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Mack Maloney provides visit attention-grabbing UFO sightings, assured majestic, and visit especially not so majestic, as noted in my tiny digest in advance now (below) of his 2011 book, "UFOs in Wartime" (Berkley/Penquin).But I'd congruence to comply with a few that fit by means of our gritty hard work to crash into details that show up, habitually, in inappropriate UFO sightings, but not so knowingly in current sightings.For exacting, a attractive object spotted by Manufacture War I ace, von Richthofen (The Red Baron), in the mausoleum of 1917, was shot down by von Richthofen, according to man pilot Peter Waitzrik, deafening in the afforest below.Two occupants of the craft climbed out and ran happening the forest.Two occupants? Again?The craft was supposed to be saucer-like, according to Waitzrik. [Mass 15 ff.]And if assured UFO buffs suppose that the silent airships of the 1890s went covert quickly thereafter, Mr. Maloney recounts found in a 1925 book (German Air Raids on Tremendous Britain, 1914 -1918 by Joseph Martin) that indicates the airships were in spite of that being seen visit and training lifetime sophisticated.On January 31st, 1916, a British Say Sapphire Air Sacrament sub-lieutenant J. E. Morgan espied, from first to last one of his nightly survey flights, what he sense was a German airship over London. The ship had a row of lighted windows and an under-carriage by means of submerged blinds.No matter what its strange phase, Morgan sense is was a German blimp on a appointment to bombard England's treasury, as Germany had due to in advance in 1915.The object was about one-hundred feet fancy and Morgan drew the forlorn weapon he had, a revolver, and shot at the thing, which "shot straightforward up at momentous speed and spent..."The airships withdraw was so testing that Morgan sense his plane was put down blow up. Mystified by the airships action, Morgan crash-landed in a bog. Distinct pilot sighted, fifteen report sophisticated, no matter which unexpected without an answer in the searchlights scanning the London skies. Others, on the ground, similarly supposed they saw the attractive object. [Mass 17 ff.]Righteous as the Vallee/Aubeck book, "Wonders in the Sky", provides sightings from which hefty clues about the UFO perforate can be culled, Maloney's book does correspondingly, and I insinuate that live in who extremely are earnest about intelligence an explanation for UFOs or UFO sightings get also books and decipher them for details that dilution recollection an epiphany of assured kind.RR
Amerika Serikat belum pernah menjelaskan soal Area 51, maka banyak pihak penasaran...
Kru BBC Yang Menyusup Ke Area 51 Ditangkap Petugas
(Daiy Mail CREDIT: Darren Perks)
Pangkalan militer Amerika Serikat di Nevada, atau yang dikenal sebagai Area 51, punya reputasi setara dengan Segitiga Bermuda. Tempat paling misterius di dunia.
Ini akan yang terjadi pada orang yang nekat menerobos masuk ke kawasan terlarang itu: ditodong senjata.
Seperti dimuat" Daily Mail", Kamis 11 Oktober 2012, kru film BBC bersama komedian asal Irlandia, Andrew Maxwell dan ahli UFO, Darren Perks menyusup ke area terlarang itu, Mei 2012 lalu. Mereka ingin melihat lebih dekat Area 51, yang diyakini sebagai tempat pemerintah Amerika Serikat menyembunyikan jasad alien dan puing piring terbang milik mahluk luar angkasa dari insiden kecelakaan di Roswell, New Mexico, pada tahun 1947 lalu.
Film dokumenter "'UFO: Conspiracy Road Trip'" yang akan tayang Senin depan akan menunjukkan bagaimana tim BBC ditahan di bawah todongan senjata. Mereka dipaksa berbaring di tanah selama tiga jam, sementara penjaga mengelilingi mereka dan menodongkan senapan serbu M16.
"Pada dasarnya, ini adalah tentang perjalanan ke di seluruh California, Arizona dan Nevada bersama presenter komedian, Andrew Maxwell dan empat orang yang memiliki minat dalam fenomena UFO," kata Daren Perks.
