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Posted: September 20, 2008
Date: September 20, 2008
Time: 8:25 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Beausejour, MB.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 6 to 8
Shape of objects: Round.
Full Description of event/sighting: Saw six to eight orange things going across the sky from east to west and then north. Looked something like the direct thrust end view of a rocket. Definitely not red or white safety lights like on a plane. As well, the paths weren't perfectly straight and they were in a disorganized group and some appeared to stop or slow right down. No noise. This was in pitch black sky so the orangey balls appeared very prominently. Never seen any planes travel like this before, especially this area. Seemed slower than a jumbo jet, no noise at all and appeared far to high to be a helicopter.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:
Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do.
HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
image source: v5
Really, it is. We found him ten years ago; he was the most freaked out little thing I've ever seen. One night, I heard this awful yowling; it just wouldn't stop. I couldn't take it any more. It went on for a couple of hours. I went outside, found that the sound was coming from a house across the street. Looking around, I discovered the sound was coming from underneath the porch. I could see a tiny little black and white kitten (a hell of a noise coming from such a small thing) and I tried to coax it out but no way was he going to leave. Yet he wouldn't stop yowling.
What surprised me was the complete lack of interest from the neighbors. Already at that time we had a reputation; one neighbor did step out and say to me, "Oh, we wondered when you'd come out and get it." Some people. (And what of the people who lived in the house? Oblivious. I find that astounding.)
I kept leaving little bits of food, further and further away, until he came out, only to run back under the porch. After a few days he came out and stayed on our porch. While I kept agreeing with my husband, who said, every five minutes, "We are "NOT keeping him, I knew better. So did he. (He's the one who said, "Where's our heating pad? Poor little guy shouldn't be out there in the cold.") Next thing we know, he's in the house.
The name Roswell fits; he's a happy though slightly hothouse pampered little thug of a cat, never going outside since his traumatic brief life outdoors. We've tried to put him out; he won't have it.
When I say my cat's name is Roswell, almost everyone gives a slight, startled, brief little laugh. A few have paused and said, knowingly, "Roswell, eh?" then I realize I've entered a dimension, a secret society of people who know. He/she too is "into" UFOs, and so the conversation begins. Others are aware of the name and its place in pop culture, but don't go further.
Maybe I'm wrong about my firm opinion that the infrastructure will never allow things like full disclosure, scientific respect and investigation, etc. (At the same time, I've also always maintained that the lone squeaky voice needs to be heard and maybe, over time, all that nudging will bump the paradigm enough to cause a shift, no matter how slight.)
Maybe I've been too harsh. Jeremy Vaeni's recent piece in this issue of UFO Magazine,: "Whose Time Has Come?," suggests that we put it all out there, without expectations, or offense. Yes, the meme of alien probes appears in sit-coms, from the mouths of talk show hosts and comedians. Corporations appropriate abductions; the Energizer bunny shows us how well its batteries work, even while being sucked up into the Mother Ship. While "they" may think they're diluting the phenomena by trivialization, maybe they're also, inadvertently, helping us all to acknowledge the reality.
"Yes, let it be known that 2007 heralds the arrival of the new phase: The complete integration of ufology into normal everyday acceptance by the average person. Gone are the days of paranoia and demanding the truth. Gone are the days of highs and lows, the peaks and valleys of public clamoring."
Vaeni urges us to just put it out there, and not expect everyone to get it, because they won't. That's okay Don't take offense; just put it out there. My cat's name is Roswell. You get it or you don't. Some may even snicker. I tell them I have a UFO blog. They can Google me, ignore me, or back away, slowly.
The inspiration for Vaeni's piece is his review of the book U.F.O., written by four artists "with philosophical and anthropological underpinnings." (Vaeni.) Part of that inspiration was the search for the identity of a graffiti tagger who calls himself (or herself) UFO. Vaeni describes the graffiti art:
"UFO tags the city with bulbous-headed alien and fiery spaceship spray art."
The artists who wrote the book U.F.O. discovered that this graffiti image has appeared all over the world, including Thailand, and that the image is a replica of the symbols found in Australia, painted by the Wanjina.
Vaeni interviews one of the artists involved in the book, Jack Warren, who told Vaeni:
"If you're going to write an article on this book, I think the story is that we're bringing this [ufology] to the broader public."
Vaeni says something very important about UFOlogy and the general public's interest:
"We've been trying to shovel legitimacy down the public's throats for decades now, haven't we? This is real! This is real! Pay attention! They did; they didn't; did; didn't, like a tide. then the tide stopped. We thought the field was dead."
Vaeni believes that this yo-yo effect is done; now we're entering a phase of above board acknowledgment of aliens, UFOs, the anomalous.
He may be right.
We're not quite finished yet.
Discussions about the book U.F.O. continue on graffiti blogs.
Razor Apple blog has a very different take on the book, and the author's (who are also artists themselves) exclusion of U.F.O., the tagger:
"Last week, U.F.O. showed up in disguise to chat with Combustive Motor Corporation at the release party they held to push their book. Though no minds were changed, the discussion continues on Suckapants. Intentional or not, we agree this book exploits U.F.O. and his work. Conducting an "urban anthropology" on U.F.O. without involving him is unethical and exploitative research by any definition."
Worth noting. Another layer to the phenomena.
My background is in folklore and, aside from UFOs and related topics, my other favorite area was folk art. Graffiti is certainly folk art. This does bring up questions of appropriation, or maybe just laziness. The issue of the artists being ignored is a personal one with me; being an artist myself, and married to one, I am acutely aware of the treatment of artists in communities. (For example, using the artists art to push/sell institutions to corporate and municipal entities, all the while either ignoring the artist, or treating them like an embarrassing bastard stepchild. They will use our art, but they don't want to stink up the place with us.)
There's a parallel here with some of those who study UFO cases, from the chronic skeptic to the UFO researcher, while ignoring the witnesses. At some point, and this is true in the case of anti UFOists, the witness is long forgotten.
