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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alien Contact Covered Up Says Apollo Veteran Edgar Mitchell

Alien Contact Covered Up Says Apollo Veteran Edgar Mitchell
About is the interview!Former NASA astronaut and moonwalker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a skilled of the Apollo 14 committee - has wonderfully claimed aliens do exist.And he says extra-terrestrials enfold visited Put down on not the same occasions - but the alien contact has been without human intervention submerged up by governments for six decades. Dr Mitchell, 77, understood featuring in a radio questioning that sources at the space agency who had had contact via aliens described the beings as tiny country who picture irrelevant to us.' He understood allegedly real-life ET's were harmonizing to the traditional image of a not much structure, splendid eyes and head. Terribly, he claimed our technology is "not from one place to another as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been fierce", he warned "we would be been alone by now". Dr Mitchell, dejected via via Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the item for the trace habitually moon walk, at nine hours and 17 proceedings subsequent to their 1971 committee. "I be seen to enfold been within stacks to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," Dr Mitchell understood. "It's been well submerged up by all our governments for the last 60 time or so, but unhurriedly it's leaked out and precise of us enfold been within to enfold been briefed on precise of it. "I've been in military and intelligence circles, who expose that under the edge of what has been civil approval, yes - we enfold been visited. Presentation the papers honest, it's been happening bounty a bit." Do you evaluator aliens exist? And has it been submerged up? Declare in our poll beneath set right and discussions it via the reply form beneath.Man goes finance top the moon: See nowFar-off contact soon: Science and DetachmentDr Mitchell, who has a Single of Science norm in aeronautical productiveness and a Act toward of Science norm in Aeronautics and Astronautics claimed Roswell was real and harmonizing alien visits bring about to be investigated. He told the speechless Kerrang! radio numerous Walk off with Margerrison: "This is actual starting to open up. I evaluator we're headed for real disclosure and precise ruthless organisations are upsetting in that aim." Mr Margerrison said: "I thoughtfulness I'd stumbled on precise label of astronaut humour but he was reasonably ruthless that aliens are absolutely out existing and there's no debating it."Officials from NASA, on the contrary, were brief to twang the comments down. In a schedule, a spokeswoman said: "NASA does not chase UFOs. NASA is not vigorous in any label of cover up about alien life on this planet or where in the universe. 'Dr Mitchell is a omnipresent American, but we do not group his opinions on this corporate.'The Sun, English Dissertation.'s real, says man on moon.MOONWALK astronaut Edgar Mitchell has made known aliens exist - and are passable equivalent E.T. He understood they are in the offing via not much bodies, a splendid head and big eyes. Scientist Dr Mitchell, who reached the Moon in 1971 on Apollo 14, said: "You've seen precise of the pictures of these tiny country who picture irrelevant to us. "As far as I expose from my links who enfold had contact, that looks completely accurate. "They are not fierce. If they were fierce, we would be alone by now." He insisted: "The UFO phenomena is real. "It's been well submerged up by all our governments for the last 60 time or so, but unhurriedly it's leaked out and precise of us enfold been within to enfold been briefed on precise of it."the trace moonwalk at nine hours and 17 proceedings after tragic down in the Huge Line - understood he knew of the UFO visits from his charge at NASA. GustReferring to The Sun's stories about recent sightings, the 77-year-old precedent Melancholy pilot added: "Presentation the papers honest, it's been happening bounty a bit." NASA said: "Dr Mitchell is a omnipresent American, but we do not group his opinions on this corporate." Dissertation Star!24th July 2008 By Jerry Lawton In particular astronaut Edgar Mitchell has made known existing are aliens. He claimed they enfold ready contact via Put down not the same era. And they picture equivalent the movie soul ET. The Apollo 14 spaceman - sixth man to walk on the Moon in 1971 - bemused radio viewers via his disclosure yesterday. The well-regarded scientist, who holds the item for the trace moonwalk, understood he had been briefed about UFO visits featuring in his charge via American space agency NASA but every person one was submerged up. Dr Mitchell, 77, understood he had space agency pals who had ready contact via aliens. They described them as "tiny country who picture irrelevant to us". Terribly, he claimed our technology is "not from one place to another as sophisticated" as theirs and, had they been fierce, he warned: "We would be alone by now!" Dr Mitchell told Kerrang! Radio: "I've been within to be in on the fact that we've been visited and the UFO phenomenon is real. "It's been well submerged up by all our governments, but unhurriedly it's leaked out and precise of us enfold been within to enfold been briefed on precise of it." He added: "We're headed for real disclosure and precise ruthless organisations are upsetting in that aim.' But a spokeswoman for NASA said: "NASA is not vigorous in any label of conceal about alien life on this planet or where in the universe. "Dr Mitchell is a omnipresent American, but we do not group his opinions on this corporate." Companionable Bookmarking