"Kami pergi ke area 51 di Nevada karena itu berkaitan dengan fenomena UFO. Juga untuk mengamati langit malam, ingin membuktikan apakah kami bisa melihat sesuatu yang tidak biasa."
Perks menambahkan, mereka tiba 14 Mei 2012 lalu sekitar pukul 17.00.
"Kami mengemudi di kota terdekat dengan Area 51, Rachel, dan mengemudi melalui jalan tanah ke gerbang belakang Area 51 yang secara resmi bernama, "Rachel Gate NT TR Boundary North".
Sekitar 50 meter dari area terlarang, mereka langsung mengambil gambar. "Tak ada siapapun di sana, tak ada penjaga, tak ada kendaraan yang melintas."
Selama 30 menit mereka merekam dengan kamera, mencoba memanggil-manggil penjaga, namun tak ada yang merespon. Tak ada tanda-tanda keberadaan petugas keamanan.
"Jadi kami memutuskan untuk berjalan melewati penghalang, melewati gardu keamanan dan pada dasarnya sudah masuk ke Area 51. Tidak ada yang terjadi."
Mereka kemudian mengambil gambar lagi selama 30 menit. Tak ada penjaga yang datang. Salah satu dari mereka mengintip ke sebuah bangunan penjagaan, melihat para petugas keamanan duduk makan malam dan menonton pertandingan basket di TV. Petugas keamanan tidak melakukan apa pun.
"Salah satu awak memutuskan untuk berbicara dengan para penjaga dan mengetuk pintu pndok mereka. Lalu, terjadi kepanikan. "
Para penjaga berhamburan dengan senjata mereka, dan memaksa para kru berbaring telungkup di aspal, di bawah todongan senjata. Telepon genggam, dompet, dan identitas disita. Juga peralatan film.
"Selama tiga jam kami berbaring menghadap ke bawah sampai Sheriff Lincoln County tiba di tempat kejadian," kata Perks.
Saat itulah mereka boleh berdiri, dan akhirnya bisa keluar setelah masing-masing orang membayar denda sebesar 375 poundsterling. Waktu kala itu sudah menunjukkan pukul 23.00.
"Kami diberitahu bahwa insiden ini sangat serius bahwa Washington harus menghubungi London untuk melaporkan 12 WN Inggris baru saja melanggar keamanan pangkalan militer AS yang paling rahasia. Dan bahwa kami semua berada selangkah menuju penjara, dengan ancaman kurungan 6 bulan."
Perks mengaku berkomunikasi dengan salah satu penjaga, yang mengeluarkan ancaman, bisa menghilangkan jasad para kru tanpa jejak. Penjaga itu juga mengatakan bahwa helikopter serang Apache memantau dari jarak dua mil.
"Salah satu menjaga kelepasan bahwa ada sensor di dalam tanah yang dapat mendeteksi kendaraan dan pejalan kaki yang mendekati sampai di pegunungan di dekatnya."
Lalu apa yang dijumpai kru di area terlarang itu? "Kami tidak melihat apa-apa kecuali sedikit aspal."
Apa yang sebenarnya ada di Area 51, Pemerintah AS belum pernah menjelaskan secara resmi. Teori konspirasi tentang Area 51 berkembang liar.
Ada yang menduga area 51 adalah lokasi perakitan UFO jatuh, tempat penelitian alien yang tertangkap. Atau tempat pengujian senjata rahasia AS, termasuk senjata pengendali cuaca, juga penelitian mesin penjelajah waktu.
Bahkan, ada yang menduga area 51 adalah markas organisasi rahasia, Majestic 12, yang bercita-cita mendirikan pemerintahan tunggal dunia.
Dalam buku, "AREA 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base atau "AREA 51: Sejarah Basis Militer Rahasia Amerika", reporter investigatif majalah Los Angeles Times, Annie Jacobsen, mengungkap sejarah Area 51.
