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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blog Readers See Spacex And Boeing As Commercial Crew Hardware Leaders

Blog Readers See Spacex And Boeing As Commercial Crew Hardware Leaders
"SPACEPORTS blog readers were queried as to "Which of the commercial crew firms is LEAST likely to complete and launch a human-rated orbital spacecraft, in your judgment?" The results denoted the commercial crew space launch firms viewed as most likely to succeed in the next few years from among the four NASA SPACE ACT-FUNDED CONTENDERS.

SpaceX Dragon

BLUE ORIGIN, BOEING, SIERRA NEVADA and SPACEX were among those from which to select. The results reflect that most of the 158 participants believed that the Space X Dragon and the Boeing CST-100 spacecraft were the most likely to succeed, in that order with Sierra Nevada and Blue Origin the least likely.

Boeing CST-100

The least likely to succeed: BLUE ORIGIN (59 or 37%); SIERRA NEVADA (42 or 26%); BOEING (30 or 18%) and SPACEX (27 or 17%). Therefore, the SPACEX DRAGON and the Boeing CST-100 are viewed as the more likely commercial crew launch spacecraft to emerge by readers of the SPACEPORTS blog.
