Time: 9:20 p.m.
Position of Sighting: Broxburn.
Number of witnesses: 4
Number of Objects: 1
Perfect of Objects: Orb.
"Bring to an end Statement OF EVENT/SIGHTING": Broxburn here Academy: Saturday 6th of Chain 21:20. Two of us were belief in the open in the finance garden (our house is on a hill overlooking the university) at whatever time I saw what looked feeling a pyrotechnics favorably up from the ground, it was connecting the A89 and the M8 in the aspect of Almond Gorge. I would usually be equal with this to seeing the headlights of a glacial car as it turned in my aspect, but the orb fashioned shimmering orangey light went upwards, old hat from the ground.
It surely wasn't the usual glacial car headlights. I drew my fianc'ee's thoughtfulness and asked what she heed it was, she had no deliberation, but saw it as of course as I did. We watched (it was in the south) as it raised up supervisor, guessing but most probable about four hundred metres and consequently it started to move towards us (due north).
I couldn't see any jealous or red or any other flashing lights animated that it was a normal aircraft, but it's military exercises made it expression feeling a helicopter. The first band I heed it was establishment was feeling a plane, but consequently a plane appeared, imminent from actual to not here, call towards the airport blacktop. The craft slowed and moved out of the way of the aircraft by leave-taking up a bit so I'm guessing it was pretty here it. The plane continued usually on the way to the blacktop area and the craft followed it for what seemed a gap of about three fingers, possibly five hundred metres. It consequently continued to head towards us and at whatever time it was unkindly add-on the university it moved in an arc to at the end of the day move perfectly upwards.
I'd individual it had been special pretty prompt all the time to cover the gap it did but the at that moment understand was that it went perfectly up very prompt until it's light faded. I'm guessing that the orange-ness constraint be a number of manage of key to our air as at whatever time we saw it go perfectly up, it altered from orangey to silvery near becoming extinct. Not indubitable a supporter in UFOs as haven't found anything that can't be explained yet, well at home we are!
Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.com
Brian Vike, Supercilious of The Vike Feature (During The Charm) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/