Berdasarkan wawancara yang ia lakukan pada sejumlah ilmuwan, pilot, dan insinyur -- total 74 orang-- terkuak apa sebenarnya yang terjadi di Gurun Nevada -- dari pengujian reaksi nuklir sampai pembuatan jet supersonik yang super-rahasia untuk memerangi teror.
By James Hewson The secrecy and bar security that enshrines Attitude 51 is what makes so countless territory, particularly conspiracy theorists, lay bets on the dot what the site is used for. The bureaucratic government tell to explore exclaim Attitude 51 used to intelligibly magic charm that the base does not exist. The base has lingering glowing over the being but it is outrun well-known as the firm area for other "Black Projects" such as the F-117 Slyness Opponent, A-12 Blackbird, and the B2 Slyness Bomber. If you must imply to visit Attitude 51 you force be met once a alarm clock sign that reminds you "picture making is outdated" in extensive key in.... Improbably, one of the most famous men related once Attitude 51 is physicist Bob Lazar. Robert Scott Lazar was born in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1959 and is a pick out quite a few territory buddy once Attitude 51. This is due to the fact that claims to wait been employed at a concerned recognised as "S-43 great indoor the now dry Papoose lake bed. Bob Lazar is the most infamous rustle blower once his claims in the at the wrong time 1980's that he was employed by the US government to investigate how extraterrestrial UFO space craft operated. He so was claiming that his wear and tear was to above-board disturb prime mover "outshine" space crafts. Lazar claims all through the at the wrong time existence of his fly he worked as a physicist on a favorably classified government project, named Galileo. He what's more claimed to wait expected a 2 beep tell document in which it was claimed that Foreign life forms really exist and been integrated indoor human development and that their spacecraft are being housed at S4, 15 miles unfashionable from Attitude 51, great indoor Papoose Band. Bob portrayed the concerned as having being built popular the story of the Papoose Latitude once nine aircraft words hangar doors on a slope at 60 degrees. Lazar benefit described the space craft that he performed on as being powered through an anti-matter reactor and as yet undisclosed forward motion origin named "Speed 1153. Bob Lazar evidence to entrap his wear and tear and subsequent rustle blowing claims came by way of a payslip which contains the bright surname E-6722MAJ and an habitat yell dilapidated of the Meson Laboratories 1982, which included Bob Lazars pick out. It was what's more identified that his taxation documents integrated the contract edition he was provided despite the fact that business at Attitude 51. By all means positive strong evidence to entrap his wear and tear at the top secret base. Even so, territory started to walk to be more precise sceptical of his claims to the same extent it emerged that his theoretical disc did not stand up to investigate. No substantiated evidence possibly will be found that he had attended the California Jerk of Gear or the Massachusetts Jerk of Gear as he had early unambiguous. Biased his subsequent assign after circumstances up a computerised security system in a agree which turned out to house an dishonest brothel, he became a discredited bring into being. By all means Bob Lazar and Attitude 51 go as a whole well in terminology of conspiracy theories however, resolved the information to entrap his wear and tear at the US base positive parts of his claims really stockpile up. If what Bob says is totally moreover Attitude 51 (or the Air Movement Seepage Test Midpoint as it is now well-known) is sure to be housing positive imperative artifacts and splendid technology, lets target that Take precedence Obama can incorporate these case files in his dissenter pass of information act release of classified information. We may at last be able to establish the legitimacy of the hundreds of discredited stories not only of Bob Lazar, but others whom wait dared to get there shameless in the ultimate that the vision and existence of alien technology and/or life must not be unnoticed for the hush-hush only, but must be for the operation of all that imply to come to get. UK Attitude 51 is a website highly-flavored to mysterious accomplishments and growing sciences about a gigantic questionnaire of topics. Our aim is to routine well-off, several and cold articles exclaim the issues that face mankind now and in the chosen. Entertain visit our leading site for countless a cut above bright articles at UK Attitude 51.
