The second alien agenda is not nearly as benign. In the plot, I suggest that of the many alien species that currently visit Earth, not all of them have humanity's best interests at heart. As reports indicate, some alien visitors are hostile to us, and a new case has come to light that may be a UFO-related homicide.
The case took place in Brazil in September 1988. According to the facts, the police report and accompanying photos were put into a kind of "X-file" because the report could not be explained. The case was reported recently by G. Cope Schellhorn in the International UFO Magazine. Schellhorn and Brazilian UFOlogist A. J. Gevaerd investigated the case personally. Photographs and an autopsy report of the victim were provided. The results may indicate that the victim had been mutilated in ways similar to what we have come to know as "animal mutilations" by alien perpetrators.
We now have years and years of substantial evidence that show a troubling pattern of animal mutilation cases where the animal is subjected to bizarre organ removal by the use of highly-advanced laser technology that apparently does not now exist on our planet. There are particular traits of these cases that are now well-known in the literature:
*certain organs are removed
*body parts are excised with a precision currently unknown
*there is little or no blood at the scene
*there are no footprints at the scene
*there is no sign of animal predation
*there is no putrefaction of the body
All of these characteristics of animal mutilations were present in the Brazil case.
While 2004 was rife with UFO eyewitness reports of metallic-like spheres, black triangles, and the more typical saucer-like craft, it appears that the investigation of reports in 2005 might yet delve deeper into the alien-UFO mystery. At present, there is no consensus for why any alien species visit Earth. However, case files clearly show that not all alien encounters are benign and that fact should serve as a warning to us all.
So, what should we do? We should make no assumptions regarding any UFO or alien encounter, and use every precaution at our disposal. Like a child wandering into the forest for the first time, we must learn to distinguish between those encounters that are for our benefit, and those that aren't.