15X conduct. Protruding on also side of the craft was a gleaming rod exiting the front of the fuselage, neat downhearted entire breadth of the craft and then reattaching at the furnish of the fuselage at the exceedingly angle which may accept been 45 degrees vs 90 degrees. These gleaming rods were brilliant the daylight very well. The time was approximately 7:30 pm on a clear day, the sun was conversely shinning glowing tawny and not yet errand nightfall ocher. The take notes is rigid that the craft was not flushed ocher but then again had a slapdash that was ocher. No insignias or markings, or cockpit area was noticed, nor was any statement from the craft of any yielding noticed. In addition visible were two low down contrails from the craft that remained a resolute breadth of about 1/3 the breadth of the craft. The low down resolute contrails were depressed then again of round.
The take notes watched the craft tramp from about 2,000 ft knock down to about 50,000 ft knock down in about 4-5 mins time, after which the craft succinct shot off to the East vanishing from sight all in a partnership of seconds. At first the take notes crowd to his nearby house to aware his partner so that she may in addition see the craft but meaningful it would want her too craving to emit out of the house, so he returned to the spot at the side of the footpath and continued inspection. The take notes noteworthy he had to unswervingly embitter his organization to map out the craft in the same way as it shot to the East. As was mentioned, the take notes had for days been a personal pilot and feels his estimates on moment and altitudes are unspoiled. The take notes needs he may perhaps give up to the polite society who had pulled to the side of the footpath tight of him, he feels they may cherish if the craft rose from the ground or approached from the West, etc.
Also: The significant day at spiky the exceedingly time and spot on the exceedingly footpath as the onwards day's sighting, the witness's partner noticed a reserved craft in the Western sky. She asked her next of kin to hoist to the side of the footpath and passing through the exceedingly binoculars he had used the day past, observed a disc bent craft that was flushed ocher and rock climbing at the exceedingly time it traveled to the West. No a long way away details from this infinitesimal sighting are open at this time. Whichever witnesses wish for to stand for mysterious. - A Northern Surroundings female claims she was cut off by two alien beings in a spaceship bent dream a Ford station wagon - past it took off restricted by green, blue and red inferno.
It was evenhanded one of the stories to emit out after ABC morning show spokeswoman Leon Compton opened up the airwaves to UFO believers, according to the Northern Surroundings Report.
Betty from Alice Springs meant her guide encounter occurred in 1969.
She was heavy 20km south of Aileron towards Alice Springs at 4am through her six-year-old teenager in the same way as they saw the vehicle "flying press flat us".
"We saw these two facts featuring in this thing. It looked dream a Ford station wagon, through the windows," Betty meant.
"It came in front of us basically unswervingly."
Her teenager then said: "There's whoosh to be scared of."
"I meant, 'Why did you say that?
"She meant, 'I don't cherish, it evenhanded came out of my chatter.
"And as I was idiom, the picture perfect umpire took off dream a shot out of a gun... And then at hand was all this green and blue and red inferno or lights all approximately it.
"I'll never wish for it."
Dennis from Batchelor meant his sighting was half by a touring company of polite society on the Dripstone Cliffs at nightfall.
"A companion and I were looking down the coast and saw this orangey-pink light progressing towards us. No statement at all," he meant.
"We evenhanded watched it in uninterrupted as it cruised on subsequent to the batter."
North Phoenix, AZ - 9/8/10: A pale, orb-shaped UFO was filmed best quality North Phoenix, AZ on September 8th. The take notes, Mr Erik Jimenez, managed to become aware of approximately two account work of footage of the UFO past it sun-bleached correct out of outlook.
UFOs and Extraterrestrials Are Usual : Ben Immersed Lockheed CEO Admitted On His Deathbed
RMN - Ben Immersed Lockheed Beast Works CEO had admitted in his Deathbed Admission that Space UFO theater company are real and U.S. Navy journey to stars.
According to article published in May 2010 thought of the Mufon UFO News item - Ben Immersed, the "Inaugurate of the Evasiveness Fighter-Bomber" and other head of Lockheed Beast Works, later let out information about Space UFO Companionship Are Usual And U.S. Navy Change To Stars
For instance he meant strength be new to diverse polite society today, but he prevented the information past his death in January 1995. His statements helped to renounce credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft.
The article was in print by Tom Keller, an aerospace builder who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Precious thing ONE: "Middle the Beast Works (Lockheed's secret research and upgrading entity), we were a brief, highly cohesive group consisting of about fifty hardened engineers and designers and a hundred or so informed machinists and shop workers. Our bay was configure technologically refined airplanes of brief question and of high class for to a great degree secret missions.
Precious thing TWO: "We formerly accept the means to journey among the stars, but these technologies are self-confident up in black projects, and it would want an act of God to perpetually get them out to habit assistance. Anything you can conceive, we formerly cherish how to do.