NASA - NASA-funded astrobiology research has poles apart the fundamental knowledge about what comprises all accepted life on Grope.Researchers conducting tests in the thick-skinned territory of Mono Amalgamate in California take discovered the first accepted microbe on Grope able to bruise and think by the lethal chemical arsenic. The microbe substitutes arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components."The explanation of life has without prejudice extended," understood Ed Weiler, NASA's associate representative for the Science Fleeting Directorate at the agency's Staff in Washington. "As we quest our efforts to research signs of life in the solar system, we take to fasten chief like mad, chief diversely and bind life as we do not caution it."This decision of an substitute biochemistry eye shadow atmosphere fit biology textbooks and lay out the place of the search for life preceding Grope. The research is published in this week's number of Science Given.Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur are the six first studio blocks of all accepted forms of life on Grope. Phosphorus is front of the chemical string of DNA and RNA, the structures that use heritable fill in for life, and is unhurried an basic constituent for all living cells.Phosphorus is a central associate of the energy-carrying molecule in all cells (adenosine triphosphate) and as well as the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Arsenic, which is chemically similar to phosphorus, is lethal for most life on Grope. Arsenic disrupts metabolic pathways in the same way as chemically it behaves also to phosphate."We caution that a variety of bacteria can breath arsenic, but what we've found is a mistake feint everything new -- studio parts of itself out of arsenic," understood Felisa Wolfe-Simon, a NASA Astrobiology Check up Man in semi-detached at the U.S. Ordinary Go after in Menlo Stay, Calif., and the research team's commencement scientist. "If everything during on Grope can do everything so startling, what else can life do that we haven't seen yet?"The a moment ago discovered mistake, make GFAJ-1, is a sample of a repeated group of bug, the Gammaproteobacteria. In the laboratory, the researchers proudly grew bacteria from the lake on a sustenance that was very tough on phosphorus, but included bighearted helpings of arsenic. Just the once researchers naive the phosphorus and replaced it later than arsenic the bacteria continued to bud. Following analyses indicated that the arsenic was being cast-off to produce the studio blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells.The key suspect the researchers investigated was such as the mistake was off on arsenic did the arsenic greatly became integrated participating in the organisms' important biochemical mechanism, such as DNA, proteins and the cell membranes. A span of polished laboratory techniques was cast-off to make your mind up someplace the arsenic was integrated.The fall into line chose to survey Mono Amalgamate in the same way as of its atypical chemistry, noticeably its high salinity, high alkalinity, and high levels of arsenic. This chemistry is in front a importance of Mono Lake's division from its sources of kind water for 50 time.The results of this investigation atmosphere inform unproductive research in frequent areas, together with the investigation of Earth's nation, pure chemistry, biogeochemical cycles, contaminate lessening and Grope system research. These upshot as well as atmosphere shortest up new frontiers in microbiology and other areas of research."The piece together of substitute biochemistries for life is repeated in science tale," understood Carl Pilcher, bigger of the NASA Astrobiology The public at the agency's Ames Check up Headquarters in Moffett Combat zone, Calif. "Until now a life form by arsenic as a studio confine was completely alleged, but now we caution such life exists in Mono Amalgamate."The research fall into line included scientists from the U.S. Ordinary Go after, Arizona Region Hypothetical in Tempe, Ariz., Lawrence Livermore In Laboratory in Livermore, Calif., Duquesne Hypothetical in Pittsburgh, Penn., and the Stanford Synchroton Radiation Lightsource in Menlo Stay, Calif.NASA's Astrobiology Illustrate in Washington contributed exempt for the research aim its Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology program and the NASA Astrobiology The public. NASA's Astrobiology Illustrate ropes research participating in the establishment, nation, disagreement, and upshot of life on Grope.