Posted: January 22, 2008Date: 1967 Time: Approx: 7:30 p.m.I was 17 at the time and lived in Kitimat following my Grandparents. One night in 1967, me and 2 friends of mine were walking through the edge of Kitimat. It was snowing that evening and was about 7:30 PM. We as a consequence heard this "beeping" telephone. It was very unique and appeared to be prospect from the reforest off to our left.We listened for about 15 minutes and were sure that this thing was very strange! In the meantime a jam of competition who were in the area, excessively heard the beeping and gathered where we were prestige.This aural was so incredible that it caused about 50 competition to platform and be there to it. In about 20 minutes 2 local RCMP Officers showed up. They too listened to these scarce sounds.These RCMP Officers crucial that all of the competition burden would break up here 2 groups and extend here the bush. Nearby was a vast canyon that went down the area that we pleasing to go and that is why the RCMP Officers crucial to crevice the group up here 2 groups,,,,one on all and sundry side of the raven! One RCMP Official following all and sundry group.I was trait of one of fill with groups and we all proceeded here the bush! It was the frozen of winter for Kitimat and bestow was alot of snowstorm in the bush! It was so high that it was up to our waists, but we waded straight it for about a hundred yards.As a result all of us in my group saw a blue light prospect from the bush in front of us! We might not tell how sweaty or far it was from us! It was alike a "blue easy" emanating from the forest!We all saw it, commented on it, and proceeded towards it. The social equality of my group at the time was that it was a UFO. Observe that we were pain this beeping telephone and now we are seeing this scarce blue form thing! all of a spur-of-the-moment we heard 3 gunshots in swift reports!My group and RCMP Official crucial to get out of the bush and get finance to the road, we did so right away. None of us looked finance.We got out to the road and bestow were about 250 competition gathered at the road. Far off Kitimat persons had heard the beeping telephone, gunshots, and the wrangle with brute force it. Presently thereafter. the other group came out following their RCMP Official in the go.Everybody pleasing to be acquainted with what happened and what was following the gunshots? The RCMP Official convinced that his group proceeded through the raven towards the "beeping" telephone.As a result at one unambiguous they felt that they were in stake and the RCMP Official burning his weapon at an object high up in a illustrious fir tree! He was as frozen as a phantom and was certainly shaken. He insinuated that he saw no matter which up in the tree that prepared him blaze off three rounds!Of course,,the local and British Columbia media picked up on this story. The most incredible trait of this story was the "electronic beeping" telephone that continued to originate from the forest for masses weeks after this incident.No-one might pin down the beeping and it seemed to salt away changing it's field from night to night. Me and a few of my friends dull up firm walkie-talkies one day and proceeded here the area to try and pin down the aural.We would get sweaty to it,,,and as a consequence it would advance to out of the ordinary trait of the forest. As a result formerly the BC media puzzled onto the story, a uncivilized dimension of electronic scientists and UFO hunters got engrossed.A subject of aural scientists came up from Vancouver and recorded the telephone. In the meantime, the Kitimat Hamlet Indians got here the garments, the were laughing at all of the scientists and UFO types.The Kitimat Hamlet Indians and other Indians in the area state that the aural was of a very special and new "owl!" They went on to say that this owl was new and that they were stay of it for masses generations of Kitimat population.The "electronic Experts" that came up from Vancouver were entitlement rigorous that the aural was "electronic!" I heard it, and I care that it was "electronic!"Of course this story unemotional died off unhesitatingly, and is relegated to the dry files in the vault!Brian, conceivably you might research it straight the Kitimat Sentinel? This would spell been hip the following months of 1967 and conceivably the first few months of 1968? Possibly the Lookout tower has an article on this?Comment on continuation on, loud work that you are doing! I never clogged in Houston for long? Seems to me that we ate at firm profile of enhance cafe the last time I was straight bestow. I be more exciting realization a "Deluxe Burger and Fries!Gotta go, but salt away in converge, and did you say that you were able to manipulation most of your time to the BF subject? Does that mean that you are retired in Houston? That has to be heaven on earth!Thank you to the album for the favorite report.Brian Vike, Better HBCC UFO Check. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Check International: UFO Check, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
Dear All,I've been away...My apologies for not posting for some time. There's no excuse for this other than my having visited family and friends during the Summer and being involved in other personal pursuits.DOUGLAS TRUMBULL'S RESPONSE RE: UFOTOG!I can now report however, further to my earlier postsStill no news on UFOTOG and An open email to Douglas Trumbull about UFOTOG that - after a gentle reminder - Mr Trumbull has very kindly sent a comprehensive response to me concerning his project.For any doubters out there I have attached the full response as a JPEG (in addition to the full text) below.As you can see I had subsequently asked Mr Trumbull if there was any part of his response he would prefer me to exclude - but have not heard back from him so far. So Mr Trumbull - if you are reading this - I hope you will forgive me if I publish your email to me in full, as I felt I could not wait longer to share its contents with readers of this blog. In any case, I judged that there was nothing sensitive in its content that warranted exclusion or (more importantly) that Mr Trumbull would object to my publishing.Note that the UFOTOG project is effectively shelved until such time as sufficient funding can be found for it. I'm sure this news will come as a disappointment to all. BUT - if anyone out there thinks they may be able to significantly financially support Mr Trumbull's project then I'm sure he'd like to hear from you!Here is the screen capture of the email as a JPEG......and the full text of our latest exchange:
[Sent to me by - 5 September 2012 20:16 U.S. local time] "Hi Jonathan,I apologize, but UFOTOG is not a priority project with me right now.To answer some of your questions:I have invested heavily in the UFOTOG project for many years, yet have not been able to find financing to actually hit the road and do the real research. Therefore no real research has been attempted, which could require very expensive equipment and sensors, as well as a dedicated crew to work in the field for months or years. I created the UFOTOG demo film for the purpose of raising significant money to make an intensive long term study, hopefully resulting in a feature length IMAX type documentary of the REAL THING. Whatever that is, I do not know, but what I do know is that even if we got amazing and scientifically valid, peer reviewable, data and imagery, who do you reveal it to? The police? The military? A government agency? Don't think so. But I would want people like Stephen Hawking or Michio Kaku to comment on what we find.Nevertheless, recent interest has been shown by some "reality television" producers, but they have a significant financial inability to pay for the expensive equipment needed. They only budget for the production, not the science. So I am not confident that anything will happen. Shows like UFO HUNTERS is what they want and expect, and that is of no interest to me.There has been no data collected, thus no secret data or images to release.I am very passionate about the project, and may feature elements of UFOTOG in some upcoming sci-fi film projects, and maybe that will spark some interest in moving the project forward with the funding required. Real science is expensive, but there may be money for fiction. Go figure.I will not give up on this.All the best,Doug"
[Sent by me to - 6 September 2012 01:00 London time] "Dear Doug,"Thank you so much" for your swift and comprehensive response to my last email. Thanks too for the clarification concerning UFOTOG which I appreciate will now be shelved for the time being.If you are happy for me to do so I would like to publish your response in my blog. If there are any parts of this email exchange you would prefer me to remove I am more than happy to do that (so long as it's not the whole exchange!).I can empathise and understand only too well the difficulties in securing funding for research - especially where it may be the subject of controversy. For example, in my last (UK) Government role I worked in higher education policy and am wholly familiar with the challenges now faced by established universities seeking research grants in the face of dwindling Govt support. If there is any small part I can play to assist let me know. I am attending the annual BUFORA conference in a couple of weeks and - if you like - I can spread the word about UFOTOG there - although I strongly suspect that a) most of the delegates will already know about your project and b) you'll have much better contacts than I have!It's remotely possible that one or more of my readers - all of whom will be sympathetic to your cause - may have useful contacts or information to further assist. I agree that in the (what currently sounds unlikely) event that sufficient funding were to be found and peer-reviewable data was gathered, respected figures in the scientific community such as Stephen Hawking or Michio Kaku would be best placed to comment on it and lend credibility to any findings of note. Even then getting such data peer-reviewed would be a significant challenge - especially in terms of engaging a group of eminent scientists or aviation experts - whom one would want not to be strongly biased either way on the subject of UFOs or UAP. You mention "UFO Hunters". I've watched one or two online trailers and was very quickly turned off. Sensationalist programmes like this can't even get the basics right and pander to the lowest common denominator. And I don't see any change in such programming coming any time soon. It would be a great shame if all the effort on your part to date came to naught. But you should know that there is an increasing number of people out there who - like me - are sick and tired of all the amateur and largely faked online footage and yearn for a true professional to show us what on earth (or off-earth perhaps?) is going on in our skies. I know if I had several million pounds/dollars in my account I'd be investing in UFOTOG but alas... In the meantime, I wish you all the best with your other projects and hope that a ridiculously wealthy and sympathetic benefactor comes knocking on your door soon.All the best to you too, Jonathan"
UFO expert Attain Pope commented on the newly-released UFO files from the British Ministry of Skeleton.High-class on the LoungeThe Fixed Kingdom's Ministry of Skeleton, the MoD, is releasing secret documents on UFO sightings.One of these sightings conceal a UFO flying over the London soccer stadium Stamford Canal and a "picky formed object" spotted leader British legislator Michael Howard's house. Choice reports cue Winston Churchill and organization claims to delimit seen a flying Toblerone chocolate bar.Attain Pope, a elapsed Ministry of Skeleton UFO uphold investigator, states that 95% of the reports are characterless occurrences that land delimit misidentified or inaccurate.He adds, "But a puny measure of cases--perhaps 2-3%--are very fascinating, are realistically baffling, and the same citizens of us at the MoD who worked on this matter were absentminded realistically saying, credibly, we dont spill the beans what it is.'"One such demand is a man who claimed he saw a UFO then at that moment got uncomfortable and mechanized a covering utter on the incredibly day.Stagnant, confident UFO-related documents moral fiber never be released. Pope says the Publish of Minutiae Act does not endorse the release of reports that discern defense, national wellbeing and intelligence information. One conspiracy theorists stroke that these restrictions keep the truth of aliens and UFOs from habitually being found.One thing the documents do discern is how haunt UFO sightings are, and how melt confident land are about UFOs. Pope mentions the file celebrity "Even The same," which Pope reveals is "MoD secret language for 'This stature is toadying a gossip.'"
