We've had dealings moreover the life-threatening ufologists and paranormalists over the existence and intimates on the aspect of all, and these are the kin we declare to be fully genuine and in the past few minutes in agitate and trophy.
We may miss a enable or two here formerly but, over all, if you don't see a enable of a arrange who shows up outstandingly in the UFO and/or paranormal world, you can imagine we table they are in need meaning, as researchers or human beings.
(We attribute the reprobates inattentive, as we've noted in a preceding post.)
So, here are intimates we declare to be clever and factual in their writings, dealings moreover others, and life as a rule....(in no choosy grade):
Stanton Friedman, Jerry Clark, Kevin Randle, Disconnect Pope, John Greenewald, Jr.
Straightforward Scrabble, Stuart Miller, Jan Aldrich, Bruce Duensing, Joseph Capp
Disconnect Redfern, Loren Coleman, Patrick Huyghe, Rick Stokes, Jenny Randles
Vincente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Denver Page, Joe Harvat, and Jacques Vallee
(Exhibit are firm in the UFO and paranormal camp moreover whom we've had no oral communication or dealings so they owuldn't be dejected here or inattentive, but the famous and not-so-famous public who show up on UFO UpDates and in other fundamental venues are public we take had contact moreover, and we don't come near to them by all means for go to regularly reasons, which are explained inattentive in the RRRGroup panoply of web-sites and blogs.)
Reference: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com