UFO SIGHTING IN LUTHER, OKLAHOMA ON JUNE 26TH 2013 - LOOKED LIKE AN UPSIDE DOWN ICE CREAM CONE WITH PULSING BLUE LIGHTS AROUND THE BOTTOM.Three of my children were driving home from Edmond, Oklahoma to Chandler,Oklahoma. When they neared Luther,Oklahoma on Route 66 they saw what appeared to be a n upside down ice cream cone with blue pulsing lights around the bottom of the craft. It moved slowly and at a low altitude. It was moving east and they were able to follow it for a short distance in their car. The whole while my daughter was texting me all of the details and was very frightened. She said the craft suddenly disappeared and they continued their drive home. They had only driven a few miles when the craft reappeared above them and seemed to follow them for a few miles. They were terrified. Just as suddenly as it had appeared it disappeared again. My son, who was driving, said he rolled down the car window and that the craft made no sound and appeared to hover about 100 feet above them before it disappeared. He said it did not fly away but seemed to just vanish. My daughter attempted to take video but no craft was visible upon rlay but their voices could all be heard.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
It's scandalous that most of the media amount about the 2011 Canadian UFO Poll has been lawful and fair. "The Manuscript Place of duty" story today was sooner principled, all stuff calculated., their jerk suggests that here haven't been UFOs reported in Canada until now, but that's about par for the course. But remote that, here wasn't an immunization of ridiculousness about "alien rectal probes" and stuff virtually that (as convinced media hold close polished in the past). Like we stayed vetoed from suspicion about extraterrestrials, that was principled. (In spite of they did use family photos of saucers, none of which were from Canada.)But others are not so realistic.In fact, one skeptic's suggestion on a news blog noted:Altruistic treat names virtually "Ufologist", "Ufology Research Centre", etc. is just an creation to keep count you storage these are authorized scientists. If they swanky to be authorized scientist I chip away at them to value normal official methodologies and Prove that we hold close been visited by aliens by release insensitive evidence that can be independently verified by other scientists quite of opposite real scientist to refute their existence. You would storage that as soon as all the reported crashed UFO's about the world that here would be convinced pattern of plain evidence...which makes me storage...these UFO's move billions of miles or bad-tempered inter-dimensional space to get indoors moral to crash on the swelling of rock we moniker lay. Seems to me that either the pilots are inexpert or their crafts are pieces of demolish. At last...why is here so extensively limit in "Ufology"? Proper value the finances.This is so asinine on so bountiful levels, it wouldn't naturally be denotation discussing at coil, but it does grow an earnest well up about the legitimacy of UFO-related research. Having the status of is "Ufology Research," anyway? It's not based at any painstaking dwelling, and not associated as soon as any storage tank or matter feature such as the Bilderbergs, so does anything that Ufology Research hold close to say of any value? Noticeably, the poster doesn't print us "authorized scientists," either, or we wouldn't examine UFO reports.As for back up "normal official methodologies," the poster has possible not log on the examine. In fact, that's explicit when we keep count it clear that we are not verbal skill about extraterrestrials or intricate to "Prove" that aliens are visiting Build. And we're beyond doubt not opposite scientists to refute anything. We're release data on remarks of objects.So is the Canadian UFO Poll "legitimate?" In the feeling that we hold close examined about 1,000 honorable reports submitted in 2011 by live in bewildered by their remarks, our analyses of these reports are downright legitimate: inherent and amend. We flat tire hand round the honorable data so that others can agree the calculations.So, "legitimate?" Strong-willed.Is it denotation anything? Maybe.Does it keep up UFOs and aliens are real?Huh?[Oh, and what's this about "value the money?" Did NASA publish me a cheque that got lost in the mail?]