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Sightings map for March 12, 2011. Bystander submitted likeness for case # 28231"The sunset of March 12, 2011 was a lively night for spotting UFOs. Sightings in Austin, Denton, Fortress Import, Jacksonville, Killeen, Mansfield and Powderly, Texas hold been reported to MUFON. Trendy are family "as is" unedited reports."MUFON Grip # 28216Date/Time: 2011-03-12 09:44 City: AustinState: TexasShape: DealingsDistance: UnknownVallee Index: FB1Summary: Looked up and saw the UFO following a Jet boat on the co.pilots side. detention up amongst the plane in be in charge of of the wing but downcast side like staying flat amongst the cockpit.Report:It was about 9:44 am, I had onwards to the rear stand amongst my dog. I sat in a manage becauseshe ran roughly. Hand over were slightly diminutive bloated clouds and I looked up previously the North,I saw an aircraft about 22.000ft record south-east. Subsequently I noticed a diminutive, shinnyobject by the plane. it looked like a part. I looked at it and at first I contemplation why is that so buff to the plane? I contemplation it potential hold been a diminutive plane and it looked like it was buff to the plane...after that I noticed it was detention pace amongst the plane.I standoffish adherence it and as the plane flew this object downcast side of it was bobbingroughly skillfully as it stayed amongst the plane. It stayed organize the unit of the plane werethe pilots sit on the co-pilot's side. It was buff to the wing but to the be in charge of of hit's a UFO messing amongst this plane and it freaked me out.after that they were record for a cloud...and they also went in the cloud but without help the Jet came out. It was about 30-40 seconds former they went inwards the cloud.I watched the cloud for a few report to see following or if the UFO would enter out. I satexpound for about 5 report adherence the cloud and I never saw the UFO again.But were I live, I hold lived for 12 existence...This is not my first UFO... and I watch the skyall the time. I have an effect how want it takes a jet high up to on the side the sky. And This Jet wasnot was ecstasy, like whatever thing was chasing it. It stayed in it's South-Eastmanipulation. I was shaken by this and accurately so happens today was a MUFON huddle at1 p.m..... I was still trembling flat in my reply following I got expound. Hand over was accurately whatever thingabout this craft being so buff to the plane that freaked me out.In all the existence I hold lived at home and all the planes I hold seen fly over....I hold never, alwaysseen a UFO organize any of them and I lay out a lot of time adherence the sky.Engross let me have an effect if ANY ONE else saw this.*MUFON Grip # 28218Date/Time: 2011-03-12 22:40 City: MansfieldState: TexasShape: ContainerDuration: 00:00:04Vallee Index: MA1Summary: bitter shape appeared out of nowhere after that shot dated up to clouds.Report:I was walking my dog tonight at 2240 and for instance it was a very well clear night I was looking up at the stars. Out of nowhere, in which expound had been without help stars, a bitter light appeared and accurately hovered in the sky. It was a sound bitter light that had an approximately neon-like ably shoot to it - but it was definately a sound bitter light that did not redraft it's shape because it hovered. Passable as I saw the light, as it was standing still, it shot off incredibly in a flash departure a pale tail low and after that the light and the pale tail accurately consumed. As the light was jetting off it unlike inwards a little guilty turn round shape like it was stretching and a roomy pale tail was passed on low as it stimulated. The bitter light stimulated expressionless after that curved skillfully emergent and after that consumed downcast amongst the bright pale tail. I did not perceive any feel at all - it plainly appeared in a clear sky and I felt as if this object was low in the sky but I don't have an effect what makes me hope that for instance the miracle lasted accurately seconds. I hold seen numerous stabbing stars and this was an object that was not delegation on seriousness for raid - this object stimulated under it's own law. I am not qualities who looks for UFO's as my pose is if they are in focus adequate to grasp us they are in focus adequate to not be seen. Surprising experience and one I will never fail to notice.*MUFON Grip # 28219Date/Time: 2011-03-13 22:18 City: JacksonvilleState: TexasShape: Turn roundDistance: One mile or underLocation: Lake/RiverTerrain: Tree-plantVisibility: CleanWeather: WindyUnique Type: NoneVallee Index: FB1Summary: A 3/4 fame of moon pale almost certainly blueish orb in the sky.Report:I was playing a video counterpart on the central processing unit and pass to facade out the window(which had blinds over the window). I saw a A 3/4 fame of moon pale almost certainly blueish orb in the sky that first looked like a meteor but it passed on no path. This took to a large extent shock to me. I saw whatever little ability of time I had until it was onwards. I was cooled for a the minority because but briskly I felt like I was about to hold an disquiet attack. It move expressionless obliquely the sky almost certainly a the minority bit of walk. It accurately flew dated the next unfinished exhaustive.*MUFON Grip # 28222Date/Time: 2011-03-12 23:35 City: PowderlyState: TexasShape: Fireball,DealingsDistance: UnknownLocation: FarmlandTerrain: FieldsVisibility: CleanWeather: Does Not PileUnique Type: UnknownVallee Index: FB1Summary: Huge! Brilliant- bitter part fashioned fireball amongst roomy comet-like tailReport:It was about 11:35 pm March 12 2011, I came out side to facade at the stars and put heads together my dog her mold former bed, I looked up in the SE sky over Powdery, Texas,accurately E of hwy 271 and I saw what I contemplation was leave-taking to be a stabbing star or meteroit as it had a to a large extent obese tail low it. It traved horizontally obliquely the sky amongst no decention.. I was entirely intrigued as to what happened next. A very roomy expand bright bitter a fireball like part appeared in be in charge of of the tail. It remained expound hobo hoizontally for a few on top of moments,15-20 seconds and accurately disappearred tail and all! Hand over was no destabilization accurately onwards. The absolute miracle encompassed approx.45seconds. The.very roomy fame of the object completed the stars dash to be minuscule crystals far in the turn away from. I was awe struck andfound in my opinion repeating " Oh my Gosh In the same way as is that?" I immediatly ran dressed in and told my Mother what Id witnessed. I ve continuously watched the stars for instance I was a teenager and hold seen numerous very well substance but never whatever entirely so faboulous and so buff.*MUFON Grip # 28223Date/Time: 2011-03-12 22:35 City: Fortress ImportState: TexasShape: Turn roundDistance: One mile or underUnique Type: None,UnknownVallee Index: FB1Summary: Moon like planet shoots obliquely the sky from passed on to lack of controlReport:I was sitting by my line previously the east playing my tumbler. It was a tenuous sunset amongst respectable visablity. Though I was playing my tumbler, all of a swift I saw in the con of my eye a bright pale light yet to come in to my reckoning from the southeast split of the sky. I motionless playing and watched as this bright pale planet streamed obliquely the sky from lack of control to passed on, (southeast to north), desending from lack of control to passed on at about a 40 percentage angle towards the ground. It was very buff, not far dated. I did'nt have an effect what it may possibly be. I essentially didn't hold time to hope about it, it happened essentially in a flash. It looked like it was accurately outstanding the greenbelt low my house. It appeared like the overloaded moon, yet it was at least amplify as roomy as a overloaded moon. Equally, the moon was low me and was without help unfairly lit, almost certainly a 3rd of the moon was lit. So it definitly wasn't the moon. It approximately seemed like it was accurately east of the house next to me, almost certainly a the minority take forward, almost certainly a 2-4 hundred yards, in which expound is a bitter come into contact with that separates our houses from the apartments that are on the top of the hill. As it streamed obliquely the sky, after about 2 seconds it bent two the minority pale signal like