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A Filipino Columnist Ufo Belief
Inner Awareness : Yes, ETs and UFOs are realBy Jaime LicaucoColumnist InquirerPosted date: September 17, 2007MANILA, Philippines-We do not hear much about extraterrestrials (ETs) and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) lately.But recently, a member of our Aeropagus Spiritual Discussion Group suggested that we discuss the subject during our next meeting on Sept. 27.The subject of UFOs has never really been taken seriously by mainstream scientists, despite the well-publicized opinion of highly respected Cornell University astronomer Carl Sagan.The scientist said, with the sheer vastness of the universe's innumerable star systems, planets and galaxies, it is possible for intelligent creatures to exist somewhere out there.Our Milky Way alone has some 250 million stars. About a million of these might have planets capable of supporting some form of highly technical civilization, according to Sagan.About 30 or 35 years ago, numerous sightings of so-called UFOs in the United States and other western countries prompted the US to direct the Air Force to study them.Known as the Condon Report or Project Blue Book, the study concluded 90 percent of those sightings were no more than mere light reflections, weather balloon objects, or the result of some other natural causes. There was no evidence of flying objects from outer space.IgnoredBut what about the 10 percent that could not be explained rationally? They were simply ignored and forgotten.It became obvious to one of the Air Force's consultants, Dr. Allen Hynek, a Northwestern University astronomer, that Project Blue Book was nothing more than a demolition job against UFOs.When I am asked if I believe in UFOs, my answer is a categorical yes. I have actually witnessed several of them, some in Mt. Banahaw in Dolores, Quezon; others in Pila, Laguna; Roxas City in Capiz and, once, outside the window of my own house in Para~naque.All sightings occurred in late evenings or early mornings. And I have talked to many people who have experienced similar sightings."What about ETs? Do you believe there are such creatures?" I am also asked.My reply is still a categorical yes, not only because so many credible witnesses have reported seeing or encountering them at close range, but I myself have "seen and spoken" with one inside a big rock or boulder somewhere in Lukban, Quezon Province.NOT FARFETCHEDThe existence of ETs and UFOs is not really that farfetched and people who believe in them are not crazy if we look at the preponderance of evidence in many parts of the world throughout the history of humankind.In fact the first very clear and unmistakable encounter with a UFO can be found in the Christian Bible, in the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament.You will find a very detailed description of the priest Ezekiel's encounter with strange-looking humanoid ETs in a strange spacecraft or vehicle that emitted sounds like thunder and moved mechanically in four directions.He saw four creatures who spoke to him and instructed him to go to the house of Israel to tell the people the contents of the scroll that they had given him to eat."As for the appearance of their faces," according to Ezekiel, "the four had the face of a human being, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left and the face of an eagle."Source: ETs and UFOs are real