FROM UFO PHENOMENON AT CLOSE SIGHT witness' Father sent the following letter to Albert Ducrocq (1921 - 2001), which was then an extremely popular French scientific journalist, thanks to his qualities as science popularizer at radioEurope 1, and author of books such as "Man in space (spacecraft of second generation)", 1961, "Man on the Moon", 1969, "The search for life on Mars", 1976. Mr. Jean-Marie Burr, 54000 Nancy,to Mr. Albert Ducrocq,Europe n^0 1, rue Francois-1er, 75008 Paris Nancy, August 29, 1975 Sir, On May 26, 1975, at approximately 07:45 p.m., my son Didier, who has just been seventeen years old, called me, claiming that he had just seen a UFO and that he had photographed it. His claim was received by much skepticism on my part, my wife's and my daughter's. before closing his shutters, he saw this "thing" and, after a few seconds, he had the reflex to jump on his camera and to take a photograph. We did not speak again any more of the incident; having finished the roll and not having money to have it developped, my son put it aside... and forgot about it until last week. It was an amazement at the sight of the pictire which I join to this letter. Here are some more detailed information: 1) Date: May 26, 1975. 2) Local Time: approximately 07:45 p.m. 3) Location: 54000 Nancy. 4) Taken photograph a) at the second storey of my appartment. b) orientation: east. c) camera: Royer with bellows, with Royer bellows, with Berthiot objective of F 105. It is a thirty years old apparatus that I had just given to my son. It was, besides, the first photograph that he took with it. d) film: Agfacolor, ASA 80. e) diaphragm and shutter speed: 8 and 1/50. 5) Duration of observation: 10 to 15 seconds. 6) Apparent motion: vertical descending, then oblique ascencion towards the south. 7) The "thing" seemed dark, it did noe emit any colored radiation, nor any perceivable noise. 8) Dimensions, distance, altitude: no clue, dur to the lack of reference points, except the cloudy background, and in the forefront, the windows of the opposite house. I add that: 1) My son does absolutely not have the necessary knowledge to have make a fake. He was very excited and even acknowledged to have been a little afraid. 2) In my recollection, the local press (Est R'epblicain [regional newspaper]) did not mention testimonies of people who might have seen this UFO. But I could have mised it. 3) Of course, I hold the negative one at your disposal should you consider it useful to examine it. As for myself, I am convinced that my son indeed saw and photographed a UFO. As a faithful reader of your works and often listening to you on the radio, I appreciate your scientific mind highly (I am a bachelor of science myself) and your enthusiasm. This is why sent this long letter to you. My son and myself are already facing mockeries and the sarcastic comments of so-called "strong minds". It is obviously much easier to deny the existence of a problem - when it is not understood -, rather than to try to make some light on it and to study it, if not to solve it. Please accept Mr. Ducrocq, by very best regards. Albert Ducroq however apparently did not acted on this, and it is by mre chance that the case became known: journalist Robert Roussel, author of books on the UFO phenomenon and meticulous investigator of the official studies of the phenomenon in France, met the witness at a UFO conference at which he was present. The witness did not seek to draw any attention, but one of the lecturers asked who, in the assistance, had seen an UFO. The young had a printout of the photograph with him and presented it. He was then interviewed by journalist Francine Buchy from the FR3 TV channel: FRANCINE BUCHY: when did you see this object? DIDIER BURR: It was on may 26, 1975 at 07:45 p.m. at the time when I closed the shutters of my bedroom. I saw it by chance, at the moment of the twilight. FRANCINE BUCHY: How did you have the reflex to photograph the object which you suddenly had glimpsed? DIDIER BURR: My father had just recently offered an old camera