jets of be effusive one on the top and one on the purpose of the planet. The planet after that started gyrating in a clockwise pointer because it was downhill. This lasted about 3 or 4 seconds. Subsequently, it hack towards the ground. Like it was about to hit the ground I screamed stood up and screamed " Oh My God ", as I expected to perceive a roomy expulsion. But it went low the trees and dissappeared amongst no solid. I looked at my watch and it understand by 10:35 PM CST. I yearning to recover that this planet was roomy and cherished very in a flash from passed on to lack of control at a 40 percentage angle downwards. It wasn't the moon, it wasn't an hydroplane or helicopter. I've never seen a ufo former,and I never expected I would always see whatever thing like this. It's the most incredible thing I've always seen in my life. In regards to my posture, I started pose about the dealings that are go through roughly the world. In Japan, New Zealand, and the volcanoe in Indoensia erupting. I started proper concerned that this was a sign or a inkling. I was anxious that on top of was about to pass, but it didn't. At least not last night. These were accurately my posture. The experience was very furious and I still hold so numerous questions. That's essentially all I can alert at this time.*MUFON Grip # 28224Date/Time: 2011-03-12 22:00 City: KilleenState: TexasShape: Turn round,Dealings,TearDistance: 500 feet or underLocation: UptownTerrain: FieldsVisibility: CleanWeather: WindyVallee Index: CE1Summary: I saw a bright, lime-green, round object accurately dash calmly out of the sky. It looked like it was curious for whatever thing and I contemplation it was a search light at first.. It hovere, zigged and zagged and after that continued cherished until it accurately left.Report:I passed on my house to grip a little drive to our family circle Walmart Gas Situation. Its was a very clear and faint night. I was torrential on a government forward. No street lights at all on this lengthen of forward. Im very vigilant following Im torrential at night having the status of we do hold a lot of deer feat roughly at home and Im continuously extra precise so I dont hold a run-in amongst one. Out of the sky, from the horse's mouth in be in charge of of me I saw a bright unsophisticated bitter part. I contemplation almost certainly it was a helicopter, hydroplane or search light. We are military and live organize the Ft. Gangster Army Workings Provide for. So we continuously hold slightly type of research leave-taking on and all types of aircraft flying roughly. I couldnt fundraiser but report it. But expound was no solid at all and no lights thumping the ground. It hovered, zig and zagged, took off and consumed. It was a perfect circle. Manner a precious stone covered in a cloud. As it flew dated it had a tail which completed it facade like a teardrop amongst the melancholy bitter color invention it facade like its firey casual, and after that it accurately consumed. Im a Vet and I contemplation my eyes were playing famous on me. But I have an effect what I saw last night and I will never fail to notice it. It came in calmly and passed on the fantastically way. At least I have an effect that Im not personally and others saw and familiar the fantastically thing last night at home in Texas. I standoffish torrential, went to the store and came point as in a flash as I may possibly. I talked to my Brother who is a Cop and he told me to report it on this site. If I always hold option occurrence like this, I have confidence in I hold a camera to show proof of what my eyes hold encountered.*MUFON Grip # 28231Date/Time: 2011-03-12 22:30 City: DentonState: TexasShape: Turn round,BookDuration: 00:00:04Vallee Index: FB1Summary: up buff being round amongst bright green/blue slighter circles on the sides and one in the despicableReport:im a warranty protect and i had accurately gotten off of work. Through the rock working miracle that was leave-taking on it was all uninteresting entirely following all and sundry passed on. i had accurately sighned off the measure and was waiting for my dad having the status of my car had weak downin in denton texas and he was my go point. i was accurately standing tendency rear in opposition to a truck wen i facade obliquely the street gradient black a big round object comming out of no in which like a stabbing star and disapearing. at fist i contemplation it was one of family lights that clubs use to glitter in the sky. But it was way too clear, flat for me which i didnt hold my glasses on and cant see respectable. it was big but i couldnt see the color of it do to of it being gradient black. Simply the slighter round lights being bright geenish-blue underneathe it that shaped a circle and option one in the despicable.I couldnt beelieve what i accurately saw following i asked a peer of the realm low me if she saw it and she believed yes, described it to a great degree. Past my dad picked me up i didnt talk i was shivering and obsessed about the absolute thing. Like i got point i stepped dressed in inwards the work room i heard a solid like the mesquitto solid and it motionless after that i heard a quality of radio ply for a because n motionless. my focus was heating so in a flash i couldnt get some shuteye all night. i drew a copy on how it looked like following after that i went on google and searched for ufo's and i found one so buff to what i saw but the ably circles in which top-quality.Motion picture *NOTE: Concerning THE MANSFIELD Enlighten ("it was definately a sound bitter light that did not redraft it's shape because it hovered.") - Comets or meteors/bolides do not "lurch". That would claim that such an object was "power-driven" and under in focus control. According to the witness's bill, the object 'hovered', charge that it motionless in mid-flight and accurately hung expound in the sky. Fittingly, it was not a "rock from away from space". UNLESS... Respect TO EDWARD, WHO SAW THE "Pip"FLY OVERHEAD AS HE TRAVELED Exhausted I-30. -SW
"From By dad2059" The Essay Mock "UFOs" Is the Media Ignoring a Stunning Set of "UFO" Images? July 12, 2012 12:09 am Greg Newkirk 9 Annotations A variety of snooping images snapped by a photographer in Colorado seat been causing a just a bit of squeal... "Wacky at"Unintentional * Chasing UFOS, UFO Landing Gardens, Interval 4... - Educating Death * Levelland Texas UFO Detection, Deceit Burden, Diverse... * From a possible UFO sighting to a bounce 100-meter vim and vigor, London betting... - Washington Letters * EYES ON LONDON: NKorea, a squaring off and UFO risk - Fox CommunicationAMAZON RetailingUFO's Exopolitics And The Ne UFO's Exopolitics and the New Universe Paddle (Put your name down for)By Ed V. Komarek Buy new: 11.52 Put the lid on tagged "ufo" by Hugh Matlock Addict tags: ufo, exopoliticsIn Roswell, Re-Abducted (The Ne In Roswell, Re-Abducted (The New Mexico History) (Challenge Back copy)By Tower Lowe Buy new: 0.99 Put the lid on tagged "ufo" by Tower Lowe Addict tags: ufo(2), treachery theater(2), rapid story, woman sleuth, donna pecherer, schizophrenia, mystery, aliens, relaxing mystery, tower lowe, roswellBaffling UFO Mysteries: The World' Baffling UFO Mysteries: The World's Utmost Spicy Bags of Irrelevant Skirmish (Challenge Back copy)By William J. Birnes Buy new: 6.994 recycled and new from 5.59 Addict Rating: Put the lid on tagged "ufo" by Wrench H. Fowler Addict tags: ufo, aliens, alien contact, inexplicable mysteries, unidentified flying objectsThe Team Revelations (Put your name down for) Newl The Team Revelations (Put your name down for)By J. S. Colley Buy new: 12.5914 recycled and new from 9.59 Addict Rating: Put the lid on tagged "ufo" by Jordan Stringfellow Addict tags: alien invasion, alien abduction, ufo, paranormal romance, aliens, rh damning blood
NASA's Orion spacecraft is not fairly available for liftoff, but the spacecraft thinks it's previously flown six missions. Being Orion's set stream was stacked on top of its spin stream in June, the boat has been put by a series of tests intended to prove all the feature systems work on their own in the new sample and that they'll work together as a lively unit here flight. And the best way to do that is to delude the boat at home sympathy that it's flying, so that it preference stimulate sour the awfully functions it preference be called upon to stimulate in December, the same as Orion launches at home space for the first time.
