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Friday, September 26, 2008

Will The Moon Become An Independent Planet

Will The Moon Become An Independent Planet
Gennady Rajkunow, choice of the Fundamental Onset of Routine Productiveness, a subordinate Roskosmosu (the Russian space agency), introduced the colorful theory according to each engagement the moon moves out-of-the-way from Nest about 4 cm. Amid 100 thousand engagement the universe is about 40 km. Is it sufficiently to "jumped up" from the Earth's moderation tethers and perceive an distinguishable planet? Is the Nest plus becomes a put off planet? Because about the scientists?

At the come first of its history, the Moon was by a long way more readily to the Nest - modern studies price this universe to 250 thousand. km. The earth shook plus by a long way more willingly than today.

The moon is aloof in fly around vis-?-vis the Nest as a computation of the interaction between two forces: moderation and centrifugal force. And these two forces are in tally. But its conclusion is the Earth-Moon system, which necessity be final. But Moon is distressing out-of-the-way from Nest. Why is this happening? 75% of the Earth's temporary is dappled by water, which is concerned by the moderation of the moon that causes tides. Tidal gravitational forces, reinforced by the phenomena occurring in Earth's mass, "frank" them, generous them the shape of an ellipse. Also fashioned two "bulges" - areas of high sea in line - on each one sides of the Earth: surface the moon and the rearrange, a edit in places truly to them. These "deformations" orbiting Nest in a tapping rebellion and surroundings of the moon, whilst being-drawn by the point of the Nest, secondary in a underdeveloped beforehand of the Moon. Shipping the deformation of the Nest relative to the Moon "accelerates" movement of the moon, and Earth's point slows down, so the Earth's day is on edge over the centuries about two thousandths of a small (this is the source fight for delay the day). "Boom" orbital movement of the Moon makes its fly around radius increases by 3.8 cm per engagement and the moon is distressing out-of-the-way from Nest.

Is the moon can move out-of-the-way from the Nest so that the "break amid the leash?" Put forward is no influence that phenomenon of the moon moves out-of-the-way from the Nest to tend in the outlying. Accurate scientists bear in mind that the "run off" of the moon may be accomplishment slower, and sometimes this process can be reversed and the moon begins to slant the Nest.

According to Vladimir Surdin,an employee of the Onset of Astronomy Academe of Moscow for about 5 billion energy the Moon's fly around reaches its premier realize - 463.000 km and proffer the dissemination time of the Nest by the Moon to 870 hours.

Sergei Popov, a scientist from the vastly Onset for Astronomy, said that distressing out-of-the-way from the Moon Earthphenomenon is very stop. To the abomination that featuring in a few billion energy the Moon's fly around determination amplify by up to 150 percent (relative to undercurrent). Not goodbye to stretch any best quality, in the function of the moon can not austere distinguishable from the Nest, in the function of "submit is no drive to run off."

Rajkunow to boot believes that the Nest may possibly face a exact fate as Venus, the moon, according to this scientist, was kiedy'sMerkury. Following the Mercury "abandon", Venus, regardless of it is exact to Nest, has lost the family supporting to imply life. But submit is no evidence that Mercury was subsequent to a moon of Venus.

Rajkunow`s age group have a row amid this declaration. Bazilevsky Alexander - Intelligence of the Laboratory of Comparative planetary science at the Onset of Geochemistry and Crucial Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences - said that submit are specific calculations that would middle such a area, but submit is no evidence this hypothesis. He added that "the impending of the Nest and Venus did not go the vastly way as the Venus believe is enriched amid a heavy isotope of hydrogen - deuterium." Likewise, submit is no influence that in the previous existed on the temporary of Venus mix water, and not just as boil in the snooty believe, as is the case now.

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