Precious thing THREE: "We now accept the technology to want ET terra firma. No, it won't want someone's permanent to do it. Existing is an cavity in the equations. We cherish what it is. We now accept the prerogative to journey to the stars. Leading, you accept to learn that we choice not get to the stars passing through chemical propulsion. Flash, we accept to decorate a new propulsion technology. For instance we accept to do is bring to light out everywhere Einstein went fluctuating."
Precious thing FOUR: Considering Immersed was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he meant, "Let me ask you. How does ESP work?"The questioner responded through, "All points in time and space are connected?" Immersed then meant, "That's how it works!"
Ben Immersed - Lockheed Number one CEO knew of extraterrestrial UFO theater company
Lockheed "Beast Works" other CEO knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UFO sure designs of Testor model kits for Roswell UFO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft. According to a CNI Report report by Colorado lessee Michael Lindemann, the design information was consequential from forensic illustrations and numerous take notes testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. "Put on an act" McDonald.
In an announcement, dreary July 29, 1999, perceptibly addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an line of a talks through Harold Puthoff, engineer of the to a great degree classified U.S. "remote broadcast" program.
McDonald said: "Strategically Hal, you asked for it! Now that magic Lockheed builder and central model kit designer for the Testor Determined, John Andrews, is dead, I can announce that he one by one habitual the design connection with the Roswell Expertise and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Conflict Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spyplanes, Organization Thump Fighters, and Gap Shuttles.
Andrews was a guide recognizable bait of "Beast Works" CEO Ben Immersed -- the hand-picked legatee of Beast Works engineer Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk "Evasiveness" fighter, its "half-pint" reproduction the "Stand Sullen", and the top-secret F-19 Evasiveness Interceptor. Through Immersed died of pest, Andrews took my questions to him.
Dr. Ben R. Immersed other Lockheed Beast Works CEO confirmed:
1. Existing are 2 types of UFOs -- the ones we punish and ones 'they' punish. We university from any crash retrievals and pure "hand-me-downs." The Bearing knew and until 1969 took an energetic hand in the charge of that information. Behindhand a 1969 Nixon "abolition", charge was handled by an international terrace of directors in the personal district...
2. Nearly all "biomorphic" aerospace designs were poetic by the Roswell spacecraft -- from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird into the open to today's drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft...
3. It was Ben Rich's establish that the state-owned hardship not be told [about UFOs and extraterrestrials]. He alleged they may perhaps not fidget the truth -- perpetually. Song in the last months of his graze did he upsurge to mood that the "international commercial terrace of directors" production through the "Deliver" may perhaps pencil in a over shortfall to residents recognizable freedoms under the Pooled States Construction than the presence of off-world theater company themselves."
Lindemann optional extra that "Put on an act McDonald usual the best quality information from Andrews from 1994 until their last connection star helpful Christmas in 1998." Lindemann in addition noted "It hardship in addition be open that Dr. Ben R. Immersed attended a state-owned aerospace designers and engineers conference in 1993 past his virus astounded him in which he noteworthy -- in the presence of MUFON Orangey Area Slurp up Haughty Jan Harzan and diverse others that - 'We' (i.e., the U.S. aerospace community/military nominal tousled) had in it's firm footing the technology to "want us to the stars".
See the as the crow flies note in May, 2010 MUFON UFO News item from John Andrews and the hand in print response from Dr. Ben Immersed. Fastener first-class important soundtrack from Catch napping Project whistleblowers. NASA can not deny secrets bare by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and diverse astronauts if it expects concluded gift from the Obama Washed-out Home charge.
Lockheed Skunkworks Fix USAF, and CIA Contractor Admitted: UFO Are Usual
Don Phillips, "These UFOs were giant and they would evenhanded emit to a curb and do a 60 plane, 45 plane, 10 plane embitter, and then honestly dissimilar this action". Voguish the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, "They're state.They are correct over at hand and looking at the moment of natives ships., it is crass they dont dream us being state". Considering I was running through the Skunkworks through Kelly Johnson, we signed an submission through the government to loll very low about this.
Anti-gravitational research was leaving on. We cherish that at hand were convinced captured craft from 1947 in Roswell, they were real. And, yes, we basically did get convinced technology from them. And, yes, we basically did put it to work. We knew also other from what we star an buried industry. We can term it black, reverberating black, or invisible.
The intent I accept of these technologies came from the craft that were captured state. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I undeniably cherish convinced of the polite society that did. Existing was no question that at hand were beings from external the planet.
Are these ET polite society hostile? Strategically, if they were harsh, through their arms they may perhaps accept dejected us a craving time ago. We got these facts that are support scanners that check the organization and realize what the toss is. We can in addition dainty from the exceedingly scanner.
I can tell you one by one that we've been running on them. And we accept ones that can diagnose and pay the bill pest. One of the purposes I had for the system my technology orderliness in 1998 was to bring into being forth these technologies that can cleanse the air and can promote get rid of the toxins, and promote make weaker the food shortage for so afar fossil heighten. Yes, it is time. I can tell you one by one that it has formerly started.
Gratitude to Elaine for the heads up!
In progress UFO Sightings, BioForms and Backside Trade
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