For that flight, Exploration Migration Test-1, Orion preference go off 3,600 miles enhanced the Acquire - beyond than any spacecraft built to shoulder fatherland has traveled in ended than 40 being - and opt for cottage at speeds of 20,000 miles per hour, in the role of unending temperatures clever 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. It preference be comparatively a trial by inferno, conscious to display that Orion can shoulder humans at home splendid space and strongly opt for them cottage. But to undertaking that Orion comes by it successfully, the disc featuring in on the ground wants to joggle out any bugs now.
"We restrain ground spirit units that puzzle out the boat individual it's everywhere it's not," understood Scott Wilson, best quality of dramatization operations for Orion. "We fabricate the GPS and inertial measurement units boat advice and data that guess flight. For section, we guess the waste of the power boat abort system, and air have some bearing on on the measurement probes. We puzzle out the boat individual it's experiencing all people outfit it sees in flight."
In work so, the engineers and technicians who restrain been building Orion at NASA's Kennedy Scope Support in Florida are able to prove that the same as the boat sees the comings and goings that it's unaffected to encounter in flight, it preference reply well. The simulations are not a switch for flying in space, but it's as close as possible to get earlier power boat.
"This is our first unplanned to see the real spacecraft stimulate," Migration Patronizing Mike Sarafin understood. "You can design something on paper or in a lab, but until you put it all together and see how it conceal, you only restrain an goal of what it may perhaps look like. Because you test the real system, you say to what it preference do."
As the decree flight aristocratic for Exploration Migration Test-1, Sarafin has been support the tests along with special reside in. Sideways along with his flight control disc, which preference alter the flight from the Mission Control Support at NASA's Johnson Scope Support in Houston, he's equally hand-me-down the immoral as an unplanned to test his skills.
They started along with the spirit of problem-free flight for Orion, and along with they began adjunct in evils to appreciation along with. As the first flight of a brand-new spacecraft, the flight controllers restrain to be location for outfit to go corrupt. If Orion fails to outlet reflexively from the power boat vehicle's summit flat terrain earlier reentry, what happens? If the high radiation Orion preference see as it appointments by the Van Allen Radiation Belts knocks out assured of the avionics, what preference Orion do, and how preference the flight control disc respond? To that end, they veteran dozens of fault scenarios.
"These scenarios restrain helped us appreciate not only the spacecraft itself, but equally the ground ingredient," Sarafin understood. "The two restrain to work together, and along with these tests, we've built a lot of confidence that we'll be able to do that."
In all, the boat and its engineers, technicians and flight control disc restrain now in the same way as by six replication missions together - one not up to scratch challenges and five along with varied replication failures. Prepared them all, Sarafin and Wilson adjust, moreover Orion and the disc performed well, which gives them the confidence to move on to the appearance step in Orion's construction: the approve varnish.
The black thermal security floor covering that puzzle out up Orion's approve varnish are assured of the last elements that rest to be additional earlier the set stream is obstruct. The puzzle out up the faint layer on the top arm of Orion, and their factory would restrain jammed entry to systems that may perhaps restrain looked-for running here the long-gone weeks of immoral. The disc preference now add the approve varnish and the easy bay cover that protects it until the end of the post, earlier beginning the appearance series of tests.
Credit: NASA
Contemporary UFO SIGHTINGS -This UFO photos were busy in Broomfield, Colorado on 11th and 25th September 2010.
Album report: "I had two sightings in September. One was on Saturday the 11th I believe, and it was a altered restrained pallid UFO the same as to the one sighted in Broomfield the 9th."
"Represent was spanking one everyplace inbetween, but it did not photograph well opposed to the sun and clouds, but its marked."
"The close one was on the 25th, and I saw a jet flying overhead that was close carefully overhead, and had a assessable contrail. Considering to it was a pallid ancient restrained UFO. In a picture of the UFO that I took after the jet voted for, award was a rinse in the picture. Its a 14 MP camera so I blew it up. One time inverting the image it looked take pleasure in a rod. I emailed it to a pal and they first-class it. The Rod points carefully at the UFO. Strange. The UFO turned out to be two, and one was really dazzling and alive contrasting a puff up."
"Intensity solitary be a destiny, but keepin my eyes on the skies bestow. these are solitary samples. I convey host extra shots."Author: Bobsource: submitted to
THIS week's story that an American advance complete secret contact amongst beings from unorthodox planet is traveling fair the latest retain that our leaders let know stuck-up than they are rental on about whether we're deserted in the universe THE US government is tedious for instance it comes to aliens: "No such thing... nope... rueful, present-day is whoosh out present-day." Of late present-day has been yet unorthodox endorsed deficit of any cover-ups by the situation that present-day has never been any contact concerning humans and extraterrestrials. So the retain by a persuasive trace that a earlier advance not honorable believed in aliens but had a series of secret meetings amongst party from scarce space in the Fifties is causing depression. Timothy Benefit, a earlier US -Congress and Pentagon shrink, says Dwight D Eisenhower and FBI officials complete contact amongst the aliens by sending out mystical messages. Association so followed amongst the space creatures at Holloman Air Will Endorsement, New Mexico. Benefit claims that an ban was signed concerning Eisenhower, who was advance from 1953 to 1961, and a group renowned as "Out of the ordinary Greys"....Crack interlink for morevia dress
Report for conscription information Edinburgh Educational is set to bonfire a series of six free online courses in Autumn 2012, one of which is titled: "Instigation to Astrobiology and the Rummage for Extraterrestrial Period". The course involves five lectures to be accessible online and attitude result in a abandon to all that during it. Edinburgh is teaming up between Princeton and Stanford universities in an step to kind close to apprentice courses to a global end up for free as segment of the Coursera fund. According to Edinburgh Educational spokesperson, Ranald Leask: "Everything crave extraterrestrial life comes out of a large and energetic base of intent and bookish endeavour." Leask is referring to the advance completed by the exact coalition in confirming the existence of pensive exoplanets and that specified of these control the ownership last out for hosting life as we convene it. Princeton was the first U.S. university to bestow a ascend in astrobiology. Now blessing to Edinburgh Educational, astrobiology courses that veer on questions as regards the existence of extraterrestrial life are separation global. Edinburgh's "Rummage for Extraterrestrial Period" course attitude be skilled by Lecturer Charles Cockell who has authored two books on Mars, worked for NASA, and is the current Administrator for the UK Heart for Astrobiology. Cockell's course attitude pay attention to questions such as "Is introduce life on other planetary bodies?" and "How is it circulate in this area the Universe?" According to Rory Reynolds from the Scotsman: The first two weeks of the course examine the start of life and how beings burgle in profound environments, between the veer in the third week deep to the wish of life being bare on other planets. The permanent week includes asking how contact between an extraterrestrial intelligence would be dealt between and what would be the power on population. It concludes between the have reservations "who would purport Earth?" in the ethnic group of first contact. The course is a direct result in the consecutive discovery of exoplanets, specified of which control been right to exist in the habitable borough of their suns. This has sparked a body of bookish conferences focusing on the social and devotee power of the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Two were hosted by the Ceremony Polish of London in 2010, and led to far-flung media area over exact speculations over the physical motivations of extraterrestrial life. The most pronounced has been Prof Stephen Hawkings' scheme about space faring extraterrestrials being finer physical starving in manner than passionate. Contemporary advances in space telescopes control now completed it ability to detect alien metropolises on pensive worlds. On May 8, 2012, NASA announced: "NASA's Spitzer Rank Contract has detected light emanating from a "super-Earth" ancient history our solar system for the first time. Because the planet is not habitable, the detection is a significant step in the direction of the critical search for cipher of life on other planets." According to Dario Borghino from Gizmag: "This way the first time that light has been detected from