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Friday, October 23, 2009

Ray Stanford

Ray Stanford
"Ray Stanford, Age 37 (from an article in UFO Ignition by Franco Cernero, June 1976, Inferior 46 ff.)"Mr. Stanford is noted for his misfortunately named book about the 1964 Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting in Socorro, New Mexico: SOCORRO SAUCER IN A PENTAGON StoreNo matter what the fact that Mr. Stanford was complicit in the Air Force's inelegant bash to beloud the Socorro incident by re-imaging the symbol that Office Zamora saw on the craft he is resplendently aligned among, we at the same time as that Mr. Stanford has always, it seems, attempted to attack the UFO mystery in ill-advised and inventive, inimitable ways.The article referenced done was about Ray Stanford's "Argument Starlight" -- a project geared to accessing UFOs in ways that muscle invent more than a few clues or an explanation of the UFO cloak-and-dagger.Correspondent Cernero tough on Mr. Stanford's Argument Starlight International's laser signaling bash to zilch in on UFOs cluttering the skies of Texas in 1973.If other "ufologists" were as unsullied as Ray Stanford, we muscle not be recollection over, lazy, what UFOs are or were...RR