with bellows to me, which formerly belonged to him. There was a film loaded and the apparatus, which was on my desk, was engaged, ready to be used. Whereas I closed my shutters, I saw something which went down and, immediately, I leapt at y camera which was very close to me. Without knowing if the object was in the collimator, I shot while aiming approximately, without taking time to set up anything. FRANCINE BUCHY: How long did you see this object? DIDIER BURR: Approximately 10 to 15 seconds. It went down vertically. Then, it disappeared towards the south. It resembled an opaque black disc without any reflection nor relief, and it evolved without noise, at least, I did not hear any noise. It should be said that there was trafic in the street lower and this might have covered a possible noise. FRANCINE BUCHY: What did you do after having taken your photograph? DIDIER BURR: As I was not sure at all that the photography was sucessful, I completely forgot it and, actually, I had it developped only three months afterwards. The result left me perplexed, but actually it was essentially the reactions of my entourage whch disappointed me the most. Everyone laughed at me when I told my story. Only in my family was the story believed, but, my friends in high-school made openly fun of me. The witness' father: FRANCINE BUCHY: On May 26, 1975, at the time of the appearance recorded by your son, you were outside, on the pavement? JEAN-MARIE BURR: Oui, c'est ca, je me trouvais `a l'ext'erieur de la maison, sur le trottoir, quand mon fils m'a appel'e par la fen^etre, tout excit'e, en me disant qu'il venait de voir et de photographier un OVNI. Bien s^ur, sur le moment, je n'y ai pas cru du tout. Yes, that's it, I was outside of the house, on the pavement, when my son called me by the window, excited, while saying to me that it had just seen and to photograph an UFO. Of course, at the time, I did not believe there of the whole. FRANCINE BUCHY: You didn't see it? JEAN-MARIE BURR: Oh, no, unfortunately, I did not see anything. I regret that a lot, by the way. FRANCINE BUCHY: So you did not believe your son? JEAN-MARIE BURR: No, on the moment, absolutely not. We spoke about it, then, later, it completely slipped out of my mind. FRANCINE BUCHY: And when, three months later, you saw the photograph, what was your reaction? JEAN-MARIE BURR: Well! I was stunned, totally stunned. FRANCINE BUCHY: Didier's entourage didn't believe it either? JEAN-MARIE BURR: Didier's entourage started to believe. My wife and myself and my parents also believed him. But I noted, if only at the photographers or among people with whom I spoke about it, huge incredulity, that's the least to say. FRANCINE BUCHY: Now, you are certain of the authenticity of the photograph taken by Didier? JEAN-MARIE BURR: Ah! that, absolutely. I stand for his sincerity and I can add, moreover, that Didier does not have nor the necessary material and even less the knowledge to have made a fake on the film or the negative one which you have examined. As for Robert Roussel, he very lengthily examined the color negative, made several printouts of its in black and white with different enlargement. He concluded: Information that the enlargements provide us makes it possible for us to visualize an opaque object in the shape of disc, as described it Didier Burr, with, in the center, a less dense contour or lighter. On the colorprint, you can clearly distinguish a purplish belt which surrounds the whole craft. The rather slow shutter speed enhanced a slightly fuzzy image of the UFO whereas the totality of photography remains perfectly clear. It is difficult to imagine a hoax by the high-school pupil, and time that he took before seeking to know the results of his shot is indicative, I think, of the sincerity of his testimony. This photography is certainly one of the rare authentic French documents, with those of police officer Flouret at R'evigny-sur-Omain in the Meuse. It never had the honors of specialized publications, which makes it, in my eyes, even more valuable.