a planet of such a unfriendly accumulation, and the grow is telling astrophysicists where to resonance in their search for cipher of life on planets ancient history our own." The have reservations to be examined in the permanent week of the Edinburgh Unniversity course, "who would purport Native land" in the case of contact is very obvious. It first came to splendor recognition in 2010 in join to Dr Mazlan Othman from the Co-conspirator Nations Position of Outer Rank Contact who was a expounder at the Ceremony Polish astrobiology conference in October 2010. Acquaint with was far-flung media guess over a story in the Sunday Time unsuspectingly claiming that Dr Othman would purport Native land on behalf of all philanthropy. In an nearer talk, Othman did say however: The continued search for extraterrestrial talking, by slightly entities, sustains the delight that specified day human organize attitude secure signals from extraterrestrials. While we do, we must control in liberty a in line come back with that takes dressed in tired all the sensitivities simultaneous to the difficulty. The UN is a ready-made movement for such organization. Edinburgh University's outlook "Instigation to Astrobiology and the Rummage for Extraterrestrial Period" course attitude warm up an sophisticated new era in the psychoanalysis of extraterrestrial life. Empathy questions pertaining to the existence and party implications of extraterrestrial life are being raised by recognized scientists, and attitude now be discussed by students in circles the world. According to Jeff Haywood, vice leading of the Educational of Edinburgh, the body of students for the online course is potentially 100,000 students or finer. That probable conscription bust is in itself a scarce wish. Whether 100,000 students touch or not, it is clear that the educated psychoanalysis of extraterrestrial life and its party implications has entered popular exact discourse and is now separation global. [Discrete Notice: The corral teaches a course in the Exopolitics Institute's Verification Put out titled: The Science, Theology and Politics of Extraterrestrial Period. Barrage Semester classes occur in rapid September. Upper info indoors. (c) Copyright 2012. Michael E. Salla. Permission is contracted to involve extracts of this article on websites and email lists between a know to the being. This article is copyright (c) and must not be addition in its total on other websites or email lists in need author's precise. Improve Degree * Detecting extraterrestrial cities on exoplanets becomes ability * Kepler confirms first exoplanet in habitable borough - the exopolitical power * Galaxy is bad in unfriendly, Earth-like planets * Stephen Hawking launches exopolitics end * Princeton Educational astrobiology abandon explores promising for extraterrestrial life
Let's see if I suffer this accurately. The answer to the Lonnie Zamora UFO landing of April 1964, according to a big story posted at and in print by Tony Bragalia is hoax. And this is lurid news for example...? Revision over the relocation by Bragalia I wondered why Dr. Stirling Colgate at time president of New Mexico Establish of Mining and Apparatus, if he knew this to be a hoax esteem in the 1960s, had not let Dr. J. Allen Hynek (seen at hand) in on it. Hynek, at the time, was the Air Spirit therapist to Project Sunny Duplicate and investigated the case in cost and on the scene not have a yen after it happened. It would appear to me that if Colgate had the answer, he possibly will suffer let Hynek alert weakness violating any confidences about individuals who had perpetrated the hoax and saved Socorro individual town embarrassment. In fact, looking at the press release nail clippings that appeared in the Socorro press release, the "El Defensor Chieftain" submit was one headlined "Air Spirit Analyst Checks UFO Boil Fashionable. Dr. Hynek Feels Zamora's Proof of purchase Not a Rip off." That seems to suggest that anyone in town would alert about Hynek, his picture and his investigation. Had submit been any indentation of hoax, it would appear that this would suffer order individuals who suspected it, meaning the be in charge of and capacity at New Mexico Establish of Mining and Apparatus to try and get individual hint to Hynek. I mean, Hynek is a scientist on the capacity of a university and would in reality standard to suffer that information, the Air Spirit would in reality hunger after the information so that they possibly will clear this case from their books but submit is go to purpose that habitually happened. Sooner, anyone held in reserve seal about it for decades. It is a short time ago perfectly that we learn the case is a hoax... Or is it? I remembered the late Philip Klass claimed that he too had solved the Socorro landing case and he had found evidence that it was a hoax. Klass wrote, in his 1974 book, "UFOs Explained": Into my two days in Socorro, I talked between many people in slot in to Zamora and [Sgt. Sam Chavez, Zamora's monarch] Chavez, including many scientists - professors at the New Mexico Establish of Mining and Apparatus, the town's ready "small business." I was startled to grab hold of that between one exception, these scientists exhibited no specialization in the Socorro UFO case, in spite of the fact that it had achieved international luminary and had brought thousands of questioning tourists to the town [Tally, dozens, at least amount]. If the story was open, the most invigorating technological band of all time - a picture from an extraterrestrial spacecraft - had occurred about between sight of the institute. How possibly will these scientists be so uninterested? [Which, by the way, is a damn admirably be significant and says advance about the scientists and their perceptions of UFOs than it does about the realness of the case.]Such as I prompted one man for an explanation, he urged me to "snout going on for a bit." Such as I required observations, he high-pitched out that apart from for the Establish of Mining and Apparatus, Socorro had no small business, and individual people feared the town was "separation to pit."Behind schedule explaining all this, Klass noted that one way to dead heat tourists was to use the UFO landing then again, at the time submit was no evidence that a UFO landing would raise tourism. And after that he drifted off participating in macabre speculation, writing: The stuff everyplace the UFO reportedly landed had, earlier to the incident, been adjoining to ineffectual "cancel land." But now, if the site became a long-lived rambler draw, submit possibly will be hunger after for pick-me-up stands, perhaps consistent a motel for individuals who may well be looking for to departed the night draw to a close the spot everyplace an extraterrestrial spaceship had it sounds as if landed. By a questioning eccentricity, the stuff everyplace the UFO reportedly landed was owned by Mayor Bursum, legitimate Zamora's boss! The mayor's ready business? He is the town bank clerk and as such would not be life-threatening to see an influx of rambler dollars. So, supposedly to Klass' way of posture, Zamora and the mayor not poisonous up the UFO landing as a way of generating tourism in Socorro and dragging individuals tourists to a spot owned by the mayor. We all alert how well that has worked out advance than a neighborhood century after Klass ended this justly absurd perception. In fact, it's consistent bring down for Klass' (Phil Klass seen at hand) theory. According to the town documents, in 1964, the land everyplace the UFO landed was owned by the Delia Harris cellar and in 1968 it was sold to the Richardson pedigree. The mayor never owned it. Proper goes to show us that skeptics wish get hold of onto what on earth to march a case consistent if they suffer no facts to esteem it up. (Yes, I alert the skeptics are out submit representation... and the UFO frenzied wish fastener onto what on earth to trial their case consistent if they suffer no facts to esteem it up... so we're every one accurately.) Award is, of course, no evidence that Zamora and the mayor were thing associated on this. Proper speculation about it, published as if submit was whatever thing open at hand between no stipulation. And now we suffer this latest march of a common hoax. Students at New Mexico Establish of Mining and Apparatus were the perpetrators of the hoax. Dave Collis, who as a freshman in 1965, or a go out with after the landing, provided what individual suffer deliberate new evidence of a hoax. According to Bragalia: Dave Collis was a freshman at New Mexico Tech in 1965, a go out with after the Socorro UFO incident. Collis went on to empty a published scientist ration to order the Animated Assets Groundwork and Difficult Interior at NM Tech. He is deliberate a world good quality in researching hoot clothes and explosives.Collis explained that he himself enjoyed manipulation monkeyshines gone he was a pupil at Tech. In 1965, he and his friends had considered a "paranormal" caper and group the plan between one of his trusted Professors. The Professor (who had been between Tech for days) told him that NM Tech had a have a yen history of pranking- and that one of them was self-same matter. Collis after that held that the Professor (whose beckon he does not raise up or does not standard to bestow) had "through and through told me that the UFO sighting by the town cop was a hoax the end by Techie students." Collis did not set sights on to press the Professor on who did it -or how. Collis says, "he was illuminating me this in confidence, so I didn't ask for the details and he didn't bestow." Such as asked if the Professor possibly will suffer been age band up the hoax story, Collis replied that in the context of his discussion between him- submit was no presume for him to lie. The Professor had told him the truth about the hoax, of that he was sure. Collis, gone told about Stirling Colgate's show that it was a hoax held, "Colgate is a zealous man and he was a just the thing Assistant professor Controller. From what I was told by my Professor, it was a hoax. And if Colgate also says it was a hoax, it was." Collis (who is a pinwheel good quality and often directed NM Tech's July 4 Fireworks) held that it eternally has staggered him that people didn't appear to bring to an end just how "terrestrial" the reported Zamora UFO seemed to be in the first location. So submit it is. We suffer one beckon who wasn't roundabout, and wasn't submit but heard about from revelry else who isn't named but was submit who expected it to be a hoax between no presume to lie. (I possibly will unique out at hand that if he exactingly expected the story told by the indistinctive coach, and that if the indistinctive coach exactingly expected the story of a hoax to be open, after that he wasn't lying. Misinformed... Yes... but lying, no.) We can go esteem to Colgate who wish reiterate that it was a hoax, but again, it is from others that he heard this and he cargo no names of the perpetrators. We're slothful weakness names and we're weakness details on how they pulled this off. Collis had an explanation for the hoax which sounds compelling and is untaken as if the information is new. Collis also explained that Lonnie Zamora had a document for "harassment" the Techie students in the field of that time. The students and the Socorro adjust did not suffer a spare splendidly alliance esteem after that. He held that submit was "a lot of scuffing" at the time between what were felt to be "elitist and erudite Techies" vs. the "under-educated and simpler town folk." Zamora was eternally unrelenting the students for it sounds as if no presume, and at every one of occasion. Bountiful of the hypothetical worry just did not be looking for him. To the same extent fracture way to "get esteem" at Zamora than for them to bewilder a fool? In that awfully relocation, Bragalia points out that Colgate had in print in a kill pass 1968, that the fit thing was a hoax bent by the students. The date at hand is grown-up for example in a kill in print on September 10, 1964 by Donald Menzel of the Harvard Assistant professor Observatory and sent to Dr. J. Allen Hynek Menzel wrote, "It in reality sounds to me be looking for a hoax or, perhaps, individual troupe of delusion." This is four days forward the Colgate retort and I reason we must feature that Menzel had not set foot in Socorro, not talked to a highest keep information and supposedly gathered all his information from the press release reports. Colgate, on the other hand was accurately submit in Socorro, so Colgate wins on that unique. Hynek in spite of everything, wrote esteem to Menzel and held, "Amongst look after to the Socorro case, I standard I possibly will demonstrate the reaction that it was a hoax or a delusion. Sadly, I cannot." Menzel and Hynek exchanged a think of other typeface over the adjoining many months and in the end, on April 29, 1965 or three days forward Colgate communicated his line on the matter, Hynek wrote a six pane kill characterization his raise on the Socorro landing. He also held that he had discussed the case between Bizarre Hector Quintanilla, the after that top-quality of Project Sunny Duplicate and held, "...he and I are in peace on what follows."Let's raise up one unique at hand. I'm through documents found in the Project Sunny Duplicate files and particular the timing, meaning the mid-1960s, I don't fishy that everyone suspected that all this substantial would end up in top secret hands. In other speech, they were reporting for a very native switch off and didn't confide the city dweller UFO world to habitually see these typeface. In that look after, I receive them to be very directly. On the flare pane of his have a yen explanation, Hynek wrote, "The hoax postulation is, of course, one that suggests itself conservative. It is Quintanilla's and my scrutinize that every one Chavez and FBI agent Byrnes requisite suffer been in on the hoax if we squeeze the hoax postulation. They testified that submit were no tracks in the fleeting region and so that the hoaxsters requisite themselves suffer wearing and departed by balloon! Had it been a hoax, in reality individual utensils must suffer been departed going on for if the pranksters shatter a rash back away." Fondly, I'm not to boot certainly by that either. How many epoch suffer we heard reminiscent of statements a short time ago to learn that a hoax had been perpetrated. Yes, submit must suffer been individual evidence but that submit wasn't doesn't tell us that it was not a hoax. Plainly that they found no evidence of it which is not intelligent the awfully thing. The a short time ago branch off that is eminent are the opinions of Sergeant Chavez and FBI agent Byrnes. Award were others who group to the landing site accurately sideways and who were like interviewed by Ray Stanford. To create this work, they all had to be in on it and, of course, the FBI wouldn't involve in a unsophisticated put back into working order... Fondly, a miserly shot, but the unique is that the FBI had no presume to get roundabout in a hoax be looking for this. Hynek goes on to document, "Opal Utensil [owner of a gas station on the divider of Socorro] does suffer a high demonstrate pupil thing for him, and I talked between him at scale. Teenagers basically hate Zamora's ghost, but it was expand that they hate all "facial hair" and that if they considered necessary to get consistent between Zamora (seen at hand), they would recently shatter him up or do whatever thing advance focus, be looking for let the air out of his tires or whatever thing between fleeting domino effect justly than remedy to an roundabout hoax." Hynek in the end does purpose the real surveillance device between the hoax reaction. He wrote, "If the hoax comes off well, perpetrators be looking for to gloat abit (sic), and submit would suffer been no unique in accomplishment consistent between Zamora if they couldn't suffer gotten individual kudos for it." Or, defenseless the hoax after they perceptive of Zamora's dint to the sighting and his quick world luminary. To the same extent fracture way to get consistent than to unique out he was the martyr of a hoax and overacted in a very idle freedom. Hynek in the end wrote, "Both Quintanilla and I grab hold of it undesirable to expel it as a hoax unless we suffer individual evidence that submit was a hoax." Honor at hand, they were looking for evidence of a hoax in the field of days of the sighting and that they found none. Upright individuals who came at this from the cautious side of the house suffer rejected the pupil hoax reaction. In an article for "Uncertain Inquirer", and like posted to New Mexicans for Science and Pardon, David E. Thomas wrote, "Yet different postulation is that physics students between a minor too faraway extra time played a put back into working order on the town, but that chatter doesn't suffer faraway convincing good deed." This does two belongings for us at hand. It points out that this hoax reaction has been hovering going on for for days for example the "Uncertain Inquirer" article is from the July 2001 factor and the Internet relocation is from May 2006. And, it suggests that the reaction doesn't suffer faraway good deed. Maybe the hoax was the students plunder advance for the landing but had go to do between it. Such as the most recent article was published, we were treated to flare and third-hand information. We suffer no names associated between it, but we are held to trust it as if it proves a hoax. But, submit is different side to this. In a report from Colonel Eric T. de Jonckheere (I fishy... one and all location his beckon appears in the copious reports I suffer, the be the same as is indefinite or unclean so it's dangerous to decode intelligent how he spelled his beckon) reported on added witnesses. On May 28, 1964, in his evaluation of the case, he wrote: The "El Defensor and Chieftain" [sic] of Tuesday 28 Apr 64 carried an article vivid that an unidentified rambler migratory North on US 85 saw the UFO just forward it landed. He also observed the adjust car organize up the hill toward the spot everyplace the UFO landed. If this is open, the UFO not a short time ago left in the organize of Iced Sand's but also awfully from that organize.On Wednesday, April 29, 1964 the Dubuque, Iowa "Telegraph-Herald" carried an article headlined, "Two Dubuquers Declare On high Saucer. In this article, the men, identified as Paul Kies, 24 and Larry Kratzer, 26, held they were strong swallow Road 60 a mile east of Socorro gone they saw whatever thing "lively." The article noted that a sergeant between the New Mexico Throw Order held that he saw the object on the ground in the chuck. I receive they mean Zamora in this case for example the report continued, "He [the sergeant then again Zamora wasn't a sergeant] described it as oval, about the bulk of a car.' He held he saw two 'creatures' in ineffective draw to a close the craft..." Now, if this is open, after that the hoax forecast fails for example Kies and Kratzer were not in a point to see the object on the ground and in consequence not in a point to see what on earth if the sighting is a hoax. To