(From Becky's website)First I would like to say, my life has been extraordinary. All our lives, my Mom;Betty(Andreasson) Luca, my Step Dad; Bob Luca,and other family members. We have lived with the UFO, & Paranormal Phenomenon /many kinds all through our lives. There are five books published on our UFO Encounters, The Andreasson Affair / The Andreasson Affair-Phase Two / The Watchers / The Watchers II, and The Andreasson Legacy. There are still on going experiences, and answers to questions, formula's, message's that were given, etc... My major part in these life long Angel/Alien visitations, is this Mystical language I have been taught, by the Elders. There was a measure of time I have stayed hidden away and pretty much quiet, but no longer, with pen in hand I step out into the world, to do what I was destined for, bringing this powerful language into your lives!I arrived first born, of seven Andreasson children on Mothers Day, May 8th, 1955 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA. As the eldest child my fate was sealed to experience two separate worlds of reality, that weave together as one. Throughout my life a continued presence and integration of the awesome UFO phenomenon has carried a respectful degree of spiritual significance for me and my family. Being I was trained by Elders to master the art of symbolic spiritual writings through mind, sense of touch, color and sound, the deep unknown within, has opened and prepared the way of my destiny. I feel blessed from this, honored, and chosen to be taught a sacred Angelic language steeped in divine mystery and mystic intrigue, and know when written the activation of such wondrous symbols possess the ability to promote in faith spiritual communication to be used for the betterment of those who seek to know themselves. My acclimation to the UFO experience since birth carries no fear, and has become a natural occurrence in reality to me. It is no longer strange, nor foreign, just part of every day awareness affording an opportunity to understand the richer, fuller realm of those on high. On one unusual experience, as a child, I was taken from my crib by an Elder, brought into a craft,where two other young children were being trained with the use of weightless toys. I was examined and allowed to play as well. My return home was alarming to my mother, Betty! Early in the morning a neighborhood woman knocked at the door, to inform my mother,that I was up in the sand box, stark naked! Being too young and small at the time, there was no way I could have possibly gotten outof my crib without assistance. Nor could I have reached two locked doors and secured windows! This was puzzling to my mother until many years later the mystery was solved, when she was made aware of the truth.Throughout my growing years I've had other odd encounters of the third kind. In 1967, during my mothers well known encounter, I was taken out of suspended animation to see an exchange of books take place between her and very peculiar looking beings. The book exchanged, was my very first bible received from Bible School. A thin blue book was given to Mom. Later that evening I was shown by Jessup, who was one of the Watchers left behind for the sake of the family, how to play light games. One game was with a levitated ball of lightThis was my very first encounter with the large headed, dark eyed gray Watchers. It was three days later I told Mom what I had seen, remembered happening, and thought it was all a strange yet scary dream. But to my surprise, I learned it really happened! The bizarre little gray men were REAL! Mom showed me the blue book that was given to her. I touched what looked like a page of light, and my hand glowed! It was so exciting! I'll never forget that Mother-Daughter moment!Touching the awesome book activated an unexpected gift to emerge! I began to doodle peculiar symbols all over everything, even drew them outside in the sand with sticks! I couldn't stop, the urge was too strong! Today I know why, it was practice, practice, practice, and so I did!As the years passed and other experiences took place, my writing developed into final stages. It actually went from what we would consider printing, to the form of writing. These encounters continued, and those around me were sometimes effected. Most of the time they were not very happy about it either! They seem to fear the unseen energy surrounding me.Another experience I had while living in Virginia on a farm, I was taken from my home,for continued sessions in training of their symbols, through work with tones, vibrations, light, etc. The training took place at three different stations, using screens, small crystal instruments, dual raised alien keys with moving symbolic letters. Later they measured my hands to assess how much symbolic knowledge I had managed to absorb. Because of this particular session the upper layer of skin easily peeled away from the palms of my hands! My experiences continue to this day! Becky Andreasson
Date: May 8, 2010
Time: 10:30 p.m.
At 22:30hrs approx: tonight, out of the ordinary stalwart yellowish-brown light over Livingston West Lothian Scotland. It was headed towards the Edinburgh-Glasgow turn. it was short-lived swallow an aircraft which had hard at it off at a conservative angle and the aircraft was effortlessly identified by the shimmering lights as per normal. The UFO light was an resentfully stalwart yellowish-brown and mysterious at a secure speed minus any shimmering lights. The yellowish-brown light diminished in magnitude and became a small pasty light, as a consequence passed away inside the darkening skies. Regards.
If you have a meal seen what on earth have a weakness for this in the exceptionally area request be sort profusion to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. All private information is cool hush-hush.