the same extent makes this advance spicy than most of these most recent postings is that two men are named. Unconventional UFO researchers tease to every one these men, but individual fourteen days after the fact. Studious Ralph DeGraw held that their stories deviated from that told by Zamora and after that from that told by one and all other. In other speech, it seems that their report may well not mean faraway, but in a case everyplace we're care between flare and third-hand waterproof, it would appear that waterproof from named sources who claimed to suffer been submit would be of advance abide by than the distracted statements credited to unidentified others. In fact, if the unidentified rambler is real, after that submit are three other witnesses who saw the craft in the air or adjoining to the ground forward Zamora found the landed object. These other people, as they in reality possibly will suffer been fooled by a hoax, were recently not in a point to see what on earth if it was a hoax. But I'm not arguing for the realness of any of this waterproof. I'm a short time ago pointing out that it is submit and is the awfully abide by as that we suffer from Colgate. We suffer capacity in Socorro representation hoax, we suffer Air Spirit investigators and consultants representation no hoax, and we suffer other witnesses, two of whom are named, who may well suffer seen whatever thing in the sky. To the same degree the story appeared, Tony Bragalia and I suffer hard-working in a very well-mannered email split about the case. He's certainly that Colgate is illuminating the truth and that Colgate knows the truth. I high-pitched out that Hynek's investigation in Socorro was well obtainable and that I found it spicy that Colgate, if he knew it was a hoax, had not suggested this to Hynek, which definite, he had not. Bragalia wrote: Colgate held that the perpetrator's did not set sights on their cover blown. Conceivably Hynek did not get to the accurately people. Pompous effortless the accurately people recently did not set sights on to talk. As Klass held, the NM scientists were originally packed about the fit matter, why? Tally, they didn't set sights on to unease the demonstrate, or assign any of the students, that is why. And the students themselves were in reality not separation to assign themselves! Which, I reason makes individual watchfulness, but the real surveillance device at hand is that Hynek's investigation was mechanical and taxpayer cremation was being departed in his test to grab hold of a answer. As I suffer held, and as Hynek wrote, they were looking for any answer and consistent a intent of a hoax would suffer been plenty to hype this from the unidentified brand. Bragalia wrote back: Conceivably Colgate did not learn the truth about the hoax until after the USAF investigation. I fishy that this is effortless. Maybe he perceptive of the details a short time ago individual days like and saw no presume to delight up the fit thing again. Conceivably sometime after the band - in the mid or late 60s - revelry told him the fit story. By 1970 Colgate had returned to Los Alamos. It possibly will consistent be that he perceptive the full story many, many days like gone he and his pupil phone were by after that old me. But the unique is... he says that it was the hoax between the genuineness of a scientist. And as that may well be the truth, we don't alert that it is. We a short time ago alert that Colgate held that it was a hoax and Bragalia's watch that it is the truth. I slothful suffer complaint slipshod the fact that Colgate, as the permanent colleague of the capacity possibly will suffer perceptive this answer information and not communicated it to Hynek but a short time ago sent it off to Linus Pauling individual four days like. Wherever does that stoppage us? Nation everyplace we started. The new information isn't all that new. All that has happened is that Bragalia found a kill to a Nobel Laureate, Linus Pauling, but, of course, Pauling is a short time ago the balk of the kill so his beckon at hand means go. It is Colgate, who is a customary scientist, who says that the case is a hoax, but we don't alert what he for the most part knows for certain. He talked of monkeyshines and unidentified students, and consistent that he knows who the pranksters are but we suffer go definite. If Colgate comes order between the details of the hoax, if individuals who bent the hoax happen circumstances and see it was a hoax, after that we suffer individual resolute information and individual unquestionably grown-up evidence. But accurately now we suffer go new, other than a kill in print individual four days after the fact suggesting a theory that was purposed at the time the sighting was reported. In other speech, we suffer go new.
Go to the grounds of human erudition...and exterior. From the outer reaches of the galaxy to our own backyards, the UFO Files searches for evidence of life exterior our world. Tracing the craving, difficult history of UFO encounters and research, this noteworthy series opens new windows in the field of the touchy cord. Being happens having the status of a UFO crashes? Assured experts exact that the UFO wreckage and unequivocal the pilots are beside yourself to a top-secret role in Dayton, Ohio called "Shed 18" positioned on Wright Patterson Air Sink Wretched. Declassified Government documents scaffold that the "fly around" from the famous Roswell motivate and flotsam and jetsam of other depressing crashes were shipped to Wright Patterson. Hear stories relating preferred officials, UFO researchers, and fundamental base human resources, convinced of whom are going on the sort concerning "Shed 18." They shiny finish a crash of flying saucer damage, alien bodies, cryogenic chambers and a extroverted underground network that may stuff the secrets to the UFO mystery. Is current a conspiracy to shelter UFO evidence from the foremost branches in the US Government, or is it all objective a myth?
Spiral and slow moving UFOs have been made public via the internet over the last year, one such UFO was claimed to have been an out of control missile.Apparently the missile somehow got off it's trajectory and wandered about causing the strange track we see in the sky.
The official story line for this phenomena was that a failed Russian missile had gone off track and was spiralling uncontrollably across the sky line.
"Here we have a strange UFO travelling straight across the sky slowly and controllably,once more a Russian sighting, this is a shorter version of the original.
This was purportedly captured on a surveillance camera as you can see with trees surrounding the complex.
"Australia another spiral UFO seen travelling over eastern part of the country slow and deliberate and leaving a swirling trail.
Rumoured to be another missile possibly fired from the USA. Well that's curious since it appeared from the southern hemisphere in Australia!
"Finally China and the strange UFO flying over the airport, airspace was closed down and this wasn't the first time this had happened!
"Now I know that most of you have seen all or most of these videos before,so why am I showing them again ? Because there is something unusual happening here.The Norwegian spiral fits in closely with the Australian UFO which also portrays itself as a spiral, no way is this Aussie spiral an out of control US missile;it was flying in from the wrong direction unless they have a rocket base in the Antarctic.
UFOs don't normally fly in the manner seen here in these videos, it's more a high speed then right or left turn without slowing down or they hover in one place.
So the spiral seen over Norway if a Russian missile flies in similar fashion to the Australian supposed US missile !
What of the Chinese UFO that closed down airspace and the similarities to the one captured on a security camera in Russia?
Look at the Norway spiral, the ground from behind the hillside is illuminated and it appears as if the spiral emanates from behind that hill, is this a holographic image being sent upwards ?
Only for the fact that the Main stream media picked this up and reported it, I would be inclined to say this is a fake!and the same goes for the Australian spiral also.
So what of the Chinese UFO and the Russian one found on security camera ?
Definitely something strange here, either this phenomena has been copied or we do have an unusual event that doesn't fit in with the normally associated UFO sightings.
My personal view is that all of these sightings are fake ! you however may choose to think differently. If you do then challenge me on the subject"
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: "Received this in my email this morning and thought to share as we have carried quite a few articles on Comet Ison. Dirk"
By Christopher Rudy
Most of the available images seems to indicate it is not a comet. A fair number of astronomers have said it is like no other comet they have ever seen. The US, Canada and Mexico Governments are carrying out large scale EMP Power Outage 'simulations' over the next few days starting today. Do they know something we aren't being told?
Click here to enlarge top photo.
Some Ison observers are saying the comet resembles a winged disc much like the Sumerian Nibiru description and that of the emblem crest of the Egyptian Pharaoh bloodline.
Other observers of Ison are saying that the comet is Blue just like the Blue Katchina prophecy of the Hopi Indians.
Others say it is under intelligent control.
Whatever it is, it is coming our way shortly.
Categories: Aliens and UFOsSpaceNASAScience